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The term Sade Sati is a Hindi word which means „seven and a half”, wherein “sade” stands for “half”

and “sati” stands for “seven”. The term has been used to explain a particular phase of Saturn transit

in the moon-chart of an individual. When the planet Saturn enters the twelfth house of a moon-chart,

the sadesati is said to begin and continues till it remains in the second house. This means that the

day Saturn leaves the second house from the moon, the sadesati of a person comes to an end.

Saturn remains in one sign for approximately two and a half years. That is why to transit through thethree signs it takes a total of seven and a half years, when it transits through the sign previous to

one‟s moon sign, the moon sign itself, and the sign next to the moonsign.

It is a basic astrological common knowledge that a chart has twelve houses and every planet passes

through all of these houses one by one in their own time period. This means that Saturn also passes

through all twelve houses. Then why has its transit through the twelfth, first and second houses from

moon has been given extra consideration and labeled as “sade sati”. I may say that there are two

reasons for that—one which is a technical reason is that it is a CONVENIENCE CONCEPT, that is, to

segment one part of study of Saturn transit out of its entire journey through the twelve houses, thus,

to make it more simplified and understandable. Another reason is more substantial, which is, that a

rashi or moonsign of a native is one of the most important influences in his life, and on the otherhand, Saturn transit is also crucial as it is for a very long time that this planet remains in a particular

sign and house. So if we combine these two considerations, that is, the significant duration and role

of the planet Saturn in a person‟s life and the significance of the moonsign, then we w ould realize the

need of this treating this phase as a special transit. Apart from the moonsign, the previous and the

subsequent signs have been involved because they are the closest to the moonsign and thus Saturn

being close to moonsign from these two positions influence it significantly.

As an Astrologer, I always try to take an objective and non-scary way of interpretations. So, before

delving into the hardships which sadesati brings, I would like to mention as to what exactly leads to

this general PHOBIA of sadesati and five topmost reasons that sadesati can even be extraordinarily


People are scared of the planet Saturn because it is a hard taskmaster. It makes them work hard and

bring discipline in their lives which means the person under its influence has to now grow up and stop

being a playful kid. However, once the person is already mature enough or attains maturity, the

benefits of this planet can be reaped of and enjoyed which are very permanent and stable. Following

are the topmost five reasons how and why this phase may be enjoyed rather than be scared of :


Although Saturn has been designated as a natural malefic, for a few ascendants or lagnas, it becomes

benefic and even a raj-yog-karaka. These are those who have Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricornand Aquarius as their ascendants. For these people, Saturn brings good results in some phase of

sade-sati and thus the entire seven and a half year period is not bad for them and in fact, as I said, a

part of it can be even beneficial. It could be the first dhaiyya (the first two and a half years), the

second dhaiyya and/or the third dhaiyya.



Mercury and Venus are permanent friends of Saturn‟s. If it is passing through signs owned be these

planets, then the chances are high that the results shall be very beneficial for the native. Thus, if

Saturn is transiting through Virgo, Gemini, Taurus, and Libra signs, then it will give very beneficialresults. In fact, Saturn at the present time, that is in February/March 2010 is in Virgo which is

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generally good for all people as it is in its friendly sign. Also, if any hardships are to be brought for

those under sadesati influence during these days, they shall be mitigated to a large extent. Also if

Saturn is transiting through its own signs, that is, Capricorn and Aquarius, the benefits shall be more

positive than negative.


If Saturn is beneficially disposed in the birth chart or the D-9 chart, that is, if it is placed in the third,

sixth, eighth, tenth, eleventh or twelfth house, then it will lead to overall good influences in the

native‟s life, although some exceptions may come under this category, depending upon all the



Saturn also becomes a beneficial influence if it occupies the same sign in the birth chart and in



Despite all the adversities that are brought forward with sadesati, it is a phase which leads to

permanent changes in the person‟s personality as the tribulations and the rewards it brings are of a

permanent nature. The gains and losses in the native‟s life lead to a permanent i mpact on the psyche

of the person. The period of sadesati takes away the natural support system of the person, leaving

him on his own and thus leads to the maturity of the person as he learns to survive in the world.

To remove the fear of sadesati, was the main object of my write-up and I hope I have been able to

do that for all of my readers. To add to these, I would now mention certain results which occur

during this phase so that the person can prepare himself to face these.

POSITIVE RESULTS may include rewards paid for hard-work, wider social acceptance and help, good

family life, career advancement, overcoming obstacles and sound health.

NEGATIVE RESULTS may include public humiliation, result of hard-work delayed or compromised,

failures in enterprises and efforts, disturbed family life, greater challenges and health problems

Apart from this, it may be noted that the first dhaiyaa is beneficial for the following moonsigns-

Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces and it is bad for the following moonsigns- Taurus,

Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius and give neutral or mixed results for Aries and Capricorn moons. The second

dhaiyya is good for following moonsigns-Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra Capricorn and Aquarius, and is

bad for Aries, Cancer, Leo and Scorpio moons. It gives neutral or mixed results for Sagittarius and

Pisces moons. The third dhaiyya is good for Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius and Capricorn

moons, bad for Gemini, Cancer, Libra and Pisces moons, and mixed and neutral for Scorpio and

Aquarius moons.

In conclusion, I would like to say that although sadesati is infamous for being a difficult time in a

person‟s life, if the person keeps in mind certain truths like above about this time, it can bring a lot of

mental and practical ease in his life. The adverse results can be mitigated with the right attitude and

positive results can be accrued gracefully and with humility—and that is what exactly, Saturn is there


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Sadhe Saati of Saturn

What is Shani Sade Sati

Transit of Saturn over 12th, 1st, and 2nd house with respect to the moon position in the horoscope is known as

Saade sati. Saturn completes its transit in zodiac in 30 years. So in one sign it takes 2 ½ years to transit and in

three signs it takes period of 7 ½ years. This period is known as Saade Sati in Vedic Astrology. During sade sati

phase, native feels generally problems related to health, mental peace and finance. Generally, a person

experiences saadhe Saati Phase thrice in his lifetime. In first round of Sade-Sati, it effects on education, grand

parents. In second round Sade-Sati phase influences on profession, finance, family & parents. The last one

affects health than anything else.

"Sade-Sati" is not always bad result giving period. It could be a period of great success also in some conditions.

Sadhe Saati should be studies as follows:

Rashi & Nakshatra of the Moon: Check Rashi and Nakshatra of Moon. If Chandresha is Saturn or Janma

Nakshatresh is Saturn then Sadhe Sati is not much disturbing. A Moon that is natally familiar with the ways of

Saturn is not disturbed too badly due to the transit of Saturn during Sadhe-sati!

Nakshatra and Nakhatresha of transiting Saturn: During the period of Sade Sati it is worthy to see the

Nakshatra and Nakshatresha of Saturn in transit. In transit, if Saturn is transiting in such a Nakshatra whose

Lord is friendly to Saturn then Saturn will give good result. If Nakshatra Lord is not friendly but it is functional

benefic then also negativity of Saturn transit will be modified.

Ashtakavarga : As per Ashtakavarga Sade Sati result is assessed beautifully.

Sarvashtakavarga : In this method the entire 7 ½ year period is divided into 3 nearly equal periods. If the 12th,

1st and 2nd and houses from the Moon all have high benefic bindus (above 28) then the entire period of 7 ½

years goes well. If one house has 28 below points then when Saturn will transit that house, the period of 2 ½

years will give undesirable experience. In short, the more points, the better result, the lesser points, the worse


Bhinnashtakavarga of Saturn: Bhinnashtakavarga of Saturn gives fair idea of good or worse result of sade

sati. The sign having four or more bindus in Saturn's Bhinnashtakavarga will provide good result during Sadhe-

sati. If the three relevant signs have more than 4 points for example 6, 7 or 8 bindus, the Sadhe-sati can be very


Bhinnashtakavarga of the Moon: Likewise, Bhinnashtakavarga of Moon also should be seen.

Bindu by Saturn for the Moon: In the Moon's Bhinnashtakavarga and Prastarachakra, if in the relevant signs

Saturn contributes a bindu then Saturn will not be inimical to the Moon and experience during Sadhe-sati period

will not be bad.

Sadhe Saati analysis on Kakshya level: Astrologer attempts to weigh the Sadhe Sati result minutely on

considering Saturn transit in Kakshya (3 degre 45 minute). In the period of 7 ½ years Saturn transits 3 x 8 = 24

kakshyas. Prastarachakras of Saturn and moon are checked to see whether Kakshya lord has contributed a

bindu in the relevant sign or not. If there is point, Saturn transiting period in that Kakshya will be good.

Presence of a bindu in the relevant kakshya is indicative of good time.

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Transit of other major planets: During the period seven-and-a-half years, transit of other planets particularly

slow-moving planets, must be seen. If Jupiter's (or Rahu's and Ketu's) transit results are favourable, Sadhe-sati

can't be too adverse.

Dasha-Bhukti: Astrologer must not be oblivious about Dasha Period. If the dasha is good, Sadhe-sati can't be

too bad. If the dasha and Sadhe-sati both are bad then only the full force of evil Sadhe-sati is felt. If both aregood then Sadhe-sati is a period to look forward to.

Besides above, Moon’s position must be seen in the natal chart. If moon is in Dusthan (6, 8 & 12), Sadhe Saati

effect will be worse. If moon is well placed and bereft of malefic influence, native experiences comparatively

better results.

Further, if Saturn is yogkaraka in the chart, its sadhe sati or dhaiya will not be so bad even result will be nice, if

things are ideally favourable. Simultaneously, Tattwa of Ascendant also be seen. If it belongs to Fiery signs -

Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, the Sadhe-sati will be adverse. The reason for this is that only for Fiery rashis, neither

Saturn nor the Moon are trikona lords. When either of them is a trikona lord, Sadhe-sati does not deliver very bad


What is Daiyya of Shani

When Saturn Transits over the 4th and 8th house from the natal Moon, it is known Dhaiyya. Dhaiyyaa is a period

of 2.5 years. Dhaiya also causes stressful periods. When Saturn transits in the 4th house from the Moon, he

aspects the natal Moon house position including 6th and the 10th house from the Moon. During this period,

native may face anxiety, house problem, problem in job & profession life may be struggleful if Saturn is not

favourable in the chart.

Saturn’s transit over 8th house from Moon is known as Ashtama-Shani. In this case, it again aspects the 10th

house including 2nd and 5th from the Moon. During this period, native may face accident, danger to life,

divorce, loss of wealth of souse and self, serious health problem to mother, loss in share market, speculation,

lottery, problem in, divorces etc if Saturn is ideally placed in the chart.

Remedies ( Upaay ) during Shani Sadhe sati Period

Do Japa of Shani Mantras - Om Sham Shanaishcharay Namah.

Recite Dasharathakrit Shani Strotras. During fast consume milk, curd and fruit juice during day time and in the

evening. Visit to the temple of Shani Dev and ask for blessings.

Observe Fast on Saturdays.

Recite Shri Hanuman Chalisa. Visit to the temple of Shri Hanumanji and ask for blessings.

Wear iron ring made from horse shoe or nail from a boat of a river on Saturday on your middle finger (Male right

hand - Female left hand).

Wear Blue Sapphire or Neelam to minimize the bad effect of Saturn after consultation with competent astrologer.

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Donate urad (a type of pulse), oil, sapphire, black sesame seeds, black buffalo, iron, money and black clothes as

per your financial situation to Poor and Old People.

Give respect to your subordinate, servant, poor and lower class people.

Serve and respact your parents and elderly people.

Feed cow and crow.


शि साढेसाती के िती चरण -Three Steps of Shani Sade Sati and you05 August, 2010 05:35:00 Acharya Shashikant

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Three Steps of Shani Sade Sati and you

शि साढेसाती (Shani Sade Sati) म शि िती राशय पर गोचर करतेहै.िती राशय पर

शि के गोचर को साढेसाती (Shani Sade Sati) के िती चरण के िाम सेभीिजाा जाता है.

ऱग-अऱग राशय के ऱये शि के ये िती चरण अऱग -अऱग फऱ देतेहै.शि क

साढेसाती के िाम सेह ऱोग भयभीत रहतेहै.

िजस यजत ो यह माऱमू हो िाये उस शन साढेसाती चऱ रह ह,ै वह सनुरह

यजत मानस दबाव म आ िाता है. आनेवाऱेसमय म होनेवाऱ घटनाओंो ऱेर

तरह-तरह े वचार उसे मन म आनेऱगतेहै.

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शन साढेसाती ो ऱेर िजसार े म देखिेातेहै. वातव म साढेसाती ा ऩ

वसैा बलु ऱ नहंहै. आईये शन े चरण ो समझनेा यास रतेहै-

Free ReportsShani Sade Satiin Your life

साढसेातीचरण-फऱ वभिन राशय के ऱये

साढेसाती ा थम चरण (first step of Shani Sade Sati) - वषृभ, सहं, धनुराशय े ऱयेटार

होता है.वतीय चरण या मय चरण-मषे, क , सहं, वजृच, मर राशय े ऱयेअनुु ऱनहं

माना िाता है. व अजतम चरण-मथनु, क , तऱुा, वजृच, मीन राश े ऱयेटार माना िाता


इसे अतरत तीन चरण े ऱयेशन साढेसाती नन ऩ सेभाव डाऱसती है-

PremiusShani Sade Sati Reportsfor you

How Shani Sade Sati Affect you?

Remedies for Saturn's Sadesati

Analysis and Remedies for Saturn's Dhaiyya (Panoti)

Priced at Rs.259. only

थम चरण First Step of Shani Sade Sati

इस चरणावध म यजत आथकजथत भावत होती है. आय तऱुना म यय अध होते

ह. वचार गयेायकबना बाधाओंे ऩरू ेनहंहोतेहै. धन वषय े ारण अने ियोनाएंआरभ

नहंहोऩाती है. अचान सेधन हान होती है. यजत ो ना म मी ा रोग हो सता है.

वाथय म मी े योग भी बनतेहै. वदेश मण े ायकम बनर -बगडतेरतेहै. यह अवध

यजत दाद े ऱयेवशषे टार स होती है. मानसचताओंम वृ होना सामाय

बात हो िाती है. दांऩय िीवन म बहुत सेठनाई आती है. मेहनत े अनसुार ऱाभ नहंमऱ ऩाते


वतीय चरण Second Step of Shani Sade Sati

यजत ोशन साढेसाती इस अवध म ऩारवार तथा यवसाय िीवन म अने उतार-

चढाव आतेहै. उसेसबंजधय सेभी ट होतेह.ै यजत ो अऩनेसबंजधय सेटापत होतेह.ै

उसेऱबी यााओंऩर िाना ऩड सता है. घर -ऩरवार सेदरू रहनाऩड सता है. यजत े रोग

म वृ हो सती है. सऩंत सेसंबजधत मामऱेऩरेशान र सतेहै.

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म ा सहयोग समय ऩर नहंमऱ ऩाता ह.ै ाय े बार-बार बाधत होनेे ारण यजत े

मन म नराशा े भाव आतेह.ै ाय ोऩणूकरनेे ऱयेसामाय सेअध यास रनेऩडते

ह. आथक ऩरेशानयांभीबनी रह सती है.

तीसरा चरण third Step of Shani Sade Sati

शन साढेसाती े तीसरे चरण म यजत े भौत सखु ममी होती है. उसे अधार म मी

होती है. आय तऱुना म यय अध होतेहै.वाथय सबंधी ऩरेशानयांआती है. ऩरवार म

शभु ाय बाधत होर ऩरूे होतेहै. वाद-ववाद े योग बनतेहै. सतंान सेवचार म मतभदे उऩन

होतेहै.संऺ ऩे म यह अवध यजत े ऱयेलयाण ार नहंरती है. िजस यजत िम राश

ऩर शन साढेसाती ा तीसरा चरण चऱ रहा ह, उस यजत ो वाद-ववादसेबचे रहना


SADESATI REMEDIESNative will be under the influence of Shani's Sadesati wheneverSaturnpasses through the twelfth, first and second houses from the natalmoon."If you hope to prevent Saturn from mangling your life, as he hasmangled so many lives, make regular offerings of black sesame

seeds,sesame oil, and sugar on Saturday to an iron image of the Saturn;also,make Saturday donations of sesame and iron to the needy.Natives have to worship, give alms, and to have mantras recited forlord Saturn, so that to satisfy Lord Saturn and to reduce theintensity ofhis tortures in Sade Sati.Donate black gram, black cloth, iron, and oil to a Brahman, andfeedBrahmans."Select a learned and devout Brahman and have him recite Saturn'smantra for you 23,000 times.If you have mantras recited for you and feed some Brahmanas, andifyou revere and worship those Brahmanas who perform these ritualsfor

you as if they were Saturn himself, Saturn will become peaceable.When he has become satisfied by these means, Saturn will protect

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youduring your seven-and-a-half years in the same way that he wouldprotect his own son."When Saturn is well placed or well aspected in horoscope, it gives

integrity, wisdom, spirituality, fame, patience, ability to lead,authority,long life, organizational abilities, sincerity, honesty, love of justice,awareness of right and wrong."If Saturn is not favorably posited in a natal chart, it makes thenativegreedy, morbid, and gloomy. They continuously suffer from lossesand

psychosomatic problems causes by disturbance in their bodychemistry.

Saturn is a planet of confinement. When it is ill posited or badlyaspected in a chart, it brings obstruction, delay, humiliation, enmity,bad karmas, lawsuits, and prison. It makes people lonely,pessimistic,afraid, and subject to premature aging, drug addiction, and givesthem

suicidal tendencies.When Saturn is not properly placed or ill aspected it bringsmiseries,sorrow, delay, obstruction, disappointment and dis-harmony,disputes,dejection, difficulties, despondency and destruction (death).It is advisable that you should be alert undertaking any majoractivity

during the period of Shani's Sadesati, because unexpected hurdlesmaycome across your path during this period.

*****************************************************************************MANTRAS FOR SADESATI

Recite or get it recited by a Brahmin the following mantra for 23000times on Saturday: -


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{Om Praam Preem Prom Sahh Shanaishwaraay Namah}To get benefic effects of Sade-Sati on health, mental peace, familyhappiness, finance & profession you are suggested for Maha-Mrityunjaya Japa. Get the following mantra enchanted for 125000


q_.z.x}.h.x.._z.ß..x.Æ._...j.{vu.._w..{.n• .u. v.x.._r_d• .. .h.{x.• ._}.vu.v..Ð.._x..Ðz...x.. ..Óz._x..x..Ð..Ð.._r_

Om Trayambakam Yajaamahe Sugandhim PushtivardhanamUrvarukmiv Bandhanaat Mrityormuksheey Maamrutaat

Optionally enchant 108 times the following mantra everyday in themorning: -

q_Æ..._ß..._..__q_Ú..Ú.. • .__.• .__q_{Om Hom Joom Sahh Om Bhoorbhoovah Swaha Om}

You are also suggested to wear an iron ring made of horse-shoe ornailfrom a boat. You are suggested not to wear Blue Sapphire sinceSaturnis not a benefic planet for you. Wear the iron ring in middle finger ofright hand. Wear this stone in waxing moon on Saturday in theeveninghalf an hour before sunset. Pushya, Anuradha or Uttara BhadrapadNakshatra on that day is preferred. Keep fast on that Saturday.Before

wearing the ring, clean it in fresh milk and Ganga water, lightincensestick, perform Pooja and recite the following mantra 108 times: -

q_..._..v...• .|.z._v.x.__r_{Om Sham Shanaishwaraay Namah}

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.