Isuzu Sohma/Relationships (2024)

Isuzu Sohma/Relationships (1)This page contains the relationships of Isuzu Sohma, including family, friends and others.
Isuzu Sohma/Relationships (2)This article is a stub. Please help Fruits Basket Wiki by expanding it, adding pictures, and improving existing text.


  • 1 Family
    • 1.1 Unnamed Father and Unnamed Mother
    • 1.2 Hatsuharu Sohma
  • 2 Friends
    • 2.1 Tohru Honda
  • 3 Sohma Family
    • 3.1 Kagura Sohma
    • 3.2 Yuki Sohma
    • 3.3 Kyo Sohma
    • 3.4 Hiro Sohma
    • 3.5 Akito Sohma
    • 3.6 Shigure Sohma
    • 3.7 Ren Sohma
    • 3.8 Kazuma Sohma
    • 3.9 Kureno Sohma


Unnamed Father and Unnamed Mother[]

Isuzu Sohma/Relationships (3)

At the start, Rin seemed to have a good relationship with her parents. However, this came to an end when she questioned why they always seemed happy around her. They then lash out at their daughter, saying that they tried so hard to keep their feelings in. From that point on, Rin’s parents would be nothing but abusive and unsupportive, locking her in a room at one moment, and at other grabbing her by her long hair.

Isuzu Sohma/Relationships (4)

It was then when Rin had collapsed and was taken to the hospital, did they not care for anymore. They wanted nothing to do with her once Kazuma offered to adopt her which enraged Haru and caused him to lash out at her parents. She never sees them again after this, staying with Kagura and her family.

Even though they did not ever see their daughter again, the damage they did to Rin had left a mark on her as she was tormented for the rest of her life after this. This was made apparent when Akito had yelled at her to stay away from Haru, even taking advantage when she saw how vulnerable she became.

Hatsuharu Sohma[]

Isuzu Sohma/Relationships (5)

As younger children, Haru would visit Yuki in his isolated room, which was forbidden. When Rin found out she felt that she needed to protect him, and so she would go with him, making excuses to leave right before some adult discovered Haru in the room.

Haru and Rin knew each other from childhood and were very close during that period; he found her when she collapsed, and stayed with her in the hospital, ferociously defending her when her mother dropped by for the last time to deliver some final abuse and disown her. They fell in love and Haru eventually convinced Rin, who was terrified of Akito, to take the risk and act on their feelings for each other. They also had sex at some point.

After Akito's violent physical and emotional attack, during which she convinced Rin that their relationship would hurt Haru and she was no good for him, Rin broke up with Haru via telling him merely that she was "tired of him", obviously aware that if Haru was aware that Akito's assault and Rin's fear for him had spurred her disassociation he would not accept it and at that time, before the curse and the Akito's reins on the Jyuunishi had begun to fracture, his response to learning about Akito's actions could put him in very serious danger.

Rin also attempted to find a way of breaking the Sohma curse for Haru's happiness and freedom from Akito's control, but her efforts were in vain. She became ill and was hospitalized once more; it's implied that this has been a pattern throughout her life. Haru tried to visit her, but she drove him away, even swinging her IV at him to accomplish her goal. After that they were distanced and contact was limited - and understandably forbidden by the hospital staff - but it's undeniable that both of them remained aware of and invested in each other, though Rin was better at concealing her state from Haru than vice versa.

At one point, Akito's mother Ren Sohma tricks Rin into trying to steal a particular box from Akito's room; she promises Rin she will tell her how to break the curse (and thus free Haru) if she does so. Desperate, Rin follows Ren's lead; she is caught and imprisoned in the cursed cat's confinement room for three or four months by an absolutely irate Akito, who cuts off most of her hair because it makes her look like Ren. She is freed from her imprisonment by Kureno Sohma, who discovers a maid carrying food into the room; the distressed maid tells him that its occupant has not been eating and begs him to rescue her. She is taken to the hospital suffering from severe malnutrition and the psychological trauma of her confinement.

During this time Haru learns from Hiro that it was Akito who pushed Rin out a window (he had witnessed the incident, but was too scared to mention it) and Rin's true motivation for breaking up with him. He confronts Akito violently on it, and is barely stopped from beating her up by Kureno. When Kureno tells Haru to go look for Rin, he punches the wall and leaves, thinking to himself about what Rin means to him; he realizes that he has been self-centered about Rin in several ways, and decides to truly aid her.

Rin escapes from the hospital in a daze and is later found semi-conscious on the street by Haru. She believes she is hallucinating and has been dreaming the entire release from the cat's room - the dialogue implies a history of ill-health to this extent - and breaks down, confessing her feelings and that she's failed to free him. He asks her to come home to him, a bit of narrative symmetry considering that Takaya states Haru is Rin's "home" - and she says that it would be good if she could, and that this is a good dream. He tells her it's real, awakening her to reality, and she makes no attempt to lie to him afterwards. He takes her to Kazuma Sohma's house, where she has since been staying while she recovers, and in their next appearance their relationship has clearly resumed. Afterwards, they get married and have children of their own.


Tohru Honda[]

Rin shows conflicted emotions regarding Tohru. She rejects and harbors resentment towards what she sees as Tohru's interference in the family; as she is an outsider, Rin believes she cannot and will not understand how the family feels. However, internal dialogue reveals that as early as their first meeting, Rin is also possessed by the same desire that many of the Zodiacs develop; to fall into Tohru's arms and be comforted. Yuki stated that they both found what they were looking for in Tohru and that is a mother; Rin saw in Tohru something she never thought she could have and that is a mother. Her view of Tohru as a maternal figure manifests to the extent that on the verge of fainting, she mistakes Tohru for her mother and responds with utter terror, cowering and pleading for forgiveness before she loses consciousness. Eventually Rin's physical distress, despair and torment culminate in her breaking down sobbing in Tohru's embrace.

One time when Rin was in hospital Tohru often came by and visited. One of those times the food came and Rin said she didn't like the food she got. Tohru asks her what food she don't mind and she answers jelly. The next time Tohru came she had some homemade jelly for Rin. Rin said she didn't like eating in front of others. But later its showed that Rin eats the jelly thinking its very good.

Though she never evidences such extreme vulnerability again, Rin ultimately accepts Tohru as her first friend, which Kazuma commented as Tohru was the first one outside of the Sohma house to be worried of her and how she hates herself. Her previously aggressive behavior softens and it is clear she cares for Tohru deeply and is very protective of her. The incident with Ren, described above, took place after Rin saw Tohru talking to Kureno Sohma and crying over it: she mistakenly believed that Kureno had harassed her (in reality, he had told her about himself and Akito) and was searching for him to confront him on it, but Ren found her. Although Rin still retains her roughness around Tohru after her escape from the Cat Room, she didn't want to burden her with the knowledge and asked the others to keep it a secret. Upon realizing the one Tohru loves and wishes to free from the curse is Kyo, Rin shed her hard demeanor in order to gently try to reason with Tohru, not because she disapproves of her relationship with Kyo, but because she is genuinely concerned towards her emotional state and feelings, fearing the depression and darkness she would fall into if the curse was not broken before summer and Kyo locked away in the Cat Room. When Kagura slaps Tohru saying that she should tell Kyo her feelings, Rin comes and shouts at Kagura, defending Tohru. Rin is left devastated when Tohru falls down the cliff, stated to be as pale as a cadaver by Haru, and huddling up alone in a room. Rin also once again emotionally opens up to Tohru, telling her how she cannot forgive Akito yet she feels bad for it and her fears her negativity would drive Haru away. Rin also was noted to be saddened when Tohru left Kazuma's Dojo to where she even states Kyo and Tohru should break up.

Sohma Family[]

Kagura Sohma[]

Kagura's family decided to take in Rin after her parents rejected her completely. Despite being cared by Kagura and her family for years, Rin still remains hostile towards them since she cannot bond with near anyone after what she's been through. Kagura worries often of Rin's health, knowing that Rin falls ill easily. Rin herself is quite cold and blunt towards Kagura and didn't hesitate to point out how her love for Kyo is based on pity. Notably, Rin is among the few people who doesn't fear Kagura's temper and is more than willing to challenge her, having had a past of physical abuse, as shown by how she was quick to come to Tohru's defense and physically stop Kagura from attacking her any further, showing anger at Kagura for being so righteous, while Kagura herself is shown to be unwilling to engage her physically and force her to relieve her trauma, quickly hugging her to show she is sorry. At the end, it seems they grew closer, as Rin softens up around Kagura and they spend more time together.

Yuki Sohma[]

Rin and Yuki have a quite cold and bitter relationship, mostly on Rin's part, as Rin saw Yuki as burdening Haru and not even knowing about it himself. It seemed such feelings didn't manifest at first until later, as Rin would accompany Haru whenever he snuck in to check on Yuki, who was Akito's "plaything" as the "closest to God" and all but locked away. It was probably how Haru asked Shigure to take Yuki in and free him from Akito that made Rin consider Yuki a burden to Haru. She has no qualms lashing out to Yuki and even calls him "Akito's toy" and when pushed too far coldly and spitefully reveals to Yuki about how he only managed to escape Akito due to Haru begging Shigure. At the end, however, it seems they have developed a tolerating relationship, but Rin is still quite jealous and apprehensive of Yuki and Haru's relationship.

Kyo Sohma[]

When Rin was younger, she stayed at Kazuma's house. Due to her background, Kazuma cared for her deeply. This started off with a staring game as Kyo had become jealous over Rin becoming Kazuma's "number one student". Their relationship is slightly bitter. However, over time, they have stopped the game and in the present they mostly ignore one another, preferring to not have each other as either a friend or an enemy. Rin herself was aware that Kyo would eventually be locked in the Cat Room and while she doesn't seem to share the negative sterotype towards Kyo, she seems to have some concern and empathy towards Kyo, likely as she herself had been locked inside the Cat Room, but worried more about Tohru due to her friendship with her, knowing how heartbroken Tohru would be if Kyo was locked away.

Hiro Sohma[]

Hiro had witnessed Akito pushing Rin out of the window, but understandably was too terrified to tell anyone what happened with them. Due to that, it led him to constantly worrying about Rin, even visiting her many times in the hospital with flowers, always looking out for her. He finally finds the courage to tell Haru about all of this, thinking that he had betrayed Rin via staying quiet, but Haru thanks him for finally speaking up.

Rin forced him not to tell Haru about what Akito did, despite the fact that Haru was merely teasing him (Haru asked if he had a crush on Rin). Haru could tell Hiro knew about them going out, but he did not care. Rin in return seemed to actually care for and tolerate Hiro, apparently out of gratitude over his willingness to keep the secret.

Akito Sohma[]

Like the rest of the Sohma family, Rin has a very strained and abusive relationship with Akito. However, unlike the other members, her relationship is worse by comparison. Since she resembles Akito's mother (especially due to her long black hair), Akito had spitefully nicknamed her "Rin", which everyone seemed to adapt to. Other than that one unfortunate coincidence, she had also made love to Hatsuharu, which was different than the other Sohma members who developed feelings for someone within or outside of the Zodiac. This resulted in Akito verbally bullying Rin to the point of tears, grabbing her by her hair and then pushing her out of a window, which sent her to the hospital. Rin eventually broke up with Hatsuharu because she feared Akito would do something far worse. Later, when she tried to steal Akito's box, on Ren Sohma's orders, she was caught and Akito forcefully cut her hair before locking her up, infuriated that Rin had defied her on orders of the person she loathes the most.

Towards the end, Rin cannot forgive Akito's deeds towards her even after Akito reveals herself as a woman and apologizes for her cruel actions; still, she feels like a bad person over not being forgiving. Akito herself resignedly accepts Rin's decision, understanding that the damage she inflicted on Rin was impossible to repair.

Shigure Sohma[]

Rin and Shigure is shown to have an unusual relationship in comparison to Rin's relationship with the other Sohmas. Rin appears to have actual respect towards Shigure, being polite and even calling him by "Gure-nii" (Brother Shigure) when interacting with him. Although she definitely does not know Shigure is in love with Akito and seeks to break the curse to be with her, it becomes evident Rin still knows more about Shigure than the other new generation of the Sohma Family and enough to know that despite his apparent light-heartedness and obedience of Akito, he is deep down plotting to rebel, and Shigure in return is fully aware of Rin's desire to break the curse and that she still loves Haru and wants him to be free. Neither of them make any effort to conceal their knowledge of the other's deep-rooted motives, suggesting a past acquintance of some sort, and Rin even asks Shigure for information about the curse, specifically how to break the it, going as far as sexually offering herself to him in exchange for the secret, and Shigure himself avoids making Rin's efforts to break the curse known.

Shigure himself seems to have a soft spot for Rin: He avoids her not because he is annoyed or exasperated by her desire to break the curse, but instead because while he supports her efforts and wishes to break the curse himself, he doesn't actually know for certain whether the curse will break or not and doesn't want to disappoint or put her in danger. He also refuses her offer for sex and shows respect over Rin's devotement to Haru. After Rin got herself confined, Shigure felt concerned enough to visit her and out of pity eventually finally tells her that the curse is already breaking so she doesn't need to be so desperate.

Ren Sohma[]

Ren is to blame for many of Rin's troubles, and seems to quite dislike her for some reason. She basically ruined Rin's early life via making her questions about her parents that led to her confronting them and being abused.

Later Rin was tricked by Ren into thinking that by stealing a box from Akito will then Ren tell her how to break the curse. It was not shown whether Rin has any grudge against Ren; however, she was shown to be shocked when Shigure revealed that Ren was using Rin and there was no way Ren would know how to break the curse.

Kazuma Sohma[]

As said above, Kazuma is a bit of an older brother / caretaker to Rin, who used to drop by his dojo quite often when younger (leading to friction with Kyo). He later takes her in again when she's definitely released from the Cat's Room.

Kureno Sohma[]

Rin has had very little contact with Kureno, largely due to Akito ordering the other Cursed Sohma to stay away from him (to minimize the odds of their noticing that he's uncursed). As a result of his constant closeness to Akito and, although she doesn't know it, because he's no longer connected to her by the blood bond, Rin dislikes and distrusts Kureno. In chapter 81 she advises Tohru to stay away from him, and says that he doesn't even feel like a Zodiac.

Rin doesn't see Kureno again until she notices him talking to a tearful Tohru at some point. Angry at the idea that Kureno made Tohru cry (and not knowing that he's just told Tohru that Akito is a girl), Rin decides to confront him on whatever he did to her. However, Ren comes to greet her and then distracts her from such a purpose.

Later Kureno is the one who rescues Rin from the Cat's room, having noticed a maid bringing food to the 'empty' building and forced an explanation out of her. Despite his lifelong loyalty to Akito, and his realization that Rin's situation must be Akito's doing, he immediately carries her out and has Hatori take her to the hospital, after which he goes to confront Akito about what happened.

Isuzu Sohma/Relationships (2024)
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