Hunt Arizona - AZGFD · and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (1)

Hunt Arizona2015 Edition

A r i z o n A G A m e A n d F i s h d e p A r t m e n t

Survey, Harvest and Hunt Data for Big and Small Game

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (2)


Chair, robert e. mansell ...............................................WinslowKurt r. davis ..................................................................phoenixedward "pat" madden................................................... FlagstaffJames r. Ammons ..............................................................Yuma James s. zieler .............................................................. st. John's


phoenix, Az 85086(602) 942-3000

Larry d. Voyles ..........................................................................directorty e. Gray .................................................................... deputy director

ASSISTANT DIRECTORSKevin hodgkins ................................................... Business and FinanceJim hinkle .....................................................................Field operationtony Guiles .............................. information, education and recreationJohn Bullington ............................................................. special servicesJim deVos ............................................................Wildlife management

The Arizona Game and Fish department prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, or disability in its programs and activities. if anyone believes that they have been discriminated against in any of the AGFd’s programs or activities, including employment practices, they may file a complaint with the director’s office, 5000 W. Carefree highway phoenix, Az 85086, (602) 942-3000, or with the Fish and Wildlife service, 4401 n. Fairfax dr. mail stop: WsFr-4020, Arlington, VA 22203. persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation or this document in an alternative format by contacting the director’s office as listed above.

Published by the Arizona Game and Fish DepartmentInformation and Education Division, Information Branch, Publications Section

©may 2015

Cover photograph: George Andrejko

REGIONAL OFFICESRegion I — Chris Bagnoli, Supervisor

2878 e. White mountain Blvd., pinetop, Az 85935, (928) 367-4281Region II — Craig McMullen, Supervisor

3500 s. Lake mary road, Flagstaff, Az 86005, (928) 774-5045 Region III — Tom Finley, Supervisor

5325 n. stockton hill rd., Kingman, Az 86409, (928) 692-7700 Region IV — Pat Barber, Supervisor

9140 e. 28th st., Yuma, Az 85365, (928) 342-0091 Region V — Raul Vega, Supervisor

555 n. Greasewood rd., tucson, Az 85745, (520) 628-5376 Region VI — Jay Cook, Supervisor

7200 e. University, mesa, Az 85207, (480) 981-9400

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (3)

Hunt Arizona 2015 i

Table of Contents

How to Use Survey and Harvest Data �����1-2Bonus Points by Species ����������������������������� 2-6

DeerMule Deer Natural History �����������������������������8Mule Deer Hunt History����������������������������������9White-tailed Deer Natural History �����������������9White-tailed Deer Hunt History ��������������������10Survey Data ��������������������������������������������������11Hunt Data �����������������������������������������������������20Harvest Data ������������������������������������������������24

Pronghorn Antelope Natural History ���������������������������������������������45Hunt History ������������������������������������������������ 46Survey Data ��������������������������������������������������47Hunt Data �����������������������������������������������������51Harvest Data ������������������������������������������������54

Elk Natural History ���������������������������������������������61Hunt History �������������������������������������������������62Survey Data ��������������������������������������������������63Hunt Data �����������������������������������������������������66Harvest Data ������������������������������������������������69

TurkeyNatural History ���������������������������������������������92Hunt History �������������������������������������������������93Survey Data ��������������������������������������������������94Hunt Data �����������������������������������������������������96Harvest Data ������������������������������������������������99

JavelinaNatural History �������������������������������������������109Hunt History �����������������������������������������������110Survey Data ������������������������������������������������ 111Hunt Data ���������������������������������������������������116Harvest Data ���������������������������������������������� 119

Bighorn SheepNatural History �������������������������������������������129Hunt History �����������������������������������������������130Survey Data ������������������������������������������������131Hunt Data ���������������������������������������������������135Harvest Data ����������������������������������������������136Successful Hunter Scores ���������������������������140Measurement Data�������������������������������������142Hunt Application Data �������������������������������143

BuffaloNatural History �������������������������������������������144Hunt History �����������������������������������������������145Survey Data ������������������������������������������������146Hunt Data ���������������������������������������������������148Harvest Data ����������������������������������������������149

Black BearNatural History �������������������������������������������151Hunt History �����������������������������������������������152Hunt Data ���������������������������������������������������153Harvest Data ����������������������������������������������154

Mountain LionNatural History �������������������������������������������158Hunt History �����������������������������������������������159

Hunt Data ���������������������������������������������������160Harvest Data ����������������������������������������������161

Small GameQuail �����������������������������������������������������������166

Natural History ����������������������������������������166Hunt History ��������������������������������������������167

White-winged Dove �����������������������������������168Natural History ����������������������������������������168Hunt History ��������������������������������������������169

Mourning Dove ������������������������������������������169Natural History ����������������������������������������169Hunt History ��������������������������������������������170

Cottontail Rabbit ����������������������������������������170Natural History ����������������������������������������170Hunt History ��������������������������������������������170

Tree Squirrels ����������������������������������������������171Natural History ����������������������������������������171Hunt History ��������������������������������������������171

Band-tailed Pigeon �������������������������������������172Natural History ����������������������������������������172Hunt History ��������������������������������������������172

Blue Grouse ������������������������������������������������172Natural History ����������������������������������������172Hunt History ��������������������������������������������173

Pheasant �����������������������������������������������������173Natural History ����������������������������������������173Hunt History ��������������������������������������������173

Small Game Harvest Data ��������������������������174

PredatorsCoyotes �������������������������������������������������������178

Natural History ����������������������������������������178Hunting and Trapping History �����������������178

Bobcats ������������������������������������������������������179Natural History ����������������������������������������179Hunting and Trapping History �����������������179

Foxes ����������������������������������������������������������179Natural History ����������������������������������������180Hunting and Trapping History �����������������180

Skunks ��������������������������������������������������������180Natural History ����������������������������������������181Trapping History ��������������������������������������181

Furbearers Beaver ��������������������������������������������������������182

Natural History ����������������������������������������182Trapping History ��������������������������������������183

Muskrat ������������������������������������������������������183Natural History ����������������������������������������183Trapping History ��������������������������������������183

Raccoon ������������������������������������������������������183Natural History ����������������������������������������184Trapping and Hunt History ����������������������184

Ringtail �������������������������������������������������������184Natural History ����������������������������������������184Trapping History ��������������������������������������184

Otter �����������������������������������������������������������185Natural History ����������������������������������������185Trapping and Hunt History ����������������������185

Weasel ��������������������������������������������������������185Natural History ����������������������������������������185Trapping History ��������������������������������������185

Badger ��������������������������������������������������������186Natural History ����������������������������������������186Trapping History ��������������������������������������186

Trapping �����������������������������������������������������186

Predator and Furbearer Harvest Data ����������������������������������������������187

WaterfowlNatural History �������������������������������������������189Hunt History �����������������������������������������������190Survey and Harvest Data ����������������������������192

Sandhill CraneNatural History �������������������������������������������194Hunt History �����������������������������������������������195Harvest Data ����������������������������������������������196

Other Birds and MammalsPigeon (Rock Dove) ������������������������������������197

Natural History and Status ����������������������197House (English) Sparrow ����������������������������197

Natural History and Status ����������������������197European Starling ���������������������������������������198

Natural History and Status ����������������������198Peach-faced Lovebird ���������������������������������198

Natural History and Status ����������������������198American Crow �������������������������������������������198

Natural History and Status ����������������������199Coati �����������������������������������������������������������199

Natural History and Status ����������������������199Gunnison’s Prairie Dog ������������������������������ 200

Natural History and Status ��������������������� 200Black-tailed Prairie Dog ����������������������������� 200

Natural History and Status ��������������������� 200Specially Protected Mammals ������������������� 200Bats ����������������������������������������������������������� 200

Natural History and Status ��������������������� 200Black-footed Ferret �������������������������������������201

Natural History and Status ����������������������201Hualapai Mexican Vole ������������������������������201

Natural History and Status ����������������������201Jaguar ���������������������������������������������������������202

Natural History and Status ����������������������202Jaguarundi ��������������������������������������������������202

Natural History and Status ����������������������202Ocelot ���������������������������������������������������������202

Natural History and Status ����������������������203Otter (see Furbearers) ��������������������������������203Porcupine ���������������������������������������������������203

Natural History and Status ����������������������203Gray Wolf ���������������������������������������������������204

Natural History and Status ����������������������204

Game Management Unit Map ����������������� 207

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (4)

Hunt Arizona 2015 1

how to Use survey and harvest data

Both novice and experienced hunters will find this book a valuable resource to help in making informed decisions regarding hunt selections. The book is a com-pendium of facts about hunting in Arizona, including up-to-date information on:• Whichgamemanagementunitshavethemostbig-

game permits, • Theunitswiththenarrowestmaletofemaleratios,• Unitsandhuntswiththehighesthuntsuccess,• Huntsthathavethebestdrawingodds,and• Historicalsurveyandhuntinformationthereader

can use to compare trends for the major game species in each management unit.

The information is relatively simple to use. Look-ing through the section on deer, for example, you will find a summary of the survey data for both mule deer and white-tailed deer in each game management unit having these species. This information will help you de-termine whether a unit has a high proportion of bucks and whether it is experiencing good fawn production. Bear in mind, however, that due to differences in survey methods the male to female and female to young ratios are only estimates.

By checking the unit hunt information summary, you can determine the hunter success rate, how many per-mits were available in the past, and the drawing odds for previous hunts. Be aware that some units have sev-eral authorized hunts, each limited to a specific kind (or kinds) of weapon. Your selection of a hunt for which to apply will depend on your own preference of hunt area, weapon type, season dates, and the kind of animal you wish to harvest.

Beating the Oddspermits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued through a drawing system. since the best predictor of the future is the past, the best estimate of your draw odds for an upcoming hunt is the draw rate for that hunt in the previous draw. draw odds for each hunt are calculated by dividing successful first choice applicants by the total first choice applicants. even though some permits may have been issued to second choice appli-cants, this method accurately reflects the applicant’s chances of receiving their first choice.

The odds of receiving a permit for a second choice hunt instead of a first choice hunt are calculated by sub-

tracting the draw rate for the first choice hunt from the draw rate for the second choice hunt. The odds for re-ceiving your first or second choice would therefore be the same as your highest odds choice. For example, if your first choice selection had a 40 percent draw rate last year, and your second choice selection had a 60 per-cent draw rate, your odds this year are 40 percent for getting your first choice, 20 percent for getting your second choice, and 60 percent overall (assuming that the results of this year’s draw will be similar to those of the previous draw). it therefore makes little sense to ap-ply for a second choice hunt with a lower draw rate than your first choice hunt. only those hunts that did not fill with first or second choice applications are considered for third, fourth, or fifth choices. Therefore, only hunts with draw odds of 100 percent are good candidates for these choices.

While draw rates are relatively favorable for most deer, turkey and javelina hunts, they are much more competitive for elk, antelope, buffalo, and bighorn sheep. Beginning in 1991, the Arizona Game and Fish department began issuing bonus points to unsuccessful applicants for these species. in 1999, unsuccessful applicants for deer began to receive bonus points. in 2005, turkey, javelina, and spring bear began receiving bonus points. each point accumulat-ed gives the applicant an extra entry in the hunt drawing for that species. For more information about the bonus point system, please refer to r12-4-107 in the current Fall hunting regulations booklet.

A summary of 2014 draw odds seems to indicate little advantage to having many bonus points. Further analysis, however, reveals that applicants with the larg-est number of bonus points are applying for hunts with the poorest draw odds, which obscures the benefits of having multiple bonus points. For example, elk appli-cants without any bonus points applied for hunts with draw odds that averaged 19.6 percent, while those with 21 bonus points applied for hunts with draw odds aver-aging less than 1.2 percent. This tendency held true for their second choices as well.

Comparing applicants on the basis of their first choice hunts reveals a truer picture of the advantages of bonus points, particularly for those applying for hunts with high draw odds. General an-telope applicants with 23 bonus points, for example, were drawn for their first choice hunt at over 83 times the rate of applicants with no bonus points (83.3 per-cent versus 0.4 percent). General elk

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (5)

2 Hunt Arizona 2015

How to Use Survey and Harvest Data

applicants with 21 bonus points were drawn for their first choice hunt at over 90 times the rate of applicants with no bonus points (100 percent versus 9.8 percent).

draw odds in the tables contained in this report are computed without regard to numbers of bonus points and therefore represent your odds if you have an average number of bonus points. in the 2014 draw, the average applicant for elk tags had about 2.7 bo-nus points while those applying for antelope, bighorn sheep, buffalo, and deer tags had 6.6, 8.4, 6.8 and 1.7 respectively.

Another point to consider when choosing hunts is the number of people on your application. This can be

an important factor when applying for hunts with low numbers of permits, since no permits will be issued if there are not enough for everyone on the applica-tion. Applying with three other people for a 10-permit hunt, for example, cuts your odds by 30 percent. Ap-plying with people who have fewer bonus points than you have will also decrease your odds, since the num-ber of bonus points assigned to an application is the average accumulated by the group.

one last tip to keep in mind is that new hunts, or hunts in which permits have been recently increased, generally have slightly better draw odds than other hunts. Conversely, hunts with reduced numbers of permits generally have poorer odds.

For all species except antelope and elk, the tables below are a summary of group bonus points resulting from the 2014 Fall draw or 2015 spring draw (section A) and individual bonus points going into the 2015 Fall draw (section B). For antelope and elk, the tables are a summary of group bonus points resulting from the 2015 Antelope and elk draw (section A) and individual bonus points going into the 2016 Antelope and elk draw (sec-tion B). Group bonus points are the average number of bonus points per hunt application. A hunt application can be submitted with 1 to 4 applicants. The bonus points, which may differ for each individual on an application, are averaged to come up with “group bonus points.” individu-al bonus points in section B are the count of all hunters in each bonus point level. Both group and individual bonus

points include the permanent hunter education point and the loyalty point. All potential hunters may not be rep-resented in section A if an individual with bonus points did not apply during the recent draw. Also, keep in mind that applicants with the greatest number of bonus points often apply for hunts with poorest draw odds, which ob-scures the benefits of having multiple bonus points. refer to the narrative on the previous pages about “Beating the odds.”

remember, all potential hunters may not apply in a given year. Also, section A does not reflect individuals who may have purchased a bonus point for a given species.

DeerA B


Group Bonus Points going into

the 2014 Fall Draw

no� Hunters per Bonus Point

going into the 2014 Fall Draw

Percent Drawn during the 2014 Fall Draw within

a Bonus Point grouping

individual Bonus Points going into

the 2015 Fall Draw

no� of Hunters per Bonus Point going into the 2015 Fall Draw

RESiDEnT nOnRESiDEnT TOTAL0 17,864 44�97% 1 124,486 4,994 132,4801 29,638 56�2% 2 26,817 2,380 29,1972 18,643 56�6% 3 9,092 1,677 10,7693 5,619 52�8% 4 3,479 841 4,3204 2,485 35�7% 5 1,980 1,026 3,0065 1,425 26�5% 6 1,265 845 2,1106 871 23�7% 7 734 780 1,5147 618 19�3% 8 480 702 1,1828 480 19�8% 9 367 592 9599 387 13�7% 10 218 626 844

10 340 11�8% 11 205 477 68211 264 8�7% 12 167 376 54312 247 8�5% 13 149 337 48613 237 8�0% 14 130 309 43914 183 9�8% 15 73 262 33515 149 12�8 16 40 208 24816 118 23�7% 17 18 185 20317 103 13�6% 18 9 148 157

Bonus Points By Species Bonus points listed below include the permanent hunter education point and the loyalty point (earn by submitting a valid application for 5 consecutive years).

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (6)

Hunt Arizona 2015 3

Bonus Points by Species

How to Use Survey and Harvest Data

Antelope (Section A does NOT reflect individuals who purchased a bonus point)A B


Points going into the 2014 Winter


no� Hunters per Bonus Point going

into the 2014 Winter Draw

Percent Drawn during the 2014 Winter Draw within a Bonus Point


individual Bonus Points going into the

2015 Winter Draw

no� of Hunters per Bonus Point going into the 2015 Winter Draw

RESiDEnT nOnRESiDEnT TOTAL0 2,747 0�4% 1 108,011 6,742 114,7531 3,074 1�1% 2 8,273 1,412 9,6852 2,817 1�6% 3 5,256 1,090 6,3463 1,832 2�8% 4 3,235 475 3,7104 1,754 2�2% 5 2,549 769 3,3185 1,847 2�5% 6 2,732 646 3,3786 1,651 2�3% 7 2,281 513 2,7947 1,420 3�5% 8 1,947 488 2,4358 1,221 3�9% 9 1,727 496 2,2239 1,128 2�6% 10 1,561 426 1,987

10 1,165 2�2% 11 1,457 427 1,88411 1,011 3�8% 12 1,328 293 1,62112 829 3�5% 13 1,071 261 1,33213 797 4�9% 14 1,033 229 1,26214 757 5�4% 15 932 204 1,13615 618 5�7% 16 801 164 96516 550 3�6% 17 701 94 79517 471 6�2% 18 582 99 68118 418 6�5% 19 479 71 55019 374 5�9% 20 437 63 50020 350 6�6% 21 406 34 44021 237 8�9% 22 265 13 27822 160 38�8% 23 136 14 15023 22 72�7% 24 32 5 3724 6 83�3% 25 12 1 13 25 1 100�0% 26 3 1 4

27 1 0 1

Elk (Section A does NOT reflect individuals who purchased a bonus point)A B


Group Bonus Points going into the 2014 Winter


no� Hunters per Bonus Point going

into the 2014 Winter Draw

Percent Drawn during the 2014 Winter Draw within a Bonus Point


individual Bonus Points going into the 2015 Winter


no� of Hunters per Bonus Point going into the 2015 Winter Draw

RESiDEnT nOnRESiDEnT TOTAL0 15,832 12�9% 1 120,899 12,309 133,2081 23,814 21�1% 2 36,676 4,618 41,2942 23,801 24�9% 3 21,507 3,128 24,6353 14,489 26�2% 4 11,950 1,544 13,4944 9,370 28�9% 5 7,386 2,175 9,5615 5,941 33�3% 6 4,485 1,678 6,1636 3,429 36�3% 7 2,509 1,273 3,7827 1,945 33�1% 8 1,444 1,125 2,5698 1,320 26�7% 9 898 965 1,8639 899 22�1% 10 578 843 1,42110 818 17�0% 11 504 835 1,33911 666 16�4% 12 342 704 1,04612 475 12�2% 13 303 458 76113 391 11�8% 14 267 388 65514 353 13�6% 15 231 301 53215 273 14�0% 16 168 247 41516 228 11�4% 17 148 208 35617 178 14�6% 18 93 160 25318 133 15�8% 19 92 90 18219 90 24�4% 20 43 63 10620 36 41�7% 21 19 36 5521 15 80�0% 22 8 10 1822 2 100�0% 23 2 1 3 24 0 1 1 25 0 0 0

26 0 1 1

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (7)

4 Hunt Arizona 2015

Bonus Points by Species

How to Use Survey and Harvest Data

Turkey (Accrue bonus points through both the spring and fall draws; Section A does NOT reflect individuals who purchased a bonus point)A B


Group Bonus Points going into the 2014 Spring


no� Hunters per Bonus Point going

into the 2014 Spring Draw

Percent Drawn during the 2014

Spring Draw within a Bonus Point


individual Bonus Points going into the

2015 Fall Draw

no� of Hunters per Bonus Point going into the 2015 Fall Draw

RESiDEnT nOnRESiDEnT TOTAL0 2,573 22�2% 1 122,219 6,164 128,3831 4,926 35�7% 2 8,466 233 8,6992 3,209 42�5% 3 2,655 91 2,7463 1,295 49�5% 4 999 79 1,0784 400 70�3% 5 294 34 3285 269 58�7% 6 218 43 2616 133 33�8% 7 151 34 1857 97 16�5% 8 138 26 1648 60 6�7% 9 99 17 1169 75 13�3% 10 90 14 104

10 43 13�9% 11 47 11 5811 29 10�3% 12 40 8 4812 27 11�1% 13 33 5 3813 30 13�3% 14 27 16 4314 19 10�5 15 31 1 3215 22 18�2% 16 25 3 2816 7 28�6% 17 11 2 1317 5 80�0% 18 2 7 919 1 100�0% 19 6 2 8

20 4 0 4

Javelina (Accrue bonus points through both the spring and fall draws; Section A does NOT reflect individuals who purchased a bonus point)A B


Group Bonus Points going into the 2014 Spring


no� Hunters per Bonus Point going

into the 2014 Spring Draw

Percent Drawn during the 2014 Spring Draw within a Bonus Point grouping

individual Bonus Points going into

the 2015 Fall Draw

no� of Hunters per Bonus Point going into the 2015 Fall Draw

(Spring Hunts) RESiDEnT nOnRESiDEnT TOTAL0 7,196 84�5% 1 122,783 6,580 129,3631 10,084 91�0% 2 4,913 288 5,2012 3,500 96�8% 3 259 99 3583 233 100�0% 4 44 66 1104 23 100�0% 5 19 39 585 18 100�0% 6 14 32 466 3 100�0% 7 8 33 417 1 100�% 8 4 20 248 1 100�% 9 5 17 22 9 3 0�0% 10 5 13 18

11 3 3 6 12 1 4 5 13 1 3 4 14 1 1 2 15 1 2 3 16 3 0 3 17 1 1 2 18 1 1 2

19 2 0 220 1 0 1

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Hunt Arizona 2015 5

Bonus Points by Species

How to Use Survey and Harvest Data

Bighorn (Section A does NOT reflect individuals who purchased a bonus point)A B


Group Bonus Points going into

the 2014 Fall Draw

no� Hunters per Bonus Point going into the

2014 Fall Draw

Percent Drawn during the 2014 Fall Draw

within a Bonus Point grouping

individual Bonus Points going into the

2015 Fall Draw

no� of Hunters per Bonus Point going into the 2015 Fall Draw

RESiDEnT nOnRESiDEnT TOTAL0 1,325 0�00% 1 114,302 6,516 120,8181 1,518 0�07% 2 3,169 1,309 4,4782 1,424 0�14% 3 1,918 1,141 3,0593 726 0�41% 4 1,270 453 1,7234 566 0�35% 5 659 651 1,3105 647 0�77% 6 856 627 1,4836 590 0�34% 7 781 596 1,3777 558 1�25% 8 621 530 1,1518 577 1�04% 9 672 535 1,2079 561 0�71% 10 610 466 1,076

10 587 0�85% 11 625 412 1,03711 547 0�73% 12 493 369 86212 588 0�68% 13 516 381 89713 583 1�03% 14 548 316 86414 513 0�78% 15 482 271 75315 406 0�99% 16 367 197 56416 341 0�59% 17 302 160 46217 316 1�58% 18 275 176 45118 286 1�40% 19 262 120 38219 298 1�01% 20 254 127 38120 266 1�13% 21 239 98 33721 253 1�58% 22 210 90 30022 205 0�49% 23 176 72 24823 195 0�00% 24 182 48 23024 214 0�47% 25 206 36 24225 146 15�07% 26 128 6 134

Bear (Spring draw only)A B


Group Bonus Points going into the 2014 Spring


no� Hunters per Bonus Point going

into the 2014 Spring Draw

Percent Drawn during the 2014 Spring Draw within a Bonus Point


individual Bonus Points going into the 2015

Spring Draw

no� of Hunters per Bonus Point going into the 2015 Spring Draw

RESiDEnT nOnRESiDEnT TOTAL0 231 33�8% 1 123,631 6,077 129,7081 355 36�3% 2 658 44 7022 133 39�1% 3 238 11 2493 46 41�3% 4 102 5 1074 11 54�6% 5 48 4 525 5 20�0% 6 18 3 216 3 33�3% 7 11 3 147 3 33�3% 8 11 2 138 3 33�3% 9 14 3 179 1 100�0% 10 11 1 12

11 12 2 14

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6 Hunt Arizona 2015

Bonus Points by Species

How to Use Survey and Harvest Data

Buffalo (Accrue bonus points through both the spring and fall draws; Section A does NOT reflect individuals who purchased a bonus point)A B


Group Bonus Points going into the 2014 Spring


no� Hunters per Bonus Point going

into the 2014 Spring Draw

Percent Drawn during the 2014 Spring

Draw within a Bonus Point grouping

individual Bonus Points going into

the 2014 Fall Draw

no� of Hunters per Bonus Point going into the 2014 Fall Draw

RESiDEnT nOnRESiDEnT TOTAL0 113 0�9% 1 120,873 6,200 127,0731 217 2�8% 2 1,461 296 1,7572 141 2�1% 3 704 129 8333 116 4�3% 4 414 111 5254 64 3�1% 5 299 60 3595 54 0�0% 6 260 63 3236 60 1�7% 7 225 64 2897 51 1�96% 8 221 57 2788 54 5�6% 9 192 42 2349 35 5�7% 10 177 21 19810 34 2�9% 11 165 28 19311 37 13�5% 12 134 20 15412 19 5�3% 13 103 17 12013 19 5�3% 14 98 11 10914 27 7�4% 15 94 9 10315 23 8�7% 16 87 10 9716 35 2�9% 17 92 8 10817 19 5�3% 18 82 9 9118 22 0�0% 19 77 3 8019 22 13�6% 20 73 6 7920 14 7�1% 21 53 1 5421 17 0�0% 22 53 3 5622 19 15�8% 23 57 0 5723 19 5�3% 24 48 4 5224 20 5�0% 25 40 2 4225 13 7�7% 26 34 2 3626 14 0�0% 27 41 0 4127 7 0�0% 28 20 0 2028 7 0�0% 29 14 2 1629 4 75�0% 30 11 0 1130 4 100�0% 31 2 0 231 3 100�0% 32 3 0 333 1 100�0% 33 5 1 6

34 1 0 1 35 0 0 0 36 0 0 0

37 1 0 1 38 0 1 1 39 0 0 0

40 2 0 241 1 0 1

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Hunt Arizona 2015 7

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8 Hunt Arizona 2015


Two species of deer occur in Arizona, the mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus).

Mule DeerNatural Historymule deer are the most abundant big-game animal in Arizona. They can be found in most areas of the state, from sparsely vegetated deserts upward into high, forested mountains. rocky mountain mule deer oc-cur primarily in northern Arizona above the mogollon rim in game management units 1 through 13, while the so-called desert mule deer is found in all of the more southern units (15 through 46).

The mule deer gets its name from its large ears. its coat is reddish-brown in summer, turning to a blue-gray or a chocolate brown in winter. The forehead is much darker than the face, while the animal’s throat, belly, and inner leg surfaces are white. one of the mule deer’s most distinguishing characteristics is a white rump patch and a narrow, black-tipped white tail.

The mule deer is the larger of Arizona’s deer species. Adult bucks may weigh more than 200 pounds and stand up to 42 inch-es tall at the shoulder. does average about 125 pounds.

mule deer antlers typically branch into two main beams, each of which may fork into two or more tines. The size and number of points is dependent on a combination of the buck’s age, nutrition, and genetic back-ground. The antlers develop under a layer of soft skin, called velvet, which supplies them with nutrients. When fully grown, the antlers harden and the now dry velvet is rubbed off. The

bony antlers are retained until spring, after the breeding season has passed. Buck deer are polygamous and use their antlers to intimidate other males and drive them away from the does during the winter breeding season.

After a gestation period of about 190 days, the does give birth to one or two spotted fawns. Fawns in northern Ari-zona are born in late spring, while those in southern Arizona usually arrive in midsummer. A fawn’s spots disappear in about two months. The young remain with their mother un-til the following spring. Both sexes attain maturity in about one year and have a life span of about 10 years.

research has shown that mule deer population lev-els are largely determined by the number of fawns that survive to be yearlings. Fawn survival, in turn, is largely determined by climatic events, with wet, mild winters contributing to high fawn survival rates. dry winters and springs usually result in poor fawn survival, and heavy snows and freezing temperatures occasionally re-duce the population levels of both fawn and adult rocky mountain mule deer. Another limiting factor for mule






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Hunt Arizona 2015 9

deer is preda-tion. in Arizona, the mountain lion is the prin-cipal mule deer predator.

mule deer are primarily brows-ers, although they feed largely on forbs and new grass growth in the spring and summer. other major diet items are twigs, bark,

buds, leaves, and nuts. important browse plants include mountain mahogany, cliff rose, sagebrush, and oak in northern Arizona, with jojoba, buck brush, and moun-tain mahogany being favored in southern Arizona. most feeding is done at dawn and dusk, although hu-man activity and a full moon may cause a shift to more feeding at night.

Hunt HistoryAs befits Arizona’s principal game animal, deer re-ceived some protection as early as 1887 when a four-month season of october 1 through January 31 was established by the territorial legislature. Buck-on-ly hunting was instituted in 1893, and the season was gradually reduced until 1913 when the new state legis-lature authorized a two-month season and a two-buck bag limit. even this was deemed excessive by the state’s sportsmen, and a public initiative in 1916 reduced the limit to one buck deer to be taken during the month of october.

despite a serious overpopulation of deer on the north Kaibab in the 1920s, deer numbers appeared to decline in the rest of the state. in 1929, the mule deer season was closed south of the Gila river, and even as recently as 1946, fewer than 5,000 mule deer (more than 80 percent of all deer killed) were harvested in Arizona. Then, for reasons that are still unclear, deer pop-ulations began to increase. As the populations rose, doe and “any-deer” hunts were authorized. in 1961, an all-time high of 91,120 deer hunters took 35,897 deer. more than 86 percent of these were mule deer and nearly 10,000 were antlerless animals. Archery deer hunting was also now be-ginning to provide a significant hunting opportunity.

A series of years of poor fawn survival followed. By 1970 fewer than 16,000 deer were taken, and hunt success had fallen to 16 percent. With the institution of permit-only deer hunting the following year, hunter numbers dropped from more than 97,000 to fewer than 68,000. only about 9,500 mule deer were reported harvested.

deer permit numbers gradually increased after 1972, leveling off at around 70,000 per year between 1976 and 1982, when hunters took more than 12,000 mule deer, approximately 75 percent of the total deer harvest. Then, a series of wet winters resulted in an increase in fawn survival rates, and hunter numbers and the num-bers of deer bagged increased accordingly until 1986, when nearly 86,000 hunters took 25,566 deer, of which 77 percent were mule deer.

since then, another series of droughts has occurred, and deer hunting opportunity is again being curtailed. today, about 47,000 permits are offered with hunt suc-cess between 21 percent and 28 percent; 60 percent of the total deer harvested today are mule deer. prospects in the near future are still discouraging, but mule deer are “boom and bust” animals. With the advent of bet-ter than average winter rains, mule deer populations will once again improve.

White-tailed DeerNatural HistoryArizona’s other deer is a small subspecies of the white-tailed deer. These Coues (pronounced Cows) deer are most common in the state’s southeastern mountains, but range northward to the edge of the mogollon rim, up into the White mountains, and as far west as syca-more Canyon in Unit 8. Coues whitetails require areas of predictable summer precipitation and are most common in oak woodlands and on chaparral covered hillsides with oaks and pines. This species, while more resilient than mule deer to hunt pressure, is less tolerant of droughts and appears to be more affected by live-stock grazing.

in contrast to the mule deer’s branching antlers, the tines or points of a whitetail’s antlers originate from a forward-curving main beam. mature bucks generally have three to four tines per side. The coat color is gray-ish-brown salt-and-pepper with white underparts; the face is marked with white halos around the eyes and a white band across the muzzle. The most distinguishing characteristic of the whitetail, however, is a long, fluffy tail that is all white on the underside, gray to reddish-black on top, and often lifted upward as an alarm signal.

The Coues deer is much smaller than most of its eastern cousins. Bucks stand just over 30 inches at the shoulder and rarely weigh more than 100 pounds. does average 65 pounds. The rutting season usually runs from december through February, and the fawn drop coincides with the new growth of forbs that results from the summer rains.

A doe’s first pregnancy usually results in a single fawn; thereafter she may bear twins. White-tailed deer fawns may stay with their mothers for more than a year, and seeing two generations running together is not uncom-

Mule deer distribution

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10 Hunt Arizona 2015


mon. Unlike mule deer, white-tailed deer rarely form herds, and most observations are of fewer than six animals.

When seen at a distance, white-tailed deer can often be distinguished from mule deer by their cautious, run-ning gait and flagging white tail. Whitetails never use the stiff legged, bounding gait sometimes employed by mule deer. habitat preferences also differ. in Arizo-na’s southern mountain ranges, whitetails are generally found at higher elevations and in rougher country than are mule deer.

Hunt HistoryThe Coues white-tailed deer is perhaps Arizona’s finest game animal. Wary, and expert at using cover, white-

tails rarely offer the hunter a standing shot once jumped. per-haps for this reason, the species has become increasingly impor-tant in the harvest. Although the statewide take has varied from 1,500 to more than 7,000 white-tails a year, depending on the vagaries of drought and fawn survival, the recent trend has been for this species to constitute an ever greater proportion of the statewide harvest. For example, whitetails comprised less than 15 percent of Arizona’s deer har-vest in 1961, nearly 40 percent in 1998 , and just over 40 percent today.g


e a




White-tailed deer distribution

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Hunt Arizona 2015 11

Deer Survey Data

Historic Summary of Mule Deer Survey DataYear Bucks Does Fawns Unclassified Total Bucks/100 Does Fawns/100 Does 1948 95 293 143 77 608 32 491949 149 387 189 73 798 39 491950 373 1326 690 103 2492 28 521951 432 1553 887 424 3296 28 571952 804 2398 1551 747 5500 34 651953 636 2101 1512 559 4808 30 721954 616 2373 1020 553 4562 26 431955 1052 2276 841 594 4763 46 371956 352 1184 539 279 2354 30 461957 735 2079 886 540 4240 35 431958 552 1810 1057 350 3769 31 581959 1049 2748 1388 698 5883 38 511960 1125 2890 1179 409 5603 39 411961 1162 2806 1212 522 5702 41 431962 1213 3072 1205 478 5968 39 391963 1185 3186 1189 350 5910 37 371964 1118 3269 1467 353 6207 34 451965 1260 3460 1775 377 6872 36 511966 1299 4370 2240 486 8395 30 511967 1341 4715 2462 320 8838 28 521968 1029 3708 1620 324 6681 28 441969 1173 4494 2324 392 8383 26 521970 1306 5218 2669 383 9576 25 511971 1551 6018 2649 597 10815 26 441972 1262 4385 2093 346 8086 29 481973 1089 4363 2514 286 8252 25 581974 1009 4184 1999 319 7511 24 481975 1126 4275 1911 439 7751 26 451976 1029 4320 1820 263 7432 24 421977 1022 4402 1696 467 7587 23 391978 1329 5719 2573 472 10093 23 451979 1119 4824 2249 288 8480 23 471980 1255 5815 2428 311 9809 22 421981 1367 6315 2694 254 10630 22 431982 1299 5992 3033 249 10573 22 511983 1360 6540 3361 361 11622 21 511984 1401 6259 3411 407 11478 22 551985 2102 9093 4312 345 15852 23 471986 2148 10521 4989 210 17868 20 471987 2227 10193 4139 175 16734 22 411988 2157 11383 4577 145 18262 19 401989 1976 10272 3465 214 15927 19 341990 1778 10361 4024 203 16366 17 391991 1798 10532 4444 220 16994 17 421992 1689 9500 4332 100 15621 18 461993 1910 10177 4190 167 16444 19 411994 2103 11504 3833 159 17599 18 331995 1820 11082 3668 265 16835 16 331996 1590 9954 3001 124 14669 16 301997 1351 8756 3168 100 13375 15 361998 1404 8041 3919 53 13417 17 491999 1705 8559 3786 44 14094 20 442000 1732 8416 2794 80 13022 21 332001 1502 7408 3051 45 12006 20 412002 1321 7069 1838 142 10370 19 262003 1268 6190 2524 36 10018 20 412004 1134 5148 2309 59 8650 22 452005 1054 4738 2333 69 8194 22 492006 1146 5143 2150 89 8528 22 422007 1180 4931 2071 59 8241 24 422008 1132 4164 1965 106 7367 27 472009 1006 4380 1683 26 7095 23 382010 993 4581 1960 68 7602 22 432011 1206 5589 2494 71 9360 22 452012 1285 5829 2675 77 9866 22 462013 1403 6193 2953 65 10614 23 482014 1399 5735 2794 30 9958 24 32

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12 Hunt Arizona 2015

Deer Survey Data

Historic Summary of White-tailed Deer Survey DataYear Bucks Does Fawns Unclassified Total Bucks/100 Does Fawns/100 Does 1947 58 72 11 26 167 81 151948 32 96 61 54 243 33 641949 49 95 37 67 248 52 391950 136 223 109 108 576 61 491951 25 68 22 23 138 37 321952 145 272 139 146 702 53 511953 151 336 387 181 1055 45 1151954 367 828 309 204 1708 44 371955 227 497 217 120 1061 46 441956 247 533 167 219 1166 46 311957 266 455 147 170 1038 58 321958 221 420 148 88 877 53 351959 177 453 137 93 860 39 301960 159 440 164 124 887 36 371961 266 484 174 113 1037 55 361962 263 586 193 135 1177 45 331963 291 630 212 152 1285 46 341964 291 581 243 143 1258 50 421965 211 502 224 124 1061 42 451966 222 484 222 100 1028 46 461967 164 391 164 80 799 42 421968 152 382 144 105 783 40 381969 131 350 152 71 704 37 431970 149 373 138 49 709 40 371971 170 398 150 94 812 43 381972 145 312 133 70 660 46 431973 113 316 149 54 632 36 471974 101 244 95 54 494 41 391975 147 448 195 65 855 33 441976 171 577 183 73 1004 30 321977 165 577 178 76 996 29 311978 202 644 336 84 1266 31 521979 226 752 312 54 1344 30 411980 306 766 267 62 1401 40 351981 329 1069 404 48 1850 31 381982 315 1020 471 59 1865 31 461983 296 978 528 50 1852 30 541984 283 1016 538 56 1893 28 531985 424 1388 690 42 2544 31 501986 439 1403 544 112 2498 31 391987 444 1648 493 34 2619 27 301988 425 1584 551 29 2589 27 351989 461 1749 567 87 2864 26 321990 568 1970 742 53 3333 29 381991 483 1814 671 107 3075 27 371992 466 1859 634 58 3017 25 341993 479 1764 528 62 2833 27 301994 541 2000 518 192 3251 27 261995 538 2227 588 102 3455 24 261996 620 2697 729 91 4137 23 271997 484 2380 569 45 3478 20 241998 475 1967 679 52 3173 24 351999 422 1885 679 32 3018 22 362000 405 1734 499 57 2695 23 292001 451 1925 711 132 3219 23 372002 475 2023 558 44 3100 23 282003 550 2165 761 45 3521 25 352004 636 2423 777 45 3881 26 322005 544 2031 738 41 3354 27 362006 581 2055 738 38 3412 28 362007 684 2319 800 56 3859 30 352008 658 2164 799 33 3654 30 372009 529 1876 571 30 3006 28 302010 621 1928 555 50 3154 32 292011 649 2480 724 42 3895 26 292012 595 2146 647 38 3426 28 302013 670 2546 826 44 4086 26 322014 652 2454 783 41 3930 27 32

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Deer Survey Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Deer Survey DataUnit Year Bucks Does Fawns Unclassified Total Bucks/100 Does Fawns/100 DoesMULE DEER1 2010 11 36 20 1 68 31 561 2011 5 16 8 1 30 31 501 2012 15 79 29 0 123 19 371 2013 14 60 22 0 96 23 371 2014 17 59 20 0 96 29 342 2010 6 31 11 0 48 19 352 2011 8 19 11 0 38 42 582 2012 10 46 21 0 77 22 462 2013 5 24 9 0 38 21 382 2014 4 11 3 0 18 36 273A/3C 2010 16 75 45 0 136 21 603A/3C 2011 30 102 61 0 193 29 603A/3C 2012 22 75 47 0 144 29 633A/3C 2013 48 181 98 0 327 27 543A/3C 2014 25 121 66 0 212 21 553B 2010 4 5 2 0 11 80 403B 2011 8 25 10 0 43 32 403B 2012 6 24 15 3 48 25 633B 2013 6 42 25 0 73 14 603B 2014 1 6 3 0 10 17 504 2010 11 16 11 0 38 69 694 2011 24 44 21 0 89 55 484 2012 24 44 24 0 92 55 554 2013 21 43 25 0 89 49 584 2014 8 27 15 0 50 30 565 2010 35 112 54 2 203 31 485 2011 19 78 33 0 130 24 425 2012 28 118 52 0 198 24 445 2013 39 112 55 1 207 35 495 2014 41 181 116 1 339 23 646A 2010 11 48 21 0 80 23 446A 2011 22 80 41 0 143 28 516A 2012 18 95 26 4 143 19 276A 2013 28 135 49 1 213 21 366A 2014 29 113 49 0 191 26 436B 2010 21 78 39 0 138 27 506B 2011 23 142 55 5 225 16 396B 2012 26 119 47 8 200 22 406B 2013 20 146 62 0 228 14 426B 2014 23 80 33 4 140 29 417 2010 25 69 37 5 136 36 547 2011 37 97 41 0 175 38 427 2012 37 193 89 0 319 19 467 2013 14 59 29 0 102 24 497 2014 32 126 34 0 192 25 278 2010 25 133 45 5 208 19 348 2011 24 119 67 6 216 20 568 2012 50 194 87 0 331 26 458 2013 27 144 36 0 207 19 258 2014 24 119 45 0 188 20 389 2010 5 61 18 0 84 8 309 2011 6 78 45 3 132 8 589 2012 20 141 78 0 239 14 559 2013 14 100 45 0 159 14 459 2014 6 90 53 6 155 7 5910 2010 15 133 61 1 210 11 4610 2011 23 104 45 0 172 22 4310 2012 24 150 42 0 216 16 2810 2013 17 77 18 0 112 22 2310 2014 17 135 39 0 191 13 2912A East 2010 38 96 71 0 205 40 7412A East 2011 14 97 77 0 188 14 7912A East 2012 20 99 82 0 201 20 83

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14 Hunt Arizona 2015

Deer Survey Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Deer Survey DataUnit Year Bucks Does Fawns Unclassified Total Bucks/100 Does Fawns/100 DoesMULE DEER12A East 2013 30 81 67 0 178 37 8312A East 2014 36 98 76 0 210 37 7812A West 2010 41 208 105 6 360 20 5012A West 2011 89 334 351 4 778 27 10512A West 2012 57 180 198 0 435 32 11012A West 2013 112 350 356 7 825 32 10212A West 2014 128 344 283 2 757 37 8212B 2010 17 116 74 0 207 15 6412B 2011 21 152 131 1 305 14 8612B 2012 22 71 57 3 153 31 8012B 2013 31 110 83 10 234 28 7512B 2014 26 54 94 0 174 48 17413A 2010 23 69 33 0 125 33 4813A 2011 44 112 87 0 243 39 7813A 2012 15 48 50 0 113 31 10413A 2013 29 77 76 0 182 38 9913A 2014 49 82 68 0 199 60 8313B 2010 43 110 63 0 216 39 5713B 2011 42 72 60 2 176 58 8313B 2012 41 82 76 0 199 50 9313B 2013 48 176 104 0 328 27 5913B 2014 65 154 89 0 308 42 5815A 2010 1 0 0 0 1 - -15A 2011 1 4 2 0 7 25 5015A 2012 2 9 1 0 12 22 1115A 2013 7 35 6 0 48 20 1715A 2014 14 37 7 0 58 38 1915B 2010 6 22 8 0 36 27 3615B 2011 3 9 1 0 13 33 1115B 2012 4 22 13 2 41 18 5915B 2013 28 145 39 0 212 19 2715B 2014 29 97 30 2 158 30 3116A 2010 7 24 3 0 34 29 1316A 2011 26 63 17 0 106 41 2716A 2012 15 33 8 0 56 45 2416A 2013 7 38 5 0 50 18 1316A 2014 9 36 8 0 53 25 2217A 2010 1 21 12 0 34 5 5717A 2011 16 65 24 0 105 25 3717A 2012 12 58 8 0 78 21 1417A 2013 7 27 2 0 36 26 717A 2014 9 27 12 0 48 33 4417B 2010 11 56 21 0 88 20 3817B 2011 19 66 29 0 114 29 4417B 2012 36 97 30 0 163 37 3117B 2013 27 99 37 0 163 27 3717B 2014 24 95 33 0 152 25 3518A 2010 5 18 4 0 27 28 2218A 2011 20 74 28 2 124 27 3818A 2012 9 76 17 0 102 12 2218A 2013 11 51 13 0 75 22 2518A 2014 9 51 18 0 78 18 3518B 2010 25 110 38 0 173 23 3518B 2011 33 148 41 0 222 22 2818B 2012 28 183 41 0 252 15 2218B 2013 22 132 48 0 202 17 3618B 2014 7 54 1 0 62 13 219A 2010 27 83 24 2 136 33 2919A 2011 20 84 17 14 135 24 2019A 2012 14 91 30 0 135 15 3319A 2013 9 56 11 0 76 16 2019A 2014 19 71 36 0 126 27 5119B 2010 24 67 20 1 112 36 3019B 2011 37 79 24 1 141 47 30

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Deer Survey Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Deer Survey DataUnit Year Bucks Does Fawns Unclassified Total Bucks/100 Does Fawns/100 DoesMULE DEER19B 2012 15 51 21 2 89 29 4119B 2013 17 44 17 0 78 39 3919B 2014 10 34 12 0 56 29 3520A 2010 26 82 26 0 134 32 3220A 2011 27 109 28 0 164 25 2620A 2012 9 33 8 0 50 27 2420A 2013 20 57 20 0 97 35 3520A 2014 4 19 4 0 27 21 2120B 2010 20 58 26 0 104 34 4520B 2011 28 81 18 0 127 35 2220B 2012 21 87 31 0 139 24 3620B 2013 23 64 28 0 115 36 4420B 2014 11 38 26 0 75 29 6820C 2010 30 93 36 0 159 32 3920C 2011 32 103 37 0 172 31 3620C 2012 32 84 53 0 169 38 6320C 2013 42 106 51 0 199 40 4820C 2014 55 162 99 0 316 34 6121 2010 10 84 34 0 128 12 4021 2011 26 120 45 0 191 22 3821 2012 22 119 35 0 176 18 2921 2013 37 161 94 6 298 23 5821 2014 43 178 74 0 295 24 4222 2010 21 105 45 0 171 20 4322 2011 24 117 59 0 200 21 5022 2012 20 104 47 0 171 19 4522 2013 19 88 47 0 154 22 5322 2014 37 137 67 0 241 27 4923 2010 25 104 43 0 172 24 4123 2011 34 199 96 0 329 17 4823 2012 22 131 77 1 231 17 5923 2013 22 156 99 0 277 14 6323 2014 37 178 86 0 301 21 4824A 2010 19 72 36 1 128 26 5024A 2011 17 103 58 1 179 17 5624A 2012 27 90 34 1 152 30 3824A 2013 24 105 41 1 171 23 3924A 2014 16 86 31 0 133 19 3624B 2010 28 106 57 0 191 26 5424B 2011 18 103 44 0 165 17 4324B 2012 20 134 51 0 205 15 3824B 2013 15 96 51 0 162 16 5324B 2014 13 89 58 1 161 15 6525M 2012 12 41 17 0 70 29 4125M 2013 23 62 21 0 106 37 3425M 2014 34 83 54 0 171 41 6527 2010 55 279 88 0 422 20 3227 2011 55 248 69 0 372 22 2827 2012 44 273 103 3 423 16 3827 2013 59 297 92 0 448 20 3127 2014 48 283 114 0 445 17 4028 2010 18 173 84 0 275 10 4928 2011 24 157 69 2 252 15 4428 2012 25 141 64 1 231 18 4528 2013 18 144 62 0 224 13 4328 2014 23 148 70 0 241 16 4729 2010 23 110 25 0 158 21 2329 2011 19 114 18 0 151 17 1629 2012 15 124 30 0 169 12 2429 2013 14 78 23 0 115 18 2929 2014 26 97 34 0 157 27 3530A 2010 26 160 87 0 273 16 5430A 2011 38 183 64 0 285 21 3530A 2012 38 154 69 0 261 25 45

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16 Hunt Arizona 2015

Deer Survey Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Deer Survey DataUnit Year Bucks Does Fawns Unclassified Total Bucks/100 Does Fawns/100 DoesMULE DEER30A 2013 22 151 73 0 246 15 4830A 2014 47 180 90 5 322 26 5030B 2010 14 82 26 3 125 17 3230B 2011 16 153 42 14 225 10 2730B 2012 23 133 65 2 223 17 4930B 2013 15 79 38 0 132 19 4830B 2014 2 21 15 0 38 10 7131 2010 12 128 44 0 184 9 3431 2011 20 149 58 0 227 13 3931 2012 11 130 46 0 187 8 3531 2013 25 194 82 0 301 13 4231 2014 35 173 61 0 269 20 3532 2010 20 268 85 30 403 7 3232 2011 43 412 171 2 628 10 4232 2012 35 292 106 10 443 12 3632 2013 40 323 149 14 526 12 4632 2014 36 378 163 0 577 10 4333 2010 12 108 49 0 169 11 4533 2011 9 98 30 1 138 9 3133 2012 16 87 44 12 159 18 5133 2013 9 110 42 2 163 8 3833 2014 11 56 20 0 87 20 3634 2010 21 69 24 3 117 30 3534 2011 8 54 13 3 78 15 2434 2012 7 33 4 1 45 21 1234 2013 10 44 4 0 58 23 934 2014 16 38 4 0 58 42 1134A 2010 12 29 7 0 48 41 2434A 2011 5 27 7 3 42 19 2634A 2012 3 17 4 1 25 18 2434A 2013 7 20 3 0 30 35 1534A 2014 7 12 0 0 19 58 034B 2010 9 40 17 3 69 23 4334B 2011 3 27 6 0 36 11 2234B 2012 4 16 0 0 20 25 034B 2013 3 24 1 0 28 13 434B 2014 9 26 4 0 39 35 1535 2010 3 20 9 0 32 15 4535 2011 12 58 19 0 89 21 3335 2012 4 46 29 0 79 9 6335 2013 11 62 33 1 107 18 5335 2014 7 52 23 0 82 13 4435A 2010 3 20 9 0 32 15 4535A 2011 3 12 6 0 21 25 5035A 2012 4 39 24 0 67 10 6235A 2013 10 55 29 1 95 18 5335A 2014 7 47 19 0 73 15 4035B 2011 9 46 13 0 68 20 2835B 2012 0 7 5 0 12 0 7135B 2013 1 7 4 0 12 14 5735B 2014 0 5 4 0 9 0 8036 2010 0 3 2 0 5 0 6736 2011 20 364 126 4 514 5 3536A 2010 12 150 47 4 213 8 3136A 2011 14 251 94 2 361 6 3736A 2012 20 187 109 15 331 11 5836A 2013 21 154 86 3 264 14 5636A 2014 28 195 64 1 288 14 3336B 2010 8 66 25 0 99 12 3836B 2011 4 58 15 0 77 7 2636B 2012 17 152 57 2 228 11 3836B 2013 4 71 33 1 109 6 4636B 2014 8 104 49 0 161 8 4736C 2010 7 44 20 0 71 16 45

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (20)

Hunt Arizona 2015 17

Deer Survey Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Deer Survey DataUnit Year Bucks Does Fawns Unclassified Total Bucks/100 Does Fawns/100 DoesMULE DEER36C 2011 2 55 17 2 76 4 3136C 2012 8 69 31 0 108 12 4536C 2013 5 39 16 0 60 13 4136C 2014 5 38 13 0 56 13 3437 2010 22 83 58 0 163 27 7037 2011 17 116 65 3 201 15 5637 2012 79 149 85 0 313 53 5737 2013 34 196 76 0 306 17 3937 2014 16 91 51 0 158 18 5637A 2010 4 15 13 0 32 27 8737A 2011 5 24 7 3 39 21 2937A 2012 9 30 9 0 48 30 3037A 2013 8 29 7 0 44 28 2437A 2014 5 14 7 0 26 36 5037B 2010 18 68 45 0 131 26 6637B 2011 12 92 58 0 162 13 6337B 2012 20 82 51 0 153 24 6237B 2013 26 167 69 0 262 16 4137B 2014 11 77 44 0 132 14 5739 2010 11 63 20 0 94 17 3239 2011 2 18 0 0 20 11 039 2012 5 22 9 0 36 23 4139 2013 6 36 24 7 73 17 6739 2014 20 73 48 0 141 27 6640A 2010 3 10 4 0 17 30 4040A 2011 10 13 0 0 23 77 040A 2012 2 3 1 0 6 67 3340A 2013 8 6 2 0 16 133 3340A 2014 7 23 9 0 39 30 3940B 2010 4 7 4 0 15 57 5740B 2011 3 12 0 0 15 25 041 2010 12 42 17 1 72 29 4041 2011 26 76 9 2 113 34 1241 2012 16 103 50 1 170 16 4941 2013 29 82 57 4 172 35 7041 2014 22 118 41 0 181 19 3542 2010 15 47 27 0 89 32 5742 2011 14 58 10 0 82 24 1742 2012 19 92 39 0 150 21 4242 2013 13 44 31 1 89 30 7042 2014 39 76 47 0 162 51 6243A 2010 1 5 2 0 8 20 4043A 2011 4 9 0 0 13 44 043A 2012 0 1 2 0 3 0 20043A 2013 2 16 6 0 24 13 3843A 2014 2 16 6 2 26 13 3843B 2010 1 8 1 0 10 13 1343B 2011 0 1 0 0 1 0 043B 2012 1 6 2 0 9 17 3343B 2013 2 23 10 0 35 9 4343B 2014 1 3 2 0 6 33 6744A 2010 14 47 22 0 83 30 4744A 2011 14 36 6 0 56 39 1744A 2012 19 76 27 0 122 25 3644A 2013 14 27 13 0 54 52 4844A 2014 27 35 14 0 76 77 4045 2010 46 111 49 3 209 41 4445 2011 27 70 12 0 109 39 1745 2012 31 108 33 3 175 29 3145 2013 27 68 36 5 136 40 5345 2014 23 84 36 6 149 27 431 2011 0 0 1 0 1 - -

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (21)

18 Hunt Arizona 2015

Deer Survey Data

Unit Year Bucks Does Fawns Unclassified Total Bucks/100 Does Fawns/100 DoesMULE DEER1 2014 0 3 2 0 5 0 674 2010 0 3 4 0 7 0 1334 2011 1 1 0 0 2 100 05 2010 0 3 3 1 7 0 1005 2011 2 0 0 0 2 - -5 2013 3 5 3 0 11 60 605 2014 0 9 8 0 17 0 896A 2010 15 35 10 2 62 43 296A 2011 24 74 19 2 119 32 266A 2012 13 55 14 0 82 24 256A 2013 20 75 26 2 123 27 356A 2014 25 75 14 3 117 33 196B 2010 5 5 0 0 10 100 06B 2011 7 19 2 5 33 37 116B 2012 14 26 8 2 50 54 316B 2013 4 8 2 0 14 50 256B 2014 3 16 6 0 25 19 388 2010 5 13 1 0 19 38 88 2011 10 26 2 2 40 38 88 2012 6 11 1 1 19 55 98 2013 7 15 4 1 27 47 278 2014 8 28 6 1 43 29 2110 2011 0 1 0 0 1 0 019A 2010 3 6 1 0 10 50 1719A 2011 0 4 1 0 5 0 2519A 2014 1 5 2 0 8 20 4021 2010 39 74 11 0 124 53 1521 2011 49 112 31 0 192 44 2821 2012 26 73 16 0 115 36 2221 2013 31 101 37 0 169 31 3721 2014 35 112 30 0 177 31 2722 2010 51 110 25 0 186 46 2322 2011 53 142 28 0 223 37 2022 2012 38 105 25 0 168 36 2422 2013 40 99 35 0 174 40 3522 2014 44 113 28 0 185 39 2523 2010 22 52 14 0 88 42 2723 2011 19 79 28 0 126 24 3523 2012 22 61 21 3 107 36 3423 2013 22 59 26 0 107 37 4423 2014 22 82 36 0 140 27 4423S 2010 8 10 4 0 22 80 4024A 2010 26 52 13 1 92 50 2524A 2011 20 75 30 3 128 27 4024A 2012 26 63 11 0 100 41 1724A 2013 21 61 15 1 98 34 2524A 2014 17 67 26 3 113 25 3924B 2010 46 106 48 0 200 43 4524B 2011 73 164 41 2 280 45 2524B 2012 47 70 17 1 135 67 2424B 2013 38 134 52 1 225 28 3924B 2014 27 85 29 0 141 32 3425M 2014 0 1 0 0 1 0 027 2010 27 62 14 1 104 44 2327 2011 67 119 33 9 228 56 2827 2012 25 69 20 0 114 36 2927 2013 42 136 52 6 236 31 3827 2014 33 109 39 0 181 30 3628 2010 2 1 0 0 3 200 028 2011 1 17 6 0 24 6 3528 2012 1 4 1 0 6 25 2528 2013 1 5 1 0 7 20 2028 2014 5 12 6 0 23 42 5029 2010 28 120 23 0 171 23 1929 2011 23 157 38 0 218 15 2429 2012 21 105 22 0 148 20 2129 2013 33 147 33 0 213 22 2229 2014 40 165 40 0 245 24 2430A 2010 18 81 15 0 114 22 19

5-Year: 2010-2014 Deer Survey Data


Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (22)

Hunt Arizona 2015 19

Deer Survey Data

Unit Year Bucks Does Fawns Unclassified Total Bucks/100 Does Fawns/100 DoesMULE DEER30A 2011 24 76 16 2 118 32 2130A 2012 24 80 21 0 125 30 2630A 2013 31 120 31 0 182 26 2630A 2014 23 87 26 0 136 26 3030B 2010 19 53 14 4 90 36 2630B 2011 16 87 12 0 115 18 1430B 2012 26 91 8 3 128 29 930B 2013 30 83 25 1 139 36 3030B 2014 35 129 63 1 228 27 4931 2010 25 64 17 0 106 39 2731 2011 22 106 25 0 153 21 2431 2012 14 84 17 0 115 17 2031 2013 20 100 34 0 154 20 3431 2014 18 81 21 0 120 22 2632 2010 19 114 22 4 159 17 1932 2011 26 120 33 9 188 22 2832 2012 29 101 31 2 163 29 3132 2013 28 114 34 2 178 25 3032 2014 35 133 31 8 207 26 2333 2010 83 323 113 1 520 26 3533 2011 72 243 100 3 418 30 4133 2012 77 294 116 1 488 26 3933 2013 37 240 98 0 375 15 4133 2014 55 240 92 3 390 23 3834A 2010 26 75 31 11 143 35 4134A 2011 25 158 69 4 256 16 4434A 2012 27 168 51 1 247 16 3034A 2013 51 222 56 5 334 23 2534A 2014 36 146 36 4 222 25 2534B 2010 18 66 17 3 104 27 2634B 2011 12 66 20 1 99 18 3034B 2012 16 77 21 2 116 21 2734B 2013 27 93 14 2 136 29 1534B 2014 23 81 20 1 125 28 2535A 2010 23 58 23 6 110 40 4035A 2011 26 93 29 0 148 28 3135A 2012 34 102 22 6 164 33 2235A 2013 37 81 30 0 148 46 3735A 2014 18 85 28 2 133 21 3335B 2010 39 113 33 9 194 35 2935B 2011 33 122 48 0 203 27 3935B 2012 35 174 71 1 281 20 4135B 2013 36 149 51 2 238 24 3435B 2014 35 125 45 2 207 28 3636A 2010 31 106 42 5 184 29 4036A 2011 7 120 38 0 165 6 3236A 2012 28 126 55 6 215 22 4436A 2013 36 146 65 17 264 25 4536A 2014 29 163 60 5 257 18 3736B 2010 22 143 44 1 210 15 3136B 2011 19 174 43 0 236 11 2536B 2012 20 125 43 3 191 16 3436B 2013 34 192 56 2 284 18 2936B 2014 33 142 47 5 227 23 3336C 2010 26 87 17 1 131 30 2036C 2011 15 121 30 0 166 12 2536C 2012 20 76 34 6 136 26 4536C 2013 36 156 43 2 237 23 2836C 2014 50 156 42 1 249 32 2737 2014 1 2 0 1 4 50 037A 2010 2 2 0 0 4 100 037A 2011 3 1 1 0 5 300 10037A 2012 1 0 0 0 1 - -37A 2014 1 2 0 1 4 50 037B 2010 1 1 0 0 2 100 037B 2011 0 3 0 0 3 0 037B 2012 5 6 1 0 12 83 1737B 2013 5 5 3 0 13 100 60

5-Year: 2010-2014 Deer Survey Data

WHiTE TAiLED-DEER (continued)

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (23)

20 Hunt Arizona 2015

Deer Hunt Data

Historic Summary of General Deer Hunts1

Year2 1st Choice Applicants

Permitsissued Hunters Hunter


Deer HarvestPercent SuccessMule Deer Whitetail

TotalBucks Antlerless Bucks Antlerless

1946 – – – – 4733 – 991 – 5724 –1947 – – – – 6420 – 1152 – 7572 –1948 – – – – 7358 – 1347 – 8705 –1949 – – – – 7465 386 1203 – 9054 –1950 – – – – 9009 798 1175 – 10982 –1951 – – – – 9618 658 1234 – 11510 –1952 – – – – 10575 2707 1490 – 14772 –1953 – – – – 12590 3948 1791 – 18329 –1954 – – – – 11662 6425 1500 – 19587 –1955 – – 53791 – 15220 5483 1489 300 22492 421956 – – 64123 – 16175 8943 2066 357 27541 431957 – – 56499 – 15307 4859 1808 593 22567 401958 – – 76358 259876 17994 9840 3394 1702 32930 431959 – – 78102 290686 16329 7769 3105 1687 28890 371960 – – 87986 318806 19291 8380 3871 1111 32653 371961 – – 91120 350200 22459 8307 3891 843 35500 391962 – – 93337 373035 16658 7579 3211 983 28431 311963 – – 92594 371619 14082 6262 2859 1463 24666 271964 – – 86867 335508 12613 2362 3207 1116 19298 221965 – – 87548 316911 11357 2002 2871 741 16971 191966 – – 88230 354586 12158 2040 2390 597 17185 201967 – – 90361 365358 12350 1388 2404 258 16400 181968 – – 88253 359684 12298 741 2722 205 15966 181969 – – 91575 358833 12203 567 2124 78 14972 161970 – – 97113 395038 13167 420 2197 35 15819 161971 – 77437 67263 256100 9129 334 1517 18 10998 161972 66905 74096 63269 241882 9137 338 1653 17 11145 181973 83334 75200 64120 243322 11114 402 2080 22 13618 211974 79664 82650 72352 255592 11715 533 3221 0 15469 211975 80929 79750 69262 253721 12576 408 2870 0 15854 231976 86829 83125 72049 228763 10578 261 2656 0 13495 191977 83593 84265 72472 255850 9871 6 2295 24 12196 171978 84017 81675 69709 264624 9075 38 2247 40 11400 161979 85072 78215 66451 270068 10347 0 3207 54 13608 211980 94285 79409 66909 278520 11111 0 3480 46 14637 221981 92679 77755 66308 274028 10825 0 3466 38 14329 221982 91673 83045 71123 296368 12187 0 3965 34 16186 231983 71826 94285 77106 309699 12767 0 4173 51 16991 221984 72989 92545 82618 328231 17102 0 7030 75 24207 291985 80014 92345 84079 333156 16292 273 6782 110 23457 281986 82982 94871 84687 331015 16493 2961 5829 86 25369 301987 84145 87340 79557 304440 15081 2191 4777 92 22141 281988 85084 79135 72796 290084 13744 1781 4505 75 20105 281989 84485 75925 69974 277264 13516 694 4293 84 18587 271990 82911 76620 70901 284643 11278 2809 4368 62 18517 261991 79466 68304 63109 256780 12101 0 5268 76 17445 281992 85343 68910 64143 256592 11997 0 5639 75 17711 281993 87558 70348 65151 260399 11879 0 5489 58 17426 271994 92904 68849 63330 256856 10867 0 5336 0 16203 261995 92139 63708 58649 242281 8824 0 4876 0 13700 231996 88529 57570 52679 212116 7229 0 4091 0 11320 221997 89627 51222 47210 195719 6065 0 4154 33 10252 221998 88329 46694 42753 173577 5877 0 4095 7 9979 24

1 Muzzleloader hunt data included up until 1984� Youth-0nly hunt data not included in this table�2 1994 and 1995 data does not include results of hunts at Ft� Huachuca� Beginning with 1996, Ft� Huachuca data is based on questionnaire returns,

not data gathered by the Fort�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (24)

Hunt Arizona 2015 21

Deer Hunt Data

Historic Summary of General Deer Hunts1

Year2 1st Choice Applicants

Permitsissued Hunters Hunter


Deer HarvestPercent SuccessMule Deer Whitetail

TotalBucks Antlerless Bucks Antlerless

1999 92104 47065 42970 175908 5924 310 3264 8 9506 222000 85091 46072 41677 166780 5025 188 4121 0 9334 222001 83808 44978 41110 170820 5226 623 3369 0 9218 222002 84384 42020 38368 163098 4540 0 3595 0 8135 212003 86546 37260 33905 144027 3753 0 3937 0 7690 232004 90057 36665 33395 136377 4037 0 4515 0 8552 262005 83264 37918 34883 144949 4357 0 4214 0 8571 252006 85534 38138 35016 147433 4811 0 4158 0 8969 262007 68625 39834 37002 158215 5388 0 4362 0 9750 262008 62236 41958 38770 157646 5215 0 5094 0 10309 272009 64469 43783 40468 164403 6323 0 5205 0 11528 282010 61818 43993 40584 167638 4818 0 5122 0 9940 242011 62982 43716 40142 165695 5198 0 4686 0 9884 252012 65476 42872 39435 165643 5246 0 5019 0 10265 262013 65475 42468 38928 167362 5253 0 4960 0 10213 262014 71324 42175 38486 165784 5165 0 4761 0 9926 26

1 Muzzleloader hunt data included up until 1984� Youth-0nly hunt data not included in this table�2 1994 and 1995 data does not include results of hunts at Ft� Huachuca� Beginning with 1996, Ft� Huachuca data is based on questionnaire returns,

not data gathered by the Fort�

Year 1st ChoiceApplicants

Permits issued Hunters Hunter


Deer HarvestPercentSuccessMule Deer Whitetail

TotalBucks Antlerless Bucks Antlerless

1992 299 350 336 1386 147 0 2 0 149 441993 403 150 148 569 88 0 7 0 95 641994 608 275 264 1073 158 0 14 0 172 651995 837 339 331 1450 177 0 18 0 195 591996 1076 706 649 2262 178 0 21 0 199 311997 1155 603 543 2083 159 0 35 0 194 361998 1497 808 763 2502 263 0 42 0 305 401999 1897 1224 1100 2719 280 360 41 0 681 612000 2427 1250 1134 2959 167 395 57 0 619 552001 2571 1625 1449 3858 166 591 47 0 804 552002 2863 1510 1394 4117 141 462 37 0 640 462003 2855 980 904 2704 114 301 44 0 459 512004 2815 1030 923 2711 149 225 54 0 428 462005 2634 1280 1143 3258 140 269 34 0 443 392006 2581 1332 1219 4469 291 64 148 0 503 412007 2520 1769 1633 5601 342 269 223 0 834 512008 2668 2109 1941 6032 367 364 195 0 926 482009 3364 2049 1898 5980 616 137 288 0 981 522010 3645 2186 2034 6723 488 194 288 0 970 482011 3936 2184 2055 6891 676 60 249 0 985 482012 3772 2139 2022 6361 782 79 49 0 910 452013 3933 2231 2117 6609 706 193 219 0 1118 532014 4688 2290 2181 6707 681 292 292 0 1265 58

Historic Summary of Youth-Only Deer Hunts

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (25)

22 Hunt Arizona 2015

Deer Hunt Data

Historic Summary of Muzzleloader Deer Hunts

Year1st ChoiceApplicants



Deer HarvestPercentSuccess

Mule Deer WhitetailTotal

Bucks Antlerless Bucks Antlerless1984 424 950 664 3035 200 0 11 0 211 321985 263 950 739 3154 201 0 10 0 211 291986 337 950 840 3947 178 0 19 0 197 231987 402 750 664 2651 134 0 26 0 160 241988 556 1000 821 3545 171 0 20 0 191 231989 877 1250 1110 5660 259 0 10 0 269 241990 713 1139 996 4822 130 0 19 0 149 151991 772 1181 1074 5424 205 0 31 0 236 221992 964 1300 1189 5808 216 0 21 0 237 201993 970 1625 1437 6950 285 0 2 0 287 201994 1070 1821 1667 7875 303 0 13 0 316 191995 1213 1626 1456 7135 278 0 5 0 283 191996 1267 1479 1309 6323 189 0 14 0 203 161997 1540 1335 1179 5605 184 0 7 0 191 161998 1621 1120 1008 4372 164 0 16 0 180 181999 1541 1055 949 4063 157 0 26 0 183 192000 1489 915 822 3812 111 0 26 0 137 172001 1456 869 782 3775 170 0 24 0 194 252002 1775 995 874 4020 143 0 18 0 161 182003 1585 745 675 3189 150 0 32 0 182 272004 1896 783 679 2988 119 0 33 0 152 222005 1498 859 768 3189 193 0 23 0 216 282006 1724 924 807 3726 190 0 29 0 219 272007 1506 940 873 4350 233 0 13 0 246 282008 1756 1015 940 4456 217 0 40 0 257 272009 1532 1023 952 4439 253 0 29 0 282 302010 1480 1049 952 4688 176 0 25 0 201 212011 1427 1023 938 4355 188 0 33 0 221 242012 1494 1220 1121 5151 242 0 16 0 258 232013 1428 1147 1029 4735 243 0 24 0 267 262014 1641 1150 1032 4830 218 0 23 0 241 23

Year1st ChoiceApplicants



Deer HarvestPercentSuccess

Mule Deer WhitetailTotal

Bucks Antlerless Bucks Antlerless2008 1167 1912 1607 10373 225 0 0 0 225 142009 1512 1900 1719 11418 296 0 0 0 296 172010 1258 920 862 6123 122 0 0 0 122 142011 1312 755 681 4854 114 0 0 0 114 172012 1559 959 860 6312 153 0 0 0 153 182013 1532 955 878 6349 206 0 0 0 206 232014 1756 1006 916 6035 276 0 2 0 278 30

Summary Of Archery Deer Hunts (Draw Hunts)

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (26)

Hunt Arizona 2015 23

Deer Hunt Data

Summary of Archery Deer Hunts (Over-the-Counter Hunts)

Year Tags Sold Hunters Hunter DaysDEER HARVEST


Mule Deer WhitetailTotal

Buck Antlerless Buck Antlerless1952 – 104 – 21 0 0 0 21 201954 – 156 – 5 0 0 0 5 31955 – 98 – 12 0 0 0 12 121956 – 670 – 49 0 0 0 49 71957 – – – 33 0 0 0 33 –1958 2736 2181 11736 175 226 1 1 403 191959 3451 3165 16292 143 224 0 8 375 121960 2349 2245 9517 82 93 2 6 183 81961 1695 1384 5518 15 20 5 2 42 31962 4625 4319 19768 141 172 47 44 404 91963 4567 4225 16922 88 91 18 17 214 51964 3596 3246 12809 50 63 13 15 141 41965 3835 3798 – – – – – 122 31966 3596 3387 – – – – – 150 41967 4679 4390 – – – – – 206 51968 4510 4216 – – – – – 176 41969 5107 4664 – – – – – 208 51970 5855 5275 – – – – – 228 41971 7261 6412 – – – – – 285 41972 – 6832 – – – – – 315 51973 – 7000 – – – – – 310 41974 – 7420 – – – – – 419 61975 – 7163 – – – – – 346 41976 – 7517 – – – – – 373 51977 – 9038 – – – – – 416 51978 – 7313 – – – – – 381 51979 – 8425 – – – – – 620 71980 – 7157 – – – – – 237 31981 19814 12862 77011 327 40 88 16 471 41982 15109 10212 63099 287 51 60 0 398 41983 11934 9689 63071 248 61 71 0 380 41984 12628 10619 70553 417 35 65 0 517 51985 14249 12302 85328 534 71 138 0 743 61986 16554 14397 104288 742 130 94 0 966 71987 18666 16163 111826 748 58 115 0 921 61988 20883 17909 119793 704 223 108 0 1035 61989 22399 19423 125848 598 201 189 0 988 51990 22398 19325 125940 674 35 100 0 809 41991 20324 18051 126545 773 0 129 0 902 51992 18883 17505 120123 691 0 100 0 791 51993 21580 19559 133174 1084 63 136 27 1310 71994 23445 20646 144881 942 105 212 39 1298 61995 23329 20383 149129 916 97 166 64 1243 61996 23568 20698 143789 996 83 145 36 1260 61997 23166 19939 148077 691 30 138 18 877 41998 23022 19375 146101 1050 63 166 38 1317 71999 24293 20738 158187 1032 27 227 28 1314 62000 25338 21148 155575 1209 55 177 37 1478 72001 23783 20408 148346 827 12 194 25 1058 52002 23082 19595 151816 929 7 247 37 1220 62003 22447 18512 139107 621 5 291 20 937 52004 22675 18305 138856 779 0 262 0 1041 62005 22949 18824 14847 803 0 377 0 1180 62006 24538 20352 153887 939 0 410 0 1349 72007 23907 19265 157895 870 0 393 0 1263 72008 19837 15070 117624 536 0 418 0 954 52009 20236 16131 127080 713 0 571 0 1284 62010 20850 16791 137355 649 0 475 0 1124 72011 20825 17635 134309 797 0 479 0 1276 72012 21392 17393 122787 615 0 355 0 970 62013 22930 19159 162409 1128 0 513 0 1641 9

20144 23755 19065 158427 1227 0 592 0 1819 104 2014 data is preliminary�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (27)

24 Hunt Arizona 2015

Deer Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year HuntType Dates Permits

Authorized1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunters

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessMD-Buck MD-Aless WT- Buck WT-Aless TotalGEnERAL 1 2010 AA 10/22-10/31 260 895 260 19�3 237 1115 61 0 2 0 63 271 2011 AA 10/28-11/06 260 421 260 40�9 246 1123 61 0 0 0 61 251 2012 AA 10/26-11/04 275 691 275 24�3 239 1012 62 0 0 0 62 261 2013 AA 10/25-11/03 225 821 225 19�1 201 883 66 0 0 0 66 331 2014 AA 10/24-11/02 225 860 225 18 211 1018 63 0 0 0 63 302 2010 AA 10/29-11/07 100 358 100 23�2 98 537 24 0 0 0 24 242 2011 AA 10/28-11/06 100 251 100 27�5 94 400 42 0 0 0 42 452 2012 AA 11/02-11/08 100 235 100 26 93 440 37 0 0 0 37 402 2013 AA 11/01-11/10 100 224 100 22�8 83 395 19 0 0 0 19 232 2014 AA 10/31-11/09 100 206 100 29�6 86 634 21 0 0 0 21 243A/3C 2010 AA 10/29-11/07 350 1912 350 16�5 330 1600 138 0 0 0 138 423A/3C 2011 AA 10/28-11/06 350 1939 350 15�6 328 1360 172 0 0 0 172 523A/3C 2012 AA 10/26-11/04 200 1973 200 7�5 196 802 129 0 0 0 129 663A/3C 2013 AA 10/25-11/03 225 2442 225 7�9 215 871 121 0 0 0 121 563A/3C 2014 AA 10/24-11/02 125 2522 126 4�4 124 464 91 0 0 0 91 734 2010 AA 10/29-11/07 175 433 175 22�2 166 888 20 0 0 0 20 124 (Hopi) 2010 AA 10/29-11/07 5 3 5 100 5 20 0 0 0 0 0 04 2011 AA 10/28-11/06 193 356 193 28�9 188 896 36 0 5 0 41 224 (Hopi) 2011 AA 10/28-11/06 7 1 7 100 7 14 4 0 0 0 4 574 2012 AA 10/26-11/04 217 557 217 21�5 197 935 54 0 0 0 54 274 (Hopi) 2012 AA 10/26-11/04 8 1 8 100 5 13 5 0 0 0 5 1004 2013 AA 10/25-11/03 241 670 241 19�6 225 1330 44 0 0 0 44 204 (Hopi) 2013 AA 10/25-11/03 9 4 9 100 9 18 9 0 0 0 9 1004 2014 AA 10/24-11/02 241 623 241 20�5 221 1022 30 0 0 0 30 144 (Hopi) 2014 AA 10/24-11/02 9 8 9 100 7 25 0 0 0 0 0 05 2010 AA 10/29-11/07 330 1407 331 20�3 304 1671 57 0 0 0 57 195 (Hopi) 2010 AA 10/29-11/07 20 9 20 100 20 100 0 0 0 0 0 05 2011 AA 10/28-11/06 376 1329 376 24�2 334 1548 69 0 0 0 69 215 (Hopi) 2011 AA 10/28-11/06 24 10 24 100 24 144 10 0 0 0 10 425 2012 AA 11/02-11/08 376 1405 376 23�6 363 1707 88 0 0 0 88 245 (Hopi) 2012 AA 11/02-11/11 24 18 24 100 20 68 0 0 0 0 0 05 2013 AA 11/01-11/10 424 1599 424 21 392 1952 118 0 0 0 118 305 (Hopi) 2013 AA 11/01-11/10 26 19 26 94�7 26 96 10 0 0 0 10 385 2014 AA 10/31-11/09 424 1845 424 19�2 400 1985 104 0 0 0 104 265 (Hopi) 2014 AA 10/31-11/09 26 13 26 100 20 86 4 0 0 0 4 206A 2010 MD 10/29-11/04 425 1467 425 24 393 1677 96 0 0 0 96 246A 2011 MD 10/28-11/03 425 1744 425 20�8 407 1697 104 0 0 0 104 266A 2012 MD 11/02-11/08 475 1734 475 23�2 450 1831 107 0 0 0 107 246A 2013 MD 11/01-11/07 425 1828 425 19�2 405 1574 130 0 0 0 130 326A 2013 MD 12/13-12/31 10 548 11 1�8 11 59 11 0 0 0 11 1006A 2014 MD 10/31-11/06 475 2044 475 19�5 431 1720 96 0 0 0 96 226A 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 175 196 175 41�8 163 663 0 0 16 0 16 106A 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 150 174 150 46 144 632 0 0 26 0 26 186A 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 150 123 150 58�5 138 520 0 0 32 0 32 236A 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 150 206 150 44�2 143 554 0 0 39 0 39 276A 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 150 192 150 48�4 133 546 0 0 15 0 15 116A 2010 WT 11/05-11/11 175 94 175 78�7 173 736 0 0 25 0 25 146A 2011 WT 11/04-11/10 175 120 175 60 159 605 0 0 31 0 31 196A 2012 WT 11/09-11/15 175 85 175 63�5 168 681 0 0 44 0 44 266A 2013 WT 11/08-11/14 125 107 125 52�3 115 495 0 0 18 0 18 166A 2014 WT 11/07-11/13 125 115 125 47�8 120 548 0 0 52 0 52 436A 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 75 517 75 11�6 73 417 0 0 21 0 21 296A 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 75 486 75 12�3 71 519 0 0 49 0 49 696A 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 75 546 75 9�7 71 532 0 0 33 0 33 466A 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 75 378 75 10�3 69 412 0 0 42 0 42 616A 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 50 550 50 7�5 44 328 0 0 17 0 17 396B 2010 MD 11/05-11/11 275 244 276 62�7 270 1083 39 0 0 0 39 146B 2011 MD 11/04-11/10 275 277 275 53�4 244 976 43 0 0 0 43 186B 2013 MD 11/08-11/14 275 300 275 49�7 259 1088 55 0 0 0 55 216B 2009 WT 10/23-10/29 55 4 55 100 50 174 0 0 9 0 9 186B 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 55 34 55 88�2 51 211 0 0 9 0 9 186B 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 55 32 55 96�9 51 208 0 0 7 0 7 146B 2012 WT 11/02-11/08 55 34 55 91�2 46 174 0 0 10 0 10 22

AA = Any Antlered Deer, MD = Mule Deer, WT = Whitetail Deer, ALS = Antlerless, Cn = Camp Navajo, FTHU = Fort Huachuca, C = CHAMP Hunt; in the unit column, E = early or 1st season, M = 2nd season, T = 3rd season, and L = late or 4th season�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (28)

Hunt Arizona 2015 25

Deer Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year HuntType Dates Permits

Authorized1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunters

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessMD-Buck MD-Aless WT- Buck WT-Aless TotalGEnERAL 6B 2013 WT 11/01-11/07 55 32 55 68�8 50 193 0 0 8 0 8 166B 2014 WT 10/31-11/06 55 37 55 94�6 47 184 0 0 6 0 6 136B/8 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 25 103 25 17�5 25 168 0 0 7 0 7 286B/8 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 25 117 25 15�4 25 172 0 0 13 0 13 526B/8 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 25 98 25 16�3 22 111 0 0 8 0 8 366B/8 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 25 137 25 13�1 19 106 0 0 14 0 14 746B/8 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 25 154 25 10�4 20 209 0 0 7 0 7 357 2010 AA 10/29-11/07 800 1265 800 47�2 742 3563 107 0 0 0 107 147 2011 AA 10/28-11/06 850 1273 847 46�6 808 3844 169 0 5 0 174 227 2012 AA 11/02-11/08 875 1191 875 48�6 823 3839 192 0 0 0 192 237 2013 AA 11/01-11/10 875 1668 875 38�4 785 3787 154 0 0 0 154 207 2014 AA 10/31-11/09 875 1669 875 39 802 4164 165 0 0 0 165 217 2012 AA 12/14-12/31 10 394 10 2�3 9 67 7 0 0 0 7 788 2010 MD 10/29-11/04 600 1306 600 38�2 576 2588 96 0 0 0 96 178 2011 MD 10/28-11/03 600 1363 600 38 558 2524 144 0 0 0 144 268 2012 MD 11/02-11/08 650 1487 650 36�4 596 2466 199 0 0 0 199 338 2013 MD 11/01-11/07 650 1675 650 31�2 617 2584 177 0 0 0 177 298 2014 MD 10/31-11/06 625 1791 625 29�8 588 2451 154 0 0 0 154 268 2010 WT 10/22-10/31 75 84 75 46�4 69 296 0 0 8 0 8 128 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 75 81 75 66�7 73 330 0 0 8 0 8 118 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 75 36 75 80�6 63 263 0 0 13 0 13 218 2013 WT 10/25-11/03 75 74 75 60�8 70 296 0 0 18 0 18 268 2014 WT 10/24-11/02 75 72 75 48�6 65 341 0 0 12 0 12 189 2010 AA 10/29-11/07 400 650 400 44�9 374 1940 40 0 0 0 40 119 2011 AA 10/28-11/06 350 454 350 56�4 314 1459 107 0 0 0 107 349 2012 AA 11/02-11/11 400 701 400 41�5 360 1734 94 0 0 0 94 269 2013 AA 11/01-11/10 425 608 425 46�5 403 1983 159 0 0 0 159 399 2014 AA 10/31-11/06 400 741 400 37 377 1649 88 0 0 0 88 2310 2010 AA 10/22-10/31 750 806 751 61�7 706 3452 61 0 0 0 61 910 2011 AA 10/21-10/30 600 856 600 50�8 564 2787 71 0 0 0 71 1310 2012 AA 10/26-11/04 550 779 550 47�2 511 2642 129 0 0 0 129 2510 2013 AA 10/25-11/03 500 795 500 41 454 2386 85 0 0 0 85 1910 2014 AA 10/24-11/02 400 713 400 40�1 376 1917 86 0 0 0 86 2312A West CHAMP 2010 AA 11/05-11/14 10 53 10 17 10 54 6 0 0 0 6 6012A West CHAMP 2011 AA 11/05-11/10 10 48 10 20�8 10 36 6 0 0 0 6 6012A West CHAMP 2012 AA 9/14-9/20 10 59 10 16�9 9 34 9 0 0 0 9 10012A West CHAMP 2013 AA 9/13-9/19 10 66 10 13�6 10 39 6 0 0 0 6 6012A West CHAMP 2014 AA 9/12- 9/18 10 69 10 14�5 10 43 6 0 0 0 6 6012A East 2010 AA 10/22-10/31 150 808 150 13�9 142 625 91 0 0 0 91 6412A East 2011 AA 10/21-10/30 225 1186 225 15�3 216 1330 88 0 0 0 88 4112A East 2012 AA 10/26-11/04 175 766 175 15�4 162 867 83 0 0 0 83 5112A East 2013 AA 10/25-11/03 125 705 125 15�5 120 548 75 0 0 0 75 6312A East 2009 AA 11/20-11/29 50 1431 50 3�1 48 276 35 0 0 0 35 7312A East 2010 AA 11/19-11/28 35 888 35 3�7 33 184 21 0 0 0 21 6412A East 2011 AA 11/18-11/27 30 914 30 3�1 30 198 21 0 0 0 21 7012A East 2012 AA 11/23-12/02 30 854 30 2�9 30 185 23 0 0 0 23 7712A East 2013 AA 11/22-12/01 30 901 30 3�1 30 235 14 0 0 0 14 4712A East 2014 AA 11/21-11/30 30 736 30 3�4 30 138 18 0 0 0 18 6012A West 2010 AA 10/22-10/31 600 3039 600 14�9 576 3189 254 0 0 0 254 4412A West 2011 AA 10/21-10/30 500 3011 500 12�6 473 2593 259 0 0 0 259 5512A West 2012 AA 10/26-11/04 500 3076 500 12�2 481 2278 281 0 0 0 281 5812A West 2013 AA 10/25-11/03 500 3289 500 11�1 470 2402 273 0 0 0 273 5812A West 2009 AA 11/20-11/29 175 2524 177 5�8 165 844 133 0 0 0 133 8112A West 2010 AA 11/19-11/28 175 2555 175 4�8 164 1031 94 0 0 0 94 5712A West 2011 AA 11/18-11/27 135 2397 135 4�1 134 719 113 0 0 0 113 8412A West 2012 AA 11/23-12/02 135 2631 135 4�2 133 766 110 0 0 0 110 8312A West 2013 AA 11/22-12/01 135 2778 135 4�1 135 758 98 0 0 0 98 7312A West 2014 AA 11/21-11/30 135 3136 135 3�7 133 695 101 0 0 0 101 7612B 2010 AA 10/22-10/31 25 136 25 8�8 25 125 10 0 0 0 10 4012B 2011 AA 10/21-10/30 25 125 25 10�4 17 96 4 0 0 0 4 2412B 2012 AA 10/26-11/04 25 145 25 12�4 23 128 13 0 0 0 13 5712B 2013 AA 10/25-11/03 25 121 25 10�7 25 116 16 0 0 0 16 6412B 2014 AA 10/24-11/02 25 150 25 14 22 122 3 0 0 0 3 1412B 2010 AA 11/19-11/28 10 423 10 1�7 10 66 6 0 0 0 6 60

AA = Any Antlered Deer, MD = Mule Deer, WT = Whitetail Deer, ALS = Antlerless, Cn = Camp Navajo, FTHU = Fort Huachuca, C = CHAMP Hunt; in the unit column, E = early or 1st season, M = 2nd season, T = 3rd season, and L = late or 4th season�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (29)

26 Hunt Arizona 2015

Deer Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year HuntType Dates Permits

Authorized1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunters

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessMD-Buck MD-Aless WT- Buck WT-Aless TotalGEnERAL 12B 2011 AA 11/18-11/27 10 325 10 2�5 10 66 7 0 0 0 7 7012B 2012 AA 11/23-12/02 20 447 20 4�3 20 129 11 0 0 0 11 5512B 2013 AA 11/22-12/01 20 470 20 3 20 130 10 0 0 0 10 5012B 2014 AA 11/21-11/30 20 496 20 2�2 20 96 16 0 0 0 16 8012B West 2010 AA 10/22-10/31 150 398 150 17�1 146 826 49 0 0 0 49 3412B West 2011 AA 10/21-10/30 120 264 120 24�6 103 540 51 0 0 0 51 5012B West 2012 AA 10/26-11/04 150 361 150 23�3 143 695 92 0 0 0 92 6412B West 2013 AA 10/25-11/03 120 341 120 18�2 106 520 70 0 0 0 70 6612B West 2009 AA 10/24-11/02 130 358 130 21�2 117 623 71 0 0 0 71 6112B West 2010 AA 11/19-11/28 65 948 65 5�9 59 325 43 0 0 0 43 7312B West 2011 AA 11/18-11/27 65 885 65 5�3 62 319 55 0 0 0 55 8912B West 2012 AA 11/23-12/02 75 908 75 5�8 73 378 56 0 0 0 56 7712B West 2013 AA 11/22-12/01 75 1079 75 4�7 66 375 47 0 0 0 47 7112B West 2014 AA 11/21-11/30 85 901 85 5�1 82 417 67 0 0 0 67 8213A 2010 AA 11/12-11/21 55 1400 55 3�1 55 218 50 0 0 0 50 9113A 2011 AA 11/11-11/20 60 1872 60 2�8 57 306 46 0 0 0 46 8113A 2012 AA 11/16-11/25 60 1842 60 2�6 57 314 46 0 0 0 46 8113A 2013 AA 11/15-11/24 60 1751 60 2�5 58 338 47 0 0 0 47 8113A 2014 AA 11/14-11/23 60 1785 60 2�2 60 386 45 0 0 0 45 7513B 2010 AA 11/05-11/14 55 2742 56 2 56 356 47 0 0 0 47 8413B 2011 AA 11/04-11/13 65 3149 65 2�1 65 423 56 0 0 0 56 8613B 2012 AA 11/09-11/18 65 3703 65 1�8 65 351 50 0 0 0 50 7713B 2013 AA 11/08-11/17 70 3645 70 1�9 70 457 53 0 0 0 53 7613B 2014 AA 11/07-11/16 70 4062 70 1�7 70 439 51 0 0 0 51 7316A 2010 AA 10/22-10/31 650 405 650 99 572 2778 72 0 0 0 72 1316A 2011 AA 10/21-10/30 550 386 550 100 499 2518 64 0 0 0 64 1316A 2012 AA 10/26-11/04 550 353 550 100 514 2595 77 0 0 0 77 1516A 2013 AA 10/25-11/03 550 293 550 100 491 2338 61 0 0 0 61 1216A 2014 AA 10/24-11/02 450 302 450 99 394 2145 71 0 0 0 71 1817A 2010 AA 10/22-10/31 400 559 400 60�8 378 1700 82 0 0 0 82 2217A 2011 AA 10/21-10/30 400 570 398 58�1 364 1642 77 0 0 0 77 2117A 2012 AA 10/26-11/04 375 532 375 50�6 347 1702 75 0 0 0 75 2217A 2013 AA 10/25-11/03 375 579 375 49�7 346 1702 61 0 0 0 61 1817A 2014 AA 10/24-11/02 275 519 275 45�3 249 1206 42 0 0 0 42 1717A/17B 2012 AA 12/14-12/23 25 613 25 3�8 22 114 11 0 0 0 11 5017B 2010 AA 10/22-10/31 450 574 450 63�2 430 2004 103 0 0 0 103 2417B 2011 AA 10/21-10/30 450 665 450 55�5 438 1924 124 0 0 0 124 2817B 2012 AA 10/26-11/04 425 614 425 50�3 403 1794 110 0 0 0 110 2717B 2013 AA 10/25-11/03 15 291 15 3�4 14 66 14 0 0 0 14 10017B 2013 AA 12/13-12/22 425 661 425 47�4 396 1821 131 0 0 0 131 3317B 2014 AA 12/12-12/21 15 447 15 2�5 15 92 13 0 0 0 13 8718A 2010 AA 10/22-10/31 650 477 650 98�7 594 3052 100 0 0 0 100 1718A 2011 AA 10/21-10/30 650 477 648 97�7 604 3066 137 0 0 0 137 2318A 2012 AA 10/26-11/04 650 419 649 98�8 580 2967 119 0 0 0 119 2118A 2013 AA 10/25-11/03 600 527 600 80�8 555 2915 112 0 0 0 112 2018A 2014 AA 10/24-11/02 600 430 600 94�4 535 2949 93 0 0 0 93 1718B 2010 AA 10/22-10/28 350 346 350 77�7 331 1302 93 0 0 0 93 2818B 2010 AA 11/05-11/11 375 187 375 98�9 340 1371 51 0 0 0 51 1518B 2011 AA 10/21-10/27 350 443 350 63 319 1205 81 0 0 0 81 2518B 2011 AA 11/04-11/10 375 186 375 96�8 323 1293 85 0 0 0 85 2618B 2012 AA 10/26-11/01 325 404 325 63�9 295 1169 76 0 0 0 76 2618B 2012 AA 11/09-11/15 325 207 325 79�7 293 1167 79 0 0 0 79 2718B 2013 AA 10/25-10/31 325 461 325 57�3 296 1131 114 0 0 0 114 3918B 2013 AA 11/08-11/14 325 285 325 70�9 307 1225 88 0 0 0 88 2918B 2014 AA 10/24-10/30 300 526 300 43�9 272 1027 88 0 0 0 88 3218B 2014 AA 11/07-11/13 300 232 300 70�7 278 1094 73 0 0 0 73 2619A 2010 AA 10/22-10/31 575 975 575 47�6 548 2436 205 0 4 0 209 3819A 2011 AA 10/21-10/30 625 1109 625 44�1 595 2790 174 0 7 0 181 3019A 2012 AA 10/26-11/04 625 1183 625 40�9 588 2729 213 0 0 0 213 3619A 2013 AA 10/25-11/03 625 1370 625 36�5 594 2600 238 0 5 0 243 4119A 2014 AA 10/24-11/02 625 1350 625 38�7 581 2590 202 0 2 0 204 3519B 2010 AA 10/22-10/31 350 194 350 95�4 332 1620 76 0 0 0 76 2319B 2011 AA 10/21-10/30 175 206 175 58�7 160 634 38 0 0 0 38 2419B 2012 AA 10/26-11/04 200 173 200 60�7 183 866 62 0 0 0 62 34

AA = Any Antlered Deer, MD = Mule Deer, WT = Whitetail Deer, ALS = Antlerless, Cn = Camp Navajo, FTHU = Fort Huachuca, C = CHAMP Hunt; in the unit column, E = early or 1st season, M = 2nd season, T = 3rd season, and L = late or 4th season�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (30)

Hunt Arizona 2015 27

Deer Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year HuntType Dates Permits

Authorized1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunters

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessMD-Buck MD-Aless WT- Buck WT-Aless TotalGEnERAL 19B 2013 AA 10/25-11/03 225 196 225 63�8 218 1130 48 0 0 0 48 2219B 2014 AA 10/24-11/02 225 203 225 65�5 215 1090 53 0 0 0 53 2520A 2010 AA 10/22-10/31 700 989 700 58�6 645 2836 97 0 0 0 97 1520A 2011 AA 10/21-10/30 700 974 700 57�6 626 2813 138 0 0 0 138 2220A 2012 AA 10/26-11/04 700 876 700 60�4 636 2779 165 0 0 0 165 2620A 2013 AA 10/25-11/03 700 1002 700 52�2 639 2767 145 0 0 0 145 2320A 2014 AA 10/24-11/02 750 908 750 56�6 694 3192 173 0 0 0 173 2520B 2010 AA 11/12-11/21 350 296 350 78�7 298 1275 49 0 0 0 49 1620B 2011 AA 11/11-11/17 350 292 348 78�4 311 1102 48 0 0 0 48 1520B 2012 AA 11/09-11/15 350 277 350 84�5 329 1230 59 0 0 0 59 1820B 2013 AA 11/08-11/14 350 279 350 76�7 317 1146 46 0 0 0 46 1520B 2014 AA 11/07-11/13 390 246 390 87�4 356 1273 41 0 0 0 41 1220C 2010 AA 10/29-11/04 325 295 325 77�3 294 1063 47 0 0 0 47 1620C 2011 AA 10/21-10/27 350 286 350 85 317 1237 65 0 0 0 65 2120C 2012 AA 10/26-11/01 350 280 349 82�5 327 1291 57 0 0 0 57 1720C 2013 AA 10/25-10/31 350 301 349 85�4 302 1181 75 0 0 0 75 2520C 2014 AA 10/24-10/30 380 293 380 80�5 360 1456 99 0 0 0 99 2820C 2010 AA 11/05-11/11 250 67 250 100 215 828 43 0 0 0 43 2020C 2011 AA 11/04-11/10 350 113 350 100 308 1122 62 0 0 0 62 2020C 2012 AA 11/09-11/15 350 145 350 99�3 317 1191 30 0 0 0 30 920C 2013 AA 11/08-11/14 350 133 350 100 312 1145 44 0 0 0 44 1420C 2014 AA 11/07-11/13 380 107 378 100 342 1292 111 0 0 0 111 3221 2010 MD 11/05-11/11 550 648 551 61 512 1841 101 0 0 0 101 2021 2011 MD 11/04-11/10 550 817 550 51 516 1894 84 0 0 0 84 1621 2012 MD 11/09-11/15 550 855 550 47�5 490 1943 100 0 0 0 100 2021 2013 MD 11/08-11/14 500 866 500 41�3 455 1853 103 0 0 0 103 2321 2014 MD 11/07-11/13 550 937 550 43 503 2007 99 0 0 0 99 2021 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 525 207 525 99 492 1772 0 0 120 0 120 2421 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 575 300 575 90 524 2122 0 0 100 0 100 1921 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 625 259 625 99�2 571 2230 0 0 85 0 85 1521 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 625 213 625 98�1 581 2443 0 0 99 0 99 1721 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 625 268 625 99�3 559 2282 0 0 95 0 95 1721 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 30 326 30 7�1 30 174 0 0 8 0 8 2721 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 30 356 30 7�3 30 189 0 0 19 0 19 6321 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 30 351 30 6 30 188 0 0 10 0 10 3321 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 30 355 30 5�4 27 147 0 0 18 0 18 6721 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 30 488 30 5�7 30 170 0 0 5 0 5 1722 2010 MD 10/29-11/04 600 839 600 51 555 1992 69 0 0 0 69 1222 2011 MD 10/28-11/03 600 802 600 52�9 564 2194 73 0 0 0 73 1322 2012 MD 11/02-11/08 600 797 600 51�4 548 2027 82 0 0 0 82 1522 2013 MD 11/01-11/07 600 968 600 44�6 536 2075 93 0 0 0 93 1722 2014 MD 10/31-11/06 600 914 603 43�5 576 2337 70 0 0 0 70 1222 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 700 397 700 90�9 664 2520 0 0 144 0 144 2222 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 750 576 750 72 690 2592 0 0 159 0 159 2322 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 750 568 750 77�3 702 2816 0 0 132 0 132 1922 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 800 548 801 76�5 731 2799 0 0 169 0 169 2322 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 800 580 800 67�8 722 2790 0 0 138 0 138 1922 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 25 482 25 4�6 22 167 0 0 15 0 15 6822 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 25 572 25 3�7 23 180 0 0 9 0 9 3922 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 25 544 25 4�6 22 113 0 0 6 0 6 2722 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 25 602 25 4 23 132 0 0 12 0 12 5222 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 50 769 50 5�2 47 344 0 0 28 0 28 6023 2010 MD 10/29-11/04 700 1478 700 36�7 657 2743 121 0 0 0 121 1823 2011 MD 10/28-11/03 700 1509 700 36�1 662 2674 128 0 0 0 128 1923 2012 MD 11/02-11/08 625 1324 625 32�1 574 2456 110 0 0 0 110 1923 2013 MD 11/01-11/07 625 1362 625 32�7 578 2424 110 0 0 0 110 1923 2014 MD 10/31-11/06 625 1348 625 33�4 568 2519 108 0 0 0 108 1923 2012 MD 12/14-12/31 20 855 20 2 20 137 12 0 0 0 12 6023 2013 MD 12/13-12/31 20 766 20 2�2 12 68 4 0 0 0 4 3323 2014 MD 12/12-12/31 20 831 20 2�2 20 138 13 0 0 0 13 6523 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 575 513 575 61 528 2063 0 0 121 0 121 2323 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 575 504 575 53�2 529 2092 0 0 116 0 116 2223 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 575 480 575 56�7 535 2002 0 0 121 0 121 2323 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 575 516 575 53�3 521 2049 0 0 99 0 99 19

AA = Any Antlered Deer, MD = Mule Deer, WT = Whitetail Deer, ALS = Antlerless, Cn = Camp Navajo, FTHU = Fort Huachuca, C = CHAMP Hunt; in the unit column, E = early or 1st season, M = 2nd season, T = 3rd season, and L = late or 4th season�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (31)

28 Hunt Arizona 2015

Deer Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year HuntType Dates Permits

Authorized1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunters

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessMD-Buck MD-Aless WT- Buck WT-Aless TotalGEnERAL 23 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 575 455 575 64�4 511 2075 0 0 79 0 79 1523 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 85 1095 85 7 74 439 0 0 39 0 39 5323 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 85 1048 85 6�7 83 523 0 0 53 0 53 6423 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 85 970 85 6�5 83 527 0 0 46 0 46 5523 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 85 911 85 5�5 80 540 0 0 43 0 43 5423 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 85 952 85 6�9 78 485 0 0 45 0 45 5824A 2010 MD 11/12-11/21 300 540 300 43�1 279 1282 89 0 0 0 89 3224A 2011 MD 11/11-11/20 300 598 300 43 286 1225 88 0 0 0 88 3124A 2012 MD 11/16-11/25 300 510 300 43�9 286 1403 70 0 0 0 70 2424A 2013 MD 11/15-11/24 300 512 300 43 263 1160 80 0 0 0 80 3024A 2013 WT 11/29-12/08 375 134 375 95�5 331 1544 0 0 76 0 76 2324A 2014 WT 11/28-12/07 375 144 375 92�4 337 1608 0 0 78 0 78 2324A 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 450 251 450 97�2 438 1648 0 0 137 0 137 3124A 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 500 308 500 98�1 470 1810 0 0 121 0 121 2624A 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 500 297 500 100 481 1872 0 0 113 0 113 2324A 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 325 275 325 74�9 293 1104 0 0 62 0 62 2124A 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 325 186 325 91�9 325 1270 0 0 62 0 62 1924A 2010 WT 11/26-12/02 475 155 475 96�1 435 1659 0 0 126 0 126 2924A 2011 WT 11/25-12/01 550 166 548 97 521 2236 0 0 130 0 130 2524A 2012 WT 11/30-12/09 550 226 550 96�9 515 2407 0 0 130 0 130 2524A 2013 WT 11/01-11/07 375 70 373 100 348 1520 0 0 56 0 56 1624A 2014 WT 10/31-11/06 375 58 375 100 327 1325 0 0 59 0 59 1824A 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 40 378 40 6�9 40 204 0 0 21 0 21 5324A 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 45 428 45 8�4 43 318 0 0 21 0 21 4924A 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 45 395 45 8�1 42 286 0 0 13 0 13 3124A 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 50 355 50 8�5 50 316 0 0 23 0 23 4624A 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 50 398 50 6�5 41 274 0 0 26 0 26 6324B 2010 MD 11/12-11/21 550 481 550 71�3 526 2298 86 0 0 0 86 1624B 2011 MD 11/11-11/20 600 596 600 69�5 555 2564 138 0 0 0 138 2524B 2012 MD 11/16-11/25 600 581 600 66�1 542 2533 82 0 0 0 82 1524B 2013 MD 11/15-11/24 450 558 450 58�8 442 1979 61 0 0 0 61 1424B 2014 MD 11/14-11/23 450 573 450 53�6 417 1927 53 0 0 0 53 1324B 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 375 226 375 85�8 351 1233 0 0 121 0 121 3424B 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 400 204 400 94�6 359 1317 0 0 110 0 110 3124B 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 425 223 425 90�6 390 1288 0 0 112 0 112 2924B 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 450 271 450 88�6 408 1483 0 0 144 0 144 3524B 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 475 323 475 83 448 1494 0 0 111 0 111 2524B 2010 WT 10/29-11/04 375 38 375 100 345 1163 0 0 68 0 68 2024B 2011 WT 10/28-11/03 400 75 400 100 358 1289 0 0 72 0 72 2024B 2012 WT 11/02-11/08 425 85 425 100 374 1362 0 0 102 0 102 2724B 2013 WT 11/01-11/07 450 96 451 100 400 1576 0 0 110 0 110 2824B 2014 WT 11/07-11/13 475 133 475 100 447 1670 0 0 104 0 104 2324B 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 40 300 40 8 34 194 0 0 24 0 24 7124B 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 40 380 40 8�2 35 205 0 0 28 0 28 8024B 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 40 398 40 7 32 134 0 0 24 0 24 7524B 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 40 410 40 7�3 38 192 0 0 17 0 17 4524B 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 40 430 42 7�7 39 294 0 0 26 0 26 6727 2010 MD 11/05-11/11 900 1444 900 49�4 839 3450 203 0 0 0 203 2427 2011 MD 10/28-11/03 900 1423 899 52�3 831 3400 183 0 0 0 183 2227 2012 MD 11/02-11/08 725 1162 725 43�4 652 2879 177 0 0 0 177 2727 2013 MD 11/01-11/07 700 1266 700 36�3 647 2595 176 0 0 0 176 2727 2014 MD 10/31-11/06 625 1449 624 30�1 578 2167 240 0 0 0 240 4227 2012 MD 12/14-12/31 25 890 25 2�4 25 192 3 0 0 0 3 1227 2013 MD 12/13-12/31 25 805 25 2�4 25 182 16 0 0 0 16 6427/28 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 500 243 500 98�8 447 1835 0 0 131 0 131 2927/28 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 500 224 497 99�6 434 1784 0 0 90 0 90 2127/28 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 600 182 600 98�9 542 2269 0 0 122 0 122 2327/28 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 600 209 600 97�6 559 2425 0 0 117 0 117 2127/28 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 600 206 600 96�6 545 2299 0 0 118 0 118 2227/28 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 20 228 20 7�5 17 110 0 0 11 0 11 6527/28 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 20 239 20 7�9 20 140 0 0 11 0 11 5527/28 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 40 200 40 13�5 38 211 0 0 21 0 21 5527/28 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 40 312 40 9�3 36 318 0 0 28 0 28 7827/28 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 40 348 40 6�9 37 230 0 0 17 0 17 46

AA = Any Antlered Deer, MD = Mule Deer, WT = Whitetail Deer, ALS = Antlerless, Cn = Camp Navajo, FTHU = Fort Huachuca, C = CHAMP Hunt; in the unit column, E = early or 1st season, M = 2nd season, T = 3rd season, and L = late or 4th season�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (32)

Hunt Arizona 2015 29

Deer Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year HuntType Dates Permits

Authorized1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunters

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessMD-Buck MD-Aless WT- Buck WT-Aless TotalGEnERAL 28 2010 MD 10/29-11/04 425 523 425 60�8 410 1707 115 0 0 0 115 2828 2011 MD 10/28-11/03 425 458 422 71 419 1774 106 0 0 0 106 2528 2012 MD 11/02-11/08 425 377 425 65�8 412 1800 82 0 0 0 82 2028 2013 MD 11/01-11/07 425 395 425 70�4 381 1607 93 0 0 0 93 2428 2014 MD 10/31-11/06 425 265 425 82�3 389 1718 79 0 0 0 79 2028 2010 MD 11/12-11/18 425 237 425 94�1 395 1596 96 0 0 0 96 2428 2011 MD 11/11-11/17 425 254 425 98�8 398 1806 64 0 0 0 64 1628 2012 MD 11/16-11/22 425 175 425 98�3 387 1614 57 0 0 0 57 1528 2013 MD 11/15-11/21 375 109 375 100 347 1569 56 0 0 0 56 1628 2014 MD 11/14-11/20 375 102 375 100 334 1383 63 0 0 0 63 1929 2010 MD 10/29-11/04 75 114 75 62�3 71 265 20 0 0 0 20 2829 2011 MD 10/28-11/03 75 74 75 81�1 69 250 21 0 0 0 21 3029 2012 MD 11/02-11/08 75 116 75 60�3 67 253 36 0 0 0 36 5429 2013 MD 11/01-11/07 75 130 75 47�7 66 252 18 0 0 0 18 2729 2014 MD 10/31-11/06 75 102 75 63�7 75 336 16 0 0 0 16 2129 2010 MD 11/12-11/18 75 45 75 93�3 64 249 17 0 0 0 17 2729 2011 MD 11/11-11/17 75 46 75 97�8 68 255 7 0 0 0 7 1029 2012 MD 11/16-11/22 75 41 75 87�8 66 294 18 0 0 0 18 2729 2013 MD 11/15-11/21 75 37 75 89�2 73 289 20 0 0 0 20 2729 2014 MD 11/14-11/20 75 38 75 100 64 250 18 0 0 0 18 2829 2010 WT 11/26-12/02 250 46 250 100 209 848 0 0 57 0 57 2729 2011 WT 11/25-12/01 225 14 225 100 194 734 0 0 23 0 23 1229 2012 WT 11/30-12/09 200 36 200 88�9 178 761 0 0 46 0 46 2629 2013 WT 11/29-12/08 225 29 223 100 208 990 0 0 45 0 45 2229 2014 WT 11/28-12/07 225 28 225 100 209 1011 0 0 44 0 44 2129 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 260 133 260 100 243 898 0 0 46 0 46 1929 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 250 120 250 94�2 222 838 0 0 48 0 48 2229 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 250 93 250 96�8 217 767 0 0 43 0 43 2029 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 250 96 247 83�3 199 638 0 0 58 0 58 2929 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 250 123 247 84�6 213 793 0 0 22 0 22 1029 2010 WT 11/05-11/11 250 73 250 91�8 216 811 0 0 29 0 29 1329 2011 WT 11/04-11/10 225 49 223 95�9 202 690 0 0 37 0 37 1829 2012 WT 11/09-11/15 250 54 250 100 207 782 0 0 49 0 49 2429 2013 WT 11/08-11/14 225 61 225 80�3 194 725 0 0 19 0 19 1029 2014 WT 11/07-11/13 225 42 225 95�2 218 936 0 0 65 0 65 3029 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 40 211 40 14�7 38 185 0 0 11 0 11 2929 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 40 173 40 18�5 36 225 0 0 11 0 11 3129 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 40 157 40 21�7 38 169 0 0 11 0 11 2929 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 40 201 40 11�4 34 154 0 0 14 0 14 4129 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 40 199 40 12�6 35 153 0 0 16 0 16 4630A 2010 MD 10/29-11/04 350 447 350 67�3 324 1166 95 0 0 0 95 2930A 2011 MD 10/28-11/03 375 378 375 87�8 350 1336 98 0 0 0 98 2830A 2012 MD 11/02-11/08 375 389 375 81�7 359 1455 119 0 0 0 119 3330A 2013 MD 11/01-11/07 375 393 375 82�4 333 1192 84 0 0 0 84 2530A 2014 MD 10/31-11/06 375 420 375 79�3 364 1542 72 0 0 0 72 2030A 2010 MD 11/12-11/18 350 119 350 100 333 1219 128 0 0 0 128 3830A 2011 MD 11/11-11/17 375 211 375 100 326 1271 56 0 0 0 56 1730A 2012 MD 11/16-11/22 375 136 375 97�1 323 1123 68 0 0 0 68 2130A 2013 MD 11/15-11/21 375 107 375 100 328 1362 43 0 0 0 43 1330A 2014 MD 11/14-11/20 375 120 375 100 315 1282 54 0 0 0 54 1730A 2010 WT 11/26-12/02 225 9 225 100 208 785 0 0 61 0 61 2930A 2011 WT 11/25-12/01 200 6 200 100 176 595 0 0 39 0 39 2230A 2012 WT 11/30-12/09 200 17 200 100 173 701 0 0 69 0 69 4030A 2013 WT 11/29-12/08 200 26 199 100 175 905 0 0 66 0 66 3830A 2014 WT 11/28-12/07 200 24 200 100 168 622 0 0 34 0 34 2030A 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 225 39 208 100 183 637 0 0 28 0 28 1530A 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 200 27 180 100 145 486 0 0 34 0 34 2330A 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 200 21 200 100 170 533 0 0 40 0 40 2430A 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 200 26 200 100 193 786 0 0 62 0 62 3230A 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 200 27 200 100 168 621 0 0 36 0 36 2130A 2010 WT 11/05-11/11 225 10 220 100 186 623 0 0 59 0 59 3230A 2011 WT 11/04-11/10 200 13 131 100 115 442 0 0 20 0 20 1730A 2012 WT 11/09-11/15 200 22 200 100 175 632 0 0 60 0 60 3430A 2013 WT 11/08-11/14 200 29 200 100 194 768 0 0 58 0 58 30

AA = Any Antlered Deer, MD = Mule Deer, WT = Whitetail Deer, ALS = Antlerless, Cn = Camp Navajo, FTHU = Fort Huachuca, C = CHAMP Hunt; in the unit column, E = early or 1st season, M = 2nd season, T = 3rd season, and L = late or 4th season�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (33)

30 Hunt Arizona 2015

Deer Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year HuntType Dates Permits

Authorized1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunters

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessMD-Buck MD-Aless WT- Buck WT-Aless TotalGEnERAL 30A 2014 WT 11/07-11/13 200 20 200 100 169 669 0 0 48 0 48 2830A 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 40 126 40 15�1 33 140 0 0 13 0 13 3930A 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 40 123 40 21�1 40 299 0 0 16 0 16 4030A 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 40 136 40 17�6 38 208 0 0 19 0 19 5030A 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 40 128 40 20�3 38 200 0 0 25 0 25 6630A 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 40 153 40 19�6 36 180 0 0 11 0 11 3130B 2010 MD 10/29-11/04 450 524 450 77�3 414 1609 92 0 0 0 92 2230B 2011 MD 10/28-11/03 450 395 450 94�4 423 1671 106 0 0 0 106 2530B 2012 MD 11/02-11/08 400 475 396 72 376 1499 73 0 0 0 73 1930B 2013 MD 11/01-11/07 400 429 400 80�4 380 1613 97 0 0 0 97 2630B 2014 MD 10/31-11/06 400 398 400 84�7 355 1552 73 0 0 0 73 2130B 2010 MD 11/12-11/18 450 188 450 100 421 1664 105 0 0 0 105 2530B 2011 MD 11/11-11/17 450 225 450 100 401 1607 80 0 0 0 80 2030B 2012 MD 11/16-11/22 400 163 400 99�4 363 1447 92 0 0 0 92 2530B 2013 MD 11/15-11/21 400 202 397 97�5 381 1645 79 0 0 0 79 2130B 2014 MD 11/14-11/20 400 209 399 98�6 363 1603 76 0 0 0 76 2130B 2010 WT 11/26-12/02 100 9 100 77�8 88 300 0 0 33 0 33 3830B 2011 WT 11/25-12/01 100 19 100 100 86 283 0 0 38 0 38 4430B 2012 WT 11/30-12/09 100 17 100 94�1 95 356 0 0 33 0 33 3530B 2013 WT 11/29-12/08 100 17 99 100 92 340 0 0 43 0 43 4730B 2014 WT 11/28-12/07 100 44 100 65�9 97 452 0 0 41 0 41 4230B 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 150 29 150 100 147 502 0 0 43 0 43 2930B 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 150 32 150 100 131 420 0 0 55 0 55 4230B 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 125 61 125 100 116 417 0 0 35 0 35 3030B 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 125 60 127 91�7 92 339 0 0 23 0 23 2530B 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 125 41 125 97�6 110 468 0 0 30 0 30 2730B 2010 WT 11/05-11/11 150 15 150 100 130 470 0 0 33 0 33 2530B 2011 WT 11/04-11/10 150 13 150 100 142 506 0 0 33 0 33 2330B 2012 WT 11/09-11/15 125 24 125 100 114 351 0 0 48 0 48 4230B 2013 WT 11/08-11/14 125 37 124 100 116 438 0 0 27 0 27 2330B 2013 WT 11/07-11/13 125 29 125 100 115 448 0 0 28 0 28 2430B 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 100 175 100 36 96 553 0 0 43 0 43 4530B 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 100 208 100 29�8 97 490 0 0 52 0 52 5430B 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 75 176 75 29 73 409 0 0 36 0 36 4930B 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 75 200 75 25 66 371 0 0 21 0 21 3230B 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 75 215 75 25�6 70 389 0 0 41 0 41 5931 2010 MD 10/29-11/04 150 285 150 43�9 143 652 17 0 0 0 17 1231 2011 MD 10/28-11/03 125 240 125 48�8 122 459 33 0 0 0 33 2731 2012 MD 11/02-11/08 100 259 100 33�6 100 353 34 0 0 0 34 3431 2013 MD 11/01-11/07 100 310 100 29�7 97 405 24 0 0 0 24 2531 2014 MD 10/31-11/06 100 304 100 30�3 85 303 39 0 0 0 39 4631 2010 MD 11/12-11/18 150 101 150 91�1 148 549 34 0 0 0 34 2331 2011 MD 11/11-11/17 125 135 125 60�7 120 538 11 0 0 0 11 931 2012 MD 11/16-11/22 100 67 100 67�2 89 335 28 0 0 0 28 3131 2013 MD 11/15-11/21 100 64 100 57�8 94 362 29 0 0 0 29 3131 2014 MD 11/14-11/20 100 107 100 45�8 98 398 30 0 0 0 30 3131 2010 WT 11/26-12/02 200 58 200 96�6 184 624 0 0 59 0 59 3231 2011 WT 11/25-12/01 200 61 200 98�4 177 706 0 0 52 0 52 2931 2012 WT 11/30-12/09 200 91 200 83�5 193 986 0 0 54 0 54 2831 2013 WT 11/29-12/08 200 106 200 67�9 188 828 0 0 56 0 56 3031 2014 WT 11/28-12/07 150 56 150 69�6 135 680 0 0 59 0 59 4431 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 250 164 250 89 229 753 0 0 85 0 85 3731 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 250 195 250 73�8 239 872 0 0 64 0 64 2731 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 200 192 200 55�7 194 674 0 0 53 0 53 2731 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 200 174 200 63�8 185 736 0 0 52 0 52 2831 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 200 181 200 65�7 193 858 0 0 65 0 65 3431 2010 WT 11/05-11/11 200 90 200 95�6 188 762 0 0 46 0 46 2431 2011 WT 11/04-11/10 200 80 200 97�5 184 682 0 0 50 0 50 2731 2012 WT 11/09-11/15 200 85 200 100 189 718 0 0 71 0 71 3831 2013 WT 11/08-11/14 150 97 150 86�6 143 563 0 0 52 0 52 3631 2014 WT 11/07-11/13 150 97 150 77�3 145 583 0 0 50 0 50 3431 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 165 638 165 19�1 158 1124 0 0 73 0 73 4631 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 165 688 165 17�2 146 885 0 0 70 0 70 4831 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 125 608 125 16�4 116 506 0 0 45 0 45 39

AA = Any Antlered Deer, MD = Mule Deer, WT = Whitetail Deer, ALS = Antlerless, Cn = Camp Navajo, FTHU = Fort Huachuca, C = CHAMP Hunt; in the unit column, E = early or 1st season, M = 2nd season, T = 3rd season, and L = late or 4th season�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (34)

Hunt Arizona 2015 31

Deer Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year HuntType Dates Permits

Authorized1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunters

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessMD-Buck MD-Aless WT- Buck WT-Aless TotalGEnERAL 31 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 125 576 125 17�7 115 699 0 0 66 0 66 5731 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 125 735 125 12�4 115 659 0 0 74 0 74 6432 2010 MD 10/29-11/04 400 768 400 44�9 380 1386 54 0 0 0 54 1432 2011 MD 10/28-11/03 350 618 350 49�5 310 967 74 0 0 0 74 2432 2012 MD 11/02-11/08 350 547 350 54�7 328 1220 97 0 0 0 97 3032 2013 MD 11/01-11/07 350 633 349 46�4 322 1179 89 0 0 0 89 2832 2014 MD 10/31-11/06 350 596 350 47�1 326 1235 93 0 0 0 93 2932 2010 MD 11/12-11/18 400 315 400 73�3 369 1391 45 0 0 0 45 1232 2011 MD 11/11-11/17 350 227 350 82�8 323 1213 71 0 0 0 71 2232 2012 MD 11/16-11/22 350 271 350 74�5 335 1317 85 0 0 0 85 2532 2013 MD 11/15-11/21 350 219 350 76�7 317 1262 66 0 0 0 66 2132 2014 MD 11/14-11/20 350 302 350 71�5 331 1337 96 0 0 0 96 2932 2010 WT 11/26-12/02 450 117 450 99�1 401 1511 0 0 111 0 111 2832 2011 WT 11/25-12/01 400 135 400 96�3 343 1356 0 0 88 0 88 2632 2012 WT 11/30-12/09 400 137 400 96�4 346 1574 0 0 84 0 84 2432 2013 WT 11/29-12/08 400 185 400 91�4 341 1644 0 0 104 0 104 3032 2014 WT 11/28-12/07 400 197 400 98 358 1651 0 0 78 0 78 2232 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 475 266 475 94 429 1558 0 0 140 0 140 3332 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 450 254 450 98 409 1527 0 0 103 0 103 2532 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 450 202 450 99 414 1534 0 0 106 0 106 2632 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 450 194 450 99�5 393 1533 0 0 99 0 99 2532 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 450 249 450 100 400 1456 0 0 100 0 100 2532 2010 WT 11/05-11/11 475 187 475 96�3 438 1761 0 0 102 0 102 2332 2011 WT 11/04-11/10 450 185 450 97�8 408 1478 0 0 83 0 83 2032 2012 WT 11/09-11/15 450 145 450 100 417 1555 0 0 121 0 121 2932 2013 WT 11/08-11/14 450 145 450 97�2 388 1567 0 0 91 0 91 2332 2014 WT 11/07-11/13 450 114 450 95�6 393 1601 0 0 102 0 102 2632 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 40 540 40 5�9 37 197 0 0 21 0 21 5732 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 40 509 40 6�5 40 259 0 0 17 0 17 4332 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 40 430 40 6�7 38 203 0 0 18 0 18 4732 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 40 444 40 5�9 30 153 0 0 20 0 20 6732 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 40 416 40 7�2 37 271 0 0 11 0 11 3033 2010 MD 10/29-11/04 225 262 225 62�6 223 881 40 0 0 0 40 1833 2011 MD 10/28-11/03 225 290 225 54�8 208 776 29 0 0 0 29 1433 2010 MD 11/12-11/18 225 109 225 100 204 822 18 0 0 0 18 933 2011 MD 11/11-11/17 225 99 225 100 220 827 30 0 0 0 30 1433 2012 MD 11/02-11/08 300 389 300 61�7 282 1132 50 0 0 0 50 1833 2013 MD 11/01-11/07 300 380 300 59�5 290 1208 50 0 0 0 50 1733 2014 MD 10/31-11/06 300 445 300 57�1 266 1064 51 0 0 0 51 1933 2010 WT 11/26-12/02 680 296 680 93�6 623 2263 0 0 242 0 242 3933 2011 WT 11/25-12/01 700 431 700 73�5 645 2459 0 0 171 0 171 2733 2012 WT 11/30-12/09 700 517 700 70 657 2793 0 0 201 0 201 3133 2013 WT 11/29-12/08 700 478 700 73�8 645 2881 0 0 223 0 223 3533 2014 WT 11/28-12/07 700 486 700 66�3 632 2738 0 0 164 0 164 2633 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 670 872 670 53�2 613 2055 0 0 234 0 234 3833 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 700 998 700 51�8 648 2295 0 0 218 0 218 3433 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 700 780 700 62�1 654 2301 0 0 258 0 258 3933 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 700 881 700 55�1 650 2186 0 0 240 0 240 3733 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 700 796 700 58�7 655 2281 0 0 227 0 227 3533 2010 WT 11/05-11/11 700 540 702 73�5 653 2520 0 0 202 0 202 3133 2011 WT 11/04-11/10 700 398 700 85�9 618 2225 0 0 176 0 176 2833 2012 WT 11/09-11/15 700 482 700 81�5 661 2356 0 0 259 0 259 3933 2013 WT 11/08-11/14 700 503 698 71 632 2346 0 0 166 0 166 2633 2014 WT 11/07-11/13 700 453 700 85�9 626 2515 0 0 188 0 188 3033 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 40 1260 40 3�2 37 240 0 0 27 0 27 7333 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 40 1388 40 2�7 38 195 0 0 25 0 25 6633 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 50 1343 50 3�6 47 268 0 0 22 0 22 4733 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 50 1419 50 3�2 47 223 0 0 28 0 28 6033 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 50 1363 50 3�7 44 234 0 0 24 0 24 5534A 2010 MD 10/29-11/04 25 205 25 11�2 25 89 7 0 0 0 7 2834A 2011 MD 10/28-11/03 25 176 25 14�2 25 111 6 0 0 0 6 2434A 2012 MD 11/02-11/08 25 223 25 8�1 23 83 8 0 0 0 8 3534A 2013 MD 11/01-11/07 25 174 25 11�5 18 72 7 0 0 0 7 3934A 2014 MD 10/31-11/06 25 188 25 10�6 25 118 0 0 0 0 0 0

AA = Any Antlered Deer, MD = Mule Deer, WT = Whitetail Deer, ALS = Antlerless, Cn = Camp Navajo, FTHU = Fort Huachuca, C = CHAMP Hunt; in the unit column, E = early or 1st season, M = 2nd season, T = 3rd season, and L = late or 4th season�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (35)

32 Hunt Arizona 2015

Deer Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year HuntType Dates Permits

Authorized1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunters

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessMD-Buck MD-Aless WT- Buck WT-Aless TotalGEnERAL 34A 2010 WT 11/26-12/02 600 167 600 98�8 533 1865 0 0 126 0 126 2434A 2011 WT 11/25-12/01 600 198 600 94�4 551 2098 0 0 99 0 99 1834A 2012 WT 11/30-12/09 600 193 600 96�9 545 2520 0 0 108 0 108 2034A 2013 WT 11/29-12/08 600 239 589 98�7 550 2229 0 0 118 0 118 2134A 2014 WT 11/28-12/07 600 209 600 98�1 539 2506 0 0 167 0 167 3134A 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 650 402 650 90�5 594 2022 0 0 116 0 116 2034A 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 650 408 650 86�3 599 2116 0 0 149 0 149 2534A 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 675 364 675 95�9 632 2194 0 0 120 0 120 1934A 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 675 371 675 97�6 617 2284 0 0 124 0 124 2034A 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 675 415 675 95�9 584 2237 0 0 127 0 127 2234A 2010 WT 11/05-11/11 650 239 650 97�1 601 2119 0 0 122 0 122 2034A 2011 WT 11/04-11/10 650 209 650 93�8 576 1922 0 0 135 0 135 2334A 2012 WT 11/09-11/15 675 239 675 96�7 612 2242 0 0 124 0 124 2034A 2013 WT 11/08-11/14 675 276 665 98�2 615 2448 0 0 91 0 91 1534A 2014 WT 11/07-11/13 675 232 675 98�3 578 2280 0 0 142 0 142 2534A 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 40 504 40 5�4 38 240 0 0 24 0 24 6334A 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 40 593 40 4�6 40 233 0 0 25 0 25 6334A 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 40 558 40 5�4 40 238 0 0 12 0 12 3034A 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 40 502 40 5�4 40 204 0 0 19 0 19 4834A 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 40 650 40 5�1 37 172 0 0 17 0 17 4634B 2010 MD 10/29-11/04 100 152 100 53�3 97 313 16 0 0 0 16 1634B 2011 MD 10/28-11/03 100 96 100 79�2 91 324 18 0 0 0 18 2034B 2012 MD 11/02-11/08 75 123 75 40�7 72 276 15 0 0 0 15 2134B 2013 MD 11/01-11/07 50 96 50 46�9 45 173 11 0 0 0 11 2434B 2014 MD 10/31-11/06 50 69 50 40�6 45 176 14 0 0 0 14 3134B 2010 MD 11/12-11/18 100 73 100 78�1 72 274 11 0 0 0 11 1534B 2011 MD 11/11-11/17 100 87 100 79�3 95 357 17 0 0 0 17 1834B 2012 MD 11/16-11/22 75 35 75 91�4 66 272 13 0 0 0 13 2034B 2013 MD 11/15-11/21 50 64 50 42�2 42 171 3 0 0 0 3 734B 2014 MD 11/14-11/20 50 61 50 57�4 44 150 6 0 0 0 6 1434B 2010 WT 11/26-12/02 100 25 100 80 89 347 0 0 16 0 16 1834B 2011 WT 11/25-12/01 100 23 100 82�6 97 362 0 0 12 0 12 1234B 2012 WT 11/30-12/09 100 39 100 87�2 91 460 0 0 19 0 19 2134B 2013 WT 11/29-12/08 100 19 97 100 79 362 0 0 6 0 6 834B 2014 WT 11/28-12/07 100 25 100 100 92 350 0 0 16 0 16 1734B 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 150 45 150 91�1 141 480 0 0 21 0 21 1534B 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 150 23 146 82�6 126 435 0 0 7 0 7 634B 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 100 23 100 100 85 248 0 0 29 0 29 3434B 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 100 52 100 96�2 86 345 0 0 27 0 27 3134B 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 100 46 100 100 87 342 0 0 15 0 15 1734B 2010 WT 11/05-11/11 150 19 152 100 125 436 0 0 13 0 13 1034B 2011 WT 11/04-11/10 150 21 150 100 136 595 0 0 11 0 11 834B 2012 WT 11/09-11/15 100 46 100 91�3 85 349 0 0 14 0 14 1634B 2013 WT 11/08-11/14 100 43 100 95�3 97 413 0 0 10 0 10 1034B 2014 WT 11/07-11/13 100 36 100 100 76 416 0 0 4 0 4 534B 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 40 121 40 20�7 40 189 0 0 5 0 5 1334B 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 40 108 40 24�1 38 224 0 0 16 0 16 4234B 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 40 106 40 17 36 142 0 0 11 0 11 3134B 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 40 125 40 20�8 33 215 0 0 12 0 12 3634B 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 40 155 40 15�5 35 209 0 0 14 0 14 4035A 2010 WT 11/26-12/02 250 28 250 100 228 847 0 0 37 0 37 1635A 2011 WT 11/25-12/01 300 35 265 100 245 954 0 0 52 0 52 2135A 2012 WT 11/30-12/09 300 61 300 88�5 265 1257 0 0 45 0 45 1735A 2013 WT 11/29-12/08 300 69 297 84�1 271 1289 0 0 61 0 61 2335A 2014 WT 11/28-12/07 325 60 324 96�7 288 1378 0 0 65 0 65 2335A 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 325 159 323 96�9 300 1133 0 0 89 0 89 3035A 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 350 109 350 88�1 323 1296 0 0 68 0 68 2135A 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 350 119 351 95 290 1021 0 0 102 0 102 3535A 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 350 141 347 94�3 306 1158 0 0 78 0 78 2535A 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 375 144 375 95�8 316 1242 0 0 43 0 43 1435A 2010 WT 11/05-11/11 325 83 325 100 285 1113 0 0 33 0 33 1235A 2011 WT 11/04-11/10 350 54 216 100 193 746 0 0 39 0 39 2035A 2012 WT 11/09-11/15 350 48 348 100 315 1297 0 0 53 0 53 1735A 2013 WT 11/08-11/14 350 67 349 100 319 1408 0 0 66 0 66 21

AA = Any Antlered Deer, MD = Mule Deer, WT = Whitetail Deer, ALS = Antlerless, Cn = Camp Navajo, FTHU = Fort Huachuca, C = CHAMP Hunt; in the unit column, E = early or 1st season, M = 2nd season, T = 3rd season, and L = late or 4th season�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (36)

Hunt Arizona 2015 33

Deer Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year HuntType Dates Permits

Authorized1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunters

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessMD-Buck MD-Aless WT- Buck WT-Aless TotalGEnERAL 35A 2014 WT 11/07-11/13 375 88 372 100 353 1510 0 0 42 0 42 1235A 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 40 281 40 11 37 257 0 0 15 0 15 4135A 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 40 279 40 11�8 38 222 0 0 11 0 11 2935A 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 40 262 40 11�5 38 260 0 0 18 0 18 4735A 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 40 338 40 8�9 37 326 0 0 11 0 11 3035A 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 40 415 40 9�6 38 253 0 0 11 0 11 2935B 2010 WT 11/26-12/02 300 67 300 94 261 1022 0 0 56 0 56 2135B 2011 WT 11/25-12/01 350 65 350 100 313 1107 0 0 52 0 52 1735B 2012 WT 11/30-12/09 350 180 350 91�7 323 1579 0 0 63 0 63 2035B 2013 WT 11/29-12/08 350 116 350 94 322 1539 0 0 69 0 69 2135B 2014 WT 11/28-12/07 350 122 350 100 333 1516 0 0 116 0 116 3535B 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 425 175 423 95�4 378 1430 0 0 96 0 96 2535B 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 425 216 425 92�1 376 1449 0 0 88 0 88 2335B 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 425 188 425 98�4 396 1484 0 0 112 0 112 2835B 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 425 189 424 91 384 1545 0 0 108 0 108 2835B 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 425 195 426 95�4 374 1461 0 0 78 0 78 2135B 2010 WT 11/05-11/11 425 155 425 100 374 1446 0 0 87 0 87 2335B 2011 WT 11/04-11/10 425 167 423 98�8 378 1395 0 0 81 0 81 2135B 2012 WT 11/09-11/15 425 117 425 100 379 1453 0 0 94 0 94 2535B 2013 WT 11/08-11/14 425 137 424 100 378 1438 0 0 62 0 62 1635B 2014 WT 11/07-11/13 425 178 425 97�8 374 1407 0 0 78 0 78 2135B 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 40 267 40 11�2 36 208 0 0 23 0 23 6435B 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 40 216 40 14�4 36 227 0 0 20 0 20 5635B 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 40 258 40 9�3 38 225 0 0 13 0 13 3435B 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 40 282 40 8�5 40 196 0 0 31 0 31 7835B 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 40 366 40 9�3 38 200 0 0 19 0 19 5036A 2010 MD 10/29-11/04 375 584 375 55�7 341 1267 55 0 0 0 55 1636A 2011 MD 10/28-11/03 350 485 350 60�4 324 1259 56 0 0 0 56 1736A 2012 MD 11/02-11/08 300 466 300 52�8 292 1035 62 0 0 0 62 2136A 2013 MD 11/01-11/07 300 606 300 38�4 290 1142 76 0 0 0 76 2636A 2014 MD 10/31-11/06 300 633 300 39 284 1123 45 0 0 0 45 1636A 2010 MD 11/12-11/18 450 307 450 93�2 438 1773 54 0 0 0 54 1236A 2011 MD 11/11-11/17 425 260 423 98�1 397 1583 64 0 0 0 64 1636A 2012 MD 11/16-11/22 325 185 325 89�2 311 1253 51 0 0 0 51 1636A 2013 MD 11/15-11/21 325 275 325 71�3 308 1225 49 0 0 0 49 1636A 2014 MD 11/14-11/20 325 301 324 66�4 287 1142 53 0 0 0 53 1836A 2010 WT 11/26-12/02 400 33 400 87�9 364 1203 0 0 61 0 61 1736A 2011 WT 11/25-12/01 400 39 346 100 319 1152 0 0 54 0 54 1736A 2012 WT 11/30-12/09 400 74 400 94�6 368 1635 0 0 86 0 86 2336A 2013 WT 11/29-12/08 400 60 400 100 362 1759 0 0 77 0 77 2136A 2014 WT 11/28-12/07 400 72 400 94�4 362 1815 0 0 75 0 75 2136A 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 450 124 450 87�1 405 1443 0 0 117 0 117 2936A 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 450 153 450 89�5 403 1353 0 0 105 0 105 2636A 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 450 142 450 96�5 417 1416 0 0 107 0 107 2636A 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 450 128 448 95�3 402 1395 0 0 115 0 115 2936A 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 450 165 450 91�5 410 1414 0 0 97 0 97 2436A 2010 WT 11/05-11/11 500 83 406 100 349 1231 0 0 79 0 79 2336A 2011 WT 11/04-11/10 500 67 416 100 380 1240 0 0 80 0 80 2136A 2012 WT 11/09-11/15 500 80 500 100 440 1520 0 0 109 0 109 2536A 2013 WT 11/08-11/14 500 83 496 100 483 1627 0 0 126 0 126 2636A 2014 WT 11/07-11/13 500 69 500 100 448 1613 0 0 119 0 119 2736A 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 40 217 40 13�4 35 315 0 0 14 0 14 4036A 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 40 236 40 13�6 40 445 0 0 30 0 30 7536A 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 40 272 40 9�9 40 253 0 0 12 0 12 3036A 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 40 244 40 12�7 38 292 0 0 24 0 24 6336A 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 40 283 40 9�5 40 218 0 0 31 0 31 7836B 2010 MD 10/29-11/04 225 425 225 49�2 208 745 75 0 0 0 75 3636B 2011 MD 10/28-11/03 225 360 225 53�1 214 773 51 0 0 0 51 2436B 2012 MD 11/02-11/08 150 314 150 45�2 147 568 35 0 0 0 35 2436B 2013 MD 11/01-11/07 150 327 150 33�3 143 544 46 0 0 0 46 3236B 2014 MD 10/31-11/06 150 318 150 40�3 144 565 35 0 0 0 35 2436B 2010 MD 11/12-11/18 225 64 225 95�3 197 706 41 0 0 0 41 2136B 2011 MD 11/11-11/17 225 107 225 92�5 213 836 41 0 0 0 41 1936B 2012 MD 11/16-11/22 150 66 150 80�3 139 453 28 0 0 0 28 20

AA = Any Antlered Deer, MD = Mule Deer, WT = Whitetail Deer, ALS = Antlerless, Cn = Camp Navajo, FTHU = Fort Huachuca, C = CHAMP Hunt; in the unit column, E = early or 1st season, M = 2nd season, T = 3rd season, and L = late or 4th season�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (37)

34 Hunt Arizona 2015

Deer Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year HuntType Dates Permits

Authorized1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunters

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessMD-Buck MD-Aless WT- Buck WT-Aless TotalGEnERAL 36B 2013 MD 11/15-11/21 150 93 150 82�8 139 520 35 0 0 0 35 2536B 2014 MD 11/14-11/20 150 134 150 61�2 143 556 51 0 0 0 51 3636B 2010 WT 11/26-12/02 825 127 825 100 728 2763 0 0 204 0 204 2836B 2011 WT 11/25-12/01 825 101 820 100 735 2695 0 0 143 0 143 1936B 2012 WT 11/30-12/09 750 129 750 100 691 2902 0 0 152 0 152 2236B 2013 WT 11/29-12/08 750 147 743 100 685 3092 0 0 209 0 209 3136B 2014 WT 11/28-12/07 750 220 750 94�5 696 3182 0 0 202 0 202 2936B 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 850 407 850 94�6 768 2812 0 0 249 0 249 3236B 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 850 466 851 89�3 753 2710 0 0 206 0 206 2736B 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 800 364 800 86�5 737 2769 0 0 234 0 234 3236B 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 800 453 788 94�7 729 2608 0 0 179 0 179 2536B 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 800 415 800 97�1 726 2711 0 0 182 0 182 2536B 2010 WT 11/05-11/11 850 203 814 97 725 2706 0 0 206 0 206 2836B 2011 WT 11/04-11/10 850 182 850 96�7 775 2837 0 0 165 0 165 2136B 2012 WT 11/09-11/15 800 192 800 98�4 753 2725 0 0 163 0 163 2236B 2013 WT 11/08-11/14 800 248 787 98 741 3369 0 0 144 0 144 1936B 2014 WT 11/07-11/13 800 278 800 98�2 697 2721 0 0 186 0 186 2736B 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 40 430 40 6�3 38 295 0 0 20 0 20 5336B 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 40 392 40 8�9 37 274 0 0 28 0 28 7636B 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 40 391 40 7�7 37 168 0 0 30 0 30 8136B 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 40 600 40 4�8 40 277 0 0 25 0 25 6336B 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 40 580 40 5�5 40 217 0 0 25 0 25 6336C 2010 MD 10/29-11/04 150 154 150 75�3 134 535 39 0 0 0 39 2936C 2011 MD 10/28-11/03 150 115 150 99�1 143 598 33 0 0 0 33 2336C 2012 MD 11/02-11/08 100 162 100 51�9 91 348 25 0 0 0 25 2736C 2013 MD 11/01-11/07 100 156 100 48�7 94 383 19 0 0 0 19 2036C 2014 MD 10/31-11/06 100 100 100 68 92 382 18 0 0 0 18 2036C 2010 MD 11/12-11/18 150 81 150 95�1 137 535 17 0 0 0 17 1236C 2011 MD 11/11-11/17 150 59 150 100 134 474 43 0 0 0 43 3236C 2012 MD 11/16-11/22 100 73 100 86�3 90 350 19 0 0 0 19 2136C 2013 MD 11/15-11/21 100 45 100 100 87 392 21 0 0 0 21 2436C 2014 MD 11/14-11/20 100 89 100 70�8 93 398 22 0 0 0 22 2436C 2010 WT 11/26-12/02 175 38 175 84�2 163 630 0 0 70 0 70 4336C 2011 WT 11/25-12/01 175 35 175 51�4 164 574 0 0 47 0 47 2936C 2012 WT 11/30-12/09 175 44 175 81�8 161 705 0 0 43 0 43 2736C 2013 WT 11/29-12/08 175 43 173 86 157 686 0 0 60 0 60 3836C 2014 WT 11/28-12/07 175 33 175 84�8 161 644 0 0 71 0 71 4436C 2010 WT 10/22-10/28 200 93 200 90�3 184 618 0 0 69 0 69 3836C 2011 WT 10/21-10/27 200 81 200 91�4 178 677 0 0 63 0 63 3536C 2012 WT 10/26-11/01 175 75 175 100 151 469 0 0 65 0 65 4336C 2013 WT 10/25-10/31 175 96 173 87�5 162 532 0 0 52 0 52 3236C 2014 WT 10/24-10/30 175 104 175 100 166 597 0 0 56 0 56 3436C 2010 WT 11/05-11/11 200 50 200 100 195 760 0 0 54 0 54 2836C 2011 WT 11/04-11/10 200 52 200 90�4 187 706 0 0 74 0 74 4036C 2012 WT 11/09-11/15 175 92 175 97�8 158 644 0 0 42 0 42 2736C 2013 WT 11/08-11/14 175 65 174 100 156 634 0 0 50 0 50 3236C 2014 WT 11/07-11/13 175 52 175 88�5 158 497 0 0 35 0 35 2236C 2010 WT 12/10-12/31 125 425 125 17�9 117 627 0 0 53 0 53 4536C 2011 WT 12/09-12/31 125 440 125 19�1 118 833 0 0 44 0 44 3736C 2012 WT 12/14-12/31 125 388 125 19�1 113 725 0 0 48 0 48 4236C 2013 WT 12/13-12/31 125 376 125 21�8 108 625 0 0 54 0 54 5036C 2014 WT 12/12-12/31 125 520 125 14�2 108 613 0 0 68 0 68 6337A 2010 MD 10/31-11/06 75 258 75 25�6 73 295 23 0 0 0 23 3237A 2011 MD 11/14-11/20 75 173 75 25�4 75 248 18 0 0 0 18 2437A 2012 MD 10/29-11/04 75 193 75 36�3 72 280 3 0 0 0 3 437A 2013 MD 10/28-11/03 75 164 75 42�1 75 359 11 0 0 0 11 1537A 2014 MD 11/02-11/08 75 199 75 32�7 66 295 23 0 0 0 23 3537A 2010 MD 11/01-11/07 75 304 75 24 68 245 22 0 0 0 22 3237A 2011 MD 11/12-11/18 75 46 75 65�2 71 309 9 0 0 0 9 1337A 2012 MD 11/11-11/17 75 109 75 45 71 206 23 0 0 0 23 3237A 2013 MD 11/16-11/22 75 87 75 49�4 65 229 20 0 0 0 20 3137A 2014 MD 11/15-11/21 75 111 75 36�9 68 286 28 0 0 0 28 4137B 2010 AA 10/29-11/04 350 688 350 44�3 339 1283 57 0 5 0 62 1837B 2011 AA 10/28-11/03 400 687 399 52�4 368 1450 57 0 3 0 60 16

AA = Any Antlered Deer, MD = Mule Deer, WT = Whitetail Deer, ALS = Antlerless, Cn = Camp Navajo, FTHU = Fort Huachuca, C = CHAMP Hunt; in the unit column, E = early or 1st season, M = 2nd season, T = 3rd season, and L = late or 4th season�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (38)

Hunt Arizona 2015 35

Deer Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year HuntType Dates Permits

Authorized1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunters

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessMD-Buck MD-Aless WT- Buck WT-Aless TotalGEnERAL 37B 2012 AA 11/02-11/08 450 818 450 49�5 423 1746 81 0 0 0 81 1937B 2013 AA 11/01-11/07 500 929 500 45�3 456 1856 104 0 0 0 104 2337B 2014 AA 10/31-11/06 500 884 500 51�5 472 1902 101 0 0 0 101 2137B 2010 AA 11/12-11/18 350 368 350 67�1 335 1430 57 0 4 0 61 1837B 2011 AA 11/11-11/17 400 457 400 62�6 384 1614 60 0 0 0 60 1637B 2012 AA 11/16-11/22 450 388 450 69�8 422 1726 79 0 0 0 79 1937B 2013 AA 11/15-11/21 500 371 500 76 468 2057 72 0 0 0 72 1537B 2014 AA 11/14-11/20 500 436 500 64�2 476 2095 87 0 0 0 87 1839/40 2010 AA 10/29-11/04 150 472 150 27�8 141 472 57 0 0 0 57 4039/40 2011 AA 10/28-11/03 150 374 150 33�4 139 500 55 0 0 0 55 4039/40 2012 AA 10/26-11/01 150 350 150 35�4 144 522 22 0 0 0 22 1539/40 2013 AA 10/25-10/31 150 340 150 40 142 595 30 0 0 0 30 2139/40 2014 AA 10/24-10/30 175 351 175 45 159 719 29 0 0 0 29 1839/40 2010 AA 11/05-11/11 150 96 150 57�3 135 529 29 0 0 0 29 2139/40 2011 AA 11/04-11/10 200 129 200 62 174 639 34 0 0 0 34 2039/40 2012 AA 11/02-11/08 200 117 200 70�1 155 679 21 0 0 0 21 1439/40 2013 AA 11/01-11/07 200 123 200 61 190 766 27 0 0 0 27 1439/40 2014 AA 10/31-11/06 225 110 225 78�2 213 826 37 0 0 0 37 1741 2010 AA 11/05-11/14 500 715 500 59�2 461 2183 49 0 0 0 49 1141 2011 AA 11/04-11/13 500 615 500 65�4 448 1927 101 0 0 0 101 2341 2012 AA 11/02-11/11 500 746 500 59�4 450 1978 72 0 0 0 72 1641 2013 AA 11/01-11/10 500 710 500 61�5 448 2040 123 0 0 0 123 2741 2014 AA 10/31-11/09 550 759 550 64�2 502 2239 143 0 0 0 143 2842 2010 AA 11/05-11/14 300 358 300 65�6 279 1260 69 0 0 0 69 2542 2011 AA 11/04-11/13 300 418 300 58�6 280 1157 61 0 0 0 61 2242 2012 AA 11/02-11/11 250 320 249 57�5 216 873 21 0 0 0 21 1042 2013 AA 11/01-11/10 250 370 250 53�8 241 1163 34 0 0 0 34 1442 2014 AA 10/31-11/09 250 269 250 68�4 231 1093 38 0 0 0 38 1643/44 2010 AA 11/05-11/14 600 686 600 71�6 566 3072 142 0 0 0 142 2543/44 2011 AA 11/04-11/13 600 817 600 63�8 536 2776 94 0 0 0 94 1843/44 2012 AA 11/02-11/11 500 618 500 64�9 446 2572 44 0 0 0 44 1043/44 2013 AA 11/01-11/10 500 596 500 70�3 457 2386 68 0 0 0 68 1543/44 2014 AA 10/31-11/09 500 627 500 69�9 459 2331 100 0 0 0 100 2245 2010 AA 11/05-11/14 275 271 275 81�5 244 1095 57 0 0 0 57 2345 2011 AA 11/04-11/13 275 268 275 80�6 242 1109 62 0 0 0 62 2645 2012 AA 11/02-11/11 275 325 275 69�8 243 1153 49 0 0 0 49 2045 2013 AA 11/01-11/10 275 352 275 70�5 224 1090 38 0 0 0 38 1745 2014 AA 10/31-11/09 275 324 275 71 236 1058 88 0 0 0 88 37FTHU 2010 AM 11/19-11/28 10 28 10 35�7 10 70 1 0 0 0 1 10FTHU 2011 AM 11/18-11/27 10 26 10 38�5 8 52 0 0 0 0 0 0FTHU 2012 AM 11/16-11/25 10 27 10 33�3 10 63 8 0 0 0 8 80FTHU 2013 AM 11/22-12/01 10 18 9 50 9 39 5 0 0 0 5 56FTHU 2013 AM 11/21-11/30 10 21 22 42�9 19 96 8 0 0 0 8 42FTHU 2013 AM 11/21-11/30 10 21 22 14�3 20 93 7 0 0 0 7 35FTHU 2013 AM 11/21-11/30 10 21 22 4�8 20 93 7 0 0 0 7 35FTHU 2010 AW 11/19-11/28 50 25 50 100 42 177 0 0 15 0 15 36FTHU 2010 AW 12/17-12/30 140 114 140 96�5 130 632 0 0 47 0 47 36FTHU 2011 AW 11/18-11/27 55 25 55 100 48 280 0 0 20 0 20 42FTHU 2011 AW 12/16-12/31 135 119 135 96�6 128 779 0 0 46 0 46 36FTHU 2012 AW 11/16-11/25 55 26 55 100 52 237 4 0 8 0 12 23FTHU 2012 AW 12/14-12/31 135 129 135 91�5 117 748 25 0 25 0 50 43FTHU 2013 AW 11/22-12/01 55 27 55 100 49 212 0 0 24 0 24 49FTHU 2013 AW 11/21-11/30 55 29 34 72�4 29 114 0 0 12 0 12 41FTHU 2013 AW 11/21-11/30 55 29 34 72�4 29 114 0 0 12 0 12 41FTHU 2013 AW 11/21-11/30 55 29 34 41�4 29 114 0 0 12 0 12 41FTHU 2013 AW 12/13-12/31 135 110 134 93�6 106 681 0 0 53 0 53 50FTHU 2013 AW 12/12-12/31 135 88 121 21�6 109 609 0 0 48 0 48 44FTHU 2013 AW 12/12-12/31 135 88 121 100 104 593 0 0 46 0 46 44FTHU 2013 AW 12/12-12/31 135 88 121 100 102 586 0 0 47 0 47 46

AA = Any Antlered Deer, MD = Mule Deer, WT = Whitetail Deer, ALS = Antlerless, Cn = Camp Navajo, FTHU = Fort Huachuca, C = CHAMP Hunt; in the unit column, E = early or 1st season, M = 2nd season, T = 3rd season, and L = late or 4th season�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (39)

36 Hunt Arizona 2015

Deer Harvest Data

Unit Year HuntType Dates Permits

Authorized1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunters

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessMD-Buck MD-Aless WT- Buck WT-Aless TotalGEnERAL 3A/3C 2010 AA 10/08-10/14 125 444 125 25�7 125 478 68 0 0 0 68 543A/3C 2011 AA 10/07-10/13 125 555 125 20�7 121 445 72 0 2 0 74 613A/3C 2012 AA 11/09-11/15 25 315 25 7�3 25 59 16 0 0 0 16 647 2010 AA 10/08-10/14 75 237 75 25�7 70 220 47 0 0 0 47 677 2011 AA 10/07-10/13 100 260 100 33�5 91 264 66 0 0 0 66 737 2012 AA 10/12-10/18 150 227 150 45�4 146 379 93 0 0 0 93 647 2013 AA 10/11-10/17 151 405 151 31�9 142 400 84 0 0 0 84 597 2014 AA 10/10-10/16 150 369 150 36�3 144 466 105 0 0 0 105 7310 2010 AA 10/08-10/17 100 112 100 56�3 94 442 21 0 0 0 21 2210 2011 AA 10/07-10/16 75 106 75 49�1 70 284 23 0 0 0 23 3310 2012 AA 10/12-10/21 75 94 75 52�1 70 297 27 0 0 0 27 3910 2013 AA 10/04-10/13 51 109 51 34�9 46 242 23 0 0 0 23 5010 2014 AA 10/03-10/12 40 141 40 24�8 37 117 17 0 0 0 17 4612A West 2010 ALS 10/08-10/11 250 354 250 57�6 231 442 0 194 0 0 194 8412A West 2011 ALS 10/07-10/10 75 292 75 22�6 73 144 0 60 0 0 60 8212A West 2012 ALS 10/12-10/15 100 290 99 32�4 96 223 0 79 0 0 79 8212A West 2013 ALS 10/11-10/14 151 276 151 47�1 149 284 0 133 0 0 133 8912A West 2013 ALS 11/08-11/11 101 89 101 56�2 95 208 60 0 0 0 60 6312A West 2014 ALS 10/10-10/13 250 373 250 53�4 237 438 0 213 0 0 213 9012A West 2014 ALS 11/07-11/10 100 108 100 61�1 95 187 0 79 0 0 79 8317A/17B 2011 AA 10/07-10/16 100 179 100 49�7 94 367 48 0 0 0 48 5117A/17B 2012 AA 10/12-10/21 100 148 100 52 97 454 36 0 0 0 36 3717A/17B 2013 AA 10/04-10/13 101 163 101 52�1 95 328 67 0 0 0 67 7117B 2010 AA 10/08-10/17 60 81 61 65�4 61 246 27 0 0 0 27 4417B/19A/19B/20A 2014 AA 10/03-10/12 200 562 200 31�9 186 621 124 0 0 0 124 6718B 2010 AA 11/19-11/28 100 103 101 76�7 96 417 37 0 0 0 37 3918B 2011 AA 11/18-11/27 100 129 100 63�6 88 367 40 0 0 0 40 4518B 2012 AA 11/23-12/02 75 145 75 40 72 251 33 0 0 0 33 4618B 2013 AA 11/22-12/01 76 130 76 49�2 65 219 22 0 0 0 22 3418B 2014 AA 11/21-11/30 75 135 75 41�5 72 244 35 0 0 0 35 4920A 2010 AA 10/08-10/17 100 124 100 62�9 91 309 36 0 0 0 36 4020A 2011 AA 10/07-10/16 100 109 100 64�2 95 300 46 0 0 0 46 4820A 2012 AA 10/12-10/21 100 122 100 63�9 98 343 32 0 0 0 32 3320A 2013 AA 10/04-10/13 101 115 101 60 94 308 51 0 0 0 51 5420B/21 2011 AA 10/07-10/13 50 106 50 41�5 45 148 32 0 0 0 32 7120B/21 2012 AA 10/12-10/18 50 169 50 27�8 43 125 18 0 0 0 18 4220B/21 2013 AA 10/11-10/17 51 151 51 33�8 48 128 23 0 9 0 32 6720B/21 2014 AA 10/10-10/16 50 133 50 27�8 46 152 24 0 4 0 28 6120C 2010 AA 11/19-11/28 125 64 125 100 109 435 26 0 0 0 26 2420C 2011 AA 11/18-11/27 150 85 149 89�4 132 467 40 0 0 0 40 3020C 2012 AA 11/23-12/02 150 95 150 95�8 133 423 30 0 0 0 30 2320C 2013 AA 11/22-12/01 151 73 151 97�3 140 566 34 0 2 0 36 2620C 2014 AA 11/21-11/30 200 71 200 97�2 193 775 68 0 0 0 68 3522 2010 AA 10/08-10/14 85 148 85 41�9 79 249 12 0 29 0 41 5222 2011 AA 10/07-10/13 100 214 100 38�3 95 346 26 0 31 0 57 6022 2012 AA 10/12-10/18 100 215 100 32�6 97 277 49 0 4 0 53 5522 2013 AA 10/11-10/17 101 305 101 30�8 101 314 19 0 29 0 48 4822 2014 AA 10/10-10/16 100 293 100 29�7 97 286 19 0 53 0 72 7423 2010 AA 10/08-10/14 175 402 175 35�3 165 519 38 0 16 0 54 3323 2011 AA 10/07-10/13 175 365 175 35�3 173 552 56 0 25 0 81 4723 2012 AA 10/12-10/18 175 442 175 29�2 153 503 64 0 5 0 69 4523 2013 AA 10/11-10/17 176 409 176 35�9 169 530 60 0 22 0 82 4923 2014 AA 10/10-10/16 175 522 175 26�8 164 495 82 0 5 0 87 5327 2010 AA 10/08-10/14 150 308 151 40�3 143 415 85 0 14 0 99 6927 2011 AA 10/07-10/13 150 287 150 43�6 142 387 79 0 8 0 87 6127 2012 AA 10/12-10/18 150 373 150 33�2 147 447 88 0 0 0 88 6027 2013 AA 10/11-10/17 126 405 126 29�6 123 288 84 0 7 0 91 7427 2014 AA 10/10-10/16 100 580 100 16 98 276 59 0 5 0 64 6528/29/30/31/32 2010 AA 10/08-10/14 150 465 150 31�6 147 444 33 0 30 0 63 4328/29/30/31/32 2011 AA 10/07-10/13 150 400 150 35 147 521 57 0 16 0 73 5028/29/30/31/32 2012 AA 10/12-10/18 150 430 150 31�9 147 425 75 0 3 0 78 5328/29/30/31/32 2013 AA 10/11-10/17 151 462 151 27�5 148 477 63 0 21 0 84 5728/29/30/31/32 2014 AA 10/10-10/16 150 512 150 24�8 139 383 56 0 40 0 96 6933 2010 AA 10/08-10/14 150 298 150 46 133 405 5 0 85 0 90 68

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest


AA = Any Antlered Deer, MD = Mule Deer, WT = Whitetail Deer, ALS = Antlerless, Cn = Camp Navajo, FTHU = Fort Huachuca, C = CHAMP Hunt; in the unit column, E = early or 1st season, M = 2nd season, T = 3rd season, and L = late or 4th season�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (40)

Hunt Arizona 2015 37

Deer Harvest Data

Unit Year HuntType Dates Permits

Authorized1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunters

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessMD-Buck MD-Aless WT- Buck WT-Aless TotalGEnERAL 33 2010 AA 11/19-11/25 150 131 150 71 135 403 0 0 43 0 43 3233 2011 AA 10/07-10/13 150 315 150 41 146 396 11 0 79 0 90 6233 2011 AA 11/18-11/24 175 142 175 70�4 160 458 5 0 51 0 56 3533 2012 AA 10/12-10/18 150 298 150 43 145 429 49 0 20 0 69 4833 2012 AA 11/23-11/29 175 128 175 76�6 170 532 66 0 8 0 74 4433 2013 AA 10/11-10/17 151 371 151 36�7 146 396 32 0 62 0 94 6433 2013 AA 11/22-11/28 176 174 176 53�4 162 566 12 0 50 0 62 3833 2014 AA 10/10-10/16 150 436 150 31 147 393 13 0 61 0 74 5033 2014 AA 11/21-11/27 150 155 150 56�8 147 500 3 0 47 0 50 3436A 2010 AA 10/08-10/14 50 96 50 44�8 50 161 3 0 24 0 27 5436A 2010 AA 11/19-11/25 150 48 150 97�9 128 434 0 0 26 0 26 2036A 2011 AA 10/07-10/13 50 115 50 37�4 50 141 23 0 7 0 30 6036A 2011 AA 11/18-11/24 150 58 150 98�3 140 491 10 0 14 0 24 1736A 2012 AA 10/12-10/18 50 116 50 37�1 40 107 19 0 0 0 19 4836A 2012 AA 11/23-11/29 150 51 150 86�3 146 425 36 0 4 0 40 2736A 2013 AA 10/11-10/17 51 129 51 31 51 129 19 0 12 0 31 6136A 2013 AA 11/22-11/28 151 63 151 90�5 146 456 51 0 0 0 51 3536A 2014 AA 11/21-11/27 200 139 200 97�8 190 648 41 0 45 0 86 4536B 2010 AA 11/19-11/25 50 60 50 71�7 50 178 2 0 17 0 19 3836B 2011 AA 11/18-11/24 50 45 50 66�7 46 157 2 0 9 0 11 2436B 2012 AA 11/23-11/29 125 41 125 100 115 373 29 0 3 0 32 2836B 2013 AA 11/22-11/28 126 41 123 100 120 411 42 0 0 0 42 3536B 2014 AA 11/21-11/27 125 102 125 89�2 116 346 20 0 32 0 52 4542 2010 AA 11/19-11/28 75 66 75 89�4 72 260 26 0 0 0 26 3642 2011 AA 11/18-11/27 100 68 100 91�2 97 455 19 0 0 0 19 2042 2012 AA 11/23-12/02 75 59 75 91�5 67 217 16 0 0 0 16 2442 2013 AA 11/22-12/01 76 49 76 100 63 298 19 0 0 0 19 3042 2014 AA 11/21-11/30 75 57 75 93 73 380 15 0 0 0 15 21FTHU 2010 AA 11/11-11/28 13 16 13 81�3 13 49 1 0 4 0 5 38FTHU 2011 AA 11/11-11/27 15 14 15 100 15 50 2 0 7 0 9 60FTHU 2012 AA 11/09-11/25 15 14 15 100 15 72 6 0 2 0 8 53FTHU 2013 AA 11/15-12/01 15 14 15 100 14 61 1 0 5 0 6 43FTHU 2013 AA 11/14-11/30 15 11 12 90�9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -FTHU 2013 AA 11/14-11/30 15 11 12 90�9 12 48 0 0 0 0 0 0FTHU 2013 AA 11/14-11/30 15 11 12 90�9 12 84 0 0 0 0 0 0MUZZLELOADER3B 2010 AA 10/29-11/07 100 106 100 49�1 89 427 11 0 0 0 11 123B 2011 AA 10/28-11/06 100 113 100 49�6 92 431 20 0 2 0 22 243B 2012 AA 10/26-11/04 100 131 100 48�1 96 500 17 0 0 0 17 183B 2013 AA 10/25-11/03 100 141 100 44�7 98 504 19 0 0 0 19 193B 2014 AA 10/24-11/02 100 129 100 39�5 90 500 15 0 0 0 15 176B 2010 AA 10/22-10/28 275 163 275 96�9 253 1125 32 0 0 0 32 136B 2011 AA 10/21-10/27 275 155 273 100 248 1101 46 0 6 0 52 216B 2012 AA 11/09-11/15 275 191 275 93�7 255 1131 55 0 4 0 59 236B 2013 AA 10/25-10/31 275 199 275 88�9 266 1145 76 0 0 0 76 296B 2014 AA 10/24-10/30 275 234 275 83�3 261 1098 53 0 8 0 61 2312A East 2010 AA 11/05-11/11 50 292 51 12�7 49 274 18 0 0 0 18 3712A East 2011 AA 11/05-11/10 30 184 30 10�9 30 129 20 0 0 0 20 6712A East 2012 AA 10/26-11/04 50 337 50 9�5 50 277 21 0 0 0 21 4212A East 2014 AA 11/07-11/13 30 158 30 10�1 26 147 14 0 0 0 14 5412B West 2013 AA 11/08-11/14 50 196 30 9�7 27 95 19 0 0 0 19 7012B West 2014 AA 11/07-11/13 20 104 20 11�5 19 105 15 0 0 0 15 7915 2010 AA 10/22-10/31 200 150 200 100 177 979 31 0 0 0 31 1815 2011 AA 10/21-10/30 200 145 200 100 176 901 40 0 0 0 40 2315 2012 AA 10/26-11/01 200 131 200 100 186 936 59 0 0 0 59 3215 2013 AA 10/25-11/03 200 150 200 97�3 178 923 54 0 0 0 54 3015 2014 AA 10/24-11/02 200 125 200 96 178 918 43 0 0 0 43 2420B 2010 AA 10/29-11/07 150 28 150 100 126 549 19 0 0 0 19 1520B 2011 AA 10/28-11/06 150 43 150 100 140 517 15 0 0 0 15 1120B 2012 AA 10/26-11/01 150 35 150 100 131 482 19 0 0 0 19 1520B 2013 AA 10/25-10/31 150 40 149 100 121 440 14 0 0 0 14 1220B 2014 AA 10/24-10/30 110 11 110 100 94 338 8 0 0 0 8 933 2012 AA 11/16-11/22 200 26 200 100 173 617 11 0 8 0 19 1133 2013 AA 11/15-11/21 200 48 198 100 163 587 4 0 14 0 18 11

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

AA = Any Antlered Deer, MD = Mule Deer, WT = Whitetail Deer, ALS = Antlerless, Cn = Camp Navajo, FTHU = Fort Huachuca, C = CHAMP Hunt; in the unit column, E = early or 1st season, M = 2nd season, T = 3rd season, and L = late or 4th season�


Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (41)

38 Hunt Arizona 2015

Deer Harvest Data

Unit Year HuntType Dates Permits

Authorized1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunters

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessMD-Buck MD-Aless WT- Buck WT-Aless TotalGEnERAL 33 2014 AA 11/14-11/20 200 40 200 100 167 638 14 0 14 0 28 1734A 2010 AA 11/12-11/18 100 71 100 73�2 93 367 17 0 4 0 21 2334A 2011 AA 11/11-11/17 100 64 100 85�9 100 392 5 0 11 0 16 1634A 2012 AA 11/16-11/22 75 40 75 90 70 300 9 0 0 0 9 1334A 2013 AA 11/15-11/21 25 39 25 35�9 25 114 6 0 3 0 9 3634A 2014 AA 11/14-11/20 25 41 25 39 23 93 11 0 0 0 11 4835 2014 AA 10/31-11/06 80 29 80 86�2 76 400 4 0 0 0 4 535 2014 AA 12/12-12/31 20 134 20 13�4 15 60 0 0 0 0 0 035 2010 AA 10/29-11/04 50 30 50 66�7 50 286 11 0 5 0 16 3235 2011 AA 10/28-11/03 50 48 50 60�4 40 208 4 0 6 0 10 2535 2012 AA 11/02-11/08 50 22 50 86�4 44 200 4 0 2 0 6 1435 2013 AA 11/01-11/07 80 33 80 72�7 67 276 12 0 0 0 12 1835 2010 AA 12/10-12/31 50 201 50 20�4 48 229 12 0 12 0 24 5035 2011 AA 12/09-12/31 50 191 50 22 47 289 13 0 6 0 19 4035 2012 AA 12/14-12/31 50 162 50 21 50 268 32 0 2 0 34 6835 2013 AA 12/13-12/31 20 193 20 8�8 20 173 10 0 0 0 10 5039/40/41/42 2010 AA 12/10-12/31 50 426 50 9�2 45 332 21 0 0 0 21 4739/40/41/42 2011 AA 12/16-12/31 50 466 50 10�3 45 259 18 0 0 0 18 4039/40/41/42 2012 AA 12/14-12/31 50 402 50 9�7 48 338 12 0 0 0 12 2539/40/41/42 2013 AA 12/13-12/31 50 374 50 9�9 46 363 23 0 0 0 23 5039/40/41/42 2014 AA 12/12-12/31 50 398 50 9�3 45 305 26 0 0 0 26 58FTHU 2010 AA 12/17-12/30 13 10 13 60 12 71 1 0 4 0 5 42FTHU 2010 AA 11/19-11/28 10 3 10 100 10 49 3 0 0 0 3 30FTHU 2011 AA 12/16-12/31 13 18 13 72�2 13 117 7 0 2 0 9 69FTHU 2011 AA 11/18-11/27 10 0 7 - 7 11 0 0 0 0 0 0FTHU 2012 AA 12/14-12/31 13 14 13 85�7 13 83 3 0 0 0 3 23FTHU 2012 AA 11/16-11/25 7 3 7 100 5 19 0 0 0 0 0 0FTHU 2013 AA 12/13-12/31 13 14 13 92�9 11 78 4 0 2 0 6 55FTHU 2013 AA 11/22-12/01 7 1 7 100 7 37 2 0 5 0 7 100YOUTH OnLY – MUZZLELOADER 15 2010 AA 11/19-11/28 20 7 20 85�7 16 80 12 0 0 0 12 7515 2011 AA 11/18-11/27 20 18 20 50 10 30 0 0 0 0 0 015 2012 AA 11/23-12/02 20 22 19 13�6 19 95 10 0 0 0 10 5315 2013 AA 11/22-12/01 21 11 21 90�9 21 72 9 0 0 0 9 4315 2014 AA 11/21-11/30 20 7 20 42�9 13 44 7 0 0 0 7 5416A 2010 AA 12/17-12/31 30 81 30 33�3 26 137 9 0 0 0 9 3516A 2011 AA 12/16-12/31 25 74 25 29�7 25 121 19 0 0 0 19 7616A 2012 AA 12/21-12/31 25 56 26 39�3 26 121 17 0 0 0 17 6516A 2013 AA 12/20-12/31 26 83 26 28�9 23 133 13 0 0 0 13 5716A 2014 AA 12/19-12/31 25 64 25 29�7 21 125 7 0 0 0 7 33ARCHERY DEER – DRAW UniTS3A/3C 2012 AA 8/24- 9/13 200 133 200 91 186 1255 26 0 0 0 26 143A/3C 2013 AA 8/23- 9/12 200 230 200 63 182 1261 29 0 0 0 29 163A/3C 2014 AA 8/22-9/11 150 254 151 40�2 140 914 27 0 0 0 27 1912A/12B 2010 AA 8/20- 9/09 850 865 850 66�9 794 5552 88 0 0 0 88 1112A/12B 2011 AA 8/19- 9/08 700 782 700 60�2 628 4378 91 0 0 0 91 1412A/12B 2012 AA 8/24- 9/13 700 849 704 60 623 4557 103 0 0 0 103 1712A/12B 2013 AA 8/23- 9/12 700 779 700 63�4 645 4498 157 0 0 0 157 2412A/12B 2014 AA 8/22-9/11 800 913 800 65�1 725 4717 218 0 0 0 218 3013A 2010 AA 8/20- 9/09 40 127 40 21�3 38 322 19 0 0 0 19 5013A 2011 AA 8/19- 9/08 30 203 30 13�3 30 232 17 0 0 0 17 5713A 2012 AA 8/24- 9/13 30 232 30 7�8 26 190 14 0 0 0 14 5413A 2013 AA 8/23- 9/12 30 193 30 9�3 28 338 10 0 0 0 10 3613A 2014 AA 8/22-9/11 30 194 30 7�7 28 252 16 0 2 0 18 6413B 2010 AA 8/20- 9/09 30 266 30 4�9 30 249 15 0 0 0 15 5013B 2011 AA 8/19- 9/08 25 327 25 5�5 23 244 6 0 0 0 6 2613B 2012 AA 8/24- 9/13 25 345 25 6�1 25 310 10 0 0 0 10 4013B 2013 AA 8/23- 9/12 25 330 25 6�1 23 252 10 0 0 0 10 4313B 2014 AA 8/22-9/11 25 395 25 4�1 23 152 16 0 0 0 16 70

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

AA = Any Antlered Deer, MD = Mule Deer, WT = Whitetail Deer, ALS = Antlerless, Cn = Camp Navajo, FTHU = Fort Huachuca, C = CHAMP Hunt; in the unit column, E = early or 1st season, M = 2nd season, T = 3rd season, and L = late or 4th season�


Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (42)

Hunt Arizona 2015 39

Deer Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Archery Deer Harvest (Over-the-Counter hunts only)

Unit Year HuntersHunterDays

DEER HARVEST PercentSuccess

Mule Deer Whitetail Total

Buck Antlerless Buck Antlerless1 2010 305 1497 26 0 10 0 36 121 2011 308 1347 4 0 0 0 4 11 2012 538 2516 35 0 0 0 35 71 2013 384 2192 16 0 0 0 16 41 2014 466 2306 12 0 0 0 12 32 2010 40 202 0 0 0 0 0 02 2011 58 350 0 0 0 0 0 02 2012 50 186 5 0 0 0 5 102 2013 38 141 0 0 0 0 0 02 2014 37 159 6 0 0 0 6 163B 2010 125 784 4 0 0 0 4 33B 2011 144 650 0 0 0 0 0 03B 2012 247 1273 0 0 0 0 0 03B 2013 162 909 5 0 0 0 5 33B 2014 178 791 12 0 0 0 12 74 2010 273 1237 4 0 0 0 4 14 2011 339 1674 8 0 0 0 8 24 2012 438 1953 5 0 0 0 5 14 2013 395 1894 0 0 0 0 0 04 2014 325 1496 6 0 0 0 6 25 2010 399 2107 0 0 0 0 0 05 2011 685 3072 23 0 12 0 35 55 2012 850 4126 15 0 10 0 25 35 2013 471 2116 16 0 0 0 16 35 2014 441 2042 12 0 6 0 18 46A 2010 766 3541 12 0 6 0 18 26A 2011 1289 5992 6 0 5 0 11 16A 2012 1485 7060 10 0 10 0 20 16A 2013 893 5065 11 0 11 0 22 26A 2014 742 3673 0 0 6 0 6 16B 2010 202 986 0 0 0 0 0 06B 2011 319 1460 16 0 0 0 16 56B 2012 473 2184 15 0 0 0 15 36B 2013 357 2073 11 0 22 0 33 96B 2014 337 1502 12 0 0 0 12 46B South 2014 31 141 0 0 0 0 0 07 2010 551 3119 9 0 0 0 9 27 2011 958 4734 62 0 4 0 66 77 2012 1167 5621 35 0 0 0 35 37 2013 801 4232 70 0 0 0 70 97 2014 932 4795 74 0 0 0 74 88 2010 435 2290 13 0 0 0 13 38 2011 716 3609 30 0 17 0 47 78 2012 835 4106 15 0 0 0 15 28 2013 660 3447 5 0 0 0 5 18 2014 583 3244 55 0 0 0 55 99 2010 139 690 0 0 0 0 0 09 2011 148 751 4 0 0 0 4 39 2012 136 599 0 0 0 0 0 09 2013 168 942 5 0 0 0 5 39 2014 147 717 18 0 0 0 18 1210 2010 578 2747 9 0 0 0 9 210 2011 666 3111 27 0 0 0 27 410 2012 639 3085 10 0 0 0 10 210 2013 579 3182 27 0 0 0 27 510 2014 809 3839 31 0 0 0 31 411M 2010 309 1860 4 0 0 0 4 111M 2011 498 2390 19 0 0 0 19 411M 2012 674 3538 45 0 5 0 50 711M 2013 482 2581 65 0 0 0 65 13

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (43)

40 Hunt Arizona 2015

Deer Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Archery Deer Harvest (Over-the-Counter hunts only)

Unit Year HuntersHunterDays

DEER HARVEST PercentSuccess

Mule Deer Whitetail Total

Buck Antlerless Buck Antlerless11M 2014 521 3164 67 0 0 0 67 1315A/15B 2010 215 1618 13 0 0 0 13 615A/15B 2011 140 973 4 0 0 0 4 315A/15B 2012 131 810 15 0 0 0 15 1115A/15B 2013 249 1916 32 0 0 0 32 1315A/15B 2014 276 1950 31 0 0 0 31 1115C/15D 2010 13 45 0 0 0 0 0 015C/15D 2011 16 51 0 0 0 0 0 015C/15D 2012 10 75 0 0 0 0 0 015C/15D 2014 12 61 0 0 0 0 0 016A 2010 224 1089 9 0 0 0 9 416A 2011 187 1168 4 0 0 0 4 216A 2012 176 745 15 0 0 0 15 916A 2013 200 915 22 0 0 0 22 1116A 2014 159 687 18 0 0 0 18 1117A 2010 166 905 0 0 0 0 0 017A 2011 237 1141 8 0 0 0 8 317A 2012 292 1404 40 0 0 0 40 1417A 2013 325 1954 16 0 0 0 16 517A 2014 386 2870 37 0 0 0 37 1017B 2010 412 2398 9 0 0 0 9 217B 2011 389 2538 12 0 0 0 12 317B 2012 367 1993 15 0 0 0 15 417B 2013 574 3864 60 0 0 0 60 1017B 2014 656 4709 49 0 0 0 49 718A 2010 273 1497 13 0 0 0 13 518A 2011 249 1476 19 0 0 0 19 818A 2012 262 1178 0 0 0 0 0 018A 2013 319 1894 32 0 0 0 32 1018A 2014 392 2385 6 0 0 0 6 218B 2010 390 2250 9 0 0 0 9 218B 2011 339 1643 16 0 0 0 16 518B 2012 267 1610 15 0 0 0 15 618B 2013 319 1818 11 0 0 0 11 318B 2014 343 1925 18 0 0 0 18 519A 2010 408 1748 9 0 0 0 9 219A 2011 401 1900 27 0 0 0 27 719A 2012 513 2642 20 0 0 0 20 419A 2013 639 3929 54 0 5 0 59 919A 2014 693 3918 43 0 6 0 49 719B 2010 197 1152 13 0 0 0 13 719B 2011 167 1113 0 0 0 0 0 019B 2012 216 1384 15 0 0 0 15 719B 2013 254 1921 16 0 0 0 16 619B 2014 294 1889 25 0 0 0 25 920A 2010 462 2546 40 0 0 0 40 920A 2011 553 3103 35 0 0 0 35 620A 2012 584 2727 0 0 0 0 0 020A 2013 676 3886 87 0 0 0 87 1320A 2014 644 3606 55 0 0 0 55 920B 2010 287 1470 9 0 0 0 9 320B 2011 366 1830 12 0 0 0 12 320B 2012 337 1600 5 0 0 0 5 120B 2013 384 1927 16 0 0 0 16 420B 2014 417 1913 12 0 0 0 12 320C 2010 291 1766 9 0 0 0 9 320C 2011 296 1943 12 0 0 0 12 420C 2012 231 1283 10 0 0 0 10 420C 2013 276 1694 11 0 0 0 11 420C 2014 368 2146 37 0 0 0 37 1021 2010 1107 5755 29 0 11 0 40 421 2011 1234 6404 26 0 9 0 35 3

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (44)

Hunt Arizona 2015 41

Deer Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Archery Deer Harvest (Over-the-Counter hunts only)

Unit Year HuntersHunterDays

DEER HARVEST PercentSuccess

Mule Deer Whitetail Total

Buck Antlerless Buck Antlerless21 2012 1052 4927 20 0 5 0 25 221 2013 1499 8875 38 0 11 0 49 321 2014 1423 7671 37 0 37 0 74 522 2010 1170 6154 11 0 47 0 58 522 2011 1106 5672 16 0 57 0 73 722 2012 1117 5173 5 0 40 0 45 422 2013 1261 7117 11 0 87 0 98 822 2014 1190 6733 12 0 49 0 61 522N 2014 6 37 0 0 6 0 6 10022S 2014 6 18 0 0 0 0 0 023 2010 1304 7332 13 0 72 0 85 723 2011 1226 6482 16 0 74 0 90 723 2012 1253 6255 25 0 25 0 50 423 2013 1288 6121 38 0 43 0 81 623 2014 1349 7205 31 0 43 0 74 524A 2010 677 4477 13 0 9 0 22 324A 2011 584 3231 19 0 12 0 31 524A 2012 528 2949 5 0 25 0 30 624A 2013 676 4140 22 0 27 0 49 724A 2014 662 3796 0 0 43 0 43 624B 2010 672 4218 13 0 13 0 26 424B 2011 642 3897 16 0 0 0 16 224B 2012 679 3492 20 0 0 0 20 324B 2013 931 5515 5 0 11 0 16 224B 2014 742 4807 37 0 25 0 62 825M 2010 4 45 0 0 0 0 0 025M 2011 23 82 0 0 0 0 0 025M 2013 103 520 11 0 0 0 11 1125M 2014 147 583 12 0 0 0 12 826M 2010 130 843 4 0 0 0 4 326M 2011 156 962 19 0 0 0 19 1226M 2012 171 1097 0 0 0 0 0 026M 2013 108 871 11 0 0 0 11 1026M 2014 202 1269 18 0 0 0 18 927 2010 708 4101 45 0 27 0 72 1027 2011 635 3301 35 0 23 0 58 927 2012 906 4433 35 0 15 0 50 627 2013 768 5076 32 0 22 0 54 727 2014 865 5096 49 0 37 0 86 1028 2010 273 1443 0 0 9 0 9 328 2011 241 1110 0 0 8 0 8 328 2012 196 1022 0 0 0 0 0 028 2013 271 1661 5 0 0 0 5 228 2014 172 773 0 0 0 0 0 029 2010 260 1546 18 0 45 0 63 2429 2011 171 981 0 0 43 0 43 2529 2012 247 1595 10 0 25 0 35 1429 2013 227 1429 16 0 27 0 43 1929 2014 184 1012 6 0 43 0 49 2730A 2010 260 1667 22 0 13 0 35 1330A 2011 226 1479 31 0 0 0 31 1430A 2012 166 956 10 0 10 0 20 1230A 2013 211 1607 0 0 27 0 27 1330A 2014 270 1711 18 0 6 0 24 930B 2010 394 2694 22 0 31 0 53 1330B 2011 385 2936 58 0 12 0 70 1830B 2012 267 1550 35 0 15 0 50 1930B 2013 487 3572 38 0 16 0 54 1130B 2014 441 3336 25 0 12 0 37 831 2010 350 2039 4 0 0 0 4 131 2011 350 1830 0 0 4 0 4 131 2012 352 1942 5 0 10 0 15 4

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (45)

42 Hunt Arizona 2015

Deer Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Archery Deer Harvest (Over-the-Counter hunts only)

Unit Year HuntersHunterDays

DEER HARVEST PercentSuccess

Mule Deer Whitetail Total

Buck Antlerless Buck Antlerless31 2013 336 1786 11 0 0 0 11 331 2014 429 2624 12 0 25 0 37 932 2010 520 2470 0 0 9 0 9 232 2011 397 1838 12 0 8 0 20 532 2012 347 1620 10 0 5 0 15 432 2013 487 2506 0 0 22 0 22 532 2014 441 2949 12 0 0 0 12 333 2010 1416 8959 5 0 35 0 40 333 2011 1448 8421 12 0 58 0 70 533 2012 1107 6466 0 0 50 0 50 533 2013 1753 11127 16 0 70 0 86 533 2014 1410 9173 31 0 74 0 105 734A 2010 991 6701 27 0 36 0 63 634A 2011 888 5805 13 0 30 0 43 534A 2012 629 3548 0 0 35 0 35 634A 2013 936 6186 27 0 32 0 59 634A 2014 926 5721 25 0 80 0 105 1134B 2010 350 1793 0 0 13 0 13 434B 2011 234 1250 0 0 12 0 12 534B 2012 186 866 0 0 15 0 15 834B 2013 319 2224 0 0 16 0 16 534B 2014 288 2753 12 0 12 0 24 835A 2010 511 4070 4 0 27 0 31 635A 2011 385 2745 4 0 23 0 27 735A 2012 307 2053 5 0 15 0 20 735A 2013 552 4654 5 0 22 0 27 535A 2014 435 3808 12 0 55 0 67 1535B 2010 229 1560 0 0 27 0 27 1235B 2011 164 888 0 0 19 0 19 1235B 2012 171 946 0 0 5 0 5 335B 2013 189 1407 0 0 16 0 16 835B 2014 178 816 0 0 25 0 25 1436A 2010 722 4352 27 0 13 0 40 636A 2011 623 3959 22 0 17 0 39 636A 2012 589 3613 25 0 20 0 45 836A 2013 909 6115 38 0 11 0 49 536A 2014 987 6224 48 0 14 0 62 636B 2010 542 3178 9 0 9 0 18 336B 2011 409 2219 23 0 16 0 39 1036B 2012 387 1822 15 0 5 0 20 536B 2013 639 3669 22 0 5 0 27 436B 2014 625 3501 43 0 12 0 55 936C 2010 350 2084 0 0 13 0 13 436C 2011 393 2075 0 0 16 0 16 436C 2012 196 926 5 0 0 0 5 336C 2013 373 2029 5 0 5 0 10 336C 2014 386 1981 12 0 6 0 18 537A 2010 385 2254 22 0 0 0 22 637A 2011 311 1674 12 0 0 0 12 437A 2012 262 1474 10 0 0 0 10 437A 2013 547 3231 22 0 0 0 22 437A 2014 497 2992 25 0 0 0 25 537B 2010 744 3774 9 0 0 0 9 137B 2011 646 3422 27 0 0 0 27 437B 2012 689 3840 5 0 5 0 10 137B 2013 1142 6316 54 0 5 0 59 537B 2014 1165 6212 37 0 0 0 37 338M 2010 314 2425 27 0 0 0 27 938M 2011 253 2192 16 0 0 0 16 638M 2012 242 1590 15 0 0 0 15 638M 2013 368 2874 54 0 0 0 54 1538M 2014 392 2281 31 0 6 0 37 9

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (46)

Hunt Arizona 2015 43

Deer Harvest Data

Unit Year HuntersHunterDays

DEER HARVEST PercentSuccess

Mule Deer Whitetail Total

Buck Antlerless Buck Antlerless39/40 2010 278 1891 9 0 0 0 9 339/40 2011 206 1024 12 0 0 0 12 639/40 2012 156 795 0 0 0 0 0 039/40 2013 276 1688 16 0 0 0 16 639/40 2014 233 1177 12 0 0 0 12 541 2010 341 1986 13 0 0 0 13 441 2011 346 1912 8 0 0 0 8 241 2012 211 1454 5 0 0 0 5 241 2013 390 2105 5 0 0 0 5 141 2014 435 2624 37 0 0 0 37 942 2010 363 1896 0 0 0 0 0 042 2011 261 1296 0 0 0 0 0 042 2012 156 765 5 0 0 0 5 342 2013 271 1304 11 0 0 0 11 442 2014 313 1680 18 0 0 0 18 643/44 2010 282 1793 9 0 0 0 9 343/44 2011 218 1441 12 0 0 0 12 643/44 2012 176 1152 5 0 0 0 5 343/44 2013 260 1900 27 0 0 0 27 1043/44 2014 300 2220 12 0 0 0 12 445 2010 18 148 4 0 0 0 4 2245 2011 47 304 8 0 0 0 8 1745 2012 40 226 0 0 0 0 0 045 2013 76 292 0 0 0 0 0 045 2014 49 331 0 0 0 0 0 047M 2010 76 493 4 0 0 0 4 547M 2011 66 385 4 0 0 0 4 647M 2012 50 316 0 0 0 0 0 0

5-Year: 2010-2014 Archery Deer Harvest (Over-the-Counter hunts only)

2014 data is preliminary�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (47)

Hunt Arizona 2015 45

Natural Historypronghorn antelope are na-tive to the prairies of north America. At one time they numbered in the millions and were found from the mississippi river to the pa-cific ocean, and from central Canada to mexico. With the european settlement of the plains, the population was reduced nearly to extinction. in Arizona, antelope persist-ed primarily in the northern plains. They also inhabit high elevation meadows between forested areas, and scattered herds are again found in the grasslands of southeastern Arizona. The endangered sonoran pronghorn is re-stricted to the extreme desert lands of southwestern Arizona and northern sonora, mexico.

The name pronghorn comes from the sharply pointed prong on the horn of the buck antelope. The doe’s horns, if present at all, are smaller and more slender. Antelope have true horns in that the horny tissue is com-posed of fused hairs, which form over a bony core. horn length reaches maximum size during the summer before the outer sheaths are shed, usually sometime in the fall.

Antelope have exception-al eyesight, which is often compared to high-powered binoculars. These

pronghorn Antelope (Antilocapra americana)






Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (48)

46 Hunt Arizona 2015

Pronghorn Antelope

“prairie goats” are also one of the fastest mammals, being able to run in excess of 60 mph. despite their speed, antelope are reluctant to jump over objects, preferring to crawl under or through fences rather than leap over them.

A conspicuous characteristic of the antelope is the white rump patch. When an animal is alarmed, its rump hairs stand erect and appear as a white flash that can be seen for miles. The dominant body color is an apricot tan, with sharply contrasting white markings on the belly, head, and neck. The top of the buck’s muz-zle is brown or black, and below the ear he will usually have a triangular black cheek patch, which is lacking on the doe. A short mane is present along the top of the neck. shedding is continuous, with the individu-al hairs being loosely attached to the skin, making the

hide nearly worth-less. since the hairs are hollow and can be erected at will, prong-horns are able to adjust to great extremes in temperature.

Adult bucks usually weigh be-tween 90 and 120 pounds The does are about 20 pounds lighter. Antelope are pri-marily browsers,

feeding mostly on weeds and short browse plants, with grass being only a minor food source. Because of Ari-zona’s mild winters, antelope tend to live longer than the six- to eight-year average life span of their northern cousins, one reason that a disproportionate number of Arizona bucks are trophy animals with horns in excess of 15 inches in length.

Antelope are gregarious and usually seen in mixed herds, except in the spring when the bucks are alone or in small bachelor groups. Later, in the summer and early fall, these same bucks will collect harems of does, which may number up to 15 animals, which they then defend from other bucks. Antelope breed in August and september, and the young are born in may and

June. A doe will typically produce one or two fawns. The young are not spotted like the fawns of the deer family, but instead have markings similar to those of adults. The fawns remain hidden, with the doe feed-ing them several times a day, until they are about two to three weeks old and strong enough to travel with the adults. during this time, pronghorn fawns, or “kids,” are the most vulnerable to coyotes, which may take 75 percent or more of the year’s production. Adult ante-lope are taken by mountain lions, as well as by coyotes.

Hunt Historyonce second only to deer as a game animal, Arizona’s antelope were first given a closed season in 1893. The response must have been less than satisfactory, however, as the season was completely closed in 1905. By 1922, the state’s antelope population was estimated to be less than 1,000 animals.

Then, for reasons that still are not fully understood, pronghorn antelope began to make a comeback. Aid-ed by a closed season, government predator control programs, and the abandonment of numerous home-steads, pronghorn numbers steadily increased until fears were expressed that some northern Arizona popu-lations were in danger of exceeding their food supply. Accordingly, a limited hunt of 400 buck permits was authorized for northern Arizona in 1941.

After a closed season from 1944 to 1948, ante-lope hunting in Arizona recommenced in 1949. hunts were liberalized gradually, until 1954 when 1,600 per-mits were issued and 1,146 bucks were taken. despite the issuance of a number of antlerless antelope per-mits between 1961 and 1975, this level of harvest has never again been equaled. Annual harvests since 1990 have varied between 500 and 700 bucks, with archers taking a proportionally larger percent of the harvest in recent years. plagued by encroaching subdivisions, increasing highway construction, and other land-use changes, maintaining even the present number of an-telope is dependent on citizen involvement and an aggressive translocation program.

Antelope distribution

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (49)

Hunt Arizona 2015 47

Pronghorn Antelope Survey Data

Year Bucks Does Fawns Unclassified Total Bucks/100 Does Fawns/100 Does 1948 943 1944 1536 0 4423 49 791949 1302 2153 1397 0 4852 60 651950 1208 2280 1550 0 5038 53 681951 1134 2007 1089 0 4230 57 541952 1130 2312 1840 0 5282 49 801953 1119 2230 1040 0 4389 50 471954 1098 2086 1344 0 4528 53 641955 1148 2283 969 0 4400 50 421956 862 2056 891 0 3809 42 431957 782 2169 806 0 3757 36 371958 819 2396 1096 0 4311 34 461959 994 2545 1631 0 5170 39 641960 1006 2745 1689 0 5440 37 621961 835 2180 1067 123 4205 38 491962 817 2711 1158 37 4723 30 431963 893 2699 1386 30 5008 33 511964 874 2905 1410 12 5201 30 491965 1014 2948 1040 0 5002 34 351966 969 2851 1181 44 5045 34 411967 1060 3086 1329 22 5497 34 431968 590 2249 938 0 3777 26 421969 799 2472 1053 2 4326 32 431970 866 2730 1728 1 5325 32 631971 993 2559 636 2 4190 39 251972 749 2028 841 23 3641 37 411973 1211 3005 1275 14 5505 40 421974 1006 2878 941 6 4831 35 331975 910 2926 1086 0 4922 31 371976 950 3347 932 1 5230 28 281977 936 3177 727 0 4840 29 231978 937 3473 1352 0 5762 27 391979 1071 3706 1204 1 5982 29 321980 1190 3750 1173 0 6113 32 311981 1292 3833 899 0 6024 34 231982 1029 3388 1300 5 5722 30 381983 1157 3753 1471 3 6384 31 391984 1264 3611 1190 12 6077 35 331985 1563 4881 1477 1 7922 32 301986 1800 5327 1610 0 8737 34 301987 1685 5249 1632 2 8568 32 311988 1915 6013 1413 0 9341 32 241989 1572 4967 1131 4 7674 32 231990 1731 5738 1323 3 8795 30 231991 1581 5326 1825 9 8741 30 341992 1916 5663 1831 1 9411 34 321993 2133 6187 2294 34 10648 34 371994 2019 5809 1427 0 9255 35 251995 2236 6638 1787 14 10675 34 271996 2036 5498 435 7 7976 37 81997 1998 6426 2037 28 10489 31 321998 1997 6152 1651 11 9811 32 271999 1814 5420 1076 8 8318 33 202000 1455 4453 1002 7 6917 33 232001 1739 5702 1773 15 9229 31 312002 1503 4305 353 8 6169 35 82003 1313 4484 1459 1 7257 29 332004 1353 4502 1494 1 7350 30 332005 1292 3626 1485 16 6419 36 412006 1205 3006 596 16 4823 40 402007 952 2778 620 16 4366 34 222008 1014 2816 538 12 4380 36 192009 892 2883 520 4 4299 31 182010 913 3182 869 6 4970 29 272011 811 3047 891 3 4752 27 292012 1006 3082 879 5 4972 33 29

Historic Summary of Antelope Survey Data

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (50)

48 Hunt Arizona 2015

Pronghorn Antelope Survey Data

5-year: 2010-2014 Antelope Survey Data

Unit Year Bucks Does Fawns Unclassified Total Bucks/100 Does Fawns/100 Does 1 2010 56 176 81 3 316 32 461 2011 31 165 22 0 218 19 131 2012 30 138 36 0 204 22 261 2013 57 158 39 0 254 36 251 2014 45 147 43 0 235 31 292A 2010 24 108 8 0 140 22 72A 2011 17 68 6 0 91 25 92A 2012 24 51 3 1 79 47 62A 2013 21 76 13 0 110 28 172A 2014 42 113 29 0 184 37 262B 2010 12 45 11 0 68 27 242B 2011 7 43 10 0 60 16 232B 2012 14 70 17 0 101 20 242B 2013 20 73 14 0 107 27 192B 2014 27 111 16 0 154 24 142C 2010 28 145 40 0 213 19 282C 2011 42 124 12 0 178 34 102C 2012 30 66 7 3 106 45 112C 2013 28 105 2 0 135 27 22C 2014 20 98 11 0 129 20 113A 2010 49 182 37 0 268 27 203A 2011 31 150 36 0 217 21 243A 2012 43 125 34 0 202 34 273A 2013 60 196 25 0 281 31 133A 2014 61 181 45 0 287 34 253B North 2010 5 18 4 0 27 28 223B North 2011 7 27 6 0 40 26 223B North 2012 8 41 5 0 54 20 123B North 2013 4 30 7 0 41 13 233B North 2014 9 37 10 0 56 24 273B South 2010 12 30 10 0 52 40 333B South 2011 17 28 6 0 51 61 213B South 2012 12 29 11 0 52 41 383B South 2013 20 26 12 0 58 77 463B South 2014 21 38 5 0 64 55 133C 2010 7 54 6 0 67 167 113C 2011 6 33 8 0 47 18 243C 2012 11 101 18 0 130 11 183C 2013 29 93 17 0 139 31 183C 2014 22 73 37 0 132 30 514A 2010 33 154 64 0 251 21 424A 2011 31 114 33 0 178 27 294A 2012 45 134 72 0 251 34 544A 2013 44 87 40 0 171 51 464A 2014 65 157 101 0 323 41 644B 2010 35 111 41 0 187 32 374B 2011 24 73 26 0 123 33 364B 2012 32 69 24 0 125 46 354B 2013 36 122 54 0 212 30 444B 2014 43 114 45 0 202 38 395A 2010 22 78 33 0 133 28 425A 2011 22 93 26 0 141 24 285A 2012 15 82 36 1 134 18 445A 2013 16 47 19 0 82 34 405A 2014 18 89 44 0 151 20 49

Year Bucks Does Fawns Unclassified Total Bucks/100 Does Fawns/100 Does 2013 1106 3070 884 8 5068 36 292014 1106 3417 1066 0 5559 32 30

Historic Summary of Antelope Survey Data (continued)

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (51)

Hunt Arizona 2015 49

Pronghorn Antelope Survey Data

5-year: 2010-2014 Antelope Survey DataUnit Year Bucks Does Fawns Unclassified Total Bucks/100 Does Fawns/100 Does

5B 2010 52 102 45 0 199 51 445B 2011 48 112 39 0 199 43 355B 2012 38 154 47 0 239 25 315B 2013 45 141 47 0 233 32 335B 2014 52 183 49 0 284 28 276A 2010 5 16 7 0 28 31 446A 2011 9 27 12 0 48 33 446A 2012 6 15 14 0 35 40 936A 2013 8 17 15 0 40 47 886A 2014 6 30 11 0 47 20 376B 2010 4 17 5 0 26 24 296B 2011 5 41 16 0 62 12 396B 2012 11 48 12 0 71 23 256B 2013 12 46 17 0 75 26 376B 2014 8 35 11 0 54 23 317 2010 67 248 60 0 375 27 247 2011 45 194 57 0 296 23 297 2012 60 159 40 0 259 38 257 2013 79 173 77 0 329 46 457 2014 77 238 71 0 386 32 308 2010 30 179 46 0 255 17 268 2011 28 121 68 0 217 23 568 2012 40 113 62 0 215 35 558 2013 47 107 45 0 199 44 428 2014 44 127 36 0 207 35 289 2010 42 105 25 0 172 40 249 2011 45 76 48 0 169 59 639 2012 35 72 46 0 153 49 649 2013 43 75 45 0 163 57 609 2014 45 101 26 0 172 45 2610 2010 12 93 29 1 135 13 3110 2011 32 137 73 0 242 23 5310 2012 116 375 133 0 624 31 3510 2013 123 322 95 0 540 38 3010 2014 162 453 150 0 765 36 3312 2010 0 22 4 0 26 0 1812 2011 7 29 6 0 42 24 2112 2012 7 24 5 0 36 29 2112 2013 11 16 3 0 30 69 1912 2014 17 29 13 0 59 59 4513A 2010 8 59 7 0 74 14 1213A 2011 18 129 31 0 178 14 2413A 2012 13 87 4 0 104 15 513A 2013 31 128 16 0 175 24 1313A 2014 20 85 21 0 126 24 2513B 2010 13 47 14 0 74 28 3013B 2011 8 45 10 0 63 18 2213B 2012 16 43 8 0 67 37 1913B 2013 16 53 11 0 80 30 2113B 2014 21 47 16 0 84 45 3415A/15B 2011 3 15 8 0 26 20 5315A/15B 2012 4 4 3 0 11 100 7515A/15B 2013 4 13 5 0 22 31 3815A/15B 2014 1 9 4 0 14 11 4417A 2010 17 54 9 0 80 31 1717A 2011 17 60 4 0 81 28 717A 2012 14 63 2 0 79 22 317A 2013 4 50 4 0 58 8 817A 2014 6 50 1 0 57 12 217B 2010 10 40 9 0 59 25 2317B 2011 8 12 1 0 21 67 817B 2012 12 46 8 0 66 26 1717B 2013 14 50 9 0 73 28 1817B 2014 6 13 0 0 19 46 0

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (52)

50 Hunt Arizona 2015

Pronghorn Antelope Survey Data

5-year: 2010-2014 Antelope Survey DataUnit Year Bucks Does Fawns Unclassified Total Bucks/100 Does Fawns/100 Does

18A 2010 16 67 10 1 94 24 1518A 2011 11 62 28 1 102 18 4518A 2012 13 23 4 0 40 57 1718A 2013 19 64 12 0 95 30 1918A 2014 17 29 10 0 56 59 3418B 2010 16 118 31 0 165 14 2618B 2011 33 214 39 0 286 15 1818B 2012 23 134 19 0 176 17 1418B 2013 25 75 14 0 114 33 1918B 2014 13 84 23 0 120 15 2719A 2010 94 293 65 0 452 32 2219A 2011 79 330 120 0 529 24 3619A 2012 150 277 61 0 488 54 2219A 2013 123 339 85 0 547 36 2519A 2014 85 327 97 0 509 26 3019B 2010 73 278 78 0 429 26 2819B 2011 86 266 92 0 444 32 3519B 2012 97 283 86 0 466 34 3019B 2013 81 122 60 8 271 66 4919B 2014 49 112 26 0 187 44 2321 2010 58 73 40 0 171 79 5521 2011 37 116 36 0 189 32 3121 2012 33 87 15 0 135 38 1721 2013 22 89 43 0 154 25 4821 2014 20 109 28 0 157 18 2627 2010 6 18 4 0 28 33 2227 2011 1 16 3 0 20 6 1927 2012 1 6 2 0 9 17 3327 2013 2 6 4 0 12 33 6727 2014 1 5 0 0 6 20 028 2010 1 3 2 0 6 33 6728 2011 1 0 0 0 1 - -28 2012 3 1 0 0 4 300 028 2013 1 0 0 0 1 - -30A 2010 55 100 23 1 179 55 2330A 2011 20 40 0 0 60 50 030A 2012 19 48 4 0 71 40 830A 2013 26 55 4 0 85 47 730A 2014 26 41 9 0 76 63 2231/32 2010 17 61 15 0 93 28 2531/32 2011 18 36 4 0 58 50 1131/32 2012 19 36 11 0 66 53 3131/32 2013 20 47 7 0 74 43 1531/32 2014 17 36 14 0 67 47 3934B 2010 24 35 4 0 63 69 1134B 2011 5 22 3 0 30 23 1434B 2012 5 33 10 0 48 15 3034B 2013 5 26 6 0 37 19 2334B 2014 10 36 14 0 60 28 3935 2010 6 43 1 0 50 14 235 2011 5 18 1 2 26 28 635 2012 5 43 20 0 68 12 4735 2013 9 43 18 0 70 21 4235 2014 30 80 20 0 130 38 2536B 2010 4 10 1 0 15 40 1036B 2011 3 1 0 0 4 300 036B 2012 2 2 0 0 4 100 036B 2013 1 0 0 0 1 - -

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (53)

Hunt Arizona 2015 51

Pronghorn Antelope Hunt Data

Historic Summary of General Antelope Hunts (Youth-Only Hunts listed separately)

Year1st Choice Applicants

Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days

Harvest Percent SuccessBucks Does/Fawns1 Total

1941 – 400 387 – 286 0 286 741942 – 750 721 – 487 0 487 681943 – 1072 991 – 522 0 522 531949 – 606 575 – 437 0 437 761950 – 520 502 – 382 0 382 761951 – 835 794 – 548 0 548 691952 – 1233 1201 – 739 0 739 621953 – 1340 1283 – 828 0 828 651954 – 1600 1561 – 1146 0 1146 731955 – 955 914 – 578 0 578 631956 – 445 430 – 297 0 297 691957 – 305 296 – 205 0 205 691958 – 490 476 – 317 0 317 671959 – 990 974 – 589 0 589 611960 – 1200 1174 – 722 0 722 621961 – 1411 1373 – 687 68 755 551962 – 1215 1173 – 559 53 612 521963 – 1281 1257 – 690 39 729 581964 – 1413 1377 – 724 125 849 621965 – 1278 1248 – 652 25 677 541966 6781 1180 1150 – 542 20 562 491967 5895 1336 1297 – 667 27 694 541968 4291 800 782 – 352 2 354 451969 5178 810 791 – 406 0 406 511970 6769 1124 1103 – 589 28 617 561971 6493 909 896 – 559 0 559 621972 5594 997 972 – 480 20 500 511973 6161 1219 1205 – 642 21 663 551974 6435 1213 1181 2445 685 31 716 611975 6340 1196 1163 2293 652 18 670 581976 7680 974 937 1983 522 0 522 561977 9138 970 796 1713 425 0 425 531978 9751 880 849 1955 415 0 415 491979 9557 844 810 1816 427 0 427 531980 9493 713 683 1513 444 0 444 651981 9888 730 713 1502 456 0 456 641982 9571 835 814 1904 506 0 506 621983 7978 834 795 1816 521 0 521 661984 7357 841 810 1701 558 0 558 691985 7965 780 768 1621 584 0 584 761986 8354 740 728 1526 533 0 533 731987 8682 591 571 1177 426 0 426 751988 9035 647 640 1374 489 0 489 761989 8988 647 633 1341 488 0 488 771990 8812 601 587 1366 424 0 424 721991 9047 574 565 1225 442 0 442 781992 10095 528 507 1105 417 0 417 821993 11204 645 633 1496 484 0 484 761994 11888 652 640 1411 521 0 521 811995 12933 656 650 1427 534 0 534 821996 14116 651 630 1308 540 0 540 861997 15138 556 545 1214 435 0 435 801998 16728 543 534 1248 427 0 427 801999 17168 497 484 1088 407 0 407 842000 16989 459 454 943 402 0 402 892001 16450 450 442 898 356 0 356 812002 20082 437 428 929 357 0 357 832003 22727 360 350 807 295 0 295 842004 25822 353 345 825 283 0 283 82

1 Harvest classifications prior to 1968 are unavailable for some hunts� In these cases, all harvest has been listed as bucks�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (54)

52 Hunt Arizona 2015

Pronghorn Antelope Hunt Data

Historic Summary of Youth-Only Antelope Hunts

Year1st Choice Applicants

Permits issued

Hunters Hunter DaysHarvest Percent

SuccessBucks Does/Fawns Total1999 443 15 15 29 13 0 13 872000 485 15 15 41 12 0 12 802001 509 15 15 22 13 0 13 872002 664 15 15 26 14 0 14 932003 761 12 12 39 8 0 8 672004 776 12 12 39 5 0 5 42

2005 to 2013 No youth hunts offered

Historic Summary of Muzzleloader Antelope Hunts

Year 1st Choice Applicants

Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days

Harvest Percent SuccessBucks Does/Fawns Total

1982 89 40 40 154 13 0 13 331983 87 45 44 135 13 0 13 301984 132 75 68 181 23 0 23 341985 181 65 60 166 19 0 19 321986 246 78 78 206 32 0 32 411987 358 123 117 361 40 0 40 341988 365 122 119 316 58 0 58 491989 454 147 144 378 64 0 64 441990 528 145 135 370 68 0 68 501991 608 143 138 441 55 0 55 401992 587 143 141 481 61 0 61 431993 628 153 149 486 80 0 80 541994 729 148 146 495 67 0 67 461995 821 142 136 460 53 0 53 391996 824 106 103 302 62 0 62 601997 831 91 91 261 57 0 57 631998 865 96 95 254 56 0 56 591999 988 91 89 245 57 0 57 642000 1027 99 97 289 59 0 59 612001 1017 93 92 212 62 0 62 672002 1319 94 94 199 72 0 72 772003 1561 87 83 240 55 0 55 662004 1746 92 89 292 50 0 50 562005 1446 97 91 297 56 0 56 622006 1618 103 103 336 68 0 68 662007 2154 103 94 320 67 0 67 712008 1691 113 108 413 76 0 76 702009 1399 106 103 358 70 0 70 682010 1208 87 87 407 49 0 49 562011 1011 73 69 212 41 0 41 592012 1142 64 63 184 40 0 40 632013 1242 68 67 175 50 0 50 752014 1259 72 66 207 60 0 60 91

Year1st Choice Applicants

Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days

Harvest Percent SuccessBucks Does/Fawns1 Total

2005 18627 422 413 976 356 0 356 862006 23632 455 440 1083 389 0 389 882007 28042 473 466 1257 414 0 414 892008 18931 503 485 1226 432 0 432 892009 17480 525 506 1490 432 0 432 852010 16382 502 496 1451 427 0 427 862011 16272 436 431 1491 346 0 346 802012 19980 428 399 1198 347 0 347 872013 21460 424 403 1111 329 0 329 822014 22006 456 445 1178 385 0 385 87

1 Harvest classifications prior to 1968 are unavailable for some hunts� In these cases, all harvest has been listed as bucks�

Historic Summary of General Antelope Hunts (Youth-Only Hunts listed separately)

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (55)

Hunt Arizona 2015 53

Pronghorn Antelope Hunt Data

Historic Summary of Archery Antelope Hunts

Year 1st Choice Applicants

Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days

Harvest Percent SuccessBucks Does/Fawns Total

1974 16 50 37 168 2 0 2 5�41975 17 50 25 62 0 0 0 �01976 36 100 57 209 3 0 3 5�31977 84 119 93 405 5 1 6 6�51978 106 160 142 498 11 2 13 9�21979 116 210 170 683 7 6 13 7�61980 203 225 214 1133 21 0 21 9�81981 364 225 203 1203 13 0 13 6�41982 338 236 218 1370 15 0 15 6�91983 249 289 268 1357 20 2 22 8�21984 298 339 315 1543 33 3 36 11�41985 332 364 345 1791 32 1 33 9�61986 385 423 401 2175 31 3 34 8�51987 483 473 451 2315 32 0 32 7�11988 468 497 475 2596 52 1 53 11�21989 564 508 475 2565 54 0 54 11�41990 625 484 456 2490 53 0 53 11�61991 678 549 521 2999 46 0 46 8�81992 831 657 631 3646 75 0 75 11�91993 1046 666 615 3391 111 0 111 18�01994 1183 683 621 3474 116 0 116 18�71995 1233 671 617 3580 106 0 106 17�21996 1373 611 568 3160 101 0 101 17�81997 1497 585 549 3065 106 0 106 19�31998 1582 587 560 3155 110 0 110 19�61999 1812 588 562 3417 97 0 97 17�32000 1933 558 516 3102 70 0 70 13�62001 1943 536 503 3156 82 0 82 16�32002 2319 514 493 2667 143 0 143 29�02003 2482 433 408 2557 57 0 57 14�02004 2502 416 388 2622 73 0 73 18�82005 2069 415 392 2452 59 0 59 15�02006 2376 400 361 2383 71 0 71 20�02007 2697 399 370 2420 89 0 89 24�02008 2074 394 371 2432 111 0 111 30�02009 2007 380 343 2123 119 0 119 352010 1880 360 334 2249 101 0 101 302011 1832 321 293 1786 101 0 101 342012 2084 314 307 2132 84 0 84 272013 2265 302 284 2016 71 0 71 252014 2324 294 273 1869 101 0 101 37

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (56)

54 Hunt Arizona 2015

Pronghorn Antelope Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year Dates Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants

Permits issued Draw Odds Hunters Hunter Days Harvest Hunt


FiREARMS1 2010 9/03-9/12 20 1889 20 1�0 20 59 16 801 2011 9/02-9/11 30 2171 30 1�3 30 90 26 871 2012 9/07-9/16 20 2148 20 �8 20 56 16 801 2013 9/06-9/15 20 2400 20 �8 20 51 18 901 2014 9/05-9/14 20 2392 20 �8 20 45 17 852A 2010 9/03-9/12 30 594 30 2�5 30 107 24 802A 2011 9/02-9/11 20 378 20 2�1 20 70 11 552A 2012 9/07-9/16 20 447 20 2�2 18 62 16 892A 2013 9/06-9/15 20 432 20 3�2 15 37 13 872A 2014 9/05- 9/14 20 461 20 2�0 18 50 16 892C 2010 9/03-9/12 10 218 10 1�8 10 22 10 1002C 2011 9/02-9/11 15 287 15 2�1 15 26 15 1002C 2012 9/07-9/16 15 383 15 3�1 15 49 15 1002C 2013 9/06-9/15 15 595 15 1�2 15 43 11 732C 2014 9/05- 9/14 15 472 15 2�1 15 39 13 873A 2010 9/03-9/12 15 493 15 2�0 15 36 14 933A 2011 9/02-9/11 15 426 15 2�6 15 58 11 733A 2012 9/07-9/16 15 534 15 1�5 15 44 14 933A 2013 9/06-9/15 20 598 20 2�8 20 58 16 803A 2014 9/05- 9/14 20 763 20 1�6 20 45 19 953C 2010 9/03-9/12 5 145 5 2�1 5 25 3 603C 2011 9/02-9/11 2 87 2 2�3 2 4 2 1003C 2012 9/07-9/16 2 89 2 2�2 2 4 2 1003C 2013 9/06-9/15 1 111 1 �9 1 1 1 1003C 2014 9/05- 9/14 3 144 3 2�1 3 3 3 1004A 2010 9/03-9/12 12 533 12 2�3 12 24 12 1004A (Hopi) 2010 9/03-9/12 3 3 3 33�3 3 3 1 334A 2011 9/02-9/11 12 555 12 2�2 12 68 12 1004A (Hopi) 2011 9/02-9/11 3 3 3 33�3 3 10 3 1004A 2012 9/07-9/16 12 700 12 1�6 11 23 11 1004A (Hopi) 2012 9/07-9/16 3 8 3 37�5 3 3 2 674A 2013 9/06-9/15 13 849 13 1�4 13 15 12 924A (Hopi) 2013 9/06-9/15 4 14 4 28�6 4 8 0 04A 2014 9/05- 9/14 16 933 16 1�6 16 35 15 944A (Hopi) 2014 9/05- 9/14 4 9 4 11�1 4 8 2 504B 2010 9/03-9/12 15 454 15 2�2 15 75 10 674B 2011 9/02-9/11 15 366 15 1�6 15 58 15 1004B 2012 9/07-9/16 20 680 20 1�9 20 64 16 804B 2013 9/06-9/15 26 781 26 1�7 25 71 21 844B 2014 9/05- 9/14 26 806 26 2�6 26 104 22 855A 2010 9/03-9/12 11 506 11 2�2 11 32 11 1005A (Hopi) 2010 9/03-9/12 4 2 4 100�0 4 9 3 755A 2011 9/02-9/11 7 297 7 1�3 5 26 2 405A (Hopi) 2011 9/02-9/11 3 6 3 50�0 3 8 0 05A 2012 9/07-9/16 7 345 7 1�7 7 16 7 1005A (Hopi) 2012 9/07-9/16 3 2 3 50�0 3 9 3 1005A 2013 9/06-9/15 6 342 6 �6 6 12 5 835A (Hopi) 2013 9/06-9/15 2 2 2 100�0 0 0 0 -5A 2014 9/05- 9/14 6 401 6 �2 6 20 5 835A (Hopi) 2014 9/05- 9/14 2 5 2 40�0 2 10 2 1005B 2010 9/03-9/12 17 843 17 1�5 17 60 16 945B (Hopi) 2010 9/03-9/12 3 7 3 14�3 3 4 3 1005B 2011 9/02-9/11 26 1254 26 1�8 26 93 20 775B (Hopi) 2011 9/02-9/11 4 8 4 50�0 4 12 4 1005B 2012 9/07-9/16 26 1969 26 1�3 24 90 14 585B (Hopi) 2012 9/07-9/16 4 21 4 19�0 2 10 0 05B 2013 9/06-9/15 17 2002 17 �8 17 77 15 885B (Hopi) 2013 9/06-9/15 3 11 3 27�3 3 9 2 675B 2014 9/05- 9/14 21 2565 21 �8 21 50 18 865B (Hopi) 2014 9/05- 9/14 3 18 4 22�2 4 12 4 1006A 2010 9/03-9/12 5 199 5 2�0 5 31 3 606A 2011 9/02-9/11 5 147 5 3�4 5 10 5 100

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (57)

Hunt Arizona 2015 55

Pronghorn Antelope Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year Dates Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants

Permits issued Draw Odds Hunters Hunter Days Harvest Hunt


6A 2012 9/07-9/16 6 262 6 1�5 6 26 6 1006A 2013 9/06-9/15 7 339 7 1�2 7 14 6 866A 2014 9/05- 9/14 7 346 7 1�4 7 23 7 1006B South 2010 9/03-9/12 2 41 2 2�4 2 2 2 1006B South 2011 9/02-9/11 2 37 2 5�4 2 18 2 1006B South 2012 9/07-9/16 2 55 2 3�6 0 0 0 -6B South 2013 9/06-9/15 2 93 2 1�1 2 2 2 1006B South 2014 9/05- 9/14 2 44 2 4�5 0 0 0 -7 2010 9/03-9/12 40 1394 40 2�4 40 114 36 907 2011 9/02-9/11 40 1292 40 2�4 40 183 30 757 2012 9/07-9/16 40 1644 40 1�8 40 118 35 887 2013 9/06-9/15 40 1869 40 1�9 38 83 38 1007 2014 9/05- 9/14 48 2012 48 2�1 48 139 39 819 2010 9/03-9/12 20 601 20 2�8 20 60 17 859 2011 9/02-9/11 25 668 25 1�8 25 71 24 969 2012 9/07-9/16 27 1098 27 2�5 24 78 24 1009 2013 9/06-9/15 30 1623 30 1�6 30 55 28 939 2014 9/05- 9/14 40 1946 40 1�7 39 105 37 9510 2010 9/03-9/12 70 4187 70 1�6 69 230 61 8810 2011 9/02-9/11 70 4306 70 1�4 69 236 56 8110 2012 9/07-9/16 70 5384 70 1�2 67 228 60 9010 2013 9/06-9/15 80 5036 80 1�4 74 256 51 6910 2014 9/05- 9/14 90 4557 90 1�8 88 205 78 8912 2010 9/03-9/12 2 47 2 4�3 2 5 2 10012 2011 9/02-9/11 2 39 2 �0 0 0 0 -12 2012 9/07-9/16 2 65 2 �0 0 0 0 -12 2013 9/06-9/15 2 46 2 �0 0 0 0 -12 2014 9/05- 9/14 2 60 2 1�7 2 2 2 10013A 2010 9/03-9/12 30 359 30 5�0 27 73 26 9613A 2011 9/02-9/11 15 244 15 5�7 15 66 10 6713A 2012 9/07-9/16 15 315 15 3�5 13 45 8 6213A 2013 9/06-9/15 10 246 10 2�8 10 30 8 8013A 2014 9/05- 9/14 10 214 10 3�7 10 33 8 8013B 2010 9/03-9/12 10 117 10 3�4 9 53 3 3313B 2011 9/02-9/11 10 80 10 3�8 10 48 5 5013B 2012 9/07-9/16 5 75 5 4�0 5 18 3 6013B 2013 9/06-9/15 5 78 5 2�6 5 11 4 8013B 2014 9/05- 9/14 5 67 5 4�5 5 10 5 10017A 2010 9/03-9/12 4 165 4 1�8 4 4 4 10017A 2011 9/02-9/11 4 155 4 2�6 4 12 4 10017A 2012 9/07-9/16 4 171 4 1�8 4 13 4 10017A 2013 9/06-9/15 3 191 3 �5 3 13 2 6717A 2014 9/05- 9/14 3 172 3 1�7 3 6 3 10018A 2010 9/10-9/16 10 261 10 3�1 10 30 8 8018A 2011 9/09-9/15 10 228 10 �9 10 35 7 7018A 2012 9/14-9/20 10 270 10 2�2 10 21 10 10018A 2013 9/13-9/19 10 324 10 2�2 10 30 8 8018A 2014 9/12- 9/18 10 359 10 2�5 10 28 9 9018B 2010 9/03-9/12 35 482 35 5�8 35 128 28 8018B 2011 9/02-9/11 35 561 35 2�3 35 90 27 7718B 2012 9/07-9/16 25 608 25 3�3 21 44 21 10018B 2013 9/06-9/15 21 563 21 2�7 21 56 17 8118B 2014 9/05- 9/14 20 685 20 2�5 20 58 14 7019A North 2010 9/10-9/16 40 775 40 3�6 39 51 36 9219A North 2011 9/09-9/15 30 653 30 3�1 30 99 23 7719A North 2012 9/14-9/20 30 1018 30 2�5 27 56 25 9319A North 2013 9/13-9/19 30 1157 30 1�8 27 54 24 8919A North 2014 9/12- 9/18 30 1054 30 2�2 28 58 25 8919B 2010 9/03-9/12 60 1174 60 3�6 60 144 50 8319B 2011 9/02-9/11 0 1136 0 �0 0 0 0 -19B 2014 9/12- 9/18 5 374 5 1�1 5 8 5 10019B North 2012 9/14-9/20 5 351 5 �9 4 6 3 7519B North 2013 9/06-9/19 5 312 5 1�6 5 9 5 100

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (58)

56 Hunt Arizona 2015

Pronghorn Antelope Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year Dates Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants

Permits issued Draw Odds Hunters Hunter Days Harvest Hunt


21 2010 9/03-9/12 15 338 15 2�7 15 48 14 9321 2011 9/02-9/11 20 377 20 2�4 20 69 16 8021 2012 9/07-9/16 25 630 25 2�9 23 75 20 8721 2013 9/06-9/15 20 719 20 1�9 20 75 11 5521 2014 9/05- 9/14 17 623 17 2�1 17 58 10 5930A 2010 9/03-9/12 9 178 9 3�4 9 11 9 10030A 2011 9/02-9/11 10 150 10 4�7 10 13 10 10030A 2012 9/07-9/16 10 257 10 1�6 10 30 7 7030A 2013 9/06-9/15 7 194 7 1�5 7 11 6 8630A 2014 9/05- 9/14 6 192 6 3�1 4 9 3 7531/32 2010 9/03-9/12 4 225 4 1�8 4 9 4 10031/32 2011 9/02-9/11 4 197 4 2�0 4 14 4 10031/32 2012 9/07-9/16 3 218 3 �9 3 8 3 10031/32 2013 9/06-9/15 3 253 3 �4 3 27 3 10031/32 2014 9/05- 9/14 3 290 3 1�0 3 12 3 10034B 2010 9/03-9/12 1 152 1 �7 1 2 1 10034B 2011 9/02-9/11 1 126 1 �8 1 3 1 10034B 2012 9/07-9/16 1 194 1 �5 1 1 1 10034B 2013 9/06-9/15 1 224 1 �4 1 1 1 100FTHU 2011 9/02-9/11 1 38 1 2�6 1 1 1 100FTHU 2012 9/07-9/16 1 39 1 2�6 1 1 1 100FTHU 2013 9/06-9/15 1 56 1 1�8 1 2 1 100FTHU 2014 9/05- 9/14 1 42 1 �0 1 3 1 100MUZZLELOADER2B 2010 9/03-9/12 30 237 30 6�8 30 168 16 532B 2011 9/02-9/11 20 197 20 4�1 18 42 11 612B 2012 9/07-9/16 10 184 10 3�8 10 23 10 1002B 2013 9/06-9/15 10 195 10 3�1 9 23 3 332B 2014 9/05- 9/14 10 199 10 2�5 10 50 6 603B North 2010 9/03-9/12 5 84 5 2�4 5 25 1 203B North 2011 9/02-9/11 5 41 5 4�9 5 18 1 203B North 2012 9/07-9/16 5 73 5 2�7 5 28 2 403B North 2013 9/06-9/15 5 67 5 3�0 5 13 3 603B North 2014 9/05- 9/14 2 31 2 3�2 2 2 2 1003B South 2014 9/05- 9/14 2 60 2 3�3 2 14 2 1008 2010 9/03-9/12 20 351 20 3�7 20 114 6 308 2011 9/02-9/11 20 371 20 4�3 20 83 9 458 2012 9/07-9/16 20 475 20 2�5 20 71 11 558 2013 9/06-9/15 25 474 25 3�6 25 70 20 808 2014 9/05- 9/14 30 539 30 5�2 28 74 28 10015A/15B 2010 9/03-9/12 2 27 2 3�7 2 10 2 10015A/15B 2011 9/02-9/11 2 18 2 11�1 0 0 0 -15A/15B 2012 9/07-9/16 2 63 2 3�2 2 6 0 015A/15B 2013 9/06-9/15 2 34 2 2�9 2 13 1 5015A/15B 2014 9/05- 9/14 2 24 2 �0 0 0 0 -17B 2010 9/03-9/12 3 70 3 2�9 3 13 2 6717B 2011 9/02-9/11 3 50 3 4�0 3 11 2 6717B 2012 9/07-9/16 2 30 2 3�3 2 3 2 10017B/19B 2013 9/06-9/12 6 88 6 5�7 6 15 5 8317B/19B 2014 9/05- 9/11 6 121 6 5�0 6 14 6 10018A 2010 9/03-9/09 5 99 5 4�0 5 20 3 6018A 2011 9/02-9/08 5 90 5 4�4 5 15 5 10018A 2012 9/07-9/13 5 88 5 4�5 4 10 1 2518A 2013 9/06-9/12 5 120 5 3�3 5 13 5 10018A 2014 9/05- 9/11 5 75 5 5�3 5 15 3 6019A North 2010 9/03-9/09 20 289 20 2�4 20 46 17 8519A North 2011 9/02-9/08 15 199 16 3�0 16 37 12 7519A North 2012 9/07-9/13 15 176 15 4�5 15 33 9 6019A North 2013 9/06-9/12 15 269 15 3�3 15 28 13 8719A North 2014 9/05- 9/11 15 210 15 4�3 13 38 13 10019B North 2012 9/02-9/13 5 53 5 3�8 5 10 5 10034B 2010 9/03-9/12 1 25 1 �0 1 4 1 10034B 2011 9/02-9/11 1 24 1 4�2 1 1 1 100

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (59)

Hunt Arizona 2015 57

Pronghorn Antelope Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year Dates Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants

Permits issued Draw Odds Hunters Hunter Days Harvest Hunt


35 2010 9/03-9/12 1 26 1 �0 1 7 1 10035 2011 9/02-9/11 1 21 1 �0 1 5 0 0ARCHERY1 2010 8/20-9/02 20 158 20 8�2 19 154 3 161 2011 8/19-9/01 30 197 30 13�2 27 175 2 71 2012 8/24-9/06 30 220 30 10�0 30 216 9 301 2013 8/23-9/05 30 226 30 10�6 28 188 4 141 2014 8/22- 9/04 30 250 30 8�8 22 212 2 93A 2010 8/20-9/02 10 41 10 14�6 10 72 2 203A 2011 8/19-9/01 10 32 10 15�6 10 56 0 03A 2012 8/24-9/06 10 44 10 11�4 10 55 0 03A 2013 8/23-9/05 10 50 10 14�0 10 84 0 03A 2014 8/22- 9/04 10 66 10 9�1 7 33 0 03B North 2010 8/20-9/02 15 32 15 12�5 15 135 2 133B North 2011 8/19-9/01 10 29 10 10�3 10 43 3 303B North 2012 8/24-9/06 10 28 10 28�6 10 65 0 03B North 2013 8/09-8/22 10 56 10 12�5 9 60 3 333B North 2014 8/22- 9/04 5 23 5 17�4 5 20 0 03B South 2010 8/20-9/02 5 30 5 16�7 5 40 2 403B South 2011 8/19-9/01 5 18 5 16�7 5 43 2 403B South 2012 8/10-8/23 5 42 5 9�5 5 33 2 403B South 2012 8/24-9/06 5 8 5 12�5 5 47 2 403B South 2013 8/23-9/05 5 41 5 7�3 5 42 0 03B South 2013 8/23-9/05 5 14 5 21�4 5 60 0 03B South 2014 8/08- 8/21 5 50 5 6�0 5 30 3 603B South 2014 8/22- 9/04 5 25 5 8�0 5 23 3 604A 2013 8/23-9/05 4 42 4 4�8 4 38 0 04A (Hopi) 2013 8/23-9/05 1 0 1 - 1 10 0 04A 2014 8/22- 9/04 4 32 4 9�4 4 22 2 504A (Hopi) 2014 8/22- 9/04 1 0 1 - 1 10 0 04B 2010 8/20-9/02 20 68 20 13�2 18 131 0 04B 2011 8/19-9/01 20 84 20 14�3 20 113 2 104B 2012 8/24-9/06 20 98 20 10�2 20 158 0 04B 2013 8/23-9/05 15 73 15 8�2 15 118 3 204B 2014 8/22- 9/04 15 65 15 10�8 14 112 3 215A 2010 8/20-9/02 7 66 7 10�6 7 81 0 05A (Hopi) 2010 8/20-9/02 3 0 3 - 3 26 2 675A 2011 8/19-9/01 7 39 7 15�4 7 63 0 05A (Hopi) 2011 8/19-9/01 3 1 3 100�0 3 9 3 1005A 2012 8/24-9/06 4 70 4 5�7 4 48 2 505A (Hopi) 2012 8/24-9/06 1 1 1 100�0 0 0 0 -5A 2013 8/23-9/05 4 33 4 12�1 4 26 0 05A (Hopi) 2013 8/23-9/05 1 1 1 100�0 1 7 0 05A 2014 8/22- 9/04 4 56 4 7�1 4 14 4 1005A (Hopi) 2014 8/22- 9/04 1 0 1 - 0 0 0 -5B 2010 8/20-9/02 9 103 9 4�9 9 57 3 335B (Hopi) 2010 8/20-9/02 1 0 1 - 0 0 0 -5B 2011 8/19-9/01 13 149 13 6�7 13 130 0 05B (Hopi) 2011 8/19-9/01 2 0 2 - 2 8 0 05B 2012 8/24-9/06 13 150 13 6�7 13 110 2 155B (Hopi) 2012 8/24-9/06 2 3 2 66�7 2 10 0 05B 2013 8/23-9/05 9 149 9 2�7 8 68 2 255B (Hopi) 2013 8/23-9/05 1 0 1 - 0 0 0 -5B 2014 8/22- 9/04 9 177 9 5�1 9 86 4 445B (Hopi) 2014 8/22- 9/04 1 0 1 - 1 11 0 06B North 2010 8/20-9/02 10 25 10 16�0 10 62 2 206B North 2011 8/19-9/01 10 19 10 31�6 8 55 0 06B North 2012 8/24-9/06 10 35 10 17�1 10 80 0 06B North 2013 8/23-9/05 10 32 10 6�3 10 85 0 06B North 2014 8/22- 9/04 10 31 10 25�8 10 83 0 07 2010 8/20-9/02 5 66 5 4�5 5 63 0 07 2011 8/19-9/01 5 56 5 5�4 5 38 1 207 2012 8/24-9/06 5 50 5 8�0 5 58 0 0

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (60)

58 Hunt Arizona 2015

Pronghorn Antelope Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year Dates Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants

Permits issued Draw Odds Hunters Hunter Days Harvest Hunt


7 2013 8/23-9/05 5 78 5 6�4 3 35 0 07 2014 8/22- 9/04 10 113 10 7�1 10 73 6 609 2012 8/24-9/06 5 74 5 2�7 5 46 1 209 2013 8/23-9/05 5 64 5 6�3 3 22 0 09 2014 8/22- 9/04 5 66 5 6�1 5 25 3 6010 2010 8/20-9/02 60 365 60 11�8 56 316 16 2910 2011 8/19-9/01 60 424 60 8�3 51 311 18 3510 2012 8/24-9/06 60 440 60 8�2 58 388 16 2810 2013 8/23-9/05 65 458 65 9�4 59 457 13 2210 2014 8/22- 9/04 65 381 65 9�7 65 453 20 3111M 2010 8/20-9/02 5 28 5 14�3 5 41 0 011M 2011 8/19-9/01 5 32 5 12�5 5 35 1 2011M 2012 8/24-9/13 5 30 5 13�3 4 28 0 011M 2013 8/23-9/12 5 40 5 5�0 5 30 2 4011M 2014 8/22- 9/11 5 65 5 7�7 5 53 0 012 2010 8/20-9/02 5 12 5 25�0 5 30 0 012 2011 8/19-9/01 3 12 3 �0 3 16 0 012 2012 8/24-9/06 3 11 3 18�2 3 13 1 3312 2013 8/23-9/05 3 8 3 25�0 2 11 0 012 2014 8/22- 9/04 3 25 3 4�0 3 24 0 015A/15B 2010 8/20-9/02 4 23 4 17�4 4 9 0 015A/15B 2011 8/19-9/01 4 24 4 �0 4 21 3 7515A/15B 2012 8/24-9/06 4 26 4 11�5 4 28 4 10015A/15B 2013 8/23-9/05 3 31 3 9�7 3 18 0 015A/15B 2014 8/22- 9/04 2 31 2 6�5 2 11 1 5017B 2010 8/20-9/02 5 31 5 12�9 5 20 3 6017B 2011 8/19-9/01 5 26 5 7�7 3 15 3 10017B 2012 8/10-8/23 3 23 3 8�7 3 20 2 6717B 2012 8/24-9/06 3 11 3 18�2 3 12 2 6717B/19B 2013 8/09-8/22 5 80 5 5�0 5 18 5 10017B/19B 2013 8/23-9/05 5 33 5 12�1 5 20 5 10017B/19B 2014 8/08- 8/21 5 89 5 4�5 5 33 5 10017B/19B 2014 8/22- 9/04 5 40 5 �0 5 20 5 10018A 2010 8/20-9/03 15 67 15 10�4 13 105 0 018A 2011 8/19-9/01 10 40 10 15�0 10 63 3 3018A 2012 8/24-9/06 10 51 10 17�6 10 44 6 6018A 2013 8/23-9/05 10 62 10 8�1 10 48 2 2018A 2014 8/22- 9/04 10 69 10 11�6 10 42 0 018B early 2010 8/20-9/02 25 70 25 17�1 22 153 9 4118B early 2011 8/19-9/01 25 61 25 18�0 25 163 6 2418B early 2012 8/24-9/06 15 45 15 15�6 14 92 5 3618B early 2013 8/23-9/05 5 34 5 5�9 5 31 3 6018B early 2014 8/22- 9/04 5 39 5 5�1 5 27 2 4019A early 2010 8/06-8/19 40 262 40 9�5 36 250 18 5019A late 2010 8/20-9/02 40 82 40 15�9 38 206 24 6319A early 2011 8/05-8/18 30 270 30 8�5 28 131 24 8619A late 2011 8/19-9/01 30 69 30 17�4 28 136 21 7519A early 2012 8/10-8/23 30 320 30 8�1 30 183 15 5019A late 2012 8/24-9/06 30 96 30 16�7 30 205 7 2319A early 2013 8/09-8/22 30 423 30 5�9 30 144 16 5319A late 2013 8/23-9/05 30 107 30 9�3 30 183 13 4319A early 2014 8/08- 8/21 30 399 30 6�8 30 146 21 7019A late 2014 8/22- 9/04 30 80 30 12�5 26 182 12 4619B North 2010 8/20-9/02 20 127 20 11�0 18 91 11 6119B North 2011 8/19-9/01 0 89 0 �0 0 0 0 -19B North 2012 8/24-9/06 5 61 5 4�9 5 25 5 10021 2010 8/20-9/02 10 38 10 5�3 10 63 0 021 2011 8/19-9/01 15 47 15 21�3 15 99 4 2721 2012 8/24-9/06 15 76 15 13�2 15 123 3 2021 2013 8/23-9/05 15 54 15 18�5 15 131 0 021 2014 8/22- 9/04 10 82 10 11�0 10 82 4 4027 2012 8/24-9/06 1 11 1 9�1 0 0 0 -27 South 2010 8/20-9/02 5 58 5 3�4 5 33 1 20

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (61)

Hunt Arizona 2015 59

Pronghorn Antelope Harvest Data

Unit Year Dates Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants

Permits issued Draw Odds Hunters Hunter Days Harvest Hunt


27 South 2011 8/19-9/01 3 22 3 9�1 0 0 0 -31/32 2010 8/20-9/02 10 57 10 8�8 7 36 1 1431/32 2011 8/19-9/01 10 47 10 14�9 8 54 4 5031/32 2012 8/24-9/06 6 57 6 8�8 5 17 0 031/32 2013 8/23-9/05 6 69 6 8�7 6 60 0 031/32 2014 8/22- 9/04 4 42 4 7�1 4 40 0 034B 2010 8/20-9/02 1 29 1 3�4 1 13 0 034B 2011 8/19-9/01 1 32 1 �0 1 3 1 10035 2010 8/20-9/02 6 38 6 10�5 5 36 2 4035 2011 8/19-9/01 1 10 1 10�0 0 0 0 -CN 2010 8/20-9/02 4 4 4 100�0 4 28 0 0CN 2011 8/19-9/01 4 3 4 100�0 2 6 0 0CN 2012 8/24-9/06 4 3 4 100�0 4 28 0 0CN 2013 8/23-9/05 4 3 4 100�0 2 20 0 0CN 2014 8/22- 9/04 4 12 4 33�3 0 0 0 -FTHU 2013 8/23-9/05 1 4 1 25�0 1 2 0 0FTHU 2014 8/22- 9/04 1 16 1 6�3 1 2 1 100

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (62)

Hunt Arizona 2015 61

elk (Cervus elaphus)

Natural Historyelk were at one time thinly distributed in Arizona from the White and Blue mountains westward along the mogollon rim to near the san Francisco peaks. These native elk were eliminated sometime prior to 1900. in February 1913, private conservationists released 83 elk from Yellowstone national park into Cabin draw near Chevelon Creek. These, and two other transplants of Yellowstone elk in the 1920s—one south of Alpine, and another north of Williams—were great successes, and Arizona’s elk population has now grown to approx-imately 30,000-35,000 post-hunt adults.

mountain meadows, ponderosa pine woodlands, spruce-fir forests, and other high elevation habitats be-tween 7,000 and 10,500 feet elevation constitute the elk’s principal summer range. elk are rarely found more than one-half mile from water and tend to stay on the summer range as long as possible, arriving early in the year and remaining until forced down by deep snow. Their winter range, which is usually between 5,500 and 6,500 feet elevation, is more limited in extent and may only comprise about 10 percent of the animal’s total habitat. here, in the pinyon-juniper zone, elk remain until melting snows allow them to migrate upward.

elk have distinct summer and winter coats, which they shed in late summer and spring, respectively. in winter, the head, belly, neck, and legs are dark brown, and the sides and back are a grayish-brown; the rump patch is a yellowish color bordered by a dark brownish stripe. While females are usually somewhat lighter in color than bulls, both sexes have heavy dark manes. in summer, the coat becomes a deep reddish brown. elk have little to no undercoat, giving them a sleek, muscu-lar appearance.

Calves are born between late may and early June after an 8-month gestation period. They are dark russet in color with white spots on the back and sides. newly born calves weigh an average of nearly 30 pounds, with males averag-ing 4 pounds more than females. twins are extremely rare.

When the time comes to give birth, a cow will drive off her previous year’s calf and separate from the herd to seek out an area of dense cover for a nursery. With-in hours after birth, the newborn is able to move and is led from the birthing spot to a safer place. After a week,

the mother will band with other cow elk, and after two to three weeks, the calves, now able to run, will join the herd. some of these matriarchal bands may number in the hundreds. By september, the calves will have shed their spotted coats and will be behaving much like their mothers.

An elk’s natural life span is about 14 to 16 years for males and 15 to 17 for females, even though tagged ani-mals of more than 25 years old have been documented.

Antler development and size is a function of age, the older, larger bulls having the most developed antlers. old bulls shed their antlers between January and march, and yearling males sometime between march and June. As soon as antlers are shed, new ones begin growing, so it is possible to see yearlings with old spikes and bulls in vel-vet at the same time. The antlers continue to grow for a






Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (63)

62 Hunt Arizona 2015

period ranging from 90 days for yearlings to 150 days for adult bulls.

By early August, antler growth is complete. The now dry velvet is stripped off the hardened antlers in a mat-ter of hours as the bull polishes them against trees. By early september, the bull is in the rut, and bugling and harem formation occurs. harems may number up to 30, depending on the size and vigor of the bull, but usually average 15 to 20.

A large bull may weigh up to 1,200 pounds, but most range between 600 to 800 pounds. The live weight of ma-ture cows ranges from 450 to 600 pounds. elk evolved as distance runners and can approach speeds of 40 mph for short periods, and maintain speeds of nearly 30 mph for longer periods. They are also strong swimmers—even calves can swim more than a mile—and high jumpers, a

10-foot fence may not stop an adult.

elk are grass-eating animals, and one of the require-ments of feeding in open country is to always be on the alert for danger. As herd animals, some elk can always be watching for predators while the others feed.

Hunt HistoryAs with many game species in Arizona, elk hunting has had its ups and downs. With native elk having been extirpated, the closed season imposed by the territorial legislature in 1893 was too little too late. The releases of Yellowstone elk between 1913 and 1929 were success-ful, however, and in 1935 the population was deemed sufficient to support a limited, 266-permit bull hunt. one hundred and forty-five elk were harvested, and hunts were continued every year through 1943.

Because of World War ii, no season was conducted in 1944 or 1945, but a limited hunt, which included the is-suance of the first cow elk permits, was again authorized in 1946. elk hunting opportunities expanded almost an-nually as biologists and ranchers feared that Arizona’s elk population might now “rise out of control.” These con-cerns culminated in 1953 when 6,288 permits were issued and 1,558 elk were taken—more than 1,000 of which were cows. Because of concerns about the “slaughter,” elk permits were greatly curtailed in 1954 and remained be-low 5,000 until 1965, when more than 6,000 permits were again authorized. By 1967, elk permit numbers were ex-ceeding 7,000, and the annual harvest exceeded 1,500 elk.

once again, elk permits were gradually lowered, although new hunts, including archery hunts, were being initiated.

By the mid-1980s, elk, and elk permit numbers, were again headed upward. This trend culminated in 1994, when nearly 11,000 elk were harvested—a number un-imaginable just 20 years earlier. since then, elk numbers and harvests have remained at a high level with about 9,000 elk taken each year. This situation is expected to continue for the foreseeable future as wildlife managers and land managers continue to balance habitat quality and elk-livestock competition.


Elk distribution

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (64)

Hunt Arizona 2015 63

Year Spike Bull Cow Calf Unclassified Total Bulls ¹ /100 Cows

Calves/100 Cows

1947 17 89 332 129 0 567 32 391948 44 138 357 182 0 721 51 511949 45 101 309 129 0 584 47 421950 30 91 290 141 0 552 42 491951 27 121 293 116 4 561 51 401952 11 93 241 93 0 438 43 391953 35 92 206 78 0 411 62 381954 14 77 202 79 35 407 45 391955 21 88 221 73 37 440 49 331956 14 48 122 54 15 253 51 441957 13 70 111 48 34 276 75 431958 10 62 74 40 16 202 97 541959 22 87 152 79 49 389 72 521960 23 43 127 70 37 300 52 551961 33 83 172 80 23 391 67 471962 18 51 164 86 16 335 42 521963 53 111 288 138 54 644 57 481964 25 94 228 124 51 522 52 541965 41 86 284 167 57 635 45 591966 54 121 387 233 41 836 45 601967 100 124 446 267 24 961 50 601968 39 132 486 271 21 949 35 561969 61 147 526 296 40 1070 40 561970 53 96 469 256 96 970 32 551971 86 148 495 267 270 1266 47 541972 67 126 471 274 150 1088 41 581973 56 88 438 280 230 1092 33 641974 60 126 597 353 244 1380 31 591975 68 139 598 393 192 1390 35 661976 85 148 546 330 158 1267 43 601977 93 185 678 404 117 1477 41 601978 122 158 775 473 68 1596 36 611979 156 196 1142 602 66 2162 31 531980 53 109 601 338 82 1183 27 561981 125 276 1121 618 199 2339 36 551982 163 154 1264 707 86 2374 25 561983 175 199 1186 691 43 2294 32 581984 365 281 2032 1172 131 3981 32 581985 286 250 1693 978 285 3492 32 581986 274 245 1827 903 204 3453 28 491987 384 405 2671 1504 203 5167 30 561988 447 434 2810 1537 263 5491 31 551989 752 599 4306 2142 461 8260 31 501990 647 678 4405 1813 198 7741 30 411991 639 869 5354 2860 931 10653 28 531992 947 895 5647 2671 399 10559 33 471993 926 889 7698 3892 324 13729 24 511994 934 1080 6530 2807 591 11942 31 431995 837 1111 6793 2809 105 11655 29 411996 869 1348 7493 2559 255 12524 30 341997 727 1383 6461 2423 178 11172 33 381998 670 1535 7052 3440 131 12828 31 491999 986 1330 6397 2901 432 12046 36 452000 965 1300 7684 3013 161 13123 29 392001 400 1224 4540 1251 29 7444 36 282002 344 1217 5409 1842 53 8865 29 342003 489 1460 4732 1589 117 8387 41 342004 493 1347 4585 2289 195 8909 40 502005 378 1082 4136 1894 62 7552 35 462006 592 1261 4984 1847 170 8854 37 372007 473 1077 4328 1641 2 7521 36 38

¹ Includes spikes

Elk Survey Data

Historic Summary of Elk Survey Data

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (65)

64 Hunt Arizona 2015

Elk Survey Data

Historic Summary of Elk Survey DataYear Spike Bull Cow Calf Unclassified Total Bulls ¹ /100


Cows2008 336 1186 3764 1448 29 6763 40 382009 446 1133 4698 1858 75 8210 34 402010 415 816 3508 1199 4 5942 35 342011 321 977 4324 1764 284 7670 30 412012 493 1300 4829 1964 358 8944 37 412013 585 1313 5274 2139 195 9506 36 412014 509 1109 4553 1647 214 8032 36 36

¹ Includes spikes

5-Year: 2010-2014 Elk Survey DataUnit Year Spike Adult Bull Cow Calf Unclassified Total

Bulls¹/100 Cows

Calves/100 Cows

1 2010 72 148 597 234 0 1051 37 391 2011 36 122 385 124 131 798 41 321 2012 75 240 817 331 0 1463 39 411 2013 88 184 849 345 145 1611 32 411 2014 101 181 645 313 98 1338 44 492A/2B 2014 1 7 24 16 0 48 33 673A/3C 2010 21 37 162 89 0 309 36 553A/3C 2011 15 18 236 96 0 365 14 413A/3C 2012 10 32 100 51 0 193 42 513A/3C 2013 32 74 287 122 0 515 37 433A/3C 2014 8 17 125 67 0 217 20 543B 2010 16 23 65 26 0 130 60 403B 2011 15 34 136 54 0 239 36 403B 2012 12 41 119 43 0 215 45 363B 2013 21 30 205 54 0 310 25 263B 2014 11 41 69 29 0 150 75 424A 2010 28 60 281 83 0 452 31 304A 2011 24 47 190 88 20 369 37 464A 2012 37 39 271 124 0 471 28 464A 2013 17 44 312 108 0 481 20 354A 2014 47 54 297 111 2 511 34 374B 2010 6 2 44 17 0 69 18 394B 2011 8 20 33 19 0 80 85 584B 2012 4 20 63 38 0 125 38 604B 2013 8 19 61 36 0 124 44 595A 2010 13 70 71 17 1 172 117 245A 2011 4 50 116 48 2 220 47 415A 2012 26 61 258 96 1 442 34 375A 2013 22 54 195 84 3 358 39 435A 2014 20 66 165 69 8 328 52 425B 2011 39 99 403 166 0 707 34 415B 2012 46 74 536 204 0 860 22 385B 2013 12 115 440 185 0 752 29 425B 2014 61 75 719 193 0 1048 19 275BN 2010 8 41 103 44 0 196 48 435BN 2011 26 64 248 99 0 437 36 405BS 2010 25 56 236 59 0 376 34 255BS 2011 13 35 155 67 0 270 31 436A 2010 31 27 172 53 0 283 34 316A 2011 2 58 146 62 1 269 41 426A 2012 5 57 219 104 6 391 28 476A 2013 12 17 238 88 0 355 12 376A 2014 15 30 192 71 0 308 23 376B 2010 13 19 110 24 0 166 29 226B 2011 9 14 77 38 0 138 30 496B 2012 22 84 197 83 139 525 54 426B 2013 29 22 223 76 0 350 23 346B 2014 21 26 152 51 0 250 31 347E 2010 5 10 34 5 2 56 44 157E 2011 9 28 97 55 0 189 38 577E 2012 13 28 63 28 0 132 65 447E 2013 27 85 190 90 24 416 59 47

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (66)

Hunt Arizona 2015 65

Elk Survey Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Elk Survey Data

¹ Include spikesCn = Camp Navajo

Unit Year Spike Adult Bull Cow Calf Unclassified TotalBulls¹/

100 CowsCalves/

100 Cows7E 2014 11 36 75 41 13 176 63 557W 2010 9 7 132 53 0 201 12 407W 2011 6 21 148 90 2 267 18 617W 2012 17 18 102 43 0 180 34 427W 2013 40 63 179 89 0 371 58 507W 2014 17 24 128 49 0 218 32 388 2010 29 18 149 45 0 241 32 308 2011 19 44 293 158 8 522 22 548 2012 55 64 397 212 0 728 30 538 2013 70 108 440 212 0 830 40 488 2014 31 27 215 77 66 416 27 369 2010 3 69 110 38 0 220 65 359 2011 8 42 270 109 22 451 19 409 2012 29 56 180 78 0 343 47 439 2013 32 66 228 92 0 418 43 409 2014 19 77 100 47 19 262 96 4710 2010 9 26 79 31 0 145 44 3910 2011 23 71 189 88 0 371 50 4710 2012 23 69 265 84 202 643 35 3210 2013 29 83 229 99 0 440 49 4310 2014 8 54 117 42 0 221 53 3616A 2013 3 6 26 13 0 48 35 5018B 2011 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 018B 2013 9 0 79 30 0 118 11 3819A 2013 1 1 20 7 0 29 10 3519B 2011 0 7 14 4 0 25 50 2921 2011 2 8 5 1 0 16 200 2021 2012 4 18 77 37 0 136 29 4821 2013 5 20 27 6 0 58 93 2221 2014 5 26 28 2 0 61 111 722 2010 49 82 332 110 1 574 39 3322 2011 39 86 413 202 0 740 30 4922 2012 56 122 424 146 1 749 42 3422 2013 48 108 440 182 2 780 35 4122 2014 39 120 478 134 0 771 33 2823 2010 17 85 255 96 0 453 40 3823 2011 21 88 309 101 2 521 35 3323 2012 25 93 256 79 0 453 46 3123 2013 17 87 340 110 19 573 31 3223 2014 29 106 438 134 0 707 31 3127 2010 25 28 275 88 0 416 19 3227 2011 27 99 472 115 55 768 27 2427 2012 34 184 485 183 9 895 45 3827 2013 63 127 266 111 2 569 71 4227 2014 50 119 461 147 0 777 37 32CN 2010 36 8 301 87 0 432 15 29CN 2011 7 12 251 91 41 402 8 36CN 2012 42 22 482 217 1 764 13 45CN 2013 16 13 378 148 50 605 8 39CN 2014 15 23 125 54 8 225 30 43

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (67)

66 Hunt Arizona 2015

Year 1st Choice Applicants

Permits issued Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest ¹ Percent

SuccessBulls Spikes Cows Calves Total1935 – – 266 – 137 8 0 0 145 551936 – – 249 – 76 9 0 0 85 341937 – – 230 – 47 18 0 0 65 281938 – – 169 – 68 17 0 0 85 501939 – – 238 – 77 27 6 0 110 461940 – – 229 – 76 19 0 0 95 411941 – – 581 – 114 19 0 0 133 231942 – – 1167 – 223 96 0 0 319 271943 – – 2047 – 152 98 0 0 250 121946 – – 498 – 103 0 13 0 116 231947 – – 1616 – 246 0 255 0 501 311948 – – 2200 – 453 0 467 0 920 421949 – 2850 2675 – 290 0 566 0 856 321950 – 4250 3685 – 413 1 1070 0 1484 401951 – 6023 5788 – 467 41 1185 0 1693 291952 – 5476 5192 – 302 42 845 0 1189 231953 – 6288 6015 – 380 124 1054 0 1558 261954 – 2985 2846 – 176 58 395 0 629 221955 – 2225 2096 – 207 58 347 0 612 291956 – 1750 1581 – 115 29 119 39 302 191957 – 1275 1074 – 123 0 0 0 123 111958 – 1483 1321 – 181 0 0 0 181 141959 – – 1136 – 282 0 0 0 282 251960 – – 1661 – 312 93 131 54 590 361961 – – 1492 – 343 104 107 34 588 391962 – – 2266 – 402 110 172 86 770 341963 – – 3184 – 528 180 339 107 1154 361964 – – 4060 – 566 163 338 126 1193 291965 – – 4941 – 590 185 426 168 1369 281966 7811 – 5687 – 709 241 500 188 1638 291967 7730 – 6526 – 745 304 442 191 1682 261968 8379 – 5845 – 613 279 376 135 1403 241969 9843 – 5771 – 551 266 355 87 1259 221970 11888 – 5208 – 500 239 202 77 1018 201971 10812 – 4866 – 742 407 330 105 1584 331972 12644 5561 5177 – 423 279 267 84 1053 201973 16078 5675 5321 – 460 296 295 91 1142 211974 18623 5972 5685 27227 437 368 309 72 1186 211975 19504 5758 5088 21248 443 317 172 44 976 191976 20511 5915 5528 23808 478 438 343 89 1348 241977 23198 6145 5792 26294 556 376 406 71 1409 241978 26745 5935 5502 22409 571 510 425 95 1601 291979 27041 5800 5456 24344 534 485 390 65 1474 271980 28198 5850 5479 26554 584 499 422 68 1573 291981 28286 5385 5093 22952 796 606 390 81 1873 371982 26507 5720 5522 24529 816 735 400 96 2047 371983 29572 6060 5757 24741 732 776 405 96 2009 351984 28780 6005 5791 24496 995 1031 442 74 2542 441985 31121 6730 6450 25782 1159 1169 867 220 3415 531986 33437 6385 6202 27613 1155 1115 592 126 2988 481987 34995 6300 6164 26477 1209 1010 693 91 3003 491988 37289 6955 6785 25600 1376 1165 1162 224 3927 581989 38965 7975 7796 28980 1473 1144 1069 184 3870 501990 41616 8585 8389 29148 1790 1233 1510 188 4721 561991 41415 9718 9349 30811 2047 1207 1784 271 5309 571992 49054 10491 10207 34757 2028 1351 2067 262 5708 561993 51919 11579 11309 38157 2011 962 3106 445 6524 581994 60849 14683 14382 46962 2201 1121 4867 630 8819 611995 63582 14891 14613 50862 2368 794 4132 522 7816 531996 63003 14229 13897 46444 2553 936 4262 512 8263 591997 66013 11683 11398 41591 2590 583 2490 306 6269 551998 66823 12110 11832 43552 2423 664 2744 385 6216 53

¹ In some years prior to 1960, spikes and calves were not differentiated from bulls and cows�

Elk Hunt Data

Historic Summary of General Elk Hunts

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (68)

Hunt Arizona 2015 67

Year 1st Choice Applicants

Permits issued Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest ¹ Percent

SuccessBulls Spikes Cows Calves Total1999 71839 15538 15158 55291 2082 724 4037 556 7399 492000 66652 15460 14940 54195 2260 724 3956 475 7415 502001 70809 18285 17628 66564 2214 393 4348 375 7330 422002 69798 16265 15767 62497 2276 282 3482 309 6349 402003 71514 13402 12983 52398 1949 313 2690 288 5240 402004 76542 14967 14399 56288 2159 357 3191 405 6112 422005 64684 15856 15254 63702 2077 367 3034 376 5585 382006 66873 16321 15773 68255 2303 532 3369 340 6544 412007 65190 16848 16189 72481 2412 496 3221 373 6502 402008 52044 17756 16968 77827 2712 444 3188 371 6715 402009 50032 18174 17408 77711 2505 413 3396 427 6741 392010 51137 18900 18021 83439 2640 414 2303 217 5574 312011 52139 16613 15815 71832 2729 321 2975 276 6301 402012 59231 15982 15178 70774 2307 378 2797 253 5735 382013 62356 17097 16180 73139 2441 343 3077 262 6123 382014 62993 17092 15986 74869 2711 367 2992 221 6291 39

¹ In some years prior to 1960, spikes and calves were not differentiated from bulls and cows�

Historic Summary of Youth-Only Elk Hunts

Year 1st Choice Applicants

Permits issued Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Percent

SuccessBulls Spikes Cows Calves Total1994 269 75 75 233 0 0 23 8 31 411995 291 100 100 233 0 0 59 6 65 651996 409 175 173 466 0 0 94 9 103 601997 654 200 195 526 0 0 101 14 115 591998 927 400 391 1061 0 0 208 31 239 611999 1372 1185 1162 3017 0 0 574 88 662 572000 2022 1200 1173 2959 0 0 638 68 706 602001 2416 1370 1352 3744 0 0 543 50 593 432002 2705 1088 1066 2923 0 0 498 51 549 522003 2744 1076 1054 2891 0 0 470 62 532 502003 2744 1076 1054 2891 0 0 470 62 532 502004 2668 1025 996 2555 0 0 532 76 608 612005 2462 1161 1123 3139 0 0 459 68 527 472006 2580 1142 1100 3286 0 0 532 53 585 532007 3017 1181 1100 3286 0 0 618 59 677 602008 2817 1335 1288 3786 0 0 573 92 665 522009 2998 1335 1273 3862 0 0 658 103 761 602010 3581 1347 1309 4081 0 0 547 46 593 452011 3773 1139 1105 3616 0 0 562 55 617 562012 3699 1030 986 2973 0 0 538 77 615 622013 3967 1160 1121 3475 0 0 553 81 634 572014 4671 1143 722 2763 0 0 97 0 97 13

Historic Summary of Muzzleloader Elk Hunts

Year 1st Choice Applicants

Permits issued Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Percent

SuccessBulls Spikes Cows Calves Total1980 138 80 77 429 1 1 6 0 8 101981 98 50 49 200 6 0 0 0 6 121982 381 200 194 805 43 7 0 0 50 261983 420 130 124 518 37 2 0 0 39 311984 854 150 149 535 36 9 21 10 76 511985 880 200 197 811 37 8 11 3 59 301986 1030 200 200 753 57 12 25 1 95 481987 1307 200 194 805 51 16 17 3 87 451988 1215 225 222 809 56 12 69 4 141 641989 1089 225 225 766 42 12 74 10 138 611990 1389 225 223 886 47 3 37 10 97 431991 1876 265 263 1066 116 11 19 4 150 571992 1313 410 405 1472 46 8 150 18 222 551993 2244 451 450 1766 145 16 89 14 264 591994 2953 752 729 2796 133 12 167 36 348 48

Elk Hunt Data

Historic Summary of General Elk Hunts

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (69)

68 Hunt Arizona 2015

Historic Summary of Muzzleloader Elk Hunts (continued)

Year 1st Choice Applicants

Permits issued Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Percent

SuccessBulls Spikes Cows Calves Total1978 3756 2865 2552 16941 62 38 46 1 147 61979 3854 2990 2802 19069 110 74 68 2 254 91980 4265 3450 3268 22590 164 57 91 9 321 101981 5037 2925 2805 18562 136 41 48 9 234 81982 5092 3600 3469 23906 154 75 61 12 302 91983 4454 3935 3775 25370 216 93 93 10 412 111984 4738 3760 3627 24543 208 105 80 12 405 111985 4954 3810 3696 24602 198 127 136 24 485 131986 5574 3699 3613 24471 281 135 125 26 567 161987 6236 3680 3599 25528 301 152 161 29 643 181988 6807 3615 3538 24391 308 123 188 17 636 181989 7776 3925 3837 27019 418 161 254 15 848 221990 8357 4230 4152 28730 545 126 191 19 881 211991 8900 4806 4729 33141 549 137 381 39 1106 231992 9831 5315 5184 35902 675 178 459 46 1358 261993 10201 5318 5225 38027 587 151 479 56 1273 241994 11256 6880 6731 46661 775 192 754 67 1788 271995 12167 6780 6654 47049 874 160 750 50 1834 281996 12898 5756 5638 41417 518 121 514 38 1191 211997 13807 6151 6033 43221 887 84 547 44 1562 261998 15301 5386 5288 35826 1074 65 631 55 1825 351999 17506 5440 5303 38333 743 74 475 42 1334 252000 18268 7168 6978 49801 675 129 998 79 1881 272001 17907 8507 8271 54328 1169 79 922 57 2227 272002 18581 5827 5662 42505 460 14 541 29 1044 182003 18833 6708 6537 47439 1042 57 737 59 1895 292004 20597 5577 5435 39360 962 35 584 56 1637 302005 20869 6676 6491 46313 1143 82 890 78 2193 342006 22653 6510 6367 45887 919 55 776 43 1793 282007 24684 5132 4963 38251 910 62 458 33 1463 292008 21625 5883 5675 44982 1241 73 357 23 1694 302009 20494 5891 5669 47879 954 73 356 27 1410 252010 19423 5714 5554 43636 979 60 253 21 1313 242011 19699 5716 5516 46516 760 62 143 13 978 182012 21464 5587 5239 41807 1408 104 282 10 1804 342013 23039 6257 6005 48723 1292 117 212 19 16402014 23416 5904 5622 46366 1261 146 223 12 1642 29

Elk Hunt Data

Historic Summary of Archery Elk Hunts

Year 1st Choice Applicants

Permits issued Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Percent

SuccessBulls Spikes Cows Calves Total1995 2707 766 753 2788 128 6 238 38 410 541996 4227 723 703 2802 96 5 156 22 279 401997 4486 937 919 3588 172 26 125 23 346 381998 3819 1120 1076 3947 163 24 217 20 424 391999 4118 1183 1148 4438 159 38 198 28 423 372000 5115 1168 1118 4033 225 27 199 47 498 452001 3591 1495 1437 5580 209 13 235 21 478 332002 5287 1015 977 3874 186 21 101 4 312 322003 5457 1087 1054 4332 180 17 147 24 368 352004 4814 1325 1279 5082 255 20 245 28 548 432005 4672 1276 1217 5116 203 31 161 28 423 352006 5238 1161 1101 4743 229 33 164 5 431 392007 4858 1206 1179 4963 208 45 200 36 489 412008 4723 1386 1327 6139 253 59 236 35 583 412009 5523 1336 1285 6344 280 31 202 28 541 422010 4900 1246 1195 5980 255 33 161 12 461 392011 4580 1168 1102 5544 237 25 166 17 445 402012 5142 1156 1102 5196 249 30 178 22 479 432013 5523 1171 1129 5527 228 14 134 19 395 352014 5932 1198 1134 5378 240 40 192 18 490 43

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (70)

Hunt Arizona 2015 69

Elk Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral1 2014 ALS 12/05-12/11 75 42 75 71�4 75 269 0 0 35 0 35 471 AM 2011 ALS 8/05-8/08 10 6 10 66�7 10 31 0 0 1 1 2 201 AM 2011 ALS 8/12-8/15 10 0 10 � 10 30 0 0 5 0 5 501 AM 2011 ALS 8/19-8/22 10 0 10 � 8 12 0 0 6 0 6 751 AM 2011 ALS 8/26-9/04 10 0 10 � 10 41 0 0 7 0 7 701 AM 2011 ALS 9/23-10/02 10 5 10 100 6 12 0 0 6 0 6 1001 AM 2011 ALS 10/07-10/16 10 0 10 � 10 33 0 0 8 0 8 801 AM 2011 ALS 10/21-10/30 10 0 10 � 10 49 0 0 6 1 7 701 AM 2011 ALS 11/04-11/10 10 0 10 � 8 35 0 0 8 0 8 1001 AM 2011 ALS 11/25-12/04 10 0 10 � 10 43 0 0 5 0 5 501 AM 2011 ALS 12/09-12/18 10 0 10 � 10 20 0 0 10 0 10 1001 AM 2011 ALS 12/23-12/31 10 1 10 100 10 29 0 0 9 0 9 901 AM 2012 ALS 8/03-8/12 10 16 10 43�8 6 38 0 0 2 0 2 331 AM 2012 ALS 8/17-8/26 10 2 10 100 10 40 0 0 5 5 10 1001 AM 2012 ALS 8/31-9/09 10 2 10 100 10 44 0 0 1 0 1 101 AM 2012 ALS 9/28-10/07 10 7 10 71�4 10 50 0 0 0 2 2 201 AM 2012 ALS 10/12-10/21 10 2 10 100 5 35 0 0 0 0 0 01 AM 2012 ALS 10/26-11/04 10 2 10 100 10 55 0 0 0 0 0 01 AM 2013 ALS 8/02-8/11 10 9 10 66�7 10 33 0 0 5 0 5 501 AM 2013 ALS 8/16-8/25 10 2 10 100 8 28 0 0 2 0 2 251 AM 2013 ALS 8/30-9/08 10 7 10 42�9 8 30 0 0 5 0 5 631 AM 2013 ALS 9/27-10/06 10 14 10 42�9 10 41 0 0 1 1 2 201 AM 2013 ALS 10/11-10/20 10 7 10 57�1 10 33 0 0 0 0 0 01 AM 2013 ALS 10/25-11/03 10 5 10 60 10 62 0 0 0 0 0 01 AM 2014 ALS 8/01-8/31 5 10 5 40 3 13 0 0 0 0 0 01 AM 2014 ALS 10/03-10/26 5 3 5 100 5 18 0 0 0 0 0 01 ES 2010 ALS 12/10-12/16 75 43 75 79�1 69 267 0 0 22 4 26 381 ES 2011 ALS 12/09-12/15 75 59 75 78 60 258 0 0 11 0 11 181 ES 2012 ALS 12/07-12/13 75 41 75 48�8 72 305 0 0 23 0 23 321 ES 2013 ALS 12/06-12/12 75 59 75 72�9 66 270 0 0 6 0 6 91 FT 2011 ALS 8/05-8/08 5 1 5 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 FT 2011 ALS 8/12-8/15 5 0 5 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 FT 2011 ALS 8/19-8/22 5 0 5 - 5 10 0 0 3 0 3 601 FT 2011 ALS 8/26-9/04 5 0 5 - 4 24 0 0 1 0 1 251 FT 2011 ALS 9/23-10/02 5 0 5 - 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 01 FT 2011 ALS 10/07-10/16 5 0 5 - 5 43 0 0 0 0 0 01 FT 2011 ALS 10/21-10/30 5 0 5 - 5 20 0 0 0 0 0 01 FT 2011 ALS 11/04-11/10 5 0 5 - 5 13 0 0 0 0 0 01 FT 2011 ALS 11/25-12/04 5 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 FT 2011 ALS 12/09-12/18 5 0 5 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 FT 2011 ALS 12/23-12/31 5 0 5 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 FT 2012 ALS 8/03-8/12 5 3 5 100 4 14 0 0 0 0 0 01 FT 2012 ALS 8/17-8/26 5 1 5 100 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 01 FT 2012 ALS 8/31-9/09 5 0 5 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 FT 2012 ALS 9/28-10/07 5 1 5 100 5 23 0 0 0 0 0 01 FT 2012 ALS 10/12-10/21 5 0 5 - 5 13 0 0 0 0 0 01 FT 2012 ALS 10/26-11/04 5 1 5 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 FT 2012 ALS 12/07-12/16 5 3 5 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 FT 2012 ALS 12/21-12/31 5 3 5 100 5 14 0 0 0 0 0 01 RV 2010 ALS 12/17-12/23 40 9 40 100 37 189 0 0 11 3 14 381 CH 2010 AE 10/15-10/21 10 108 10 7�4 8 25 5 0 0 0 5 631 CH 2011 AE 10/14-10/20 10 119 10 7�6 10 33 4 3 0 0 7 701 CH 2012 AE 10/19-10/25 10 110 10 8�2 10 27 6 1 3 0 10 1001 CH 2013 AE 10/18-10/24 10 117 10 6 10 31 7 0 0 0 7 70

HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (71)

70 Hunt Arizona 2015

Elk Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral1 CH 2014 AE 10/17-10/23 10 134 10 6�7 10 30 7 0 0 0 7 701/2B/2C 2011 BE 9/23-9/29 45 5324 45 0�8 45 135 43 0 0 0 43 961/2B/2C 2013 BE 9/27-10/03 50 6715 50 0�7 50 162 50 0 0 0 50 1001/2B/2C 2010 B 11/26-12/02 425 2584 425 9�7 410 1814 171 51 0 0 222 541/2B/2C 2011 B 11/25-12/01 425 1942 425 10�7 406 1677 227 31 0 0 258 641/2B/2C 2012 B 11/30-12/06 365 2870 365 8 362 1536 183 24 0 0 207 571/2B/2C 2013 B 11/29-12/05 375 2290 375 7�7 364 1513 161 22 0 0 183 501/2B/2C 2014 B 11/28-12/04 375 3137 375 7�8 365 1440 216 22 0 0 238 651/2B/2C 2010 ALS 12/10-12/16 300 678 300 26�7 272 857 0 0 172 9 181 671/2B/2C 2011 ALS 12/02-12/08 360 733 360 28�1 344 1200 0 0 223 10 233 681/2B/2C 2011 ALS 12/09-12/15 300 101 300 62�4 282 808 0 0 173 8 181 641/2B/2C 2012 ALS 12/07-12/13 315 977 315 18�9 301 1015 0 0 166 14 180 601/2B/2C 2013 ALS 12/06-12/12 375 1002 375 20�8 345 1261 0 0 136 6 142 411/2B/2C 2013 ALS 12/13-12/19 225 151 225 47 207 818 0 0 108 4 112 541/2B/2C 2014 ALS 12/05-12/11 375 941 375 24�7 350 1301 0 0 176 10 186 531/2B/2C ES 2014 ALS 12/12-12/18 225 203 225 37�4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1E 2010 ALS 12/03-12/09 75 93 75 46�2 73 251 0 0 40 0 40 552A/2B 2010 ALSS 10/15-10/24 30 0 30 - 24 135 0 0 0 0 0 02A/2B 2013 ALSS 10/11-10/20 30 0 30 - 24 129 0 0 6 0 6 252A/2B 2014 ALSS 10/10-10/19 30 0 30 - 21 102 0 0 0 0 0 02A/2B 2010 ALS 9/10-9/19 40 9 40 100 36 245 0 0 5 0 5 142A/2B 2010 ALS 10/01-10/10 40 3 40 100 40 175 0 0 16 0 16 402A/2B 2010 ALS 12/03-12/12 30 3 30 100 27 123 0 0 5 0 5 192A/2B 2011 ALS 9/09-9/18 40 8 40 100 40 139 0 0 12 2 14 352A/2B 2011 ALS 9/30-10/09 40 1 40 100 38 202 0 0 10 10 20 532A/2B 2011 ALS 10/14-10/23 30 2 30 100 24 129 0 0 2 0 2 82A/2B 2011 ALS 12/02-12/11 30 4 30 100 23 125 0 0 7 2 9 392A/2B 2012 ALS 9/14-9/23 40 7 40 100 40 200 0 0 14 4 18 452A/2B 2012 ALS 9/28-10/07 40 5 40 100 34 145 0 0 6 0 6 182A/2B 2012 ALS 10/12-10/21 30 6 30 100 25 115 0 0 3 0 3 122A/2B 2013 ALS 9/13-9/22 40 14 40 100 35 165 0 0 15 0 15 432A/2B 2013 ALS 9/27-10/06 40 10 40 80 38 177 0 0 2 2 4 112A/2B 2014 ALS 9/12-9/21 55 11 55 90�9 43 313 0 0 2 2 4 92A/2B 2014 ALS 9/26-10/05 50 3 50 100 41 193 0 0 7 0 7 172A/2B 2010 AE 9/10-9/19 20 83 20 9�6 20 113 11 2 0 0 13 652A/2B 2010 AE 10/01-10/10 20 84 20 15�5 17 100 9 0 0 0 9 532A/2B 2010 AE 10/15-10/21 15 4 15 50 14 95 3 1 0 1 5 362A/2B 2010 AE 12/03-12/12 15 4 15 75 15 75 4 0 0 0 4 272A/2B 2011 AE 9/09-9/18 20 79 20 15�2 20 85 15 0 0 0 15 752A/2B 2011 AE 9/30-10/09 20 51 20 19�6 20 93 11 0 1 0 12 602A/2B 2011 AE 10/14-10/23 15 11 15 36�4 15 64 4 0 0 0 4 272A/2B 2011 AE 12/02-12/11 15 9 15 55�6 13 45 3 0 2 0 5 382A/2B 2012 AE 9/14-9/23 20 102 20 13�7 20 100 11 2 0 0 13 652A/2B 2012 AE 9/28-10/07 20 95 20 9�5 20 80 13 0 0 0 13 652A/2B 2012 AE 10/12-10/21 15 13 15 30�8 15 65 5 0 0 0 5 332A/2B 2013 AE 9/13-9/22 20 86 20 8�1 20 92 12 0 0 0 12 602A/2B 2013 AE 9/27-10/06 20 75 20 16 18 120 10 0 0 0 10 562A/2B 2013 AE 10/11-10/20 15 27 15 11�1 13 71 0 0 0 0 0 02A/2B 2014 AE 9/26-10/05 25 58 25 12�1 25 143 20 0 0 0 20 802A/2B 2014 AE 10/10-10/19 15 4 15 50 15 53 8 0 0 0 8 532A/2B CC 2014 AE 9/12-9/21 25 107 25 7�5 25 148 11 0 0 0 11 443A/3C 2010 BE 9/24-9/30 40 2450 40 1�4 40 143 37 0 0 0 37 933A/3C 2011 BE 9/23-9/29 40 2020 40 1�3 40 105 38 0 0 0 38 953A/3C 2012 BE 9/28-10/04 40 3274 40 1�2 40 176 33 0 0 0 33 83

HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (72)

Hunt Arizona 2015 71

Elk Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral3A/3C 2013 BE 9/27-10/03 30 2313 30 1�2 30 104 28 0 0 0 28 933A/3C 2014 BE 9/26-10/02 30 3370 30 0�8 30 130 23 1 0 0 24 803A/3C 2010 B 11/26-12/02 375 687 375 25�9 367 1806 90 14 0 0 104 283A/3C 2011 B 11/25-12/01 425 732 425 29�8 419 2080 101 30 0 0 131 313A/3C 2012 B 11/30-12/06 325 908 325 16�5 311 1544 60 21 0 0 81 263A/3C 2013 B 11/29-12/05 300 863 300 17�5 292 1436 62 16 0 0 78 273A/3C 2014 B 11/28-12/04 300 928 300 16�8 287 1406 81 39 0 0 120 423A/3C 2010 ALS 12/10-12/16 150 207 150 35�7 138 525 0 0 63 4 67 493A/3C 2012 ALS 10/19-10/25 350 1255 350 20�2 340 1291 0 0 140 26 166 493A/3C 2013 ALS 10/18-10/24 350 1415 350 18�4 332 1481 0 0 141 9 150 453A/3C 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 350 1550 350 17�2 337 1550 0 0 145 2 147 443A/3CE 2010 ALS 10/22-10/28 250 517 250 28�2 246 1205 0 0 32 9 41 173A/3CE 2011 ALS 10/21-10/27 200 624 200 20�2 189 872 0 0 70 8 78 413A/4B DL 2014 ALS 8/08-8/17 15 13 15 69�2 12 102 0 0 9 0 9 753A/4BN DL 2010 ALS 8/06-8/15 60 12 60 100 57 303 0 0 6 0 6 113A/4BN DL 2011 ALS 8/05-8/14 60 5 60 100 53 286 0 0 14 0 14 263A/4BN DL 2012 ALS 8/10-8/19 15 10 15 60 15 98 0 0 8 0 8 533A/4BN DL 2013 ALS 8/09-8/18 15 4 15 100 15 88 0 0 6 0 6 403A/4BN 2010 AE 8/06-8/15 15 40 15 25 13 43 9 0 0 0 9 693A/4BN 2011 AE 8/05-8/14 15 31 15 19�4 13 57 2 0 0 0 2 153CW 2010 ALS 10/22-10/28 150 293 151 33�1 140 623 0 0 26 6 32 233CW 2011 ALS 10/21-10/27 150 382 150 28 135 502 0 0 59 6 65 484A 2010 B 11/26-12/02 390 577 390 39�2 365 1650 90 18 0 0 108 304A (Hopi) 2010 B 11/26-12/02 10 7 10 100 10 20 5 0 0 0 5 504A 2011 B 11/25-12/01 390 636 390 36 386 1725 72 10 0 0 82 214A (Hopi) 2011 B 11/25-12/01 10 1 10 100 10 50 0 0 0 0 0 04A 2012 B 11/30-12/06 414 926 414 29 393 1922 68 21 0 0 89 234A (Hopi) 2012 B 11/30-12/06 11 8 11 100 11 40 0 0 0 0 0 04A 2013 B 11/29-12/05 366 727 366 27�9 353 1629 53 15 0 0 68 194A (Hopi) 2013 B 11/29-12/05 9 9 9 66�7 8 27 0 3 0 0 3 384A 2014 B 11/28-12/04 253 657 253 25�4 241 1068 72 22 0 0 94 394A (Hopi) 2014 B 11/28-12/04 9 1 7 100 7 32 4 0 0 0 4 574A 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 97 350 97 21�1 93 388 0 0 25 0 25 274A (Hopi) 2010 ALS 10/08-10/14 3 4 3 25 3 5 0 0 3 0 3 1004A 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 97 310 97 23�9 90 349 0 0 45 6 51 574A 2012 ALS 10/19-10/25 122 470 122 18�5 117 452 0 0 49 3 52 444A 2013 ALS 10/18-10/24 195 527 196 23�7 190 675 0 0 103 4 107 564A 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 97 521 97 17�9 95 351 0 0 50 2 52 554A (Hopi) 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 3 0 3 - 3 9 0 0 1 0 1 334AN 2014 ALS 8/08-8/17 13 5 13 100 10 21 0 0 8 0 8 804AN (Hopi) 2014 ALS 8/08-8/17 13 0 13 - 13 49 0 0 13 0 13 1004AN 2014 ALS 12/12-12/31 13 1 13 100 10 24 0 0 10 0 10 1004AN (Hopi) 2014 ALS 12/12-12/31 13 0 13 - 13 59 0 0 8 0 8 624B 2010 BE 9/24-9/30 50 806 50 2�6 50 236 25 2 0 0 27 544B 2011 BE 9/23-9/29 50 799 50 3�3 50 224 30 0 0 0 30 604B 2012 BE 9/28-10/04 50 1098 50 2�6 50 204 40 0 0 0 40 804B 2013 BE 9/27-10/03 35 927 35 2 35 141 23 1 0 0 24 694B 2010 B 11/26-12/02 400 678 400 39�7 393 1842 64 12 0 0 76 194B 2011 B 11/25-12/01 300 305 300 46�6 282 1288 46 13 0 0 59 214B 2012 B 11/30-12/06 300 524 300 30�9 300 1447 33 4 0 0 37 124B 2013 B 11/29-12/05 250 387 250 29�2 229 1064 31 5 0 0 36 164B 2014 B 11/28-12/04 250 381 250 36�2 232 1151 42 6 0 0 48 214B 2010 ALS 12/03-12/09 100 125 100 52 98 446 0 0 14 0 14 144B 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 50 76 50 25 50 202 0 0 17 2 19 38

HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (73)

72 Hunt Arizona 2015

Elk Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral4B 2012 ALS 10/19-10/25 50 114 50 26�3 50 230 0 0 17 0 17 344B 2013 ALS 10/18-10/24 50 142 50 24�6 48 182 0 0 23 0 23 484B 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 50 151 50 17�2 50 185 0 0 27 8 35 705A 2010 B 10/22-10/25 48 526 48 6�3 48 165 15 0 0 0 15 315A (Hopi) 2010 B 10/22-10/25 2 5 2 40 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 05A 2010 B 11/26-12/02 339 551 339 34�5 330 1617 56 11 0 0 67 205A (Hopi) 2010 B 11/26-12/02 11 7 11 100 11 33 0 0 0 0 0 05A 2011 B 11/25-12/01 339 675 339 30�5 326 1536 63 2 0 0 65 205A (Hopi) 2011 B 11/25-12/01 11 4 11 100 11 44 5 0 0 0 5 455A 2012 B 11/30-12/06 291 802 291 25�3 278 1354 52 13 0 0 65 235A (Hopi) 2012 B 11/30-12/06 9 1 10 100 10 32 4 0 0 0 4 405A 2013 B 11/29-12/05 291 872 291 23�3 280 1333 53 4 0 0 57 205A (Hopi) 2013 B 11/29-12/05 9 6 9 100 9 44 0 0 0 0 0 05A 2014 B 11/28-12/04 315 831 315 25�3 305 1443 90 13 0 0 103 345A (Hopi) 2014 B 11/28-12/04 9 2 10 100 10 10 10 0 0 0 10 1005A 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 194 600 194 23�8 192 815 0 0 53 5 58 305A (Hopi) 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 6 4 6 100 6 14 0 0 0 2 2 335A 2010 ALS 12/03-12/09 97 67 97 68�7 85 347 0 0 19 0 19 225A (Hopi) 2010 ALS 12/03-12/09 3 0 3 - 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 05A 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 121 581 121 15�8 118 454 0 0 65 4 69 585A (Hopi) 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 4 2 4 100 4 14 0 0 2 0 2 505A 2012 ALS 10/19-10/25 121 582 121 17 116 421 0 0 56 5 61 535A (Hopi) 2012 ALS 10/19-10/25 4 5 4 80 4 5 0 0 3 1 4 1005A 2013 ALS 10/11-10/17 121 618 121 17�8 119 407 0 0 63 9 72 615A (Hopi) 2013 ALS 10/11-10/17 4 5 4 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5A 2014 ALS 10/10-10/16 97 540 97 14�4 95 361 0 0 44 9 53 565A (Hopi) 2014 ALS 10/10-10/16 4 3 3 100 3 13 0 0 1 0 1 335A/5BN SM 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 37 2 37 100 34 188 0 0 3 0 3 95A/5BN (Hopi) 2010 ALSS 10/15-10/21 38 0 38 - 38 144 0 0 0 0 0 05A/5BN ST 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 37 16 37 75 29 80 0 0 10 0 10 345A/5BN (Hopi) 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 38 3 38 100 34 155 0 0 14 0 14 415A/5BN ST 2012 ALS 10/19-10/25 37 31 37 45�2 31 123 0 0 6 2 8 265A/5BN (Hopi) 2012 ALSS 10/19-10/25 38 0 38 - 34 141 0 0 14 0 14 415A/5BN ST 2013 ALS 10/18-10/24 62 50 62 62 52 204 0 0 22 0 22 425A/5BN (Hopi) 2013 ALS 10/18-10/24 63 12 63 100 53 126 0 0 11 0 11 215A/5BN ST 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 37 29 37 44�8 31 113 0 0 15 2 17 555A/5BN (Hopi) 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 63 20 38 90 35 131 0 0 14 3 17 495A/5BN SM 2010 AE 10/15-10/21 37 85 37 28�2 33 189 3 0 0 0 3 95A/5BN (Hopi) 2010 AE 10/15-10/21 38 6 38 100 38 178 14 0 0 0 14 375A/5BN ST 2011 AE 10/14-10/20 25 111 25 12�6 21 119 8 0 0 0 8 385A/5BN (Hopi) 2011 AE 10/14-10/20 25 23 25 82�6 25 81 9 3 9 0 21 845A/5BN ST 2012 AE 10/19-10/25 25 159 25 11�9 25 123 12 0 0 0 12 485A/5BN (Hopi) 2012 AE 10/19-10/25 25 56 25 42�9 25 100 6 3 11 3 23 925B 2010 B 11/26-12/02 831 2380 831 25�2 796 3637 230 29 0 0 259 335B (Hopi) 2010 B 11/26-12/02 19 16 19 93�8 16 78 7 2 0 0 9 565B 2011 B 11/25-12/01 831 2731 831 22�1 802 3693 256 44 0 0 300 375B (Hopi) 2011 B 11/25-12/01 19 13 19 92�3 16 49 8 3 0 0 11 695B 2012 B 11/30-12/06 757 2982 757 18�5 728 3365 231 56 0 0 287 395B (Hopi) 2012 B 11/30-12/06 18 20 18 75 18 90 12 0 0 0 12 675B 2013 B 11/29-12/05 611 2909 611 17�2 594 2808 136 32 0 0 168 285B (Hopi) 2013 B 11/29-12/05 14 26 14 50 14 49 0 4 0 0 4 295B 2014 B 11/28-12/04 614 2909 614 16�8 576 2617 204 38 0 0 242 425B (Hopi) 2014 B 11/28-12/04 14 23 14 56�5 14 49 4 0 0 0 4 295BN 2011 BE 9/23-9/29 24 1256 24 1�4 24 106 17 0 0 0 17 71

HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (74)

Hunt Arizona 2015 73

Elk Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral5BN (Hopi) 2011 BE 9/23-9/29 1 11 1 9�1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �5BN 2010 B 10/22-10/25 48 674 48 5 44 130 16 0 0 0 16 365BN (Hopi) 2010 B 10/22-10/25 2 2 2 100 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 05BN 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 386 722 386 32�8 374 1456 0 0 84 8 92 255BN (Hopi) 2010 ALSS 10/15-10/21 63 0 63 - 56 223 0 0 7 0 7 135BN 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 241 482 241 21�6 230 871 0 0 101 7 108 475BN 2012 ALS 10/12-10/18 285 680 283 26�5 262 1043 0 0 107 7 114 445BN 2013 ALS 10/11-10/17 285 632 285 24�5 276 1096 0 0 110 10 120 435BN 2014 ALS 10/10-10/16 241 726 241 20�9 228 847 0 0 108 13 121 535BN (Hopi) 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 14 7 14 100 14 63 0 0 7 0 7 505BN (Hopi) 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 9 6 9 66�7 7 18 0 0 7 0 7 1005BN (Hopi) 2012 ALS 10/12-10/18 10 9 10 100 10 25 0 0 0 0 0 05BN (Hopi) 2013 ALS 10/11-10/17 10 8 10 75 10 25 0 0 3 0 3 305BN (Hopi) 2014 ALS 10/10-10/16 10 9 9 44�4 9 39 0 0 6 0 6 675BN TT 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 62 48 62 62�5 58 271 0 0 14 2 16 285BS 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 625 2134 625 24 614 2455 0 0 172 11 183 305BS 2010 ALS 12/03-12/09 375 275 375 56 352 1475 0 0 74 6 80 235BS 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 450 2214 450 16�7 436 1740 0 0 177 14 191 445BS 2012 ALS 10/12-10/18 450 2182 450 17�7 431 1674 0 0 175 12 187 435BS 2013 ALS 10/11-10/17 450 2125 450 18�4 431 1512 0 0 222 30 252 585BS 2014 ALS 10/10-10/16 450 2235 450 16�6 438 1695 0 0 202 16 218 506A 2010 B 10/22-10/25 125 2064 125 4�7 123 436 40 6 0 0 46 376A 2010 B 11/26-12/02 950 3770 950 18�7 933 4011 285 60 0 0 345 376A 2011 B 10/21-10/24 125 2908 126 3�1 126 404 54 7 0 0 61 486A 2011 B 11/25-12/01 900 4169 900 16�4 878 3876 260 51 0 0 311 356A 2012 B 10/26-10/29 125 2970 125 3�3 123 414 48 4 0 0 52 426A 2012 B 11/30-12/06 900 4477 900 14�5 874 4296 218 45 0 0 263 306A 2013 B 11/29-12/05 825 4889 825 13�8 785 3316 246 49 0 0 295 386A 2014 B 11/28-12/04 825 5112 825 14�1 804 3822 184 50 0 0 234 296A 2010 ALS 12/03-12/09 930 1216 930 43�7 890 3595 0 0 275 24 299 346A 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 450 1994 450 15�2 431 1776 0 0 162 15 177 416A 2012 ALS 10/19-10/25 500 2371 500 14�6 464 2032 0 0 127 10 137 306A 2013 ALS 10/18-10/24 525 2431 525 16�5 505 2194 0 0 174 22 196 396A 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 475 2639 475 14�9 454 1851 0 0 127 11 138 306A CH 2010 AE 11/19-11/25 25 63 25 25�4 23 104 2 0 6 0 8 356A CH 2011 AE 11/18-11/24 25 72 25 18�1 24 91 3 1 3 0 7 296A CH 2012 AE 11/23-11/29 25 91 25 19�8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6A CH 2014 AE 10/24-10/30 25 124 25 13�7 23 102 6 3 6 2 17 746AN 2010 BE 9/24-9/30 50 1617 50 2�7 50 202 38 0 0 0 38 766AN CH 2013 AE 10/25-10/31 25 92 25 20�7 24 94 1 4 0 0 5 216AS/6AW 2013 B 10/25-10/28 225 1542 225 11�2 215 771 55 12 0 0 67 316AW 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 75 177 75 24�9 71 304 0 0 12 4 16 236B 2011 BE 9/23-9/29 25 500 25 3�4 25 88 21 0 0 0 21 846B 2010 B 11/26-12/02 275 379 275 47 266 1181 93 11 0 0 104 396B 2011 B 11/25-12/01 190 320 190 34�1 186 751 65 4 0 0 69 376B 2012 B 11/30-12/06 190 538 190 24�3 185 830 60 11 0 0 71 386B 2013 B 11/29-12/05 175 479 175 24 169 710 67 13 0 0 80 476B 2014 B 11/28-12/04 175 567 175 21�5 172 745 65 10 0 0 75 446B 2010 ALS 12/03-12/09 400 211 400 87�2 374 1596 0 0 83 11 94 256B 2011 ALS 12/02-12/11 200 206 200 52�9 190 833 0 0 54 6 60 326B 2012 ALS 12/07-12/13 200 204 200 38�7 185 838 0 0 79 9 88 486B 2013 ALS 12/06-12/15 300 274 300 63�1 272 1327 0 0 74 8 82 306B 2014 ALS 12/05-12/14 300 371 300 38 278 1213 0 0 116 7 123 447E 2010 B 10/22-10/25 75 293 75 14�3 75 241 30 4 0 0 34 45

HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (75)

74 Hunt Arizona 2015

Elk Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral7E 2010 B 11/26-12/02 425 504 425 51�2 404 1747 123 39 0 0 162 407E 2011 B 11/25-12/01 425 682 425 38�3 411 2015 80 26 0 0 106 267E 2012 B 11/30-12/06 325 637 325 34�2 311 1454 38 26 0 0 64 217E 2013 B 11/29-12/05 400 712 400 36�1 386 1853 85 22 0 0 107 287E 2014 B 11/28-12/04 400 661 400 33�4 376 1795 87 7 0 0 94 257E P 2012 B 9/28-10/04 30 329 30 8�2 30 137 15 0 0 0 15 507E P 2012 B 10/05-10/11 30 96 30 14�6 30 100 22 0 0 0 22 737E P 2012 B 10/12-10/18 30 38 30 34�2 30 131 17 1 0 0 18 607E 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 200 324 200 37�3 197 815 0 0 25 7 32 167E 2010 ALS 12/03-12/09 260 46 260 100 250 955 0 0 104 18 122 497E 2011 ALS 9/23-9/29 40 77 40 27�3 35 157 0 0 8 0 8 237E 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 40 40 40 55 36 138 0 0 13 7 20 567E 2011 ALS 12/02-12/11 200 114 200 85�1 185 811 0 0 86 11 97 527E 2012 ALS 12/07-12/13 125 131 125 42 123 598 0 0 39 4 43 357E 2012 ALS 9/28-10/04 10 67 10 14�9 10 33 0 0 0 0 0 07E 2012 ALS 10/05-10/11 10 20 10 25 10 50 0 0 4 0 4 407E 2012 ALS 10/12-10/18 10 8 10 0 10 55 0 0 7 0 7 707E 2012 ALS 10/19-10/28 10 24 10 29�2 8 50 0 0 3 0 3 387E 2013 ALS 12/06-12/15 250 160 254 76�3 230 1059 0 0 116 4 120 527E 2013 ALS 9/27-10/03 10 59 10 11�9 10 28 0 0 8 0 8 807E 2013 ALS 10/04-10/10 10 17 10 35�3 10 37 0 0 5 2 7 707E 2013 ALS 10/11-10/17 10 6 10 33�3 10 43 0 0 3 0 3 307E 2013 ALS 10/18-10/27 10 17 10 11�8 10 57 0 0 4 0 4 407E 2014 ALS 12/05-12/11 210 196 210 59�7 190 815 0 0 54 5 59 317E 2014 ALS 9/26-10/02 20 83 20 20�5 18 67 0 0 9 2 11 617E 2014 ALS 10/03-10/09 20 30 20 40 19 61 0 0 10 3 13 687E 2014 ALS 10/10-10/16 20 30 20 53�3 20 83 0 0 8 0 8 407E 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 20 19 20 36�8 20 67 0 0 9 7 16 807E P 2011 ALS 9/23-9/29 90 47 90 95�7 81 311 0 0 38 2 40 497E P 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 90 24 90 100 81 328 0 0 38 0 38 477E P 2012 ALS 9/28-10/04 75 75 75 53�3 73 255 0 0 45 9 54 747E P 2012 ALS 10/05-10/11 75 18 75 72�2 72 307 0 0 21 2 23 327E P 2012 ALS 10/12-10/18 75 9 75 100 73 316 0 0 34 0 34 477E P 2012 ALS 10/19-10/28 75 14 75 100 70 445 0 0 16 5 21 307E P 2013 ALS 9/27-10/03 75 123 75 40�7 70 233 0 0 28 2 30 437E P 2013 ALS 10/04-10/10 75 32 75 68�8 71 338 0 0 26 4 30 427E P 2013 ALS 10/11-10/17 75 23 75 100 75 349 0 0 29 7 36 487E P 2013 ALS 10/18-10/27 75 10 75 100 73 364 0 0 26 0 26 367E P 2014 ALS 10/24-10/30 75 6 75 100 64 287 0 0 15 2 17 277E P 2014 ALS 9/26-10/02 75 138 75 35�5 73 282 0 0 37 7 44 607E P 2014 ALS 10/03-10/09 75 27 75 51�9 67 290 0 0 20 2 22 337E P 2014 ALS 10/10-10/16 75 44 75 79�5 68 311 0 0 27 5 32 477E P 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 75 10 75 90 73 341 0 0 12 0 12 167E P 2013 AE 9/27-10/03 30 280 30 6�4 29 100 18 0 0 0 18 627E P 2013 AE 10/04-10/10 30 90 30 12�2 30 120 12 2 2 0 16 537E P 2013 AE 10/11-10/17 30 65 30 23�1 30 93 15 0 0 0 15 507E P 2014 AE 10/24-10/30 30 25 30 96 30 136 12 2 2 0 16 537E P 2014 AE 9/26-10/02 30 221 30 8�6 27 89 17 2 2 0 21 787E P 2014 AE 10/03-10/09 30 68 30 17�6 27 113 10 0 1 0 11 417E P 2014 AE 10/10-10/16 30 46 30 34�8 30 148 9 2 2 0 13 437E P 2014 AE 10/17-10/23 30 27 30 51�9 30 133 15 0 3 5 23 777W 2013 BE 9/27-10/03 25 2111 25 0�9 25 98 19 0 0 0 19 767W 2010 B 11/26-12/02 325 926 325 29�7 314 1452 86 21 0 0 107 347W 2011 B 11/25-12/01 325 904 325 26�3 314 1522 87 20 0 0 107 34

HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (76)

Hunt Arizona 2015 75

Elk Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral7W 2012 B 11/30-12/06 275 1060 275 19 263 1311 58 16 0 0 74 287W 2013 B 11/29-12/05 245 849 245 17�1 237 1083 89 15 0 0 104 447W 2014 B 11/28-12/04 350 1181 350 20�7 336 1727 108 14 0 0 122 367W 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 400 882 400 33�7 379 1723 0 0 95 4 99 267W 2010 ALS 12/03-12/09 260 49 260 87�8 248 901 0 0 99 2 101 417W 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 400 1013 400 27 381 1674 0 0 164 16 180 477W 2011 ALS 12/02-12/08 260 159 260 67�9 245 909 0 0 129 6 135 557W 2012 ALS 10/19-10/25 550 1238 550 30�5 530 2171 0 0 202 20 222 427W 2012 ALS 12/07-12/13 100 172 100 35�5 94 377 0 0 47 2 49 527W 2013 ALS 10/18-10/24 550 1470 550 25�4 532 2237 0 0 191 24 215 407W 2013 ALS 12/06-12/12 200 234 200 42�7 181 745 0 0 83 4 87 487W 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 550 1511 550 25�8 533 2266 0 0 212 9 221 417W 2014 ALS 12/05-12/11 250 274 250 48�9 248 1132 0 0 68 10 78 318 2010 B 10/22-10/25 100 967 100 6�3 95 338 25 5 0 0 30 328 2010 B 11/26-12/02 550 893 550 36�3 538 2649 143 29 0 0 172 328 2011 B 10/21-10/24 75 837 75 5 72 227 47 2 0 0 49 688 2011 B 11/25-12/01 600 1106 600 32 576 2671 173 31 0 0 204 358 2012 B 11/30-12/06 500 1569 500 22�6 481 2344 132 28 0 0 160 338 2013 B 11/29-12/05 475 1699 475 19�8 471 2257 145 35 0 0 180 388 2014 B 11/28-12/04 500 1766 500 20�9 475 2155 167 25 0 0 192 408 2010 ALS 12/03-12/09 375 311 375 67�5 365 1664 0 0 95 14 109 308 2011 ALS 12/02-12/08 375 388 375 56�2 355 1572 0 0 112 9 121 348 2012 ALS 12/07-12/13 475 614 475 41�4 456 1952 0 0 211 19 230 508 2013 ALS 12/06-12/12 525 691 525 46�2 496 2211 0 0 167 14 181 368 2014 ALS 12/05-12/11 550 843 550 41�8 529 2292 0 0 212 12 224 429 2010 BE 9/24-9/30 25 2421 25 1 25 131 20 0 0 0 20 809 2012 BE 9/28-10/04 25 3196 25 0�8 25 75 23 0 0 0 23 929 2014 BE 9/26-10/02 25 4428 25 0�6 25 92 23 0 0 0 23 929 2010 B 11/26-12/02 275 743 275 22�5 248 1234 75 11 0 0 86 359 2011 B 11/25-12/01 275 724 275 21�8 270 1411 84 5 0 0 89 339 2012 B 11/30-12/06 275 763 275 21�1 270 1333 100 19 0 0 119 449 2013 B 11/29-12/05 275 1069 275 17 263 1371 45 2 0 0 47 189 2014 B 11/28-12/04 325 864 325 21�9 303 1398 117 12 0 0 129 439 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 350 605 350 40�7 333 1355 0 0 76 7 83 259 2010 ALS 12/03-12/09 350 179 350 89�4 340 1513 0 0 81 6 87 269 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 250 553 250 32 243 1015 0 0 110 15 125 519 2011 ALS 12/02-12/08 250 171 250 62 238 998 0 0 105 10 115 489 2012 ALS 10/19-10/25 250 614 250 29�5 244 963 0 0 125 11 136 569 2012 ALS 12/07-12/13 250 218 250 55 228 954 0 0 102 2 104 469 2013 ALS 10/18-10/24 275 698 275 27�4 267 1114 0 0 123 13 136 519 2013 ALS 12/06-12/12 275 212 275 51�9 264 1061 0 0 138 7 145 559 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 300 692 300 30�5 281 1228 0 0 126 2 128 469 2014 ALS 12/05-12/11 300 246 300 56�9 283 1247 0 0 99 2 101 3610 2010 BE 9/24-9/30 50 2457 50 1�7 50 162 45 0 0 0 45 9010 2011 BE 9/23-9/29 50 3905 50 1�2 50 207 41 0 0 0 41 8210 2012 BE 9/28-10/04 75 4694 75 1 74 296 53 0 0 0 53 7210 2013 BE 9/27-10/03 75 4404 75 1�5 74 349 50 0 0 0 50 6810 2014 BE 9/26-10/02 100 3967 100 1�6 100 457 69 0 0 0 69 6910 2010 B 11/26-12/02 500 1083 500 28�1 473 2320 143 8 0 0 151 3210 2011 B 11/25-12/01 500 1015 500 27�7 472 2147 193 2 0 0 195 4110 2012 B 11/30-12/06 575 1378 575 23�7 549 2834 137 19 0 0 156 2810 2013 B 11/29-12/05 550 1387 550 21�3 505 2445 170 11 0 0 181 3610 2014 B 11/28-12/04 550 1111 550 24�9 518 2553 157 8 0 0 165 3210 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 900 731 900 61�7 850 3723 0 0 95 9 104 12

HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (77)

76 Hunt Arizona 2015

Elk Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral10 2010 ALS 12/03-12/09 700 294 700 98�3 666 3512 0 0 137 19 156 2310 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 900 827 900 56�7 843 3926 0 0 172 17 189 2210 2011 ALS 12/02-12/11 700 316 700 94�9 654 3125 0 0 257 31 288 4410 2012 ALS 10/19-10/25 825 790 825 53�7 769 3775 0 0 196 15 211 2710 2012 ALS 12/07-12/13 800 472 800 82 762 3975 0 0 205 18 223 2910 2013 ALS 10/18-10/24 850 873 850 50�7 790 3561 0 0 168 13 181 2310 2013 ALS 12/06-12/15 825 595 825 74�5 768 3918 0 0 216 29 245 3210 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 850 885 850 53�6 797 3754 0 0 139 11 150 1910 2014 ALS 12/05-12/14 825 395 825 91�1 778 4038 0 0 191 21 212 2710 CH 2012 AE 11/09-11/15 10 17 10 23�5 8 20 2 2 3 0 7 8810 CH 2013 AE 11/08-11/14 10 16 10 25 9 31 3 0 0 0 3 3310 CH 2014 AE 11/07-12/11 10 23 10 26�1 10 37 6 0 0 0 6 6015A/15B/18A 2011 B 9/30-10/13 25 136 25 16�2 25 139 20 0 0 0 20 8015A/15B/18A 2012 B 10/05-10/18 25 164 25 11 25 155 9 0 0 0 9 3615A/15B/18A 2013 B 10/04-10/17 25 200 25 10 25 137 16 0 0 0 16 6415A/15B/18A 2014 B 10/03-10/16 25 152 25 10�5 21 148 11 0 0 0 11 5215A/15B/18A 2011 ALS 11/04-11/08 200 14 200 92�9 187 1653 0 0 33 2 35 1915A/15B/18A 2012 ALS 11/09-12/13 200 20 204 100 186 1288 0 0 41 2 43 2315A/15B/18A 2013 ALS 11/08-12/12 200 25 200 100 182 1774 0 0 5 0 5 315A/15B/18A 2014 ALS 11/07-12/11 200 27 200 100 177 1694 0 0 26 6 32 1815A/15B/18A 2011 AE 11/04-11/08 150 115 150 64�3 138 1245 33 0 10 5 48 3515A/15B/18A 2012 AE 11/09-12/13 150 142 150 45�1 142 1408 21 6 18 2 47 3315A/15B/18A 2013 AE 11/08-12/12 150 237 150 40�1 138 1269 25 0 2 0 27 2015A/15B/18A 2014 AE 11/07-12/11 150 193 150 49�7 143 1533 35 2 0 0 37 2615AB/17/18/19B/20AC 2010 B 9/24-10/14 60 426 60 8�9 58 362 37 0 0 0 37 6415AB/17/18/19B/20AC 2010 ALS 9/24-10/14 100 55 100 74�5 94 713 0 0 21 6 27 2915AB/17/18/19B/20AC 2010 ALS 11/05-12/09 600 60 600 100 520 4949 0 0 19 5 24 515AB/17/18/19B/20AC 2010 AE 11/05-12/09 250 280 250 39�6 229 2289 41 5 5 0 51 2217/18B/19B/20AC 2011 B 9/30-10/13 35 136 36 14�7 36 174 21 0 0 0 21 5817/18B/19B/20AC 2012 B 10/05-10/18 35 171 35 14 33 167 14 0 0 0 14 4217/18B/19B/20AC 2013 B 10/04-10/17 35 156 35 14�7 33 147 25 2 0 0 27 8217/18B/19B/20AC 2014 B 10/03-10/16 35 211 35 11�4 32 194 19 0 0 0 19 5917/18B/19B/20AC 2011 ALS 9/30-10/13 150 17 150 100 141 815 0 0 14 3 17 1217/18B/19B/20AC 2011 ALS 11/04-11/08 250 18 250 100 224 1882 0 0 53 6 59 2617/18B/19B/20AC 2012 ALS 10/05-10/18 150 25 150 100 133 763 0 0 24 0 24 1817/18B/19B/20AC 2012 ALS 11/09-12/13 250 15 251 100 221 1618 0 0 32 0 32 1417/18B/19B/20AC 2013 ALS 10/04-10/17 150 33 150 100 143 720 0 0 5 0 5 317/18B/19B/20AC 2013 ALS 11/08-12/12 250 10 250 100 206 1628 0 0 5 0 5 217/18B/19B/20AC 2014 ALS 10/03-10/16 150 38 150 94�7 131 884 0 0 38 0 38 2917/18B/19B/20AC 2014 ALS 11/07-12/11 250 22 250 100 205 2362 0 0 19 0 19 917/18B/19B/20AC 2011 AE 11/04-11/08 150 113 150 55�8 140 1076 43 7 7 0 57 4117/18B/19B/20AC 2012 AE 11/09-12/13 150 173 150 46�8 129 988 33 4 12 0 49 3817/18B/19B/20AC 2013 AE 11/08-12/12 150 256 150 29�7 124 924 30 0 0 0 30 2417/18B/19B/20AC 2014 AE 11/07-12/11 150 217 150 38�2 141 1232 34 9 15 0 58 4119A 2010 B 11/26-12/02 40 60 40 36�7 40 192 6 0 0 0 6 1519A 2011 B 11/25-12/01 40 43 40 37�2 40 181 11 2 0 0 13 3319A 2012 B 11/30-12/06 30 64 29 35�9 29 106 12 0 0 0 12 4119A 2013 B 11/29-12/05 30 67 30 26�9 28 101 13 2 0 0 15 5419A 2014 B 11/28-12/04 30 84 30 19 27 130 13 0 0 0 13 4819A 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 40 23 40 87 36 164 0 0 10 0 10 2819A 2010 ALS 12/03-12/09 30 4 30 100 24 120 0 0 2 0 2 819A 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 40 16 40 93�8 38 196 0 0 7 0 7 1819A 2011 ALS 12/02-12/11 30 10 30 100 26 136 0 0 0 0 0 019A 2012 ALS 10/19-10/25 30 30 30 40 23 95 0 0 3 0 3 13

HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (78)

Hunt Arizona 2015 77

Elk Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral19A 2012 ALS 12/07-12/13 20 6 20 100 18 92 0 0 6 0 6 3319A 2013 ALS 10/18-10/24 30 22 30 63�6 30 122 0 0 6 0 6 2019A 2013 ALS 12/06-12/15 20 16 20 56�3 17 81 0 0 7 0 7 4119A 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 30 38 30 52�6 27 117 0 0 3 0 3 1119A 2014 ALS 12/05-12/14 20 10 20 80 18 102 0 0 5 0 5 2821 2010 BE 9/24-9/30 5 141 5 3�5 5 20 3 0 0 0 3 6021 2010 B 11/26-12/02 12 39 12 10�3 12 47 9 0 0 0 9 7521 2011 B 11/25-12/01 15 48 15 14�6 15 68 3 2 0 0 5 3321 2012 B 11/30-12/06 20 74 20 17�6 17 87 10 0 0 0 10 5921 2013 B 11/29-12/05 25 87 25 14�9 20 65 10 0 0 0 10 5021 2014 B 11/28-12/04 25 114 25 14 25 104 11 0 0 0 11 4421 2012 ALS 10/19-10/25 25 13 25 100 25 108 0 0 8 5 13 5221 2013 ALS 10/18-10/24 50 49 50 51 50 182 0 0 11 2 13 2621 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 25 53 25 34 25 110 0 0 4 0 4 1622N 2010 BE 9/24-9/30 30 747 30 3�1 30 81 26 0 0 0 26 8722N 2011 BE 9/23-9/29 30 866 30 2�2 30 133 26 0 0 0 26 8722N 2012 BE 9/28-10/04 30 1088 30 1�7 30 105 28 0 0 0 28 9322N 2013 BE 9/27-10/03 30 1198 30 1�6 30 99 24 0 0 0 24 8022N 2014 BE 9/26-10/02 30 1439 30 1�5 30 122 21 2 0 0 23 7722N 2010 B 11/26-12/02 400 625 400 34�4 376 1545 119 20 0 0 139 3722N 2010 B 12/03-12/09 470 498 470 53�8 452 2198 111 18 0 0 129 2922N 2011 B 11/25-12/01 450 775 450 34�7 443 1980 136 9 0 0 145 3322N 2011 B 12/02-12/08 100 189 100 30�7 97 428 33 5 0 0 38 3922N 2012 B 11/30-12/06 450 947 450 29�3 436 2112 101 18 0 0 119 2722N 2012 B 12/07-12/13 100 158 100 27�8 94 435 37 6 0 0 43 4622N 2013 B 11/29-12/05 475 866 475 30�4 445 1980 130 25 0 0 155 3522N 2013 B 12/06-12/12 350 298 350 49�7 339 1440 119 15 0 0 134 4022N 2014 B 11/28-12/04 475 906 475 33�1 453 1731 150 26 0 0 176 3922N 2014 B 12/05-12/11 400 806 400 31�4 384 1793 76 31 0 0 107 2822N 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 175 315 175 36�2 168 656 0 0 51 3 54 3222N 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 175 355 175 31�3 169 622 0 0 74 12 86 5122N 2012 ALS 10/19-10/25 275 498 275 34�1 261 1000 0 0 104 12 116 4422N 2013 ALS 10/18-10/24 275 659 275 27�9 273 1016 0 0 138 10 148 5422N 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 275 739 275 27�1 268 917 0 0 152 13 165 6222S 2010 B 11/26-12/02 30 56 30 26�8 28 131 19 2 0 0 21 7522S 2011 B 11/25-12/01 30 89 30 20�2 30 108 22 0 0 0 22 7322S 2012 B 11/30-12/06 30 144 30 11�8 28 103 17 2 0 0 19 6822S 2013 B 11/29-12/05 60 202 60 23�3 51 131 43 0 0 0 43 8422S 2014 B 11/28-12/04 60 184 60 19�6 60 259 30 5 0 0 35 5822S 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 25 34 25 41�2 25 69 0 0 13 0 13 5222S 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 25 38 25 31�6 25 77 0 0 17 2 19 7622S 2012 ALS 10/19-10/25 25 49 25 26�5 23 50 0 0 14 5 19 8322S 2013 ALS 10/18-10/24 25 79 25 22�8 25 75 0 0 15 0 15 6022S 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 35 82 35 28 33 111 0 0 19 0 19 5823 2014 BE 9/26-10/02 20 2058 20 0�9 20 82 16 0 0 0 16 8023 2010 B 11/26-12/02 200 775 200 14�7 193 938 79 9 0 0 88 4623 2011 B 11/25-12/01 250 637 251 17�4 247 1088 121 4 0 0 125 5123 2012 B 11/30-12/06 200 786 200 14�1 183 853 74 2 0 0 76 4223 2013 B 11/29-12/05 225 1024 225 13�9 215 954 92 8 0 0 100 4723 2014 B 11/28-12/04 200 987 200 11�2 189 733 91 5 0 0 96 5123 2010 ALS 12/03-12/09 100 78 100 48�7 94 370 0 0 23 5 28 3023 2011 ALS 12/02-12/08 175 114 175 64�9 166 573 0 0 60 6 66 4023 2012 ALS 12/07-12/13 200 180 200 36�7 187 739 0 0 69 5 74 4023 2013 ALS 12/06-12/12 200 225 200 40�4 192 779 0 0 63 0 63 33

HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (79)

78 Hunt Arizona 2015

Elk Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral23 2014 ALS 12/05-12/11 200 278 200 33�8 193 753 0 0 87 4 91 4723 CC 2010 ALS 8/06-8/09 8 18 8 22�2 8 21 0 0 3 0 3 3823 CC 2010 ALS 8/13-8/16 8 12 8 41�7 8 21 0 0 5 0 5 6323 CC 2010 ALS 9/03-9/06 8 8 8 50 8 26 0 0 3 0 3 3823 CC 2010 ALS 9/10-9/13 8 7 8 71�4 8 28 0 0 2 0 2 2523N 2010 BE 9/24-9/30 15 1552 15 0�9 15 68 15 0 0 0 15 10023N 2011 BE 9/23-9/29 20 1016 20 1�4 20 65 20 0 0 0 20 10023N 2012 BE 9/28-10/04 20 1297 20 1�4 19 76 19 0 0 0 19 10023N 2013 BE 9/27-10/03 20 1368 20 1�2 20 63 19 0 0 0 19 9523N 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 20 110 20 10�9 20 87 0 0 7 0 7 3523N 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 25 78 25 17�9 23 72 0 0 16 2 18 7823N 2012 ALS 10/19-10/25 25 117 25 12�8 24 75 0 0 15 0 15 6323N 2013 ALS 10/18-10/24 50 194 50 18�6 46 146 0 0 27 2 29 6323N 2014 ALS 10/14-10/23 50 251 50 13�9 48 173 0 0 17 0 17 3523S 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 20 17 20 64�7 18 70 0 0 0 0 0 023S 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 25 18 25 38�9 25 88 0 0 9 3 12 4823S 2012 ALS 10/19-10/25 25 22 25 31�8 23 88 0 0 10 0 10 4323S 2013 ALS 10/18-10/24 25 28 25 39�3 25 68 0 0 13 3 16 6423S 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 50 67 50 26�9 46 202 0 0 12 0 12 2624A 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 5 7 5 57�1 5 23 0 0 0 0 0 024A 2010 AE 12/03-12/09 10 23 10 39�1 8 39 0 0 0 0 0 024A 2011 AE 9/23-9/29 5 39 5 7�7 5 30 0 0 0 0 0 024A 2011 AE 10/14-10/20 5 10 5 20 5 20 1 0 0 0 1 2024A 2012 AE 9/21-9/27 5 32 5 12�5 5 17 0 0 0 0 0 024A 2013 AE 9/27-10/06 5 35 5 14�3 5 45 0 0 0 0 0 024A 2014 AE 9/26-10/05 5 54 5 9�3 5 24 4 0 0 0 4 8024A 2014 AE 10/10-10/19 5 9 5 22�2 5 35 2 0 0 0 2 4027 2010 BE 9/24-9/30 25 1857 25 1�2 25 108 15 0 0 0 15 6027 2012 BE 9/28-10/04 25 2046 25 1�1 25 105 13 3 0 0 16 6427 2014 BE 9/26-10/02 40 3167 40 1�2 40 163 33 0 0 0 33 8327 2010 B 11/26-12/02 400 879 400 19�8 385 1730 126 23 0 0 149 3927 2011 B 11/25-12/01 400 870 400 23�1 387 1899 153 2 0 0 155 4027 2012 B 11/30-12/06 400 918 400 19�2 383 1559 223 17 0 0 240 6327 2013 B 11/29-12/05 400 1248 400 17�7 387 1399 237 17 0 0 254 6627 2014 B 11/28-12/04 500 1471 500 15�4 489 2008 290 11 0 0 301 6227 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 180 396 180 29�3 160 568 0 0 62 3 65 4127 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 305 584 305 32�7 282 1191 0 0 86 2 88 3127 2012 ALS 10/19-10/25 305 533 305 28�3 292 1181 0 0 120 9 129 4427 2013 ALS 10/18-10/24 300 651 300 28�1 283 1233 0 0 105 10 115 4127 2013 ALS 10/25-10/31 200 65 200 50�8 186 856 0 0 64 6 70 3827 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 300 719 300 27�4 285 1170 0 0 104 6 110 3927 2014 ALS 10/24-10/30 200 143 200 40�6 185 783 0 0 67 0 67 3627 M 2011 ALS 8/12-8/18 25 3 25 100 20 105 0 0 0 0 0 027 M 2012 ALS 8/10-9/23 25 2 25 100 22 128 0 0 0 0 0 027/28 CC 2013 ALSS 8/09-8/22 25 0 25 � 23 79 0 0 4 0 4 1727/28 CC 2014 ALS 8/08-8/21 25 2 25 100 25 103 0 0 0 0 0 027S 2010 ALS 8/13-8/19 50 13 50 100 46 158 0 0 6 0 6 1327S 2011 ALS 8/12-8/18 50 7 50 100 45 155 0 0 8 0 8 1827S 2012 ALS 8/10-9/23 50 4 50 100 45 216 0 0 11 0 11 2427S 2013 ALS 8/09-8/22 25 3 25 100 25 103 0 0 3 0 3 1227S 2014 ALS 8/08-8/21 25 4 25 100 22 144 0 0 8 0 8 3628/31/32 2010 AE 10/01-10/28 10 23 10 21�7 10 30 10 0 0 0 10 100

HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (80)

Hunt Arizona 2015 79

Elk Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral28/31/32 2011 AE 9/30-10/27 10 15 10 26�7 10 58 3 0 0 0 3 3028/31/32 2012 AE 10/05-11/01 10 24 10 33�3 8 32 2 0 0 0 2 2528/31/32 2013 AE 10/04-10/31 10 25 10 36 8 25 5 0 0 0 5 6328/31/32 2014 AE 10/03-10/30 10 3 10 33�3 10 25 10 0 0 0 10 100CN 2010 ALS 9/27-10/03 5 1 5 100 5 12 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2010 ALS 9/27-10/03 2 4 2 25 2 7 0 0 1 0 1 50CN 2010 ALS 11/19-12/09 35 12 35 100 35 188 0 0 10 0 10 29CN 2010 ALS 11/19-12/09 5 10 5 50 5 80 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2011 ALS 9/26-10/02 5 0 5 - 3 12 0 0 2 0 2 67CN 2011 ALS 9/26-10/02 2 3 2 33�3 2 10 0 0 0 1 1 50CN 2011 ALS 11/18-12/08 35 5 35 100 33 166 0 0 14 5 19 58CN 2011 ALS 11/18-12/08 5 8 5 37�5 5 15 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2012 ALS 10/01-10/07 5 2 5 0 5 12 0 0 2 0 2 40CN 2012 ALS 10/01-10/07 2 7 2 28�6 2 2 0 0 2 0 2 100CN 2012 ALS 11/23-12/13 35 9 35 100 33 165 0 0 18 0 18 55CN 2012 ALS 11/23-12/13 5 2 5 100 3 8 0 0 2 0 2 67CN 2013 ALS 9/30-10/06 5 1 5 0 5 9 0 0 2 1 3 60CN 2013 ALS 9/30-10/06 2 5 2 40 2 4 0 0 2 0 2 100CN 2013 ALS 11/22-12/12 35 21 35 100 32 152 0 0 15 0 15 47CN 2013 ALS 11/22-12/12 5 15 5 33�3 5 47 0 0 2 0 2 40CN 2014 ALS 9/26-10/02 12 36 12 25 11 35 0 0 5 0 5 45CN 2014 ALS 9/26-10/02 6 16 6 31�3 5 23 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 15 14 15 35�7 12 51 0 0 9 0 9 75CN 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 7 8 7 25 7 49 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2014 ALS 11/21-12/14 8 10 8 40 8 43 0 0 5 0 5 63CN 2014 ALS 11/21-12/14 2 0 2 - 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 100CN DV 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 20 3 20 100 19 88 0 0 3 0 3 16CN DV 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 20 2 20 100 18 72 0 0 3 0 3 17CN DV 2012 ALS 10/19-10/25 20 4 20 75 16 76 0 0 7 0 7 44CN DV 2013 ALS 10/18-10/24 20 8 20 75 18 77 0 0 7 0 7 39CN DV 2014 ALS 9/19-9/25 15 16 15 50 15 45 0 0 9 0 9 60CN 2010 AE 9/27-10/03 8 86 8 9�3 7 18 3 1 0 0 4 57CN 2010 AE 9/27-10/03 3 58 3 5�2 3 11 1 0 0 0 1 33CN 2010 AE 10/22-10/28 23 13 23 46�2 23 86 6 0 0 0 6 26CN 2010 AE 10/22-10/28 4 10 4 0 4 24 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2011 AE 9/26-10/02 8 66 8 10�6 8 21 5 1 0 0 6 75CN 2011 AE 9/26-10/02 3 49 3 4�1 3 18 2 0 2 0 4 133CN 2011 AE 10/21-10/27 23 18 23 50 20 79 5 0 0 0 5 25CN 2011 AE 10/21-10/27 4 9 4 11�1 4 20 0 1 0 0 1 25CN 2012 AE 10/01-10/07 8 86 8 9�3 8 36 0 0 2 0 2 25CN 2012 AE 10/01-10/07 3 52 3 5�8 3 3 0 0 0 3 3 100CN 2012 AE 10/26-11/01 23 14 23 50 21 97 2 2 2 0 6 29CN 2012 AE 10/26-11/01 4 7 4 28�6 4 20 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2013 AE 9/30-10/06 8 80 8 8�8 8 26 2 2 2 0 6 75CN 2013 AE 9/30-10/06 3 64 3 3�1 3 19 1 0 0 0 1 33CN 2013 AE 10/25-10/31 23 20 23 50 20 82 3 5 3 0 11 55CN 2013 AE 10/25-10/31 4 9 4 22�2 4 16 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2014 AE 9/26-10/02 4 68 4 5�9 4 8 4 0 0 0 4 100CN 2014 AE 9/26-10/02 1 26 1 3�8 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 100CN 2014 AE 10/24-10/30 3 7 3 28�6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -CN DV 2010 AE 10/15-10/21 7 28 7 17�9 7 37 2 0 0 0 2 29CN DV 2011 AE 10/14-10/20 7 34 7 11�8 7 36 1 0 3 1 5 71

HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (81)

80 Hunt Arizona 2015

Elk Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneralCN DV 2012 AE 10/19-10/25 7 29 7 20�7 7 46 0 2 0 0 2 29CN DV 2013 AE 10/18-10/24 7 31 7 19�4 7 32 1 0 0 0 1 14CN DV 2014 AE 9/12-9/18 10 68 10 13�2 10 40 7 0 0 0 7 70CN WW 2014 AE 9/12-9/18 6 8 6 37�5 6 6 6 0 0 0 6 100CN WW 2014 AE 10/24-10/30 6 0 6 - 6 30 3 0 0 0 3 506A 2011 ALS 10/07-10/13 500 1994 501 23�3 486 1636 0 0 188 19 207 436A 2012 ALS 10/12-10/18 500 1825 498 24�8 472 1551 0 0 216 42 258 556A 2013 ALS 10/11-10/17 500 1758 500 25�9 474 1460 0 0 217 51 268 576AN/6AS 2009 ALS 10/16-10/22 765 1658 765 42�1 737 2302 0 0 344 55 399 546AN/6AS 2010 ALS 10/08-10/14 765 1967 765 35�5 743 2432 0 0 279 29 308 4122 2010 ALS 11/05-11/11 30 88 30 31�8 25 90 0 0 10 0 10 4022 2011 ALS 11/04-11/10 30 95 30 27�4 30 81 0 0 23 2 25 8322 2012 ALS 11/09-11/15 50 132 50 28�8 47 131 0 0 28 0 28 6022 2013 ALS 11/08-11/14 100 243 100 27�6 100 368 0 0 39 0 39 3922N 2009 ALS 10/09-10/15 30 124 30 21�8 30 97 0 0 18 0 18 6023 2010 ALS 11/05-11/11 30 59 30 44�1 30 71 0 0 11 0 11 3723 2011 ALS 11/04-11/10 30 84 30 25 30 78 0 0 20 7 27 9023 2012 ALS 11/09-11/15 30 76 30 28�9 30 65 0 0 20 2 22 7323 2013 ALS 11/08-11/14 30 122 30 18�9 30 93 0 0 10 0 10 3323S 2009 ALS 10/16-10/22 30 32 30 43�8 24 107 0 0 0 0 0 0Youth Only1/2C 2010 ALS 10/08-10/14 160 751 175 20�9 173 411 0 0 105 5 110 641/2C 2011 ALS 10/07-10/13 175 812 175 19�5 175 547 0 0 133 2 135 771/2C 2012 ALS 10/12-10/18 150 778 150 17�4 148 398 0 0 108 14 122 821/2C 2013 ALS 10/11-10/17 175 821 175 18�8 175 456 0 0 124 6 130 741/2C 2014 ALS 10/10-10/16 175 1039 175 15�5 175 350 0 0 0 0 0 03A/3C 2010 ALS 10/15-10/21 250 458 250 32�8 248 774 0 0 107 10 117 473A/3C 2011 ALS 10/14-10/20 300 510 300 33�1 285 979 0 0 130 19 149 523A/3C 2012 ALS 10/12-10/18 200 573 200 24�6 195 581 0 0 104 12 116 593A/3C 2013 ALS 10/11-10/17 200 613 200 26�1 197 643 0 0 93 11 104 533A/3C 2014 ALS 10/10-10/16 200 692 200 22�4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4A 2010 ALS 10/08-10/14 100 258 97 28�3 90 303 0 0 35 2 37 414A 2011 ALS 10/07-10/13 97 271 97 29�2 93 280 0 0 63 6 69 744A (Hopi) 2011 ALS 10/07-10/13 6 7 6 85�7 6 15 0 0 5 0 5 834A 2012 ALS 10/12-10/18 97 309 96 26�9 89 238 0 0 57 7 64 724A (Hopi) 2012 ALS 10/12-10/18 6 6 6 100 5 9 0 0 5 0 5 1004A 2013 ALS 10/11-10/17 146 402 146 29�4 136 428 0 0 65 13 78 574A (Hopi) 2013 ALS 10/11-10/17 9 8 9 100 9 27 0 0 5 0 5 564A 2014 ALS 10/10-10/16 97 426 97 20�4 97 388 0 0 97 0 97 1004A (Hopi) 2014 ALS 10/10-10/16 9 7 6 85�7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6A 2011 ALS 10/07-10/13 500 1994 501 23�3 486 1636 0 0 188 19 207 436A 2012 ALS 10/12-10/18 500 1825 498 24�8 472 1551 0 0 216 42 258 556A 2013 ALS 10/11-10/17 500 1758 500 25�9 474 1460 0 0 217 51 268 576A 2014 ALS 10/10-10/16 450 2075 450 20�5 450 2025 0 0 0 0 0 06AN/6AS 2010 ALS 10/08-10/14 765 1967 765 35�5 743 2432 0 0 279 29 308 4122 2010 ALS 11/05-11/11 30 88 30 31�8 25 90 0 0 10 0 10 4022 2011 ALS 11/04-11/10 30 95 30 27�4 30 81 0 0 23 2 25 8322 2012 ALS 11/09-11/15 50 132 50 28�8 47 131 0 0 28 0 28 6022 2013 ALS 11/08-11/14 100 243 100 27�6 100 368 0 0 39 0 39 3922 2014 ALS 11/07-11/13 150 279 150 34�4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -23 2010 ALS 11/05-11/11 30 59 30 44�1 30 71 0 0 11 0 11 3723 2011 ALS 11/04-11/10 30 84 30 25 30 78 0 0 20 7 27 9023 2012 ALS 11/09-11/15 30 76 30 28�9 30 65 0 0 20 2 22 7323 2013 ALS 11/08-11/14 30 122 30 18�9 30 93 0 0 10 0 10 3323 2014 ALS 11/07-11/13 65 153 65 30�1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -

HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (82)

Hunt Arizona 2015 81

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Elk Harvest Data

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral1/2B/2C 2010 BE 9/24-9/30 40 1416 40 2�3 40 184 35 0 0 0 35 881/2B/2C 2012 BE 9/28-10/04 45 1536 45 2�1 44 171 35 0 0 0 35 801/2B/2C 2014 BE 9/26-10/02 45 2029 45 2 44 162 38 0 0 0 38 863B 2010 BE 9/24-9/30 20 320 20 3�1 18 88 14 0 0 0 14 783B 2010 BE 11/26-12/02 150 140 150 42�9 141 684 38 15 0 0 53 383B 2011 BE 9/23-9/29 25 378 25 3�2 24 111 14 0 0 0 14 583B 2011 BE 11/25-12/01 200 169 200 48�5 196 919 44 14 0 0 58 303B 2012 BE 9/28-10/04 25 367 25 3�8 25 92 22 0 0 0 22 883B 2012 BE 11/30-12/06 200 231 200 37�2 185 920 55 13 0 0 68 373B 2013 BE 9/27-10/03 25 504 25 3�2 25 106 18 0 0 0 18 723B 2013 BE 11/29-12/05 200 244 200 38�9 193 1004 28 4 0 0 32 173B 2014 BE 9/26-10/02 25 459 25 3�1 25 103 20 0 0 0 20 803B 2014 BE 11/28-12/04 200 247 200 38�5 190 941 45 14 0 0 59 313B 2010 ALS 12/10-12/31 250 139 250 84�9 241 1594 0 0 81 7 88 373B 2011 ALS 12/09-12/31 250 167 250 80�8 223 1512 0 0 69 8 77 353B 2012 ALS 12/14-12/31 250 194 250 68�6 234 1250 0 0 95 17 112 483B 2013 ALS 12/13-12/31 200 210 200 49 189 1171 0 0 36 0 36 193B 2014 ALS 12/12-12/31 200 229 200 61�1 192 1294 0 0 70 10 80 423BN 2013 ALS 8/02-8/15 15 5 15 60 15 68 0 0 8 8 16 1073BN 2013 AE 10/04-10/17 15 59 15 20�3 15 105 9 2 2 0 13 873BN 2014 ALS 8/01-8/14 30 4 30 100 28 105 0 0 10 3 13 463BN 2014 AE 10/03-10/16 20 60 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5A 2010 BE 9/24-9/30 24 267 24 7�1 24 105 16 0 0 0 16 675A (Hopi) 2010 BE 9/24-9/30 1 0 1 � 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 1005B 2014 BE 9/26-10/02 24 833 24 2 24 98 14 0 0 0 14 585BN (Hopi) 2014 B 9/26-10/02 1 5 1 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6A 2010 BE 9/24-9/30 50 1036 50 3�9 50 258 37 1 0 0 38 766A 2010 BE 11/12-11/18 300 838 300 20 293 1417 88 17 0 0 105 366A 2011 BE 11/11-11/17 300 1082 300 19 295 1369 96 11 0 0 107 366A 2012 BE 9/28-10/04 50 1286 50 2�9 48 218 23 2 0 0 25 526A 2012 BE 11/16-11/22 300 712 300 22�6 293 1415 80 12 0 0 92 316A 2013 BE 11/15-11/21 300 1000 300 20�6 290 1401 59 4 0 0 63 226A 2014 BE 11/14-11/20 300 922 300 23�8 287 1281 81 24 0 0 105 376A 2010 ALS 11/12-11/18 200 211 200 44�1 195 855 0 0 40 2 42 226A 2011 ALS 11/11-11/17 100 124 100 25 87 381 0 0 26 2 28 326A 2012 ALS 11/16-11/22 75 100 75 29 72 318 0 0 20 2 22 316A 2013 ALS 11/15-11/21 75 122 75 27 73 324 0 0 10 4 14 196A 2014 ALS 11/14-11/20 75 86 75 37�2 75 317 0 0 15 0 15 208 2011 BE 9/23-9/29 25 547 25 3�7 25 136 14 0 0 0 14 568 2010 ALS 9/24-9/30 125 277 125 31 120 470 0 0 35 3 38 328 2011 ALS 9/23-9/29 125 262 125 26�3 119 499 0 0 65 7 72 618 2012 ALS 9/28-10/04 120 347 120 20�5 116 426 0 0 60 3 63 548 2013 ALS 9/27-10/03 150 376 150 27�7 140 593 0 0 67 7 74 538 2014 ALS 9/26-10/02 175 407 175 25�6 172 630 0 0 93 5 98 579 2011 BE 9/23-9/29 25 1052 25 2�3 25 115 22 0 0 0 22 889 2013 BE 9/27-10/03 25 1828 25 1�3 25 102 20 0 0 0 20 8010 2013 BE 11/08-11/14 25 169 25 10�1 25 109 11 2 0 0 13 5210 2014 BE 11/07-12/11 25 133 25 10�5 25 119 10 0 0 0 10 4016A 2010 BE 9/24-9/30 3 22 3 13�6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �16A 2011 BE 9/23-9/29 3 25 3 8 3 14 2 0 0 0 2 6716A 2012 BE 9/28-10/04 3 10 3 20 3 4 3 0 0 0 3 10016A 2013 BE 9/27-10/03 3 17 3 11�8 3 15 0 0 0 0 0 016A 2014 BE 9/26-10/02 3 25 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �21 2011 BE 9/23-9/29 5 71 5 5�6 5 18 3 0 0 0 3 60

HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior


Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (83)

82 Hunt Arizona 2015

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Elk Harvest Data

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral21 2012 BE 9/28-10/04 5 85 5 2�4 5 23 4 0 0 0 4 8021 2013 BE 9/27-10/03 5 75 5 4 5 16 3 0 0 0 3 6021 2014 BE 9/26-10/02 5 111 5 2�7 5 33 2 0 0 0 2 4022S 2010 BE 9/24-9/30 40 203 40 12�8 38 173 23 0 0 0 23 6122S 2011 BE 9/23-9/29 40 218 40 10�6 36 145 23 0 0 0 23 6422S 2012 BE 9/28-10/04 40 235 40 10�6 40 171 27 0 0 0 27 6822S 2013 BE 9/27-10/03 50 333 50 11�1 50 194 40 0 0 0 40 8022S 2014 BE 9/26-10/02 50 356 50 8�1 48 200 30 2 0 0 32 6727 2011 BE 9/23-9/29 25 434 25 2�5 25 141 16 0 0 0 16 6427 2013 BE 9/27-10/03 40 545 40 3�9 40 173 30 2 0 0 32 80CN 2010 ALS 10/08-10/14 25 3 25 100 23 100 0 0 5 0 5 22CN 2010 ALS 10/08-10/14 5 7 5 57�1 3 13 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2011 ALS 10/07-10/13 25 3 25 100 22 94 0 0 6 0 6 27CN 2011 ALS 10/07-10/13 5 8 5 37�5 5 35 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2012 ALS 10/12-10/18 25 5 25 100 21 118 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2012 ALS 10/12-10/18 5 3 5 66�7 5 35 0 0 3 0 3 60CN 2013 ALS 10/11-10/17 25 6 25 100 23 77 0 0 11 0 11 48CN 2013 ALS 10/11-10/17 5 4 5 100 5 30 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2014 ALS 10/10-10/16 10 5 10 40 10 58 0 0 4 0 4 40CN 2014 ALS 10/10-10/16 5 8 5 50 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2014 ALS 10/10-10/16 4 11 4 18�2 4 12 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2010 AE 10/08-10/14 10 13 10 15�4 5 30 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2010 AE 10/08-10/14 3 8 3 12�5 3 6 3 0 0 0 3 100CN 2011 AE 10/07-10/13 10 30 10 20 7 27 3 0 0 0 3 43CN 2011 AE 10/07-10/13 3 10 5 20 5 28 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2012 AE 10/12-10/18 10 15 10 26�7 8 32 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2012 AE 10/12-10/18 3 16 3 18�8 3 3 0 3 0 0 3 100CN 2013 AE 10/11-10/17 10 11 10 36�4 10 30 10 0 0 0 10 100CN 2013 AE 10/11-10/17 3 15 3 6�7 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2014 AE 10/10-10/16 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -Archery1 CC 2012 ALSS 9/28-10/07 30 0 29 - 26 150 0 0 5 0 5 191 2012 ALS 11/23-12/02 5 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 AM 2011 ALS 9/09-9/18 10 0 10 - 10 50 0 0 0 0 0 01 AM 2011 ALS 11/11-11/20 10 0 4 - 4 10 0 0 0 0 0 01 AM 2012 ALS 9/14-9/23 10 2 10 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �1 AM 2013 ALS 9/13-9/22 10 0 10 - 10 42 0 0 0 0 0 01 AM 2014 ALS 9/05-9/28 10 1 10 100 10 103 0 0 0 0 0 01 CC 2011 ALS 8/05-8/08 10 0 10 - 10 33 0 0 0 0 0 01 CC 2011 ALS 8/12-8/15 10 0 7 - 7 60 0 0 0 0 0 01 CC 2011 ALS 8/19-8/22 10 0 6 - 6 24 0 0 0 0 0 01 CC 2011 ALS 8/26-9/04 10 0 10 - 8 28 0 0 0 0 0 01 CC 2011 ALS 9/09-9/18 10 0 10 - 10 52 0 0 0 0 0 01 CC 2011 ALS 9/23-10/02 10 0 10 - 10 62 0 0 2 0 2 201 CC 2011 ALS 10/07-10/16 10 1 10 100 5 20 0 0 0 0 0 01 CC 2011 ALS 10/21-10/30 10 0 10 - 10 60 0 0 0 0 0 01 CC 2011 ALS 11/04-11/10 10 0 2 - 2 7 0 0 0 0 0 01 CC 2011 ALS 11/11-11/20 10 0 8 - 8 37 0 0 3 0 3 381 CC 2011 ALS 11/25-12/04 10 0 4 - 4 24 0 0 0 0 0 01 CC 2011 ALS 12/09-12/18 10 0 3 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 CC 2011 ALS 12/23-12/31 10 0 1 - 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 01 CC 2012 ALS 8/03-8/12 30 0 30 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 CC 2012 ALS 9/07-9/30 30 0 30 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 CC 2012 ALS 10/05-10/28 15 0 15 - 13 71 0 0 0 0 0 0


HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (84)

Hunt Arizona 2015 83

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Elk Harvest Data

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral1 CC 2012 ALS 11/02-11/11 15 0 9 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 CC 2012 ALS 11/16-11/25 15 1 7 100 5 18 0 0 0 0 0 01 CC 2012 ALS 11/30-12/23 15 0 2 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 CF 2013 ALS 8/02-8/25 10 1 10 100 8 60 0 0 0 0 0 01 CF 2013 ALS 9/06-9/29 10 0 10 - 10 73 0 0 0 2 2 201 CF 2013 ALS 10/04-10/27 10 0 10 - 10 50 0 0 0 0 0 01 CF 2013 ALS 11/01-11/24 10 0 10 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 CF 2013 ALS 12/06-12/29 10 0 10 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 CF 2014 ALS 8/01-8/31 5 1 5 100 5 30 0 0 0 0 0 01 CF 2014 ALS 9/05-9/28 5 2 5 100 2 37 0 0 0 0 0 01 CF 2014 ALS 10/03-10/26 5 0 5 - 5 18 0 0 2 2 4 801 CF 2014 ALS 10/31-11/23 5 1 5 100 5 20 0 0 0 0 0 01 CF 2014 ALS 12/05-12/28 5 0 5 - 5 13 0 0 0 0 0 01 FT 2011 ALS 9/09-9/18 5 0 5 - 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 01 FT 2012 ALS 9/14-9/23 5 0 5 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 FT 2012 ALS 11/09-11/18 5 0 2 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1/2B/2C 2010 B 9/10-9/23 150 2187 150 6 148 1280 58 0 0 0 58 391/2B/2C 2010 B 11/12-11/25 25 36 25 19�4 24 185 3 3 0 0 6 251/2B/2C 2011 B 9/09-9/22 245 2596 247 7 247 2139 86 2 0 0 88 361/2B/2C 2011 B 11/11-11/24 25 29 25 31 25 192 4 0 0 0 4 161/2B/2C 2012 B 9/14-9/27 245 2321 245 8�3 239 1792 142 2 0 0 144 601/2B/2C 2012 B 11/16-11/29 25 35 25 22�9 23 179 0 0 0 0 0 01/2B/2C 2013 B 9/13-9/26 350 3179 350 8�3 346 3078 163 6 0 0 169 491/2B/2C 2013 B 11/15-11/28 25 36 25 25 23 138 5 0 0 0 5 221/2B/2C 2014 B 9/12-9/25 300 3247 302 7�4 298 2660 143 8 0 0 151 511/2B/2C 2014 B 11/14-11/27 25 48 25 25 23 188 5 0 0 0 5 221/2B/2C 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 100 68 100 27�9 92 605 0 0 22 0 22 241/2B/2C 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 100 77 100 29�9 94 640 0 0 11 0 11 121/2B/2C 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 75 62 75 32�3 68 453 0 0 14 3 17 251/2B/2C 2013 ALS 9/13-9/26 75 77 75 27�3 70 490 0 0 8 3 11 161/2B/2C 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 75 80 75 36�3 69 480 0 0 16 0 16 233A/3C 2010 B 9/10-9/23 125 987 127 9�1 125 1098 63 0 0 0 63 503A/3C 2010 B 11/12-11/25 25 2 25 100 22 155 2 0 0 0 2 93A/3C 2011 B 9/09-9/22 125 955 128 9�4 126 1183 35 2 0 0 37 293A/3C 2011 B 11/11-11/24 25 12 25 58�3 25 196 5 0 0 0 5 203A/3C 2012 B 9/14-9/27 125 1065 125 8�1 125 948 65 0 0 0 65 523A/3C 2012 B 11/16-11/29 25 15 25 73�3 23 157 0 0 0 0 0 03A/3C 2013 B 9/13-9/26 150 1085 150 9�3 150 1194 87 0 0 0 87 583A/3C 2013 B 11/15-11/28 25 22 25 36�4 19 103 0 6 0 0 6 323A/3C 2014 B 9/12-9/25 150 1163 150 9�2 142 1272 72 4 0 0 76 543A/3C 2014 B 11/14-11/27 25 34 25 35�3 21 171 0 0 0 0 0 03A/3C 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 50 15 50 73�3 48 282 0 0 5 2 7 153A/3C 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 50 16 50 62�5 43 284 0 0 5 0 5 123A/3C 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 50 44 50 29�5 47 320 0 0 13 0 13 283A/3C 2013 ALS 9/13-9/26 50 45 50 42�2 43 268 0 0 18 0 18 423A/3C 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 50 61 50 41 45 248 0 0 10 3 13 293B 2010 B 9/10-9/23 75 270 75 16�7 75 686 22 2 0 0 24 323B 2010 B 11/12-11/25 25 16 25 50 25 189 0 2 0 0 2 83B 2011 B 9/09-9/22 75 249 75 12�9 75 746 13 2 0 0 15 203B 2011 B 11/11-11/24 25 9 25 100 19 142 4 4 0 0 8 423B 2012 B 9/14-9/27 75 355 75 12�7 73 607 35 0 0 0 35 483B 2012 B 11/16-11/29 25 10 25 40 23 152 6 0 0 0 6 263B 2013 B 9/13-9/26 75 321 75 12�8 75 589 28 1 0 0 29 393B 2013 B 11/15-11/28 50 37 50 48�6 44 308 0 0 0 0 0 0


HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (85)

84 Hunt Arizona 2015

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Elk Harvest Data

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral3B 2014 B 9/12-9/25 75 353 75 11�3 75 651 27 2 0 0 29 393B 2014 B 11/14-11/27 50 20 50 80 42 358 4 4 0 0 8 193B 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 25 9 25 77�8 24 183 0 0 4 1 5 213B 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 25 8 25 87�5 19 169 0 0 0 0 0 03B 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 25 34 25 32�4 25 243 0 0 5 0 5 203B 2013 ALS 9/13-9/26 25 30 25 23�3 23 204 0 0 6 0 6 263B 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 25 25 25 24 23 195 0 0 9 0 9 394A 2010 B 9/10-9/23 219 1097 219 14�6 219 1680 60 0 0 0 60 274A (Hopi) 2010 B 9/10-9/23 6 1 6 100 6 69 0 0 0 0 0 04A 2010 B 11/12-11/25 24 16 24 37�5 22 164 0 0 0 0 0 04A (Hopi) 2010 B 11/12-11/25 1 0 1 - 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 04A 2011 B 9/09-9/22 218 1059 218 16 216 1865 39 4 0 0 43 204A (Hopi) 2011 B 9/09-9/22 4 4 4 100 4 22 0 0 0 0 0 04A 2011 B 11/11-11/24 24 21 24 47�6 14 96 0 0 0 0 0 04A (Hopi) 2011 B 11/11-11/24 1 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4A 2012 B 9/14-9/27 243 1224 243 14�7 241 2187 91 6 0 0 97 404A (Hopi) 2012 B 9/14-9/27 7 9 7 77�8 7 42 2 0 0 0 2 294A 2012 B 11/16-11/29 24 7 24 100 24 149 0 3 0 0 3 134A (Hopi) 2012 B 11/16-11/29 1 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4A 2013 B 9/13-9/26 292 1348 292 16�5 288 2411 95 6 0 0 101 354A (Hopi) 2013 B 9/13-9/26 8 5 8 100 6 35 3 0 0 0 3 504A 2013 B 11/15-11/28 24 18 24 44�4 24 126 0 0 0 0 0 04A (Hopi) 2013 B 11/15-11/28 1 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4A 2014 B 9/12-9/25 166 1151 166 10�4 164 1427 67 4 0 0 71 434A (Hopi) 2014 B 9/12-9/25 8 7 4 57�1 4 36 0 0 0 0 0 04A 2014 B 11/14-11/27 24 17 24 52�9 20 152 4 0 0 0 4 204A (Hopi) 2014 B 11/14-11/27 1 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4A 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 78 55 78 38�2 76 498 0 0 20 0 20 264A (Hopi) 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 2 0 2 - 2 10 0 0 0 0 0 04A 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 78 54 78 38�9 76 553 0 0 7 0 7 94A (Hopi) 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 2 1 2 100 2 10 0 0 0 0 0 04A 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 78 74 78 23 72 407 0 0 28 2 30 424A (Hopi) 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 2 0 2 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4A 2013 ALS 9/13-9/26 78 49 78 28�6 76 495 0 0 36 0 36 474A (Hopi) 2013 ALS 9/13-9/26 2 0 2 - 2 8 0 0 1 0 1 504A 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 78 67 78 34�3 76 552 0 0 16 2 18 244A (Hopi) 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 2 0 2 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4B 2010 B 9/10-9/23 200 342 200 29�5 195 1630 42 2 0 0 44 234B 2010 B 11/12-11/25 25 3 25 100 23 179 0 0 0 0 0 04B 2011 B 9/09-9/22 150 314 150 22�6 150 1293 29 0 0 0 29 194B 2011 B 11/11-11/24 25 3 25 100 25 172 0 0 0 0 0 04B 2012 B 9/14-9/27 150 420 150 18�1 148 1350 41 0 0 0 41 284B 2012 B 11/16-11/29 25 11 25 54�5 19 165 0 0 0 0 0 04B 2013 B 9/13-9/26 175 409 175 24�4 175 1471 52 0 0 0 52 304B 2013 B 11/15-11/28 25 4 25 100 25 150 5 0 0 0 5 204B 2014 B 9/12-9/25 125 425 125 15�1 121 1074 35 0 0 0 35 294B 2014 B 11/14-11/27 25 3 25 100 25 163 8 0 0 0 8 324B 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 50 21 50 52�4 50 384 0 0 9 0 9 184B 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 50 25 50 56 45 337 0 0 2 0 2 44B 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 50 19 50 89�5 48 388 0 0 5 0 5 104B 2013 ALS 9/13-9/26 50 30 50 66�7 48 298 0 0 11 0 11 234B 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 50 38 50 47�4 50 345 0 0 20 3 23 465A 2010 B 9/10-9/23 155 866 155 16�4 150 1193 40 6 0 0 46 315A (Hopi) 2010 B 9/10-9/23 5 0 5 - 5 40 0 0 0 0 0 0


HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (86)

Hunt Arizona 2015 85

Elk Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral5A 2010 B 11/12-11/25 24 18 24 55�6 24 192 3 0 0 0 3 135A (Hopi) 2010 B 11/12-11/25 1 0 1 - 1 11 1 0 0 0 1 1005A 2011 B 9/09-9/22 204 995 204 17�7 202 1675 46 2 0 0 48 245A (Hopi) 2011 B 9/09-9/22 6 2 6 100 6 25 1 0 0 0 1 175A 2011 B 11/11-11/24 24 20 24 45 24 147 0 0 0 0 0 05A (Hopi) 2011 B 11/11-11/24 1 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5A 2012 B 9/14-9/27 179 941 179 14 174 1495 67 2 0 0 69 405A (Hopi) 2012 B 9/14-9/27 6 1 8 100 8 32 0 0 0 0 0 05A 2012 B 11/16-11/29 24 20 24 30 24 151 2 0 0 0 2 85A (Hopi) 2012 B 11/16-11/29 1 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5A 2013 B 9/13-9/26 179 988 179 14�9 170 1348 54 2 0 0 56 335A (Hopi) 2013 B 9/13-9/26 6 2 6 100 6 48 0 0 0 0 0 05A 2013 B 11/15-11/28 24 20 24 75 24 201 0 2 0 0 2 85A (Hopi) 2013 B 11/15-11/28 1 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5A 2014 B 9/12-9/25 194 1006 194 15�2 192 1670 45 5 0 0 50 265A (Hopi) 2014 B 9/12-9/25 6 1 6 100 6 47 3 0 0 0 3 505A 2014 B 11/14-11/27 24 28 24 50 22 125 2 0 0 0 2 95A (Hopi) 2014 B 11/14-11/27 1 0 1 - 1 8 1 0 0 0 1 1005A 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 78 68 78 35�3 74 541 0 0 11 2 13 185A (Hopi) 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 2 0 2 - 2 12 0 0 1 0 1 505A 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 39 30 39 30 39 317 0 0 9 0 9 235A (Hopi) 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 1 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5A 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 39 27 39 14�8 37 305 0 0 7 0 7 195A (Hopi) 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 1 1 1 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5A 2013 ALS 9/13-9/26 39 32 39 25 37 300 0 0 3 3 6 165A (Hopi) 2013 ALS 9/13-9/26 1 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5A 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 48 37 48 29�7 46 306 0 0 20 0 20 435A (Hopi) 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 1 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5BN 2010 B 9/10-9/23 241 877 241 17�6 239 2155 45 2 0 0 47 205BN (Hopi) 2010 B 9/10-9/23 9 2 9 100 9 50 2 2 0 0 4 445BN 2010 B 11/12-11/25 24 25 24 48 21 152 0 0 0 0 0 05BN (Hopi) 2010 B 11/12-11/25 1 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5BN 2011 B 9/09-9/22 241 762 241 19�2 234 2306 20 2 0 0 22 95BN (Hopi) 2011 B 9/09-9/22 9 6 9 33�3 9 83 5 0 0 0 5 565BN 2011 B 11/11-11/24 24 13 24 69�2 24 165 3 0 0 0 3 135BN (Hopi) 2011 B 11/11-11/24 1 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5BN 2012 B 9/14-9/27 241 892 239 16�3 229 1988 54 0 0 0 54 245BN (Hopi) 2012 B 9/14-9/27 9 8 9 87�5 9 36 0 0 0 0 0 05BN 2012 B 11/16-11/29 24 32 24 28�1 24 157 4 0 0 0 4 175BN (Hopi) 2012 B 11/16-11/29 1 0 1 - 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 05BN 2013 B 9/13-9/26 241 835 241 19�4 239 2121 32 6 0 0 38 165BN (Hopi) 2013 B 9/13-9/26 9 10 9 40 9 68 0 0 0 0 0 05BN 2013 B 11/15-11/28 24 24 24 58�3 24 142 7 0 0 0 7 295BN (Hopi) 2013 B 11/15-11/28 1 0 1 - 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 05BN 2014 B 9/12-9/25 169 664 169 17�9 163 1617 44 4 0 0 48 295BN (Hopi) 2014 B 9/12-9/25 9 5 6 100 6 60 0 0 0 0 0 05BN 2014 B 11/14-11/27 24 25 24 36 20 118 2 0 0 0 2 105BN (Hopi) 2014 B 11/14-11/27 1 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5BN 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 96 50 96 38 89 638 0 0 12 2 14 165BN (Hopi) 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 4 0 4 - 4 34 0 0 0 0 0 05BN 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 72 35 72 51�4 66 496 0 0 0 2 2 35BN (Hopi) 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 3 0 3 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5BN 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 24 21 24 42�9 22 157 0 0 9 0 9 415BN (Hopi) 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 1 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -


HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (87)

86 Hunt Arizona 2015

Elk Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral5BN 2013 ALS 9/13-9/26 24 23 24 17�4 20 177 0 0 0 0 0 05BN (Hopi) 2013 ALS 9/13-9/26 1 0 1 - 1 7 0 0 1 0 1 1005BN 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 24 11 24 27�3 20 199 0 0 4 0 4 205BN (Hopi) 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 1 1 1 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5BS 2010 B 9/10-9/23 175 1342 175 11�5 170 1313 52 7 0 0 59 355BS 2010 B 11/12-11/25 25 38 25 34�2 25 139 0 0 0 0 0 05BS 2011 B 9/09-9/22 175 1254 175 11�8 173 1792 35 4 0 0 39 235BS 2011 B 11/11-11/24 25 22 25 59�1 25 229 0 0 0 0 0 05BS 2012 B 9/14-9/27 175 1361 175 10�7 173 1476 94 2 0 0 96 555BS 2012 B 11/16-11/29 25 15 25 46�7 25 202 0 5 0 0 5 205BS 2013 B 9/13-9/26 175 1362 175 10�8 175 1479 49 6 0 0 55 315BS 2013 B 11/15-11/28 25 40 25 37�5 25 180 5 0 0 0 5 205BS 2014 B 9/12-9/25 225 1623 225 12 216 1729 82 9 0 0 91 425BS 2014 B 11/14-11/27 25 28 25 32�1 25 168 7 4 0 0 11 445BS 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 100 139 100 25�9 88 576 0 0 28 0 28 325BS 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 75 82 75 31�7 72 577 0 0 9 0 9 135BS 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 50 100 50 19 46 285 0 0 15 0 15 335BS 2013 ALS 9/13-9/26 50 53 50 18�9 50 404 0 0 9 0 9 185BS 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 50 56 50 23�2 50 369 0 0 7 0 7 146A 2010 B 11/19-11/25 25 30 25 43�3 25 142 3 0 0 0 3 126A 2011 B 9/09-9/22 595 2687 595 16�1 587 5286 79 8 0 0 87 156A 2011 B 11/11-11/24 25 27 25 40�7 25 138 0 3 0 0 3 126A 2012 B 9/14-9/27 650 2763 650 17�7 629 5156 175 21 0 0 196 316A 2012 B 11/16-11/29 25 41 25 22 25 132 2 0 0 0 2 86A 2013 B 9/13-9/26 775 2952 775 19�7 763 6711 136 24 0 0 160 216A 2013 B 11/15-11/28 25 32 25 25 25 113 5 3 0 0 8 326A 2014 B 9/12-9/25 775 2753 775 20�3 763 6465 137 30 0 0 167 226A 2014 B 11/14-11/27 25 29 25 27�6 19 81 0 0 0 0 0 06A 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 125 120 125 20 125 1063 0 0 10 0 10 86A 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 75 101 75 28�7 75 579 0 0 10 0 10 136A 2013 ALS 9/13-9/26 25 46 25 26�1 25 188 0 0 0 0 0 06A 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 5 54 25 25�9 19 194 0 0 3 0 3 166AN 2010 B 9/10-9/23 225 1057 225 14�5 221 1909 51 0 0 0 51 236AN 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 100 100 100 29 98 700 0 0 16 0 16 166AS 2010 B 9/10-9/23 225 892 225 15�6 218 2055 38 5 0 0 43 206AS 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 100 69 100 42 94 608 0 0 10 0 10 116AW 2010 B 9/10-9/23 75 229 75 18�8 75 698 23 0 0 0 23 316AW 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 50 20 50 55 48 333 0 0 5 0 5 106B 2010 B 9/10-9/23 100 289 100 21�8 96 763 21 2 0 0 23 246B 2010 B 11/12-11/25 25 19 25 47�4 23 179 0 0 0 0 0 06B 2011 B 9/09-9/22 100 285 100 22�8 96 829 16 0 0 0 16 176B 2011 B 11/11-11/24 25 7 25 57�1 25 152 2 0 0 0 2 86B 2012 B 9/14-9/27 125 387 125 21�2 119 1093 32 2 0 0 34 296B 2012 B 11/16-11/29 25 8 25 75 19 194 6 0 0 0 6 326B 2013 B 9/13-9/26 155 458 155 22�5 153 1339 24 0 0 0 24 166B 2013 B 11/15-11/28 25 6 25 66�7 25 167 0 0 0 0 0 06B 2014 B 9/12-9/25 155 444 155 18�2 148 1226 32 2 0 0 34 236B 2014 B 11/14-11/27 25 31 25 48�4 25 144 3 3 0 0 6 246B 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 100 39 100 84�6 96 735 0 0 8 0 8 86B 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 50 12 50 66�7 47 413 0 0 0 0 0 06B 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 50 14 50 64�3 50 306 0 0 22 3 25 506B 2013 ALS 9/13-9/26 75 33 75 24�2 66 484 0 0 6 4 10 156B 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 75 42 75 40�5 70 496 0 0 11 0 11 167E 2010 B 9/10-9/23 110 283 110 22�6 110 1002 31 0 0 0 31 28


HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (88)

Hunt Arizona 2015 87

Elk Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral7E 2010 B 11/12-11/25 25 26 25 53�8 21 190 0 0 0 0 0 07E 2011 B 9/09-9/22 110 335 110 19�1 110 955 15 4 0 0 19 177E 2011 B 11/11-11/24 25 9 25 66�7 25 139 2 0 0 0 2 87E 2012 B 9/14-9/27 110 333 110 20�1 105 892 34 2 0 0 36 347E 2012 B 11/16-11/29 25 6 25 100 23 183 5 0 0 0 5 227E 2013 B 9/13-9/26 125 383 125 18�8 121 1140 35 2 0 0 37 317E 2013 B 11/15-11/28 25 15 25 86�7 23 190 5 0 0 0 5 227E 2014 B 9/12-9/25 125 415 125 23�9 121 1168 22 9 0 0 31 267E 2014 B 11/14-11/27 25 15 25 60 25 154 8 0 0 0 8 327E 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 50 22 50 81�8 50 322 0 0 11 0 11 227E 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 50 19 50 63�2 45 393 0 0 5 2 7 167E 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 50 29 50 55�2 50 357 0 0 12 0 12 247E 2013 ALS 9/13-9/26 55 23 55 78�3 51 462 0 0 2 0 2 47E 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 55 30 55 33�3 53 458 0 0 7 0 7 137W 2010 B 9/10-9/23 125 681 125 11�2 125 1031 43 0 0 0 43 347W 2010 B 11/12-11/25 25 26 25 65�4 25 116 2 0 0 0 2 87W 2011 B 9/09-9/22 125 734 125 11�7 123 1164 24 2 0 0 26 217W 2011 B 11/11-11/24 25 14 25 64�3 22 178 3 0 0 0 3 147W 2012 B 9/14-9/27 100 803 100 8�7 96 898 57 2 0 0 59 617W 2012 B 11/16-11/29 25 27 25 44�4 23 162 3 3 0 0 6 267W 2013 B 9/13-9/26 130 877 130 10 128 1126 52 0 0 0 52 417W 2013 B 11/15-11/28 25 34 25 35�3 25 142 6 0 0 0 6 247W 2014 B 9/12-9/25 150 1089 150 9�3 146 1415 49 4 0 0 53 367W 2014 B 11/14-11/27 25 22 25 45�5 25 200 4 4 0 0 8 327W 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 50 43 50 44�2 50 421 0 0 7 0 7 147W 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 50 22 50 54�5 48 395 0 0 2 0 2 47W 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 50 34 50 50 45 335 0 0 13 0 13 297W 2013 ALS 9/13-9/26 50 39 50 41 48 426 0 0 5 2 7 157W 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 50 57 50 33�3 50 365 0 0 13 0 13 268 2010 B 9/10-9/23 175 682 175 14�7 173 1601 46 7 0 0 53 318 2010 B 11/12-11/25 25 34 25 35�3 25 157 0 0 0 0 0 08 2011 B 9/09-9/22 200 763 200 16 196 1996 29 0 0 0 29 158 2011 B 11/11-11/24 25 18 25 72�2 21 198 0 0 0 0 0 08 2012 B 9/14-9/27 150 761 150 14�1 143 1364 37 5 0 0 42 298 2012 B 11/16-11/29 25 35 25 34�3 23 184 0 5 0 0 5 228 2013 B 9/13-9/26 200 808 200 17 198 1731 44 10 0 0 54 278 2013 B 11/15-11/28 25 15 25 46�7 20 200 5 0 0 0 5 258 2014 B 9/12-9/25 200 865 200 15�3 196 1804 62 8 0 0 70 368 2014 B 11/14-11/27 25 13 25 76�9 25 200 0 0 0 0 0 08 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 50 29 50 58�6 50 376 0 0 4 4 8 168 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 50 26 50 53�8 50 436 0 0 6 3 9 188 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 50 35 50 48�6 41 328 0 0 12 0 12 298 2013 ALS 9/13-9/26 50 33 50 27�3 40 375 0 0 10 0 10 258 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 50 35 50 40 46 321 0 0 10 0 10 229 2010 B 9/10-9/23 100 2164 100 3�8 100 919 60 0 0 0 60 609 2010 B 11/12-11/25 25 40 25 25 25 184 9 0 0 0 9 369 2011 B 9/09-9/22 100 1985 100 4�4 98 967 47 2 0 0 49 509 2011 B 11/11-11/24 25 33 25 33�3 25 163 2 0 0 0 2 89 2012 B 9/14-9/27 100 2046 100 3�9 98 829 77 4 0 0 81 839 2012 B 11/16-11/29 25 49 25 18�4 25 214 11 0 0 0 11 449 2013 B 9/13-9/26 100 2798 100 3�2 98 980 50 0 0 0 50 519 2013 B 11/15-11/28 25 49 25 32�7 20 161 5 0 0 0 5 259 2014 B 9/12-9/25 100 2373 99 3�4 95 862 56 2 0 0 58 619 2014 B 11/14-11/27 50 52 50 38�5 45 308 26 3 0 0 29 64


HERD-UniTS: AM (Unit1)= Antelope MountainCC (Unit 23)= Canyon CreekCC,CF (Unit 1)= Coon Canyon and Flat TopDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = Escudilla

HM = Hutch Mtn�M=MartinezML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round Valley

SM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor CraterST= East Sunset/West SunsetTT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran, WW = Wounded Warrior

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (89)

88 Hunt Arizona 2015

Elk Harvest Data

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral10 2010 B 9/10-9/23 150 1221 150 7 150 1308 50 2 0 0 52 3510 2010 B 11/12-11/25 25 21 25 47�6 23 153 5 0 0 0 5 2210 2011 B 9/09-9/22 150 1543 150 5�6 148 1354 39 0 0 0 39 2610 2011 B 11/11-11/24 25 20 25 25 25 190 2 0 0 0 2 810 2012 B 9/14-9/27 200 1962 200 5�9 198 1908 72 2 0 0 74 3710 2012 B 11/16-11/29 30 28 30 35�7 25 180 5 0 0 0 5 2010 2013 B 9/13-9/26 200 1175 200 8�8 193 1776 58 0 0 0 58 3010 2013 B 11/15-11/28 30 15 30 33�3 28 240 8 3 0 0 11 3910 2014 B 9/12-9/25 200 1083 200 9�3 196 1833 70 0 0 0 70 3610 2014 B 11/14-11/27 30 29 30 44�8 25 194 3 3 0 0 6 2410 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 75 33 75 75�8 70 457 0 0 2 2 4 610 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 75 29 75 100 71 594 0 0 2 0 2 310 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 75 62 72 48�4 55 353 0 0 2 0 2 410 2013 ALS 11/15-11/28 25 3 25 100 19 112 0 0 0 0 0 010 2014 ALS 11/14-11/27 25 12 25 100 25 161 0 0 0 0 0 011M 2010 B 9/10-9/23 80 185 80 30�3 80 689 16 2 0 0 18 2311M 2010 B 9/24-10/07 80 253 80 22�5 80 581 21 0 0 0 21 2611M 2011 B 9/09-9/22 80 244 80 25�4 80 684 18 0 0 0 18 2311M 2011 B 9/23-10/06 80 239 80 21�3 76 657 19 0 0 0 19 2511M 2012 B 9/14-9/27 80 315 80 20�6 80 660 35 7 0 0 42 5311M 2012 B 9/28-10/11 80 199 80 22�1 78 778 18 2 0 0 20 2611M 2013 B 9/13-9/26 80 341 80 17�3 80 660 21 9 0 0 30 3811M 2013 B 9/27-10/10 80 211 80 19�4 80 582 17 2 0 0 19 2411M 2014 B 9/12-9/25 80 371 80 16�7 76 770 13 0 0 0 13 1711M 2014 B 9/26-10/09 80 216 80 19�9 76 728 12 2 0 0 14 1811M 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 80 38 80 89�5 80 636 0 0 15 0 15 1911M 2010 ALS 9/24-10/07 80 42 80 85�7 78 631 0 0 16 2 18 2311M 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 80 51 80 51 78 659 0 0 11 2 13 1711M 2011 ALS 9/23-10/06 80 26 80 88�5 76 661 0 0 10 0 10 1311M 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 80 69 80 40�6 80 571 0 0 29 0 29 3611M 2012 ALS 9/28-10/11 80 39 80 46�2 80 553 0 0 33 0 33 4111M 2013 ALS 9/13-9/26 80 96 80 38�5 76 528 0 0 26 2 28 3711M 2013 ALS 9/27-10/10 80 70 80 57�1 76 597 0 0 20 0 20 2611M 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 80 98 80 41�8 73 518 0 0 21 0 21 2911M 2014 ALS 9/26-10/09 80 61 80 62�3 78 611 0 0 13 0 13 1715A/15B/18A 2011 B 9/09-9/29 25 53 25 22�6 25 333 4 0 0 0 4 1615A/15B/18A 2012 B 9/14-10/04 25 80 25 17�5 25 211 11 0 0 0 11 4415A/15B/18A 2013 B 9/13-10/03 25 78 25 17�9 23 258 10 0 0 0 10 4315A/15B/18A 2014 B 9/12-10/02 25 77 25 16�9 25 214 11 0 0 0 11 4415AB/17/18/19B/20AC 2010 B 9/10-9/23 75 99 75 36�4 75 626 0 0 0 26 3515AB/17/18/19B/20AC 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 75 3 75 100 66 401 0 0 5 2 7 1116A 2010 B 9/10-9/23 4 10 4 30 4 8 4 0 0 0 4 10016A 2011 B 9/09-9/22 4 5 4 60 4 8 2 2 0 0 4 10016A 2012 B 9/14-9/27 4 11 4 9�1 4 18 4 0 0 0 4 10016A 2013 B 9/13-9/26 4 21 4 19 4 19 4 0 0 0 4 10016A 2014 B 9/12-9/25 4 21 4 14�3 4 19 3 0 0 0 3 7517/18B/19B/20AC 2011 B 9/09-9/29 35 51 35 31�4 33 263 9 0 0 0 9 2717/18B/19B/20AC 2012 B 9/14-10/04 35 83 35 15�7 35 340 0 0 0 20 5717/18B/19B/20AC 2013 B 9/13-10/03 35 96 35 18�8 32 235 0 0 0 22 6917/18B/19B/20AC 2014 B 9/12-10/02 35 114 35 19�3 35 233 16 0 0 0 16 4617/18B/19B/20AC 2011 ALS 9/09-9/29 75 2 75 100 66 457 2 0 0 0 2 317/18B/19B/20AC 2012 ALS 9/14-10/04 35 1 35 100 29 229 0 0 2 0 2 717/18B/19B/20AC 2013 ALS 9/13-10/03 35 1 35 100 35 267 0 0 0 0 0 017/18B/19B/20AC 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 35 5 35 100 35 237 0 0 5 0 5 14

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

HERD-UniTS: CC= Canyon CreekDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = EscudillaHM = Hutch Mtn�M=Martinez

ML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round ValleySM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor Crater

TT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran


Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (90)

Hunt Arizona 2015 89

Elk Harvest Data

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral19A 2010 B 9/10-9/23 20 21 20 33�3 20 185 3 0 0 0 3 1519A 2011 B 9/09-9/22 20 23 20 43�5 18 155 3 0 0 0 3 1719A 2012 B 9/14-9/27 15 33 15 36�4 13 118 6 0 0 0 6 4619A 2013 B 9/13-9/26 15 41 15 19�5 15 120 5 0 0 0 5 3319A 2014 B 9/12-9/25 15 31 15 25�8 10 130 3 0 0 0 3 3021 2012 B 9/14-9/27 10 60 10 11�7 10 70 5 0 0 0 5 5021 2013 B 9/13-9/26 15 62 15 16�1 15 83 11 0 0 0 11 7321 2014 B 9/12-9/25 15 116 15 8�6 14 104 3 2 0 0 5 3622 2010 B 9/10-9/23 25 193 25 9�8 25 178 17 0 0 0 17 6822 2011 B 9/09-9/22 25 210 25 11�4 25 198 9 0 0 0 9 3622 2012 B 9/14-9/27 25 250 25 7�2 25 136 16 0 0 0 16 6422 2013 B 9/13-9/26 25 235 25 8�5 25 177 18 0 0 0 18 7222 2014 B 9/12-9/25 25 287 25 5�9 25 196 12 0 0 0 12 4822 2010 ALS 11/12-11/25 70 30 70 100 70 463 0 0 12 2 14 2022 2011 ALS 11/11-11/24 70 29 70 93�1 68 469 0 0 27 2 29 4322 2012 ALS 11/16-11/29 70 59 70 61 64 435 0 0 21 0 21 3322 2013 ALS 11/15-11/28 70 52 70 73�1 65 475 0 0 15 3 18 2822 2014 ALS 11/14-11/27 70 57 70 73�7 67 541 0 0 16 0 16 2422N 2010 B 11/12-11/25 300 125 300 94�4 285 2093 18 10 0 0 28 1022N 2011 B 11/11-11/24 275 82 275 98�8 268 1975 28 13 0 0 41 1522N 2012 B 11/16-11/29 275 102 275 90�2 262 1887 31 18 0 0 49 1922N 2013 B 11/15-11/28 375 109 375 100 352 2400 23 18 0 0 41 1222N 2014 B 11/14-11/27 375 78 375 98�7 354 2408 34 21 0 0 55 1622S 2010 B 11/12-11/25 30 25 30 68 30 215 5 0 0 0 5 1722S 2011 B 11/11-11/24 30 17 30 88�2 30 243 7 3 0 0 10 3322S 2012 B 11/16-11/29 30 18 30 50 30 259 11 0 0 0 11 3722S 2013 B 11/15-11/28 60 19 60 100 56 447 2 2 0 0 4 722S 2014 B 11/14-11/27 60 34 60 76�5 56 364 0 4 0 0 4 723 2010 B 11/12-11/25 150 96 150 68�8 150 1061 14 3 0 0 17 1123 2011 B 11/11-11/24 200 63 200 92�1 179 1336 13 3 0 0 16 923 2012 B 11/16-11/29 200 75 200 90�7 193 1307 30 9 0 0 39 2023 2013 B 11/15-11/28 275 71 275 98�6 258 1937 5 2 0 0 7 323 2014 B 11/14-11/27 200 102 200 79�4 158 1145 39 3 0 0 42 2723 2010 ALS 11/12-11/25 100 10 100 100 89 496 0 0 13 2 15 1723 2011 ALS 11/11-11/24 50 16 50 100 48 316 0 0 14 2 16 3323 2012 ALS 11/16-11/29 25 13 25 76�9 25 235 0 0 8 0 8 3223 2013 ALS 11/15-11/28 25 22 25 86�4 21 125 0 0 6 0 6 2923 2014 ALS 11/14-11/27 25 17 25 76�5 20 150 0 0 5 0 5 2523N 2010 B 9/10-9/23 15 401 15 3�2 15 139 11 0 0 0 11 7323N 2011 B 9/09-9/22 15 258 15 5 15 144 4 0 0 0 4 2723N 2012 B 9/14-9/27 15 318 15 4�1 13 92 9 0 0 0 9 6923N 2013 B 9/13-9/26 15 292 15 4�5 15 65 15 0 0 0 15 10023N 2014 B 9/12-9/25 15 444 15 2�7 15 169 9 0 0 0 9 6023S 2010 B 9/10-9/23 15 386 15 2�3 15 156 6 0 0 0 6 4023S 2011 B 9/09-9/22 15 141 15 5�7 15 113 7 0 0 0 7 4723S 2012 B 9/14-9/27 15 217 15 6�5 15 135 9 0 0 0 9 6023S 2013 B 9/13-9/26 15 210 15 5�2 15 116 13 0 0 0 13 8723S 2014 B 9/12-9/25 15 212 15 4�7 15 128 15 0 0 0 15 10027 2010 B 9/10-9/23 150 800 150 10�1 150 1316 53 0 0 0 53 3527 2010 B 11/12-11/25 25 33 25 48�5 23 173 0 0 0 0 0 027 2011 B 9/09-9/22 150 740 152 12�8 150 1351 41 0 0 0 41 2727 2011 B 11/11-11/24 25 18 25 55�6 25 220 0 0 0 0 0 027 2012 B 9/14-9/27 150 752 150 10�2 144 1131 75 2 0 0 77 5327 2012 B 11/16-11/29 25 18 25 38�9 20 190 0 0 0 0 0 0

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

HERD-UniTS: CC= Canyon CreekDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = EscudillaHM = Hutch Mtn�M=Martinez

ML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round ValleySM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor Crater

TT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran


Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (91)

90 Hunt Arizona 2015

Elk Harvest Data

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneral27 2013 B 9/13-9/26 225 989 225 12�7 223 1925 98 0 0 0 98 4427 2013 B 11/15-11/28 25 24 25 33�3 22 159 6 0 0 0 6 2727 2014 B 9/12-9/25 225 1253 225 13 221 2101 57 0 0 0 57 2627 2014 B 11/14-11/27 25 37 25 35�1 25 192 8 0 0 0 8 3227 2010 ALS 9/10-9/23 50 21 50 71�4 46 371 0 0 4 0 4 927 2011 ALS 9/09-9/22 50 17 50 76�5 42 310 0 0 4 0 4 1027 2012 ALS 9/14-9/27 50 37 50 35�1 40 231 0 0 6 0 6 1527 2013 ALS 9/13-9/26 100 35 101 77�1 98 818 0 0 14 0 14 1427 2014 ALS 9/12-9/25 100 56 100 60�7 96 604 0 0 14 2 16 1728/31/32 2010 AE 9/10-9/23 5 5 5 40 5 30 3 0 0 0 3 6028/31/32 2011 AE 9/09-9/22 5 5 5 60 5 65 5 0 0 0 5 10028/31/32 2012 AE 9/14-9/27 5 3 5 66�7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -28/31/32 2013 AE 9/13-9/26 5 2 5 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -28/31/32 2014 AE 9/12-9/25 5 5 5 60 5 23 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2010 ALS 8/27-9/02 20 0 20 - 20 114 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2010 ALS 8/27-9/02 3 0 3 - 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2010 ALS 9/17-9/26 20 0 20 - 20 86 0 0 6 0 6 30CN 2010 ALS 9/17-9/26 3 0 3 - 3 15 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2010 ALS 11/05-11/18 10 0 6 - 6 54 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2010 ALS 11/05-11/18 3 0 3 - 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2011 ALS 9/09-9/15 20 1 20 100 20 100 0 0 2 0 2 10CN 2011 ALS 9/09-9/15 3 5 3 60 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2011 ALS 9/16-9/25 20 0 20 - 18 104 0 0 2 0 2 11CN 2011 ALS 9/16-9/25 3 0 3 - 3 27 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2011 ALS 11/04-11/17 10 0 10 - 6 24 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2011 ALS 11/04-11/17 3 0 4 - 4 21 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2012 ALS 10/12-10/18 20 0 20 - 14 71 0 0 3 0 3 21CN 2012 ALS 10/12-10/18 3 3 3 66�7 3 12 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2012 ALS 9/21-9/30 20 2 20 100 13 100 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2012 ALS 9/21-9/30 3 1 3 100 3 17 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2012 ALS 11/09-11/22 10 0 10 - 8 64 0 0 0 2 2 25CN 2012 ALS 11/09-11/22 3 0 3 - 3 16 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2013 ALS 9/13-9/19 20 0 20 - 20 77 0 0 13 0 13 65CN 2013 ALS 9/13-9/19 3 0 3 - 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2013 ALS 9/20-9/29 20 0 20 - 20 135 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2013 ALS 9/20-9/29 3 1 3 100 3 30 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2013 ALS 11/08-11/21 10 0 10 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -CN 2013 ALS 11/08-11/21 3 0 3 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -CN 2014 ALS 9/12-9/18 5 0 5 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -CN 2014 ALS 10/03-10/09 5 4 5 100 5 25 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2014 ALS 10/17-10/23 5 0 5 - 5 35 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2014 ALS 10/24-10/30 5 0 5 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -CN 2010 AE 8/27-9/02 17 5 17 60 17 75 0 0 7 0 7 41CN 2010 AE 8/27-9/02 2 5 2 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -CN 2010 AE 9/17-9/26 17 29 17 37�9 17 92 7 3 0 0 10 59CN 2010 AE 9/17-9/26 2 8 2 12�5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -CN 2010 AE 11/05-11/18 8 1 8 100 8 46 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2010 AE 11/05-11/18 2 0 2 - 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2011 AE 9/09-9/15 17 5 17 100 17 102 4 0 0 0 4 24CN 2011 AE 9/09-9/15 2 5 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2011 AE 9/16-9/25 17 36 17 38�9 17 138 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2011 AE 9/16-9/25 2 15 2 6�7 2 10 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2011 AE 11/04-11/17 8 0 8 - 5 19 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2011 AE 11/04-11/17 2 0 2 - 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2012 AE 9/14-9/20 17 19 17 78�9 17 60 6 0 6 0 12 71CN 2012 AE 9/14-9/20 2 8 2 12�5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -CN 2012 AE 9/21-9/30 17 18 17 72�2 17 128 3 0 0 0 3 18CN 2012 AE 9/21-9/30 2 10 2 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -CN 2012 AE 11/09-11/22 8 0 8 - 8 38 0 0 2 0 2 25CN 2012 AE 11/09-11/22 2 0 2 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -CN 2013 AE 9/13-9/19 17 21 17 57�1 17 83 2 5 2 0 9 53CN 2013 AE 9/13-9/19 2 7 2 0 2 14 0 0 0 0 0 0

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest


Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (92)

Hunt Arizona 2015 91

HERD-UniTS: CC= Canyon CreekDL= Dry LakeES (Unit 1) = EscudillaHM = Hutch Mtn�M=Martinez

ML = Marshall LakeMM = Melatone MesaRV = Round ValleySM = East Sunset/West Sunset/Meteor Crater

TT= Twin Arrows/Two Guns/Grapevine VV = Verde Valley

BE = Early Bull, B = Bull, ALS = Antlerless, AE = Any Elk, CN = Camp Navajo, CH = CHAMP Hunt, DV = Disabled Veteran

Unit HerdUnit Year Hunt

Type Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

DaysHarvest Hunt

SuccessBull Spike Cow Calf TotalGeneralCN 2013 AE 9/20-9/29 17 41 17 31�7 17 138 2 2 0 0 4 24CN 2013 AE 9/20-9/29 2 13 2 7�7 2 12 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2013 AE 11/08-11/21 8 0 8 - 8 88 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2013 AE 11/08-11/21 2 0 2 - 2 14 0 0 0 0 0 0CN 2014 AE 9/12-9/18 5 24 5 20�8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -CN 2014 AE 9/19-9/25 5 10 5 20 5 13 0 1 1 0 2 40CN 2014 AE 9/26-10/02 5 9 5 33�3 5 23 3 1 0 0 4 80CN 2014 AE 10/10-10/16 5 5 5 20 5 27 0 0 0 0 0 0


Elk Harvest Data

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (93)

92 Hunt Arizona 2015

turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)

Natural HistoryArizona has two native subspecies of turkeys, mer-riam’s and Gould’s. The merriam’s race of wild turkey (M. g. merriami) is found throughout the western Unit-ed states, primarily in the ponderosa pine forests of Colorado, new mexico, and northern Arizona. This turkey has also been transplanted into the pine for-

ests of Utah, idaho, Washington, oregon, California, montana, Wyoming, and south dakota. The Gould’s turkey (M. g. mexicana) is only found in Arizona and new mexico. in Arizona, wild turkeys can be found not only in ponderosa pine forests but also in riparian deciduous forests and other vegetation types at el-evations ranging from 3,500 to 10,000 feet. The best populations of merriam’s, however, occur in the pon-

derosa pine forests north of the Gila river. The Gould’s oc-cupy the sky island habitats in southeastern Arizona.

in the spring, 2-year-old and older males weigh about 18 pounds on average, and yearling males or “ jakes” weigh about 13 pounds. hens more than a year old weigh between 8 and 12 pounds, depend-ing partially on the contents of the crop, which may weigh up to a pound. As springtime temperatures warm, the onset of breeding is heralded by the commencement of gobbling. Gobbling may start as early as late February or early march, with a second peak of gob-bling occurring in early may with some “toms” continuing to gobble into June. hens mate once and lay between 8 and 12 eggs that take 28 days to incu-bate. The young are precocial and move from the nest soon after hatching.

Both hens and poults spend the rest of the summer eating, loafing, and gaining weight. As winter approaches, they be-gin to form flocks with other family groups. The flocks will usually spend the winter as high up on the mountain as Bo



Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (94)

Hunt Arizona 2015 93

snow permits. The gobblers, too, have a defined wintering area in which they will flock together. dur-ing the winter, turkeys congregate in the pinyon pine-oak habitats just below the interface with the pon-derosa pine forest. Following the snow line, both hen and tom turkey flocks work their way upslope to where gobbling toms attempt to accrue a harem of several hens. After mating, the hens often continue upslope into denser habitats to lay and incubate their eggs. toms and hens are not usually seen together during the remainder of the year, although they may both frequent similar habitats.

during the summer months, the hens and poults spend much of their time searching for bugs and seeds in small meadows and forest openings. As winter ap-proaches, the turkeys feed increasingly on acorns, pinyon nuts, and other mast crops. Later, with the on-set of winter, the birds follow pine stringers downslope to snow-free areas where they feed on the seeds of pon-derosa pine, junipers, pinyons, and other plants.

Hunt HistoryWild turkeys have been classified as big game since 1913 when the first state legislature established a bag limit of three birds to be taken between october 1 and december 15. turkey populations appeared to hold up fairly well, at least in northern Arizona, as the season was still a month long and the bag limit was only re-duced to two in the new “game code” of 1929. After World War ii, however, hunt pressure gradually in-

creased, and hunt regulations became more stringent. Fall hunting was the only turkey hunting al-lowed, and by 1950 a hunter had to draw a permit to even hunt turkeys. Annual har-vests ranged from a few hundred birds to more than 1,300.

turkey popu-lations were fairly robust in the early

1960s, and the permit requirement was dropped in 1963; tag sales jumped from 8,050 in 1962 to 17,479 in 1963, but the turkey harvest only increased from 1,363 to 1,462. The first spring gobbler hunt was authorized in 1965 (100 permits), and by 1969 the annual turkey harvest had climbed to 2,480 birds, with another 138 turkeys taken earlier that spring. That number remains an annual high.

Wild turkey populations have since been in a gen-eral decline. Current estimates number the population between 15,000 and 20,000 birds, depending on con-ditions. Fall hunting is again by permit-only, and in the spring the number of gobblers taken is equal to or greater than the fall harvest.

Arizona’s turkey distribution

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (95)

94 Hunt Arizona 2015

Turkey Survey Data

Historic Summary of Turkey Survey DataYear Tom Hen Poult Unclassified Total Poults/Hen Percent Young11960 343 267 544 31 1185 2�0 471961 297 260 634 64 1255 2�4 531962 248 293 847 28 1416 2�9 611963 273 374 1058 58 1763 2�8 621964 191 288 881 42 1402 3�1 651965 193 290 905 77 1465 3�1 651966 286 311 1034 34 1665 3�3 631967 337 413 809 111 1670 2�0 521968 299 295 978 188 1760 3�3 621969 236 304 1152 30 1722 3�8 681970 207 345 667 81 1300 1�9 551971 224 369 654 131 1378 1�8 521972 205 264 678 75 1222 2�6 591973 129 207 641 89 1066 3�1 661974 155 193 729 73 1150 3�8 681975 125 368 1406 351 2250 3�8 741976 98 262 1138 121 1619 4�3 761977 87 299 1391 74 1851 4�7 781978 179 307 1190 91 1767 3�9 711979 100 129 421 24 674 3�3 651980 42 111 401 81 635 3�6 721981 82 120 626 158 986 5�2 761982 105 157 586 17 865 3�7 691983 64 153 517 0 734 3�4 701984 156 202 664 159 1181 3�3 651985 88 332 1033 125 1578 3�1 711986 136 300 926 62 1424 3�1 681987 137 251 735 141 1264 2�9 651988 63 225 610 172 1070 2�7 681989 183 332 704 84 1303 2�1 581990 121 210 527 109 967 2�5 611991 117 176 389 162 844 2�2 571992 170 219 707 113 1209 3�2 651993 295 495 1148 120 2058 2�3 591994 251 381 559 24 1215 1�5 471995 130 306 527 12 975 1�7 551996 68 289 292 16 665 1�0 451997 37 270 708 15 1030 2�6 701998 122 228 497 4 851 2�2 591999 103 212 567 32 914 2�7 642000 144 198 303 50 695 1�5 472001 62 237 520 88 907 2�2 632002 86 44 25 85 240 0�6 162003 105 373 1156 50 1684 3�1 712004 124 144 202 37 507 1�4 432005 183 360 783 46 1372 2�2 592006 77 217 361 38 693 1�7 552007 102 192 298 25 617 1�6 502008 139 282 334 18 772 1�2 442009 149 327 733 28 1237 2�2 612010 126 179 358 14 677 2�0 542011 66 236 304 51 657 1�3 502012 56 195 544 15 810 2�8 682013 88 160 355 14 617 2�2 592014 59 122 208 12 401 1�7 53

1 Percent young is calculated from classified birds only�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (96)

Hunt Arizona 2015 95

Turkey Survey Data

1 Percent young is calculated from classified birds only�

5-Year: 2010-2014 Turkey Survey DataUnit Year Tom Hen Poult Unclassified Total Poults/Hen Percent Young1

1 2010 77 52 76 3 208 1�5 371 2011 32 65 23 39 159 �4 191 2012 14 64 164 1 243 2�6 681 2013 21 72 171 0 264 2�4 651 2014 33 49 59 6 147 1�2 423B 2010 0 4 24 0 28 6�0 863B 2011 0 2 0 0 2 �0 03B 2012 12 0 0 0 12 - 03B 2013 17 0 0 0 17 - 03B 2014 0 1 3 0 4 3�0 753C 2010 0 8 0 0 8 �0 03C 2011 0 11 2 0 13 �2 153C 2012 10 4 10 14 38 2�5 423C 2013 7 2 3 0 12 1�5 254 2010 0 2 7 0 9 3�5 784 2011 11 26 34 0 71 1�3 484 2012 6 0 0 0 6 - 04 2013 3 31 38 0 72 1�2 534 2014 14 11 6 0 31 �6 195A 2010 1 25 27 5 58 1�1 515A 2011 0 14 45 0 59 3�2 765A 2012 0 11 33 0 44 3�0 755A 2013 15 8 16 0 39 2�0 415A 2014 6 7 12 5 30 1�7 485BN 2011 0 2 1 0 3 �5 335BS 2012 0 8 18 0 26 2�3 696A 2010 0 8 21 0 29 2�6 726A 2011 0 4 11 0 15 2�8 736A 2012 0 11 32 0 43 2�9 746A 2014 0 3 7 0 10 2�3 706B 2010 0 2 2 1 5 1�0 506B 2011 1 2 4 0 7 2�0 577 2013 0 2 8 0 10 4�0 809 2010 0 6 22 0 28 3�7 799 2011 4 8 17 12 41 2�1 5912A 2010 0 18 72 0 90 4�0 8012A 2011 5 22 111 0 138 5�1 8012A 2012 2 19 96 0 117 5�1 8212A 2013 7 21 99 0 127 4�7 7812A 2014 2 21 71 0 94 3�4 7613A 2010 0 13 2 0 15 �2 1313A 2011 0 3 8 0 11 2�7 7313BN 2011 0 6 0 0 6 �0 013BS 2011 6 0 0 0 6 - 021 2013 7 17 0 14 38 �0 021 2014 4 4 0 1 9 �0 022 2010 14 8 0 0 22 �0 022 2011 4 7 3 0 14 �4 2123 2011 3 15 26 0 44 1�7 5927 2010 25 32 95 5 157 3�0 6327 2011 0 49 19 0 68 �4 2827 2012 10 78 191 0 279 2�5 6827 2013 11 7 20 0 38 2�9 5327 2014 0 26 50 0 76 1�9 6627 2010 25 32 95 5 157 3�0 6327 2011 0 49 19 0 68 0�4 2827 2012 10 78 191 0 279 2�5 6827 2013 11 7 20 0 38 2�9 5327 2014 0 26 50 0 76 1�9 66

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (97)

96 Hunt Arizona 2014

Turkey Hunt Data

Historic Summary of General Spring Turkey Hunts (Youth-only listed separately)

Year Permits Authorized

1st ChoiceApplicants Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days Total Harvest Percent Success

1965 100 – – 79 134 30 38�01966 500 – – 417 716 58 13�91967 1100 – – 878 – 151 17�21968 1600 – – 1096 2440 98 8�91969 2200 – – 1673 3719 138 8�21970 2600 – – 1935 4579 215 11�11971 2650 – – 2021 4702 260 12�91972 2800 – – 1941 4674 153 7�91973 2550 – – 1225 2705 71 5�81974 2550 – 2550 1747 4145 151 8�61975 3450 – 3450 2284 5582 205 9�01976 4001 – 4001 1869 4642 220 11�81977 4600 – 4600 2679 6848 326 12�21978 4865 – 4865 2952 7568 399 13�51979 4970 6275 3397 2853 7516 317 11�11980 4950 7894 4594 2692 7225 234 8�71981 4900 9143 4654 2542 8100 399 15�71982 4960 9444 4821 2648 8366 390 14�71983 4960 5106 4415 3073 10270 473 15�41984 4620 4725 4107 3455 11511 780 22�61985 4620 5863 4409 3382 11649 688 20�31986 4620 6663 4548 3581 12421 746 20�81987 4915 7132 4834 3734 13474 830 22�21988 4710 8216 4688 3736 13089 697 18�71989 4660 8171 4562 3691 12998 619 16�81990 4595 8553 4577 3684 13457 727 19�71991 4595 8044 4976 3994 15731 617 15�41992 4725 6413 4701 3757 14563 723 19�21993 4735 7260 4732 3820 15006 771 20�21994 4805 7730 4793 3795 14543 768 20�21995 4840 8591 4822 3806 14038 769 20�21996 5020 9258 5007 3820 13826 631 16�51997 5115 9312 5115 4021 15179 660 16�41998 4719 9460 4724 3722 13503 671 18�01999 4501 10260 4476 3497 12637 730 212000 4840 11120 4840 3833 13474 916 242001 5251 12815 5251 4232 15258 987 232002 5471 12643 5470 4301 16420 760 182003 5096 13819 5183 4234 16633 878 212004 5157 16020 5158 4055 15880 788 192005 5307 16355 5375 4264 16119 1155 272006 5593 14945 5599 4548 17705 1129 252007 6263 13583 6269 5092 19543 1269 252008 7007 13281 7001 5660 22725 1040 182009 7289 11885 7284 6108 25429 1110 182010 7130 11715 7125 5595 23584 999 182011 7273 13160 7266 5731 23411 813 142012 4974 9846 4967 3772 15335 617 162013 4723 10417 4720 3678 14886 692 192014 4959 10745 4955 3889 15519 698 18

1In 1997, the General season became a Shotgun-Shooting Shot season�

Historic Summary of Youth-only Spring Turkey HuntsYear Permits

Authorized1st ChoiceApplicants Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days Total Harvest Percent Success

1999 175 120 163 150 666 30 202000 175 202 175 155 603 34 222001 180 307 180 156 523 30 192002 180 254 177 137 486 27 202003 150 290 153 125 443 23 182004 150 341 150 119 373 23 192005 150 327 153 122 450 24 202006 165 461 165 143 493 51 36

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (98)

Hunt Arizona 2014 97

Turkey Hunt Data

Historic Summary of Youth-only Spring Turkey Hunts

Year1 PermitsAuthorized

1st ChoiceApplicants

Permitsissued Hunters Hunter

Days Total


1946 9747 – – 5406 – 526 9�71947 2147 – – 1465 – 296 20�21948 2697 – – 1990 – 403 20�31949 1243 – – 945 – 307 32�51950 1657 – – 1377 – 365 26�51951 3305 – – 2780 – 549 19�71952 3454 – – 2961 – 782 26�41953 4672 – – 4096 – 1216 29�71954 5134 – – 4448 – 971 21�81955 3012 – – 2760 – 887 32�11956 4800 – – 4218 – 1367 32�41957 2600 – – 2138 – 647 30�31958 2800 – – 2340 4308 569 24�31959 5700 – – 4341 – 1050 24�21960 8150 – – 6607 12058 1262 19�11961 – – – 7374 18216 1218 16�51962 – – – 9296 21543 1308 14�11963 – – 17479 15847 35711 1434 9�01964 – – 14803 13733 33614 1655 12�11965 – – 15470 14367 34846 2001 13�91966 – – 15681 14381 34353 1762 12�31967 – – 17388 14626 37391 1601 10�91968 – – 16782 15063 38754 1518 10�11969 – – 18330 14768 37735 2392 16�21970 – – 19222 15673 43147 2002 12�81971 – – 17002 13176 34196 1200 9�11972 – – – 9584 26422 794 8�31973 – – – 13142 36597 2050 15�61974 – – – 12262 36634 1040 8�51975 – – – 9542 27676 1464 15�31976 – – – 8208 24754 508 6�21977 – – – 8652 28320 997 11�51978 – – – 9119 25395 1427 15�61979 – – – 8775 28646 856 9�81980 – – – 12578 34546 1192 9�51981 – – – 10640 36027 1390 13�11982 – – – 9923 34692 1496 15�11983 – – – 9286 31185 893 9�61984 – – 7737 9302 30146 1236 13�31985 – – 8271 9975 32701 1125 11�31986 – – 7510 8740 29245 941 10�81987 – – 8914 10912 37068 1935 17�71988 – – 8259 10425 32224 1459 14�01989 – – 9289 11156 32410 1927 17�31 Archery data are included in hunters, hunter days, and harvest from 1969-1990�2 In 2008, the General season became a Shotgun-Shooting Shot season�

Year Permits Authorized

1st ChoiceApplicants Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days Total Harvest Percent Success

2007 225 563 225 202 636 105 522008 350 582 350 295 1094 82 282009 OTC - - 1574 4612 324 212010 OTC - - 1316 4477 222 172011 425 198 374 294 984 33 112011 OTC - - 885 2467 146 162012 460 340 460 344 1083 77 222012 OTC - - 351 1188 12 32013 460 453 460 390 1204 91 232013 OTC - - 438 1244 100 232014 360 293 360 290 844 47 162014 OTC - - 313 867 79 25

Historic Summary of General Fall Turkey Hunts (Youth-only listed separately)

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (99)

98 Hunt Arizona 2014

Turkey Hunt Data

Historic Summary of General Fall Turkey Hunts (Youth-only listed separately) continued

Year1 PermitsAuthorized

1st ChoiceApplicants

Permitsissued Hunters Hunter

Days Total


1990 – – 7836 9609 29003 982 10�21991 9280 3951 6332 5076 14330 955 18�81992 8730 5497 6731 5310 14563 1008 19�01993 8740 6123 7822 6310 17505 1048 16�61994 6965 6850 6921 5435 15051 1009 18�61995 6245 7322 6237 4857 13447 1034 21�31996 5350 7721 5350 4188 12203 486 11�61997 4050 7766 4050 3080 8492 511 16�61998 3700 7226 3700 2775 7648 508 181999 4160 8972 4160 3283 8935 872 272000 4760 9417 4760 3689 10660 793 212001 4635 9451 4635 3623 9723 1213 332002 5085 12240 5085 3933 11904 407 102003 4260 12774 4260 3199 8955 875 272004 4785 14455 4785 3676 11390 539 152005 4830 11563 4832 3811 10720 1117 292006 5310 14910 5302 3970 11224 640 162007 5870 9922 5868 4664 14317 1087 2320082 6100 7820 5883 4659 14096 902 192009 6120 6649 5860 4667 13759 1653 352010 6820 6172 6374 5009 15748 676 132011 5320 5388 4822 3734 11525 620 172012 5300 5561 4836 3781 11599 889 242013 5300 6265 4967 4104 12328 1007 252014 5475 6237 4973 3838 12866 511 131 Archery data are included in hunters, hunter days, and harvest from 1969-1990�2 In 2008, the General season became a Shotgun-Shooting Shot season�

Year Permits Authorized

1st ChoiceApplicants Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days Total Harvest Percent Success

1998 100 59 89 76 197 8 111999 100 105 100 86 236 21 242000 100 169 100 81 218 13 162001 125 164 125 96 264 33 342002 125 241 125 91 282 6 72003 125 240 125 103 231 18 172004 100 250 100 72 196 4 62005 100 137 100 71 191 16 232006 150 246 148 100 262 19 192007 150 179 150 114 304 12 112008 OTC – 336 317 929 37 12

2009 to 2014 OTC No SurveyOTC = Over the counter nonpermit-tags�

Year Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days Total Harvest Percent Success

1991 – – 1289 1072 4331 20 1�91992 – – 1337 1245 4692 19 1�51993 – – 1760 1465 6804 55 3�81994 – – 1808 1533 7258 59 3�81995 – – 1784 1426 7011 26 1�81996 – – 1939 1479 7684 37 2�51997 – – 1891 1390 7194 44 3�21998 – – 2133 1739 8435 96 5�61999 – – 2523 2082 10913 103 4�52000 – – 3084 2539 13320 120 4�72001 – – 3115 2722 13838 190 7�02002 – – 3117 2583 12627 138 5�32003 – – 2914 2485 12507 71 2�92004 – – 3223 2630 12890 160 6�1

Historic Summary of Archery Fall Turkey Hunts

Historic Summary of Youth-only Fall Turkey Hunts

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (100)

Hunt Arizona 2014 99

Turkey Hunt Data

Year Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days Total Harvest Percent Success

2005 – – 3450 2586 12725 174 6�72006 – – 3941 2820 13818 140 5�02007 – – 4660 2719 14036 221 8�12008 – – 3844 2151 10468 103 4�82009 – – 3559 1073 5405 81 7�52010 – – 3381 1711 8058 113 6�62011 – – 3242 1878 9655 111 62012 – – 3432 2463 12249 148 62013 – – 3827 2508 14061 133 52014 – – 3464 1524 8375 52 3

Turkey Harvest Data

Unit Year Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest HuntSuccess

SPRinG SHOTGUn-SHOOTinG SHOT1 2010 4/23-4/29 500 1574 500 30�2 423 1573 106 251 2010 4/30-5/20 525 248 525 51�2 416 1544 98 241 2011 4/22-4/28 575 1680 575 32�3 477 1779 104 221 2011 4/29-5/19 600 338 600 65�7 472 1841 69 151 2012 4/27-5/03 200 1099 200 17�7 164 632 49 301 2012 5/04-5/24 200 137 200 43�8 159 629 31 191 2013 4/26-5/02 200 1293 200 14�3 159 554 53 331 2013 5/03-5/23 200 157 200 35�7 157 543 36 231 2014 4/25- 5/01 300 1496 300 18�5 252 933 67 271 2014 5/02- 5/22 250 147 250 38�1 196 818 41 213B 2010 4/23-4/29 125 186 125 47�8 105 520 15 143B 2010 4/30-5/20 125 12 125 100�0 100 432 8 83B 2011 4/22-4/28 125 193 125 46�6 101 496 14 143B 2011 4/29-5/19 125 28 125 100�0 99 452 5 53B 2012 4/27-5/03 125 220 125 34�1 99 410 15 153B 2012 5/04-5/24 100 33 100 93�9 71 276 7 103B 2013 4/26-5/02 125 235 125 39�1 101 471 12 123B 2013 5/03-5/23 100 17 100 94�1 75 359 3 43B 2014 4/25- 5/01 125 223 125 40�8 94 418 28 303B 2014 5/02- 5/22 100 38 100 89�5 73 284 16 223C 2010 4/23-4/29 175 723 175 24�2 153 1002 18 123C 2010 4/30-5/20 175 89 175 49�4 142 698 31 223C 2011 4/22-4/28 175 861 175 19�4 156 584 25 163C 2011 4/29-5/19 175 136 175 40�4 146 607 17 123C 2012 4/27-5/03 175 641 175 25�6 151 666 19 133C 2012 5/04-5/24 175 66 175 56�1 151 678 22 153C 2013 4/26-5/02 175 554 175 28�2 144 666 37 263C 2013 5/03-5/23 175 66 175 71�2 144 617 11 83C 2014 4/25- 5/01 175 517 175 29�0 146 534 12 83C 2014 5/02- 5/22 175 43 175 76�7 145 673 10 74 2010 4/23-4/29 250 585 250 35�9 206 865 36 174 2010 4/30-5/20 250 70 250 72�9 194 841 18 94 2011 4/22-4/28 250 577 250 39�2 190 843 13 74 2011 4/29-5/19 250 125 250 76�8 215 915 19 94 2012 4/27-5/03 175 549 175 28�6 136 537 23 174 2012 5/04-5/24 175 107 175 54�2 124 510 11 94 2013 4/26-5/02 150 568 150 23�8 120 484 18 154 2013 5/03-5/23 150 98 150 43�9 124 566 3 24 2014 4/25- 5/01 150 550 150 22�9 116 491 9 84 2014 5/02- 5/22 150 63 150 55�6 124 437 8 65A 2010 4/23-4/29 150 537 150 26�3 126 472 22 175A 2010 4/30-5/20 200 99 200 56�6 159 583 26 165A 2011 4/22-4/28 150 591 150 22�5 125 515 17 14

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Historic Summary of Archery Fall Turkey Hunts (continued)

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (101)

100 Hunt Arizona 2015

Turkey Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest HuntSuccess

SPRinG SHOTGUn-SHOOTinG SHOT5A 2011 4/29-5/19 200 129 200 58�9 152 619 16 115A 2012 4/27-5/03 150 466 150 30�7 130 538 5 45A 2012 5/04-5/24 200 133 200 55�6 141 647 5 45A 2013 4/26-5/02 100 465 100 20�0 74 339 17 235A 2013 5/03-5/23 150 102 150 47�1 131 481 3 25A 2014 4/25- 5/01 100 431 100 20�2 84 297 5 65A 2014 5/02- 5/22 100 82 100 31�7 80 307 9 115B 2010 4/23-4/29 100 374 100 26�5 64 275 11 175B 2010 4/30-5/20 100 78 100 64�1 80 271 6 85B 2011 4/22-4/28 100 446 100 20�9 83 345 8 105B 2011 4/29-5/19 100 116 100 44�8 70 303 9 135B 2012 4/27-5/03 100 334 100 28�7 69 290 10 145B 2012 5/04-5/24 100 55 100 60�0 73 341 6 85B 2013 4/26-5/02 100 325 100 27�1 73 298 15 215B 2013 5/03-5/23 100 35 100 77�1 83 353 13 165B 2014 4/25- 5/01 100 309 100 28�2 84 339 10 125B 2014 5/02- 5/22 100 54 100 77�8 94 578 9 106A 2010 4/23-4/29 350 1212 350 26�6 310 1383 11 46A 2010 4/30-5/20 350 284 350 49�3 291 1263 18 66A 2011 4/22-4/28 300 1522 300 19�4 238 885 22 96A 2011 4/29-5/19 300 303 300 33�3 243 982 15 66A 2012 4/27-5/03 250 1156 250 21�1 190 723 22 126A 2012 5/04-5/24 250 171 250 46�2 188 742 25 136A 2013 4/26-5/02 250 1280 250 18�4 205 827 24 126A 2013 5/03-5/23 250 200 250 31�5 183 677 14 86A 2014 4/25- 5/01 250 1161 250 20�6 201 763 13 66A 2014 5/02- 5/22 250 199 250 40�7 210 898 19 96B 2010 4/23-4/29 60 261 60 20�7 42 171 5 126B 2010 4/30-5/20 90 49 90 42�9 74 278 8 116B 2011 4/22-4/28 60 257 60 23�3 42 182 4 106B 2011 4/29-5/19 90 44 90 52�3 68 343 3 46B 2012 4/27-5/03 60 191 60 27�7 52 215 11 216B 2012 5/04-5/24 90 20 90 95�0 61 248 2 36B 2013 4/26-5/02 60 210 60 22�4 53 195 4 86B 2013 5/03-5/23 70 25 70 76�0 62 278 2 36B 2014 4/25- 5/01 60 267 60 22�1 47 154 17 366B 2014 5/02- 5/22 70 31 70 58�1 48 205 5 107 2010 4/23-4/29 175 294 175 43�2 131 603 10 87 2010 4/30-5/20 200 43 200 100�0 154 751 10 67 2011 4/22-4/28 150 208 150 53�8 131 611 13 107 2011 4/29-5/19 175 35 175 100�0 142 684 10 77 2012 4/27-5/03 100 173 100 31�8 77 360 10 137 2012 5/04-5/24 125 30 125 100�0 102 470 8 87 2013 4/26-5/02 100 184 100 32�6 67 194 33 497 2013 5/03-5/23 100 34 100 97�1 85 350 27 327 2014 4/25- 5/01 100 274 100 27�0 57 207 4 77 2014 5/02- 5/22 100 40 100 50�0 73 482 9 128 2010 4/23-4/29 250 832 250 29�4 194 919 21 118 2010 4/30-5/20 150 105 150 47�6 124 580 10 88 2011 4/22-4/28 250 858 250 27�6 196 961 11 68 2011 4/29-5/19 150 117 150 41�9 102 415 8 88 2012 4/27-5/03 200 686 200 27�7 156 664 27 178 2012 5/04-5/24 100 114 100 29�8 78 282 16 218 2013 4/26-5/02 200 649 200 25�9 165 719 42 258 2013 5/03-5/23 100 88 100 50�0 83 451 6 78/10 2014 4/25- 5/01 200 645 200 29�8 166 663 22 138/10 2014 5/02- 5/22 100 79 100 30�4 71 260 13 189 2010 4/23-4/29 60 92 60 51�1 51 214 5 109 2010 4/30-5/20 50 14 50 100�0 36 179 4 119 2011 4/22-4/28 50 88 50 45�5 36 122 8 229 2011 4/29-5/19 40 9 40 100�0 30 115 3 109 2012 4/27-5/03 50 69 50 46�4 40 148 10 25

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (102)

Hunt Arizona 2015 101

Turkey Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest HuntSuccess

SPRinG SHOTGUn-SHOOTinG SHOT9 2012 5/04-5/24 40 5 40 100�0 30 113 2 79 2013 4/26-5/02 50 67 50 56�7 35 162 8 239 2013 5/03-5/23 40 9 40 100�0 24 104 0 09 2014 4/25- 5/01 50 46 50 84�8 31 108 8 269 2014 5/02- 5/22 40 0 40 - 23 169 0 012A 2010 4/23-4/29 300 172 300 89�0 184 738 32 1712A 2010 4/30-5/20 300 62 300 100�0 150 658 18 1212A 2011 4/22-4/28 300 121 300 81�0 191 890 18 912A 2011 4/29-5/19 300 45 300 100�0 205 859 12 612A 2012 4/27-5/03 275 153 275 84�3 187 798 27 1412A 2012 5/04-5/24 275 36 275 100�0 174 740 20 1112A 2013 4/26-5/02 275 162 275 82�1 217 871 49 2312A 2013 5/03-5/23 275 35 277 100 166 612 39 2412A 2014 4/25- 5/01 275 243 275 84�4 206 698 62 3012A 2014 5/02- 5/22 275 42 275 100�0 200 816 42 2113A 2010 4/23-4/29 25 17 25 58�8 13 47 3 2313A 2010 4/30-5/20 15 1 15 100�0 8 30 0 013A 2011 4/22-4/28 25 13 25 76�9 13 53 2 1513A 2011 4/29-5/19 15 3 15 100�0 3 5 0 013A 2012 4/27-5/03 25 3 25 100�0 11 32 0 013A 2012 5/04-5/24 15 1 15 100�0 0 0 0 -13A 2013 4/26-5/02 25 4 25 100�0 17 52 2 1213A 2013 5/03-5/23 15 2 15 100�0 8 30 0 013A 2014 4/25- 5/01 5 4 5 100�0 2 6 0 013A 2014 5/02- 5/22 5 0 5 - 0 0 0 -13B North 2012 4/27-5/03 1 32 1 3�1 1 1 1 10013B North 2012 5/04-5/24 1 13 1 0�0 0 0 0 -13B North 2013 4/26-5/02 1 24 1 4�2 1 3 1 10013B North 2013 5/03-5/23 1 9 1 11�1 - - - -13B North 2014 4/25- 5/01 20 12 20 58�3 7 20 4 5713B North 2014 5/02- 5/22 15 2 15 100�0 7 40 0 013B 2010 4/23-4/29 20 20 20 75�0 11 54 6 5513B 2010 4/30-5/20 15 2 15 0�0 12 48 3 2513B 2011 4/22-4/28 20 16 20 37�5 8 40 2 2513B 2011 4/29-5/19 15 0 15 - 8 15 0 013B 2012 4/27-5/03 20 1 20 100�0 10 23 0 013B 2012 5/04-5/24 15 1 13 100�0 10 36 3 3013B 2013 4/26-5/02 20 6 20 100�0 6 9 6 10013B 2013 5/03-5/23 15 2 15 100�0 4 17 2 5017A/17B/18B 2010 4/23-4/29 10 46 10 19�6 8 39 1 1317A/17B/18B 2010 4/30-5/20 10 7 10 28�6 10 55 0 017A/17B/18B 2011 4/22-4/28 10 62 10 16�1 8 16 2 2517A/17B/18B 2011 4/29-5/19 10 8 10 0�0 9 40 1 1117A/17B/18B 2012 4/27-5/03 10 41 10 24�4 7 80 0 017A/17B/18B 2012 5/04-5/24 10 12 10 33�3 10 35 2 2017A/17B/18B 2013 4/26-5/02 10 42 10 21�4 10 44 0 017A/17B/18B 2013 5/03-5/23 10 1 10 100�0 7 30 0 017A/17B/18B 2014 4/25- 5/01 10 37 10 21�6 10 33 2 2017A/17B/18B 2014 5/02- 5/22 10 9 10 33�3 5 18 0 020A 2010 4/23-4/29 5 40 5 12�5 5 10 3 6020A 2010 4/30-5/20 10 26 10 26�9 10 47 6 6020A 2011 4/22-4/28 5 102 5 4�9 5 17 4 8020A 2011 4/29-5/19 10 33 10 21�2 9 50 0 020A 2012 4/27-5/03 10 78 10 10�3 10 40 6 6020A 2012 5/04-5/24 10 22 10 18�2 10 49 0 020A 2013 4/26-5/02 10 133 10 7�5 - - - -20A 2013 5/03-5/23 10 14 10 0�0 7 23 3 4320A 2014 4/25- 5/01 10 109 10 9�2 7 17 3 4320A 2014 5/02- 5/22 10 16 10 25�0 10 44 4 4022 2010 4/23-4/29 110 247 110 39�7 95 366 20 2122 2010 4/30-5/20 110 40 110 75�0 86 373 31 3622 2011 4/22-4/28 130 312 130 36�2 102 369 19 19

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (103)

102 Hunt Arizona 2015

Turkey Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest HuntSuccess

SPRinG SHOTGUn-SHOOTinG SHOT22 2011 4/29-5/19 130 51 130 60�8 102 347 9 922 2012 4/27-5/03 130 249 130 40�2 101 461 7 722 2012 5/04-5/24 130 45 130 91�1 88 390 4 522 2013 4/26-5/02 100 238 100 35�7 83 300 3 422 2013 5/03-5/23 100 34 100 52�9 64 297 6 922 2014 4/25- 5/01 100 216 100 38�9 83 303 14 1722 2014 5/02- 5/22 100 46 100 80�4 77 268 0 023 2010 4/23-4/29 225 1167 225 18�8 184 849 24 1323 2010 4/30-5/20 225 151 225 32�5 185 796 25 1423 2011 4/22-4/28 225 1153 225 18�5 191 763 21 1123 2011 4/29-5/19 225 165 225 37�6 189 789 23 1223 2012 4/27-5/03 225 1028 225 21�0 176 642 35 2023 2012 5/04-5/24 225 106 225 44�3 173 675 28 1623 2013 4/26-5/02 225 900 225 23�3 193 806 29 1523 2013 5/03-5/23 225 106 225 39�6 165 702 22 1323 2014 4/25- 5/01 225 978 225 22�1 176 585 32 1823 2014 5/02- 5/22 225 114 225 45�6 185 727 17 924A 2010 4/23-4/29 2 14 2 14�3 2 4 2 10024A 2010 4/30-5/20 3 12 3 16�7 3 30 0 024A 2011 4/22-4/28 2 19 2 10�5 2 12 0 024A 2011 4/29-5/19 3 7 3 28�6 3 17 2 6724A 2012 4/27-5/03 2 19 2 10�5 1 7 0 024A 2012 5/04-5/24 2 0 2 - 2 2 2 10024A 2013 4/26-5/02 2 16 2 12�5 2 6 2 10024A 2013 5/03-5/23 2 0 2 - 2 19 1 5024A 2014 4/25- 5/01 2 29 2 6�9 2 18 0 024A 2014 5/02- 5/22 2 1 2 100�0 0 0 0 -27 2010 4/23-4/29 675 1044 675 50�9 525 1927 179 3427 2010 4/30-5/20 600 175 600 100�0 480 1976 116 2427 2011 4/22-4/28 750 944 750 61�3 599 2228 167 2827 2011 4/29-5/19 650 162 650 100�0 524 2189 84 1627 2012 4/27-5/03 200 502 200 31�1 168 546 70 4227 2012 5/04-5/24 200 87 200 56�3 149 522 47 3227 2013 4/26-5/02 200 761 200 20�9 163 611 63 3927 2013 5/03-5/23 200 68 200 51�5 168 632 49 2927 2014 4/25- 5/01 300 728 300 28�0 242 892 83 3427 2014 5/02- 5/22 250 90 250 64�4 190 810 52 2729 2010 4/23-4/29 5 142 5 3�5 5 10 5 10029 2010 4/30-5/20 5 35 5 11�4 5 15 3 6029 2011 4/22-4/28 5 291 5 1�4 5 8 5 10029 2011 4/29-5/19 5 77 5 0�0 5 8 5 10029/30A 2012 4/27-5/03 2 82 2 2�4 2 4 2 10029/30A 2012 5/04-5/24 2 19 2 0�0 2 6 2 10029/30A 2013 4/26-5/02 5 191 5 2�6 5 10 5 10029/30A 2013 5/03-5/23 5 43 5 7�0 5 10 5 10029/30A 2014 4/25- 5/01 6 162 6 3�7 6 23 6 10029/30A 2014 5/02- 5/22 6 36 6 2�8 6 21 6 10031 2010 4/23-4/29 6 119 6 5�0 6 30 4 6731 2010 4/30-5/20 6 29 6 10�3 6 6 6 10031 2011 4/22-4/28 5 152 5 2�6 5 11 5 10031 2011 4/29-5/19 5 47 5 2�1 5 20 2 4031 2012 4/27-5/03 3 121 3 2�5 3 6 2 6731 2012 5/04-5/24 3 24 3 4�2 3 15 2 6731 2013 4/26-5/02 3 77 3 3�9 3 15 0 031 2013 5/03-5/23 3 20 3 15�0 3 14 3 10031 2014 4/25- 5/01 3 74 3 2�7 3 5 3 10031 2014 5/02- 5/22 3 16 3 6�3 3 12 2 6733 2010 4/23-4/29 2 53 2 1�9 2 4 2 10033 2010 4/30-5/20 2 4 2 0�0 2 2 2 10033 2011 4/22-4/28 2 113 2 1�8 2 4 2 10033 2011 4/29-5/19 2 48 2 2�1 2 7 2 10033 2012 4/27-5/03 3 163 3 1�8 2 7 2 100

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (104)

Hunt Arizona 2015 103

Turkey Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

CN= Camp Navajo

Unit Year Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest HuntSuccess

SPRinG SHOTGUn-SHOOTinG SHOT33 2012 5/04-5/24 3 56 3 0�0 3 6 1 3333 2013 4/26-5/02 3 217 3 1�4 3 6 3 10033 2013 5/03-5/23 3 44 3 2�3 3 5 3 10033 2014 4/25- 5/01 3 239 3 �8 3 8 3 10033 2014 5/02- 5/22 3 30 3 3�3 3 8 2 6734A 2010 4/23-4/29 1 21 1 4�8 1 14 0 034A 2010 4/30-5/20 1 5 1 20�0 0 0 0 -34A 2011 4/22-4/28 1 33 1 3�0 1 1 1 10034A 2011 4/29-5/19 1 18 1 5�6 1 2 1 10034A 2012 4/27-5/03 1 32 1 3�1 1 1 1 10034A 2012 5/04-5/24 1 14 1 7�1 1 2 1 10034A 2013 4/26-5/02 1 60 1 1�7 1 1 0 034A 2013 5/03-5/23 1 15 1 0�0 1 3 1 10034A 2014 4/25- 5/01 1 48 1 2�1 1 5 0 034A 2014 5/02- 5/22 1 17 1 5�9 1 1 1 10035A 2010 4/23-4/29 4 203 4 2�0 4 7 4 10035A 2010 4/30-5/20 4 63 4 1�6 4 6 3 7535A 2011 4/22-4/28 4 356 4 1�1 4 4 4 10035A 2011 4/29-5/19 4 90 4 0�0 4 4 4 10035A 2012 4/27-5/03 5 344 5 0�9 5 10 5 10035A 2012 5/04-5/24 5 66 5 6�1 5 14 5 10035A 2013 4/26-5/02 5 408 5 1�0 5 10 5 10035A 2013 5/03-5/23 5 78 5 1�3 5 25 4 8035A 2014 4/25- 5/01 8 468 8 1�7 8 22 6 7535A 2014 5/02- 5/22 8 77 8 5�2 8 24 7 8835B 2014 4/25- 5/01 2 56 2 3�6 2 8 2 10035B 2014 5/02- 5/22 2 19 2 10�5 2 10 2 100CN 2010 4/23-5/20 15 4 10 100�0 8 16 2 25CN 2010 4/23-5/20 6 9 6 55�6 4 8 0 0CN 2011 4/22-4/28 15 7 9 100�0 6 17 0 0CN 2011 4/22-4/28 6 4 5 100�0 3 13 0 0CN 2012 4/27-5/24 15 3 10 100�0 5 23 2 40CN 2012 4/27-5/24 6 9 6 66�7 6 29 2 33CN 2013 4/26-5/23 15 0 9 - 5 14 0 0CN 2013 4/26-5/23 6 5 6 100�0 6 12 2 33CN 2014 4/25- 5/22 15 6 10 100�0 8 30 0 0CN 2014 4/25- 5/22 6 8 6 75�0 4 18 2 50FTHU 2010 4/23-5/20 3 24 3 12�5 2 2 2 100FTHU 2011 4/22-4/28 3 47 3 6�4 3 14 3 100FTHU 2012 4/27-5/24 2 22 2 9�1 2 5 2 100FTHU 2012 5/04-5/24 2 7 2 28�6 2 9 0 0FTHU 2013 4/26-5/23 2 41 3 1 7�3 3 9 3FTHU 2014 4/25- 5/22 2 40 3 7�5 3 3 3 100SPRinG YOUTH-OnLY (OTC = TAGS iSSUED OVER-THE-COUnTER)1 2010 4/16-5/20 - - - - 205 575 51 251 2011 4/15-5/19 - - - - 210 406 44 211/27 2012 4/20-4/26 100 123 100 80�5 86 281 22 261/27 2013 4/19-4/25 100 198 100 49�0 91 270 57 633C 2010 4/16-5/20 - - - - 131 524 28 213C 2011 4/15-4/21 125 70 102 81�4 83 259 14 173C 2012 4/20-4/26 125 54 125 94�4 83 295 16 193C 2013 4/19-4/25 125 57 125 100�0 120 418 16 133C 2014 4/18- 4/24 125 72 125 100�0 94 292 10 114 2010 4/16-5/20 - - - - 34 97 0 04 2011 4/15-5/19 - - - - 102 298 7 74 2012 4/20-5/24 - - - - 45 147 6 134 2013 4/19-5/23 - - - - 107 315 23 215A 2010 4/16-5/20 - - - - 40 142 6 155A 2011 4/15-5/19 - - - - 87 319 15 175A 2012 4/20-5/24 - - - - 83 262 0 05A 2013 4/19-5/23 - - - - 77 200 8 105B 2010 4/16-5/20 - - - - 51 177 6 12

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (105)

104 Hunt Arizona 2015

Turkey Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest HuntSuccess

SPRinG SHOTGUn-SHOOTinG SHOT5B 2011 4/15-5/19 - - - - 65 174 0 05B 2012 4/20-5/24 - - - - 70 236 0 05B 2013 4/19-5/23 - - - - 77 138 23 306A 2010 4/16-5/20 - - - - 290 1071 34 126A 2011 4/15-4/21 175 50 147 80�0 105 366 3 36A 2012 4/20-4/26 110 69 110 92�8 85 272 19 226A 2013 4/19-4/25 110 93 110 96�8 87 270 10 116A 2014 4/18- 4/24 110 94 110 100�0 94 279 11 126B 2010 4/16-5/20 - - - - 40 125 6 156B 2011 4/15-5/19 - - - - 87 283 0 06B 2012 4/20-5/24 - - - - 45 185 0 06B 2013 4/19-5/23 - - - - 69 276 15 227 2010 4/16-5/20 - - - - 46 159 0 07 2011 4/15-5/19 - - - - 29 36 0 07 2012 4/20-5/24 - - - - 32 32 0 07 2013 4/19-5/23 - - - - 23 115 8 358 2010 4/16-5/20 - - - - 120 342 11 98 2011 4/15-5/19 - - - - 73 392 7 108 2012 4/20-5/24 - - - - 51 198 6 128 2013 4/19-5/23 - - - - 77 177 23 3010 2010 4/16-5/20 - - - - 17 57 0 010 2011 4/15-5/19 - - - - 29 87 0 010 2012 4/20-5/24 - - - - 19 109 0 012A 2010 4/16-5/20 - - - - 17 40 6 3512A 2011 4/15-5/19 - - - - 15 29 0 012A 2012 4/20-5/24 - - - - 6 19 0 012A 2013 4/19-5/23 - - - - 8 23 0 023 2010 4/16-5/20 - - - - 211 809 46 2223 2011 4/15-4/21 125 78 125 78�2 106 359 16 1523 2012 4/20-4/26 125 94 125 95�7 90 235 20 2223 2013 4/19-4/25 125 105 125 96�2 92 246 8 923 2014 4/18- 4/24 125 127 125 96�1 102 273 26 2527 2010 4/16-5/20 - - - - 114 359 28 2527 2011 4/15-5/19 - - - - 181 421 73 40FALL (SHOTGUn-SHOOTinG SHOT SEASOn)1 2010 10/01-10/07 725 824 725 80�8 597 1988 80 131 2011 9/30-10/06 200 480 200 40�0 159 502 20 131 2012 10/05-10/11 200 561 200 35�7 152 429 58 381 2013 10/04-10/10 200 779 200 25�7 167 493 64 383C 2010 10/01-10/07 100 319 100 31�3 82 227 25 303C 2011 9/30-10/06 125 329 125 38�0 104 314 23 223C 2012 10/05-10/11 125 286 125 38�5 99 261 49 493C 2013 10/04-10/10 150 406 150 30�3 129 402 31 244 2010 10/01-10/07 575 444 575 100�0 461 1679 31 74 2011 9/30-10/06 500 418 500 87�1 378 1262 60 164 2012 10/05-10/11 500 515 500 73�8 411 1381 91 224 2013 10/04-10/10 500 530 500 76�2 425 1328 78 185A 2010 10/01-10/07 450 339 450 100�0 391 1222 23 65A 2011 9/30-10/06 350 314 350 93�9 280 803 34 125A 2012 10/05-10/11 350 329 350 85�7 273 895 39 145A 2013 10/04-10/10 350 344 350 80�2 285 921 34 125B North 2010 10/01-10/07 35 67 35 50�7 26 84 2 85B North 2011 9/30-10/06 20 48 20 31�3 13 38 0 05B South 2010 10/01-10/07 125 173 125 68�8 91 256 13 145B South 2011 9/30-10/06 125 180 125 63�3 104 299 19 185B South 2012 10/05-10/11 150 203 150 58�6 109 298 36 335B South 2013 10/04-10/10 150 234 150 62�0 138 396 26 196A 2010 10/01-10/07 525 787 525 65�8 397 1157 35 96A 2011 9/30-10/06 525 850 525 60�7 418 1214 59 146A 2012 10/05-10/11 525 897 525 57�1 445 1273 82 186A 2013 10/04-10/10 525 915 524 56�5 430 1212 88 206B 2010 10/01-10/07 350 192 350 100�0 275 869 24 9


Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (106)

Hunt Arizona 2015 105

Turkey Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st ChoiceApplicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest HuntSuccess

SPRinG SHOTGUn-SHOOTinG SHOT6B 2011 9/30-10/06 300 161 300 100�0 225 685 25 116B 2012 10/05-10/11 300 180 300 98�9 226 694 61 276B 2013 10/04-10/10 300 240 300 96�7 257 774 46 187 2010 10/01-10/07 350 245 350 98�0 277 816 29 107 2011 9/30-10/06 350 212 350 100�0 264 899 48 187 2012 10/05-10/11 350 217 350 99�5 269 886 36 137 2013 10/04-10/10 350 244 350 99�6 266 823 66 258 2010 10/01-10/07 650 636 650 94�0 532 1577 92 178 2011 9/30-10/06 650 711 650 82�6 528 1751 77 158 2012 10/05-10/11 600 649 600 85�7 462 1463 66 148 2013 10/04-10/10 600 717 600 77�7 504 1655 74 159 2010 10/01-10/07 75 89 75 82�0 59 160 26 449 2011 9/30-10/06 100 68 100 97�1 89 277 15 179 2012 10/05-10/11 100 110 100 88�2 91 309 11 129 2013 10/04-10/10 75 93 75 73�1 65 195 22 3412A 2010 10/01-10/07 1000 365 554 100�0 413 1264 103 2512A 2011 9/30-10/06 1000 310 504 100�0 353 1075 112 3212A 2012 10/05-10/11 1000 275 536 100�0 391 1115 145 3712A 2013 10/04-10/10 1000 322 668 100�0 511 1331 287 5613A 2010 10/01-10/07 5 8 5 37�5 0 0 0 -13A 2011 9/30-10/06 5 10 5 40�0 4 4 0 013B 2010 10/01-10/07 5 14 5 28�6 3 3 0 013B 2011 9/30-10/06 5 8 5 62�5 5 5 3 6017/18B 2010 10/01-10/07 25 46 25 54�3 16 39 0 017/18B 2011 9/30-10/06 15 44 15 34�1 15 38 0 022 2010 10/01-10/07 225 200 225 94�5 154 448 13 822 2011 9/30-10/06 200 186 200 86�6 155 456 19 1222 2012 10/05-10/11 200 197 200 82�7 148 393 29 2022 2013 10/04-10/10 200 223 200 80�7 168 441 14 823 2010 10/01-10/07 700 831 700 82�6 580 1811 62 1123 2011 9/30-10/06 550 675 548 76�0 407 1171 67 1623 2012 10/05-10/11 600 777 600 73�0 488 1572 109 2223 2013 10/04-10/10 600 775 600 71�1 516 1587 97 1927 2010 10/01-10/07 900 593 900 100�0 655 2148 118 1827 2011 9/30-10/06 300 384 300 60�7 233 732 39 1727 2012 10/05-10/11 300 365 300 64�9 217 630 77 3527 2013 10/04-10/10 300 443 300 48�5 243 770 80 33

Unit Year Hunters Hunter Days Harvest Hunt Success 1 2010 160 665 24 151 2011 140 452 0 01 2012 226 934 10 41 2013 268 1207 21 81 2014 241 183 17 73B 2010 73 364 10 143B 2011 63 244 5 83B 2012 84 352 10 123B 2013 83 464 10 123B 2014 77 284 0 03C 2010 116 451 5 43C 2011 176 723 5 33C 2012 63 247 7 113C 2013 41 206 0 03C 2014 60 232 9 154 2010 68 306 5 74 2011 167 782 0 04 2012 105 373 0 04 2013 196 970 0 04 2014 77 507 0 0

Fall Archery-only Turkey 2010-2014 (2013 data is preliminary)

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (107)

106 Hunt Arizona 2015

Turkey Harvest Data

Unit Year Hunters Hunter Days Harvest Hunt Success 5A 2010 29 107 0 05A 2011 77 280 0 05A 2012 18 537 7 65A 2013 62 299 0 05A 2014 43 189 0 05B 2010 82 267 0 05B 2011 81 330 0 05B 2012 101 369 0 05B 2013 83 279 0 05B 2014 17 52 0 06A 2010 184 796 0 06A 2011 271 1242 18 76A 2012 411 1753 10 26A 2013 598 2590 10 26A 2014 249 1006 9 46B 2010 63 310 0 06B 2011 72 321 0 06B 2012 66 282 0 06B 2013 83 433 0 06B 2014 86 464 0 07 2010 17 650 0 07 2011 95 538 5 57 2012 157 787 0 07 2013 196 1310 10 57 2014 120 619 0 08 2010 116 597 0 08 2011 145 750 9 68 2012 153 659 0 08 2013 144 887 0 08 2014 60 559 0 09 2010 34 160 0 009 2011 18 95 0 009 2012 28 91 0 009 2014 17 43 0 010 2010 19 116 0 010 2011 18 68 5 2810 2012 45 206 0 010 2013 41 258 10 2410 2014 9 17 0 011M 2010 39 155 5 1311M 2011 14 45 0 011M 2012 28 101 0 011M 2013 62 330 0 011M 2014 77 473 0 012A 2010 160 1067 10 612A 2011 199 1229 18 912A 2012 213 1631 14 712A 2013 155 1032 31 2012A 2014 112 662 0 017 2010 19 165 0 017 2011 50 248 0 017 2012 17 216 0 017 2013 10 0 0 017 2014 26 129 0 020A 2010 15 78 0 020A 2011 90 425 9 1020A 2012 164 861 17 1020A 2013 21 72 0 020A 2014 26 138 0 022 2010 58 179 10 1722 2011 68 239 0 022 2012 105 352 0 022 2013 72 289 10 1422 2014 43 129 0 023 2010 165 757 15 9

Fall Archery-only Turkey 2010-2014 (2013 data is preliminary)

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (108)

Hunt Arizona 2015 107

Turkey Harvest Data

Fall Archery-only Turkey 2010-2014 (2013 data is preliminary)Unit Year Hunters Hunter Days Harvest Hunt Success

23 2011 253 1075 32 1323 2012 383 1512 42 1123 2013 382 1857 10 323 2014 215 920 17 827 2010 170 737 29 1727 2011 117 470 5 427 2012 209 88 31 1527 2013 309 1578 21 727 2014 189 860 0 0

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (109)

108 Hunt Arizona 2014

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Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (110)

Hunt Arizona 2015 109

Natural HistoryThe javelina, or collared peccary, is of tropical origin and only recently arrived in the southwest. peccary bones are not found in Arizona archaeological sites, and early settlers made infrequent references to the occurrence of javelina. perhaps the javelina spread northward as scrub and cactus replaced Arizona’s native grasslands. For whatever reason, the range of javelina is still expanding, primarily northwestward. The species occurs in the United states only in Arizona, texas, and new mexico, and currently occupies approximately 34 percent of Arizona.

Adult javelina usually weigh between 35 and 60 pounds, the males being slightly heavier than the fe-males. newborn javelina only weigh about one pound.

These “piglets” are tan or brown in color with a red-dish dorsal stripe. They acquire the salt and pepper appearance of the adults in about three months. The whitish-banded black hairs are up to six inches long, with the hairs on the mane being the darkest and lon-gest. in the winter, when the javelina’s coat is dense and dark, a distinct, lighter-colored “collar” is visible. in summer, when the hair is shorter and lighter, this “col-lar” is less distinct.

Javelina continue to grow until they reach adult height in about 10 months. At this age both sexes are mature. peccaries breed throughout the year, which, when combined with their early maturity and ability to have two litters per year, gives them the greatest re-productive potential of any north American big-game

mammal. The gestation period is 145 days, with most births occurring in June, July, and August. A smaller birth peak occurs in spring, corresponding with Arizona’s biseasonal rainfall seasons. Unlike other animals, javelina do not lick their offspring at birth, but roll or tumble their young. The usual litter size is two, and the precocial piglets closely follow their mothers from shortly after birth until they are weaned at about six weeks of age.

Although javelina have lived as long as 24 years in captivity, the average life span in the wild is closer to seven or eight years. Coyotes and golden eagles are effective predators of juvenile javelina, and the adults are preyed upon by mountain lions, bobcats, and bears.

Javelina are opportunistic feeders, eat-ing the flowers, fruits, nuts, and berries of a great variety of plants. prickly pear cactus makes up the major portion of their diet, however, along with agaves, yucca roots, and other desert succulents.

Javelina are social animals with herd sizes averaging eight to nine animals. ter-ritories are marked by droppings and by an oily secretion produced by the animal’s

Javelina (Tayassu tajacu)




Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (111)

110 Hunt Arizona 2015


scent gland positioned on its back. Any intruding ja-velina will be met by an aggressive display, which will evolve into a fight unless the interloper withdraws. The size of a herd’s territory varies with the productivity of the habitat, but averages about 750 acres.

Hunt HistoryJavelina were not legally designated as big game un-til 1929, when a season from no-vember 1 through January 31 was authorized and a bag limit of one ja-velina a year was imposed. hunter

interest gradually increased, particularly among non-residents, and the javelina became an important game animal in Arizona after World War ii. By 1950, hunt-ers were purchasing nearly 10,000 javelina tags and taking more than 1,000 animals a year. in 1959, an ar-chery javelina season was initiated, and by 1971 more than 30,000 hunters were harvesting more than 6,000 javelina a year. This pressure was deemed excessive in some game management units, and permit-only fire-arm hunting was instituted in 1972. to further curtail hunt pressure and better distribute hunters, permit-on-ly hAm (handgun, archery, and muzzleloader) hunts were initiated in 1974, and archery hunting was lim-ited to permit-only hunting in 1992. in 1992, juniors only permits were authorized. today, general firearms, hAm, archery and juniors-only seasons are offered in most units. in some units, there are permits that go unissued.

Javelina distribution

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (112)

Hunt Arizona 2015 111

Historic Summary of Javelina Survey Data

Javelina Survey Data

Year no� of Herds Observed1

Total Javelina Observed

Average Herd Size1

Classification Young/100 AdultsAdult Young Unclassified

1955 0 511 – 233 74 204 321956 0 324 – 201 75 48 371957 0 447 – 328 115 4 351958 35 346 9�9 258 88 0 341959 31 272 8�8 217 55 0 251960 87 677 7�8 391 120 166 311961 89 700 7�9 392 108 200 281962 109 1003 9�2 667 267 69 401963 123 1086 8�8 654 296 136 451964 114 768 6�7 560 207 1 371965 160 1033 6�5 709 219 105 311966 159 1197 7�5 703 362 132 511967 107 639 6�0 496 86 57 171968 123 872 7�1 613 221 38 361969 113 932 8�3 609 203 120 331970 216 1757 8�1 1266 414 77 331971 220 1666 7�6 1063 480 123 451972 143 1158 8�1 679 255 224 381973 184 1683 9�2 1121 372 190 331974 156 1408 9�0 1035 306 67 301975 234 1830 7�8 1418 332 80 231976 297 2435 8�2 1745 609 81 351977 213 1664 7�8 1119 362 183 321978 321 3051 9�5 2249 667 135 301979 326 3148 9�7 2385 688 75 291980 443 3688 8�3 2865 762 61 271981 384 3503 9�1 2635 807 61 311982 356 3266 9�2 2390 780 96 331983 328 3374 10�3 2502 796 76 321984 404 4074 10�1 3085 946 43 311985 561 5431 9�7 4043 1181 207 291986 536 5051 9�4 3903 1127 21 291987 719 6230 8�7 4923 1205 102 241988 656 5932 9�0 4606 1323 3 291989 663 5662 8�5 4645 1017 0 221990 559 4887 8�7 3839 1034 14 271991 596 5128 8�6 4008 1058 62 261992 571 5247 9�2 4142 1060 45 261993 591 5016 8�5 3969 1019 28 261994 767 6739 8�8 5485 1141 113 211995 682 5870 8�6 4763 1106 1 231996 674 5427 8�0 4582 817 28 181997 579 4684 8�1 3714 967 3 261998 538 4725 8�8 3666 1057 2 291999 553 4715 8�5 3831 807 77 212000 484 3907 8�0 3174 725 8 232001 562 4920 8�7 4007 904 9 232002 411 3058 7�4 2565 490 3 192003 468 3974 8�4 3128 831 15 272004 401 3435 8�5 2775 656 4 242005 450 3525 7�8 2843 675 7 242006 458 3867 8�4 3074 712 81 232007 448 3511 7�8 2913 584 14 202008 379 3237 8�5 2500 726 11 292009 390 3455 8�8 2848 593 14 212010 370 3323 8�9 2537 755 31 302011 451 4028 8�9 3212 765 51 242012 476 3891 8�1 3254 617 20 192013 456 3881 8�5 3103 768 10 252014 110 1029 9�3 858 169 2 20

1 Excluding single animalsNote: The year given represents the beginning of the survey period, which runs from December through March�Thus, surveys listed for 2010 were conducted from December 2010 through March 2011�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (113)

112 Hunt Arizona 2015

Javelina Survey Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Javelina Survey Data

Unit Year no� of Herds Observed¹

Total Javelina Observed

Average Herd Size¹

Classification Young/100 AdultsAdult Young Unclassified

1 2010 1 2 2�0 2 0 0 03A/3C 2010 2 14 7�0 10 4 0 403A/3C 2011 1 2 2�0 2 0 0 04 2013 4 21 5�3 15 6 0 404 2014 1 12 12�0 9 3 0 335 2010 2 11 5�0 6 5 0 835A 2013 1 14 14�0 11 3 0 275B 2012 1 6 6�0 6 0 0 06A 2010 3 20 6�7 15 5 0 336A 2011 5 34 5�8 27 7 0 726A 2012 2 20 9�5 16 4 0 256A 2013 10 71 7�1 61 10 0 166B 2010 3 21 7�0 12 9 0 756B 2011 2 8 4�0 8 0 0 06B 2012 4 23 5�8 22 1 0 56B 2013 4 24 5�8 21 3 0 147E 2013 0 1 - 1 0 0 07W 2010 1 6 6�0 4 2 0 507W 2011 1 9 9�0 7 2 0 297W 2013 1 3 3�0 3 0 0 08 2010 1 12 12�0 8 4 0 508 2011 1 9 8�0 8 1 0 138 2012 0 1 - 1 0 0 08 2013 2 14 7�0 11 3 0 279 2012 3 10 3�3 8 2 0 2510 2010 2 25 12�5 19 6 0 3210 2011 6 63 10�5 49 13 1 2710 2012 2 10 5�0 10 0 0 010 2013 4 20 5�0 13 7 0 5410 2014 2 15 7�5 12 3 0 2515A 2012 0 1 - 1 0 0 015A 2013 1 6 6�0 3 3 0 10015A 2014 1 18 18�0 13 5 0 3815B 2013 2 10 5�0 4 6 0 15015B 2014 6 51 8�5 41 10 0 2416A 2010 3 26 8�7 20 6 0 3016A 2011 12 97 8�1 77 20 0 2616A 2012 5 34 6�8 26 8 0 3116A 2013 5 39 7�6 31 8 0 2616A 2014 8 102 12�8 78 24 0 3117A 2011 3 28 9�3 17 11 0 6517A 2012 3 22 7�3 19 3 0 1617A 2013 1 2 2�0 2 0 0 017A 2014 4 41 10�0 37 4 0 1117B 2010 8 73 9�1 51 22 0 4317B 2011 10 123 12�3 100 23 0 2317B 2012 6 65 10�5 57 8 0 1417B 2013 9 103 11�4 83 20 0 2417B 2014 7 90 12�9 68 22 0 3218A 2010 2 22 10�5 15 7 0 4718A 2011 10 91 8�9 63 17 11 2718A 2012 10 141 14�1 121 20 0 1718A 2013 7 65 9�3 46 19 0 4118A 2014 5 40 8�0 29 11 0 3818B 2010 7 109 15�4 76 16 17 2118B 2011 11 139 12�6 109 30 0 2818B 2012 14 117 8�4 86 31 0 3618B 2013 15 116 7�7 92 24 0 2618B 2014 7 85 12�1 75 10 0 1319A 2010 6 51 8�3 37 14 0 3819A 2011 6 41 6�7 30 6 5 2019A 2012 6 40 6�7 25 3 12 12

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (114)

Hunt Arizona 2015 113

Javelina Survey Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Javelina Survey Data

Unit Year no� of Herds Observed¹

Total Javelina Observed

Average Herd Size¹

Classification Young/100 AdultsAdult Young Unclassified

19A 2013 9 98 10�9 66 22 10 3319A 2014 3 16 5�3 12 4 0 3319B 2010 5 37 7�2 30 7 0 2319B 2011 6 62 10�2 34 16 12 4719B 2012 3 24 8�0 20 4 0 2019B 2013 12 129 10�8 104 25 0 2419B 2014 3 22 7�3 18 4 0 2220A 2010 6 51 8�5 44 7 0 1620A 2011 6 58 9�7 48 10 0 2120A 2012 4 16 4�0 16 0 0 020A 2013 7 60 8�6 50 10 0 2020A 2014 2 16 8�0 14 2 0 1420B 2010 13 146 11�2 112 34 0 3020B 2011 23 233 10�1 196 37 0 1920B 2012 29 249 8�6 204 45 0 2220B 2013 21 183 8�7 146 37 0 2520C 2010 36 340 9�4 239 101 0 4220C 2011 37 414 11�2 323 91 0 2820C 2012 45 439 9�8 406 33 0 820C 2013 34 374 11�0 311 63 0 2020C 2014 37 356 9�6 312 44 0 1421 2010 9 129 14�3 101 28 0 2821 2011 5 62 12�4 49 13 0 2721 2012 11 113 10�3 97 16 0 1621 2013 7 69 9�9 58 11 0 1922 2010 8 50 6�3 42 8 0 1922 2011 13 116 8�9 97 19 0 2022 2012 9 87 9�7 59 28 0 4722 2013 9 98 10�9 81 17 0 2123 2010 7 51 7�3 40 11 0 2823 2011 18 180 9�9 127 53 0 10623 2012 6 63 10�3 47 16 0 3423 2013 18 206 11�4 146 60 0 4124A 2010 10 67 6�6 52 15 0 2924A 2011 8 52 6�4 40 12 0 3024A 2012 7 45 6�3 38 7 0 1824A 2013 12 79 6�6 62 17 0 2724B 2010 17 149 8�8 122 27 0 2224B 2011 10 109 10�9 86 23 0 2724B 2012 11 115 10�5 101 14 0 1424B 2013 12 109 9�0 96 13 0 1425M 2012 8 70 8�6 55 15 0 2725M 2013 6 62 10�3 49 13 0 2727 2010 2 18 8�5 15 3 0 2027 2011 5 43 8�6 35 8 0 2327 2012 3 24 8�0 20 4 0 2027 2013 6 41 6�8 30 11 0 3727 2014 6 51 8�2 46 5 0 1128 2010 20 178 8�9 142 36 0 2528 2011 19 149 7�8 134 15 0 1128 2012 14 91 6�4 81 10 0 1228 2013 19 133 7�0 102 31 0 3029 2010 6 40 6�7 32 8 0 2529 2011 8 62 7�5 52 10 0 1929 2012 8 64 8�0 54 10 0 1929 2013 9 67 7�3 57 10 0 1830A 2010 16 143 8�8 103 36 4 3530A 2011 18 130 7�2 103 27 0 2630A 2012 32 208 6�5 170 38 0 2230A 2013 19 124 6�5 105 19 0 1830B 2010 5 31 5�8 26 5 0 1930B 2011 15 100 6�6 73 27 0 37

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (115)

114 Hunt Arizona 2015

Javelina Survey Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Javelina Survey Data

Unit Year no� of Herds Observed¹

Total Javelina Observed

Average Herd Size¹

Classification Young/100 AdultsAdult Young Unclassified

30B 2012 13 86 6�6 73 13 0 1830B 2013 9 52 5�8 34 18 0 5331 2010 13 106 8�2 88 18 0 2031 2011 12 102 8�4 87 15 0 1731 2012 18 145 8�1 123 22 0 1831 2013 12 84 7�0 69 15 0 2232 2010 13 125 9�6 103 22 0 2132 2011 19 138 7�3 107 31 0 2932 2012 17 123 7�2 107 16 0 1532 2013 13 112 8�6 90 22 0 2433 2010 9 82 9�0 61 21 0 3433 2011 8 92 11�5 81 11 0 1433 2012 6 45 7�5 41 4 0 1033 2013 5 39 7�8 35 4 0 1134A 2010 14 120 8�6 80 30 10 3834A 2011 20 135 6�6 100 20 15 2034A 2012 29 235 8�0 201 34 0 1734A 2013 15 156 10�4 125 31 0 2534B 2010 16 98 6�1 72 26 0 3634B 2011 9 65 7�0 59 6 0 1034B 2012 9 57 6�2 46 11 0 2434B 2013 9 70 7�8 48 22 0 4635A 2010 15 133 8�9 97 36 0 3735A 2011 8 69 8�6 50 19 0 3835A 2012 18 132 7�2 101 31 0 3135A 2013 14 101 7�2 76 25 0 3335B 2010 4 52 13�0 38 14 0 3735B 2011 16 163 10�2 135 28 0 2135B 2012 10 61 6�1 48 13 0 2735B 2013 8 63 7�9 52 11 0 2136A 2010 23 209 9�1 150 59 0 3936A 2011 21 183 8�6 152 28 3 1836A 2012 17 118 6�8 86 28 4 3336A 2013 17 154 9�1 110 44 0 4036B 2010 10 98 9�7 71 27 0 3836B 2011 13 104 8�0 84 20 0 2436B 2012 7 71 10�1 57 14 0 2536B 2013 9 70 7�7 53 17 0 3236C 2010 12 131 10�9 108 23 0 2136C 2011 15 148 9�7 127 21 0 1736C 2012 11 127 11�5 105 22 0 2136C 2013 11 141 12�6 123 18 0 1537A 2010 18 158 8�7 132 26 0 2037A 2011 7 49 7�0 33 12 4 3637A 2012 10 89 8�9 72 15 2 2137A 2013 15 93 6�1 75 18 0 2437B 2010 15 137 9�1 114 23 0 2037B 2011 25 244 9�7 198 46 0 2337B 2012 38 335 8�8 284 51 0 1837B 2013 32 271 8�4 244 27 0 1139 2012 2 8 4�0 4 2 2 5039 2014 1 3 3�0 3 0 0 040A 2013 2 15 7�0 12 3 0 2540A 2014 1 3 3�0 3 0 0 040B 2011 1 6 6�0 4 2 0 5041 2011 1 4 4�0 4 0 0 041 2013 1 3 3�0 3 0 0 041 2014 1 4 3�0 3 0 1 041 2014 0 1 - 0 0 1 -42 2010 9 64 7�0 56 8 0 1442 2011 10 64 6�4 58 6 0 1042 2012 7 28 4�0 22 6 0 27

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (116)

Hunt Arizona 2015 115

Javelina Survey Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Javelina Survey Data

Summary of Fall General Javelina HuntsYear Permits

Authorized1st Choice Applicants Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days Total Harvest Percent Success

2007 920 3154 920 649 2113 122 19

Year Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days Total Harvest Percent Success

2007 25 18 20 18 25 5 282008 2630 607 721 556 1513 134 242009 1100 538 721 576 1638 153 272010 800 470 649 542 1478 142 262011 850 458 610 471 1291 124 262012 850 552 710 543 1432 130 242013 830 745 800 588 1620 172 292014 805 672 770 582 1688 94 16

Summary of Fall HAM Javelina Hunts

Summary of Fall Archery Javelina Hunts

Summary of Fall Youth-Only Javelina Hunts

Year Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days Total Harvest Percent Success

2007 660 458 645 445 1443 21 5

Unit Year no� of Herds Observed¹

Total Javelina Observed

Average Herd Size¹

Classification Young/100 AdultsAdult Young Unclassified

42 2013 11 68 6�0 57 11 0 1942 2014 9 55 6�1 44 11 0 2544A 2010 3 22 7�3 19 3 0 1644A 2011 10 77 7�6 62 15 0 2444A 2012 9 45 5�0 41 4 0 1044A 2013 5 35 6�8 29 6 0 2144A 2014 6 48 7�8 41 7 0 17

Year Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days Total Harvest Percent Success

2007 605 965 605 447 1365 50 11

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (117)

116 Hunt Arizona 2015

Javelina Hunt Data

Year¹ Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days Total Harvest Percent Success

1950 – – 9294 7788 – 1344 171951 – – 9995 8625 – 1851 221952 – – 12581 10496 – 1762 171953 – – 15095 13320 – 2510 191954 – – 15299 14829 – 2661 181955 – – 16832 14778 – 3142 211956 – – 17644 14851 – 2930 201957 – – 18724 16672 – 2236 131958 – – 17156 12344 23716 2172 181959 – – 14279 11900 23434 2725 231960 – – 16070 13857 – 2759 201961 – – 19817 17191 29735 3700 221962 – – 22678 19138 41787 3845 201963 – – 24940 21690 46093 4417 201964 – – 24653 20985 46195 5247 251965 – – 24393 20976 44818 4763 231966 – – 25796 21838 46028 4849 221967 – – 28386 23892 52780 4804 201968 – – 29793 26551 62345 4794 181969 – – 32400 28844 65775 5651 201970 – – 33062 30603 66448 6278 211971 – – 31208 27703 59943 5890 211972 25350 22855 25350 21450 44178 3819 181973 24275 26738 24275 20130 41189 4559 231974 22950 29708 22950 19222 39258 5007 261975 22300 30889 22300 19017 39409 4587 241976 20725 32657 20725 17435 35956 4172 241977 20525 33561 20525 17148 35890 4225 251978 19950 31685 19950 16075 32666 3449 221979 18560 28969 18560 15397 32551 3717 241980 17460 29690 17460 14354 33299 3672 261981 15785 32330 15785 12986 29477 3642 281982 15355 28007 15355 12627 30540 3075 241983 15170 21204 15170 13400 32250 3269 241984 16120 20052 16120 13975 35149 3638 261985 15145 20143 15145 13067 32970 3539 271986 15975 23247 15975 13725 33473 3743 271987 15890 21710 15890 13979 34330 4220 301988 15885 21737 15885 14129 35067 4432 311989 15310 20444 15310 13569 34861 3240 241990 14325 18859 14325 12565 31314 3468 281991 13225 16614 13900 12165 31618 2856 241992 13800 10394 13255 12360 32183 3158 261993 13880 10407 13787 11902 29035 3126 261994 13915 10867 13890 12382 31672 3536 291995 13440 11086 13433 11926 31928 2781 231996 13360 11151 13307 11938 31600 3444 291997 12620 11296 12622 11085 30147 2952 271998 12410 11835 12444 10493 27482 2520 241999 12200 12053 11937 10506 28005 2784 262000 12195 11603 12194 10793 27700 3182 292001 12105 12517 12110 10336 28124 2291 222002 11705 10941 11702 10256 27685 2823 282003 11900 11428 11920 10153 27419 2348 232004 11300 12879 11292 9747 26424 2393 252005 11090 13790 11207 8628 23772 1729 202006 11145 10972 11043 9538 26024 2544 272007 11500 9076 11170 9778 26632 2587 262008 11721 8106 11138 9536 26185 2008 212009 11696 7521 10593 9235 26543 1971 212010 11496 7054 11139 9621 26127 2208 232011 11496 6553 11207 9518 25955 2343 252012 11571 6983 11342 9964 28222 2363 242013 11721 7229 11712 9953 28424 2892 292014 11696 7637 11664 9914 29207 2222 222015 11493 9339 11481 9995 29325 2220 22

Historic Summary of Spring General Javelina Hunts

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (118)

Hunt Arizona 2015 117

Javelina Hunt Data

Historic Summary of Spring Youth-Only Javelina Hunts

Year Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days Total Harvest Percent Success

1992 150 75 120 103 225 20 191993 150 92 140 125 283 31 251994 150 88 148 138 289 49 361995 150 50 89 78 198 16 211996 250 131 197 191 396 65 341997 370 179 256 229 570 84 371998 420 244 324 300 738 74 251999 380 304 338 297 631 111 372000 480 353 444 397 824 159 402001 530 453 509 443 986 110 252002 460 942 460 385 812 149 392003 460 957 460 401 915 124 312004 485 609 485 430 1030 117 272005 535 611 550 447 983 151 342006 670 682 645 522 1241 172 332007 865 896 809 729 1841 314 432008 970 866 818 684 1614 273 402009 990 661 781 702 1865 231 332010 1020 779 886 757 1865 285 382011 1025 860 912 809 1969 311 382012 1050 816 940 804 2070 325 402013 1060 834 994 773 1706 242 312014 1120 972 1098 924 2379 249 272015 1145 1164 1138 922 2349 357 39

Historic Summary of Spring HAM1 Javelina Hunts

Year Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days Total Harvest Percent Success

1974 100 302 100 79 166 30 381975 100 246 100 82 127 29 351976 900 1046 900 711 1484 90 131977 925 1117 925 689 1385 104 151978 1700 1348 1700 1290 2623 145 111979 1850 1440 1850 1454 3128 212 151980 3000 2108 3000 2250 5178 367 161981 3750 2755 3750 2986 7545 544 181982 3850 3502 3850 3079 7771 482 161983 5990 3226 5990 4476 11313 824 181984 6375 3517 6375 4436 11775 878 201985 8180 4272 8116 5653 14835 1109 201986 7620 5446 7620 6316 16558 1180 191987 8200 5500 7719 6382 16289 1728 271988 6500 6208 6500 5655 15148 1133 201989 6075 6023 6075 5287 14271 991 191990 6980 6229 6980 5964 16286 1289 2219912 7340 6433 6991 6159 16796 929 151992 6740 4050 5786 5191 14667 951 181993 7665 4674 6839 5704 14961 973 171994 8150 5081 7875 7081 19553 1587 221995 8070 5553 8004 7034 19908 1186 171996 8210 5888 8012 7033 20053 1456 211997 8360 6088 8155 7229 20571 1387 191998 7685 5888 7531 6462 17451 1014 161999 7760 6184 7176 6287 17805 1281 202000 7260 6321 7262 6360 17621 1311 212001 6775 6034 6738 5812 17175 957 162002 6600 5377 6601 5705 16990 1148 202003 7050 5644 7059 5992 18169 860 142004 6550 5779 6550 5637 16683 1066 192005 6500 5342 6537 5018 14657 692 142006 6400 4868 6040 5226 15810 1141 22

1 Prior to 1982, hunts were for handgun, handgun/archery, and/or archery/muzzleloader�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (119)

118 Hunt Arizona 2015

Javelina Hunt Data

Year Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days Total Harvest Percent Success

2007 5465 4763 5205 4510 14278 878 192008 5440 4366 4838 4137 12768 692 172009 5405 3937 4616 3975 12617 730 182010 5510 3739 4950 4314 13563 997 232011 5545 3402 4739 4116 12951 1011 252012 5545 3610 4873 4276 13908 847 202013 5375 3584 5292 4565 15215 1028 232014 9466 6021 8724 7618 36523 2111 282015 9413 6556 8616 7500 34274 2286 30

1 Prior to 1982, hunts were for handgun, handgun/archery, and/or archery/muzzleloader�

Historic Summary of Spring HAM1 Javelina Hunts

Historic Summary of Spring Archery Javelina Hunts

Year Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days Total Harvest Percent Success

2007 5465 4763 5205 4510 14278 878 192008 5440 4366 4838 4137 12768 692 172009 5405 3937 4616 3975 12617 730 182010 5510 3739 4950 4314 13563 997 232011 5545 3402 4739 4116 12951 1011 252012 5545 3610 4873 4276 13908 847 202013 5375 3584 5292 4565 15215 1028 232014 5405 3535 5316 4579 15417 891 192015 5420 4003 5401 4656 16055 901 19

1 Prior to 1982, hunts were for handgun, handgun/archery, and/or archery/muzzleloader�2 Including special fall archery/shotgun hunts�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (120)

Hunt Arizona 2015 119

Javelina Hunt Data

Historis Summary of Spring Archery Javelina Hunts

Year¹ Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days Total Harvest Percent Success

1963 – – – 1125 3519 111 101964 – – – 1226 3689 112 91965 – – – 1438 3574 118 81966 – – – 1441 3515 138 101967 – – – 1283 3855 120 91968 – – – 1608 5093 193 121969 – – – 2295 7720 206 91970 – – – 2455 8484 196 81971 – – – 2918 9663 354 121972 – – – 3795 12622 305 81973 – – – 4286 13613 469 111974 100 10 – 3680 13145 500 141975 100 37 – 4804 16129 650 141976 100 28 – 5478 18970 1044 191977 – – – 5472 20475 786 141978 – – – 6725 23940 824 121979 2400 510 – 4342 14722 786 181980 – – – 4902 19288 1222 251981 – – – 6643 36568 1527 231982 – – – 8735 39700 1543 181983 – – 8987 7722 33638 1684 221984 – – 9163 – – – –1985 – – 9599 8883 32259 1946 221986 – – 11088 10379 44358 2232 221987 – – 12236 11200 50479 2870 261988 – – 14625 13493 62771 3436 261989 – – 14785 14011 62250 3605 261990 – – 15104 14161 60256 3723 261991 – – 13658 12504 54558 2263 181992 12926 6670 9490 8735 40906 2330 271993 11990 7239 9697 8657 38263 2439 281994 10205 7424 9944 9099 43001 2564 281995 10555 7639 10357 9430 45061 2764 291996 10125 7583 9908 8978 42000 2661 301997 9755 7809 9703 8725 40922 2672 311998 9450 8270 9444 8443 42692 2163 261999 9220 8972 9214 8242 41443 2187 272000 9650 8828 9646 8604 41072 2574 302001 9685 9736 9683 8438 41754 1862 222002 9685 9013 9673 8662 41735 2790 322003 9635 9756 9661 8545 43478 2236 262004 9435 10355 9434 8324 40575 2398 292005 9685 10351 9771 8506 42364 2038 242006 10000 9861 9930 8703 43174 2452 282007 9220 8311 8842 7675 34571 2305 302008 9661 8065 8939 7757 35110 2229 292009 9911 6919 8064 7204 33010 1961 272010 9636 6341 8062 7108 30403 2382 342011 9391 5704 7434 6542 27437 2017 312012 9391 5719 7761 6900 32984 2197 322013 9416 5715 8462 7338 31127 2750 372014 9466 6021 8724 7618 36523 2111 282015 9413 6556 8616 7500 34274 2286 30

1 Ft� Huachuca hunt data was gathered using the hunter questionnaire program after 1995�

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (121)

120 Hunt Arizona 2015

Javelina Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year DatesAuthorized


1st ChoiceApplicants


Draw Odds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest Hunt Success

SPRinG GEnERAL6A/6B/8 2011 2/18- 2/24 150 225 150 63�1 102 214 26 256A/6B/8 2012 2/24- 3/01 150 258 150 53�9 131 333 30 236A/6B/8 2013 2/22- 2/28 150 311 150 46�0 118 284 41 356A/6B/8 2014 2/21- 2/27 175 320 175 53�4 156 451 19 126A/6B/8 2015 2/20- 2/26 175 329 175 51�4 162 450 24 1510/18A 2011 2/18- 2/24 250 95 250 92�6 193 460 57 3010/18A 2012 2/24- 3/01 250 93 250 98�9 217 594 64 2910/18A 2013 2/22- 2/28 250 122 250 97�5 190 519 82 4310/18A 2014 2/21- 2/27 200 90 200 100�0 165 518 45 2710/18A 2015 2/20- 2/26 200 139 200 97�8 178 560 49 2816A 2011 2/18- 2/24 350 105 349 100�0 289 927 72 2516A 2012 2/24- 3/01 350 128 350 100�0 307 1034 47 1516A 2013 2/22- 2/28 350 118 350 100�0 275 966 56 2016A 2014 2/21- 2/27 350 116 349 100�0 305 1061 25 816A 2015 2/20- 2/26 350 125 350 100�0 301 865 44 1517A/17B 2011 2/18- 2/24 450 196 450 99�5 354 920 55 1617A/17B 2012 2/24- 3/01 500 235 500 97�5 433 1293 143 3317A/17B 2013 2/22- 2/28 500 289 500 98�6 430 1488 94 2217A/17B 2014 2/21- 2/27 500 232 500 97�0 399 1378 75 1917A/17B 2015 2/20- 2/26 500 303 500 99�7 423 1408 60 1418B 2011 2/18- 2/24 450 208 450 91�4 370 1085 80 2218B 2012 2/24- 3/01 450 251 450 98�0 394 1142 110 2818B 2013 2/22- 2/28 450 234 450 94�4 376 1005 155 4118B 2014 2/21- 2/27 450 294 450 95�9 367 1239 136 3718B 2015 2/20- 2/26 450 377 450 90�5 374 1114 116 3119A 2011 2/18- 2/24 350 127 350 100�0 283 731 38 1319A 2012 2/24- 3/01 350 130 350 97�7 311 921 46 1519A 2013 2/22- 2/28 350 157 349 100�0 285 808 61 2119A 2014 2/21- 2/27 350 164 350 93�9 329 1017 35 1119A 2015 2/20- 2/26 350 172 350 98�3 298 905 50 1719B 2011 2/18- 2/24 250 27 221 100�0 215 591 36 1719B 2012 2/24- 3/01 250 27 250 100�0 226 572 77 3419B 2013 2/22- 2/28 250 15 249 100�0 218 591 16 719B 2014 2/21- 2/27 250 29 250 100�0 221 716 31 1419B 2015 2/20- 2/26 250 40 247 100�0 220 518 35 1620A 2011 2/18- 2/24 350 168 350 98�8 292 689 40 1420A 2012 2/24- 3/01 350 251 350 98�0 319 874 44 1420A 2013 2/22- 2/28 350 219 350 100�0 334 913 73 2220A 2014 2/21- 2/27 350 204 350 99�0 297 851 63 2120A 2015 2/20- 2/26 350 276 350 97�8 310 990 57 1820B 2011 2/18- 2/24 625 538 625 98�0 534 1432 95 1820B 2012 2/24- 3/01 625 536 622 99�1 566 1605 127 2220B 2013 2/22- 2/28 625 496 624 99�2 527 1398 159 3020B 2014 2/21- 2/27 625 663 625 86�7 546 1556 69 1320B 2015 2/20- 2/26 625 669 625 81�0 563 1632 93 1720C 2011 2/18- 2/24 250 264 252 92�4 214 553 40 1920C 2012 2/24- 3/01 250 279 250 88�5 226 654 68 3020C 2013 2/22- 2/28 275 300 275 89�3 247 693 94 3820C 2014 2/21- 2/27 300 357 300 81�5 250 683 66 2620C 2015 2/20- 2/26 325 363 325 83�5 276 725 73 2621 2011 2/18- 2/24 550 536 550 94�8 463 1247 77 1721 2012 2/24- 3/01 550 641 550 80�7 469 1118 94 2021 2013 2/22- 2/28 550 692 550 75�3 458 1222 127 2821 2014 2/21- 2/27 550 680 550 75�9 462 1365 66 1421 2015 2/20- 2/26 500 841 500 57�4 433 1384 58 1322 2011 2/18- 2/24 600 555 600 94�2 471 1158 105 2222 2012 2/24- 3/01 550 593 550 79�6 468 1293 100 2122 2013 2/22- 2/28 550 598 550 77�9 454 1274 84 1922 2014 2/21- 2/27 550 632 550 73�7 454 1274 66 1522 2015 2/20- 2/26 550 781 550 59�9 457 1216 93 2023 2011 2/18- 2/24 325 506 325 62�1 255 692 89 35

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (122)

Hunt Arizona 2015 121

Javelina Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year DatesAuthorized


1st ChoiceApplicants


Draw Odds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest Hunt Success

23 2012 2/24- 3/01 325 520 325 56�5 281 847 69 2523 2013 2/22- 2/28 325 502 325 59�6 279 743 89 3223 2014 2/21- 2/27 350 560 350 59�3 285 848 71 2523 2015 2/20- 2/26 350 722 350 47�4 296 881 79 2724A 2011 2/18- 2/24 225 244 225 89�3 173 487 58 3424A 2012 2/24- 3/01 225 167 225 97�6 191 510 34 1824A 2013 2/22- 2/28 200 234 200 73�1 166 440 37 2224A 2014 2/21- 2/27 200 197 200 89�9 158 400 44 2824A 2015 2/20- 2/26 200 244 200 69�7 177 497 26 1524B 2011 2/18- 2/24 225 222 225 91�4 198 510 71 3624B 2012 2/24- 3/01 225 298 225 70�5 191 503 40 2124B 2013 2/22- 2/28 225 341 225 63�3 191 486 56 2924B 2014 2/21- 2/27 225 327 225 66�4 209 544 48 2324B 2015 2/20- 2/26 200 363 200 47�4 169 515 56 3327 2011 2/18- 2/24 125 38 97 100�0 73 207 5 727 2012 2/24- 3/01 125 45 119 100�0 93 248 13 1427 2013 2/22- 2/28 125 45 125 95�6 93 301 14 1527 2014 2/21- 2/27 100 42 100 88�1 71 195 27 3827 2015 2/20- 2/26 100 42 100 100�0 81 257 24 3028 2011 2/18- 2/24 200 111 200 90�1 170 511 59 3528 2012 2/24- 3/01 200 155 200 95�5 173 518 69 4028 2013 2/22- 2/28 200 124 200 96�0 174 528 56 3228 2014 2/21- 2/27 200 141 200 88�7 153 462 62 4128 2015 2/20- 2/26 200 167 200 93�4 167 485 57 3429 2011 2/18- 2/24 100 21 57 100�0 51 111 41 8029 2012 2/24- 3/01 100 19 44 100�0 42 111 15 3629 2013 2/22- 2/28 100 24 100 100�0 95 300 30 3229 2014 2/21- 2/27 100 15 70 100�0 53 216 13 2529 2015 2/20- 2/26 100 27 94 100�0 86 270 20 2330A 2011 2/18- 2/24 350 81 279 100�0 228 600 96 4230A 2012 2/24- 3/01 350 75 255 100�0 210 534 87 4130A 2013 2/22- 2/28 350 91 350 100�0 279 753 142 5130A 2014 2/21- 2/27 350 87 350 100�0 300 854 103 3430A 2015 2/20- 2/26 350 84 350 100�0 308 799 72 2330B 2011 2/18- 2/24 125 55 125 100�0 98 268 42 4330B 2012 2/24- 3/01 125 58 125 98�3 108 313 28 2630B 2013 2/22- 2/28 175 71 175 97�2 160 457 53 3330B 2014 2/21- 2/27 175 57 175 96�5 155 470 42 2730B 2015 2/20- 2/26 175 81 175 98�8 134 469 43 3231 2011 2/18- 2/24 175 59 175 100�0 154 409 27 1831 2012 2/24- 3/01 175 71 175 100�0 138 348 37 2731 2013 2/22- 2/28 225 79 223 98�7 176 554 34 1931 2014 2/21- 2/27 225 69 225 100�0 159 494 37 2331 2015 2/20- 2/26 225 96 225 100�0 199 558 41 2132 2011 2/18- 2/24 450 218 450 97�7 410 1121 127 3132 2012 2/24- 3/01 450 217 450 96�3 395 1061 103 2632 2013 2/22- 2/28 450 221 450 92�8 350 961 138 3932 2014 2/21- 2/27 450 222 450 97�8 375 1024 124 3332 2015 2/20- 2/26 450 268 450 98�1 381 1103 108 2833 2011 2/18- 2/24 650 333 650 92�8 543 1420 109 2033 2012 2/24- 3/01 650 278 650 95�7 552 1583 124 2233 2013 2/22- 2/28 650 293 650 96�9 534 1502 169 3233 2014 2/21- 2/27 600 359 601 93�6 529 1438 106 2033 2015 2/20- 2/26 500 413 500 93�2 417 1305 83 2034A 2011 2/18- 2/24 550 146 550 100�0 516 1510 135 2634A 2012 2/24- 3/01 550 123 547 100�0 499 1459 138 2834A 2013 2/22- 2/28 550 140 550 100�0 479 1220 176 3734A 2014 2/21- 2/27 550 187 550 100�0 460 1313 122 2734A 2015 2/20- 2/26 600 236 597 99�6 542 1437 175 3234B 2011 2/18- 2/24 100 30 100 100�0 90 272 5 634B 2012 2/24- 3/01 100 25 100 100�0 91 235 23 2534B 2013 2/22- 2/28 100 25 100 100�0 59 129 18 31

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (123)

122 Hunt Arizona 2015

Javelina Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year DatesAuthorized


1st ChoiceApplicants


Draw Odds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest Hunt Success

34B 2014 2/21- 2/27 100 37 100 100�0 81 179 28 3534B 2015 2/20- 2/26 100 68 100 89�7 81 240 23 2835A 2011 2/18- 2/24 75 19 75 100�0 63 173 20 3235A 2012 2/24- 3/01 75 39 75 87�2 60 198 23 3835A 2013 2/22- 2/28 75 43 75 95�4 67 192 17 2535A 2014 2/21- 2/27 75 50 75 96�0 61 154 16 2635A 2015 2/20- 2/26 75 55 75 92�7 67 193 24 3635B 2011 2/18- 2/24 75 14 61 100�0 58 177 9 1635B 2012 2/24- 3/01 100 11 78 100�0 75 177 27 3635B 2013 2/22- 2/28 100 25 100 100�0 92 285 8 935B 2014 2/21- 2/27 100 30 100 93�3 79 228 31 3935B 2015 2/20- 2/26 100 39 100 87�2 93 243 36 3936A 2011 2/18- 2/24 375 134 375 94�8 335 951 85 2536A 2012 2/24- 3/01 425 95 425 100�0 383 1198 77 2036A 2013 2/22- 2/28 475 138 475 100�0 421 1276 143 3436A 2014 2/21- 2/27 500 138 500 100�0 461 1416 115 2536A 2015 2/20- 2/26 500 157 500 100�0 427 1293 107 2536B 2011 2/18- 2/24 475 123 412 100�0 358 1002 117 3336B 2012 2/24- 3/01 475 122 475 100�0 411 1176 102 2536B 2013 2/22- 2/28 475 108 475 100�0 427 1308 149 3536B 2014 2/21- 2/27 475 116 475 100�0 410 1136 124 3036B 2015 2/20- 2/26 475 218 475 93�1 429 1202 86 2036C 2011 2/18- 2/24 275 66 237 100�0 234 674 83 3536C 2012 2/24- 3/01 275 77 233 100�0 227 667 51 2236C 2013 2/22- 2/28 275 56 275 100�0 250 732 83 3336C 2014 2/21- 2/27 275 88 275 100�0 249 810 66 2736C 2015 2/20- 2/26 275 68 275 100�0 233 730 59 2537A 2011 2/18- 2/24 880 335 880 96�4 784 2264 187 2437A 2012 2/24- 3/01 880 324 880 100�0 773 2236 142 1837A 2013 2/22- 2/28 880 352 878 98�9 777 2311 193 2537A 2014 2/21- 2/27 880 278 880 99�3 753 2246 155 2137A 2015 2/20- 2/26 880 403 880 98�8 811 2466 149 1837B 2011 2/18- 2/24 1000 647 998 95�2 868 2402 244 2837B 2012 2/24- 3/01 1000 741 1000 89�7 901 2559 184 2037B 2013 2/22- 2/28 1000 638 1000 94�4 890 2537 221 2537B 2014 2/21- 2/27 1000 761 1000 94�1 882 2394 175 2037B 2015 2/20- 2/26 900 1048 900 78�9 819 2366 186 2342/44A 2011 2/18- 2/24 100 75 100 94�7 79 187 13 1642/44A 2012 2/24- 3/01 100 79 100 97�5 92 283 19 2142/44A 2013 2/22- 2/28 100 103 100 92�2 82 248 24 2942/44A 2014 2/21- 2/27 100 68 100 97�1 68 224 14 2142/44A 2015 2/20- 2/26 100 104 100 86�5 76 221 12 16FTHU 2011 2/18- 2/24 16 32 14 43�8 0 0 0 -FTHU 2012 2/24- 3/01 16 22 14 63�6 11 25 8 73FTHU 2013 2/15- 2/21 16 25 14 48�0 0 0 0 -FTHU 2014 2/14- 2/20 16 27 14 48�2 12 53 3 25FTHU 2015 2/13- 2/19 13 21 13 52�4 7 28 2 29SPRinG YOUTH OnLY6A/6B/8 2011 1/21- 1/31 75 68 75 85�3 68 191 17 256A/6B/8 2012 1/27- 2/05 75 77 75 85�7 63 144 28 446A/6B/8 2013 1/25- 2/03 75 68 75 94�1 55 143 22 406A/6B/8 2014 1/24- 2/02 100 76 100 98�7 76 188 21 286A/6B/8 2015 1/23- 2/01 100 76 100 100�0 73 184 32 4410/17/18A/19/20A 2011 1/21- 1/31 100 103 100 74�8 91 232 36 4010/17/18A/19/20A 2012 1/27- 2/05 100 84 100 65�5 93 212 56 6010/17/18A/19/20A 2013 1/25- 2/03 100 105 100 81�9 81 169 31 3810/17/18A/19/20A 2014 1/24- 2/02 100 84 100 91�7 83 232 34 4110/17/18A/19/20A 2015 1/23- 2/01 100 100 100 93�0 76 194 35 4616A 2011 1/21- 1/31 50 20 27 70�0 27 78 0 016A 2012 1/27- 2/05 50 10 20 100�0 14 37 3 2116A 2013 1/25- 2/03 50 8 26 100�0 9 17 0 016A 2014 1/24- 2/02 50 9 36 100�0 36 76 12 33

FTHU = Fort Huachuca

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (124)

Hunt Arizona 2015 123

Javelina Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year DatesAuthorized


1st ChoiceApplicants


Draw Odds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest Hunt Success

16A 2015 1/23- 2/01 50 20 44 100�0 44 109 9 2018B 2011 1/21- 1/31 100 46 59 93�5 48 98 27 5618B 2012 1/27- 2/05 100 21 70 76�2 56 101 42 7518B 2013 1/25- 2/03 100 23 79 100�0 57 108 0 018B 2014 1/24- 2/02 100 36 99 100�0 84 168 35 4218B 2015 1/23- 2/01 100 49 100 89�8 79 149 36 4620B/21 2011 1/21- 1/31 115 103 115 96�1 102 261 25 2520B/21 2012 1/27- 2/05 115 114 115 94�7 96 263 19 2020B/21 2013 1/25- 2/03 125 114 125 94�7 88 197 28 3220B/21 2014 1/24- 2/02 125 148 125 79�1 114 304 22 1920B/21 2015 1/23- 2/01 125 166 125 71�7 106 318 42 4020C 2011 1/21- 1/31 100 82 100 73�2 95 215 46 4820C 2012 1/27- 2/05 100 90 100 86�7 84 219 27 3220C 2013 1/25- 2/03 100 81 100 100�0 95 223 32 3420C 2014 1/24- 2/02 100 94 100 94�7 90 227 17 1920C 2015 1/23- 2/01 125 112 125 97�3 94 219 49 5222/23 2011 1/21- 1/31 75 162 75 46�3 56 141 30 5422/23 2012 1/27- 2/05 75 174 75 43�1 58 140 30 5222/23 2013 1/25- 2/03 75 175 75 42�9 56 109 10 1822/23 2014 1/24- 2/02 75 193 75 38�9 66 138 24 3622/23 2015 1/23- 2/01 75 230 75 32�6 59 150 29 4924A/24B 2011 1/21- 1/31 50 67 50 53�7 47 139 16 3424A/24B 2012 1/27- 2/05 50 54 50 63�0 45 132 5 1124A/24B 2013 1/25- 2/03 50 54 50 72�2 41 77 14 3424A/24B 2014 1/24- 2/02 60 62 60 66�1 57 150 10 1824A/24B 2015 1/23- 2/01 60 65 60 67�7 53 139 11 2127 2011 1/21- 1/31 25 6 18 100�0 15 18 15 10027 2012 1/27- 2/05 25 7 25 100�0 25 83 8 3227 2013 1/25- 2/03 25 10 25 100�0 25 25 0 027 2014 1/24- 2/02 25 4 25 100�0 5 20 0 027 2015 1/23- 2/01 25 13 25 76�9 16 63 3 1928/29/30/31/32 2011 1/21- 1/31 75 66 73 48�5 68 156 24 3528/29/30/31/32 2012 1/27- 2/05 100 40 86 85�0 69 206 34 4928/29/30/31/32 2013 1/25- 2/03 100 48 95 81�3 63 167 27 4328/29/30/31/32 2014 1/24- 2/02 100 65 100 87�7 79 207 21 2728/29/30/31/32 2015 1/23- 2/01 100 98 100 84�7 83 193 41 4933/37 2011 1/21- 1/31 150 110 150 80�9 131 311 46 3533/37 2012 1/27- 2/05 150 125 150 76�0 135 358 48 3633/37 2013 1/25- 2/03 150 123 150 90�2 131 291 44 3433/37 2014 1/24- 2/02 150 161 150 87�0 131 363 27 2133/37 2015 1/23- 2/01 150 184 150 74�5 127 315 46 3634 2011 1/21- 1/31 40 8 27 75�0 25 71 10 4034 2012 1/27- 2/05 40 8 25 87�5 19 56 11 5834 2013 1/25- 2/03 40 6 39 100�0 23 31 23 10034 2014 1/24- 2/02 40 12 40 100�0 35 99 11 3134 2015 1/23- 2/01 40 14 40 100�0 37 114 6 1635 2011 1/21- 1/31 20 1 3 100�0 2 4 2 10035 2012 1/27- 2/05 20 2 6 100�0 6 26 2 3335 2013 1/25- 2/03 20 2 5 50�0 5 10 0 035 2014 1/24- 2/02 20 6 13 100�0 10 23 0 035 2015 1/23- 2/01 20 6 19 100�0 16 44 6 3836 2011 1/21- 1/31 50 18 40 55�6 34 54 17 5036 2012 1/27- 2/05 50 10 43 100�0 41 93 12 2936 2013 1/25- 2/03 50 17 50 88�2 44 139 11 2536 2014 1/24- 2/02 75 22 75 86�4 58 184 15 2636 2015 1/23- 2/01 75 31 75 100�0 59 158 12 20SPRinG HAM6A/6B/8 2010 2/05-2/14 50 86 50 58�1 43 143 10 236A/6B/8 2011 2/04-2/13 50 115 50 43�5 47 166 10 216A/6B/8 2012 2/10-2/19 50 103 50 45�6 43 122 10 236A/6B/8 2013 2/08-2/17 50 129 50 38�8 38 133 13 346A/6B/8 2014 2/07-2/16 75 129 75 - 69 193 13 19

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (125)

124 Hunt Arizona 2015

Javelina Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year DatesAuthorized


1st ChoiceApplicants


Draw Odds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest Hunt Success

10/18A 2010 2/05-2/14 100 34 100 100�0 60 172 20 3310/18A 2011 2/04-2/13 100 45 100 86�7 87 226 24 2810/18A 2012 2/10-2/19 100 44 100 79�6 88 300 33 3810/18A 2013 2/08-2/17 100 46 92 100�0 81 327 32 4010/18A 2014 2/07-2/16 75 57 75 - 64 249 13 2016A 2010 2/05-2/14 100 47 100 95�7 87 277 15 1716A 2011 2/04-2/13 100 50 84 82�0 74 245 16 2216A 2012 2/10-2/19 100 23 85 100�0 80 280 8 1016A 2013 2/08-2/17 100 23 100 91�3 82 341 6 716A 2014 2/07-2/16 100 51 100 - 90 337 6 717 2010 2/05-2/14 100 68 100 91�2 74 226 26 3517 2011 2/04-2/13 100 63 100 96�8 77 223 8 1017 2012 2/10-2/19 100 63 100 93�7 83 230 26 3117 2013 2/08-2/17 100 76 100 81�6 83 367 21 2517 2014 2/07-2/16 100 74 100 - 81 269 19 2318B 2010 2/05-2/14 250 174 250 89�1 214 722 54 2518B 2011 2/04-2/13 250 162 247 80�9 227 646 75 3318B 2012 2/10-2/19 250 164 250 91�5 211 705 49 2318B 2013 2/08-2/17 250 185 250 82�7 220 825 60 2718B 2014 2/07-2/16 250 140 250 - 221 738 52 2419A 2010 2/05-2/14 100 62 100 88�7 91 286 18 2019A 2011 2/04-2/13 100 70 100 97�1 93 253 12 1319A 2012 2/10-2/19 100 38 100 94�7 96 269 19 2019A 2013 2/08-2/17 100 68 100 100�0 94 390 20 2119A 2014 2/07-2/16 100 54 100 - 80 309 16 2019B 2010 2/05-2/14 100 12 46 100�0 46 153 8 1719B 2011 2/04-2/13 100 9 40 100�0 37 166 9 2419B 2012 2/10-2/19 100 7 36 100�0 36 76 24 6719B 2013 2/08-2/17 100 6 100 100�0 80 240 20 2519B 2014 2/07-2/16 100 9 100 - 85 241 11 1320A 2010 2/05-2/14 150 86 150 100�0 139 455 44 3220A 2011 2/04-2/13 150 86 150 100�0 142 407 31 2220A 2012 2/10-2/19 150 79 150 100�0 135 530 15 1120A 2013 2/08-2/17 150 89 150 94�4 130 383 28 2220A 2014 2/07-2/16 150 84 150 - 117 379 31 2720B 2010 2/05-2/14 325 251 325 95�2 296 871 47 1620B 2011 2/04-2/13 325 248 325 93�2 288 861 65 2320B 2012 2/10-2/19 325 274 325 97�8 290 946 38 1320B 2013 2/08-2/17 325 232 325 99�6 301 1044 36 1220B 2014 2/07-2/16 325 257 325 - 292 935 35 1220C 2010 2/05-2/14 325 364 325 88�2 285 900 73 2620C 2011 2/04-2/13 325 287 325 95�5 272 845 93 3420C 2012 2/10-2/19 325 289 322 96�9 279 877 48 1720C 2013 2/08-2/17 325 269 325 95�2 283 996 72 2520C 2014 2/07-2/16 325 262 300 - 254 843 57 2221 2010 2/05-2/14 200 227 200 80�6 178 534 26 1521 2011 2/04-2/13 225 262 225 79�0 188 576 31 1621 2012 2/10-2/19 225 258 225 82�6 204 660 36 1821 2013 2/08-2/17 225 295 225 71�5 190 651 24 1321 2014 2/07-2/16 225 284 225 - 183 637 28 1522 2010 2/05-2/14 350 285 350 91�2 299 940 46 1522 2011 2/04-2/13 350 307 350 98�1 288 927 54 1922 2012 2/10-2/19 350 311 353**1 88�4 297 944 40 1322 2013 2/08-2/17 350 316 350 86�1 291 959 40 1422 2014 2/07-2/16 350 297 350 - 311 967 41 1323 2010 2/05-2/14 200 381 200 50�4 176 512 36 2023 2011 2/04-2/13 200 322 200 54�4 179 513 62 3523 2012 2/10-2/19 200 380 200 49�2 172 551 44 2623 2013 2/08-2/17 200 360 200 53�6 173 545 25 1423 2014 2/07-2/16 250 365 250 - 215 717 38 1824A 2010 2/05-2/14 135 110 135 92�7 118 357 39 3324A 2011 2/04-2/13 145 103 145 99�0 123 406 31 25

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (126)

Hunt Arizona 2015 125

Javelina Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year DatesAuthorized


1st ChoiceApplicants


Draw Odds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest Hunt Success

24A 2012 2/10-2/19 145 110 145 90�0 130 433 17 1324A 2013 2/08-2/17 125 104 125 96�2 97 310 28 2924A 2014 2/07-2/16 135 86 135 - 125 385 46 3724B 2010 2/05-2/14 100 123 101 **1 69�9 90 309 21 2324B 2011 2/04-2/13 100 112 100 88�4 87 261 26 3024B 2012 2/10-2/19 100 144 100 68�8 90 295 13 1424B 2013 2/08-2/17 100 151 100 62�3 76 190 18 2424B 2014 2/07-2/16 100 120 100 - 76 229 12 1627 2010 2/05-2/14 50 14 44 100�0 31 75 9 2927 2011 2/04-2/13 50 33 34 81�8 27 73 7 2627 2012 2/10-2/19 50 21 33 100�0 19 50 8 4227 2013 2/08-2/17 50 11 50 100�0 38 124 6 1627 2014 2/07-2/16 50 8 40 - 35 108 15 4328 2010 2/05-2/14 85 55 84 98�2 74 229 20 2728 2011 2/04-2/13 85 61 85 100�0 72 270 28 3928 2012 2/10-2/19 85 66 85 90�9 73 275 23 3228 2013 2/08-2/17 85 54 85 98�2 85 307 26 3128 2014 2/07-2/16 85 57 85 - 74 234 27 3629 2010 2/05-2/14 40 8 21 100�0 13 32 4 3129 2011 2/04-2/13 40 7 16 100�0 16 27 5 3129 2012 2/10-2/19 40 3 17 100�0 17 51 2 1229 2013 2/08-2/17 40 8 23 50�0 23 84 15 6529 2014 2/07-2/16 40 4 14 - 14 31 3 2130A 2010 2/05-2/14 100 43 72 95�4 59 118 26 4430A 2011 2/04-2/13 100 26 59 100�0 44 93 17 3930A 2012 2/10-2/19 100 29 73 100�0 59 157 25 4230A 2013 2/08-2/17 100 28 79 100�0 69 212 15 2230A 2014 2/07-2/16 100 36 97 - 82 263 23 2830B 2010 2/05-2/14 125 11 46 100�0 42 163 4 1030B 2011 2/04-2/13 125 25 52 100�0 42 153 10 2430B 2012 2/10-2/19 125 27 68 100�0 54 197 20 3730B 2013 2/08-2/17 75 30 75 100�0 56 181 25 4530B 2014 2/07-2/16 75 26 75 - 73 267 23 3231 2010 2/05-2/14 130 62 97 98�4 89 281 37 4231 2011 2/04-2/13 130 30 91 100�0 82 241 18 2231 2012 2/10-2/19 130 32 90 100�0 78 260 16 2131 2013 2/08-2/17 80 26 80 84�6 75 295 15 2031 2014 2/07-2/16 80 23 80 - 63 205 8 1332 2010 2/05-2/14 250 175 247 94�3 214 664 46 2232 2011 2/04-2/13 250 129 209 94�6 177 573 60 3432 2012 2/10-2/19 250 165 250 97�6 215 736 39 1832 2013 2/08-2/17 250 136 250 97�1 210 656 80 3832 2014 2/07-2/16 250 144 250 - 218 819 42 1933 2010 2/05-2/14 380 206 369 98�5 297 819 47 1633 2011 2/04-2/13 380 161 292 96�3 251 715 56 2233 2012 2/10-2/19 380 165 305 95�8 263 731 58 2233 2013 2/08-2/17 380 150 380 94�0 300 915 75 2533 2014 2/07-2/16 350 159 350 - 292 1081 70 2434A 2010 2/05-2/14 285 108 206 91�7 199 594 62 3134A 2011 2/04-2/13 285 68 165 100�0 143 445 36 2534A 2012 2/10-2/19 285 63 155 100�0 145 465 48 3334A 2013 2/08-2/17 285 77 285 94�8 247 727 43 1734A 2014 2/07-2/16 285 83 285 - 238 748 30 1334B 2010 2/05-2/14 30 10 30 100�0 28 83 8 2934B 2011 2/04-2/13 30 5 30 100�0 25 80 0 034B 2012 2/10-2/19 30 2 16 100�0 16 26 13 8134B 2013 2/08-2/17 30 9 30 100�0 30 68 15 5034B 2014 2/07-2/16 30 4 30 - 28 55 18 6435A 2010 2/05-2/14 80 28 39 92�9 37 154 10 2735A 2011 2/04-2/13 80 36 61 94�4 47 240 14 3035A 2012 2/10-2/19 80 11 50 100�0 50 174 16 3235A 2013 2/08-2/17 80 19 80 100�0 60 190 10 17

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (127)

126 Hunt Arizona 2015

Javelina Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year DatesAuthorized


1st ChoiceApplicants


Draw Odds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest Hunt Success

35A 2014 2/07-2/16 80 41 78 - 66 177 17 2635B 2010 2/05-2/14 80 15 35 100�0 33 103 14 4235B 2011 2/04-2/13 80 13 34 100�0 32 100 9 2835B 2012 2/10-2/19 80 29 48 100�0 44 135 11 2535B 2013 2/08-2/17 80 18 65 100�0 52 165 13 2535B 2014 2/07-2/16 80 17 80 - 65 247 26 4036A 2010 2/05-2/14 165 43 108 100�0 96 336 36 3836A 2011 2/04-2/13 165 28 74 100�0 62 201 23 3736A 2012 2/10-2/19 165 33 122 100�0 110 352 29 2636A 2013 2/08-2/17 115 37 115 100�0 109 326 38 3536A 2014 2/07-2/16 115 51 115 - 106 336 21 2036B 2010 2/05-2/14 150 62 97 91�9 80 250 36 4536B 2011 2/04-2/13 150 44 96 100�0 64 177 13 2036B 2012 2/10-2/19 150 33 92 100�0 87 274 12 1436B 2013 2/08-2/17 150 46 150 100�0 139 428 26 1936B 2014 2/07-2/16 150 52 150 - 122 406 21 1736C 2010 2/05-2/14 115 29 63 100�0 63 231 12 1936C 2011 2/04-2/13 115 24 40 100�0 35 101 3 936C 2012 2/10-2/19 115 21 68 100�0 56 206 5 936C 2013 2/08-2/17 115 10 93 100�0 87 244 6 736C 2014 2/07-2/16 115 13 92 - 81 240 7 937A 2010 2/05-2/14 360 169 360 96�5 308 1025 81 2637A 2011 2/04-2/13 360 142 360 98�6 330 1089 80 2437A 2012 2/10-2/19 360 163 360 95�1 315 1024 47 1537A 2013 2/08-2/17 360 150 360 92�7 324 1120 89 2737A 2014 2/07-2/16 360 170 360 - 304 1108 56 1837B 2010 2/05-2/14 500 391 500 94�4 455 1549 62 1437B 2011 2/04-2/13 500 329 500 93�9 458 1652 85 1937B 2012 2/10-2/19 500 460 500 96�7 441 1577 55 1237B 2013 2/08-2/17 500 426 500 94�4 442 1472 88 2037B 2014 2/07-2/16 500 378 500 - 455 1664 66 15SPRinG ARCHERYRegions 3 & 4 Units 2011 1/01- 1/20 1000 451 653 98�7 568 2362 191 34Regions 3 & 4 Units 2012 1/01- 1/26 1000 426 700 99�3 604 2757 207 34Regions 3 & 4 Units 2013 1/01- 1/24 1000 376 816 99�7 675 2857 289 43Regions 3 & 4 Units 2014 1/01- 1/23 1000 369 944 100�0 821 3899 179 22Regions 3 & 4 Units 2015 1/01- 1/22 1000 361 847 100�0 737 3139 215 296A/6B 2011 1/01- 1/20 500 305 471 95�7 414 1663 101 246A/6B 2012 1/01- 1/26 500 342 490 96�5 454 2356 140 316A/6B 2013 1/01- 1/24 500 332 500 95�5 434 1790 166 386A/6B 2014 1/01- 1/23 525 400 525 95�8 488 2193 88 186A/6B 2015 1/01- 1/22 525 437 525 95�9 436 1840 152 3517/18B/19/20A 2011 1/01- 1/20 1500 905 1210 96�5 1066 4626 421 3917/18B/19/20A 2012 1/01- 1/26 1500 937 1352 93�4 1210 5772 477 3917/18B/19/20A 2013 1/01- 1/24 1500 988 1500 93�1 1293 5560 536 4117/18B/19/20A 2014 1/01- 1/23 1500 936 1500 91�4 1286 6287 419 3317/18B/19/20A 2015 1/01- 1/22 1500 1081 1500 92�5 1289 5856 394 3120B 2011 1/01- 1/20 475 341 475 97�4 426 1947 100 2320B 2012 1/01- 1/26 475 335 475 99�7 437 2125 105 2420B 2013 1/01- 1/24 475 389 475 100�0 416 1745 89 2120B 2014 1/01- 1/23 475 404 475 98�5 418 1783 91 2220B 2015 1/01- 1/22 475 404 475 97�8 418 1783 77 1820C 2011 1/01- 1/20 275 239 275 86�6 250 895 95 3820C 2012 1/01- 1/26 275 282 275 89�7 247 1058 101 4120C 2013 1/01- 1/24 300 291 300 90�4 265 967 134 5120C 2014 1/01- 1/23 300 346 300 86�1 273 1126 112 4120C 2015 1/01- 1/22 325 388 325 83�3 277 1201 96 3521 2011 1/01- 1/20 400 493 400 78�9 344 1174 79 2321 2012 1/01- 1/26 400 474 400 80�6 325 1324 75 2321 2013 1/01- 1/24 400 468 400 81�6 346 1269 84 2421 2014 1/01- 1/23 400 454 400 83�5 338 1450 79 2321 2015 1/01- 1/22 350 453 350 74�4 286 1186 73 26

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (128)

Hunt Arizona 2015 127

Javelina Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year DatesAuthorized


1st ChoiceApplicants


Draw Odds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest Hunt Success

22 2011 1/01- 1/20 450 439 450 82�9 382 1401 82 2122 2012 1/01- 1/26 450 478 450 78�2 382 1726 68 1822 2013 1/01- 1/24 450 425 450 80�7 391 1518 149 3822 2014 1/01- 1/23 450 510 450 73�5 393 1755 114 2922 2015 1/01- 1/22 450 512 450 72�5 379 1566 86 2323 2011 1/01- 1/20 200 496 200 40�1 165 622 57 3523 2012 1/01- 1/26 200 498 200 40�0 173 690 47 2723 2013 1/01- 1/24 200 478 200 41�8 167 662 80 4823 2014 1/01- 1/23 250 515 250 48�2 207 860 52 2523 2015 1/01- 1/22 250 571 250 42�6 192 841 65 3424A 2011 1/01- 1/20 125 194 125 60�3 116 564 44 3824A 2012 1/01- 1/26 125 179 125 57�0 112 548 51 4624A 2013 1/01- 1/24 125 215 125 50�7 115 428 60 5224A 2014 1/01- 1/23 100 228 100 43�4 90 347 27 3024A 2015 1/01- 1/22 100 207 100 45�9 88 391 36 4124B 2011 1/01- 1/20 175 187 175 78�6 154 605 50 3224B 2012 1/01- 1/26 175 195 175 77�4 162 824 57 3524B 2013 1/01- 1/24 175 198 175 68�7 164 627 71 4324B 2014 1/01- 1/23 175 242 175 61�6 156 719 46 2924B 2015 1/01- 1/22 150 302 150 47�7 129 667 46 3627 2011 1/01- 1/20 75 33 71 90�9 57 241 20 3527 2012 1/01- 1/26 75 23 66 100�0 63 291 30 4827 2013 1/01- 1/24 75 19 74 89�5 61 229 20 3327 2014 1/01- 1/23 75 15 75 100�0 65 416 3 527 2015 1/01- 1/22 75 41 75 97�6 71 308 26 3728/29/30/31/32 2011 1/01- 1/20 1200 534 912 98�7 813 3626 260 3228/29/30/31/32 2012 1/01- 1/26 1200 444 810 96�0 707 3490 281 4028/29/30/31/32 2013 1/01- 1/24 1200 429 897 99�3 762 3237 343 4528/29/30/31/32 2014 1/01- 1/23 1200 400 868 99�0 744 3773 298 4028/29/30/31/32 2015 1/01- 1/22 1200 401 925 100�0 837 3916 299 3633/37B 2011 1/01- 1/20 1200 611 1039 94�4 931 3796 272 2933/37B 2012 1/01- 1/26 1200 635 1190 94�7 1063 4940 249 2333/37B 2013 1/01- 1/24 1200 590 1202 95�6 1062 4545 317 3033/37B 2014 1/01- 1/23 1200 690 1199 92�6 1027 5223 225 2233/37B 2015 1/01- 1/22 1200 746 1200 97�3 1072 4724 295 2834A/37A 2011 1/01- 1/20 700 255 503 96�9 452 2039 122 2734A/37A 2012 1/01- 1/26 700 245 537 98�8 496 2427 171 3434A/37A 2013 1/01- 1/24 700 262 697 96�6 607 2729 216 3634A/37A 2014 1/01- 1/23 700 268 700 97�4 645 3252 166 2634A/37A 2015 1/01- 1/22 700 328 700 97�6 623 2994 194 3134B/35 2011 1/01- 1/20 300 85 151 100�0 135 514 37 2734B/35 2012 1/01- 1/26 300 80 158 97�5 138 818 55 4034B/35 2013 1/01- 1/24 300 107 202 91�6 186 777 89 4834B/35 2014 1/01- 1/23 300 84 202 98�8 181 765 56 3134B/35 2015 1/01- 1/22 300 106 189 95�3 168 815 72 4336 2011 1/01- 1/20 800 115 310 100�0 255 1286 80 3136 2012 1/01- 1/26 800 131 344 100�0 316 1778 77 2436 2013 1/01- 1/24 800 133 435 100�0 394 2187 107 2736 2014 1/01- 1/23 800 137 547 100�0 472 2561 150 3236 2015 1/01- 1/22 800 191 542 100�0 498 3047 160 32FTHU 2011 1/01- 1/20 16 21 14 66�7 14 76 6 43FTHU 2012 1/01- 1/26 16 15 14 86�7 11 60 6 55FTHU 2013 1/01- 1/31 16 15 14 86�7 0 0 0 -FTHU 2014 1/01- 1/23 16 23 14 60�9 14 114 6 43FTHU 2015 1/01- 1/22 13 27 13 48�2 0 0 0 -FALL YOUTH OnLY16A 2010 10/08-10/17 50 8 16 100�0 12 36 0 016A 2011 10/07-10/16 50 11 27 100�0 25 103 6 2416A 2012 10/12-10/21 50 9 27 100�0 22 62 5 2316A 2013 10/04-10/13 30 13 30 100�0 15 45 0 016A 2014 11/21-11/30 30 18 26 77�8 22 78 4 1817A/17B 2011 10/07-10/16 100 73 85 94�5 66 210 28 42

FTHU = Fort Huachuca

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (129)

128 Hunt Arizona 2015

Javelina Harvest Data

Unit Year DatesAuthorized


1st ChoiceApplicants


Draw Odds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest Hunt Success

17A/17B 2012 10/12-10/21 100 81 100 97�5 71 250 12 1717A/17B 2013 10/04-10/13 100 112 100 89�3 89 250 18 2017B 2010 10/08-10/17 50 39 50 89�7 37 130 10 2717B/19A/19B/20A 2014 10/03-10/12 200 191 200 91�6 162 536 9 618B 2010 11/19-11/28 75 88 75 85�2 57 165 33 5818B 2011 11/18-11/27 75 86 75 87�2 61 164 39 6418B 2012 11/23-12/02 75 100 75 75�0 51 97 36 7118B 2013 11/22-12/01 75 89 75 75�3 55 164 32 5818B 2014 11/21-11/30 75 100 75 75�0 56 139 19 3420A 2010 10/08-10/17 75 56 75 98�2 49 153 8 1620A 2011 10/07-10/16 75 52 75 92�3 56 153 0 020A 2012 10/12-10/21 75 70 75 94�3 71 229 4 620A 2013 10/04-10/13 75 103 75 72�8 55 162 4 728/29/30/31/32 2010 11/19-11/25 100 83 100 92�8 80 187 30 3828/29/30/31/32 2011 11/18-11/24 100 58 81 94�8 44 97 13 3028/29/30/31/32 2012 11/23-12/02 100 84 100 92�9 71 188 32 4528/29/30/31/32 2013 11/22-11/28 100 103 100 96�1 73 209 30 4128/29/30/31/32 2014 11/21-11/27 100 86 100 97�7 57 168 11 1933 2010 11/19-11/25 75 57 75 96�5 69 183 9 1333 2011 11/18-11/24 75 47 66 83�0 60 159 6 1033 2012 11/23-12/02 75 49 71 98�0 48 111 9 1933 2013 11/22-11/28 75 88 75 84�1 61 188 7 1133 2014 11/21-11/27 75 77 75 89�6 56 164 9 1634/35 2010 10/08-10/14 50 9 15 100�0 15 34 0 034/35 2010 11/19-11/25 50 5 20 100�0 20 56 0 034/35 2011 10/07-10/13 50 8 15 75�0 10 40 5 5034/35 2011 11/18-11/24 50 6 11 83�3 11 22 6 5534/35 2012 10/12-10/21 50 9 21 100�0 21 47 2 1034/35 2012 11/23-12/02 50 13 13 100�0 7 7 3 4334/35 2013 10/11-10/17 50 15 40 100�0 13 53 7 5434/35 2013 11/22-11/28 50 17 32 100�0 18 28 0 034/35 2014 10/10-10/16 50 26 45 100�0 40 98 11 2834/35 2014 11/21-11/27 50 19 31 89�5 18 58 9 5036 2010 10/08-10/14 50 31 35 87�1 32 123 3 936 2011 10/07-10/13 50 25 32 92�0 29 64 0 036 2012 10/12-10/21 50 32 50 90�6 39 107 4 1036 2013 10/11-10/17 50 40 49 92�5 34 103 15 4437 2010 10/08-10/14 100 29 64 93�1 55 143 17 3137 2010 11/19-11/25 100 49 100 93�9 92 215 27 2937 2011 10/07-10/13 100 37 52 97�3 41 115 8 2037 2011 11/18-11/24 100 42 74 100�0 54 144 7 1337 2012 10/12-10/21 100 31 65 96�8 51 132 7 1437 2012 11/23-12/02 100 58 92 96�6 70 170 11 1637 2013 10/11-10/17 100 62 100 96�8 68 164 23 3437 2013 11/22-11/28 100 84 100 100�0 88 196 31 3537A/37B 2014 10/10-10/16 100 61 100 95�1 82 188 18 2237A/37B 2014 11/21-11/27 100 81 100 92�6 71 200 4 639 2010 11/19-11/28 25 16 24 87�5 24 53 5 2139/40 2014 11/07-11/16 25 13 18 100�0 18 59 0 039/41 2011 11/11-11/20 25 13 17 92�3 14 20 6 4339/41 2012 11/09-11/18 25 16 21 93�8 21 32 5 2439/41 2013 11/08-11/17 25 19 24 100�0 19 58 5 2639 2009 11/06-11/15 15 0 4 - 0 0 0 -39 2009 11/20-11/29 10 3 5 100�0 0 0 0 -39 2010 11/19-11/28 25 16 24 87�5 24 53 5 2139/41 2011 11/11-11/20 25 13 17 92�3 14 20 6 4339/41 2012 11/09-11/18 25 16 21 93�8 21 32 5 2439/41 2013 11/08-11/17 25 19 24 100�0 19 58 5 26

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (130)

Hunt Arizona 2015 129Hunt Arizona 2015 129

Bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis)




Natural HistoryArizona’s bighorn sheep population, consisting of both rocky mountain and desert subspecies, is currently estimated at about 5,000 animals—a severe reduc-tion from the numbers thought to once be present. The causes for this decline, which occurred primarily be-tween 1860 and 1920, were exposure to livestock-borne

parasites and diseases. now, thanks to livestock-free refuges and an aggressive translocation program, big-horn sheep numbers are gradually edging upward.

desert bighorn sheep weights vary considerably between the sexes. Adult rams weigh 160 and 200 pounds, with a maximum weight of 225 pounds. Adult ewes range from 75 to 130 pounds and average 110 pounds. The biggest visual difference between the

two sexes is the horns. ewe horns are generally 10 to 13 inches long with a circumfer-ence of three to six inches. An adult ram’s horns may mea-sure up to 40 inches along the outside curl with a basal cir-cumference between 13 and 16 inches. The horn core is honeycombed with chambers, or sinuses, which reduce the weight of the skull.

newborn bighorn lambs weigh from 8 to 10 pounds, have dark eyes and fuzzy, dark-gray hair, and are ac-tive within minutes of birth. As the lambs mature, their eyes take on the characteris-tic amber color of the adult’s eyes. After several months, they also take on the adult’s pale buff to dark, chocolate-brown coloration. This overall coat color is accentuated by a white muzzle, a white rump patch, light-colored eye rings, and a white edging on the rear legs. The tail is black, bordered in white.

Bighorn sheep have a life ex-pectancy of 10 to 12 years, but may attain an age of 17 years or older. Usually one, rarely two, lambs are born. The youngsters typically stay with their mothers




Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (131)

130 Hunt Arizona 2015

Bighorn Survey Data

until two years of age. The young rams then leave the nursery herds of ewes and lambs and join a bachelor herd. The adults usually remain segregated according to sex ex-cept during the summer breeding season, and sometimes during the spring with the sprouting of early vegetation.

sexual maturity varies, both physiologically and behav-iorally. Although rams as young as 6 months of age may be capable of breeding, they refrain due to the dominance of older rams. ewes do not breed until they are about

two-years old, and rams usually not until at least three years of age. The breeding season extends from early June through oc-tober, but the peak rutting activity takes place in Au-gust. The gestation period is about six months, and most lambs are born in late winter or early spring.

Bighorn sheep are diurnal animals and are usual-ly found in small groups, although herds of 50 or more are sometimes seen. native grasses are important in the bighorn’s diet, although the animals also feed heavily on jojoba and other woody plants. pincushion, barrel, and saguaro cactuses provide needed moisture. pre-ferred plants vary with habitat quality, locality, and species availability. mountain lions are the principal predator although golden eagles and bobcats have been observed taking lambs.

Hunt Historytotally protected by the territorial legislature in 1893, bighorn sheep were not legal game in Arizona until 1953, when it was determined that the limited hunt-ing of trophy rams might be the only way to save these animals. two limited hunts of 20 permits each were authorized, and 20 bighorn were taken. since then, permit numbers, the number of units open to hunting, the number of rams taken, and hunt success have grad-ually increased. Between 80-100 rams, mostly desert bighorn, are now being taken each year. This number will only increase, however, when the disease problem and other limiting factors are brought under control.Bighorn distribution

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (132)

Hunt Arizona 2015 131

Bighorn Survey Data

Historic Summary of Desert Bighorn Sheep Survey Data

Year Ram Ewe Lamb Yearling Unclassified Totalnumber Per 100 Ewes

Rams Lambs Yearlings1951 56 46 30 0 9 141 122 65 01952 48 36 15 0 8 107 133 42 01953 59 48 24 0 17 148 123 50 01955 159 129 29 0 41 358 123 22 01956 95 129 29 0 4 257 74 22 01957 43 48 0 0 0 91 90 0 01958 43 77 34 0 3 157 56 44 01959 15 46 10 26 5 102 33 22 571960 26 57 29 13 0 125 46 51 231961 47 106 46 1 0 200 44 43 11962 59 104 43 7 8 221 57 41 71963 47 109 48 6 8 218 43 44 61964 57 181 90 0 18 346 31 50 01965 75 134 69 0 41 319 56 51 01966 111 228 89 0 13 441 49 39 01967 109 341 145 0 46 641 32 43 01968 143 382 207 0 0 732 37 54 01969 142 407 152 0 2 703 35 37 01970 142 464 182 0 9 797 31 39 01971 131 264 138 0 20 553 50 52 01972 132 275 107 0 26 540 48 39 01973 95 214 76 0 7 392 44 36 01974 119 288 137 0 10 554 41 48 01975 213 418 170 0 12 813 51 41 01976 261 542 240 0 4 1047 48 44 01977 304 567 269 0 30 1170 54 47 01978 343 604 284 0 29 1260 57 47 01979 310 713 306 0 39 1368 43 43 01980 443 1073 459 0 3 1978 41 43 01981 374 775 272 0 1 1422 48 35 01982 478 892 301 0 9 1680 54 34 01983 554 934 278 0 4 1770 59 30 01984 527 819 212 173 0 1731 64 26 211985 590 1026 308 164 3 2091 58 30 161986 652 1137 383 220 2 2394 57 34 191987 648 1102 450 257 0 2457 59 41 231988 711 1306 470 259 0 2746 54 36 201989 571 1095 291 183 0 2140 52 27 171990 655 980 303 187 4 2129 67 31 191991 562 1008 301 190 9 2070 56 30 191992 696 1124 283 209 7 2319 62 25 191993 686 1051 264 167 5 2173 65 25 161994 789 1502 298 241 8 2838 53 20 161995 624 1224 299 107 6 2260 51 24 91996 474 870 134 96 4 1578 54 15 111997 742 1375 402 134 1 2654 54 29 101998 325 733 152 97 3 1310 44 21 131999 344 660 132 102 2 1240 52 20 152000 404 803 197 109 5 1518 50 25 142001 366 812 322 90 5 1595 45 40 112002 249 443 103 73 5 874 56 23 162003 288 739 224 84 3 1338 39 30 112004 197 443 179 43 1 863 44 40 102005 213 388 110 54 11 776 55 28 142006 381 635 154 71 8 1249 60 24 112007 396 690 215 93 9 1403 57 31 132008 433 764 260 99 7 1563 57 34 132009 516 980 323 115 1 1935 53 33 122010 414 773 195 154 1 1537 54 25 202011 493 954 312 97 3 1859 52 33 102012 701 1301 358 176 7 2543 54 28 142013 472 935 246 67 2 1722 50 26 72014 1004 1667 490 263 32 3456 60 29 16

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (133)

132 Hunt Arizona 2015

Bighorn Survey Data

Year Ram Ewe Lamb Yearling Unclassified Totalnumber Per 100 Ewes

Rams Lambs Yearlings1984 20 26 25 13 0 84 77 96 501985 16 22 9 3 0 50 73 41 141986 56 65 36 42 0 199 86 55 651987 54 54 14 40 76 238 100 26 741988 40 66 35 40 0 181 61 53 611989 50 69 41 50 0 210 72 59 721990 62 109 34 23 0 228 57 31 211991 43 68 27 18 0 156 63 40 261992 65 129 72 36 0 302 50 56 281993 75 157 82 18 0 332 48 52 111994 101 186 77 19 0 383 54 41 101995 68 171 82 24 0 345 40 48 141996 72 201 45 31 0 349 36 22 151997 71 150 69 20 12 322 47 46 131998 102 162 72 30 3 369 63 44 191999 65 188 71 25 0 349 35 38 132000 70 202 61 17 2 352 35 30 82001 75 190 60 11 0 336 39 32 62002 84 184 60 29 2 359 46 33 162003 11 25 5 2 0 43 44 20 82004 45 84 32 8 0 169 54 38 102005 89 155 49 17 38 348 57 32 112006 83 172 65 9 2 331 48 38 52007 59 115 62 17 0 253 51 54 152008 117 296 119 44 1 577 40 40 152009 52 95 46 7 9 209 55 48 72010 48 126 44 22 0 240 38 35 172011 97 255 97 21 0 470 38 38 82012 157 240 88 34 3 522 65 37 142013 43 47 12 0 0 102 91 26 02014 130 300 112 50 4 596 43 37 17

Historic Summary of Combined Bighorn Sheep Survey Data

Year Ram Ewe Lamb Yearling Unclassified Totalnumber Per 100 Ewes

Rams Lambs Yearlings1984 547 845 237 186 0 1815 65 28 221985 606 1048 317 167 3 2141 58 30 161986 708 1202 419 262 2 2593 59 35 221987 702 1156 464 297 76 2695 61 40 261988 751 1372 505 299 0 2927 55 37 221989 621 1164 332 233 0 2350 53 29 201990 717 1089 337 210 4 2357 66 31 191991 605 1076 328 208 9 2226 56 30 191992 761 1253 355 245 7 2621 61 28 201993 761 1208 346 185 5 2505 63 29 151994 890 1688 375 260 8 3221 53 22 151995 692 1395 381 131 6 2605 50 27 91996 546 1071 179 127 4 1927 51 17 121997 813 1525 471 154 13 2976 53 31 101998 427 895 224 127 6 1679 48 25 141999 409 848 203 127 2 1589 48 24 152000 474 1005 258 126 7 1870 47 26 132001 441 1002 382 101 5 1931 44 38 102002 333 627 163 102 8 1233 53 26 162003 299 764 229 86 3 1381 39 30 112004 242 527 211 51 1 1032 46 40 102005 302 543 159 71 49 1124 56 29 132006 464 807 219 80 10 1580 58 27 102007 455 805 277 110 9 1656 57 34 142008 550 1060 379 143 8 2140 52 36 132009 568 1075 369 122 10 2144 53 34 112010 462 899 238 176 1 1777 51 27 20

Historic Summary of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Survey Data

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (134)

Hunt Arizona 2015 133

Bighorn Survey Data


5-Year: 2010-2014 Desert Bighorn Sheep Survey Data

Unit Year Ram Ewe Lamb Yearling Unclassified Totalnumber per 100 Ewes

Rams Lambs Yearlings12A/12B West 2011 5 7 0 0 0 12 71 0 012A/12B West 2013 21 22 7 1 0 51 95 32 512A/12B West 2014 8 13 3 3 0 27 62 23 2312B East 2011 17 33 14 8 2 74 52 42 2412B East 2014 29 73 35 1 0 138 40 48 113A 2011 6 25 7 0 0 38 24 28 013A 2013 12 26 13 1 0 52 46 50 413A 2014 12 12 5 6 0 35 100 42 5013B North 2011 26 66 14 7 0 113 39 21 1113B North 2014 20 57 6 5 0 88 35 11 913B South 2011 4 15 5 3 0 27 27 33 2013B South 2014 5 24 5 2 0 36 21 21 815A/15B East 2011 12 19 6 0 0 37 63 32 015A/15B East 2014 4 11 3 0 1 19 36 27 015B West 2010 48 93 39 14 0 194 52 42 1515B West 2011 37 54 19 0 0 110 69 35 015B West 2012 68 107 50 16 0 241 64 47 1515B West 2013 50 105 30 11 0 196 48 29 1015B West 2014 39 86 27 5 6 163 45 31 615C North 2010 79 96 28 23 1 227 82 29 2415C North 2011 53 75 42 4 0 174 71 56 515C North 2012 62 103 31 7 0 203 60 30 715C North 2013 38 91 23 10 0 162 42 25 1115C South 2010 18 19 8 4 0 49 95 42 2115C South 2011 31 26 16 2 0 75 119 62 815C South 2012 27 39 7 1 0 74 69 18 315C South 2013 13 27 11 1 0 52 48 41 415D 2010 71 160 38 26 0 295 44 24 1615D 2011 117 227 87 8 0 439 52 38 415D 2012 137 273 77 0 0 487 50 28 015D 2013 124 322 80 0 0 526 39 25 015D 2014 116 195 49 14 0 374 59 25 715D North 2014 72 134 27 11 0 244 54 20 815D South 2014 45 62 22 3 0 132 73 35 516A 2011 0 5 0 1 0 6 0 0 2016A 2013 1 3 0 1 0 5 33 0 3316A 2014 9 20 3 0 0 32 45 15 016A South 2014 1 3 0 1 0 5 33 0 3316B 2011 20 21 2 2 1 46 95 10 1016B 2014 8 14 10 2 0 34 57 71 1418B 2010 5 25 2 9 0 41 20 8 3618B 2011 17 41 7 0 0 65 41 17 018B 2012 11 21 9 1 0 42 52 43 518B 2013 23 37 8 6 0 74 62 22 1618B 2014 22 48 10 0 1 81 46 21 022 2012 57 76 27 16 3 179 75 36 2124B 2012 44 69 20 12 0 145 64 29 1728 South 2010 6 14 6 1 0 27 43 43 728 South 2013 15 22 8 4 0 49 68 36 1831/32 2012 12 19 8 3 0 42 63 42 1631/32 2013 17 34 14 8 0 73 50 41 2431/32 2014 19 30 7 7 0 63 63 23 2337A 2011 7 16 9 2 0 34 44 56 1337A 2014 20 59 33 20 1 133 34 56 34

Historic Summary of Combined Bighorn Sheep Survey Data

Year Ram Ewe Lamb Yearling Unclassified Totalnumber Per 100 Ewes

Rams Lambs Yearlings2011 590 1209 409 118 1 2329 49 34 102012 858 1541 446 210 10 3065 56 29 142013 515 982 258 67 2 1824 52 26 72014 1134 1967 602 313 36 4052 58 31 16

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (135)

134 Hunt Arizona 2015

Bighorn Survey Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Survey Data

Unit Year Ram Ewe Lamb Yearling Unclassified Totalnumber per 100 Ewes

Rams Lambs Yearlings1/27 North 2010 12 28 11 6 0 57 43 39 211/27 North 2011 6 33 14 0 0 53 18 42 01/27 North 2012 15 40 20 6 0 81 38 50 151/27 North 2013 11 7 2 0 0 20 157 29 01/27 North 2014 8 56 20 8 2 94 14 36 14

Unit Year Ram Ewe Lamb Yearling Unclassified Totalnumber per 100 Ewes

Rams Lambs Yearlings37B 2011 4 9 2 0 0 15 44 22 037B 2012 14 24 10 4 0 52 58 42 1737B 2013 19 28 8 3 0 58 68 29 1137B 2014 8 16 5 0 0 29 50 31 039 2013 9 11 2 1 0 23 82 18 939 East 2012 14 21 5 7 0 47 67 24 3339 West 2012 21 33 11 5 0 70 64 33 1540A 2011 14 25 8 4 0 51 56 32 1640A 2014 14 25 3 5 0 47 56 12 2040A North 2011 7 9 3 0 0 19 78 33 040A North 2014 5 6 0 0 0 11 83 0 040A South 2011 7 16 5 4 0 32 44 31 2540A South 2014 9 19 3 5 0 36 47 16 2640B East 2012 9 13 3 1 0 26 69 23 840B West 2012 57 88 18 21 2 186 65 20 2441 North Gila Mtns 2014 2 12 3 3 0 20 17 25 2541 East 2012 18 42 9 6 0 75 43 21 1441 West 2012 13 29 8 4 1 55 45 28 1442 2010 11 13 3 2 0 29 85 23 1542 2011 5 15 2 4 0 26 33 13 2742 2012 7 28 6 3 0 44 25 21 1142 2013 16 25 5 4 0 50 64 20 1643A 2010 10 19 3 2 0 34 53 16 1143A 2013 17 24 4 3 1 49 71 17 1343B 2010 74 146 25 33 0 278 51 17 2343B 2013 68 127 24 9 1 229 54 19 743B Laguna Mtns 2014 5 8 3 1 0 17 63 38 1344A East 2010 22 36 7 8 0 73 61 19 2244A East 2013 24 25 8 4 0 61 96 32 1644A West 2010 10 13 3 2 0 28 77 23 1544A West 2013 5 6 1 0 0 12 83 17 044B North 2011 21 69 21 17 0 128 30 30 2544B North 2014 41 73 16 13 1 144 56 22 1844B South 2011 8 37 7 6 0 58 22 19 1644B South 2014 24 30 11 11 0 76 80 37 3745A 2010 12 51 10 5 0 78 24 20 1045A 2012 24 60 19 13 0 116 40 32 2245A 2014 48 85 16 18 2 169 56 19 2145B 2010 19 34 12 14 0 79 56 35 4145B 2012 16 28 5 6 1 56 57 18 2145B 2014 28 37 8 7 2 82 76 22 1945C 2010 29 54 11 11 0 105 54 20 2045C 2012 25 64 10 13 0 112 39 16 2045C 2014 28 47 9 6 3 93 60 19 1346AE 2011 14 20 4 3 0 41 70 20 1546AE 2014 21 20 10 5 2 58 105 50 2546AW 2011 12 22 10 4 0 48 55 45 1846AW 2014 22 35 10 5 0 72 63 29 1446BE 2011 26 42 6 3 0 77 62 14 746BE 2014 38 44 16 14 3 115 86 36 3246BW 2011 51 54 14 15 0 134 94 26 2846BW 2014 40 57 20 14 0 131 70 35 25

5-Year: 2010-2014 Desert Bighorn Sheep Survey Data (continued)

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (136)

Hunt Arizona 2015 135

Bighorn Hunt Data

Historic Summary of Bighorn Sheep Hunts¹

Year Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days Total Harvest Percent Success

1953 37 – 37 37 218 20 54�11954 20 – 20 19 103 12 63�21955 20 – 20 20 132 5 25�01956 20 – 20 19 112 6 31�61957 20 – 20 20 130 6 30�01958 40 – 40 37 – 18 48�61959 65 – 65 62 – 19 30�61960 80 – 80 80 – 24 30�01961 85 – 85 84 – 26 31�01962 90 – 90 89 – 27 30�31963 81 – 81 79 – 32 40�51964 78 – 78 76 – 25 32�91965 90 573 90 83 – 42 50�61966 84 601 84 84 – 35 41�71967 84 888 84 83 – 31 37�31968 81 1170 81 77 – 47 61�01969 86 1376 86 84 – 42 50�01970 79 1540 79 76 – 39 51�31971 82 1658 82 79 – 29 36�71972 71 1454 71 71 – 34 47�91973 65 1397 65 62 – 37 59�71974 57 1361 57 55 – 36 65�51975 54 1203 54 51 391 30 58�81976 55 1461 55 55 344 40 72�71977 51 1630 51 51 331 44 86�31978 52 1842 52 48 235 39 81�31979 52 1937 52 52 341 41 78�81980 50 2230 50 50 343 39 78�01981 45 2635 45 43 293 34 79�11982 42 2585 42 42 224 36 85�71983 48 2159 48 47 233 44 93�61984 55 2259 55 55 349 51 92�71985 56 2461 56 56 306 52 92�91986 65 2699 65 64 358 56 87�51987 72 3065 72 72 370 68 94�41988 78 3281 78 78 361 75 96�21989 82 3693 82 81 442 74 91�41990 78 3734 78 77 425 68 88�31991 85 4174 85 84 497 78 92�91992 82 4407 83 83 441 74 89�21993 99 4946 99 99 501 92 92�9

6A 2012 26 59 18 0 0 103 44 31 06A/22 North 2014 23 34 20 2 2 81 68 59 623 2011 2 6 2 0 0 10 33 33 027 2010 12 9 5 3 0 29 133 56 3327 2011 5 11 0 0 0 16 45 0 027 2012 17 12 7 3 0 39 142 58 2527 North 2010 17 69 21 11 0 118 25 30 1627 North 2011 28 51 16 2 0 97 55 31 427 North 2012 20 44 14 5 0 83 45 32 1127 North 2013 18 22 5 0 0 45 82 23 027 North 2014 53 76 20 8 0 157 70 26 1127 South 2010 7 20 7 2 0 36 35 35 1027 South 2012 22 9 2 4 0 37 244 22 4427 South 2013 14 18 5 0 0 37 78 28 027 South/28 North 2011 73 160 67 19 0 319 46 42 1227 South/28 North 2014 46 134 52 32 0 264 34 39 24

5-Year: 2010-2014 Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Survey Data (continued)

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (137)

136 Hunt Arizona 2015

Unit Year Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants

2nd Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest Hunt Success

1/27 North Black River 2010 11/01-11/30 1 175 112 1 0�6 1 1 1 1006A 2010 12/01-12/31 1 212 99 1 0�5 1 14 1 1006A 2011 12/01-12/31 2 429 153 2 0�5 2 5 2 1006A 2012 12/01-12/31 2 650 299 2 0�3 2 3 2 1006A (early) 2013 12/01-12/15 2 694 323 2 0�3 2 6 2 1006A (late) 2013 12/16-12/31 2 196 620 2 0�5 2 2 2 1006A/22 North (early) 2014 12/01-12/15 2 932 374 2 0�2 2 13 2 1006A/22 North (late) 2014 12/16-12/31 2 269 766 2 0�0 2 3 2 1009/10 2010 10/01-12/31 1 32 13 1 3�1 1 7 1 1009/10 2011 10/01-12/31 1 29 20 1 0�0 1 2 1 1009/10 2012 10/01-12/31 1 67 47 1 1�5 1 4 1 1009/10 2013 10/01-12/31 1 65 46 1 0�0 1 5 1 1009/10 2014 10/01-12/31 1 64 57 1 1�6 1 4 1 10012A/12B West 2010 12/01-12/31 2 29 138 2 0�0 2 27 1 5012A/12B West 2011 12/01-12/31 1 14 21 1 7�1 1 20 0 012A/12B West 2012 12/01-12/31 1 52 57 1 1�9 1 1 1 10012A/12B West 2013 12/01-12/31 1 43 49 1 2�3 1 6 1 10012A/12B West 2014 12/01-12/31 1 52 49 1 1�9 1 3 1 10012B East 2010 12/01-12/31 4 202 204 4 1�5 4 31 3 7512B East 2011 12/01-12/31 4 134 170 4 2�2 4 23 4 10012B East 2012 12/01-12/31 3 347 324 3 0�6 3 16 3 10012B East 2013 12/01-12/31 3 261 233 3 1�1 3 12 3 10012B East 2014 12/01-12/31 3 203 202 3 0�5 2 26 2 10013A 2010 12/01-12/31 2 80 77 2 2�5 2 14 2 10013A 2011 12/01-12/31 2 49 87 2 2�0 2 28 0 013A 2012 12/01-12/31 1 43 58 1 0�0 1 1 1 10013A 2013 12/01-12/31 1 61 62 1 1�6 1 12 0 013A 2014 12/01-12/31 1 61 55 1 1�6 1 13 1 10013B North 2010 12/01-12/31 4 255 178 4 1�2 4 25 3 7513B North 2011 12/01-12/31 4 244 174 4 1�6 4 12 4 10013B North 2012 12/01-12/31 3 430 358 3 0�5 3 5 3 10013B North 2013 12/01-12/31 3 448 269 3 0�7 3 38 2 6713B North 2014 12/01-12/31 3 403 295 3 0�7 2 6 2 100

¹ Excluding Indian Reservation hunts; including raffle and auction tags�

Bighorn Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Year Permits Authorized

1st Choice Applicants Permits issued Hunters Hunter Days Total Harvest Percent Success

1994 112 5673 112 109 580 100 91�71995 113 6256 114 114 622 109 95�61996 108 6843 108 108 754 100 92�61997 99 7077 99 99 721 92 92�91998 109 7790 109 109 907 98 89�91999 111 8408 111 110 745 104 94�52000 105 8471 106 106 691 101 95�32001 105 8767 105 104 748 96 92�32002 104 13013 105 101 674 92 91�12003 99 16049 99 95 764 87 91�62004 84 18927 84 84 663 68 80�92005 82 11266 82 81 681 73 90�12006 96 16332 96 95 673 87 91�62007 99 10930 99 97 698 92 94�82008 93 9017 94 94 702 86 91�52009 90 8500 90 89 533 87 97�82010 100 8206 100 100 589 92 92�02011 99 8315 99 99 589 96 97�02012 98 12233 96 96 556 96 100�02013 109 13488 109 107 652 103 96�02014 107 14236 104 103 640 102 99�0

Historic Summary of Bighorn Sheep Hunts¹ (continued)

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (138)

Hunt Arizona 2015 137

Unit Year Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants

2nd Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest Hunt Success

13B South 2010 11/16-12/31 2 24 78 2 8�3 2 12 1 5013B South 2011 11/16-12/31 2 19 79 2 5�3 2 2 2 10013B South 2012 11/16-12/31 1 28 52 1 3�6 1 8 1 10013B South 2013 11/16-12/31 1 32 68 1 3�1 1 14 1 10013B South 2014 11/16-12/31 1 25 39 1 0�0 1 8 0 015A/15B East 2010 12/01-12/31 1 14 21 1 7�1 1 7 1 10015A/15B East 2011 12/01-12/31 1 15 7 1 6�7 1 2 1 10015A/15B East 2012 12/01-12/31 1 28 47 1 0�0 1 9 1 10015B West 2010 12/01-12/31 4 139 236 4 1�4 4 24 4 10015B West 2011 12/01-12/31 2 67 111 2 3�0 2 8 2 10015B West 2012 12/01-12/31 2 95 179 2 1�1 2 23 2 10015B West 2013 12/01-12/31 4 279 347 4 0�4 4 24 4 10015B West 2014 12/01-12/31 3 184 245 3 1�1 3 11 3 10015C North 2010 12/01-12/31 4 268 462 4 1�1 4 12 3 7515C North 2011 12/01-12/31 6 354 559 6 1�1 6 10 6 10015C North 2012 12/01-12/31 6 445 807 6 0�7 6 14 6 10015C North 2013 12/01-12/31 6 989 763 6 0�5 5 26 5 10015C North 2014 12/01-12/31 3 328 281 3 0�9 3 21 3 10015C South 2010 12/01-12/31 1 16 60 1 0�0 1 1 1 10015C South 2011 12/01-12/31 1 19 36 1 0�0 1 8 1 10015C South 2012 12/01-12/31 2 126 319 2 0�8 2 3 2 10015C South 2013 12/01-12/31 2 104 172 2 0�0 2 2 2 10015C South 2014 12/01-12/31 2 192 335 2 0�5 2 13 2 10015D 2010 12/01-12/31 9 807 486 9 0�7 9 72 9 10015D 2011 12/01-12/31 7 877 530 7 0�6 7 25 7 10015D 2012 12/01-12/31 9 1311 867 9 0�5 9 46 8 8915D North 2013 11/22-12/11 5 807 622 5 0�5 5 10 5 10015D North 2013 12/12-12/31 6 637 899 6 0�3 6 19 6 10015D South 2013 12/01-12/31 4 166 253 4 1�8 4 19 4 10015D North 2014 12/01-12/31 8 2023 1066 8 0�3 8 39 8 10015D South 2014 12/01-12/31 4 308 839 4 0�3 4 33 4 10016A 2010 12/01-12/31 2 127 162 2 0�8 2 24 2 10016A 2011 12/01-12/31 2 164 145 2 0�6 2 35 2 10016A 2012 12/01-12/31 2 185 128 2 0�0 2 10 2 10016A 2013 12/01-12/31 2 190 118 2 0�5 2 6 2 10016A 2014 12/01-12/31 3 315 268 3 0�0 3 5 3 10016B 2010 12/01-12/31 2 62 78 2 3�2 2 10 2 10016B 2011 12/01-12/31 2 67 109 2 1�5 2 12 2 10016B 2012 12/01-12/31 2 68 145 2 1�5 2 6 2 10016B 2013 12/01-12/31 2 149 247 2 0�7 2 18 2 10016B 2014 12/01-12/31 2 131 142 2 1�5 2 6 2 10018B 2013 12/01-12/31 1 55 20 1 0�0 1 2 1 10018B 2014 12/01-12/31 1 59 40 1 0�0 1 7 1 10022 2010 12/01-12/31 3 967 317 3 0�3 3 5 2 6722 2011 12/01-12/31 3 853 333 3 0�4 3 16 3 10022 2012 12/01-12/31 3 1642 457 3 0�2 3 5 3 10022 2013 12/01-12/31 3 1775 467 3 0�2 3 27 3 10022 2014 12/01-12/31 3 1761 471 3 0�1 3 11 3 10024B Superstition Wild� 2013 12/01-12/31 1 142 144 1 0�7 1 21 1 10024B Superstition Wild� 2014 12/01-12/31 1 140 129 1 0�0 1 12 1 10024B North 2010 12/01-12/31 1 85 156 1 1�2 1 6 1 10024B North 2011 12/01-12/31 1 105 146 1 1�0 1 6 1 10024B North 2012 12/01-12/31 1 223 253 1 0�4 1 16 1 10024B North 2013 12/01-12/31 1 183 274 1 0�5 1 20 1 10024B North 2014 12/01-12/31 1 167 275 1 0�6 1 9 1 10024B South 2010 12/01-12/31 2 487 413 2 0�2 2 3 2 10024B South 2011 12/01-12/31 2 545 371 2 0�4 2 7 2 10024B South 2012 12/01-12/31 1 232 242 1 0�4 1 19 1 10024B South 2013 12/01-12/31 2 376 505 2 0�3 2 7 2 10024B South 2014 12/01-12/31 2 745 617 2 0�3 2 16 2 10027 Bear Canyon 2010 12/01-12/31 1 62 99 1 0�0 1 10 1 10027 Bear Canyon 2011 12/01-12/31 1 66 95 1 0�0 1 1 1 10027 Bear Canyon 2012 12/01-12/31 1 90 125 1 1�1 1 5 1 10027 Upper Blue River 2011 12/01-12/31 1 53 70 1 0�0 1 9 1 100

Bighorn Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest (continued)

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (139)

138 Hunt Arizona 2015

Unit Year Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants

2nd Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest Hunt Success

27 Upper Blue River 2013 12/01-12/31 2 296 267 2 0�7 2 5 2 10027 Upper Blue River 2014 12/01-12/31 3 363 418 3 0�6 3 46 2 6727 Lower Blue River 2012 12/01-12/31 1 59 102 1 1�7 1 1 1 10027 Lower Blue River 2013 12/01-12/31 3 288 351 3 0�7 2 5 2 10027 Lower Blue River 2014 12/01-12/31 3 316 410 3 0�6 3 14 3 10027N Foote Creek 2010 12/01-12/31 3 432 278 3 0�7 3 6 3 10027N Foote Creek 2011 12/01-12/31 3 368 216 3 0�5 3 13 3 10027N Foote Creek 2012 12/01-12/31 3 492 333 3 0�2 3 13 2 6727S/28N (early) 2010 12/01-12/15 3 482 381 3 0�6 3 13 3 10027S/28N (late) 2010 12/16-12/31 3 223 713 3 0�0 3 9 3 10027S/28N (early) 2011 12/01-12/15 3 449 385 3 0�7 3 12 3 10027S/28N (late) 2011 12/16-12/31 3 222 685 3 0�5 3 11 3 10027S/28N (early) 2012 12/01-12/15 3 649 526 3 0�5 3 11 3 10027S/28N (late) 2012 12/16-12/31 3 323 898 3 0�6 3 27 3 10027S/28N (early) 2013 12/01-12/15 4 761 576 4 0�4 4 17 4 10027S/28N (late) 2013 12/16-12/31 3 225 618 3 0�4 3 8 3 10027S/28N (early) 2014 12/01-12/15 4 645 439 4 0�6 3 11 3 10027S/28N (late) 2014 12/16-12/31 3 187 618 3 1�6 3 8 3 10028 Peloncillo Mtns 2010 12/01-12/31 1 95 91 1 1�1 1 4 1 10028 Peloncillo Mtns 2011 12/01-12/31 1 61 56 1 1�6 1 8 1 10028 Peloncillo Mtns 2012 12/01-12/31 1 78 91 1 1�3 1 2 1 10028 Peloncillo Mtns 2013 12/01-12/31 1 123 95 1 0�0 1 2 1 10028 Peloncillo Mtns 2014 12/01-12/31 1 137 104 1 0�0 1 3 1 10031/32 2010 12/01-12/31 3 463 312 3 0�2 3 27 3 10031/32 2011 12/01-12/31 3 419 307 3 0�2 3 17 3 10031/32 2012 12/01-12/31 3 1172 922 3 0�3 3 7 3 10031/32 2013 12/01-12/31 2 890 486 2 0�2 2 14 2 10031/32 2014 12/01-12/31 2 609 401 2 0�3 2 12 2 10037A 2010 12/01-12/31 2 263 232 2 0�8 2 5 2 10037A 2011 12/01-12/31 2 309 225 2 0�3 2 14 2 10037A 2012 12/01-12/31 1 322 154 1 0�3 1 3 1 10037A 2013 12/01-12/31 2 399 285 2 0�3 2 18 2 10037A 2014 12/01-12/31 1 280 119 1 0�0 1 8 1 10037B 2013 12/01-12/31 1 170 132 1 0�6 1 4 1 10037B 2014 12/01-12/31 1 119 141 1 0�8 1 1 1 10039 West 2010 12/01-12/31 2 133 98 2 1�5 2 4 2 2 39 West 2011 12/01-12/31 2 159 184 2 0�6 2 10 2 2 39 West 2012 12/01-12/31 2 214 149 2 0�9 2 8 2 2 39 East 2013 12/01-12/31 1 44 51 1 0�0 1 9 1 1 39 West 2013 12/01-12/31 2 248 207 2 0�4 2 17 2 2 39 East 2014 12/01-12/31 1 42 55 1 2�4 1 15 1 1 39 West 2014 12/01-12/31 2 212 252 2 0�9 2 21 2 10040A 2014 12/01-12/31 1 60 32 1 1�7 1 26 1 10040BW Gila Mtns 2010 12/01-12/31 2 51 112 2 3�9 2 7 2 10040BW Gila Mtns 2011 12/01-12/31 2 61 164 2 1�6 2 19 2 10040BW Gila Mtns 2012 12/01-12/31 2 92 155 2 1�1 2 8 2 10040BW Gila Mtns 2013 12/01-12/31 2 89 238 2 1�1 2 43 1 5040BW Gila Mtns 2014 12/01-12/31 2 143 206 2 0�0 2 10 2 10040BW Mohawk/Copper 2010 12/01-12/31 2 98 110 2 2�0 2 5 2 10040BW Mohawk/Copper 2011 12/01-12/31 2 64 106 2 3�1 2 13 2 10040BW Mohawk/Copper 2012 12/01-12/31 2 99 211 2 1�0 2 22 2 10040BW Mohawk/Copper 2013 12/01-12/31 3 204 352 3 1�0 3 26 3 10040BW Mohawk/Copper 2014 12/01-12/31 3 174 354 3 0�6 3 10 3 10040BW Tinajas Atlas 2010 12/01-12/31 2 48 92 2 4�2 2 10 2 10040BW Tinajas Atlas 2011 12/01-12/31 2 54 117 2 1�9 2 19 2 10040BW Tinajas Atlas 2012 12/01-12/31 2 217 192 2 0�5 2 11 2 10040BW Tinajas Atlas 2013 12/01-12/31 1 46 66 1 2�2 1 3 1 10040BW Tinajas Atlas 2014 12/01-12/31 1 46 60 1 2�2 1 2 1 10041E 2010 12/01-12/31 2 144 151 2 0�0 2 21 1 5041E 2011 12/01-12/31 2 151 126 2 0�7 2 8 2 10041E 2012 12/01-12/31 2 198 168 2 1�0 2 32 2 10041E 2013 12/01-12/31 1 66 75 1 1�5 1 4 1 10041E 2014 12/01-12/31 1 95 90 1 1�1 1 9 1 10041W 2010 12/01-12/31 2 163 167 2 0�6 2 19 1 50

Bighorn Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest (continued)

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (140)

Hunt Arizona 2015 139

Unit Year Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st Choice Applicants

2nd Choice Applicants


DrawOdds Hunters Hunter

Days Harvest Hunt Success

41W 2011 12/01-12/31 2 67 87 2 3�0 2 31 2 10041W 2012 12/01-12/31 2 44 136 2 0�0 2 5 2 10041W 2013 12/01-12/31 1 34 60 1 0�0 1 3 1 10041W 2014 12/01-12/31 1 32 62 1 3�1 1 5 1 10042 2013 12/01-12/31 1 71 61 1 1�4 1 1 1 10042/44A South 2014 12/01-12/31 2 233 172 2 0�4 1 6 2 20043A 2010 12/01-12/31 1 28 34 1 3�6 1 1 1 10043A 2011 12/01-12/31 1 30 29 1 3�3 1 2 1 10043A 2012 12/01-12/31 1 44 55 1 0�0 1 6 1 10043A 2013 12/01-12/31 1 39 39 1 2�6 1 7 1 10043A 2014 12/01-12/31 1 75 56 1 0�0 1 2 1 10043B 2010 12/01-12/31 5 292 289 5 1�7 5 10 5 10043B 2011 12/01-12/31 6 507 347 6 0�6 6 26 6 10043B 2012 12/01-12/31 6 662 565 6 0�5 6 40 6 10043B 2013 12/01-12/31 6 715 580 6 0�4 6 34 5 8343B 2014 12/01-12/31 7 743 698 7 0�7 7 53 7 10044A East 2010 12/01-12/31 1 36 35 1 2�8 1 1 1 10044A West 2010 12/01-12/31 1 49 38 1 2�0 1 6 1 10044A East 2011 12/01-12/31 1 58 54 1 0�0 1 23 1 10044A West 2011 12/01-12/31 1 39 48 1 0�0 1 2 1 10044A East 2012 12/01-12/31 1 77 61 1 0�0 1 2 1 10044A West 2012 12/01-12/31 1 86 74 1 1�2 1 3 1 10044A East 2013 12/01-12/31 1 68 64 1 1�5 1 21 1 10044A West 2013 12/01-12/31 1 47 77 1 2�1 1 2 1 10044A East 2014 12/01-12/31 1 40 37 1 2�5 1 2 1 10044A West 2014 12/01-12/31 1 74 51 1 1�4 1 1 1 10044B North 2010 12/01-12/31 3 652 472 3 0�5 3 5 3 10044B North 2011 12/01-12/31 3 567 427 3 0�5 3 12 3 10044B North 2012 12/01-12/31 2 586 338 2 0�3 2 2 2 10044B North 2013 12/01-12/31 2 466 306 2 0�2 2 6 2 10044B North 2014 12/01-12/31 2 603 578 2 0�0 2 7 2 10044B South 2010 12/01-12/31 1 67 80 1 1�5 1 1 1 10044B South 2011 12/01-12/31 1 52 96 1 0�0 1 4 1 10044B South 2012 12/01-12/31 1 53 87 1 1�9 1 1 1 10044B South 2013 12/01-12/31 1 43 84 1 2�3 1 5 1 10044B South 2014 12/01-12/31 1 53 81 1 1�9 1 1 1 10045A 2010 12/01-12/31 1 53 39 1 1�9 1 17 1 10045A 2011 12/01-12/31 1 26 31 1 3�8 1 6 1 10045A 2012 12/01-12/31 1 47 48 1 2�1 1 11 1 10045A 2013 12/01-12/31 1 47 42 1 2�1 1 4 1 10045A 2014 12/01-12/31 1 37 46 1 2�7 1 6 1 10045B 2010 12/01-12/31 1 14 65 1 0�0 1 6 1 10045B 2011 12/01-12/31 1 14 49 1 0�0 1 4 1 10045B 2012 12/01-12/31 1 23 71 1 0�0 1 15 1 10045B 2013 12/01-12/31 1 26 52 1 0�0 1 20 1 10045B 2014 12/01-12/31 1 32 50 1 0�0 1 2 1 10045C 2010 12/01-12/31 3 177 139 3 1�1 3 10 3 10045C 2011 12/01-12/31 3 149 95 3 1�3 3 32 3 10045C 2012 12/01-12/31 3 168 159 3 1�2 3 14 3 10045C 2013 12/01-12/31 1 79 55 1 1�3 1 1 1 10045C 2014 12/01-12/31 1 92 52 1 1�1 1 28 1 10046A 2010 12/01-12/31 1 30 24 1 0�0 1 3 1 10046A 2011 12/01-12/31 1 38 32 1 2�6 1 7 1 10046A 2012 12/01-12/31 2 145 198 2 1�4 2 20 1 5046A 2013 12/01-12/31 2 93 139 2 0�0 2 27 2 10046A 2014 12/01-12/31 2 111 177 2 0�0 2 6 2 10046B 2010 12/01-12/31 5 170 192 5 1�8 5 49 5 10046B 2011 12/01-12/31 5 348 394 5 1�1 5 33 5 10046B 2012 12/01-12/31 7 321 493 7 0�9 7 44 7 10046B 2013 12/01-12/31 7 259 349 7 0�8 7 42 7 10046B 2014 12/01-12/31 7 321 535 7 0�9 7 58 7 100

Bighorn Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest (continued)

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (141)

140 Hunt Arizona 2015

Hunt Curl (inches) Base (inches)

name Unit Left Right Left Right Maximum Spread Tip to Tip Age Arizona

Score Green Score

spec tag 6A 36 7/8 38 5/8 16 5/8 16 6/8 23 4/8 21 2/8 8 108 7/8 182 6/8spec tag 15DN 32 2/8 36 4/8 15 4/8 15 3/8 28 28 9 99 5/8 170 4/8spec tag 22 36 4/8 36 2/8 14 6/8 14 4/8 21 5/8 19 6/8 9 102 173 4/86001 10 32 31 7/8 14 6/8 14 6/8 20 7/8 20 2/8 6 93 3/8 160 5/86002 12BW 25 4/8 27 14 14 2/8 22 21 6/8 5 80 6/8 128 2/86003 12BE 30 2/8 31 2/8 14 2/8 14 2/8 21 1/8 21 1/8 11 90 159 6/86003 12BE 33 4/8 35 14 3/8 14 4/8 27 27 8 97 3/8 162 6/86004 13A 35 1/8 30 4/8 15 2/8 15 1/8 24 3/8 24 3/8 8 96 165 3/86005 13BN - - - - - - - - -6005 13BN 34 4/8 34 3/8 14 6/8 14 7/8 20 3/8 19 4/8 8 98 4/8 172 7/86005 13BN 31 2/8 28 7/8 15 1/8 15 25 3/8 25 3/8 6 90 2/8 151 1/86006 13BS - - - - - - - - -6007 15BW 28 3/8 28 2/8 13 2/8 13 1/8 18 3/8 18 3/8 5 83 140 7/86007 15BW 31 2/8 31 2/8 15 15 22 20 7/8 8 92 4/8 161 6007 15BW 31 4/8 30 4/8 14 2/8 14 2/8 19 5/8 17 3/8 7 90 4/8 154 2/86008 15CN 33 6/8 32 1/8 12 7/8 12 7/8 25 1/8 25 1/8 10 91 5/8 154 5/86008 15CN 28 6/8 28 3/8 13 5/8 13 5/8 20 6/8 20 6/8 4 84 3/8 133 3/86008 15CN 26 4/8 27 3/8 12 5/8 13 17 6/8 16 6 79 4/8 132 1/86009 15CS 32 5/8 31 5/8 15 6/8 15 4/8 23 4/8 23 4/8 6 95 4/8 166 6/86009 15CS 33 4/8 31 6/8 14 1/8 14 2/8 22 22 7 93 5/8 160 6010 15DN 30 6/8 29 5/8 13 2/8 13 1/8 24 24 12 86 6/8 149 3/86010 15DN 32 2/8 33 2/8 15 14 7/8 24 6/8 24 6/8 6 95 3/8 160 6/86010 15DN 31 32 2/8 15 1/8 15 1/8 23 4/8 23 4/8 7 93 4/8 158 4/86010 15DN 38 5/8 38 2/8 15 15 30 5/8 30 5/8 7 106 7/8 172 7/86010 15DN 34 35 14 6/8 14 3/8 24 24 8 98 1/8 169 2/86010 15DN 36 34 1/8 15 14 4/8 25 7/8 25 7/8 8 99 5/8 163 5/86010 15DN 34 3/8 35 4/8 14 1/8 14 1/8 26 4/8 26 4/8 9 98 1/8 167 1/86010 15DN 33 32 4/8 14 4/8 14 6/8 22 6/8 22 6/8 5 94 6/8 158 4/86011 15DS 30 30 4/8 14 4/8 14 6 21 2/8 21 2/8 89 148 6/86011 15DS 34 1/8 33 4/8 15 4/8 15 5/8 7 25 7/8 25 7/8 98 6/8 169 7/86011 15DS 32 2/8 26 4/8 14 7/8 14 6/8 6 20 4/8 20 4/8 88 3/8 153 6/86011 15DS 34 4/8 34 5/8 15 4/8 15 5/8 6 24 2/8 24 2/8 100 2/8 164 1/86012 16A 34 4/8 32 3/8 14 2/8 14 3/8 8 21 7/8 19 1/8 95 4/8 156 7/86012 16A 33 6/8 36 14 7/8 14 6/8 9 22 6/8 22 6/8 99 3/8 171 2/86012 16A 32 1/8 30 7/8 15 2/8 15 2/8 7 19 17 5/8 93 4/8 159 6/86013 16B 34 5/8 36 2/8 13 12 7/8 11 19 5/8 19 5/8 96 6/8 163 1/86013 16B 25 25 2/8 11 7/8 12 3 21 21 74 1/8 115 6/86014 18B 33 4/8 29 2/8 14 6/8 14 6/8 6 23 5/8 23 5/8 92 2/8 148 2/86015 22 35 2/8 32 4/8 15 5/8 15 4/8 8 21 23 2/8 98 7/8 171 6/86015 22 33 7/8 37 4/8 15 15 8 19 5/8 17 4/8 101 3/8 175 7/86015 22 37 37 2/8 16 3/8 16 4/8 7 24 21 3/8 107 1/8 184 2/86016 24B 35 2/8 36 5/8 15 5/8 15 6/8 8 18 21 7/8 103 2/8 173 7/86017 24BN 32 6/8 35 7/8 15 14 7/8 6 22 4/8 20 6/8 98 4/8 170 1/86018 24BS 37 36 3/8 16 6/8 16 4/8 8 20 2/8 21 2/8 106 5/8 185 5/86018 24BS 33 7/8 37 4/8 16 2/8 16 2/8 9 27 27 103 7/8 174 3/86019 28S 35 36 4/8 14 7/8 15 7 21 6/8 19 2/8 101 3/8 173 4/86020 31/32 31 3/8 34 1/8 14 2/8 14 3/8 8 21 1/8 20 4/8 94 1/8 157 2/86020 31/32 34 34 1/8 14 1/8 14 7 19 4/8 19 1/8 96 2/8 158 7/86021 37A 36 36 15 4/8 15 3/8 8 20 6/8 15 4/8 102 7/8 174 6/86022 37B 33 6/8 34 2/8 15 5/8 15 7/8 7 21 17 5/8 99 4/8 171 6/86023 39E 33 3/8 32 2/8 14 3/8 14 6/8 8 21 4/8 15 3/8 94 6/8 159 3/86024 39W 34 4/8 32 5/8 14 7/8 15 8 21 2/8 21 2/8 97 164 1/86024 39W 34 3/8 35 14 1/8 14 1/8 8 19 2/8 19 2/8 97 5/8 165 3/86025 40A 36 4/8 35 3/8 15 15 1/8 8 20 6/8 17 102 170 1/86026 40BWG 29 3/8 30 4/8 15 1/8 15 18 6/8 16 6/8 9 90 157 3/86026 40BWG 32 4/8 34 4/8 15 4/8 15 5/8 18 5/8 16 4/8 8 98 1/8 158 4/86027 40BWM 28 2/8 28 5/8 13 6/8 13 6/8 19 4/8 17 6/8 9 84 3/8 146 7/86027 40BWM 32 1/8 32 4/8 13 4/8 13 5/8 24 2/8 21 2/8 9 91 6/8 155 5/86027 40BWM 36 6/8 36 4/8 14 7/8 15 21 6/8 17 2/8 7 103 1/8 172 6028 40BWT 31 2/8 31 7/8 14 4/8 14 3/8 21 4/8 16 6/8 8 92 159 1/86029 41E 29 31 4/8 14 1/8 14 22 5/8 22 4/8 8 88 5/8 155 6/8

Bighorn Harvest Data

Successful Hunters and the Measurements of their Bighorn Sheep - 2014 Season

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (142)

Hunt Arizona 2015 141

Hunt Curl (inches) Base (inches)

name Unit Left Right Left Right Maximum Spread Tip to Tip Age Arizona

Score Green Score

6030 41W 28 6/8 28 6/8 14 5/8 14 5/8 19 3/8 18 6 86 6/8 148 4/86031 42 33 7/8 34 4/8 15 1/8 15 2/8 22 4/8 19 5/8 8 98 6/8 173 5/86031 42 34 34 2/8 15 1/8 15 3/8 21 5/8 18 4/8 8 98 6/8 172 6032 43A 34 1/8 34 5/8 14 3/8 14 4/8 23 4/8 23 4/8 8 97 5/8 165 6033 43B 33 1/8 34 6/8 12 4/8 12 5/8 17 7/8 17 7/8 13 93 159 7/86033 43B 31 6/8 32 15 1/8 15 20 5/8 19 3/8 7 93 7/8 159 4/86033 43B 34 1/8 33 3/8 13 6/8 13 6/8 20 6/8 17 2/8 10 95 161 4/86033 43B 30 4/8 30 1/8 15 15 19 7/8 19 7/8 8 90 5/8 160 7/86033 43B 29 3/8 30 4/8 13 3/8 13 4/8 18 5/8 13 2/8 9 86 6/8 153 3/86033 43B 36 1/8 35 6/8 14 2/8 14 2/8 20 4/8 20 2/8 10 100 3/8 164 3/86033 43B 33 3/8 33 3/8 14 2/8 14 18 6/8 17 4/8 7 95 162 4/86034 44AE 33 6/8 32 5/8 14 3/8 14 3/8 22 6/8 22 6/8 7 95 1/8 156 1/86035 44AW 35 6/8 37 14 5/8 15 23 4/8 22 3/8 9 102 3/8 172 6/86036 44BN 36 5/8 37 7/8 15 15 1/8 21 4/8 20 4/8 10 104 5/8 180 2/86036 44BN 33 5/8 35 2/8 15 15 2/8 21 3/8 20 2/8 7 99 1/8 164 3/86037 44BS 36 7/8 37 1/8 14 5/8 14 2/8 20 5/8 20 5/8 8 102 7/8 175 4/86038 45A 34 7/8 32 6/8 14 4/8 14 4/8 20 6/8 15 4/8 8 96 5/8 163 5/86039 45B 27 1/8 28 3/8 13 2/8 13 17 5/8 17 5/8 7 81 6/8 138 6/86040 45C 31 6/8 30 5/8 13 7/8 13 6/8 21 4/8 18 4/8 8 90 157 3/86041 46A 37 4/8 34 2/8 15 6/8 15 3/8 21 3/8 21 3/8 8 102 7/8 171 6041 46A 27 5/8 27 3/8 15 15 19 18 5/8 4 85 140 2/86042 46B 26 27 2/8 14 5/8 14 6/8 16 3/8 16 1/8 7 82 5/8 146 4/86042 46B 34 3/8 33 7/8 15 2/8 15 20 5/8 16 2/8 7 98 4/8 166 6/86042 46B 34 6/8 35 6/8 16 4/8 15 6/8 21 4/8 14 1/8 8 102 6/8 176 6042 46B 31 7/8 31 7/8 15 4/8 15 1/8 22 2/8 18 5/8 8 94 3/8 161 6/86042 46B 35 7/8 34 14 5/8 14 6/8 21 6/8 21 6/8 8 99 2/8 166 3/86042 46B 31 29 2/8 13 4/8 13 1/8 21 4/8 21 4/8 6 86 7/8 138 2/86042 46B 32 4/8 31 4/8 14 14 20 1/8 15 9 92 157 6/86051 6A 34 7/8 35 3/8 15 1/8 15 4/8 23 4/8 21 7 100 7/8 168 2/86051 6A 32 4/8 31 6/8 15 15 4/8 20 5/8 15 7/8 7 94 6/8 161 4/86052 6A 37 6/8 37 2/8 16 15 7/8 20 2/8 19 4/8 7 106 7/8 181 2/86052 6A/22N 38 36 5/8 15 5/8 15 7/8 21 6/8 20 4/8 8 106 1/8 179 1/86053 27S 32 6/8 32 4/8 15 1/8 15 1/8 24 4/8 23 4/8 9 95 4/8 165 6/86053 27S 31 3/8 30 7/8 14 5/8 14 4/8 21 6/8 21 2/8 6 91 3/8 148 6053 27S 33 4/8 33 7/8 15 7/8 16 1/8 23 4/8 19 4/8 7 99 3/8 169 1/86054 27N 35 34 7/8 15 2/8 15 3/8 22 4/8 19 4/8 8 100 4/8 169 5/86054 27N - - - - - - - - -6054 27N 32 5/8 33 1/8 16 15 6/8 21 3/8 17 1/8 7 97 4/8 170 4/86055 27S/28N 32 32 1/8 14 2/8 14 4/8 22 2/8 19 4/8 8 92 7/8 165 5/86055 27S/28N 36 5/8 26 3/8 14 7/8 14 6/8 22 7/8 22 7/8 9 92 5/8 140 4/86055 27S/28N 33 31 7/8 15 4/8 15 3/8 23 20 2/8 7 95 6/8 167 3/86055 27S/28N 34 7/8 35 5/8 13 7/8 14 1/8 20 4/8 18 1/8 9 98 4/8 164 6/86056 27S/28N 36 1/8 35 6/8 15 15 1/8 21 2/8 18 7/8 9 102 172 1/86056 27S/28N 30 7/8 32 4/8 14 2/8 14 4/8 21 1/8 20 5/8 7 92 1/8 153 1/86056 27S/28N 39 7/8 37 4/8 15 2/8 15 21 4/8 19 6/8 10 107 5/8 178 1/8

Average 33 1/8 33 14 7/8 14 7/8 21 6/8 20 3/8 8 97 3/8 164 Maximum 39 7/8 38 5/8 16 6/8 16 6/8 30 5/8 30 5/8 13 108 7/8 185 5/8Minimum 25 25 2/8 11 7/8 12 16 3/8 13 2/8 3 74 1/8 115 6/8

Bighorn Hunt Data

Successful Hunters and the Measurements of their Bighorn Sheep - 2014 Season (continued)

Hunt Arizona - AZGFD· and white-tailed deer in each game management unit ... permits for big-game hunts in Arizona are issued ... 2 Hunt Arizona 2015 - [PDF Document] (143)

142 Hunt Arizona 2015

Measurement Data

Bighorn Sheep Horn Measurements

YearArizona Score¹

Outside Curl Average Basal Circumference

Average B&C Green ScoreLargest Head Smallest Head Average Head

1953 102-1/8 56-2/8 85-2/8 29-1/8 13-4/8 –1954 97 65-5/8 83-5/8 28-4/8 13-2/8 –1955 93-6/8 66 84-6/8 28-2/8 14 –1956 93-4/8 65-2/8 80 27-3/8 12-5/8 –1957 82 60-2/8 73-5/8 24-6/8 12-1/8 –1958 102-6/8 74 86-3/8 29-3/8 13-7/8 –1959 100-2/8 63-4/8 84 28-4/8 13-4/8 –1960 100-2/8 68-4/8 86-6/8 29-4/8 13-7/8 –1961 110-5/8 63-2/8 84-1/8 28-5/8 13-3/8 –1962 101-2/8 63-6/8 83-7/8 28-3/8 13-4/8 –1963 105-4/8 60 82-2/8 27-6/8 13-3/8 –1964 102-2/8 72-4/8 88-3/8 30-1/8 14-1/8 –1965 113-1/8 71-4/8 89 30-1/8 14-3/8 –1966 108-6/8 74 91-2/8 31 14-5/8 –1967 104-5/8 76-2/8 91-4/8 31 14-6/8 –1968 103-5/8 68-2/8 89-1/8 30 14-4/8 –1969 106-2/8 71 89-2/8 30-2/8 14-3/8 –1970 104-6/8 76-2/8 89-5/8 30-4/8 14-2/8 –1971 103-6/8 70-2/8 87-3/8 29-3/8 14-2/8 –1972 106-2/8 72-1/8 89 30 14-4/8 147-4/81973 103-5/8 72-7/8 89-5/8 30-5/8 14-2/8 150-3/81974 111-2/8 68-3/8 91 31-1/8 14-3/8 152-2/81975 106-6/8 74-4/8 89 30-4/8 14 148-7/81976 104-4/8 74-7/8 91-6/8 31-2/8 14-5/8 154-6/81977 104-1/8 75 91-5/8 31-3/8 14-3/8 153-6/81978 108 74-3/8 92-3/8 31-4/8 14-5/8 155-7/81979 108-4/8 71-3/8 91-3/8 31-2/8 14-4/8 153-1/81980 105 82-1/8 92-4/8 31-5/8 14-4/8 153-3/81981 110-3/8 82-6/8 94-3/8 32-2/8 15 160-2/81982 114-4/8 81-4/8 92-4/8 31-6/8 14-4/8 154-5/81983 112-3/8 71-5/8 93-3/8 32 14-5/8 156-7/81984 111-5/8 79-3/8 94 32-3/8 14-5/8 159-1/81985 107-6/8 74-4/8 92-6/8 31-7/8 14-4/8 156-2/81986 110-2/8 80-7/8 94-4/8 32-4/8 14-6/8 160-2/81987 110 77 94-3/8 32-5/8 14-5/8 159-4/81988 117-2/8 51-2/8 93-1/8 32 14-4/8 157-2/81989 103-4/8 78-6/8 92-6/8 31-7/8 14-3/8 157-4/81990 113-2/8 58-4/8 93-5/8 32-1/8 14-5/8 157-7/81991 107-2/8 67-1/8 92-7/8 31-6/8 14-5/8 157-5/81992 108-6/8 65 92-4/8 31-7/8 14-3/8 155-3/81993 112-3/8 69-2/8 92-4/8 31-7/8 14-3/8 156-3/81994 110-2/8 77-3/8 94-2/8 32-5/8 14-4/8 159-6/81995 110-3/8 77-2/8 92-5/8 31-7/8 14-3/8 156-3/81996 114-4/8 66-6/8 93 32-1/8 14-4/8 156-6/81997 108-3/8 69-2/8 92-1/8 31-6/8 14-4/8 156-5/81998 112 61-1/8 91-4/8 31-4/8 14-4/8 155-7/81999 109 63-6/8 91-6/8 31-5/8 14-4/8 156-7/82000 110-4/8 65-6/8 92-6/8 31-7/8 14-4/8 157-1/82001 107-6/8 73-6/8 91-6/8 31-5/8 14-3/8 1552002 107-7/8 53-3/8 90-4/8 31-1/8 14-2/8 153-3/82003 108-6/8 66-7/8 89-3/8 30-5/8 14-2/8 151-6/82004 106-5/8 73-2/8 91-5/8 31-4/8 14-3/8 155-7/82005 104-3/8 69-2/8 90-6/8 31 14-2/8 152-3/82006 109-4/8 63 92-1/8 31-5/8 14-4/8 156-1/82007 113-5/8 74-3/8 93 32-1/8 14-3/8 156-5/82008 109-4/8 58-5/8 92-7/8 32 14-4/8 155-6/82009 116-2/8 64-1/8 92-3/8 31-5/8 14-5/8 156-7/82010 114-3/8 75-7/8 96 33-5/8 14-6/8 162-4/82011 106-2/8 58-5/8 93-4/8 33-5/8 32-4/8 1582012 111-5/8 57-5/8 94 32-3/8 14-5/8 159-4/82013 112-3/8 73-7/8 95-7/8 33-2/8 14-6/8 163-2/82014 108-7/8 74-1/8 97-3/8 33-1/8 14-7/8 164

¹ Arizona score = sums of the 2 bases and the 2 curls�

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Hunt Arizona 2015 143

Hunt Application Data

2014 Bighorn Sheep Hunt Applications

Hunt no� Unit Permits


First Choice Second Choice

Applicants % Drawn Applicants % Drawn

6001 09/10 1 64 1�56% 57 1�75%6002 12A/12BW 1 52 1�92% 49 2�04%6003 12BE 3 203 1�48% 202 1�49%6004 13A 1 61 1�64% 55 1�82%6005 13BN 3 403 0�74% 295 1�02%6006 13BS 1 25 4�00% 39 2�56%6007 15BW 3 184 1�63% 245 1�22%6008 15CN 3 328 0�91% 281 1�07%6009 15CS 2 192 1�04% 335 0�60%6010 15D North 8 2023 0�40% 1066 0�75%6011 15D South 4 308 1�30% 839 0�48%6012 16A 3 315 0�95% 268 1�12%6013 16B 2 131 1�53% 142 1�41%6014 18B 1 59 1�69% 40 2�50%6015 22 3 1761 0�17% 471 0�64%6016 24B 1 140 0�71% 129 0�78%6017 24B North 1 167 0�60% 275 0�36%6018 24B South 2 745 0�27% 617 0�32%6019 28 South 1 137 0�73% 104 0�96%6020 31/32 2 609 0�33% 401 0�50%6021 37A 1 280 0�36% 119 0�84%6022 37B 1 119 0�84% 141 0�71%6023 39 1 42 2�38% 55 1�82%6024 39 2 212 0�94% 252 0�79%6025 40A 1 60 1�67% 32 3�13%6026 40B West Gila Mtn 2 143 1�40% 206 0�97%6027 40B West Mohawk/Copper 3 174 1�72% 354 0�85%6028 40B West Tinajas 1 46 2�17% 60 1�67%6029 41E 1 95 1�05% 90 1�11%6030 41W 1 32 3�13% 62 1�61%6031 42/44A 2 233 0�86% 172 1�16%6032 43A 1 75 1�33% 56 1�79%6033 43B 7 743 0�94% 698 1�00%6034 44A East 1 40 2�50% 37 2�70%6035 44A West 1 74 1�35% 51 1�96%6036 44B North 2 603 0�33% 578 0�35%6037 44B South 1 53 1�89% 81 1�23%6038 45A 1 37 2�70% 46 2�17%6039 45B 1 32 3�13% 50 2�00%6040 45C 1 92 1�09% 52 1�92%6041 46A 2 111 1�80% 177 1�13%6042 46B 7 321 2�18% 535 1�31%6051 6A/22N (early) 2 932 0�21% 374 0�53%6052 6A/22N (late) 2 269 0�74% 766 0�26%6053 27 Lower Blue 3 316 0�95% 410 0�73%6054 27 Upper Blue 3 363 0�83% 418 0�72%6055 27S/28n (early) 4 645 0�62% 439 0�91%6056 27S/28n (late) 3 187 1�60% 618 0�49%Total 14236 12839

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144 Hunt Arizona 2015

Natural HistoryAlthough these animals are not native to Arizona, American bison, more commonly known as buffalo, are found at two wildlife areas managed by the Arizona Game and Fish department: raymond ranch Wild-life Area located east of Flagstaff, and house rock Wildlife Area in house rock Valley east of the north Kaibab national Forest. Approximately 250-350 buffa-lo inhabit the two areas, which are managed to provide both viewing and sport-hunting opportunities.

Buffalo are the largest living member of the cow family. Live adult weights range from 1,400 to 2,500

pounds for bulls and from 750 to 1,600 pounds for cows. Bulls have massive front quarters with a large hump above the shoulders covered with woolly hair up to 1.5 inches long that also covers the head and fore-legs. This hair turns tan with age and is two to five times thicker than the hair on the hindquarters. The bull’s head has a broad triangular appearance and possesses a beard or bell. Both bulls and cows pos-sess horns, but the male’s are much larger, attaining a length of up to 20 inches. Calves are reddish-tan at birth and change to brown or black in three months.

The senses of smell and hearing are acute, while the buffalo’s eyesight is poor. Adult buffalo can run sprints

Buffalo (Bison bison)






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Hunt Arizona 2015 145

of 35 mph for up to one-quarter mile and are capable of jumping over 6-foot-high fences. Buffalo are gregari-ous and often form large herds. Although the group composition of these herds changes constantly, the dominant animal is almost always a matriarchal cow. Adult buffalo eat approximately 35 pounds of forage per day, in general concentrating on the most abundant palatable forage, be it grasses, forbs, or browse. Buffalo may live as long as 28 years.

Breeding typically takes place from mid-July to early september. The bulls are polygamous, but do not main-tain harems in the usual sense. most of the breeding is done by mature bulls of five to eight years old. A bull can lose up to 300 pounds during the rut. Gestation ranges from 270 to 285 days, and typically a single calf is born in the spring from late April through may.

numerous state and federal agencies, as well as private ranchers, have been trying to develop repre-sentative herds of free-ranging buffalo. Their goal is to maintain buffalo populations that provide recreation-al hunting, scientific research, and aesthetic uses with minimal management efforts. in these areas, hunting and live-animal sales are necessary to remove excess animals and keep the habitat within carrying capacity.

Hunt Historypublic buffalo hunts have been held at house rock ranch since the 1920s. These buffalo, which were orig-inally brought to Arizona by Charles Jesse “Buffalo” Jones, were sold to the state by Uncle Jimmie owens after their “cattalo” experiment proved unsuccessful. When the number of buffalo was judged excessive for their Forest service grazing lands in the mid-1940s, the

Arizona Game and Fish department moved some of them to the agen-cy’s newly acquired raymond ranch. other buffalo were moved to Fort huachuca, which the department acquired after World War ii. The tenure of these lat-ter animals was short, however, as

they had to be disposed of when the Fort was reactivat-ed in the 1950s. some were sold and sent to the state of Chihuahua, mexico, and the remainder were removed through a public hunt.

The herds at house rock and raymond ranch wildlife areas remained, however, and the department set out to manage these herds on a sustained basis. A economic profit proved elusive, however, as it was im-possible to sustain sufficient breeding stock without damaging the range. moreover, the shooting of buffalo being driven out of a corral, while making econom-ic sense, became increasingly difficult to justify from a sociological perspective. As a result, both herds were drastically reduced in the early 1970s by hunters who had to take their animals in the field. The management of the buffalo herds is now more in line with the carrying capacity of their respective ranges, with between 20 and 40 buffalo being harvested each year.

Buffalo distribution

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146 Hunt Arizona 2015

Buffalo Survey Data

Historic Summary of Buffalo Survey Data

Unit YearBulls Cows Unclassified

Calves Total Bulls/100 Cows¹

Calves/100 Cows¹Adults Yearlings Calves Adults Yearlings Calves

Statewide 19532 66 111 – 168 – – – 345 39 –19542 156 100 – 161 – – – 417 97 –19552 – – – – – – – – – –1956 37 86 53 103 – – – 279 34 5119573 12 21 29 60 38 29 – 189 20 9719583 38 28 25 69 27 25 – 212 55 8519593 20 69 33 77 74 32 – 305 26 9419603 36 18 25 85 19 25 – 208 42 591961 75 24 30 131 25 30 – 315 57 4619623 41 29 28 104 23 28 – 253 39 5419633 52 25 28 107 25 28 – 265 49 5219643 49 31 35 99 23 35 – 272 49 7119653 51 32 35 115 31 35 – 299 44 6119663 37 28 25 89 19 25 – 223 42 5619673 43 22 28 97 22 26 – 238 44 5619683 31 22 26 86 23 26 – 214 36 6019693 36 27 30 91 27 30 – 241 40 6619703 24 30 32 91 30 32 – 239 26 7019713 37 21 22 80 21 22 – 203 46 551972 47 30 30 108 30 30 – 275 44 5619733 44 55 57 167 52 57 – 432 26 681974 81 54 40 129 54 52 – 410 63 711975 92 53 18 97 53 18 – 331 95 371976 94 20 23 89 20 19 – 265 106 471977 72 26 23 63 31 23 – 238 114 731978 57 23 17 73 23 16 – 209 78 451979 40 24 22 39 10 21 – 156 103 110

From 1980 to present, data split by Wildlife Area

5B 1980 18 11 13 35 10 10 0 97 51 66Raymond 1981 24 13 13 31 10 12 0 103 77 81Wildlife Area 1982 20 13 10 29 12 7 0 91 69 59

1983 26 10 8 29 7 9 0 89 90 591984 16 8 15 34 10 10 0 93 47 741985 15 14 17 39 10 12 0 107 38 741986 12 16 15 37 12 15 0 107 32 811987 16 15 16 34 15 13 0 109 47 851988 16 16 14 37 13 17 0 113 43 841989 15 14 9 40 17 21 0 116 38 751990 10 9 14 42 21 17 0 113 24 741991 10 14 12 43 17 15 0 111 23 631992 14 12 14 43 15 16 0 114 33 701993 14 14 17 41 16 17 0 119 34 831994 12 17 17 39 17 14 0 116 31 791995 10 15 12 40 18 18 0 113 25 751996 11 0 18 43 0 13 0 85 26 721997 4 0 11 41 3 12 0 71 10 561998 3 8 14 43 12 12 0 92 7 601999 7 13 14 41 14 14 0 103 17 682000 5 14 9 37 14 13 0 92 14 592001 13 10 0 39 8 0 20 90 33 512002 18 12 0 40 9 0 21 100 45 532003 20 11 0 38 11 0 24 104 53 632004 10 10 0 32 9 0 14 75 31 442005 6 3 0 27 – 0 14 50 22 522006 5 8 0 24 – 0 14 51 21 582007 4 4 0 27 7 0 14 56 24 412008 4 0 – 19 4 – 12 39 21 632009 3 3 0 18 6 0 13 43 17 72

1 Based on adult animals only, yearlings excluded�2 Both sexes combined for yearlings and calves�3 Calf numbers are estimates�4 Surveys based on bison herds photographed and classified from the ground�

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Hunt Arizona 2015 147

Buffalo Survey Data

Historic Summary of Buffalo Survey Data

Unit YearBulls Cows Unclassified

Calves Total Bulls/100 Cows¹

Calves/100 Cows¹Adults Yearlings Calves Adults Yearlings Calves

5B 2010 7 6 0 25 9 0 8 55 28 32Raymond 20114 38 14 0 45 13 0 22 132 84 49Wildlife Area 20124 37 9 0 78 11 0 29 164 47 37

20134 18 7 0 35 6 0 22 88 51 6320144 6 7 0 30 5 0 11 59 20 37

12 1980 14 11 10 45 11 15 0 106 31 56House Rock 1981 18 10 10 34 15 10 0 97 53 59Wildlife Area 1982 17 10 13 40 10 9 0 99 43 55

1983 19 13 11 49 9 13 0 114 39 491984 25 13 9 42 10 0 0 99 60 211985 18 9 0 46 9 0 26 108 39 571986 22 13 0 34 13 0 16 98 65 471987 41 10 0 40 10 0 27 128 103 681988 53 15 0 44 14 0 31 157 120 701989 40 12 0 53 23 0 30 158 75 571990 23 14 0 56 18 0 23 134 41 411991 14 11 0 53 10 0 30 118 26 571992 21 12 0 50 11 0 26 120 42 521993 23 13 0 44 9 0 21 110 52 481994 33 10 15 41 8 17 0 124 80 781995 34 15 14 40 17 14 0 134 85 701996 31 14 14 47 12 14 0 132 66 601997 31 12 0 47 12 0 21 123 66 451998 25 9 0 33 10 0 19 96 76 581999 29 9 9 38 9 9 0 103 76 472000 32 9 14 42 9 14 0 120 76 672001 No Survey Conducted2002 50 15 0 65 15 0 30 175 77 452003 45 15 0 80 15 0 40 195 56 502004 43 9 0 51 7 0 22 132 84 432005 41 21 0 70 11 0 43 185 57 612006 No Survey Conducted2007 No Survey Conducted2008 No Survey Conducted2009 24 7 0 36 7 0 14 88 67 392010 29 10 0 43 10 0 14 106 67 3320114 38 14 0 45 13 0 22 132 84 4920124 37 9 0 78 11 0 29 164 47 3720134 18 7 0 35 6 0 22 88 51 6320144 28 15 0 51 15 0 23 132 55 45

1 Based on adult animals only, yearlings excluded�2 Both sexes combined for yearlings and calves�3 Calf numbers are estimates�4 Surveys based on bison herds photographed and classified from the ground�

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148 Hunt Arizona 2015

Buffalo Hunt DataHistoric Summary of Buffalo Hunts¹

Year1st ChoiceApplicants2

Permitsissued Hunters Hunter


HarvestCalves Total Percent

SuccessBulls CowsAdults Yearlings Adults Yearlings

1950 – – – – – – – – – 92 –1951 – – – – – – – – – 92 –1953 – – – – – – – – – 25 –1955 – – – – – – – – – 35 –1956 – – – – – – – – – 30 –1957 – – – – – – – – – 150 –1958 – – – – 28 19 18 20 0 85 –1959 – – – – 7 69 0 74 0 150 –1960 – – – – 26 8 18 8 0 60 –1961 – – – – 65 20 50 20 0 155 –1962 – – – – 29 20 32 15 0 96 –1963 – – – – 42 20 38 20 0 120 –1964 – – – – 39 28 42 21 0 130 –1965 – – – – 41 32 49 28 0 150 –1966 – – – – 28 28 30 14 0 100 –1967 – – – – 34 21 30 20 0 105 –1968 – – – – 21 20 14 20 0 75 –1969 – – – – 25 25 25 25 0 100 –1970 – – – – 12 25 18 25 0 80 –1971 – – – – 24 20 16 20 0 80 –1972 – – – – 32 30 33 30 0 125 –1973 – – – – 15 7 52 22 30 126 –1974 – – – – 9 35 52 34 0 130 –1975 – – – – 10 40 37 32 0 119 –1976 – – – – 7 18 34 16 0 75 –1977 – – – – 15 17 12 12 0 56 –1978 – – – – 26 18 5 9 0 58 –1979 – – – – 14 13 12 0 0 39 –1980 545 57 57 – 23 6 21 5 0 55 96�51981 329 46 46 – 17 10 19 0 0 46 100�01982 198 38 38 51 28 0 9 0 0 37 97�41983 202 43 43 97 17 7 14 2 0 40 93�01984 209 40 40 76 24 5 9 2 0 40 100�01985 238 59 54 119 5 15 22 6 0 48 88�91986 225 47 43 108 18 5 12 4 0 39 90�71987 217 41 39 69 2 17 3 13 0 35 89�71988 366 61 58 154 11 19 15 5 0 50 86�21989 449 85 82 251 25 20 8 15 0 68 82�91990 417 91 89 369 13 11 14 17 0 55 61�81991 414 50 50 127 5 13 17 12 0 47 94�01992 551 65 64 210 9 9 15 16 0 49 76�61993 680 65 65 233 10 12 8 16 0 46 70�81994 742 64 60 176 8 16 7 16 0 47 78�31995 1075 95 90 352 10 20 8 23 0 61 67�81996 1175 71 71 273 14 10 8 13 0 45 63�41997 1193 61 61 152 11 12 20 15 0 58 95�11998 1431 64 64 216 11 9 8 15 0 41 64�11999 1380 49 45 131 3 15 6 12 0 36 80�02000 1325 54 52 164 3 12 7 10 1 33 63�52001 1360 72 70 432 4 8 11 6 0 29 41�42002 3316 50 48 198 20 14 1 3 0 38 79�22003 5154 53 52 203 10 1 27 1 0 39 75�02004 7788 97 84 380 9 20 7 5 0 41 48�82005 3043 26 24 37 4 4 12 2 0 22 91�72006 2640 21 21 70 3 1 9 5 0 18 85�72007 1232 28 28 151 5 10 8 0 0 23 82�12008 868 29 27 93 11 10 2 4 0 26 96�22009 545 20 20 144 10 4 4 1 0 19 95�02010 640 23 23 226 6 6 2 1 0 15 65�22011 978 26 26 176 11 5 4 3 0 23 88�52012 1320 27 27 211 11 4 3 1 0 19 70�32013 2048 25 25 177 13 2 6 1 1 23 92�02014 2539 87 84 598 27 7 32 4 1 71 85�0

1 Data from 1958 through 1979 are proposed harvest� Actual harvest may have varied slightly� Prior to 1980, hunters and hunter days are unknown but should have approximated harvest, with hunt success at or near 100%�

2 Beginning in 1995, 1st Choice Applicants includes the spring and fall draws�

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Hunt Arizona 2015 149

Buffalo Hunt Data

Population Management Season Results - Unit 12A

Year Season1 Permitsissued Hunters Hunter


HarvestCalves Total Percent

SuccessBulls CowsAdults Yearlings Adults Yearlings

2005 Companion 106 106 -- 3 0 1 0 0 4 3�82005 Standard 20 19 39 5 5 0 2 0 12 63�22006 Companion 28 28 -- 7 0 0 0 0 7 25�02006 Standard 25 24 52 4 1 1 3 0 9 37�52007 Companion 59 59 20 5 2 1 0 0 8 13�62007 Standard 8 7 10 0 0 3 1 0 4 57�12008 Companion 97 97 32 7 1 3 0 0 12 12�42008 Standard 16 12 16 0 3 7 0 0 10 83�32009 Companion 70 11 52 0 0 6 5 0 11 15�72009 Standard 14 14 16 1 2 10 1 0 14 100�02010 Companion 100 10 44 1 1 7 1 0 10 10�02010 Standard No hunts offered2011 Companion 66 12 44 1 3 6 2 0 12 18�22011 Standard No hunts offered2012 Companion 93 4 22 1 0 2 0 0 4 NA2012 Standard 6 6 4 0 0 0 0 4 66�72013 Companion 106 12 45 9 0 3 0 0 12 NA2013 Standard 10 10 25 9 0 0 0 0 9 90�0

2014 No Hunts Offered

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

1 Designates the type of Population Management Season offered� “Companion” denotes tags issued to hunters with corresponding Kaibab deer hunts� “Standard” denotes seasons authorized through the typical Population Management Season process�

Yrl = Yearling, CY = Cow or Yearling, Any = Any Buffalo, SP = Special raffle/auction permit�

Unit Year Season Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st ChoiceApplicants

2nd ChoiceApplicants


Permitsissued Hunters Hunter






5B 2010 Bull 1/15- 1/17 1 107 31 �9 1 1 1 1 0 1 1005B 2013 Bull 10/04-10/06 0 0 0 - 2 2 2 2 0 2 1005B 2014 Bull 9/26- 9/28 1 792 67 �1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1005B 2014 Bull 2/10- 2/12 2 400 110 �5 2 2 2 2 0 2 1005B 2011 Cow - 2 84 32 2�4 2 2 1 0 2 2 1005B 2011 Cow - 2 49 75 4�1 2 2 2 0 2 2 1005B 2012 Cow 1/13 – 1/15 0 0 0 � 2 2 4 3 3 6 3005B 2013 Cow 9/06 - 9/08 0 0 0 � 2 2 3 0 2 2 1005B 2013 Cow 11/08- 11/10 0 0 0 � 2 2 3 2 4 6 3005B 2014 Cow 9/26- 9/28 2 188 375 �0 2 2 2 0 2 2 1005B 2014 Cow 11/07-11/09 2 156 225 �0 2 2 2 0 2 2 1005B 2010 Yrl 9/24- 9/26 2 146 75 1�4 2 2 2 2 0 2 1005B 2010 Yrl 10/08-10/10 2 102 121 1�0 2 2 2 1 1 2 1005B 2010 Yrl 2/05- 2/07 2 73 37 1�4 2 2 2 2 0 2 1005B 2010 Yrl 2/19- 2/21 2 24 75 4�2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1005B 2011 Yrl - 2 114 515 1�8 2 2 2 1 1 2 1005B 2011 Yrl - 2 69 108 2�9 2 2 1 1 1 2 1005B 2011 Yrl - 2 176 68 1�1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1005B 2011 Yrl - 2 90 194 �0 2 2 1 2 0 2 1005B 2012 Yrl 10/05 -10/07 0 0 0 - 2 2 0 0 0 0 05B 2012 Yrl 11/09- 11/11 0 0 0 - 2 2 6 1 0 1 505B 2012 Yrl 2/03 – 2/05 0 0 0 - 2 2 4 0 1 1 505B 2012 Yrl 3/02 - 3/04 0 0 0 - 2 2 2 2 0 2 1005B 2013 Yrl 2/08 - 2/10 0 0 0 - 2 2 2 0 1 2 1005B 2013 Yrl 3/08 - 3/10 0 0 0 - 2 2 2 2 1 4 2005B 2014 Yrl 2/07- 2/09 2 160 162 1�3 2 2 2 4 0 4 2005B 2014 Yrl 3/07- 3/09 2 92 196 1�1 2 2 2 3 1 4 20012A 2014 CY 9/12- 9/25 7 69 31 7�3 7 7 38 0 6 6 8612A 2014 CY 9/26-10/09 7 18 60 11�1 7 7 57 0 2 3 4312A 2014 CY 10/10-10/23 7 19 25 31�6 7 7 26 2 5 7 10012A 2014 CY 10/24-11/06 7 8 21 �0 7 6 19 1 5 6 10012A 2014 CY 11/07-11/20 7 20 30 �0 7 7 54 0 3 3 4312A 2014 CY 11/21-12/04 7 31 22 12�9 7 5 19 0 3 3 6012A 2014 CY 8/15- 8/28 7 34 13 14�7 7 7 60 0 2 2 29

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150 Hunt Arizona 2015

Buffalo Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Harvest

Unit Year Season Dates PermitsAuthorized

1st ChoiceApplicants

2nd ChoiceApplicants


Permitsissued Hunters Hunter






12A 2014 CY 8/29- 9/11 7 10 33 �0 7 7 34 1 5 6 8612A 2010 Any - 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 -12A 2010 Any - 0 0 0 - 100 10 44 2 8 10 10012A 2010 Any 1/01- 6/13 14 188 22 6�4 14 14 217 5 1 6 4312A 2011 Any - 0 0 0 - 66 12 56 4 8 12 10012A 2011 Any - 14 396 2 3�5 14 14 11 11 0 11 7912A 2012 Any 1-01 - 0 0 0 - 66 12 56 4 8 12 10012A 2013 Any 1/01 - 6/14 0 0 0 - 14 14 151 10 2 12 8612A 2014 Any 1/01- 6/14 20 542 122 3�5 20 20 280 20 0 20 10012A 2010 SP - 3 0 0 - 0 2 12 1 0 1 5012A 2011 SP - 3 0 0 - 0 3 23 3 0 3 1005B 2010 - 9 452 339 1�3 9 9 9 7 2 9 1005B 2011 - 12 582 992 1�7 12 12 8 5 7 12 1005B 2012 - 0 0 0 - 10 10 16 6 4 10 1005B 2013 - 0 0 0 - 10 10 12 6 8 16 16012A 2010 - 17 188 22 6�4 114 26 273 8 9 17 6512A 2011 - 17 396 2 3�5 80 29 90 18 8 26 9012A 2012 - 0 0 0 - 14 14 195 10 1 11 7912A 2013 - 0 0 0 - 14 14 151 10 2 12 86TOTAL SUMMARY FOR RAYMOND WILDLIFE AREA5B 2009 - 6 317 280 1�6 6 6 8 4 2 7 1175B 2010 - 9 452 339 1�3 9 9 9 7 2 9 1005B 2011 - 12 582 992 1�7 12 12 8 5 7 12 1005B 2012 - 10 1008 825 0�9 10 10 16 6 4 10 1005B 2013 - 10 1498 1012 0�5 10 10 12 6 8 16 1605B 2014 - 11 1788 1135 �3 11 11 11 10 5 15 136TOTAL SUMMARY FOR HOUSE ROCK WILDLIFE AREA (includes Population Management Season and Special Tag season data)12A 2009 - 17 228 1 6�1 98 39 204 13 25 38 9712A 2010 - 17 188 22 6�4 114 26 273 8 9 17 6512A 2011 - 17 396 2 3�5 80 29 90 18 8 26 9012A 2012 - 14 312 14 4�5 14 14 195 11 1 12 8612A 2013 - 14 550 48 2�4 14 14 151 10 2 12 8612A 2014 - 76 751 357 6�9 76 73 587 24 31 56 77

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Hunt Arizona 2015 151

Natural HistoryBlack bears in Arizona are found in a variety of habi-tats, including subalpine and montane conifer forests, riparian forests, evergreen woodlands, and chaparral. An interesting footnote to black bear distribution in the state is the absence of any sizeable population of black bears north of the Colorado river.

Cubs are born in winter dens during January, usu-ally in pairs, but larger litters are not uncommon. Cubs weigh only six to 12 ounces at birth and are helpless, but they grow and develop rapidly, emerging from the den with their mother in April. The mother stays with her cubs through the first summer and fall, and dens with them again the following winter. Female black bears in Arizona usually reach reproductive age in their

fourth year, and general-ly breed every other year. normal reproductive cycles in Arizona black bears may be adversely affected by drought, and/or poor physi-ological condition. Adult males weigh up to 350 pounds and adult females up to 250 pounds. Black bears are relatively long-lived animals, with some individuals exceeding 20 years of age.

Black bears are normal-ly shy, secretive animals displaying high levels of in-telligence and exploratory behavior. Although bears are generally most active in the early morning and late evening; they may al-ter their activity pattern to exploit sources of artificial food, becoming nocturnal at campgrounds and dump-sites. nuisance activities are nearly always associated with artificial food sourc-es (beehives, campgrounds, and livestock).

Bears are usually solitary animals; the exceptions are family groups (mother and cubs), breeding pairs, and congregations at feeding

Black Bear (Ursus americanus)




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152 Hunt Arizona 2015

Black Bear

sites. Both adults and sub-adults are known to move long distances (100 miles) to exploit isolated pockets of food. The mobility of black bears sometimes leads them to appear in uncharacteristic habitats and to return from long distances after being moved. most Arizona black bears hibernate from november through march, during which time they reduce their body temperature, heart rate, and metabolic function, while still remain-ing somewhat conscious in the den.

Hunt HistoryBear hunting has a long history in Arizona. As late as 1928, bears were classified as predatory animals and could be shot or trapped at any time. in 1929, howev-er, a new “game code” classified bears of all kinds as big game, provided a month-long open season, and pre-scribed a bag limit of one. Bears could not be trapped, but they could be taken with dogs. Later years were even more restrictive; cubs were protected in 1934, and in 1936, the bear season was closed south of the Gila river.

The status of bears deteriorated drastically during World War ii. in 1942 all of the state’s refuges were open to bear hunting and the season was reopened in Cochise and Graham counties at the request of stock-men. in 1944, month-long fall and spring hunts were authorized. The following year, bears lost their desig-nation as game animals, and in 1949 a year-long season was authorized for Apache, Greenlee, Graham, and eastern Coconino counties, except during the seasons for other big-game species. After reinstating spring and fall bear seasons in 1950, the Arizona Game and Fish

Commission again opted for year-long seasons from 1951 to 1953.

After 1954, bear regulations became more restric-tive, tags were required to take one, and in 1968 the black bear was again classified as big game. This desig-nation was appropriate as hunter interest in the species was increasing. hunt success varied with weather conditions and population vagaries, but annual bear harvests ranged from 131 to 313 for the years 1964 through 1980. relatively few bears were taken un-der the stock-taking clause, most of them being taken by sport hunters. Concern about the bear’s relatively

low reproductive rate caused the department to monitor the bear harvest more close-ly. Accordingly, mandatory check-out procedures were initiated in 1980. other recent changes in regula-tions have included the authorization of a permit-on-ly spring season in select units, the elimination of

bear-baiting as a method of take, and unit harvest lim-its in which the season is closed after a certain number of female bears are taken.

Black bear distribution

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Hunt Arizona 2015 153

Historic Summary of Black Bear Harvest¹

Black Bear Harvest Data

HarvestYear Tags issued Hunter2 Depredation Other3 Total Harvest1964 6638 178 0 0 1781965 5974 131 0 0 1311966 5798 134 0 0 1341967 6344 219 0 0 2191968 8264 242 0 0 2421969 8978 268 0 0 2681970 8454 236 0 0 2361971 8042 241 33 0 2741972 6009 187 17 0 2041973 7162 225 2 0 2271974 6839 202 12 0 2141975 6746 224 9 0 2331976 7055 265 10 0 2751977 8707 309 4 0 3131978 8985 264 6 0 2701979 8833 251 2 0 2531980 7820 255 2 0 2571981 8494 287 5 0 2921982 7178 260 8 0 2681983 6183 273 1 0 2741984 5258 246 5 0 2511985 4917 251 6 0 2571986 4816 182 7 0 1891987 5117 302 9 0 3111988 4272 146 7 2 1551989 4714 271 18 3 2921990 3711 149 11 1 1611991 2843 96 4 1 1011992 3217 121 1 0 1221993 3329 117 1 3 1211994 4376 236 2 14 2521995 4586 197 1 0 1981996 4462 254 5 19 2781997 4093 224 2 6 2321998 4461 142 0 13 1551999 4163 181 0 5 1862000 4413 320 2 46 3682001 4293 178 6 6 1842002 4535 230 1 16 2522003 4525 214 5 34 2492004 4521 160 5 11 1762005 4850 158 0 2 1602006 4840 197 1 40 2382007 6110 217 2 19 2382008 5925 179 1 13 1932009 5371 239 1 26 2662010 5266 235 2 17 2542011 2099 291 4 27 3222012 5347 303 4 37 3442013 54634 239 3 4 2462014 53714 220 2 25 247

1 Data from Indian Reservations are included through 1987 and excluded thereafter�2 Estimated from a mail questionnaire from 1964-1987 and from mandatory check-outs from 1988-present�3 Includes known kills other than sport or depredation (e�g�, highway mortality, capture mortality, and illegal

take)�4 2014 tags issued is preliminary pending a final audit�

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154 Hunt Arizona 2015

Black Bear Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Black Bear Harvest Data¹

1 Excluding data from Indian Reservations�2 For Archery-Only Spring Bear hunts ending in August or September, bear harvest occurring in August or September will be reflected in the appropriate month of harvest column� All other spring harvest will be reflected in the Spring column�

Unit Year

HarvestHunter Harv�Using Dogs

Sex of Hunter Harv� Month of Hunter Harvest Fem�Med�Age Hunter Depredation Other Male Female Spring2 Aug� Sept� Oct� nov� Dec� Unk�

1 2011 38 0 4 31 29 9 0 26 2 10 0 0 0 41 2012 26 0 1 19 22 4 0 11 4 9 1 0 0 41 2013 19 0 4 11 12 7 0 14 1 3 1 0 0 41 2014 20 0 0 16 11 9 0 13 2 4 1 0 0 92C 2011 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - -3B 2010 12 0 2 4 6 6 0 5 1 2 3 0 0 53B 2011 7 0 2 6 5 2 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 -3B 2012 10 0 5 4 8 2 1 3 1 4 0 1 0 143B 2013 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 43B 2014 5 0 3 5 3 2 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 43C 2010 4 0 3 0 1 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 63C 2011 3 0 1 1 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 103C 2012 6 0 4 2 3 3 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 33C 2013 4 0 2 0 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 53C 2014 3 1 5 1 0 3 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 34A 2010 9 0 0 7 6 3 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 74A 2011 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -4A 2012 0 0 2 - - - - - - - - - - -4A 2013 5 0 0 5 3 2 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 14A 2014 3 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 54B 2010 7 0 0 4 3 4 0 1 1 5 0 0 0 2�54B 2011 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -4B 2012 4 0 1 3 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 124B 2013 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 -4B 2014 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 65A 2010 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 135A 2011 6 0 0 4 5 1 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 -5A 2012 11 0 0 9 9 2 0 1 0 0 10 0 0 55A 2013 10 0 1 9 7 3 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 35A 2014 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 25B 2010 4 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 65B 2011 3 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 95B 2012 8 0 0 4 5 3 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 55B 2013 3 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 65B 2014 8 0 2 7 6 2 0 0 0 5 3 0 0 36A 2010 13 0 1 2 10 3 0 4 2 7 0 0 0 96A 2011 18 0 0 7 16 2 0 4 2 7 4 0 0 2�56A 2012 15 0 2 5 9 6 0 7 0 8 0 0 0 10�56A 2013 11 0 0 1 4 7 0 7 0 4 0 0 0 46A 2014 17 0 0 1 12 5 0 7 3 6 1 0 0 56B 2010 5 0 1 0 3 2 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 6�56B 2011 7 0 3 0 4 3 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 56B 2012 5 0 0 1 2 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 26B 2013 8 0 0 0 5 3 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 56B 2014 5 0 1 0 3 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 -7 2010 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 87 2011 7 0 0 4 2 5 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 11�57 2012 5 0 1 3 2 3 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 57 2013 8 1 0 4 6 2 0 2 0 6 0 0 0 37 2014 7 0 1 2 4 3 0 0 0 5 2 0 0 -8 2010 8 0 1 0 5 3 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 58 2011 9 0 0 3 4 5 0 0 2 7 0 0 0 48 2012 11 0 0 1 8 3 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 38 2013 14 0 0 2 12 2 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 118 2014 12 0 1 6 9 3 1 0 0 9 1 1 0 -9 2011 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -9 2012 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 159 2014 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -

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Hunt Arizona 2015 155

Black Bear Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Black Bear Harvest Data¹

Unit Year

HarvestHunter Harv�Using Dogs

Sex of Hunter Harv� Month of Hunter Harvest Fem�Med�Age Hunter Depredation Other Male Female Spring2 Aug� Sept� Oct� nov� Dec� Unk�

11M 2011 0 0 2 - - - - - - - - - - -11M 2012 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 211M 2013 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 411M 2014 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -16A 2010 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - -17A 2010 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 717A 2011 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 517A 2012 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -17B 2011 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -17B 2013 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 417B 2014 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 -18A 2014 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - -18B 2011 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 118B 2012 3 0 0 3 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 11�518B 2013 4 0 0 4 3 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 518B 2014 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - -19A 2010 5 0 0 0 1 4 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 519A 2011 6 0 1 0 3 3 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 319A 2012 3 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 719A 2013 4 0 1 0 1 3 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 719A 2014 4 0 0 2 1 3 0 0 1 3 0 0 020A 2011 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 820A 2012 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 -20A 2013 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 -20A 2014 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -20B 2013 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - -20C 2011 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - -21 2010 4 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1121 2011 8 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 1 6 1 0 0 421 2012 6 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 821 2013 4 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 1421 2014 4 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 -22N 2010 8 0 0 1 2 6 1 3 0 3 1 0 0 13�522N 2011 10 0 1 3 3 7 1 0 1 8 0 0 0 822N 2012 15 0 4 4 13 2 1 4 1 6 3 0 0 822N 2013 7 0 0 4 5 2 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 1022N 2014 10 0 0 4 7 3 1 1 2 4 0 2 0 -22S 2010 8 0 0 0 6 2 0 5 1 2 0 0 0 3�522S 2011 6 0 2 0 3 3 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 722S 2012 14 0 0 0 9 5 1 9 1 3 0 0 0 13�522S 2013 4 0 2 0 0 4 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 5�522S 2014 6 0 1 0 4 2 1 3 0 2 0 0 0 -23N 2010 12 0 1 3 8 4 1 0 4 7 0 0 0 4�523N 2011 20 0 0 10 16 4 0 5 2 10 3 0 0 923N 2012 15 0 0 9 6 9 1 3 0 11 0 0 0 823N 2013 16 0 0 9 10 6 1 3 2 10 0 0 0 723N 2014 24 0 2 11 16 8 3 7 1 11 2 0 0 -23S 2010 20 0 0 2 13 7 0 15 1 4 0 0 0 1023S 2011 24 0 0 4 19 5 0 9 0 12 2 0 0 3�523S 2012 24 0 0 1 12 12 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 1123S 2013 20 0 0 1 14 6 0 11 6 2 1 0 0 3�523S 2014 20 0 0 1 9 11 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 -24A 2010 14 0 0 0 11 3 0 8 1 3 1 0 0 724A 2011 17 1 0 1 14 3 0 9 2 6 0 0 0 424A 2012 17 0 2 0 10 7 2 11 0 4 0 0 0 424A 2013 7 0 2 0 7 0 1 1 2 2 0 1 0 -24A 2014 10 0 3 0 4 5 1 7 0 2 0 0 0 -24B 2010 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -

1 Excluding data from Indian Reservations�2 For Archery-Only Spring Bear hunts ending in August or September, bear harvest occurring in August or September will be reflected in the appropriate month of harvest column� All other spring harvest will be reflected in the Spring column�

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156 Hunt Arizona 2015

Black Bear Harvest Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Black Bear Harvest Data¹

SPRING BEAR HUNT DATA – Spring bear harvest is reflected in the above table�

Unit Year

HarvestHunter Harv�Using Dogs

Sex of Hunter Harv� Month of Hunter Harvest Fem�Med�Age Hunter Depredation Other Male Female Spring2 Aug� Sept� Oct� nov� Dec� Unk�

24B 2011 4 0 0 0 2 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 2�524B 2012 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 424B 2013 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - -24B 2014 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -27 2010 29 0 1 7 17 12 2 4 1 18 4 0 0 627 2011 33 1 0 7 13 20 0 1 6 26 0 0 0 627 2012 45 1 2 5 26 19 1 4 9 30 0 0 0 6�527 2013 21 0 1 5 14 7 0 5 1 9 4 2 0 627 2014 19 0 0 5 11 8 1 7 0 9 2 0 0 -28 2010 5 2 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 1028 2011 4 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 728 2012 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 -28 2013 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 329 2010 7 0 0 2 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 629 2011 14 0 3 4 5 9 0 0 3 11 0 0 0 529 2012 6 0 3 2 3 3 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 729 2013 18 0 1 7 7 11 0 1 1 16 0 0 0 14�529 2014 6 0 1 0 2 4 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 -30A 2010 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 130A 2011 3 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 630A 2012 5 0 2 0 2 3 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 430A 2013 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1630A 2014 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -31 2010 8 0 1 0 2 6 1 0 0 7 0 0 0 431 2011 11 0 0 1 7 4 0 0 3 6 0 0 0 1231 2012 7 0 1 0 4 3 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 531 2013 7 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 331 2014 8 1 1 0 4 4 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 -32 2010 11 0 0 2 8 3 0 1 0 10 0 0 0 1632 2011 7 1 1 0 6 1 0 1 1 4 1 0 0 1932 2012 11 3 0 1 8 3 0 1 0 9 1 0 0 432 2013 7 2 0 0 5 2 1 1 1 1 3 0 0 1332 2014 8 0 0 0 6 2 0 2 1 4 1 0 0 -33 2010 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1033 2011 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -33 2012 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -33 2013 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -34A 2010 6 0 0 0 4 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 1534A 2011 7 0 0 0 3 4 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 5�534A 2012 11 0 0 0 9 2 4 3 4 0 0 0 0 334A 2013 7 0 0 2 6 1 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 1434A 2014 7 0 0 0 4 3 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 -35A 2010 5 0 2 0 4 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 235A 2011 6 0 2 0 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1235A 2012 5 0 3 0 1 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 635A 2013 5 0 0 0 1 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 935A 2014 4 0 0 0 1 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 -35B 2010 2 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1335B 2011 2 0 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 235B 2012 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -35B 2013 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1136C 2012 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -35B 2013 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1136C 2012 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -

1 Excluding data from Indian Reservations�2 For Archery-Only Spring Bear hunts ending in August or September, bear harvest occurring in August or September will be reflected in the appropriate month of harvest column� All other spring harvest will be reflected in the Spring column�

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158 Hunt Arizona 2015

mountain Lion (Felis concolor)

Natural Historyin Arizona, mountain lions are absent only from the ex-tremely arid southwest and those areas heavily impacted by human development. in general, the distribution of mountain lions in the state corresponds with the dis-tribution of the animal’s major prey species—mule and white-tailed deer.

mountain lions may breed at any time of the year, and consequently litters may be born in any month. summer is the peak period of kitten births, however, with litter sizes of two, three, and four being com-mon. The kittens remain with their mother for 15 to 22 months learning the skills necessary for survival. Juve-nile males tend to disperse long distances compared to

the relatively short distances for young females. moun-tain lions are essentially solitary animals. Adult females may be accompanied by kittens, but are normally not associated with other adult animals except for mating purposes. mature males weigh up to 150 pounds and females 100 pounds.

While deer are the principal mountain lion prey spe-cies in Arizona, javelina, elk, and/or livestock can be major components of the diet. mountain lions will almost always attempt to cover the uneaten portion of a kill with leaves or other debris. An entire deer can be consumed in two nights. An experienced observer is usually able to detect the presence of a mountain lion in an area through the presence of tracks, scrapes, kills, or other sign.

mountain lions are specialized predators and con-






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Hunt Arizona 2015 159

Mountain Lion

sequently do not normally exist in high concentrations. They maintain spatial separation between each other, thereby assuring that each individual has the resources necessary to survive. if these separations are not main-tained, mountain lions will kill each other, which is the

normal method of population regula-tion in undisturbed mountain lion pop-ulations. The cryptic system of boundary marking employed by resident moun-tain lions serves to provide for mutual avoidance and sur-vival. mountain lions in Arizona feed almost exclu-sively on large prey, usually killing one

deer-sized animal every six to 12 days. Considerable skill in executing stalks and more importantly in consummating the kill is required to avoid debilitating injury.

Hunt HistoryLions were classified as a “predatory animal” by the territorial legislature and were subject to a statewide bounty of $50 dollars in 1919. This status continued until 1970 when the mountain lion was classified as a big-game animal and a tag was required to take one, even though ranchers and their agents could still take a depredating lion. A mandatory checkout procedure and other reporting requirements were instituted in 1982. reporting information indicates that lion har-vests have gradually increased over time. recently, the annual kill has ranged between 250 and 350 animals, of which about 10-12 percent are taken by predator control agents.Mountain lion distribution

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160 Hunt Arizona 2015

Mountain Lion Harvest DataMountain Lion Harvest DataMountain Lion Harvest Data

Year Tags issuedHarvest Hunter Harvest

Using DogsSex of Hunter Harvest

Hunter2 Depredation3 Other4 Total Male Female Unclassified1951 – – 181 0 181 – – – –1952 – – 198 0 198 – – – –1953 – – 200 0 200 – – – –1954 – – 201 0 201 – – – –1955 – – 230 0 230 – – – –1956 – – 189 0 189 – – – –1957 – – 266 0 266 – – – –1958 – – 264 0 264 – – – –1959 – – 243 0 243 – – – –1960 – – 215 0 215 – – – –1961 – – 242 0 242 – – – –1962 – – 231 0 231 – – – –1963 – – 197 0 197 – – – –1964 – – 267 0 267 – – – –1965 – – 286 0 286 – – – –1966 – – 257 0 257 – – – –1967 – – 257 0 257 – – – –1968 – – 226 0 226 – – – –1969 – – 217 0 217 – – – –1970 – – 278 0 278 – – – –1971 3835 172 0 0 172 – – – –1972 4214 120 48 0 168 – – – –1973 4917 190 15 0 205 – – – –1974 4896 172 22 0 194 – – – –1975 5460 219 19 1 239 – – – –1976 6261 238 14 0 252 – – – –1977 7498 248 4 0 252 – – – –1978 7964 229 12 0 241 – – – –1979 7938 283 7 0 290 – – – –1980 7799 204 2 0 206 – – – –1981 7871 191 9 1 201 – – – –1982 8069 316 8 1 325 – – – –1983 7004 221 7 1 229 – – – –1984 6876 184 9 0 193 – – – –1985 7523 246 19 7 272 – – – –1986 7936 191 25 0 216 – – – –1987 8304 205 31 5 241 127 109 89 71988 8495 183 24 1 208 104 82 99 21989 3656 130 65 1 196 85 77 51 21990 3046 188 40 1 229 125 108 74 61991 3038 179 25 1 205 115 107 71 11992 3177 201 28 5 234 147 113 83 51993 3407 188 38 12 238 117 106 81 11994 4156 215 35 6 256 128 120 93 21995 4859 234 31 1 266 150 126 103 51996 5552 225 38 2 265 131 119 106 01997 5657 269 48 3 320 182 134 134 11998 6590 289 52 1 342 192 150 136 31999 6885 247 49 2 298 161 126 120 12000 7478 276 53 0 329 193 133 141 22001 8109 326 58 0 384 214 176 144 6

1Data from Indian Reservations are included through 1987 and excluded thereafter�2Estimated from a mail questionnaire from 1971-1987 and from mandatory check-outs from 1988-present�3As reported by Arizona Livestock Sanitary Board through June 30, 1970, and reported stock-killers since 1971�4Includes known kills other than sport or depredation (e�g�, highway mortality, capture mortality, and illegal take)�

Historic Summary of Mountain Lion Harvest¹

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Hunt Arizona 2015 161

Mountain Lion Hunt Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Mountain Lion Hunt Data

Historic Summary of Mountain Lion Harvest¹

Year Tags issuedHarvest Hunter Harvest

Using DogsSex of Hunter Harvest

Hunter2 Depredation3 Other4 Total Male Female Unclassified2002 8274 264 50 5 319 175 144 116 42003 8089 218 66 12 296 164 107 111 02004 8964 247 31 1 279 167 123 122 22005 10117 204 41 0 245 120 103 101 02006 10931 221 36 5 262 136 108 113 02007 10995 256 28 5 289 170 146 109 12008 10713 265 42 5 311 168 142 121 22009 10467 246 29 7 282 166 149 97 02010 10358 247 31 7 285 165 147 99 12011 10292 287 38 4 329 199 159 1252012 10942 235 37 4 276 155 128 1072013 10951 302 41 1 344 219 162 1362014 11128 233 33 2 268 164 112 119

1Data from Indian Reservations are included through 1987 and excluded thereafter�2Estimated from a mail questionnaire from 1971-1987 and from mandatory check-outs from 1988-present�3As reported by Arizona Livestock Sanitary Board through June 30, 1970, and reported stock-killers since 1971�4Includes known kills other than sport or depredation (e�g�, highway mortality, capture mortality, and illegal take)�

Unit YearHarvest Hunter

HarvestUsing Dogs

Sex of Hunter Harvest Adult


Month of Hunter Harvest

Hunter Depredation Other Male Female Jan� to March

Apr� to June

July to Sept�

Oct to Dec�

1 2010 3 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 1 0 21 2011 9 0 0 4 7 2 1 4 0 2 31 2012 5 0 0 3 5 0 0 1 0 1 31 2013 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 11 2014 5 0 0 5 2 3 0 2 1 0 22A 2010 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 12A 2014 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 12B 2013 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 12N 2011 0 1 0 - - - - - - - -3B 2011 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 03B 2012 0 0 1 - - - - - - - -3B 2013 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 13C 2010 3 0 0 3 2 1 0 1 0 0 23C 2011 3 0 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 1 13C 2012 6 0 0 5 2 4 1 1 0 0 53C 2013 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 23C 2014 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 04A 2011 3 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 24A 2013 6 0 0 6 2 4 3 6 0 0 04A 2014 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 14B 2010 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 14B 2011 4 0 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 24B 2012 4 0 0 3 2 2 0 1 0 1 24B 2013 3 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 25A 2010 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 25A 2011 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 05A 2012 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 05A 2013 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 05A 2014 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 05B 2010 2 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 15B 2011 3 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 25B 2012 7 0 0 5 5 2 1 5 0 1 15B 2013 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 25B 2014 4 0 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 1 16A 2010 4 0 0 3 3 1 0 3 0 0 16A 2011 3 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 26A 2012 4 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 0 1 36A 2013 14 0 0 8 6 7 3 10 0 0 4

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162 Hunt Arizona 2015

Mountain Lion Hunt Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Mountain Lion Hunt Data

Unit YearHarvest Hunter

HarvestUsing Dogs

Sex of Hunter Harvest Adult


Month of Hunter Harvest

Hunter Depredation Other Male Female Jan� to March

Apr� to June

July to Sept�

Oct to Dec�

6A 2014 8 0 0 6 4 4 1 3 1 2 26AS 2010 7 0 0 4 4 3 0 3 0 1 36AS 2011 8 0 0 8 3 5 2 4 2 0 26AS 2012 5 0 0 4 2 3 2 5 0 0 06B 2011 2 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 16B 2013 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 17 2010 7 0 0 6 5 2 1 5 1 0 17 2011 8 0 0 7 3 4 3 4 1 1 27 2012 3 0 0 2 2 1 0 2 0 0 17 2013 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 17 2014 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 08 2010 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 28 2011 6 0 0 5 5 1 0 2 0 0 48 2012 4 0 1 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 38 2013 7 0 0 4 5 2 1 3 0 0 48 2014 5 0 0 4 2 3 0 3 1 1 09 2010 2 0 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 29 2011 9 0 0 9 6 3 0 5 0 1 39 2012 8 0 0 6 5 3 1 4 0 0 49 2013 9 0 0 6 4 5 2 6 0 0 39 2014 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 110 2010 7 0 0 3 3 4 3 3 1 0 310 2011 8 0 0 5 5 3 1 5 0 0 310 2012 11 0 0 7 7 4 2 6 1 2 210 2013 8 0 0 6 4 4 0 6 0 1 110 2014 8 1 0 4 3 5 1 4 1 1 211M 2011 0 0 1 - - - - - - - -11M 2012 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 112A 2010 9 0 0 4 3 6 4 0 0 2 712A 2011 21 0 0 19 9 12 4 5 1 2 1312A 2012 4 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 412A 2013 12 0 0 11 7 5 4 6 1 0 512A 2014 16 0 0 15 6 10 4 5 2 0 912B 2014 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 213A 2010 3 0 0 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 313A 2011 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 013A 2012 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 113A 2013 8 0 0 8 3 5 1 4 0 0 413A 2014 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 113B 2011 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 013B 2014 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 113BS 2013 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 015A 2010 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 115A 2013 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 115A 2014 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 115B 2011 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 115B 2014 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 015BE 2013 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 115BW 2010 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 015BW 2013 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 015D 2010 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 015D 2012 0 0 1 - - - - - - - -16A 2010 5 1 0 5 4 1 0 4 0 0 116A 2011 2 0 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 216A 2012 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 016A 2013 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 016A 2014 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 116AS 2010 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 016AS 2011 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 116AS 2012 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 116AS 2013 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0

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Mountain Lion Hunt Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Mountain Lion Hunt Data

Unit YearHarvest Hunter

HarvestUsing Dogs

Sex of Hunter Harvest Adult


Month of Hunter Harvest

Hunter Depredation Other Male Female Jan� to March

Apr� to June

July to Sept�

Oct to Dec�

17A 2010 3 0 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 0 117A 2011 6 0 0 6 4 2 2 4 0 1 117A 2012 3 0 0 1 1 2 1 2 0 0 117A 2013 4 0 0 3 3 1 1 2 2 0 017A 2014 3 0 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 117B 2010 13 0 0 12 6 7 2 5 2 0 617B 2011 3 0 0 1 2 1 0 2 0 0 117B 2012 5 0 0 5 2 3 1 4 0 0 117B 2013 10 0 0 9 7 3 1 4 0 0 617B 2014 5 0 0 5 3 2 1 2 0 0 318A 2010 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 018A 2011 4 1 0 2 4 0 0 1 2 0 118A 2012 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 118A 2013 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 018A 2014 4 1 0 2 1 3 1 2 1 0 118B 2010 2 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 118B 2011 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 118B 2013 3 0 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 0 218B 2014 3 2 0 3 1 2 2 1 1 0 118BS 2010 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 118BS 2011 3 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 318BS 2012 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 018BS 2014 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 119A 2010 5 0 0 5 3 2 1 3 2 0 019A 2011 5 0 1 4 3 2 1 3 0 1 119A 2012 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 019A 2014 5 0 0 4 3 2 0 3 2 0 019B 2010 5 0 0 2 4 1 1 1 0 0 419B 2011 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 019B 2012 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 119B 2013 3 0 0 2 2 1 0 2 1 0 019B 2014 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 020A 2010 8 0 0 5 5 3 2 5 2 1 020A 2011 13 0 0 11 6 7 3 2 2 2 720A 2012 4 0 0 3 1 3 1 3 0 1 020A 2013 4 0 0 3 1 3 1 3 0 1 020A 2014 5 0 0 5 3 2 1 2 2 0 120B 2010 3 1 0 2 1 2 1 2 0 0 120B 2011 3 0 0 2 1 2 2 1 0 0 220B 2012 3 0 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 220B 2013 5 0 0 4 3 2 2 0 0 1 420B 2014 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 020C 2010 7 0 2 5 5 2 0 2 1 2 220C 2011 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 120C 2012 5 0 0 3 1 4 1 3 1 0 120C 2013 5 0 0 3 3 2 1 2 0 0 320C 2014 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 121 2010 3 0 1 3 2 1 0 2 0 0 121 2011 3 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 321 2012 10 0 0 6 4 6 1 6 0 1 321 2013 4 1 0 3 3 1 1 2 0 0 221 2014 6 0 0 1 2 4 0 1 1 0 422 2010 6 0 0 6 5 1 0 3 0 0 322 2011 6 0 0 5 3 3 1 5 0 0 122 2012 7 0 0 5 5 2 0 2 2 0 322 2013 6 0 1 2 1 5 1 3 0 0 322 2014 3 0 0 2 2 1 1 3 0 0 022S 2010 3 0 0 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 122S 2011 4 0 0 4 3 1 1 3 0 0 122S 2012 3 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 122S 2013 3 0 0 2 1 2 1 2 0 0 1

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164 Hunt Arizona 2015

Mountain Lion Hunt Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Mountain Lion Hunt Data

Unit YearHarvest Hunter

HarvestUsing Dogs

Sex of Hunter Harvest Adult


Month of Hunter Harvest

Hunter Depredation Other Male Female Jan� to March

Apr� to June

July to Sept�

Oct to Dec�

23 2010 13 0 0 12 10 3 2 5 1 2 523 2011 23 0 0 23 17 5 3 12 2 1 823 2012 18 0 0 14 12 6 5 7 4 4 323 2013 16 0 0 14 9 7 0 7 0 5 423 2014 7 0 0 4 4 3 0 2 1 1 324A 2010 5 0 0 3 5 0 0 3 1 0 124A 2011 7 0 1 3 4 3 1 1 0 0 624A 2012 5 0 0 2 2 3 1 1 0 0 424A 2013 9 0 0 9 7 2 1 6 1 0 224A 2014 8 0 0 4 5 3 2 2 2 2 224B 2012 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 124B 2013 9 0 0 8 5 4 2 5 3 0 124B 2014 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 126M 2013 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 127 2010 6 1 0 5 4 1 0 2 0 0 427 2011 11 3 0 8 7 4 1 6 1 1 327 2012 13 6 0 9 6 7 2 3 1 2 627 2013 7 1 0 5 6 1 0 5 1 1 027 2014 13 2 0 10 5 8 4 6 0 1 627L 2013 5 0 0 2 3 2 0 3 1 0 127L 2014 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 027P 2010 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 127U 2014 5 0 0 4 2 3 1 0 1 3 128 2010 5 8 1 3 2 3 0 0 3 0 028 2011 2 16 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 028 2012 3 9 0 3 1 2 0 0 1 0 228 2013 1 13 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 128 2014 3 6 0 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 128L 2014 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 029 2010 5 0 0 3 4 1 1 0 0 0 529 2011 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 029 2012 2 0 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 0 029 2013 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 029 2014 4 0 0 2 1 3 1 0 1 1 230A 2010 3 0 0 2 2 1 0 2 0 0 130A 2011 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 130A 2012 4 0 0 3 3 1 0 1 0 0 330A 2013 6 0 0 5 2 4 3 2 4 0 030A 2014 4 0 0 4 2 2 1 3 0 0 130B 2010 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 030B 2012 3 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 330B 2013 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 130B 2014 6 0 0 2 3 3 1 3 0 2 131 2010 3 7 0 1 1 2 2 1 0 0 231 2011 6 5 0 4 2 4 1 1 0 0 531 2012 5 13 0 4 3 2 2 5 0 0 031 2013 3 14 0 1 0 3 2 0 0 0 331 2014 3 8 0 2 2 1 1 2 1 0 031AG 2013 4 0 0 2 2 2 0 3 0 1 031AG 2014 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 032 2010 12 11 1 5 8 4 2 2 1 0 932 2011 15 8 0 8 10 5 1 5 1 2 732 2012 10 9 1 6 5 5 1 3 0 3 432 2013 9 11 0 8 5 4 2 5 0 1 332 2014 9 9 0 7 7 2 1 1 0 1 732AG 2013 14 0 0 14 8 6 4 9 4 0 132AG 2014 8 0 0 6 5 3 2 5 3 0 033 2010 20 0 0 15 14 6 4 10 4 2 433 2011 18 0 0 6 8 10 8 5 1 2 1033 2012 22 0 0 15 13 9 2 11 2 1 833 2013 20 0 0 12 10 10 6 4 3 2 11

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Hunt Arizona 2015 165

Mountain Lion Hunt Data

5-Year: 2010-2014 Mountain Lion Hunt Data

Unit YearHarvest Hunter

HarvestUsing Dogs

Sex of Hunter Harvest Adult


Month of Hunter Harvest

Hunter Depredation Other Male Female Jan� to March

Apr� to June

July to Sept�

Oct to Dec�

33 2014 13 1 1 7 8 5 1 6 2 1 434A 2010 8 0 0 5 3 5 2 3 0 2 334A 2011 11 0 0 4 6 5 1 2 1 1 734A 2012 5 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 334A 2013 13 0 0 9 7 5 3 8 1 2 234A 2014 7 1 0 7 4 3 1 4 1 1 134B 2010 6 0 0 5 4 2 1 1 0 0 534B 2011 6 1 0 5 3 3 2 2 0 1 334B 2012 3 0 0 3 2 1 1 0 1 1 134B 2013 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 034B 2014 4 0 0 4 2 2 0 3 0 0 135A 2010 10 1 0 4 5 5 3 5 1 1 335A 2011 4 0 0 3 2 2 0 2 1 0 135A 2012 7 0 0 4 2 5 4 4 0 1 235A 2013 7 0 0 6 5 2 1 3 1 0 335A 2014 3 0 0 3 1 2 2 1 1 0 135B 2010 4 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 235B 2011 5 0 0 4 3 2 1 2 0 0 335B 2012 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 135B 2013 6 0 0 6 3 3 2 2 3 0 135B 2014 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 136A 2010 4 0 0 2 4 0 0 1 0 1 236A 2011 6 0 1 5 3 3 0 1 0 2 336A 2012 3 0 0 1 0 3 0 1 1 0 136A 2013 8 0 0 7 4 4 1 3 1 2 236A 2014 9 1 0 7 5 3 2 2 3 1 336B 2010 4 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 1 336B 2011 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 236B 2013 6 1 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 636B 2014 7 0 0 4 2 4 1 1 2 0 436C 2010 3 0 0 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 136C 2011 9 0 0 3 2 7 4 1 2 0 536C 2012 5 0 0 3 4 1 1 3 0 0 236C 2013 7 0 0 6 5 2 0 3 0 0 436C 2014 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 037A 2010 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 137A 2012 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 037A 2013 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 037A 2014 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 037B 2010 5 0 0 4 2 3 0 2 0 1 237B 2011 2 1 0 2 0 2 2 1 0 0 137B 2012 3 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 337B 2013 6 0 0 6 6 0 0 3 1 0 237B 2014 5 0 0 4 1 4 2 2 2 0 137BN 2011 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 237BN 2012 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 037BN 2013 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 038M 2010 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 039 2011 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 139 2012 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 139 2014 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 041 2014 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 042 2012 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 042 2014 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 044A 2012 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 044A 2013 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 044A 2014 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 144AE 2010 3 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 144AE 2011 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 044AE 2012 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0

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166 Hunt Arizona 2015

Quail Arizonans have the privilege of hunting three species of quail—four, if the few California quail found along the Little Colorado river drainage in Apache County are included. These are the Gambel’s quail, scaled quail, and mearns’ or montezuma quail. Another quail, for-merly found in Arizona, the masked bobwhite, is listed federally as an endangered species.

of the above species, the Gambel’s or desert quail is by far the best known. Found in most of the state’s counties, these birds are often hunted in open desert country where they are more apt to run or flush than hold for a dog. The Gambel’s jaunty, plumed topknot, carried by both sexes, makes for ready identifica-tion, along with the male’s bright russet cap, black face and bib, and cream-colored belly marked with a black horseshoe. As with all species of quail, the young of the year can be distinguished through their first winter by their spotted secondary wing coverts. Adult males av-erage only about 6 ounces; the slightly smaller females between 5.7 and 5.9 ounces.

The handsome—rather than gaudy—scaled quail is

the second most commonly encountered quail in Ari-zona. A bird of the open country of eastern Arizona, this quail too is more likely to run than hold. Both sex-es of this species display white, conical crests, hence the common name of “cottontop.” The scaled appellation is appropriate, however, as the birds possess a distinctive scalloping on the breast, nape and belly. otherwise, their overall color is tan above with a mixture of beige, grays, and whites below. A generally bigger bird than the Gambel’s quail, adult male “scalies” average about 7.3 ounces, females 6.7 ounces.

mearns’ quail are the largest and most striking, yet also the most secretive of Arizona’s quails. male mearns’ quail have white and black harlequin-marked heads, capped by a russet shock of feathers that form an ill-fitting crest. These co*ck quail also possess hand-some brown and black checkered backs interlaced with white darts, and white-spotted black flanks similar to a guinea fowl’s. Their breasts and underparts are a rich mahogany that turns to black at the rump, which terminates in a stubby, almost non-existent tail. The hens are cinnamon colored with brown, black and buff markings. in winter, the males average about 6.9 ounc-

es, the females about 6.2 ounces. Long, scythe-shaped claws that are used for dig-ging show that these birds are ground-dwellers, and they hold so well to a dog that this species has come to be known as Arizona’s greatest game bird.

Natural History The sexes of all Ari-zona quails show some differences in plumage, and all of the species form seasonal pair bonds

small Game




Gambel’s quail

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that last through incubation and brood-raising. Clutch and brood sizes are often large, ranging up to a dozen or more chicks, and both the co*ck and the hen care for the young. individual birds have short life spans, how-ever, and population sizes tend to fluctuate widely from year to year. All Arizona species form fall and winter coveys that are likely to remain in the same general area where they were raised.

each species has its own habitat preferences. The Gambel’s quail is found throughout the sonoran and

mojave deserts up-ward in elevation through semi-des-ert grassland and chaparral to the edges of pinyon-juniper woodland and pine for-est—wherever mesquites and other brushy cover occur. The scaled quail is a bird of semidesert grass-lands and the

Chihuahuan desert, preferring open plains and foothills; the mearns’ quail prefers oak woodlands and oak savan-nas in the southeastern portions of the state where grass cover is abundant enough to conceal its presence.

Although all three major species of Arizona quail have formed pair bonds by march, they each have different breeding seasons. Gambel’s quail breed only in spring and early summer, and breeding intensity and success are di-rectly related to the amount of rainfall received during the previous october through march. The breeding season of scaled quail is more complex. They breed in spring after wet winters, but also during the summer months after the monsoons have started. mearns’ quail nest only after the summer monsoon season, and often postpone breeding until after the summer solstice when the days are get-ting shorter. The factors determining the population levels of the various species also differ. The numbers of Gam-bel’s quail are related more to the success of the hatch than to carry-over from the previous year. scaled quail numbers are determined by both the success of the hatch and the number of birds surviving from the year before. mearns’ quail generally have good hatching success, and their highly fluctuating numbers are determined large-ly by how many birds survive the winter. All of the birds experience relatively high winter mortality. The scaled and mearns’ quail are more dependent on grass cover for over-winter survival than is the Gambel’s quail, and hence are more sensitive to livestock grazing pressures than the Gambel’s.

Hunt History By the turn of the century, quail hunting had become a popular pastime in Arizona, and a generous season and lack of a bag limit gave the state a reputation for harboring “game-hogs.” Then, in 1909, the territorial legislature limited quail hunting to an open season of october 16 through January 31, an arrangement that was retained in the state game code of 1912 along with a bag limit of 25 quail. in 1929 quail numbers must have been thought to be in need of improvement, as the season was short-ened to november 1 through december 31, and the follow-ing year the newly appointed Arizo-na Game and Fish Commission re-duced the bag limit to 15 quail per day. There was no season on mearns’ or “fool quail” as this spe-cies was commonly known.Gambel’s quail distribution Scaled quail distribution




Scaled quail

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168 Hunt Arizona 2015

Small Game

during the years that followed, quail seasons and bag lim-its varied in response to quail numbers and the success of the hatch, which in some years, such as 1946-48, was so poor that no season was autho-rized. it was believed that unless the ra-tio of young to adult quail observed on summer surveys was less than 2.1:1 a hunt could not be justified, and even when there was a season, it might be only two days long with a five-bird bag limit. Then, in the 1950s and early 1960s, research showed that hunting mortality was compensatory to natural mortality, and a stan-dardized season from mid-october through the end of the month, followed by another season from novem-ber 1 through the end of January, gradually became the norm, along with a 15-bird bag limit. Later, the month of november was also opened to quail hunting and the closing date delayed until mid-February. This season, which applies to both Gambel’s and scaled quail, has continued to the present day.

in 1960 a two-day season on mearns’ quail was au-thorized for a limited area in the santa rita mountains. hunting was shown to have a negligible effect on this species also, and this season too was gradually expanded. today, the season opens in mid-november in deference to the bird’s late nesting habits, and continues to mid-February. This bird and season has become so popular with bird dog hunters that recent Commission meetings

have often entertained proposals to lower the 15-bird bag limit to a lesser number in an attempt to “spread out the harvest.”

Quail hunting in Arizona has always had its ups and downs. The top year in recent times was in 1979 when nearly 100,000 hunters reported harvesting more than 2.5 million quail. since then, quail numbers and hunter in-terest have fallen off, with hunter numbers ranging from 27,000 to 60,000.

White-winged DoveThis bird’s hefty size and rounded off tail give the “white-wing” the appearance of being half dove and half pigeon, hence the older name of “sonora pigeon.” Whitewings dif-fer from the more widespread mourning dove in having an overall grayer plumage, a white-tipped tail, and the white wing epaulets that give the bird its name. Unless pressed by gunners, the whitewing’s flight also appears slower, less purposeful, and more pigeonlike than the mourn-ing dove’s. Adults can be distinguished by an unfeathered bright blue eye patch, red feet, and eyes that range from yellow-orange to orange-red. By way of contrast, birds of the year have dull purplish-brown feet and are marked mostly in grays, whites, and browns. Adult males are es-pecially handsome birds, their brownish heads crowned in reddish purple with areas on the neck flecked with gold, green, and purple iridescence. The average weight of an adult male is about 5.5 ounces, although birds weighing up to 8 ounces have been recorded.

Natural History There are two types of white-winged dove populations in Arizona, a thinly scattered population found through-out the sonoran desert and the surrounding countryside

(including towns and residen-tial neighborhoods), and colonial populations that nest collective-ly along river bottoms adjacent to agricultural areas. most of the desert and residential area white-wings nest only once and migrate out of the state prior to the opening of the dove season on september 1. The colonial white-wings, however, usually nest twice before departing for their wintering areas in southwestern mexico. These are the white-wings that are most often present after september 1, and which contribute most to the harvest.

males of both populations be-gin courtship as soon as they arrive

Mearns’ quail distribution




Mearns’ quail

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in Arizona in late April and early may. By late may, nest-ing is at its peak, both sexes sharing in the incubation of the eggs and the feeding and brooding of the two young squabs, most of which hatch toward the end of June. Fed a high-ly nutritious “pigeon-milk” by their parents, the squabs are usually fledged by late June or July. should grains or other high-energy foods be available, the colonial-nesting birds will now attempt another nesting, while the “desert birds” begin migrating south. As the second nesting comes to a close in late July and August, both the juvenile birds and

their parents form gregarious flocks in selected roost sites adjacent to fa-vored feeding fields, which unlike those selected by mourn-ing doves, are often composed of stand-ing crops of barley, maize, and safflow-er. The stimuli for the mass migration from cultivated val-leys that takes place about september 1

are not completely understood. summer storms, a drop in nighttime temperatures, food shortages, and harassment by hunters have all been suggested as reasons for the move-ment. nonetheless, there have been years when all of these events occurred with little or no influence on the onset of migration. once migration is underway, the departure is of-ten rapid, the adults usually leaving before the juveniles.

Hunt History A favorable combination of nesting cover and grain crops resulted in two great heydays of white-winged dove hunt-ing in Arizona. The first of these was in the years prior to World War i, and the second was during the years af-ter World War ii. so plentiful were these birds that the bag limit was 25 per day and 50 in possession. numbers peaked in the 1960s when, in 1968, an all-time record harvest of more than 3/4 million was reached. since then, declining nesting habitat and the virtual replacement of grain farming by cotton and alfalfa have greatly reduced whitewing hunting opportunities. But after reaching a low of 86,000 birds in 1980, whitewing harvests have again gradually increased. today, hunter numbers range be-tween 15,000 and 30,000, bagging 80,000 to 125,000 whitewings a year.

Mourning DoveThis is the most common and widely occurring game bird in Arizona, and the dove’s trim, streamlined body, accen-tuated by its tiny head and sharply tapered tail is familiar to even the most casual observer of birds. This dove can also be differentiated from its white-winged cousin by its overall brown color, a lack of white on all but the outer tail feathers, the presence of black spots on the upper wing surfaces, and the distinctive rattling whistle that is emitted by the bird’s wing feathers when it takes flight. The more richly colored adult males can usually be distinguished at all times of the year from the browner females by their pinkish rose breasts, flecks of metallic green and other iridescence on the napes of their necks, and their slate blue crowns. Adult males weigh about 4.3 ounces, females about 4

ounces, with an occasional male weighing up to 6 ounces. Juvenile birds can be identified up to 4 or 5 months of age by the white tipping on the margins of their wing feathers.

Natural History mourning doves occur from the lowest el-evations along the Colorado river upward through forests of ponderosa pines to 8,500 feet. Their staple foods throughout the year are primarily small seeds and cultivated grains. Although some doves can be found nesting on the ground in open prairies, the best nesting habitats are brushlands and woodlands within the sonoran desert. here, the woeful call of breeding males can be heard as early as Febru-ary, and pairs have been known to attempt as many as seven nestings in a single season. pro-ductivity may therefore be high even though the usual clutch size is only two eggs. incuba-a






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White-winged dove

White-winged dove distribution

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170 Hunt Arizona 2015

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tion takes only about 15 days, and is accomplished by both parents, as is the brooding and feeding of the nearly na-ked squabs. The young doves are fed regurgitated “pigeon milk” by both parents, and they grow and develop rapidly.

Fledglings leave the nest only 12 to 14 days after hatching. even in southern Arizona, nesting is essentially over by mid-August, and some of the early-hatched juve-niles have already migrated by late July. By the first week of septem-ber, the migration of most nesting populations is usu-

ally underway, the juveniles typically leaving before the adults.

Hunt History prior to statehood this species was hunted primarily in conjunction with white-winged dove, and spring and sum-mer shooting over grain fields was a common occurrence. in 1929, however, state and federal regulations curtailed the mourning dove season in Arizona to between sep-tember 1 and december 15, and established a 20-bird bag limit. As with the white-winged dove, the glory days of mourning dove shooting were in the 1960s and 1970s, when more than 100,000 hunters reported harvesting up to 2.5 million mourning doves a year. Although still ranked as one of Arizona’s two most important game birds, mourning dove hunting has since fallen off due to urban expansion, changing farm practices, and more restric-tive season arrangements. hip surveys indicate 30,000 to 45,000 hunters bag from 80,000 to 1 million doves each year.

Cottontail RabbitThree species of cottontail occur in Arizona: the moun-tain cottontail, eastern cottontail, and desert cottontail. The smallest of these (22-30 ounces) is the relatively short-eared mountain cottontail, which is largely restrict-ed to elevations above 7,500 feet from the mogollon rim northward. The generally larger eastern cottontail (28-52 ounces) is found in the mountains of southeastern and central Arizona where it occupies many of the same habi-tats as the Coues white-tailed deer. The most abundant and important rabbit by far, however, is the desert cot-tontail (26.5-44 ounces), which is found in every county in the state up to elevations exceeding 7,000 feet.

Natural History despite, or perhaps because of, their relative abundance, little is known about the life histories of Arizona cot-tontails. only one study has been conducted on desert

cottontails, and none on eastern and mountain cotton-tails. Although we know that cottontail rabbits may vary from amazing abundance in one year to relative scarcity the next, we have little insight as to what factors other than winter rainfall control their numbers. promiscu-ous and prolific, cottontails feeding on green growth may have up to five litters of two to four young a year. But, al-though the desert cottontail is able to breed throughout the year, most young rabbits are produced in spring when the new growth of plants is most available. At other times of the year, selected foods include twigs, newly emerging grasses, weeds, and even cacti. Cottontails rarely drink,

and free water does not appear to be a requirement for ei-ther their survival or reproduction.

Hunt History The cottontail hunting season has always been year-long in Arizona, and the bag limit has been 10 rabbits per day for many

Mourning dove distribution


ry ir



Cottontail rabbit

Cottontail rabbit distribution

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years. Although some hunters consider cottontail hunt-ing with a .22 rifle as their primary sport, cottontails traditionally have been taken in Arizona in conjunction with dove and quail hunting. As a consequence of the wide fluctuations in both cottontail and quail numbers, the annual take of cottontails is highly erratic, ranging from a reported high of about 850,000 rabbits in 1979 to less than 56,000 in 1998. today, there are 10,000 to 15,000 hunters taking 45,000 to 120,000 rabbits per year.

Tree Squirrelsno fewer than four species and eight subspecies of tree squirrels can be found in Arizona’s forests. of these, the Abert’s or tassel-eared squirrel is the most widespread and contributes most to the annual squirrel harvest. This squirrel, with its easily discernible ear tufts, along with its close relatives, the black-bellied and white-tailed Kai-bab squirrels, are exclusively inhabitants of ponderosa pine forests and the life cycles of the squirrels and the tree are remarkably intertwined. Less well known is the also white-bellied Arizona gray squirrel and its close rela-tive, the rust-colored Chiricahua fox squirrel, both of which inhabit riparian deciduous forests and oak wood-lands south of the mogollon rim. Another species is the chicaree or red squirrel (actually more olive or gray than red in Arizona), which is restricted to the higher for-

ests of spruce and fir above 8,500 feet elevation. Both the tassel-eared and gray squirrels aver-age a little under 1.5 pounds in weight, while the diminu-tive red squirrel averages just over 0.5 pounds.

Natural History tassel-eared squir-

rels have but one breeding season a year, which is closely correlated with the production of the staminate flowers of ponderosa pine in late April, may, or early June. After a lengthy chase, the female comes into es-trus for only one day. she will later give birth to a single litter of from two to four young in a nest made of pine boughs. Throughout the summer, the squirrels feed on the seeds of developing cones as well as on under-ground fungi or truffles that grow under mature pine trees. These foods are the most nutritious for the squir-rel, and only when they are exhausted does the animal resort to feeding on the inner bark of pine twigs—the discarded terminals of which are often seen littering the forest floor. These “clippings” of inner bark are only an emergency food, however, and if deep snow-cover or other factors force the squirrel to rely entirely on this food source, the animal will eventually go into shock and die. only after years of research was it learned that the periods of tassel-eared squirrel scarcity and abun-dance were related to the amount of snow-cover and the availability of underground fungi. most squirrel mortality is during the late winter, and when snow cov-ers the ground for 80 or more days, the mortality rate exceeds the squirrel’s rather modest recruitment rate. hunting apparently has little effect on the animal’s numbers as other research shows the lowest monthly mortality is during the october and november hunt-ing season.

Hunt History

tree squirrels have an uneven history as game in Arizo-na. having gone from being totally ignored at the time of statehood, to having a limited season in conjunction with the deer and turkey seasons in the 1920s, the season was closed in 1935 due to a perceived lack of squirrels. too many squirrels in the 1940s resulted in a re-opening of the season, and squirrel hunt regulations have since been liberalized gradually until every species and most subspe-cies are now subjected to limited hunting. even the once

Tree squirrel distribution




Abert’s Squirrels

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172 Hunt Arizona 2015

Small Game

sacrosanct Kaibab squirrel is now hunted, and the only to-tally protected squirrel is the federally endangered Graham mountain spruce squirrel.

The tassel-eared or Abert’s squirrel is the major game species, however, and the numbers of tree squirrel hunters and harvest depends largely on the vagaries of tassel-eared squirrel numbers. Questionnaire data collected since the early 1960s show that the peak number of hunters was in 1986 when 21,402 squirrel hunters took to the field and bagged nearly 165,000 squirrels for a hunter success of 2.5 squirrels per day. in the 1990s, the number of hunters generally ranged between 12,000 and 18,000 a year with the annual harvest between 50,000 and 100,000 tree squir-rels. today, there are 6,000 to 11,000 hunters taking 25,000 to 55,000 tree squirrels a year.

Band-tailed PigeonAbout the size of a domestic pigeon, adult bandtails average just a little less than 8 ounces in weight, the females weigh-ing about 0.8 ounces less than the males. Both sexes have an overall blue-gray appearance, and it is only after close in-spection that one notices the male’s rosier breast and more iridescence on the nape of the neck; otherwise, the sexes are similar. in autumn, adults can be differentiated from their young by the adult’s chrome-yellow bills and feet, white crescent at the nape of the neck, and the dark gray band across the top of the tail that gives the bird its name.

Natural HistoryBandtails are birds of the mountains and usually nest in mixed conifer forests, ponderosa pine forests, or in dense stands of evergreen oaks and pines between 4,500 and 9,100 feet elevation. As migratory birds, bandtails are usu-ally only present in Arizona from late march thorough mid-october. Breeding generally takes place sometime in may and may continue through the summer, with some birds nesting twice and even three times in some years. The normal clutch is one glossy white egg, or occa-sionally two, so that the species’ repro-ductive potential is low. After feeding on acorns and other fall mast crops, most Arizona bandtails migrate southward to the sierra madre occidental in mex-ico to spend the winter months.

Hunt History Bandtail hunting has an erratic history in Arizona. Af-ter the season was closed in 1951 for a perceived lack of birds, interest in band-tailed pigeons waned until a study was initiated in the “four-corner” states of Ari-zona, new mexico, Colorado and Utah in the 1960s. These studies included an experimental season, which opened in 1968, and continued through 1972. hunt information showed a limited but dedicated interest in the band-tailed pigeon as a game bird with the maxi-mum number of hunters and birds harvested being 1,067 hunters and 3,545 pigeons in 1970. The numbers of both pigeons and pigeon hunters has since fallen off with only 146 bandtails reportedly taken in 1996. now it appears that band-tailed pigeon numbers may again be inching upward.

Blue GrouseBlue grouse are blu-ish-gray, chickenlike birds restricted in Arizona to eleva-tions above 8,500 feet in mixed conifer and aspen forests. As a consequence, these birds are only found in the White, Blue, escudilla, Chuska, and Buck-skin (north Kaibab) mountains, and on the san Francisco peaks where they were introduced in the mid-1970s. males are measur-ably larger than females, 2-year-old “co*cks” weighing up to 3 pounds as opposed to the adult female’s average weight of between 1.75 to 2 pounds. in comparison, first-year birds or poults typically weigh only 16 to 28 ounces during the early days of the september hunting season.

Natural History Blue grouse in Arizona do not migrate downhill dur-ing the winter months as they do in the more northern states. instead, they spend the winter roosting in douglas-fir trees, subsisting on needles until spring when the males form small “leks” or strutting grounds, which they occupy from April through June. often-times these leks are located on a fallen log or in a small clearing in the forest, where the co*ck attempts to en-gage any hen that comes his way with soft “hooting”

Blue grouse distribution

Band-tailed pigeon distribution

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displays and “flutter flights.” The peak of mating ac-tivity usually takes place during the last part of may or the first week of June, after which the male goes off to leave the hen to nest and raise the chicks on her own. most broods are hatched between mid-June and mid-July during which time the hen and poults feed primarily on forbs and insects. Four to six is an average brood size, the young staying with the hen through the fall months. Fall usually finds the hens and poults at the edge of mountain meadows and in old burns feed-ing on forbs, while the now solitary males tend to favor aspen thickets and other dense cover.

Hunt History The first legal season on blue grouse in Arizona did not take place until 1964 when 33 hunters spent 49 days to harvest 44 grouse. since that time, a variety of grouse season dates have been authorized, but the number of grouse hunters has remained low due to the birds gen-eral scarcity and the steep terrain and high elevations of their habitat. hunter numbers have never reached 800 in any given year, and the annual harvest since 1973 has been only 300 to 700 grouse.

Pheasantseveral attempts have been made to establish these na-tives of Asia as resident game birds in Arizona, the most recent being in the late 1960s and early 1970s when the small white-winged race of the ring-necked pheasant found in Afghanistan was released in farm-lands along the Gila, san pedro, and other river valleys. A handsome, unmistakable bird, both sexes of this pheasant have long pointed tails, but it is the co*cks or roosters that are unrivaled in their plumage. possessing iridescent green heads offset by ear-tufts and a crimson-wattled cheek patch, the rooster also has a purplish chest, a soot-colored belly, distinctively dotted golden flanks, white wing epaulets, and a hand-

somely barred tail. co*cks usually weigh more than 2.5 pounds, while the beige- and sand-colored hens average between 1.5 and 2 pounds. Both sexes, but es-pecially the males, typically give a cackle on being flushed that once heard is always remembered.

Natural History pheasant populations persisting in Arizona are largely confined to agricultural areas having a relatively high humidity (e.g., citrus orchards in the Yuma and mesa areas) or high enough in elevation to escape the des-iccating heat of sonoran desert summers (e.g., the Virgin river and Verde river valleys). in such loca-tions, a rooster will acquire a harem of from one to three hens, with mating commencing in early April. By mid-may most of the hens are nesting and of no fur-ther interest to him, and he will abandon his territorial patrols by the end of the month. The peak of hatch-ing is during the last week of may, the most arid time in Arizona, which is one of the reasons why pheasants have not become established here. The youngsters are covered with yellow and brown down, striped in brown and black, and are remarkably self-sufficient. After only about two weeks, they are capable of flight and remain with the hen for only another two months or so before making their own way in the world. pheas-ants roost on the ground or the low branches of trees, and the typical hiding cover is a patch of rank weeds, a stand of cattails, or a dense jungle of salt-cedars. pri-mary foods are cultivated greens and grains—alfalfa, barley sprouts, and kernels of maize, barley, and corn.

Hunt History pheasants have always been a specialty game bird in Arizona, and are only taken by a small cadre of hunt-ers, who either obtain one of the limited hunt permits periodically available, hunt with falcons, or hunt with a bow and arrows. With the cessation of the depart-ment’s experimental pheasant program in 1973, hunter numbers have never exceeded 100 in any given year and the annual harvest excluding birds taken in game farms has been less than 50 birds.

Ring-necked pheasant distribution

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Small Game Harvest Data

Summary of Small Game Harvest InformationYear Hunters1 Hunter Days Days/Hunter Licensed Harvest Junior Harvest Total Harvest Harvest/Day2

MOURninG DOVEThe Small Game questionnaire was modified to collect unit specific data� Sample no longer weighted in analysis� The data is not comparable to historic data� In 2004 and 2005, the historic survey format and the new unit specific survey format were run simultaneously� Beginning in 2006, only the new unit specific survey format was used�

2004 36,926 137,049 3�7 835,763 52,051 887,814 6�12005 33,244 131,795 4�0 825,550 75,464 901,014 6�32006 71,497 273,665 3�8 1,803,250 61,324 1,864,574 6�8

Dove were separated from the traditional Small Game questionnaire and surveyed using the new Dove and Band-tailed Pigeon questionnaire in 2007� The sample of hunters surveyed was derived for the list of Migratory Bird Stamp purchasers� The data is not comparable to historic data�

2007 36,506 153,124 4�2 978,577 38,980 1,017,557 6�62008 36,818 153,971 4�2 932,360 36,719 969,079 6�3

Mourning dove data is now obtained from the Harvest Information Program conducted by the U�S� Fish and Wildlife Service� The data is not comparable that obtained from Arizona’s questionnaire�

20093 37,200 130,600 3�5 784,400 --- 784,400 6�020103 40,500 145,300 3�6 941,800 --- 941,800 6�520113 35,400 123,300 3�6 784,600 --- 784,600 6�420123 32,100 110,800 3�5 601,200 --- 601,200 5�420133 36,300 134,300 3�7 774,800 --- 774,800 5�8

1 Includes early and late hunters�2 Licensed hunters only; does not include junior harvest� 3 Confidence intervals on harvest from the Harvest Information Program: 2009 +/-12%; 2012 +/-15%�

Year Hunters Hunter Days Days/Hunter Licensed Harvest Junior Harvest Total Harvest Harvest/Day1

WHiTE-WinGED DOVEThe Small Game questionnaire was modified to collect unit specific data� Sample no longer weighted in analysis� The data is not comparable to historic data� In 2004 and 2005, the historic survey format and the new unit specific survey format were run simultaneously� Beginning in 2006, only the new unit specific survey format was used�

2004 13,656 39,865 2�9 68,647 4,103 72,750 1�72005 12,636 36,196 2�9 64,717 7,322 72,039 1�82006 30,017 86,255 2�9 216,138 20,346 236,484 2�5

Dove were separated from the traditional Small Game questionnaire and surveyed using the new Dove and Band-tailed Pigeon questionnaire in 2007� The sample of hunters surveyed was derived for the list of Migratory Bird Stamp purchasers� The data is not comparable to historic data�

2007 14,959 49,893 3�3 85,868 4,994 90,862 1�82008 14,067 47,263 3�4 83,635 7,369 91,004 1�9

White-winged dove data is now obtained from the Harvest Information Program conducted by the U�S� Fish and Wildlife Service� The data is not comparable that obtained from Arizona’s questionnaire�

20092 20,400 68,200 3�3 124,500 --- 124,500 1�820102 17,400 52,400 3�0 84,900 --- 84,900 1�62011 18,100 57,200 3�0 118,900 --- 118,900 2�72012 14,600 47,400 3�0 86,000 --- 86,000 1�82013 18,400 60,500 3�3 100,000 --- 100,000 1�7

1 Licensed hunters only; does not include junior harvest�2 Confidence intervals on harvest from the Harvest Information Program: 2009 +/-19%; +/-24%�

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Small Game Harvest Data

Summary of Small Game Harvest Information (continued)

Year Hunters Hunter Days Days/HunterLicensed Harvest Junior



Day1Gambel’s Scaled Mearns’QUAiLThe Small Game questionnaire was modified to collect unit specific data� Sample no longer weighted in analysis� The data is not comparable to historic data� In 2004 and 2005, the historic survey format and the new unit specific survey format were run simultaneously� Beginning in 2006, only the new unit specific survey format was used�

GAMBEL’S2006 55,736 220,938 4�0 670,407 14,328 684,735 3�12007 37,623 239,350 6�4 481,410 7,562 488,972 2�02008 27,462 125,349 4�6 304,738 14,658 316,396 2�52009 31,877 179,244 5�6 411,198 7,211 418,409 2�32010 27,199 140,758 5�2 483,909 8,242 492,151 3�52011 46,594 285,509 6�1 533,210 9,940 543,150 1�92012 51,315 231,914 4�5 393,901 7,445 401,346 1�72013 44,190 210,927 4�8 377,387 12,039 389,426 1�8

SCALED2006 4,012 13,110 3�3 15,259 0 15,259 1�22007 6,302 41,404 6�6 47,265 567 47,832 1�22008 2,443 12,720 5�2 9,940 1,179 11,119 0�92009 2,747 12,705 4�6 7,669 57 7,726 0�62010 2,654 9,433 3�7 10,623 2,106 12,729 1�32011 4,881 30,050 8�0 16,419 1,331 17,750 0�52012 5,052 28,848 5�7 32,238 997 33,235 1�22013 5,289 22,269 4�2 18,024 0 18,024 0�8

MEARnS’2006 6,734 36,393 5�4 78,374 430 78,804 2�22007 6,743 34,850 5�2 80,918 1,260 82,178 2�42008 3,580 13,605 3�8 32,938 1,853 34,791 2�62009 4,121 10,874 2�6 16,024 0 16,024 1�52010 3,297 12,546 3�8 10,257 183 10,440 0�82011 5,059 26,004 5�1 22,454 888 23,342 0�92012 5,251 25,392 4�8 30,044 665 30,709 1�22013 6,194 19,833 3�2 36,465 209 36,674 1�8

1 Licensed hunters only; does not include junior harvest�

Year Hunters Hunter Days Days/Hunter Licensed Harvest Junior Harvest Total Harvest Harvest/Day1

TREE SQUiRRELThe Small Game questionnaire was modified to collect unit specific data� Sample no longer weighted in analysis� The data is not comparable to historic data� In 2004 and 2005, the historic survey format and the new unit specific survey format were run simultaneously� Beginning in 2006, only the new unit specific survey format was used�

2006 5,946 14,543 2�4 18,985 3,654 22,639 1�62007 9,138 29,430 3�2 40,018 2,458 42,476 1�42008 8,929 32,938 3�7 43,215 6,908 50,123 1�52009 10,988 35,597 3�2 52,251 3,982 56,233 1�62010 6,227 25,734 4�1 25,093 2,381 27,474 1�12011 7,988 36,920 4�6 38,518 2,219 40,737 1�12012 11,965 41,211 3�4 47,194 1,662 48,856 1�22013 10,439 32,568 3�1 32,359 3,688 36,047 1�1

1 Licensed hunters only; does not include junior harvest�

Year Hunters Hunter Days Days/Hunter Licensed Harvest Junior Harvest Total Harvest Harvest/Day1

COTTOnTAiL RABBiTThe Small Game questionnaire was modified to collect unit specific data� Sample no longer weighted in analysis� The data is not comparable to historic data� In 2004 and 2005, the historic survey format and the new unit specific survey format were run simultaneously� Beginning in 2006, only the new unit specific survey format was used�

2006 12,895 78,804 6�1 80,308 3,224 83,352 1�12007 7,015 163,222 9�6 109,781 10,398 120,179 0�72008 12,341 89,716 7�3 56,736 6,613 63,349 0�72009 15,166 112,743 7�4 68,275 3,834 72,109 0�62010 10,532 67,220 6�4 43,684 2,381 46,065 0�72011 20,413 176,790 8�7 105,169 4,970 110,139 0�62012 25,932 193,893 7�5 105,488 3,722 109,210 0�62013 22,478 138,484 6�2 92,624 13,709 106,333 0�7

1 Licensed hunters only; does not include junior harvest�

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176 Hunt Arizona 2015

Small Game Harvest Data

Summary of Willow Springs Quail Check Station Data2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14* 2014-15*

No� of Hunter Days 102 135 81 105 229 142No� of Quail Bagged 212 371 122 163 434 103No� of Gambel’s 188 364 122 159 434 102No� of Scaled 5 3 0 9 0 1Quail Per Day 1�8 2�7 1�5 1�5 1�9 0�9

Gambel’s Scaled Gambel’s Scaled Gambel’s Scaled Gambel’s Scaled Gambel’s ScaledNo� of Adult Quail Classified

59 1 78 0 17 0 24 2 44

No� of Young Quail Classified

59 0 130 3 22 0 32 2 11

Percent Young in the Bag

50 – 63 – 56 -- 57 -- 20

1 Willow Springs and Freeman Ranch Quail Check Station data were combined for 2013-2014 a nd 2014-2015.

Year Hunters Hunter Days Days/Hunter Licensed Harvest Junior Harvest Total Harvest Kill/Day1

BAnD-TAiLED PiGEOn2004 612 1,531 2�5 919 0 919 0�62005 590 886 1�5 1,122 0 1,122 1�32006 501 1,791 3�6 2,006 0 2,006 1�1

Band-tailed pigeons were separated from the traditional Small Game questionnaire and surveyed using the new Dove and Band-tailed Pigeon questionnaire in 2007� The sample of hunters surveyed was derived for the list of Migratory Bird Stamp purchasers� The data is not comparable to historic data�

2007 647 1,595 2�5 1,757 324 2,081 1�32008 819 1,563 1�9 1,191 124 1,315 0�8

Band-tailed pigeon data is now obtained from the Harvest Information Program conducted by the U�S� Fish and Wildlife Service� The data is not comparable that obtained from Arizona’s questionnaire� Data for 2009 and 2010 is being compiled�

20091 1,300 4,100 3�2 2,300 --- 2,300 0�620101 1,800 5,800 3�2 700 --- 700 0�120111 500 900 1�8 1,000 --- 1,000 1�120121 900 3,100 3�4 1,300 --- 1,300 4�220131 400 800 2�0 900 --- 900 1�1

1 Confidence intervals on harvest from the Harvest Information Program: 2009 +/-76%; 2010 +/-110%; 2011 +/- 93%; 2012 +/- 76%; 2013 +/- 125%�

Summary of Small Game Harvest Information (continued)

Year Hunters Hunter Days Days/Hunter Licensed Harvest Harvest/Day1

CHUKAR PARTRiDGEThe Small Game questionnaire was modified to collect unit specific data� The data is not comparable to historic data�

2007 252 819 3�3 189 0�232008 379 758 2�0 84 0�112009 286 454 1�6 57 0�132010 no questionnaire responses2011 266 355 1�3 1065 3�002012 66 133 2�0 0 0�002013 278 1879 6�8 209 0�11

Year Hunters Hunter Days Days/Hunter Licensed Harvest Harvest/Day1

BLUE GROUSEThe Small Game questionnaire was modified to collect unit specific data� The data is not comparable to historic data�

2006 860 1,934 2�2 287 0�152007 945 2,899 3�1 630 0�222008 1,306 3,327 2�5 379 0�112009 744 3,720 5�0 858 0�232010 366 916 2�5 92 0�102011 621 2041 3�3 0 0�002012 665 1662 2�5 199 0�122013 835 3688 4�4 1044 0�28

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Small Game Harvest Data

Summary of Freeman Road Quail Check Station Data2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

No� of Hunter Days 149 95 100 124No� of Quail Bagged 266 380 83 162No� of Gambel’s 266 380 83 162No� of Scaled 0 0 0 0Quail Per Day 1�8 4�0 0�8 1�3

Gambel’s Gambel’s Gambel’s Gambel’sNo� of Adult Quail Classified 30 28 12 10No� of Young Quail Classified 40 67 4 20Percent Young in the Bag 57 71 25 67

Year # of Birds Harvested # of Hunter Days Birds/Day Hours Hunted % Juvenile Birds/Hour19771978 34 192 77�21979 142 135 1�1 526 59�5 0�2719801981 101 113 0�9 488 84�9 0�211982 90 44 2�0 76�71983 144 0�0 546 83�71984 1047 277 3�8 1173�5 80�9 0�891985 1068 367 2�9 1513�5 68�4 0�711986 509 181 2�8 69�41987 332 188 1�8 764�5 71�5 0�431988 644 305 2�1 1521�5 83�4 0�421989 244 213 1�1 810 55�9 0�301990 421 195 2�2 943 79�7 0�451991 750 319 2�4 1437�3 75�6 0�521992 703 256 2�7 1199 78�4 0�591993 275 172 1�6 814�5 72�9 0�341994 202 133 1�5 590 45�6 0�341995 115 150 0�8 606�5 75�3 0�191996 153 142 1�1 697 75�2 0�221997 166 128 1�3 494�5 71�1 0�341998 236 132 1�8 539 72�7 0�441999 642 226 2�8 1015 75�5 0�632000 1312 414 3�2 1710�25 73�8 0�772001 888 297 3�0 1199�5 79�7 0�742002 361 133 2�7 608 74�1 0�592003 606 218 2�8 937 77�6 0�652004 399 142 2�8 486 73�5 0�822005 591 186 3�2 735 69�4 0�802006 778 217 3�6 766 81�9 1�022007 2295 539 4�3 2044 72�7 1�122008 1198 386 3�1 1460�5 76 0�822009 499 223 2�2 906�75 54�5 0�552010 35 56 0�6 144 63�6 0�242011 67 51 1�3 152�5 63�5 0�442012 386 141 2�7 522�75 70�8 0�742013 616 173 3�6 753�3 68�7 0�82Mean 542 201 2�7 857 72 0�63

Mearns’ Quail Wing Barrel Data - Reported Data

Summary of Punkin Center Quail Check Station Data2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2013-14 2014-15

No� of Hunter Days 102 74 na -- 27 13No� of Gambel’s 285 217 na 1 31 28Quail Per Day 2�8 2�9 na -- 1�1 2�2

Gambel’s Gambel’s Gambel’s Gambel’s Gambel’s Gambel’sNo� of Adult Quail Classified 30 58 na -- 7 16No� of Young Quail Classified 116 136 na -- 12 12Percent Young in the Bag 79 70 na -- 0�63 43

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178 Hunt Arizona 2015

predatory mammals as defined by A.r.s. 17-101 are coyotes, bobcats, foxes, and skunks. Bobcats are the only predator also classified as a furbearer with an ex-port tag required to ship a bobcat pelt out of state. There are no closed seasons or bag limits on any predator.

A word of caution: because of small sample sizes and vagaries in the sample frame of the hunt ques-tionnaires, caution should be used in interpreting the annual hunt harvest of both predators and furbearers. most of these data are insufficient for making year-to-year comparisons, and are useful only in determining long-term harvest trends.

CoyotesArizona’s premier predator is also an important fur resource. Found throughout Arizona, the coyote is probably the state’s most familiar animal. even where coyotes are not often seen, campers can hear their cho-ruses of howls, yelps, and barks on almost any night. The animal’s pointed ears, narrow nose, generally brown coat color, and black-tipped tail, which is usu-ally held downward, help differentiate coyotes from dogs and wolves. The head and body length of coyotes is about 2 to 3 feet with the tail add-ing another foot or so. Adult males are larger than females, the two sexes averaging about 21 and 17 pounds, respectively. A very large male may attain a weight of 35 pounds. Con-trary to popular belief, coyotes do not readily interbreed with either dogs or wolves.

Natural HistoryCoyotes are opportunists, feeding mainly on small mammals, but also on carrion, bird eggs, and vegetable matter such as manzanita and juniper berries. They also prey on pronghorn fawns, dead fish, and insects when

such items are available. in urban areas, garbage, do-mestic cats, and small dogs are sometimes taken.

Coyotes form strong pair bonds, usually breeding between mid-January and march 15. After a two-month gestation period, from one to several young are born in a den or burrow; the average litter size being about five pups. The pups are fed regurgitated food by both parents. They leave the den when about 8 to 10 weeks old.

A coyote’s home range may encompass up to 12 square miles during the spring and summer, with in-dividual animals roaming up to 100 miles or more. Besides the ever-present threat of starvation, coy-otes are also susceptible to diseases such as rabies and mange and human-caused mortality.

Hunting and Trapping HistoryThe hunter harvest of coyotes has been relatively stable during the past 10 years, about 13,000 hunters tak-ing an average of 40,000-50,000 coyotes a year. most of these animals are taken by “varmint calling,” while hunting other game, or simply as opportunities






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arise. Formerly, trappers rivaled-hunters in the number of coy-otes taken, but the reported take of trapped coy-otes during the past 10 years has averaged only a little less than 1,000 a year—a far cry from the yearly harvests of 10,000 or more coyotes reported

in the late 1970s. Although some of this decline may be due to coyote population vagaries, the principal reason for this reduced take is undoubtedly a decline in trap-ping effort.

BobcatsFound throughout the state in broken and brushy coun-try, the bobcat, sometimes called wildcat, while rarely seen, is Arizona’s most common wild feline. Usually an overall orange to gray in color with black mark-ings, these medium-sized cats have a length of from 2 to 2 1/2 feet and weigh between 12 and 30 pounds. The

underparts are whitish, and small ear tufts are usually present. The bobcat’s most distinguishing characteris-tic, however, is its short, 5 inch tail, which is always less than 1/4 of the length of its head and body. This feature, coupled with the animal’s black spotting, can be used to distinguish bobcats from any other feline in Arizona, wild or domestic.

Natural HistoryLittle is known about Arizona’s bobcats. Their principal prey are cottontail rabbits and jackrabbits, but they also take both smaller mammals such as pack rats and larger mammals including the young of some big game spe-cies. snakes and lizards are also part of the bobcat’s diet.

Bobcats require two years to mature and attain breeding age. The breeding season in Arizona is poorly documented, but appears to be mostly in late winter or early spring. The gestation period is from 50 to 60 days so that the one to three young are usually born in spring or early summer. As in most cats, the female raises the kittens alone, nursing them for two months before teaching them to hunt on their own.

Hunting and Trapping Historyhunters report taking between 2000-3000 bobcats a year. most of these animals are taken while pursuing other game or by predator calling. This harvest ap-

pears relatively stable when compared to the numbers of bobcats trapped and tagged for export. ten years ago the numbers of bobcats reportedly harvested and trapped were about equal, and 20 years ago the number of bob-cats trapped was approximately seven times that taken by hunters. As recently as 1987, the number of bobcats trapped was reported to exceed 6,500, and more than 5,000 export tags were issued to trappers and fur dealers wanting to ship bobcat pelts out of state (ta-ble 3). however, recent fluctuations in the fur market have increased the number of bobcats trapped from approximately 1500 in 2011 to 2200 in 2013. Between 500–1,000 bobcats are typically trapped each year (since 1994).

FoxesThere are three species of foxes in Arizona–the red fox, kit fox, and gray fox. of these, the 5- to 9-pound gray fox with its rust, black, and grizzled coloring and black lon-gitudinally striped tail is by far the most common, occurring wherever there are mountains, wooded country, and broken ter-rain. The yellowish and paler red fox is of

Coyote and bobcat distribution





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similar size (2-foot head and body with a 12 to 16 inch tail) but is uncommon in Arizona, occurring only in the northeast portions of the state and mostly on the na-vajo reservation. it can be differentiated from other fox-es by its white-tipped tail and black ears. The 15 to 20 inch long kit fox has large, out-sized ears, a 9- to 12-inch tail, and weighs less than 4 pounds. This diminutive fox is pale gray or buff in color, with a black-tipped tail. it is most often seen at night in valleys and on sandy plains in the southwestern deserts. For all three species, the sexes are similar in size and pelage.

Natural HistoryGray foxes are the most often seen fox in that they are the most numerous species and are often active during daylight hours. Although they favor brushy habitats, rock piles, and desert washes, they also climb trees and can be found in wooded areas. on the other hand, kit foxes prefer sandy areas, are almost exclusively noctur-nal, and spend much of the day underground.

Hunting and Trapping Historymore than 95 percent of the foxes taken and trapped in Arizona are undoubtedly the widely spread gray fox. Although kit foxes are remarkably easy to trap, their fur is of little value. Whatever the species, the annual take of about 7,000 foxes by predator callers and incidental hunters has been relatively stable in recent years despite

any population changes due to rabies and other debilitating fac-tors. Although the take by trap-pers once greatly exceeded the total taken by hunters, the av-erage number of foxes trapped during the past 10 years was far less than the harvest.

SkunksAt least four species of skunks are found in Arizona. All of the species have scent glands on either side of their anal sphincter which secrete a musk that gives them their malodorous reputation. This defensive re-action and their striking white on black color patterns are usually enough to deter all but the most determined predator. omnivorous, mostly nocturnal foragers, skunks are highly susceptible to the rabies virus. in-deed, early Arizonans so associated rabies with skunks that some species were termed “hydrophobia cats.”

The most common of the species by far is the cat-sized striped skunk that occurs throughout Arizona and constitutes the vast majority of the road-killed mammals seen on the state’s highways. The striped skunk is not only Arizona’s most frequently seen skunk, it is also the largest. Weights range from about 2 pounds for an adult female to an occasional 10 pounds or more for an obese male. The species always displays a thin white stripe on its face, even though the striping pattern may vary between individuals and popula-tions. The usual markings, however, are two lateral stripes that form a chevron, merging toward the back of the head. The tail, which usually shows some white, is always shorter in length than the approximately foot-long body. Although “stripees” live almost everywhere but in the most extreme deserts, they are most often found near water. These skunks are active throughout the year and do not hibernate even in northern Arizo-na; the males instead form communal dens with several females.

The closely related hooded skunk is the striped Kit fox distribution




Gray fox

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skunk’s mexi-can counterpart. it is general-ly confined to southeastern Ar-izona, although specimens have report-edly been taken as far north as Flagstaff and the mogollon rim. somewhat leaner than the striped skunk, hooded skunks weigh from 1 to

2 pounds and have a 12 to 16 inch long body. As for all species of skunks found in Arizona, the males are larg-er than the females. The white stripes on this animal are often solidly joined to form one large white streak down the center of the back, or in some individuals, are so totally separated that the skunk appears nearly solid black. The hooded skunk also differs from the striped skunk in that its foot-long tail is longer than its body. Both animals have the thin white stripe on the face and have the same general preferences for riparian habitats.

There is no problem distinguishing the western spotted skunk, also known as the civet. The average length of this diminutive fellow, including the tail, is only about 15 inches. Females average less than a pound; males are about a pound and a half. This skunk is also faster and more agile than its larger cousins. The spotted skunk’s overall color is black with a white tri-angular patch on the forehead and a white spot under each ear. Five or six broken white stripes run down the neck, back, and sides, giving the impression of blotch-es or spots, and the animal its name. The animal’s hair is finer than that of the other species, and the tail is tipped in white. Although reported from every coun-ty in Arizona, the spotted skunk appears to favor rocky, mountain-ous areas.

The large, 2- to six-pound hog-nosed skunk is also easily identi-fied by its entirely white back and tail and lack of any stripe on the fore-head. moreover, the elongated and slightly up-turned

snout is largely naked, and the long claws on the feet are almost bear-like in appearance. This species occurs primarily in southeastern Arizona although specimens have been obtained from as far north as Flagstaff and the hualapai mountains.

Natural HistoryAll of the skunks are more or less omnivores, feeding on grasshoppers and other insects, grubs, worms, mice, lizards, bulbs, carrion, and garbage. some individu-als even take to raiding hen houses, taking not only the eggs, but chickens as well. even the hog-nosed skunk, which digs for most of its food, will eat fruits and car-rion on occasion.

The striped, hooded, and hog-nosed skunks all mate in late winter and early spring, and produce from two to four young in April or may. The spotted skunk breeds in late september and early october, but the fertilized egg remains in a state of arrested development un-til march or April when implanta-tion occurs with the two to four young being born about a month later. The young of all the skunk species are raised and on their own by early fall. Few skunks live more than a year or two.

Trapping HistoryFormerly a major furbearer, striped skunks in Ari-zona dropped in average take to fewer than 100 per year since 1995, but have increased in take since 2005. Current average take is 215. This is in some ways un-fortunate, as uncontrolled populations of these animals are prone to rabies and constitute a health hazard to other carnivores, as well as to humans. Although the amount is undoubtedly small, it would be interesting to know what percent of the number of skunks trapped constitutes spotted and hog-nosed skunks.

Gray fox, striped skunk, and spotted skunk distribution

Hooded skunk distribution

Hog-nosed skunk distribution

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182 Hunt Arizona 2015

Furbearing mammals are defined as muskrats, rac-coons, otters, weasels, bobcats, beavers, badgers, and ringtails. of these, only the bobcat is also considered a predator. All mammals not classified as game mam-mals, predators, or furbearers are considered “nongame mammals.” These include opossums, coatis, black-footed ferrets, Gunnison’s prairie dogs, black-tailed prairie dogs, wolves, jaguars, ocelots, and porcupines. of these, only Gunnison’s prairie dogs and coatis may be taken during an open season, with the bag limit on coatis being one per calendar year. no season for the taking of jaguars, ocelots, wolves, or porcupines exists.

BeaverThere is no mistaking a beaver–no other Arizona ro-dent even comes close to weighing between 30 and 60 pounds and exceeding two feet in length. moreover, the beaver is uniquely adapted to an aquatic existence with a flattened, naked, nine to 10 inch long, oar-like tail, webbed hind feet, dense fur, and eyes positioned high on the head. Both sexes are similar in size and possess pungent scent glands called “castors” on either side of their anus. Arizona specimens are typical-

ly a light yellowish cinnamon color in contrast to the browner animals found in other states.

Beavers were at one time found nearly everywhere in Arizona that there was permanent water. With settlement, and the desiccation of the state’s streams, beaver populations declined. This habitat loss, and in some cases, heavy trapping pressure, caused beavers to disappear from such former strongholds as the san pe-dro and santa Cruz rivers. introductions and natural colonizations have since enabled the beaver to recov-er much of its former distribution, if not numbers, and these animals can now be found along several perma-nent streams, some of the larger river stretches, certain shallow lakes, and even a few dirt-lined canals.

Natural HistoryThe beaver’s diet is almost exclusively plant material with the bark of cottonwoods, aspen, and willow trees being especially important. other reported foods in-clude tamarisk or salt-cedar, mesquite, and the roots of such tuberous aquatic plants as cattail and bulrush. even in those places where beavers are rarely seen, their activities are conspicuous–chiseled and felled trees, brush dams along small streams and backwa-ters, and stick houses or “lodges” constructed either as a separate residence or within the beaver dam itself. even more common are “bank houses,” dens excavated in river or canal banks. Whatever its construction, the den will be located above the water line, lined with cattails and grasses, and will provide a nurs-ery area for the two to four “kits” or young beavers born in the spring.


Beaver distribution







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Trapping HistoryThe average annual number of beavers trapped greatly declined since 1991 and is now virtually insignificant. even if the fur market recovers, this species will prob-ably never again be an important furbearer in Arizona due to the limitations on trapping and the limited areas of quality beaver habitat remaining.

MuskratA large water vole, this rodent is about a foot long with thick, silky fur and a naked, eight to 11 inch tail flat-tened on the side. The sexes are similar in size and weigh from 2 to 4 pounds. most muskrats in Arizo-na are rusty reddish brown in color; young animals are darker than the adults, some being nearly black. Al-though the muskrat is highly adapted to an aquatic existence, its hind feet, while comparatively large, are not webbed like those of a beaver’s.

muskrats can be found along most of Arizo-na’s perennial rivers and per-manent marshes. Although they forsake most small streams, they can also be found along dirt-lined canals. never particu-larly abundant other than lo-cally (e.g., montezuma

Well and peck’s Lake off of the Verde river), muskrats have disappeared from some areas (e.g., the san pedro river) and invaded others.

Natural Historyprimarily a vegetarian, the muskrat feeds on aquatic grasses, pondweed, cattail roots, and the leaves of seep willows. Although many muskrats live in bank bur-rows, these animals also construct distinctive conical houses of shredded cattails and other marsh vegetation in quiet waters. These dens, which may serve as feed-ing areas, shelter areas, or nursery sites are all entered through submerged passageways. The nursery dens are the most elaborate, typically consisting of several chambers some of which are lined with grass and soft vegetation.

muskrats in Arizona are reported to breed during every month of the year, but most of the young are born

between march and october. The usual litter size is five or six.

Trapping Historymuskrats were never an important fur animal in Arizo-na, and the number trapped has been virtually nil since the late 1980s. Given the low state of the fur market and the limited distribution of this aquatic mammal, this status is likely to continue.

RaccoonThis medium sized carnivore is readily identified by its heavy-set body, grizzled brownish-gray appearance, black facial mask, and banded tail. The sexes are simi-lar and measure from about 1 feet to 2 1/3 feet in length with an eight to 12 inch tail that is alternately ringed in light and dark. Weights range from about 12 to 35 pounds.

A relatively common animal along Arizona’s peren-nial streams, lakes, and reservoirs, raccoons can also be found near some of the larger stock tanks and in rural areas where permanent water is available. Although not often seen in the wild because of its nocturnal habits, the raccoon’s distinctive five-toed tracks are common-ly observed in mud around stock tanks and along river courses. These animals are adept climbers as well as swimmers.

raccoons are omnivores, eating whatever food is available–aquatic insect larvae, beetle grubs, fish, frogs,

Muskrat distribution





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crayfish, wild fruits, and even carrion. in cer-tain areas, these animals can be a nuisance, not only raiding gar-bage cans, but also committing depre-dations on poultry houses, corn fields, and fruit trees. nonetheless, rac-coon meat is considered edible by some people, and the animal is considered more a game species than a furbearer.

Natural Historyraccoons have been little studied in Arizona, and their life history here is not well documented. The two to five young are presumably born in spring in a den that may be located in a rocky crevice, brush-pile, or hollow tree. The young remain with the female until the fall when they are left to find their own way in the world.

Trapping and Hunt HistoryBoth pursued with dogs as game and trapped as a fur-bearer, the raccoon is one of only a few species in Arizona that can be legally taken with a firearm at night. Because of their limited distribution near water, “coons” have never been important fur-bearers, and an-nual harvests from trapping have rarely exceeded 1,000 pelts. With the decline in trapping activity over the past 10 years, this take has been reduced to only a few dozen raccoons a year. Al-though its nocturnal habits make for few incidental takings, the raccoon’s status as a game animal appears more stable. hunt questionnaire data from general li-cense buyers indicate an annual harvest of another 1,200 animals a year. most of this harvest is undoubtedly by hunters with hounds.

Ringtailringtails have long, slender bodies from 14 to 16 inches in length with bushy, equally long black and white band-ed tails. The fur is a soft grayish brown with black-tipped hairs. Both the ears

and eyes appear oversized, and the latter are outlined in white making them seem even larger. The legs are short, and the hind feet can be rotated 180 degrees like those of a tree squirrel, enabling the animal to descend vertical surfaces. Weights vary from 2 to 3 pounds, the males being slightly larger than the females. primar-ily a night-time animal, ringtails can be extremely bold and unconcerned about the presence of humans. Calls consist of a repertoire of barks, chirps, growls, howls, and yips.

ringtails are most common in the rocky regions of southern and western Arizona with the Grand Canyon being especially favored with the presence of these ani-mals. About the only areas devoid of ringtails are flat, alluvial valleys in that the animal prefers rocky hill-sides, canyons, rock-walled houses, and mine shafts.

Natural HistoryThe ringtail’s diet varies with the seasons but usually consists of small mammals, birds, lizards, and insects, as well as plant fruits, e.g., tomatillo berries. in farm areas, the ringtail may be an important predator on chickens and other poultry. Generally, four young are born in the spring.

Trapping Historynot having a particularly valuable pelt, the relative-ly easily trapped ringtail is most often trapped during times when fur prices and trapping activity are high. These animals can also be quite common, and in past years ringtails contributed substantially to the state’s fur harvest. The take in ringtails has dropped off sig-nificantly in recent years, however, and now consists of only a couple of dozen animals.

Raccoon and ringtail distribution





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OtterWonderfully adapted to an aquatic existence, the ot-ter’s elongated body terminates in a streamlined tail that tapers from a thick base to a pointed tip. Also contributing to the otter’s fusiform shape is its flat-

tened head and small ears, the openings of which can be closed at will. The legs too are short, and the hind feet are webbed to the toes. The color of the densely furred coat is a rich chocolate brown with whitish un-derparts. Adults generally weigh from 12 to 20 pounds with lengths ranging from about 3 feet to just over 4 feet. The otter’s webbed, rhomboid tracks are easily dis-tinguishable from the also webbed, but elongated hind tracks of the beaver.

once found throughout the salt, Verde, Little Colo-rado, and probably also the Gila, and Colorado river systems, this species is now confined to the Verde riv-er and its major tributaries where it was reintroduced in the early 1980s.

Natural HistoryAlthough most otter activity is at night, hunting is by sight as well as touch, and clear streams appear to be favorite haunts. The otter’s usual fare is fish, water-birds, turtles, eggs, and crawfish, the latter now being the most conspicuous food item in their droppings.

The breeding season in Arizona is uncertain, but otters elsewhere usually breed in late winter or early spring. mating usually occurs in the water. pregnancy lasts about two months, but because of delayed implan-tation gestation may take up to a year. dens are located

in natural shelters under rocks, logs, flood debris, or in river banks. Litter sizes vary, but usually consist of two or three pups. Weaning requires approximately three months, after which the young disperse.

Trapping and Hunt Historyotters were never numerous enough in Arizona to pro-vide an important fur resource, although old photos show these animals being trapped and otherwise taken for their pelts prior to 1930. secondhand reports indi-cate that some otters may also have been killed as fish predators. Whatever its past status, this species is now completely protected in Arizona and has been for many years.

Weaselonly one species of weasel occurs in Arizona–the long-tailed weasel, which is readily identified by its dark brown coat and orangish underparts. some white is of-ten present on the head, and some animals may turn all white in winter. male weasels are larger than the females, the animals ranging in length from 8 to 10 inches with the black-tipped tail adding another 4 to 6 inches. Weights range from 7 to 12 ounces for males and from 3 to 7 ounces for females. Voice is a high-pitched shriek.

Weasels in Arizona are largely restricted to high elevation wooded areas such as the Kaibab plateau, mogollon rim, Chuska-Lukachukai mountains, and southern Arizona’s sky-islands.

Natural HistoryWeasels are voracious predators, taking cottontail rab-bits, hares, and rodents much larger than themselves. They also take birds, snakes, and lizards.

Weasels breed in midsummer, but, because of de-layed implantation, the four to eight young are not born

until the fol-lowing spring. Usually nests in old burrows or under rock piles and other debris.

Trapping HistoryThe number of weasels trapped in Arizona is very low, how-ever, due to the animal’s limited Otter distribution





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distribution and numbers, small pelt, and the cur-rent low number of trappers.

BadgerA short, squat, medium-sized member of the weasel family, the badger is read-ily recognized by its grizzled gray, white, and black fur, cheek stripes, short legs, long claws, and the white stripe down its head and back. Adults may weigh from about 10 to 20 pounds and are approximately 20 inch-es long, with the tail adding another 4 to 6 inches in length. Widely distributed, the badger occurs almost anywhere in Arizona having ground suitable to dig in and excavate burrows.

Natural HistoryBadgers feed primarily on burrowing rodents such as prairie dogs and ground squirrels but also take snakes, lizards, and insects on occasion. mating in these usually solitary animals takes place in the sum-mer, the young being born the following spring due to delayed implantation. primarily a nocturnal animal, badgers are sometimes encountered during the early morning hours.

Trapping HistoryAlthough the take of badger pelts averaged more than a 1,000 a year in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the number of these animals recently trapped in Arizona is

virtually insig-nificant. A few badgers are un-doubtedly also taken inciden-tal to pursuing other game, but these numbers too must be very small. probably less than 50 bad-gers a year are taken in the state.

Trappingtrapping has had a long and interesting history in Ari-zona. indeed, the first Anglo-American explorers to Arizona were trappers who worked the state’s water-ways for beaver in the 1820s and 1830s. since that time, the popularity of trapping has fluctuated widely with the vagaries of the fur trade, the numbers of trap-pers and animals trapped increasing when fur prices were high, and decreasing when numbers were low. The popularity of beaver skin hats prior to 1850 fueled the early interest in trapping beaver in the Gila and Colo-rado river systems. raccoon coats were popular in the 1920s as were a number of other furs. The most recent surge in trapping activity in Arizona was generated by prohibitions in the trade of spotted neotropical cats during the 1970s. spotted cat fur was then being highly used by foreign fashion houses as trim on ladies coats. This ban increased the demand and price for legal spot-ted cats, and the prices paid for bobcat pelts soared through the mid-1980s when they plummeted due to changes in fashion decorum.

depredation activities have also greatly influenced the amount of trapping activity. trapping was wide-ly practiced around the turn of the 19th century due to generous bounties being paid on everything from coyotes to wolves. in addition to commercial trapping for furs and bounties, many ranchers and homestead-ers also trapped, both to protect their livelihood and

Long-tailed weasel distribution

Badger distribution




Juvenile badger

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Year Hunters Hunter DaysHARVEST

Bobcats Coyotes Foxes Raccoons1981 13,004 96,598 1,212 24,877 3,231 01982 11,130 75,258 958 25,062 3,980 01983 11,342 71,954 817 19,780 1,361 01984 12,395 78,797 1,012 19,478 1,391 01985 13,835 85,793 655 26,933 1,555 01986 15,710 114,411 911 36,771 2,960 01987 11,442 82,558 1,011 24,527 1,896 01988 10,595 58,855 408 28,234 1,281 01989 10,558 99,284 676 27,876 1,664 01990 9,521 83,913 317 17,075 952 1,0791991 10,128 76,131 1,274 23,275 1,140 8051992 9,028 81,931 1,262 18,299 1,796 5341993 13,083 86,968 907 30,455 3,156 1,1011994 10,125 93,425q 880 22,378 1,395 2401995 13,910 93,425 791 30,350 2,337 2,2151996 13,997 119,052 547 37,929 3,516 2,9771997 12,279 106,681 3,235 33,469 8,134 3821998 11,134 68,727 630 19,231 2,306 9481999 14,535 100,626 1,463 45,781 4,934 2,3822000 15,385 101,679 1,539 42,526 7,028 9322001 13,570 132,768 1,538 33,589 5,587 1,1642002 10,489 68,404 1,484 22,054 2,239 1232003 12,365 93,589 3,257 46,253 5,566 2482004 13,346 104,243 4,076 35,354 4,272 1142005 19,263 120,712 1,769 46,716 5,014 592

2004 12,615 114,146 2,388 22,107 3,368 2452005 12,695 220,426 2,775 35,960 4,429 1182006 13,970 182,180 2,006 45,133 2,426 2152007 18,969 279,935 2,332 54,701 2,962 3,7812008 15,669 197,922 2,359 31,295 3,749 5902009 18,141 252,213 2,919 40,919 6,410 8012010 12,730 109,805 1,099 20,880 3,388 5492011 20,768 272,019 2,485 55,469 9,585 1,3312012 23,331 414,374 4,520 51,647 8,973 2,9912013 50,662 343,427 3,132 52,888 7,377 209

to help make ends meet. nor was all of the trapping carried out in the private sector; both the federal preda-tory and rodent Control branch of the U. s. Biological survey and the state Arizona Game and Fish Com-mission employed professional trappers after 1915, and the federal government continues to do so. one of the oddest situations occurred in the late 1940s and ear-ly 1950s when the price of pelts was low. plagued by complaints of beaver damaging irrigation canals, the Arizona Game and Fish department hired crews of beaver trappers to reduce the number of depredation complaints.

Generally speaking, fur prices and trapping activ-ity were high during the 1890s, and again during and shortly after World War i. After declining in the early 1920s, prices again rose in the mid-1920s before again

falling in the 1930s. prices picked up again during World War ii, but collapsed shortly afterward before reaching another bottom in the 1950s. prices gradu-ally improved through the 1960s, and then accelerated in the early 1970s until the price of coyote and bob-cat pelts peaked in the late 1970s and early 1980s. since that time, competition from highly realistic faux fur and the declining use of fur in the highly volatile fashion industry have lowered fur prices even further. Another severe blow to the trapping industry was re-ceived in 1994 when a public initiative was passed in Arizona banning the use of leg-hold steel traps on pub-lic lands. Although trapping is still legal on private lands, all of these events served to depress the trapping industry until there are now fewer than 250 licensed trappers in the state of Arizona.

Summary of Predator and Furbearer Harvest

The Small Game questionnaire was modified to collect unit specific data� Sample no longer weighted in analysis� The data is not comparable to historic data� In 2004 and 2005, the historic survey format and the new unit specific survey format were run simultaneously� Beginning in 2006, only the new unit specific survey format was used�

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Summary of Trapping Numbers and Harvest Data For Predators and Furbearers 1

Trapping Year

no� of Licensed Trappers

no� of Trappers

TRAPPinG HARVESTCoyote Bobcat Skunk Muskrat Ringtail Badger Raccoon Beaver Fox

1976-77 1,820 1,732 17,963 7,272 3,187 793 642 1,609 5,230 65 14,3341977-78 1,621 1,070 13,732 4,695 554 301 356 595 520 57 12,6481978-79 1,233 1,281 17,882 6,754 1,052 76 1,098 1,316 891 8 17,5851979-80 2,098 1,888 16,605 6,648 4,119 593 2,055 1,065 894 268 21,7801980-81 2,008 1,834 14,858 9,537 4,119 2,949 3,222 1,124 823 83 28,0591981-82 2,219 1,964 25,379 8,036 4,115 14 4,027 1,384 1,127 117 29,1241982-83 1,746 1,609 17,436 5,928 4,164 42 2,964 1,105 690 21 20,8561983-84 1,129 1,006 11,763 4,827 3,275 0 2,371 874 518 0 15,8571984-85 1,127 1,038 13,188 5,399 2,478 235 3,096 705 951 52 20,7761985-86 1,129 1,022 11,263 4,942 3,082 111 2,649 697 735 40 18,0651986-87 1,163 1,029 14,198 6,421 2,400 18 3,851 780 876 87 21,0001987-88 1,315 1,165 13,335 6,609 2,537 23 4,475 748 834 127 22,0091988-89 852 695 6,397 3,174 1,255 25 1,968 281 241 80 14,5161989-90 444 348 3,140 1,253 590 0 1,091 89 190 202 5,2101990-91 222 161 1,135 322 154 0 174 33 67 28 1,8071991-92 265 189 2,214 878 336 0 403 151 84 52 2,8641992-93 234 202 2,372 723 300 0 258 69 49 9 3,4451993-94 194 181 2,683 1,362 271 12 372 44 74 0 5,3121994-95 109 85 654 181 170 0 157 24 24 0 1,6471995-96 34 24 178 55 46 0 12 8 0 0 1441996-97 84 57 1,307 251 89 41 30 11 57 19 6481997-98 86 46 1,437 286 61 3 15 21 49 52 6851998-99 81 57 1,213 312 114 0 8 27 114 16 7981999-00 75 58 1,096 144 144 0 29 17 37 0 4702000-01 64 32 182 109 83 0 19 10 35 3 2402001-02 66 29 305 97 25 0 3 7 7 9 1432002-03 65 13 274 37 35 0 8 2 8 10 542003-04 122 58 635 267 97 0 31 25 23 3 3122004-05 140 82 710 432 72 0 12 70 21 9 4232005-06 122 76 820 742 119 0 17 33 25 13 4842006-07 140 83 670 957 188 1 35 26 19 10 7512007-08 133 94 806 944 123 0 49 41 169 22 1,0082008-09 192 113 707 1,124 268 0 33 35 14 5 1,1732009-10 154 77 345 438 142 0 30 14 36 10 5762010-11 214 161 593 1183 187 0 22 39 46 9 6732011-12 251 149 667 1366 357 0 31 38 60 2 8752012-13 392 267 905 2045 310 0 51 57 120 5 19322013-14 522 343 1278 2250 390 29 52 75 118 9 2151

1 Not including Indian Reservations� 2 Data is preliminary�

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Natural History

Arizona’s waterfowl can be grouped into two general classes—ducks, geese, and coots that nest in the state, and those that merely winter here or migrate through. The number of waterfowl raised in Arizona each sum-mer, although few, is of great importance because these birds represent our state’s breeding stock. The much more abundant migrants, though present only for limited periods of time between August and march, constitute most of Arizona’s waterfowl harvest. hunt regulations have been designed to accommodate both groups.

Arizona’s principal waterfowl nesting grounds are the natural and modified marshes found above the mogollon rim and in the White mountains. most of these marshlands depend on winter precipitation and snow-melt rather than groundwater, are more or less seasonal, and are mostly located above 7,000 feet elevation. examples include mormon Lake and mar-shall Lake on the Coconino plateau, and Basin Lake and nelson reservoir in the White mountains. Farm ponds and other small wetlands in the southeastern and southern parts of the state can also be expected to

produce a few broods of mexican ducks and black-bellied whistling ducks each year.

The principal duck spe-cies nesting in Arizona are mallards (especially in the White mountains), pintails, cinnamon teal, redheads, and ruddy ducks. in addition to these “big five,” smaller numbers of gadwall, green-winged teal, blue-winged teal, and ring-necked ducks are produced in northern Ari-zona marshes. even less common are the occa-sional pair of canvasbacks, shovelers, and American

widgeon. most of the ducks that migrate through or winter in Arizona are from the Great Basin or “inter-mountain” states, with significant numbers of pintails and green-winged teal coming from the prairie states and provinces.

Arizona also hosts a few nesting Canada geese or honkers. These birds, which were introduced by the Arizona Game and Fish department, are found pri-marily on shallow lakes east of the White mountains between 6,000 and 7,500 feet elevation. Far more im-portant to hunters are the more than 15,000 Canada geese that make their winter home in Arizona. The great majority of these birds are referred to as the rocky mountain population of Canada goose, which nest in the intermountain states. A large goose, the males or ganders typically weigh about 9.75 pounds, the females about 8.25 pounds. The vast majority of these geese, along with several hundred snow geese, winter along the lower Colorado river on Cibola, havasu, and im-perial national Wildlife refuges, and in a few central Arizona locations such as roosevelt Lake. A few white-fronted geese also pass through the state in september on their way to unknown wintering locales in mexico.

The numbers of both nesting and wintering water-






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fowl in Arizona vary sporadically from year to year depending on the vagaries of win-ter precipitation in the Great Basin region. Wet years generally see an in-crease in waterfowl production, while drought years re-sult in fewer ducks being produced. A serious prob-

lem facing both nesting and migrating waterfowl is that our wetlands are increasingly difficult to manage for ducks and geese because of the limited occurrence of these habitats and the competing uses resulting from Arizona’s human population boom. nesting water-fowl require protection from disturbance, and many former nesting sites are no longer productive due to the introduction of predatory game fish and summer-long recreational use. one bright note of late has been the creation of wetlands using treated sewage effluent. These “municipal marshlands” are primarily managed as waterfowl nesting and resting areas. Working in con-junction with the Arizona Game and Fish department and U.s. Forest service, cities such as pinetop-Lake-side, show Low, and sedona have developed a number of these nutrient-rich and highly productive wetlands that are heavily used by waterfowl, as well as a variety of other wetland dependent species.

Hunt HistoryWhen Anglo-Americans first arrived in Arizona, they found migrating and wintering waterfowl concentrated along the state’s few major rivers. The lower Colorado and Gila rivers were especially noted as havens for wa-terfowl, with great clouds of the birds seen along the muddy banks by explorers, fur trappers, and steamboat passengers. nor were nesting waterfowl in short supply; travelers across northern Arizona reported that they flushed a myriad of ducks in the shallow marshes on the san Francisco plateau.

Unlike other states, early Arizona never experienced market hunting for waterfowl as a major enterprise. prior to statehood, most duck shooting, when not for sport, was for personal subsistence. settlers not only hunted waterfowl during spring, fall, and winter, they also gathered the ducks’ eggs in spring. Gradually, with the development of the state’s economies, this subsis-tence hunting gave way to sport-hunting, and irrigation ponds, canals and stock tanks became increasingly im-portant waterfowl hunting locales. By the time that

America entered World War i, waterfowling was one of the state’s most popular outdoor pastimes—one that even attracted the attention of Arizona’s often elected Governor George p. hunt.

Being migratory birds, ducks and geese came under the protection of the federal government with the pas-sage of the 1918 migratory Bird treaty Act. Arizona, unlike a number of other states, did not challenge the federal jurisdiction over migratory birds, and, prior to the treaty’s enactment, had even passed a number of protective measures for waterfowl. These included clos-ing the hunting season during the spring months and prohibiting the gathering of eggs from nesting birds. All through the 1920s, and even into the drought years of the 1930s, waterfowl hunting was as popular a sport in Arizona as quail or dove hunting, if for no other reason than one got so much more game meat for the number of shells expended.

The drought years of the 1930s were hard on Ameri-ca’s waterfowl populations, and it soon became apparent that nesting and other wetland habitats would have to be purchased and preserved if the public was to con-tinue hunting ducks and geese. in 1934, a federal law was passed requiring persons 16 years of age and older to purchase a “duck stamp” if they wanted to hunt wa-terfowl. soon after, a program was initiated to create a series of national wildlife refuges, many of which were primarily for waterfowl. From the 1940s through the 1950s Arizona saw the creation of two national wa-terfowl refuges on the Colorado river—imperial and havasu—as well as the acquisition of state wildlife ar-eas such as mittry Lake on the Colorado river, and Arlington and robbins Butte on the middle Gila river. A number of waterfowl studies also started at this time, and banding investigations showed the value of manag-ing waterfowl by flyways, a concept that was formalized in the hunt regulations in 1948. As a result, Arizona is included in the pacific Flyway, which includes the Great Basin states as well as those on the pacific Coast.

major hunting restrictions incurred during the past 50 years have included limiting the take of such species as canvasbacks and redheads, closing certain portions of refuges and management areas to provide undis-turbed resting and feeding places, and imposing the use of nontoxic steel shot rather than lead shot for the tak-ing of waterfowl. recently, favorable habitat conditions and resulting waterfowl production throughout the United states and Canadian breeding grounds has led to liberal season lengths and bag limits; although, long term declines of pintail and scaup have resulted in those species having bag limit restrictions.

The federal government, in conjunction with partici-pating states, coordinates three major waterfowl surveys each year. The first of these, which does not include Arizona, is the “Breeding Ground survey,” which at-tempts to measure the coming year’s productivity by


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estimating the number of nesting ducks present on the continent’s major nesting grounds in Alaska, Cana-da, and in the prairie states. The results of this survey are strongly linked to fall forecast flights of ducks and corresponding harvest frameworks. The “Winter Area survey,” which does include Arizona, is also conduct-ed each year, and tallies the number of waterfowl using major wintering areas in the southern United states and mexico. The number of birds counted on these sur-veys in Arizona has generally declined from the 1960s, when up to 42,000 ducks were observed in a given year, until the 1980s and ’90s when counts often tallied less than 10,000. Conversely, the total number of Canada geese observed has increased from around 7,500 birds in 1960 to an average of 20,000 geese throughout the 1980s and ’90s. The 1999 and 2000 survey revealed an increase in total ducks observed at about 35,000 with geese decreasing down to around 15,000 birds. The in-crease in ducks corresponds with the recent increase in the breeding ground surveys and the fall flight forecast.

The third survey is the annual hunt questionnaires sent to duck stamp purchasers requesting information on the number of ducks and geese bagged. since 1979, to better evaluate the data obtained from this survey, Arizona has tried to maintain a standardized waterfowl season of approximately 100 days with a seven-bird bag limit (certain species excepted). As a result, Arizona’s waterfowl regulations do not greatly vary from year-to-year, and bag-limit regulations do not provide for bonus

(or penalty) points for taking certain species of water-fowl. The sample size of the state’s hunt questionnaire survey greatly improved in 1988 when waterfowl hunt-ers were required to purchase an Arizona waterfowl stamp in addition to a federal stamp.

The number of waterfowl hunters has fluctuated over the years, as much in response to duck stamp price in-creases as to any change in waterfowl numbers. hunter numbers have been in a general downward trend since the mid-1980s, when more than 12,500 hunters took to the field, to the late 1990s when only about half that number participated. recent estimates indicate that hunter numbers are again headed upward, and the long-term average of between 10,000 and 12,000 duck hunters a year may again be realized. Waterfowl hunting is nonetheless a resource-regulated sport, and Arizona’s limited wetland areas will never accommo-date high densities of hunters.

Annual waterfowl harvest figures are also sporadic. estimates range from more than 150,000 ducks being harvested during the fall and winter of 1979-80, to less than 18,000 ducks being taken in 1990-91. The average annual take during the past three years has been about 45,000 birds. Goose harvests tend to be more predict-able, with hunters usually claiming between 2,000 and 4,000 Canada geese and a few snows each year.

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Waterfowl Survey and Harvest Data

Summary of January Waterfowl Survey¹Year Ducks Mergansers Coots Canada Geese Snow Geese1950 27,455 No survey 19,255 7,375 1,2001951 10,965 1,350 4,780 5,155 1,1501952 33,320 1,545 12,155 4,210 1,3951953 25,050 1,335 22,060 3,050 1,4001954 19,665 1,810 41,725 3,515 1,9701955 27,115 965 8,570 2,860 9001956 24,950 995 25,480 2,860 3301957 44,455 610 31,840 3,640 2151958 20,565 1,985 20,385 3,770 2551959 34,700 1,795 24,055 5,865 3351960 42,220 2,775 17,615 6,046 4711961 27,100 4,395 19,055 5,526 5831962 24,465 4,185 19,065 5,940 5201963 22,260 4,145 40,625 6,650 8051964 21,370 4,967 27,752 7,142 5511965 21,304 3,298 15,900 4,431 2291966 32,342 12,963 53,962 5,744 2131967 19,425 3,980 12,278 3,602 1921968 40,091 4,127 27,706 4,370 2591969 11,020 4,854 9,839 3,052 5001970 17,880 7,301 16,674 3,135 2621971 19,212 3,552 15,649 3,502 2211972 23,123 2,584 17,194 4,241 7061973 19,684 4,682 12,935 4,745 5031974 19,785 2,661 24,305 5,357 5021975 9,828 1,775 17,831 2,534 2281976 2,280 1,000 2,800 3,545 01977 4,680 700 1,900 3,511 41978 3,451 32 1,850 4,339 01979 18,326 220 3,160 4,962 71980 29,240 2,110 4,265 13,992 61981 10,550 281 3,033 9,170 2,5001982 4,043 71 1,781 10,835 341983 5,176 202 1,026 13,373 2,5271984 9,450 581 816 16,831 8651985 7,306 830 162 17,619 1,4431986 12,189 3,204 510 23,042 2,6211987 9,623 2,321 1,337 14,131 1,1031988 3,330 1,108 797 23,930 2,2291989 6,317 298 1,409 22,594 1,3031990 4,617 1,061 1,117 26,974 2,8301991 7,114 1,894 1,135 31,897 4,4341992 4,724 1,108 808 18,733 1,2071993 7,961 826 143 22,596 1,2651994 7,605 364 603 22,607 1,6531995 11,933 881 1,051 21,078 2,9411996 10,019 330 1,209 15,326 1,9271997 9,776 220 2,356 18,598 1,3251998 35,0812 1,749 757 14,164 2,96519993 29,979 995 12,036 21,040 2,3522000 29,376 450 12,924 9,169 4462001 36,191 713 17,802 14,670 976

1 In 2001, this summary was revised to include Waterfowl from Cibola, Havasu and Imperial National Wildlife Refuges�Refuge data was collected by Refuge personnel�

2 Resulting from excellent habitat condition�3 In 1999, the biologists conducting the survey changed; therefore, the observation

rate may have changed�4 Resulting from poor habitat conditions (drought)�5 Good late winter precipitation� Several lakes that had been nearly dry for years

(specifically, San Carlos Reservoir) had water�

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Waterfowl Survey and Harvest Data

Year Ducks Mergansers Coots Canada Geese Snow Geese2002 20,4984 53 22,053 11,250 9832003 22,489 220 9,517 13,351 2612004 25,895 219 not counted 7,777 34920055 48,186 443 43,185 14,921 1,2502006 16,974 633 12,727 13,849 9112007 16,626 329 16,680 17,578 6032008 18,360 292 30,973 7,695 7502009 13,865 339 9,338 10,619 7262010 20,276 109 25,516 7,936 1,4092011 20,694 210 6,514 5,949 1,4702012 10,319 332 4,009 3,059 1,2192013 11,101 209 780 1,031 0 2014 4015 404 764 817 0

1 In 2001, this summary was revised to include Waterfowl from Cibola, Havasu and Imperial National Wildlife Refuges�Refuge data was collected by Refuge personnel�

2 Resulting from excellent habitat condition�3 In 1999, the biologists conducting the survey changed; therefore, the observation

rate may have changed�4 Resulting from poor habitat conditions (drought)�5 Good late winter precipitation� Several lakes that had been nearly dry for years

(specifically, San Carlos Reservoir) had water�

Summary of January Waterfowl Survey¹ (continued)

Year Stamps issued Hunters Hunter DaysHARVEST

Ducks Geese 1981-82 10,904 57,184 81,091 5,1691982-83 10,995 46,356 61,733 3,7141983-84 8,438 39,470 46,820 3,3571984-85 11,636 63,366 109,279 4,3001985-86 12,508 64,508 79,653 4,9941986-87 12,750 76,502 114,753 6,2611987-881 8,299 7,139 53,425 87,400 5,2431988-89 7,104 5,101 33,683 34,662 4,0541989-90 6,750 3,455 20,606 23,576 2,2731990-91 6,292 2,513 16,324 17,683 2,2191991-92 5,264 3,062 19,885 19,703 1,9361992-93 5,383 3,389 22,464 23,241 3,6311993-94 5,371 3,701 23,286 22,907 2,7231994-95 5,107 4,138 30,041 35,971 3,0091995-96 6,598 5,228 34,187 41,390 3,1841996-97 6,908 5,513 35,784 41,603 3,2471997-98 6,957 5,387 36,433 47,363 2,7961998-99 7,951 5,964 42,853 61,685 2,9111999-00 8,521 6,455 39,861 51,028 6,2752000-01 9,019 5,677 44,431 48,788 4,5042001-02 7,733 3,821 28,534 33,950 4,1832002-03 6,775 4,885 35,146 35,128 2,8592003-04 6,733 4,804 32,810 37,211 2,9692004-05 6,334 4,459 31,373 35,421 3,0512005-06 6,519 4,658 30,736 42,450 2,6252006-07 6,776 4,001 28,107 42,771 1,9962007-08 7,071 4,630 33,020 49,782 2,4312008-09 5,580 3,775 30,305 37,494 1,666

Waterfowl data is now obtained from the Harvest Information Program conducted by the U�S� Fish and Wildlife Service� The data is not comparable to that obtained from Arizona’s questionnaire�

2009-10 5,682 3,400 18,800 37,1002 5,3003

2010-11 6,000 3,400 18,200 38,5002 1,8003

2011-12 6,733 4,400 29,600 38,3002 3,7003

2012-13 6,623 3,100 18,200 51,0002 1,6003

2013-144 4,700 23,200 68,2002 2,7003

1 State waterfowl stamp implemented�2 Confidence intervals on duck harvest from the Harvest Information Program: 2009-10 +/-19%; 2010-11 +/-20%�3 Confidence intervals on goose harvest from the Harvest Information Program: 2009-10 +/-46%; 2010-11 +/-13%�

Summary of Arizona Waterfowl Harvest

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Natural Historyportions of three distinct populations of sandhill cranes winter in Arizona. Cranes from both the rocky moun-tain (rm) and mid-Continent (m-C) populations winter in the sulphur springs and Gila river val-leys in southeastern Arizona. other sandhills from the

Lower Colorado river Valley (LCrV) population win-ter along the lower Colorado river, primarily on the Colorado river indian reservation, Cibola national Wildlife refuge, and below Gillespie dam on the Gila river. rm cranes nest primarily in idaho, montana, Wyoming, and Utah, while cranes from the LCrV population mostly nest in northeastern nevada. The

sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis)




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nesting range of the m-C population includes much of Canada and Alaska. Birds from this latter population pass through the central plains before staging on the platte river where they continue on to their wintering grounds in texas, oklahoma, new mexico, Arizona, and mexico.

Wintering areas selected by sandhill cranes fea-ture shallow-water roosting sites with low or sparse vegetation including playa lakes and sandbars along shallow, braided river channels. Another requirement is the close proximity of harvested fields of grain, such as corn and milo. high-energy grains are needed to maintain the birds in sufficient condition to make their return migration in mid-to-late February.

Cranes leave their roosting areas in early morning, usually about sunrise, to fly to feeding areas where they typically spend from three to four hours eating. dur-ing midday the cranes return to the roost, or go to a nearby loafing area, which is commonly a grassland or wetland. in the late afternoon, cranes sometimes revisit their feeding area before returning to their nighttime roosts.

sandhill cranes in the western United states nest in high elevation shallow marshes and wet meadows. Adult pairs do not nest until they are at least four or five years old, and typically have very poor success the first year or two. Cranes commonly lay two eggs, but only about one-third of the successful nesters are able to raise two young or “colts.” in dry years, when wet-lands shrink, predators, especially coyotes, take a heavy toll on the flightless young. during recent dry years the proportion of young-of-the-year birds in the fall population has been around four percent. even in good production years, young-of-the-year birds rarely com-prise more than 12 percent of the fall population.

depending on habitat conditions, sandhills begin congregating in local agricultural areas, called pre-mi-

gration staging sites, in late Au-gust. migration to wintering areas be-gins in september, the birds typical-ly migrating in a few, high-altitude flights to tradition-al stopover areas. For cranes of the three populations that winter in Ari-zona, the major stopovers are the

platte river in nebraska for the m-C, san Luis Valley in Colorado for the rm, and wetlands near Lund, nevada, for the LCrV. Cranes begin arriving on their wintering areas between late september and mid-october.

Hunt HistoryA generally uncommon species in Arizona, sand-hill cranes are protected by the migratory Bird treaty Act of 1918. in the early 1970s, however, counts of around 1,000 cranes wintering in sulphur springs Val-ley prompted concern that these birds might eventually cause crop damage. By 1980 more than 4,000 cranes were being tallied, and a limited hunt of 100 permits was authorized in 1981. This hunt was gradually ex-panded as crane numbers continued to increase and fears that the birds would winter elsewhere subsided. As of 2009, more than 390 permits were being autho-rized and census figures showed a wintering population between 30,000-40,000 sandhill cranes in sulphur springs Valley.

Sandhill crane distribution

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Sandhill Crane Harvest Data

Summary of Sandhill Crane Harvest



Permits Authorized

Total Applicants

Permits issued2

Hunters Afield

Hunter Days

Percent Harvest

Hunter Success

Draw Odds3

1981 4,350 100 234 100 55 119 42 49 42�71982 5,640 100 279 100 55 95 73 78 35�81983 8,550 100 356 100 77 152 55 55 28�11984 8,350 100 239 104 72 110 69 74 41�81985 11,500 150 436 150 121 234 92 46 34�41986 11,450 150 239 150 124 217 138 69 62�81987 11,070 300 378 300 212 406 193 57 79�71988 6,670 300 505 300 228 446 207 58 59�41989 11,730 300 451 300 219 473 158 47 66�51990 11,990 165 512 165 139 275 123 53 32�31991 10,000 300 326 296 255 517 216 54 92�01992 2,4704 300 342 300 258 532 176 48 87�71993 12,740 300 381 300 217 401 174 50 78�71994 9,210 300 390 300 227 464 113 32 76�91995 24,190 270 390 270 211 423 157 48 69�21996 12,500 315 443 315 256 521 141 38 71�11997 21,050 315 389 315 235 430 193 47 81�019985 24,616 310 440 321 232 450 151 40 72�91999 21,650 310 456 309 242 518 113 33 68�02000 21,131 310 383 305 218 389 203 57 80�92001 22,928 310 356 310 235 468 180 52 87�12002 21,327 310 349 310 253 489 239 58 88�82003 31,443 310 397 306 248 497 189 48 77�12004 29,208 325 367 311 263 319 192 59 84�72005 30,570 365 333 333 261 548 277 66 95�82006 28,156 365 353 353 222 559 180 55 97�42007 36,823 365 295 309 254 442 311 72 99�32008 29,103 375 368 318 261 485 162 48 84�52009 41,149 390 356 217 299 628 387 61 84�52010 30,415 399 370 373 312 690 309 48 95�42011 35,530 390 392 357 312 664 185 42 90�32012 29,633 410 352 399 343 734 366 55 100�12013 28,777 340 402 316 269 560 176 42 78�62014 20,832 340 359 306 266 519 223 48 85�2

1 The Mid-Winter Survey occurs in December and January� The survey conducted in December 2011 and January 2012 is labeled 2011� The data listed is only for the Willcox Playa and surrounding areas�

2 Permits Issued includes any tags via the draw and first-come, first-serve�3 Draw Odds is the number of permits issued through the draw divided by total applicants in the draw�4 Poor survey conditions�5 As of 1998, Sandhill crane check stations will be conducted every 3rd year (2014 then 2017)� Data will be based on the hunter

questionnaire results unless a check station is conducted; then, harvest numbers will be taken from the check station results� Reminder questionnaires were sent if necessary�

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The migratory Bird treaty Act protects all birds except rock doves, european starlings, house sparrows, and all other non-native species. however, the federal gov-ernment permits the states to open a season on certain birds and waterfowl. mammals that are not classified as big or small game, predators, or furbearers are consid-ered nongame and are managed by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission as “other mammals.” many of these mammals can be hunted by licensed individuals throughout the calendar year, with notable exceptions presented below. While there are no bag limits on most of these species, most nongame mammals are not hunt-ed. As a result, harvest data for these species are not available.

BirdsPigeon (Rock Dove)pigeons are closely associated with human devel-opments including towns, parks, and agricultural landscapes. in their native settings, they nest along the seashore on airy cliffs and in rocky crevices or caves. in urban areas, they commonly nest on high-rise build-ings, billboards, bridges and other structures. They average 12.5 inches in length. The coloration is highly variable, the most common being a dark gray head and neck with green and purplish iridescence on the neck, a back of lighter gray, and a whitish rump. The tail has a black band and the wings two black bars. The call is a soft coo familiar to most homeowners.

Natural History and Statuspigeons nest year round in Arizona, building messy nests of sticks and roots. nests are often placed under an overhang of some sort such as under eaves or bridg-es. The eggs are white. The species can raise four or five broods of one or two young in a single year. As with other pigeons, both sexes feed the young regurgitated “crop milk” exclusively for the first few days. After ap-proximately five days, the young begin eating seeds and

are soon eating the adult diet of grains and sometimes greens and insects. during the nonbreeding season, pi-geons form large roosting and feeding flocks. pigeons were introduced from eurasia in the late 1800s and

have become established throughout the United states.

House (English) Sparrowhouse sparrows are common residents of cities and farms statewide. These brownish, conical-billed spar-rows are approximately 5 inches in length. The males sport black bibs and beaks, white cheeks, blue-gray caps, chestnut napes, and black-streaked backs. Fe-males are slightly smaller and less distinctive, with grayish, pale underparts, light-buff eye streaks, and striped backs. The house sparrow’s lively calls and songs consist of chirps and cheeps that are familiar to almost every homeowner.

Natural History and Statushouse sparrows nest from February through early sum-mer, often having three broods per year. The nests, which may contain four to seven white to bluish colored eggs with gray or brown markings, are messy, woven affairs that may be located in eaves, palm fronds, bird

other Birds and mammals






House (English) Sparrow

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Other Birds and Mammals

houses, or most any other suitable site. house sparrows will nest in cavities and aggressively compete with na-tive species for nest sites. When they are not nesting, house sparrows commonly form flocks of up to a dozen or more birds. highly adaptable, they feed on a wide variety of seeds, fruits, and insects. This resourceful bird greedily accepts almost any human handout and are commonly encountered foraging for morsels at fast-food restaurants.

house sparrows were introduced to Arizona from europe via railroad cars from the east, and have been breeding residents since at least the early 1900s. They arrived in tucson in 1903-04, had reached Winslow, holbrook, and other railroad towns by 1909, and were widespread throughout the state by 1915. despite its lack of protection, the species remains widely distribut-ed, wherever humans and agricultural fields are found.

European Starling (Starling)european starlings are found in a wide variety of habitats, but are most numerous in or near human set-tlements that provide open, grassy areas for foraging and trees or structures for nesting. This dark, 8-inch, meadowlark-sized bird is a common resident of city parks, residential areas and agricultural lands below 7,500 feet elevation. Although usually found in urban, suburban and agricultural settings, starlings are also found in the desert, usually near small towns or dwell-ings. starlings can be differentiated from other black birds by their short tails, robust build, narrow and light-colored bills, and short, pointed, brown wings. Both sexes are iridescent black in summer, and heavily speckled in winter. starlings eat a varied diet includ-ing insects, fruits and seeds. When feeding, they walk, rather than hop, from site to site. Their principal call is a guttural squeak, although they also mimic other birdcalls.

Natural History and Statuseuropean starlings reside in Arizo-na year-round and can initiate breed-ing activities as early as mid-January in warm areas of the state. most breed-ing activity occurs from April to July, but nesting has been reported into early fall. starlings take up residence in cavi-

ties such as woodpecker holes in saguaros or trees. Like the house sparrow, starlings are considered a pest spe-cies because they compete for nest sites with native species such as purple martins, woodpeckers and blue-birds. european starlings will even evict nesting birds and destroy their eggs. starlings typically lay four to six blue eggs and can raise two or three broods each year. When the species is not nesting, they form large com-munal roosts, which may contain hundreds of birds A more recent arrival than the house sparrow, european starlings were first recorded in Arizona in 1946 near Lupton, with the first nest reported near Glendale in 1954. The species is now both a breeding resident and a migrant in the vicinities of phoenix, tucson, Kingman, Yuma, and other Arizona cities and towns.

Peach-faced Lovebirdin Africa peach-faced lovebirds prefer dry, open coun-try including wooded savannas, palm groves, and arid mountain slopes. in Arizona they are primarily found among the ornamental plantings in desert urban and residential settings. Although locally established in and around the greater phoenix metropolitan area, they do not venture into the surrounding desert lands. They are small, bright green, parrot-like birds with a pink-ish face and light-colored bill. regular visitors to many backyard water and feeding stations, they have also been observed feeding on cactus fruit, apples, palm fruit, and seed pods.

Natural History and StatusLike many other parrots, peach-faced lovebirds are cav-ity nesters and will take up residence in woodpecker holes in saguaros, under tile roof openings, and in un-trimmed palm fronds. Lovebirds nest in groups and thus far there has been no evidence that they compete with native birds for nest sites. in Arizona, most nest-ing occurs from April through may. They will lay from three to eight eggs per clutch, possibly rearing two broods per year. The first free-ranging flock of peach-faced lovebirds in the phoenix area was reported in 1987 near the border of mesa and Apache Junction, and by the mid-1990s local flocks and colonies of love-birds were discovered throughout the eastern half of the greater phoenix metropolitan area.

American Crow (Crow)in Arizona, American crows are far outnumbered by their larger and more heat-tolerant relative: the com-mon raven. Crows occur as local breeding residents in the more open areas of the mogollon rim, along the south rim of the Grand Canyon, in the higher por-tions of the navajo indian reservation, and along the






European starling

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san Francisco river. This shiny, all black 1.5-foot-long bird can be differentiated from the larger raven by its smaller beak and tail, smoother plumage, and distinc-tive “caw” call. Also unlike ravens, crows rarely soar, but instead flap their wings when flying directly from point to point. Because of crop depredations, an open season on this species is authorized from september 1 through december 31.

Natural History and StatusAmerican crows are native to north America and reach their highest densities in the northeastern United states. They form large communal roosts during much of the year, sometimes in groups large enough to be problematic in towns or industrial areas. during the breeding season, however, the species is most often ob-served in smaller family units. They typically place their nests in well-hidden areas of their nest trees, gener-ally close to the trunk. nests are made of dead sticks, bark, corn stalks, twine, and cow dung, and lined with soft materials. Crows lay from three to nine bluish-green eggs marked with brown speckles. They feed on a variety of foods including insects, carrion, small mam-

mals and birds, bird eggs and grains, including some agricultural crops. numbers have probably increased significantly since european settlement because of ag-ricultural developments and timber clearing. human developments have also enabled breeding range expan-sions into portions of the West and midwest.

mammalsCoatiThis relative of the raccoon is usually seen individual-ly or in small bands called “troops.” The lone males or “solos” may weigh up to 12 pounds, and greatly exceed the smaller 5.5- to 7-pound females in size. From 2.5 to just over 4 feet in length, coatis are approximately the size of a small dog. They range in color from ochre to cinnamon brown to nearly chocolate. Their most distinctive characteristics, however, are their clown-marked faces and faintly banded, tapered tails that commonly exceed 2 feet in length, giving coatis the su-perficial appearance of monkeys.

Natural History and StatusAlso known as chulos, coatis are semi-arboreal animals rarely found far from trees. Like tree squirrels, coatis have jointed hind feet, allowing the animals to descend the trunks of trees headfirst. These largely diurnal mam-mals are found primarily in mountains and canyons in the southeastern quarter of the state. Their principal habitats are madrean oak-pine wood-land and riparian deciduous forest. highly omnivorous, their principal foods are lizards, insect larvae, bird eggs, acorns, fruits, and other mast.

troops of coatis, which may range in size from one or two to up to 40 animals, are typically composed of fe-males, sub-adults, and weaned young of the year. males leave the troop when about 2 years old, after which they associate with the females only during the spring breeding season. nursing females leave the troop for four to six weeks after giving birth. From one to six young are born in June or July. Born helpless in a den or hollow tree, the youngsters remain with their mother until old enough to forage with the troop in the fall.




Black-tailed prairie dog

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Coati numbers fluctuate markedly, and at least two major population declines have been reported for Ari-zona. recently, however, they appear to be expanding their range northward and are now common in such places as Aravaipa Canyon and the sierra Ancha, where they were unheard of prior to 1970. Current hunt management authorizes a seven-month season, and a bag limit of one coati per calendar year.

Gunnison’s Prairie Dogprairie dogs are robust, diurnal ground squirrels that live in underground colonies called “dogtowns.” Their tails are relatively short, less than 25 percent of the body length. The animals get their name from their doglike barks, which warn the colony of intruders. male Gunnison’s prairie dogs are just over a foot long, with 2-inch, grayish to white-tipped tails. Adult males weigh about 1.75 pounds and females less than 1.5 pounds. male and female are similar in appearance, both a pale buff in color. The species is now largely re-stricted to Great Basin grasslands above the mogollon rim, although colonies formerly extended south and east of prescott to the dewey and dugas areas, as well as to the san Carlos indian reservation.

Natural History and StatusGunnison’s prairie dog colonies tend to be small, and usually contain fewer than 50 animals. Their burrow entrances are not typically built up into craters, unlike those of black-tailed prairie dogs. Gunnison’s prairie dogs enter torpor below ground during winter months, and breed in February-march. The three to four pups typically appear in June. Grasses, forbs, and sedges are the usual dietary items.

Black-tailed Prairie Dogslightly larger than the Gunnison’s prairie dog, this 15-inch-long rodent is yellowish tan in color with a usually dusky-tipped 3-inch tail. male black-tailed prairie dogs average about 2 pounds; the females about 1.9 pounds. Unlike those of Gunnison’s, the entrances to the burrows of black-tailed prairie dogs often have cratered mounds that can reach up to 3 feet in height. The underground burrow network may be extensive, and black-tailed prairie dog colonies were often large, especially those in the san pedro and sulphur springs valleys

Natural History and StatusBlack-tailed prairie dogs are active all year, and will come out on sunny days even in midwinter. The species breeds in late February; the young are born in march

and appear in may. dietary items include grass stems, grass roots, and shrubs.

Black-tailed prairie dogs formerly occurred in the semidesert grasslands of southeastern Arizona south of the Gila river, westward to the vicinity of Fort hua-chuca. They have been extirpated in Arizona since 1959, although a small colony on the day ranch 15 miles southeast of duncan on the Arizona-new mexico bor-der persisted until 1974. An attempt to reintroduce this animal to the Appleton research ranch (near sonoita) in the summer of 1974 failed. The species has recently been protected in Arizona, in the hope that individuals from three colonies in sonora within five miles of the United states-mexico border might recolonize our state.

specially Protected MammalsThe following mammals are protected at all times be-cause they are endangered species, resemble endangered species, or are otherwise deemed in need of protection due to low numbers or vulnerability.

BatsArizona, with 28 species of bats belonging to four fam-ilies (ghost-faced, leaf-nosed, vesper, and free-tailed), has one of the most diverse bat faunas of any state. ranging in abundance from the American free-tailed bat, which numbers in the millions, to the seldom-seen ghost-faced bat, Arizona’s bats are highly beneficial. They feed on insects and find their prey by emitting and receiving sonic waves—a process similar to sonar and known as echolocation. each species has its own high-pitched call, some of which can be heard by hu-man ears. our largest bat species, the western mastiff bat, is about 7 inches long and has a wingspan of up to 18 inches. The western pipestrelle, at only 2.5-3 inches long is Arizona’s smallest bat. some species, such as the spotted bat with its death’s-head markings and huge ears, are bizarre in appearance.

Natural History and StatusAlthough nearly all of Arizona’s bats are insectivores, two, the lesser long-nosed bat and the mexican long-tongued, feed on nectar and pollen. some species, such as the red bat, are generally solitary, but most roost in colonies, selecting as their daytime retreat a particu-lar cavern, rock fissure, or mine tunnel. most bats are migratory, although a few over-winter by hibernating. to reduce competition, the various species use different habitats and feeding strategies. pallid bats, for example, typically feed low to the ground; the western mastiff

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bat tends to hunt high over water or in the tree canopy. it is also an unfortunate fact that bats transmit rabies, with the result that they expose dozens of people a year to this potentially deadly virus.

All bats are protected in Arizona due to their gener-ally beneficial nature and the rarity of certain species. Colonial roost sites may also be protected, and certain caves have been declared “off-limits” because of their value to these intriguing flying mammals.

Black-footed FerretThis uniquely north American mammal has always been extremely rare in Arizona, with only four speci-mens ever collected in the state. Until a reintroduction program began in 1996, the last ferret reported in Ari-zona was in 1931 when bubonic plague and rodent control programs killed off the ferret’s prairie dog prey. The black-footed ferret is a low slung, weasel-like ani-mal less than 2 feet in length, with sooty black feet. The overall color is a yellow-buff, the face has a distinc-tive black mask, and the approximately 5-inch tail is tipped in black. males are significantly larger than fe-males, weighing about 2.25 pounds to the female’s 1.5 pounds.

Natural History and StatusFerrets are almost exclusively restricted to prairie dog colonies, which provide most of the animal’s food. The

ferret is primarily a nocturnal species. it breeds dur-ing mid-march or April, and after a gestation of 45 or so days give birth to from two to five young. The kits remain in a nest underground with their mother for 40 days or more and do not disperse to forage on their own until september, attaining breeding maturity at one year of age. The presence of ferrets can be detected by their tracks and diggings, which consist of 4-inch-deep trenches and lengthy piles of soil adjacent to prairie dog holes. Federally designated an endangered species in 1967, black-footed ferrets are the focus of an Arizona Game and Fish department program to reintroduce captive-reared animals in Aubrey Valley. Although the project is still relatively young, some animals have al-ready reproduced in the wild.

Hualapai Mexican VoleVoles or meadow mice are dark brown, short-tailed (<1.5”) terrestrial rodents with short fur and small, rounded ears. The sexes are nearly identical in pelage and size. The mexican vole, to which this race belongs, is widely distributed at higher elevations, with popula-tions found in the White mountains, the san Francisco peaks, along the mogollon rim, and in such isolated ranges as the sierra Ancha, Bradshaw mountains, na-vajo mountain, and hualapai mountains. The latter population, and possibly those on the hualapai in-dian reservation to the north, has been described as a separate subspecies due to its isolation. The identifying

characters of this so-called hualapai vole are not well defined, but are based on its having a smaller relative size, longer hind feet, and more cinnamon under-parts than its closest neighbors.

Natural History and StatusThis 1.25-inch-long ro-dent prefers dry, grassy meadows and canyons in proximity to pon-derosa pines, Gambel’s oaks, pinyon-juniper woodlands, and chap-arral. As with most rodents, numbers may fluctuate from rare to abundant. not as prolific as some oth-er rodents, their litter






Townsend’s big-eared bat

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sizes vary from one to four and average about 2.5. This isolated population of mexican voles is protected as a Federally endangered species

Jaguarmore than 50 of these large, spotted cats have been documented from Arizona since 1900. Although there are some early records of what appear to be young jag-uars, almost all of the animals taken or photographed after 1950 have been wandering males from sonora, mexico. The last recorded female in Arizona was taken in 1962.

Borderland jaguars tend to be small when compared to those in south America. The males average from about 125 to 160 pounds; the females are smaller, av-eraging about 110 pounds—approximately the same as mountain lions. Adult jaguars stand about 2.25 feet to 2.5 feet tall at the shoulder. The males average about 7 feet in length and the females about 6 feet. The tail is relatively short, about 17 to 30 inches and less than half of the length of the head and body. dorsal colors range from a pale yellow-buff to a golden orange. The black spots on the head and shoulders are relatively small, transforming to a complicated series of bars, splotch-es and broken rings or rosettes on the back, flanks, feet and tail. Underneath, the jaguar varies from a very pale gray to snow white with black markings. Although appearing garish in the open, jaguars are in fact won-derfully concealed in the dappled shadows of their wooded and scrubland habitats.

The only new World “roaring cat,” jaguars call to each other by emitting a series of hoarse, rasping grunts.

Natural History and StatusAlthough jaguars have been recorded as far north as the Grand Canyon, most have been recovered or photographed in the borderland mountains in the southeastern quarter of the state. Found primarily in tropical thornscrub and deciduous forest in mex-ico, most Arizona jaguars have been encountered in madrean evergreen woodlands and scrub-invaded semidesert grassland. several jaguars have been taken in proximity to water, and several have been taken in montane conifer forests, at least one above 9,000 feet elevation.

Jaguars hunt mostly at twilight and at night, seek-ing a wide variety of prey. prey items in Arizona have ranged from frogs to elk, but white-tailed deer, javelina, and coatis appear to be the most important natural prey. Livestock is taken when available, especially calves.

Female jaguars reach sexual maturity at about 2.5 years. For biological and social reasons, most males do not breed until age 3 to 4. The breeding season in

the southwest borderlands appears to be in January or February, the young being born in spring after a 100-day gestation period. The one or two cubs are weaned at about 22 weeks, but female offspring may remain with the mother for more than a year. The average life span of sonoran jaguars is thought to be less than 10 years due to the scarcity of game and their persecution as stock-killers. Jaguars have been protected in Arizo-na by state law since 1969, and U.s. populations were declared an endangered species in 1997. prior to this time, jaguars have at various times been considered as furbearers, predators, or nongame mammals. The de-partment is engaged in a Conservation team working to conserve jaguars of the Arizona-new mexico-mexi-co borderlands.

JaguarundiThese low slung, 10- to 20-pound felines require dense tropical vegetation and are usually found near wa-ter. The animal’s head and ears appear small for a cat, and the 1- to 2-foot tail is less than the body length. two color phases of these uniformly colored cats oc-cur—cinnamon and charcoal gray. Largely terrestrial, jaguarundis take to trees only when pursued by dogs, at which time they can display much arboreal agility. more diurnal than other wild felids, jaguarundis usu-ally occur alone or in pairs. The species also emits a whistlelike call on occasion.

Natural History and StatusJaguarundis feed on small mammals, such as cotton rats, as well as a variety of birds, lizards, and snakes. The breeding season varies with locality, but the gesta-tion period is from 60 to 70 days after which from one to four kittens are born.

This species has never been documented as occur-ring in our state, or even southward in sonora, mexico. Jaguarundis have been protected here since 1972, on the basis of visual reports and the possibility that this animal might occur in Arizona. The species is included here only because it remains federally listed in Arizona.

OcelotThese 18 to 22-pound felines are residents of south-eastern Arizona, mainly in the sky islands of the Coronado national Forest. Their background color is a grayish or brownish orange color with black stripes and dots. solitary and terrestrial, the “gato galavis,” as the species is known in sonora, is largely nocturnal in its habits. Averaging about 22 pounds, male ocelots are slightly larger than the 19.5 pounds for the average fe-male. The head and body length is approximately 3 to 3.5 feet, with the tail providing another 13 to 14 inches.

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Natural History and Status multiple observations of male ocelots dispersing

from sonora, mexico have occurred since the turn of the century. in Arizona, they have been documented as far north as Globe, Arizona and west to the mountains near interstate 19. The life history of the gato galavis in sonora remains largely uninvestigated, but the litter size in other ocelot populations is one or two. The kit-tens’ eyes are shut for 2.5 weeks and they remain with their mother for 18 to 20 months. most ocelots do not reach breeding maturity until 2 years old or more.

ocelots feed mostly on terrestrial mammals, such as cottontails, but reptiles are also taken. Adults may have a home range of 3,000 acres or more. ocelots have been protected in Arizona since 1969. Any change in the species’ status is therefore difficult to ascertain, as any ocelots taken by trappers and/or predator c ontrol agents are unlikely to be reported.

Otter (see Furbearers)

PorcupineThese large, bulky rodents are unmistakable. The large head, long spines intermixed with equally long or lon-ger blackish, brownish, and yellowish hair, and heavy claws make for instant identification. The males are bigger than the females, but the females have longer

tails. overall, the animal’s total length is about 2.5 feet, of which approximately 8 inches constitutes the tail. Weights range from 7.75 to 40 pounds depending on the porcupine’s age and condition.

Natural History and Statuspossessed of poor vision but with a good sense of smell, porcupines are active mainly at night. habitats oc-cupied include forested mountains, riparian forests, meadows, semidesert grasslands and even deserts. dur-ing the winter months, porcupines may feed almost exclusively on the inner bark of pine trees, although the bark of cottonwoods, mesquites, and ocotillos is also taken. porcupines lose weight when feeding only on in-ner-bark, however, and also eat mistletoe, acorns, fungi, cactus fruit, and other mast when available. during the summer months, the species feeds on the ground and is frequently seen in mountain meadows feeding on grass-es and sedges. porcupines are fond of salt and will gnaw ax handles and other objects having this mineral.

solitary animals, porcupines den in hollow trees and burrows as well as in rocky outcrops and mine shafts, often using the same den site year after year.

Females mature in one year, males in 2.5. mating takes place in september and october, often in a tree, and is usually accompanied by highly vocal grunts, squeals, and shrieks. The males are very aggressive at this time and will fight any other males they hap-pen to come upon. Gestation is seven months and the single offspring is born in late April or early may. The

youngster, weighing about a pound, is highly devel-oped and well able to care for itself, staying with the mother only through its first summer. probably be-cause of their slow-paced life style, porcupines can live up to 9 years of age—a relatively long time for a rodent.

Although totally protected in Arizona, por-cupines were unprotected for many years due to the damage inflicted on both mature ponderosa pines and pine seedlings, as evi-denced by the trees’ girdled trunks and white areas of peeled bark. As recent-ly as the 1950s, hunters were encouraged to kill any porcupines encountered. densities of porcupines ap-







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pear to vary with time, however, and the species now appears much reduced in comparison to numbers re-ported earlier. nonetheless, porcupines may still cause problems locally and require relocation to other areas.

Gray WolfThe mexican wolf is the rarest, southern-most occur-ring, and most genetically distinct subspecies of all the north American gray wolves, which was listed under the endangered species Act as an endangered sub-species (Canis lupus baileyi) in 1976. mexican wolves historically inhabited montane woodlands and ad-jacent grasslands in northern mexico, new mexico, Arizona, and the trans-pecos region of western texas at elevations of 4,000-5,000 ft. where native ungu-late prey species were numerous. By the early 1970s, the mexican wolf was considered extirpated from its historical range in the southwestern United states and no mexican wolves were known to exist in the wild in the United states or mexico from 1980 until the be-ginning of the mexican wolf reintroduction project in 1998. southwestern wolves stand about 30 inches high at the shoulder, and differ from the much smaller (less than 35 pounds) coyotes by having heavier, deeper chests, larger broader heads, shorter, thicker muzzles,

larger nose pads, and a thicker neck that shows a ruff or mane when the animal’s hackles are raised. Wolves also have long, slender forelegs and a dark-tipped tail. Coat color varies with season and individuals, some animals being so light as to be nearly white and others so dark as to appear almost black. The usual pelage, however, is a grizzled mixture of grays, browns, blacks, and whites on backs and flanks. Adults are about 4.5 to 5.5 feet long, with 14 to 17 inch tails. The males are about 10 pounds heavier than the fe-males, weighing between 65 and 85 pounds, versus the female’s 55 to 80 pounds.

perhaps the wolf ’s most distinctive trademark is its mournful howl, which is usually given in late fall and early winter, and which once heard, is never forgotten.

Natural History and StatusWolves are mostly active at night and hunt by trailing and running their prey to ground. Their preferred habitats are rolling woodlands, level forests, open

meadows, and grasslands. Wolves historically fed on deer, elk, pronghorn, cottontails, and mice but readily adapted to taking sheep and cattle when livestock were introduced to Arizona.

For behavioral as well as biological reasons, wolves do not usually reach sexual maturity until they are about 2.5 years old. The breeding season in Arizona is between november and mid February, and the ges-tation period is 63 days. den sites are selected by the female, and may consist of an enlarged burrow, hol-low log, or a natural crevice. Four to eight sooty-brown pups are born in the spring and nursed for six to eight weeks. They are cared for by both parents. Although they are weaned in late fall, when they are 2.5 to 3 months old, the young wolves, especially the females, may remain with the parents for another year or so be-fore dispersing.

Wolves are social animals, but packs in Arizona have historically been small, usually consisting of from one or two to seven animals. Wolves can have very large home ranges and travel long distances in search of food and mates. mexican wolves were reintroduced to the wild in 1998 in Arizona and new mexico as a nonessential exper-imental population pursuant to section 10(j) of the endangered species Act. A binational captive-breed-




Mexican gray wolf

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ing program between the United states and mexico was initiated in the late 1970s with the capture of the last remaining mexican wolves in the wild. The estab-lishment and success of the captive breeding program prevented absolute extinction of the mexican wolf and, by producing surplus animals, provided a source of mexican wolves for reintroduction in the wild. All mexican wolves alive today originated from three lin-eages (Ghost ranch, 24 Aragon and mcBride) and the breeding of these “founding” mexican wolves and generations of their offspring has produced a captive population approaching 250 wolves in 52 facilities in the United states and mexico.

A total of 13 captive-bred mexican wolves were ini-tially released in 1998 into a portion of the Blue range Wolf recovery Area (BrWrA), which is part of a larger mexican Wolf experimental population Area (mWepA) that has been established as the foot-print for the mexican wolf reintroduction project. The BrWrA serves as the primary mexican wolf occu-pancy area and is comprised of the Apache and Gila national Forests in Arizona and new mexico, and is surrounded by the larger mWepA that extends across Arizona and new mexico between interstate highway 10 to the south and interstate highway 40 to the north. Under the 1998 nonessential experimental popula-tion rule, wolves are allowed to be released and disperse within the BrWrA. mexican wolves entering the mWepA (leaving the BrWrA) are subject to capture and relocation into the BrWrA. in the seven years from 1998 through 2004 a total of 87 mexican wolves were initially-released from captivity into the wild, with the number of initial releases declining in subsequent years (2007-2013) due, in part, to the wild popula-tion demonstrating natural growth through wild-born wolves. The 2013 year-end population count reflected a minimum estimated population of 83 mexican wolves in Arizona and new mexico with the population being entirely comprised of wild-born wolves.

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Game Management Unit Map

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Arizona Game and Fish Department5000W.CarefreeHighway • Phoenix,Arizona85086 • (602)942-3000

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Can I hunt on my own land without a license in Arizona? ›

You will need the proper licenses or permits to hunt in Arizona. You can usually get those pretty easily if you pay a nominal fee. However, if you're hunting on your own land in Arizona, you don't need a license or permit.

Where do you find information about Arizona hunting rules and orders? ›

The regulations are available at Arizona Game and Fish offices or authorized hunting/fishing license dealers. They also can be downloaded:

What animals can I hunt without a tag in Arizona? ›

There are many opportunities to go hunting that do not require hunters to submit an application for a hunt permit-tag via the Draw. Species and hunts available are archery-only deer with some unit restrictions, limited opportunity elk, mountain lion, bear, archery-only javelina and juniors-only turkey (shotgun).

Do you have to have a hunting license to hunt on your own land in Texas? ›

To hunt in Texas, all resident and out-of-state hunters must have a valid Texas hunting license. This rule applies to hunters using both private and public hunting land, and hunters may not use licenses issued by other states.

What does Arizona State Trust land restricted access mean? ›

Why would some State Trust land be closed for access? Lands leased for agriculture, mining, commercial, or military purposes are not open to recreational use.

Can a 17 year old hunt alone in AZ? ›

Youth ages 10–17 must purchase a Youth Combination Hunting and Fishing license. The license fee is $5. A person under 10 may hunt wildlife other than big game without a license only when accompanied by a properly licensed person 18 years or older.

What animals can you hunt year round in Arizona? ›

Arizona offers diverse hunting opportunities including for black bear, mountain lion, bison, small game, dove and quail. Arizona has an incredible variety of year-round hunting opportunities for both big game and small game.

How many months do I need to live in Arizona to be considered a resident when it comes to hunting? ›

A resident is a person who has lived in Arizona for six months. Active-duty military members are considered residents. All Arizona residents age 10 or older must have a resident hunting license.

What part of Arizona has the most deer? ›

Arizona's Wildlife

Coues deer are most common in Arizona's southeastern mountains, but range up on to the Mogollon Rim and into the White Mountains. They are most abundant in areas of predictable summer precipitation.

Where is hunt Unit 1 in Arizona? ›

High Country: This area is completely within the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests. It is generally an area extending from Big Lake on the south to Hwy 273 on the western edge, to Mexican Hay Lake in the north, and to the east of Forest Road 285. It is composed mostly of high elevation grasslands surrounded by forest.

Where is the best place to hunt deer in Arizona? ›

The world famous Kaibab Plateau is home to some of the biggest mule deer bucks in the entire state of Arizona and the United States. The Kaibab is widely considered by many trophy mule deer hunters to be one of the best trophy mule deer hunts available anywhere.

How hard is it to get a deer tag in Arizona? ›

The specific species and tags you apply for will determine the level of difficulty and amount of time it will take to draw. Some tags can take 15-20+ years of building bonus points in order to eventually draw. Remember, you must apply for both the license and the tags prior to the deadline for each species.

Are lighted nocks legal in Arizona? ›

Arizona Hunting Regulations

Mechanical broadheads and lighted nocks are allowed.

What animals can you hunt at night in Arizona? ›

Arizona Predator Night Hunt

We conduct our night hunts by the AZGFD rules & regulations. This is a "coyote only" with "lights only" hunt. Night vision, thermal, scopes with illuminated reticle, and shooting & light scanning from a vehicle is "illegal" in Arizona.

Can I shoot a deer on my property in Arizona? ›

Hunting and fishing are allowed on public lands with some restrictions and on private lands with the landowner's consent. Typically, no shooting while hunting is allowed within ¼ mile of any occupied structure without permission. Additionally, shooting is not permitted from, across, and onto any road or railway.

Are you allowed to hunt on state trust land in Arizona? ›

State Trust Land (STL) is not public land. It is private land owned by the state of Arizona that can be accessed for various recreational opportunities including hunting.

Can I shoot a coyote on my property in Arizona? ›

A valid hunting license is required. See Arizona Game and Fish Department Hunting Regulations. State law bans firing a gun, bow/arrow, or crossbow within a quarter-mile of an occupied residence or building while taking wildlife, unless you have the owner's permission.

Do you need a permit for state trust land in Arizona? ›

A recreation permit is required for: hiking; horseback riding; picnicking; photography; bird watching; sightseeing; camping or traveling on existing Trails over Trust Land. There are three different permits one can obtain.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.