The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

3 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION: FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1920. Have You Noticed That Up-to-Date Advertisers Use Several Ads Here Every Day? ROOMS AND BOARD REAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAI ESTATE FOR SALE MERCHANDISE Houses for Sale 84 Houses for Sale MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE 62 Wanted--To Buy 66 Rooms Without Board 68 Houses for Real Estate Agents nice home, R. NEAR CEDAR ST--Modern 3-family, large Rent Building Materials 54 Musical Instruments German and CLOTHING Take your secondhand SHERMAN ST 91-Room, suitable for gen- NOEI. ST-Aduits, strictly first-class tene- MURPHY, EDWARD J.

CO- Real estate, 2201-M, COTTAGE-Up Box 5, to Union date, Office. lot: rents $972 per year; price right, termna TENEST CLOCKS of Tel. all 244 Main Rinds, St. 200 Italian ACCORDIONS, makes: also American, musical instruments S. clothes A.

Rose, where 79 14 you Main get St. the River fairest 4041-M. prices. tlemen, in pritave family. ment, cars.

River furnished; 2070-R. garage, room for I or 317 insurance Main St. and Tel. River mortgages. 555 or uller 556.

COTTAGE-Owner leaving town, will sell easy. Cali it. apieca. tape Jolly, of every description: largest stock in New SPRING ST 112-Large front room, suit- ST--6 2d door, fire- 310 Main his 6-room cottage. steam.

brass NEAR PRINCETON AND BAY FLOORING. new. rift hr. best quality; at England at low prices. Gibbs Piano DIAMONDS- -Highest cash prices for able for 2.

Ring 31 bell, left. R. 7536-W. place, MONMOUTH garage, rooms, adults. W.

686-W. NATIONAL Room 528. REAL Phone ESTATE A. P. Filos, Walnut plumbing, garage, henhouse, 2 extra lots, modern, $9000, terine.

Cohen. 161 a bargain. River 8156. 71 Main, cor. Essex; days-evenings.

diamonds, old gold and Main jewelry. next Freder- to STERBINS STREET 31-Rooms for two 8230: best property listed. all for $0000 and Julius Meltzer, Sumner Ave. Tel. W.

1612. GL.ASS-Springfeld Sash Glass glass ACCORDEONS. harmonicas, ick. Worthy Jeweler, Hotel. or three gentlemen; all conveniences.

345 NEW cottages month, to 5 rent, rooms 4 and rooms bath and $55 bath, 8 NORRIS-HOWARD CO--Real estate, loans, 575 Main St. W. 3096. R. 773-2.

NEAR 2-family house, A1 of- every description, office And ware- ukeleles. violins, banjos. etc. National STATE ST 579--3 desirable rooms in pri- month. a 6 rooms and bat! $65 a month.

of all kinda. State 3-family houses, easy shape, electricity, steam, 1 tenement house Belle 210 Franklin St. Jewelry Main St. DIAMONDS- specialize in buying and vate family to neat business men; St. For further information address owner.

145 mortgages, Street. Phone insurance Walnut 440. terms, money loan. Golon. Main St.

cant: 2-car garage. large lot: no dealers. chisel toint job in lot all stees, also A lot of rub- phonograph. used 2 months, nico calls for them and pay the highest cash references required. Box 50, Union Office.

RADDING HARRINGTON 948: dealers 163 in nace COLLEGE heat, gas, ST-5-room set tubs, single good house. buy at NORTH END--Near Mercy Hospital, 2- -A of 200 kegs, fat head. BARGAIN mahogany cabinet selling diamonds; we have continuous James and State St. cars stop at door; Box 733. Union Office.

in various sizes for sale cheap. collection of records, reasonable price; prices, M. J. Kittredge, 422 Main St. STATE ST 142-Nice large side room for ON couple THE preferred.

HILL-3-room Inquire tenement. C. A. elderly Bige- all Bridge kinds of phone city Walnut property. $6600.

only $1000 cash required. Mass. modern, $3900. from $300 to Tel. $500 bar belting Kramer.

Alain St. Tel. R. 6120. toring to rollable party.

Gridley, 237 Bay CHERRY LOGS, 8 inches and up in diam- couple; privileges. Realty Exchange, Largest down. 161 Sumner Are. city: St. Phone Walnut 3541.

eter, 3 feet or more in length. P. O. Box 2, low, 1071 State St. SELTZER.

EDWARD-3 Salem real 356 Main St. Wal. 688. 1512. nice SAND.

delivered to H. any 1. part Gravel. of 62 the Taylor CHICKERING, small upright, ine for be- 676. Springfeld, Mass.

STATE ST 345-Large board room, it desired. suitable for River PASADENA ST 42-5-room lower tene- estate, care of property, general broker- CY. CHURCH 15-room NORTH END, near Main St-8-apt. brick prico reamonable. $90: also pianola with 25 rolls, CORNSTALKS wanted.

with Arst-class ment, $30 month. Tel. Walnut 3525-M. age. Phone River 1514-R.

ST--Extra fine 2-family, best plumb- block, all r. And kitchenet: will St. Tel. W. 1500.

ginner. Piano Co: 71 Main, cor. Essex. Tel. River 2121-W.

7883-W. PINEYWOODS AVE-7 rooms, furnished, SPRINGFIELD BROKERAGE CO--Real house, steam heat, electricity, all newly right or consider an exchange. See FEET of dry chestnut, boards cash, by GRAFONOLAS and records, ST JAMES AVE Tel. 403-Attractive River 1983-R. room, second floor, $85 Oct.

1. See Gumble, 374 estate; farm property A specialty. 264 ing. painted, set tube, shower parquet baths, floors, lot thur C. Tayolr, 145 State St.

Phone Gibbs and monk. $2.3 10 a N. thousand. Moore, North COLUMBIA now on sale, repairing FULL VALUE books; paid for calls sinall made or large three south windows. Main St.

River 7700. Main Phone River 1424. price $11,000, only $1500 cash, Call Maas. nut 1620. in lots to sutt.

John September makes recorda of phonographs, open late collection Walnut 1240, Box 680, prompt. Union ST JAMES AVE 205-To let, in private WASHBURN ST--To rent or for sale, SHERIDAN, T. Real estate. business Realty Exchange. Largest Agency, NORTH END-2-family, 12 rooms, hardWilbraham.

on all North St. Tel. 1181. Call family, 2 very pleasant rooms, light, airy, cottage, including chances and fire insurance. 31 Elm 856 Main St.

Wal. 888. wood finish. elec. lights, steam heat and evenings, Office.

and well furnished. suitable for 2. R. room modern yard and barn, reason- Room 531 and 532. brass plumbing: price For terms 719 garage, Fuel and Feed 56 CORNETS.

TRUMPETS, trombones. terms: altos, FURNITURE- Why not try Kimball be- 5168-R. for able 5 rent. cars, large Inquire 174 Main St. REAL ESTATE Third DICKINSON ST-3-family, 14-room 50x139; house, see McAuliffe King, 168 Bridge 'St.

HEE HIVES (3) for also observation baritones, John basses, Heald saxophones; easy 275 fore disposing of your Slain furniture. St. W. Kim- 2178. SUMNER AVE 10.

pleasant room for modern. National SPRINGFIELD Bank 387 Main in- electricity, 3 good $1000 furnaces. down. lot Call Mass. Phone R.

53. hire. A. Ferguson. 37 Morgan Hol- repairing.

ball Furniture 47 gentlemen. Call R. 301-W. WHITE ST evenings 24-4-room between 7 tenement, and 8. surance, rents, mortgages.

business price Realty $10.000, Exchange, only Largest OFF BELMONT AVE-7-room cottage for 1313. GIBBS Main. PIANO BARGAINS-11 uprights. FURNITURE for -We secondhand pay the furniture, highest Mittle- cash WESTMINSTER ST -For rent, furnished Apply steam heat, modern, best h. w.

chances, farms. Tel." River 3819. Agency. 356 Main St. Wal.

888. $4500; this le an excellent opportunity terIn delivered. $14: soft. price preferred. Box 714, 6 ROOSTS, for neone; pre-war price and yoke, Phone 02 higher If sawed.

River 1054-J. $100 Emerson, to Davis, Lehr other fine man FURNITURE Furniture. and 126 all household goods in Union Office. nonry, $45, Box business chances; property cared Room for, 205. house, 2-family, 14 rooms, 6 rooms on 8 St.

right. Phone See Arthur Walnut G. 1620. Taylor 145 CORDWOOD, hard, Poole Haines Main. Tel.

iv. 119. room. gentleman 780, Union Office. SYMON REALTY CO--Real estate, farms, DUNMORELAND ST--Act quickly on this State DRY PINE KINDLER -Order your v'inter can Iver9 Pond, from.

Sohmer Gibbs ant Piano exchange for new or we will pay you cash WORTHINGTON ST Furnished front Offices and Desk Room 78 rents collected. 168 Bridge foor; steam heat, electricity, oak lot foors; 60 OFF CENTRAL ST-2-family house. supply now while prompt attention you. makes to select for it. Reliable Furniture 593 Main room, modern.

Airs. Ward, Apt. 4. OFFICE heart of the city, office TETREAULT Real Estate owners very Ane condition inside and out: heat. electric lights.

bardwood be given: the N. kindler E. will Bor please 225 Lib- 71 Main. Cor. in priece St.

Phone Walnut 2120. WORTHINGTON ST fur- building, elevator service. To rent this of- and land developers. 317 Sialn feet Realty frontage; Exchange, price $10.500. Springfield's Call Largest Mass.

doors on Arst 4 rooms and bath upM. West cut FURNITURE parts; we will nished room, gentlemen preferred. R. Ace apply to Realty Exchange. floor.

rooms, sun parior and bath on erty St. River th. week in World-famous snake. rabi- call for rugs, in sets suites or of in furniture, pic- 6263-R. Largest Agency, 356 Main.

W. 883 WINTER. N. D. DWIGHT-Real estate.

Agency, 356 Main St. Wal. 888. Arst stairs, floor, 1 tenement available at any FIREWOOD $14, hard $16 per J. Det models.

$75 and $31, easy terms Main St. OF tures or an entirely furnished home and insurance and auctioneers. 3 Elm St, EASTERN AVE 339, near car line, 2-tene- time; price $5800, $2000 cash; buy wed and delivered C. O. p.

S. exchange. Fairfield Music buy them outright: we pay cash for all Rooms for fiousekeeping 69 Suburban For Kent 79 Springfield. Mass. ment house, 13 rooms, price.

in River first-class 1898. con- rect from owner. H. E. Bolles, 14 Melbourne, East Lonemeadow.

PIANO. Standard. good condition; rea- articles; by phoning River 4183 you rooms for light house- TERRALL YERRALL- Real estate, dition: reasonable ton Ave. wood and lumber on 30-acre sonable. 73 Monroe St.

rest at ease 88 far As price and imme- keeping. AUBURN ST River 7342-R. CHICOPEE-5-room good' location. mortgages insurance. 374 Main EASTERN A AVE-(Just off), 10 ON THE HILL near Hendee's: it 1s cheaplot.

Inquire Box 38, Union Office. Fischer $175. if you diate attention is concerned. Wilson BELMONT PLAZA -Modern furnished Main steam St. heat.

Inquire C. L. Young. 374 Phone River rooms; $4800. E.

Tel. Z. W. terms, 1613. Cohen, 161 er to buy one of these 3 brand new 7-ronm fine and hard.

Chicopee 35 Stain St. apartmenta, 2. 3 and 4 rooms, crockery. GRANBY ROAD--To rent, Sept. 15, new FACTORIES and factory real sites, water estate pow- and FIRGLADE AVE 3-family, 14-room homes, honestly built and near car line.

Wood call in titue, easy terms. Fairfield Music Kimball, 574 Alain St. Sumner Ave. cottages chan to pay -ent. Are Yard, saccessor 12 R.

C. Chicopee. Tol. 735. phonographs, cash ur caNy and usehold feather anti beds, office pictures.

fur- cooking utensils, furnished for 5-room tenement. steam heat, gas, elee- Pr. factory G. broker, Herbert 387 Peck. Main St.

w. 1363. house, steam heat, fireplace, electricity, Call owner, Christian Rush, 67 Suffolk St. now at and delivered. tATInS.

Agent for the famous Stults if you have muy old furniture stored housekeeping from $4 Helmont to $10 Ave. per R. week. 3930. A.

tricity. Geo. Simonich, Chicopee. Tel. plenty of closets, large reception ball.

311 Center PIANOS and niture antiques wood, mawed Labrie, Bauer (A world's choice piano). C. C. AWAY WA can guarantee you a satiafnc- E. Ruckier.

356 753-W. Land for Sale 83 splendid location and AD exceptional ON modern, lot HILL-6-room 50x100. bungalow Owner, Box 53, garage, Union and 318 per cord: mixed wood. $16. New location 78 Broadway.

Tel. tory price. Clinton furn. 103 Main BELMONT AVE 198-2 rooms for light Farms and piece of property; price $12,000. Call Office.

430 36111 St River R. 1017 or R. 4333. St. R.

1717. cor. Greenwood. housekeeping. single room with running Summer Places for Rent 80 3 ACRES--Near Springfield, 3-family house 5 Mass.

Realty Exchange. Springfeld's ORLANDO -A 1n-room cottage. steam. 1685. Clapp.

Eat 57 PIANOS -Greatest cut aft prices this week FURNITURE buy and sell second- water. and cottage, house 21 rooms. cottage Largest Agency, 356 Main St. Wal. 888.

electricity, all modern, price $4000 you Good Things to St. in renowned uprights. $30 up, best satis- hand furniture, For A satisfactory sala BRADFORD ST 20-Suite of rooms for tage CLINTON for the rest REACH. of September. R.

7335- cot- R. rooms, large barn, all kinds fruit, tias every- steam FOREST PARK-14 rooms, steam, can't duplicate it as owner is going away. CRAB APPLES for sale, chear. 169 faction guaranteed. easy ferns or eN- of your household goods you will do well light housekeeping.

CONGA LAKE- Cottage for heat, thing electricity. rerair, price house $10,000. Mass. gas, large lot; 2-car, $1500 fireproof ga- IT. Gransteln, :44 Main Ft.

Tel. R. 7278 Jam: Circle. change. Fairfield Music 85 Main St.

to phone River 5169-R or write Penn Fur- RUCKINGHAM ST housekeeping MONO Realty Exchange, Largest Agency, rage; a bargain: from to $2000 in or Wal. 631-M. prices, Main St. rooms downstairs. Call mornings.

Feeding tember: Hills. telephone or a rite Nelson King. 356 Jain St. Walnut $88. 3036.

CANN. R. Julius 773-2. Meltzer, 575 Matu St. W.

OZARK ST 35-2-family house, 14 rooms. Goods 59 $250, PIANOS--New $2.5 to $130: Planes easy at payments factory talcen. FURNITURE -Your entire househnid fur- 64-Lurgo room, furnished or bulldings, crops 2-car froproof garage: owner leaving Cor. Essex. nichings.

sets or individual pieces. also 8 ACRES. in Agawam, Household top table, old lamp with Gibbs Piano 71 Main. office furniture: we buy outright and pay unfurnished. Riser 1553-J.

Wanted to Rent 81 stock and tools, miles from Court ity, FOREST 3 furnaces. PARK-3-family good lot; house, a fine electric. buy city: buy direct. Inquire 35 Ozark St. prisma and blue and white bedspread.

PIANOS--C. C. Clapp. agent for the Stultz $6000, par tcash. T.

H. Mahon ,144 Suf. OFF DICKINSON new 7-room cotANTIQUES -Dish bell. and Bauer pianos: doing business tempo- you gull cash: it is New to your England advantage Furniture to con- rooms CHESTNUT for light housekeeping, for 1 or 3, APARTMENT. 5 or 6 rooma, furnished; field Agawam.

Tel. River 4914-J. G. for Taylor $9000, will 146 sell for State $8500 St. now.

Phone Arthur Wal. tage, hardwood floors, steam heat, ST 443-Large airy furnished 32 Kenwood Park, (reed). round top din- rarlly at residence. 18 Greenacre Sq. IL us first.

adults; references. Box 55, Union Office. best of proof, electricity. gas, price $7800. $1500 upper RATY CARTAGE 11 Grove 683-685 Slain St.

W. 1514. Largest uaed Call after 6 p. m. 14-ACRE North Wilbraham farm, 1620.

down. See us for other houses and ingroom Cole. Mrs. D. Perry.

4335. Peck: rea- furniture store in Western Nass. CUMBERLAND ST 36-Furnished rooms, APARTMENT -Furnished. references: 3 rOOmS, central by land, wood for home use, 27 apple trees. good FOREST PARK- modern cottage, tages in the Park section, Cape Jolly, St.

PLAYER-PIANO, golng West. Call between GAS RANGE-Any size or style: will pay complete for housekeeping. cation. Phone R. 3090-J or Box 52, Union 5 cherry trees, good hens, 6-room 55 chickens; perfect repair; over 1 acro of land, hen- 244 Stain St.

Hardman Amcrican couple; house, BABY CARRIAGE. brown reed. fine con- son 9-6, for R. 4793-11, selling. 32 Wot Alvord.

cash. Call Wal. 1514 and we will call im- FRANKLIN ST 21-Munroe be Hotel. single Ofice. barn, $4000.

henhouse, Mass. 34 Realty Exchange, house, pear and apple trees, grape vines, PARK SECTION-2-family house: buy of dition. 26 Reigrade Place. Inediatey with the money. and 2 rooms for light housekeeping.

price Largest Agency, 356 Main St. rhubarb bed, price $7500. terma, Co- owner, save commission. Box 784, Union CARRIAGE. reversible recd.

in ex- PLATER-PIANO, condition $325, fine Food mahogany, AS new, In with per- HOUSEHOLD GOODS- We try to pay the MAIN ST 173-West Springfeld, 3 fur- 3 adults APARTMENT, and 1 child furnished, of 8 3 or 4 years; rooms please for Wal, 888. hen, 161 Sumner Ave. Tel. 1512. Office.

BART callent condition. 26. Lillian St. fect Gibbs Piano G1 Main. cor.

Essex. highest cash prices for secondhand 'fur- nished rooms for housekeeping. write, giving all details; must have same -ACRE poultry farm. 7-room cottage, FOREST PARK -New. 10 rooms, PARK cottage for sal-.

brass, dresser, coal range. round rolls, PIANO, F. Miller, mahog- niture of all kinds. Kimball Furniture JAIN ST 6174-Single rooms and rooms at once. Box 34, Union Office.

barn, houses for 250 hens, all buildings modern: Tel. $7500, W. terma. Cohen, 161 Sum- Ail latest improvements. Inquire River Inc table.

70 Vernon St. PLAYER 47 Main St. W. 2178. 2 COWs.

lot of ner Ave. 1612. BED. only $350, cost new. rolls -American Waste.

Poper pays for light housekeeping. APARTMENT wanted, 2 or 3 rooms. are fine, fruit, wood: and cold water, FOREST PARK- -3-family, 16 fur- 2359-R. BRASS BED--Morris chair. rue.

Call aft- any and case, hench Gibbs l'lano 71 Main. Cor. Frederick, 2 fur- furnished. by business woman. Box 716.

poultry. 1 horse: hot rooms, PARK SECTION-2-family house, er 6 p. Mr. Healy, Union St. the highest prices for all kinds with cf truck.

junk. nished for light housekeeping. Inquire T'nion Office. set tubs, nice bathroom: rood location. 387 mace beat, price set tubs $7800.

in $1500 kitchen; down. best In- in- rooms, furnace heat, gas lichts; price NO MAIN 63, The rooms, mattress. eprings. oak din- PLAYER PIANO Bradford, used only R. also 5169-R furniture; or write call 648 anywhere Belmont Ave.

Apartment 1. CENTRAL-2-room furnished, want- near car line. See M. S. Blodgett, quire vestmen; 305 Dickinson St.

River 6383-W. $8000: for terms see Phone R. McAuliffe 63. Ac King, RPASS ingroom 1 Ort? rug. Carroll, 10 Chest- $773.

Gibbs Plano Main. 168 Bridge St. BED, nut St. Walnut 433. 71 months, Ma.n.

$430, Gor. JUNK nill pay the highest carh for PEAKI. ST 109--1 or housekeeping. R.

suite, 6045-M. fur. ed by 3 teachers. 33 ACRES-Ludlow farm. good land, FOREST 14 rooms.

fire- PARK, largest list. mingle, doubles, cost Chicope e572-W. electric vacuum cleaners. TAgS, rubber, metal. paper.

etc. Phone nished for light FURNISHED APT. 2-3 or 4 rooms. Amer- house, barn fair, some timber and wood, places, steam, 1-car garage, $9500 and including all modern conveniences, ga339.50: electric washing machines, hand $100 and up. with 12 rolls and bench to Walnut 3057 I will send my auto.

PLAINFIELD ST suitable for can borhood. R. M. Box Q. Rrightwood.

running water. nice shade, balance brook, apple 1512. rages, prices $4500 to $30,000, always now CADILLAC PLATER PIANOS New player pianos. and couple, 5 years old girl: good neigh- terms. Cohen, 161 Sumner Are.

Tel. W. vag anotor-driven cleaners. brush sweeper Tread- match, fully warranted: payments dred, Box 745. Union Office.

ROOM for light houseseeping, use of laun. GARAGE -Wanted. will lease a big fire- terms. Masa. Realty Exchange, FOREST PARK-2-family with all 1m- ranged; get my list first, shown by dirt cheap: distributors of NEWSPAPERS In bundles.

$1.76 a hun- or for light housekeeping. orchard: $500 cash and vacant, move right in, terms Bank. W. 1972. taken.

Gibba Piano 71 Main, days, PAPER rubber And metal dry, River 753-J. proof garage; must be centrally located: Largest Agency, 356 Main. Wal. 888. pror-ments, car garage, large garden.

pointment. Cohen, 161 Sumner Ave. Tel. well Elec. in Oriental de- evenings.

3210. Fisher Kur- what have you to offer? Box 104, Union farm. all tillage, 14- Cal! R. W. 1612.

425. 3d Nat. CARPETS, 0x13 T. Omartian. 006 Bridge St.

PLAYER- Stilton: $350 cash. Ad- bought. Phone liberty SPRING ST 41-Near State, And Office. 35-ACRE Suffield Inodern in every way, electric FOREST PARK. semi-bungalow, 6 rooms, PARK near White and Sumenr Ave.

wilton. River signs. D. dress Ror 169, Union Office. light houeskeeping rooms: 6931-M.

HOUSE or tenement of 6 or 7 rooms, mod- room stock barn, electricity and steam, Areplace, oak and ash Anish, 1. steam. 3-car garage, nitsky. 65-10 St. all modern house, CRAW FORD RANGE and Garland Ave.

RECORDS -Victors and Columbias. half phonograph or vioiin wanted, any conveniences. Phone River ern. Wal. 3232.

ent lights, in each stall; two silos. four to- car garage, extra lot. $6300, about and terms. Cohen. 161 Summer Tel range, good condition.

33 Sherman price. Fairfield Music 35 St. condition. Tel. Walnut.

SUMNER AVE 10-2 furnished rooms and HOUSE 6 bAccO water barns; henhouse for 500 hens. car- $1500 down. Cohen, 161 Sumner Are. Tel. W.

1512. 1T. SAXOPHONE. silver plated, melody, POSTAGE STAMPS--I buy all old stamps hath. Tel.

R. 301-W. sirable or location tenement, by or 7 American rooms, 1A family. AgP, icehouse, creamery, tool house, new W. 1512.

PARK, must sell, new. 7-rooms, colonial. DINING SUITE -Mahogany, 6 tapestry with leather caRe. Inquire E. Sell, 1119 used before 1970 on or off letters.

H. P. UNION 131--3 neatly furnished house- ready Sept. 1 or 15, garage preferred, not harness and wagons, milking machine; all FOREST PARK, single family, oak brick, side veranda, tile bathroum, covered chairs, nval' table with special State St. Atherton, Hitchco*ck '318 Main St.

keeping. rooms, private bath and en- necessary. Tel. Meinke, Wal. 389-J.

op-to-date tools. Mars. Realty Exchange, steam heat. replace, 2-car garage, price freplace, largo livingroom, French doors, made pads: bufet ten cart: practically RECORDS WANTED. Victors or Colum- trance.

Largest Agency, 356 Main St. $6500. terms. R. C.

Rush. Wal. 2038-M. bullt-in china closet, Dutch kitchen, $35t. Wal.

934. SAXAPHONE. brass. Northamp- bias, Call at 33 Main St. WALNUT ST 60-Furnished room with ROOMS-3 or 4 unfurnished, steam- Wal.

883. FOREST PARK-2-tenement. reasonable. maid's room, Rudd hot water heater. sell for SET of 9 pieces.

English oak. in reasonable. 6 Pomeroy Ter. RIGS. papers.

metals, also secondhand housekeeping privileges, Ira. Cowles. wanted Tnompsonville. by Conn. couple, M.

A. Phelps, 45 ACRES, from Sturbridge vil- Address Owner. Box 20, Union Office. trA $9300 lavatory, and terms. worth Cohen.

$11,000, 161 Sumner perfoct condition. R. 6710. 36 Westernview ton. Tel.

River 7106-3. and Springheld electrics. neat little DINING given at furniture and carpets. Roseland St. WILBRAHAM AVE 49-3 nicely furnished TENEMENT of 5 rooms, modern.

in fruit and berry farm, good 11-room FOREST PARK, modern. elegant Ave. Tel. W. Ft.

washing ma- TENOR Dean's Muse BANJO Studios by an expert teach- H. J. Clark, 66 rooms tor man and wife with reference. family house, around the X. 3 adults in rent small separate tenement location, perfect repair.

and terms. BHOENIX ST 38-7-room cottage, good -Instructions ELECTRIC IRONS. electric Electrical Ro- er. River 6991. RAGS- Wanted to buy rags and papers; family.

Tel. Walnut 2846. house. can barn; price, which Includes Cohen. 161 Sumner Ave.

Tel. W. 1612. condition; price $4500. John Collins, chines, large display.

The Masonic exchanged. I pay per pound for rags: papers in WORTHINGTON ST 522--0 housekeeping nearly new tools, vehicles, horse, turkeys, FOREST PARK-2-family 14-room house. 390 Armory St. Wal. 107-W.

cor. State Stain Sts. Wal. SAG. Fairfield 35 Main St.

SPOT CASIT for atocks of merchandise. WORTHINGTON ST 401-Large light per, of 2-tenement, on Hill preferred; bees, Worcester, $4600. L. Ma59, 6 rooms oak: on floors. a floor, house steam rears heat, old: electric- price PINE cement walks, bungalow.

hardened street. frigeration and Appliance VIOLIN; hought, sold and bundles $1.25 100 ibs. P. O. Eox 401.

city. rooms. all conveniences. Inquire Apt. 8.

TENEMENT wanted of 5 or 6 rooms, up- hay. T. Hadley, 340 Main built FOR PATE- Household no dealers. furniture, Call be. ZITHER HARP, cost $8.

price $6. fixtures any description. Write I. housekeeping room with large kitchen. rent reasonable.

Box 61. Union 43 ACRES, 25 tillable, level land, good 10- $11.600: only $1200 act quickly. electric lights. large shade trees; price dishes, Office. years, Hardman piano, Knight, 13 36 Saratoga boll 5.

Carter. 61 Somerset Springfield, Mass. YOUNG LADY will share apartment with TENEMENT -Wanted. small. by Ameri- house, apple, pear and peach Mass.

Realty Exchange, Sprinzheld's $4200. For terms see Mic Aullie cc treen 5.45 and v. 19. F. E.

-Loose, $1.25: in bundles, business woman: $5 neT weck. Call even- can family of 3 adults and 1 child. Ad- room trees, barn, henhouses, corn house and Largest Agency, 356 Main St. Wal. 168 Bridge St.

River 53. Bread St. chit- Seeds, Plants, Fertilizers 63 $1.60 a hundred. Box 638, Union Office. ingg.

Tildreth, 192 College St. dress P. O. Rox 633. City.

tool house, water at house and barn. FOREST PARK-7 rooms. new, modern, FURNITURE--Consisting of dresser. din- For sale. stably manure.

Chas silver WANTED -Small furnished a apartment, 6 cOWS, 5 pigs, 100 chickens. 2 calves, $5700 and terms, Cohen, 161 Sumner Are. take QUINCY $300 to ST-6 $500 rooms. down. $3200.

Cohen, 161 large Sum- fat, Coniers, mahogany or bods, oak, new mattresses, A. Nash, 120 Oakland St. WE and PAY platinum: strictly confidential. Kit- Where to Stop in Town 72 Forest Park section preferred. Box 25, 6 heifers, 35 geese, 6 turkeys, $6500, 2 oxen terms, Tel.

W. 1512. nor Ave. Tel. W.

1512. rugs 9:12, full value for old gold, and white Ingroom cotton. tables. 5-plero set. Stick- RYE for sale.

300 bu. No. J. n. for tredge.

Jeweler, 422 Blain Mass. CHANDLER European plan Union Office. R11 Clark farming Son, tools; 1031 Bain price Bridgeport. FOREST PARK from commission to 3-family, pay REVERE ST- dandy cottage of 7 biz funied oak, genuine leather: two Co- seed, Mountain View Far.m, Dostal I PAY CASH for rags, metals. rubbers.

ed. American 526 Main plan St. Tel. diningroom River 1560. connect- WANTED-: furnished rooms Box and 120, kitch- Union Conn.

14 here, rooms, buy 2 direct furnaces, electric owner; lights, Ret rooms in nice condition, rooms 3 on rooms second; and price hall fey other sets Including one mahogany. Prop. Ladlow. Mass. Tel.

17-0. bottles; send promptly for family trade. enet, centrally located. views. 400 cords stand- doors and An- on first 4 new Numbia linolcum squares, 6x).

33 at $7.50 while SPECIAL SALE of gladiolas. cut dowers Tm. 0. Hall. 129 Cedar River 2847.

Wanted -Rooms, Board 73 WANTED- tenement, 5 to ing wood, ideal bungalow site; Mass. price $750, ish all over; owner going South on A thur G. Taylor 145 State St. Phone with records: 100 Office. 50 ACRES, grand tubs, fruit, gas, hardwood and terms are very reasonable.

Sea Arthey, rolltop desks and desks. Bay for per Flower dozen. cut Day. flowers, Sort. 12: 33c and 50c per IF niture YOU And DESIRE receive to the dispose of highest your cash fur- BRIGHTWOOD--Young man wants single 8 rooms, professional man with 2 terms.

H. A. Enfeld, dress count of Owner. health; Box well 121. sell Union for Office.

Walnut 1620, gladiolas, 130 Apartment or Bidwell. Becket, $7700. AdState Furniture, 533 Main St. dozen; order early. by Tuesday, Sept.

7. prices. call River 5169-R. or write Penn, room: give rarticulars and price. Box children, 3 and 5 yrs.

old. Call R. 1123 60-ACRE wood lot in School ROSELLA ST--Brand new 5-room bungaFURNITURE-5 rooms. reason for gelling. 134 R.

2263-R, Furniture 65915 Main Nt. 46 T'nion Office. between 9.30 A. m. and 6.30 p.

m. miles to railroad. Conn. Addresa foors, FOREST brass PARK-7-room plumbing. electricity, cottage.

steam oak low. $4750, $650 down. balance 317 on Main PAST 9 Jesting the city. R. 083-J.

or IF TOU HAVE A diamond you can set a BUSINESS woman wants furnished room WANTED, on the Hill or 1 carfare out, Danielson. ACRES-Monson farm. 14 miles from heat, fireplace. 2-car garage, Jot 00x122. River terms.

2224. Cassidy Realty 1133-R. about Specials at the Store 64 big cash price for it now at M. J. Kit- with privileges, central or near St.

by 2 heated American apartment. busines I'. swomen, O. 3 Box or 009. 4- 76 Center.

fairly good buildings. rich land, Wal. 1050. (Owner). FURNITURE--There is no question for can shop at the cash de- tredge.

422 Main St. James Ave. Rox 796, Union Office, room free from stone; 8 nice COwS, FOREST PARK--Near the X. duplex, floor, SOMERSET I ST- old, strictly 6 modern, rooms Louis en us paying the highest cash prices crowd our nartment BARGAINS--You stores, buy anything and pay ROOM--A teacher desires an unfurnished Highland Station. bull.

mowings a heifers, 58 hens, 100 chickens. 2 stucco, 14-room house, steam Karp. 305 year Dickinson St. R. secondhand daily us furniture which with order checks; it's easy: pay us week- ROOMS AND BOARD roont and board.

or light housekeeping WANTED--By gentleman and wife, for 8 light or pigs, extra nice horses, all farm tools and electricity, modern in every way: furniture. people we. buy and dispose of at the most rea- ly. Home Outitting 5 Elm Court Park privileges, section, in or private a small family, in apartment In housekeeping, modern conveniences: must and crops now on 476 the Main place: St. $2000 P.

good Jenney. investment 493 Main or St. good Tel. home. Wal.

See 1164. R. 8 rooms, sun parlor, sleeping porch, oak Forost furnished roome or apartment down. SOUTH PARK TERRACE. new single of sonable prices; Just at present ba6 time ever our Square.

Walnut 11. Rooms and Board 67 house or block. Address Miss Ficke, 0 01 be with genteel people and reasonable Horace Towne. divided into heat. Arcplace, is more complete than it rockers.

BARGAINS in dry goods: ladies', chil- CAREW ST 12-Table board, home cook- South Maple Shelburne Falls, Mass. price. Address Prompt Pay, Box 774, 80-ACRE farm. suitably wood, FOUNTAIN PLACE 13 AND 15-Attrac- fect home in delightfu! location. C.

tien with all kinds nt chairs, dren's and rents' furnishing: all goods ing. Phone River 683. Union Office, tillage and pasture, about 600 cords tive 2-family house, 6 rooms to 8 fat. Rush. 321 Belmont Ave.

Wal. 2038-M. Ice boxer and in fact next most trip during this gale have been greatly re- TEACHER desires room with breakfasts OR 3 ROOMS for light housekeeping for new baro. house reinodeled, 100 fruit separate entrances, steam heat, Ram and SPRINGFIELD-6-room cottage, all modeverything Imaginable: on your drop in, even duced. J.

Halley, 542 Worthington St. CLINTON ST beli. 35-Table board, reason- if possible In the vicinity of the high family of 3, within 1 fare of -Royce trees, mile from church, school and electric lights. cement cellar, finished In ern: 3 acres of land: $5500, $1200 down, uptown make it a point to are always wel- BLUE SERGE -A nine quality fabric, 54 able. Lower schools and library.

Address Bor 921, Co. Box 746, Union Office, library, in Holland. C. No. 2.

Howlett, oak and ash, beamed ceiling in dreproof, dining- low Cape Jolly, 244 Main St. 1 you don't service. Fur- inches wide, worth $5, at special mill FOREST PARK--ROom with board for Union Office. tenement by young bridge, K. room, also a Immediate sale.

Apply own- SPRUCE ST--An 8-room cottage house, buy you R. 3-car garage, nitro come, At your 106 Main St. price of $3.23 per yard. 1-yard lengths gentlemen willing to share same room. GENTLEMAN would like to room and 4.

5 married OR couple, 6-ROOM any good locality Hill 100-ACRE FARM, modern house, bath, price first for an floor, Phone River 8018-R. located on a corner with a very large in tricoline, $1.50 per yard. 627 Main. R. 6954-W.

board with private family, would an- section preferred. Call Wal. 253-J. steam, running water, large barn, sheds, low Pr, lot: purchaser can occupy place at once: FURNITURE -We buy and sell goods. our: Mittle- EDISON Records: why send to MAIN ST 840-Singie rooms and board preciate home privilege.

near East tenant house for hired man, $700 PT. PLEASANT AVE--Fine 2-family 17- price for quick sale, $5500, $1300 cash. prices are best for secondhand Walnut 179. Chicago for them? We carry the largest boarder: taken separate, on car lino, 10 Springfield shops preferred. Bor 713, 2 OR 3 furnished or unfunished house- price for immediate sale, $6500, only room house, all modern, steam heat, Ernest S.

Warner, 307 Main St. R. 5562. man, 126 line of good second- stock in New England: we ship them minutes walk to Court Sq. Union Office.

couple. keeping Box rooms, 757. by Union an Office. down. If, A.

hardwood doors. electricity, newly beautiful paint- view STATE ST. (just off), steam, Main St. 2362. American adult Bidwell.

Becket, Masa. FURNITURE -A full furniture. anywhere; send for latest catalog. Flint MURRAY HILL AVE 11-Room. with or BY PRIVATE FAMILY, beautiful bedroom 116 ACRES -Palmer farm, 10 acres mow.

ed and in best of condition, electricity, oak doors and Anish, 3-car hind furniture: we also Main buy R. 2611. Re Brickett Dept. 437 Main St. without board, private family.

R. 5349-R. and a livingroom connected. all modern ing and tillage, 40 pasture, balance wood: and nicely ocated, lot 60x135; price garage. For terms, call R.

1875-M. B'rand Fur. 219 price ELECTRIC IRONS--The iron you will SPRING ST 82-Double and single rooms conveniences. 50 Madison Ave. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE apples, pears 12-room running house, 000.

feld's ('all Largest Mass, Agency, Realty 356 Exchange, Main. W. Spring- 888. SUMNER AVE-(Just off). near Firglade, FURNITURE wanted; will pay high Fur.

stick to on its own merits; special for with board: table board by the week or LADY desires simple room and board with steam heat. electricity, bath, head; 16 rooms, Areplace. steam. tor rood used furniture. Wal.

Hampden 1266. the next few days. you will AN- separate meals. Protestant family; prefers Park section. Business Property 82 ter, modern cow barn, ties up 23 25 hens; HALL ST-2-family, N.

$8500: TY. a good -C. house L. price right and terms for nitare 615 Stain St. preciate one of these irons right.

now TABLE BOARD by the week, also single Address, stating terms, Eox 89. Union APT. HOUSE. located in fine residential stock includes 21 cows, 3 horses, Realty in a Ane Jocation. Brown pale.

Cohen, 161 Sumner Ave. Tel. W. GAS RANGE for sale, in perfect condition. 524 during the hot weather.

Harry Zundell, meals. 151 Maple St. River 1003-J. Office. section; $7000 down.

Box 39, Union Of- price Exchange, $18.000, with terms. Largest Agency, 356 Peirce, 28 Vernon 1512. Maas, St. River 7498. River 6311-M.

perfect condition; price FURNITURE Main St. that is now, such as a few UNION ST 236--Near Diaple. desirable REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Ace. Main St. Wal.

888. leaving country. Box steam. 47, electric: Union Office. owner TRAFTON 12-room house, ROAD stram SECTION 3A6 RANGE.

home or rooms with board. Drs, James C. Moees. BLOCK--Good paying, would trade. R.

160-ACRE farm; Immediate income: esti- to the U. S. electricity; Call River 796-M. extra pieces to suite brighten or up parlor the suiin would A VERMONT ST -Furnished room. with or or Box 7.

Union Office. mated timber 400,000 feet: machine- HILL--Ideal location, a minute Julius price G. $11.500, Taylor and it's 145 worth State it. St. See Phone ArRANGE Foal range, kitchen St.

table. new make your bedroom little home look much more without board, private family, suitable Apartments and Flats CENTRAL LOCATION-12-apartment brick worked land; 160 fruit trees; 2-story Arsenal. Meltzer. 675 2-family, Main St. also W.

3096. cottage. R. 773-2. thur 1620.

chairs. bed mattress, 111 Union GAS OHIO TUEC--Strongest suction electric cheery, you but do today nnt tike when to things lay out are a so large high for 1 or 2. Walnut 1111-12. CENTRAL--Small apartment, new modern house- block, no $3100 steam yearly at beat, low always rent: will rented: sell owner house, goes West, includes horses, 6 vowS, HILL-2-tenement, 2 years old, steam, TRAFTON ROAD SECTION. choice of 3 barn, trout brook, spring: market: clean? and mum of money to get these much desired WALNUT ST board if 50-Room desired.

for Mrs. young Cowles, man. apartment, outfit to for party $300. Box purchasing 752. Union or- for bring: $27,000.

Box 773, Union Office. hay and crops: $5000. Fart price $7000. E. Z.

terma. Cohen, 161 Sum- new semi- bungalows, you must see them VP cum cleaner Infuring rugs: free demonstra- makes you walt till a more 1G to co. keeping cASh See Latest Bargain Bulletin- ner Ave. Tel. Walnut 1512, to appreciate them, immediate posseson the without terms: cleaners rent.

things it nce. CENTRAL BUILDING SITES with in- Dept. 135. P. F.

Leland, modern, excellent condi- sion, price from $9100 up. with terme. tion and trial: easy W. 1215. favorable time; we will help you out by Rooms Without Board 68 CENTRAL apartment, come; suitable for apartments, garages, paid anywhere.

Soutn Boston 9. tion, situated in one of best streets: Cohen, 161 Sumner Ave. Tel. W. 1613.

ca and Can be accn ture allowing AS you part something payment on for your the new and AVON PLACE -Large. attractive room. large rooms, all modern. Walnut 1589. factories, warehouses: St.

railroad frontages. farm, suitable for price $10,600, $3000 down. R. C. Rush.

W. repaired. Alderson. old 553 Old PARLOR SUITE, upholstered. the balance on.

easy weekly payments. business man preferrod; reforences. Box CENTRAL--Modern apartment with priv- Spalding, 31. Cliftwood 121 ACRES, splendid plenty of 2039-M. room cottage, G.

A. Angers, Phone River VIRGINIA ST 71-New, all modern. at 109 Ray St. H. F.

Bohl. Call us up and ask us about this. Fbone 12. Union Office. liege of renting to rollable janitor.

Box MANUFACTURING SITES a short dis- tobacco or garden Tinkem purposes, Rd. Inquire A. HILL -Modern 2-family house, rents $40 1625 oP River 3141-W. RANGE- -Crawford kitchen, Gaudreau. also 205 Glen- Mill Walnut BELMONT AVE- -Large room in private 87.

Union Office. tance from Springfield freight Mass. Phones depota. E. wood Layou, and owner.

374 Main St. Room 423. month, price $4500, $1000 down. G. VILLA'S PARKWAY--New 5-room bun.

timber. gAR range. R. FOUNTAIN PENS and pencils can be family, modern conveniences: gentlemen CENTRAL LOCATION- Modern, 3 rooms O'Neill Agency, Holyoke, stock. pair Collester.

244 Main. galow: price $5700. Inquire L. E. R.

bought now at prices you can afford: only; opportunity. River 2258-J. and bath, furnished, dishes, linen, etc. 1712. 1192-M.

3528-W. 200-ACRE farm. farm 10 head tools. 1200 cords HILL SECTION-2-family house, 12 bins, 329 Wilbraham Rd. St.

River 6646. start the children necessities right of by school equipping days. BELMONT AVE 805-Well-furnished room, River 7594-M. the street from the main entrance to the standing wood, quantity pine, sugar Or rooms, 2 steam boilers, hardwood Anish: WALNUT ST-: 2-family houses, 14 rooms RANGE -Coal. up to date.

Apply 53 VALUABLE PROPERTY. directly across horses, crops, Icebox and 2 gas them with the 2d home comforts, gentleman; references re- HILL SECTION-6-room furnished new railroad station (as per plans); 248 chard, fruit; price $7000. only $1500 price $7000. For terms call McAuline each; both have furnaces, gas, RANGE -Kitchen range, 012 Friend Jewelry, 307 Main, door. quired.

references required. Box 62, Union Of- ft. by 120 ft. deep. 40 Liberty St.

down. H. A. Bidwell, Becket. Mass.

King. 168 Bridge St. River 53. can sell the pair for $11.000, only $166.0 ranges: big bargains; call forenoon. IRON -Regular 6 pounds, bighly nickled BOND ST 90-Front room.

modern, suit- fice. front 280 ACRES- -Palmer farm. 100 acres HILL SECTION-6-room cottage. part down. Mass.

Realty Exchange. Epdd'a state St. finish, electric iron with 6-foot cord and able 1 or 3: use of phone. Edwards. MYRTLE ST furnished 3- ture, brook, apples.

pears, strawber- modern: price $3000.00. cash down $400, Largest Agency. 356 Main. W. 888.

REFRIGERATOR. child's crib. fur robe. stand; standard price $7.60, price BRADFORD ST 53-Furnished room. Call room ants, F.

L. Condon. Real Estate Agents ries; 12-room house: new barn; one to- For terms and appointments call J. A. WEST SPRINGFIELD-Westfeld 4 high chair.

antique tapestry chair; A1 with 3 for 1 year. River 1338-R. NEAR CALHOUN -Up-to-date 4- ALDERMAN, GEO. -Real estate and bacco barn, holds 5 acres; 3 cows. 1 heif- Garneau, 307 Main St.

River 5362 or rooms with excellent sleeping porch. Arecondition. :0 Bay St. t'arlisle Hardware 326 Main St. Hotel: pleasant room furnished, steam, PARK good boine.

R. city property: farm property specialty. Pr, 100 chickens, farming tools: 1 acre River 2361-2. place, steam heat, excellent plumbing. RUGS at fartory prices, all grades And MUSLIN REMNANTS Suitable for mak- BRIDGE hot ST and cold 304-Stearna water.

8065 mornings. 264 Main St. Phone River 4053. potatoes all ready: price $15,000, easy HILL SECTION-15-tenement block and hardwood Noors, large lot; owner leaving Rices: take Chicopee car via Glenwood to ing shects or pillow cases; price 10 cents rooms, NO MAIN ST 485-New. 4-room.

steam ALDERMAN. HOWARD F. estate, terms. Mass, Realty Exchange. income and fine location.

town: price $8000.00: terms to reaponGaflord 1 square east. W. A. Lorimer, yard and up. H.

Kramer. 44 Stain St. BRIDGE ST 304-Stearns Hotel, nicely mohth. InG. Edw.

G. city property, trading. business opportuni- Largest Agency. 336 Main St. Wal 858.

Mortgages very low, exchange for sible party. Tel. River 5040. Grant Chicopee. Mass.

Tel. R. 0126. furnished rooms, with running bot water heat, Quinlivan, $45.00 12 per Eagle St. ties.

318 Main St. Phone River 4087. 579 cash buys this farm. smaller property. What have you to ex- WEST ALVORD ST-3-family, 6 rooms on COS Just the time when you are hav- PAINTING your house.

barn, garage or in each: reasonable price. and PECOUSIC rooms. steam heated ASHLEY PETERSON -Real estate and keeps 30 head cattle, quantity wood and change? Arthur G. Taylor 145 State Noor. 1 year old, stram heat; one Four spring cleaning done to have other structure on your property.

your CENTRAL, -furnished Maple livingroom St. apartment, Call River 4815-J. insurance. Rooms 401-402 Third National timber, sugar orchard with of equipment, buildings, St. Phone Walnut 1620.

ment quick sale. vacant this Inquire month: st 305 will Dickingon sacrince for St. Economy Rug rugs 17 Taylor St. R. 743.

ture increase their looks, durability and furnished rooms PINE ST 191-5-room furnished Bank Bldg. Tel. running water, located school, HILL--Cottage of 6 rooms, large lot, R. 6383- W. vour old made aver.

Springfield radiators, Avors, walls or porch furni- bedroom. priavte bath, 30 River 7964. apple orchard, good Eet more than the fourth CENTRAL-11 bell, left. Walnut 3635. Sept.

1. Bell 3. BARLOW. BETH H. -Real estate.

property Are cared In- miles station. 4 miles Bellows Falls, And gas, bath. 5 to minutes suit. to Jullun Mender's: Meltzer, 83700 575 WILLIAM ST-4-family house, gas, $68. Myrtle sale, rugs.

factory prices, all Cost actual value the many paint: times tell us what you surance, rents collected, price 240CC. A. D. Jennings, Winkinds, no rant or salesmen to pay. you Rant of done and let us advise you, CENTRAL ST 7-Furnished room with PLAINFIELD ST 330-Jiodern 4-room for.

Worthington, cor. Spring. R. 316-W. cheater, N.

H. Afain St. W. 3096. R.

773-2. See Cape de Jolly, 244 Main At. rate the difference Call, write or Tel. Best for All Purposes." New Eng- kitchen privileges, Holley. steam aaprtment; janitor service.

-Real estate exchange, open INTL.L, 12-room, 2-family, thoroughly mod- PARK-5-room bungalow, all 136-3. John B. Garside. 3111 Agent. 176 land Paint and Supply 203 Worth- CHESTNUT ST 195-Furnished room, $38.

Apply on premises or R. 3584-2. from 7 to 8. 25 Harrison Ave. FARMS- sale, 200 acres, good bulld- ern, low price, $1500 down.

R. C. Rush, modern, with extra building lot: price Pearl Thompsonville, Conn. Ington opp. Poll's.

steam. Inquire 8. SORRENTO ST 66-6-room steam -heated Phone eveninga W. 2065. Inge, 30 acres tillage, $2800; 300 acres, 2 321 Belmont Ave.

Wal. 2038-M. only $5800, $1500 down. Paul J. Kenney, SHADES Reconds and new window PEARL BEADS.

Vega Indestructible, COURT SQUARE Chambers, next to Au- apartment. $50. Wal. 2569-J. E.

-Real estate broker: we houses, good buildings, $3300: 380 miles acres, HILL. 10 new single and double houses, 145 State Walnut 1620. to rail- Ft. ahades. pictures.

preserve buttles, for with A. white gold diamond clasp, and at- ditorium, 2 desirable suitable for ST 145-6-room steam heat, BOUCHER, for and at your convenience. 25 road and trolly, feet of standing timber, Food steam, fireplaces, beam FOR SALE- -To settle ratate, 8-room, modvale. Call 28 Oswego bell 12. tractively displayed in a handsome vel- 2 persons each.

R. 8861. $45. UNION 16 Wilcox St. are open second Anor.

buildings, 800 M. wood, $4000; 2-family cant, move right in. prices $5650 up and ern, single house, slate roof, Areplace. HOUSE SAFE. also large vacuum vet box, makes an attractive and COLONIAL AVE 16-Cor.

State, front Inquire 304-306-Ideal, centrally lu- Harrison REALTY CO--Construction loans, 300 house, cords paying of on $3000: easy terms terms. Cohen, 161 Sumner Ave. Tel w. hardwood finish, furnace, W. deep lot, Allen.

2-car Tel. cleaner with all attachments, good for ful gift and at a very reasonable price; room. steam. electricity, privileges. R.

UNION ST and kitchenet, also 4-room BOYLE loans. building lots. 318 Main on all. "Ask 17 Holland 1512. varage, fine location.

A. rooming house. 16 Huntington St. R. ne have bel at $5.

up. J. Chase. the 2434-R. cated, 3 rooms adults only; will lease to right mortuages, River 3880.

Westfeld, Mass, Tel. 1119-M. HILL SECTION--New 2-tenement. 12- River 1744-R. Jeweler, Main State St.

near Hendee, third to Wal. 1055. St. Tel. Enfeld, room house, all modern.

Inquire 67 Jame. GOOD 2-FAMILY house, 5 minutes from SEWING MACHINES-: Singers, alightly SPECIAL SALE writing paper and en- foor GIRARD room with private bath; 2 gentle- ST 121-4-room modern ten- BROWN, brokerage: SAMUEL, also real construction loans. FARMS Granby, in Ludlow, Amherst, Palmer and other towns. St. 5395-J.

River Winchester 3818 Square, will sell cheap. Call ATE 14 people. estate and Belchertown. u-ed; bargains; terms. Main.

Wal. Velopes, pads, showcases and counters men: $4 week. oment. WASHBURN Tel. River 6589-WV.

Phone general Orchard 134-5. Roswell Allen, Belchertown. Mass. Tel. 9.

GROSVENOR ST. North End-9-room 976. and shelving. sale commences Monday, in re- house and barn, very central and just A GOOD 2-family house on Grove SEWING MACHINE-1 Singer electric Aug. 30.

594 North cor. Ferry. GLENDEL TER 35-Modern room MODERN 6-room. steam heated CARTO, JOHN real estate broker, city FARMS NEAR SPRINGFIELD are my the place for some business man requir- with hardwood foors. plumbing and portable.

NkA new. River 2489-11. TOOLS and secondhand carpenters' fined neighborhood, $4. Phone W. 1745-M.

ment, private porch and elevator, $95. R. property, farms. No. Maln East specialty, all sizes.

Edward S. Ellis. East ing good barn or garage: price only in Ane repair; to settle an estate price in 1 and -New machinists' tools, Dean. 40 Dwight St. HIGH ST 41-Large front room, desirable 5093.

meadow, Mass. Longmeadow, Mass. Telephone 19. $8000, good terms. Arthur G.

Taylor $6200, worth $7500. $2200 down. E. S. FOR SALE.

one old -fashioned bookcase. for 1 or 2 gentlemen. CLARK. HENRY -Real estate. Joans DAIRY AND POULTRY farm, about 10 145 State St.

Phone Walnut 1620. Warner, 307 Main St. Phone River 5562. couch. Walrut condi- TRICOTINE.

while they 1-yard last lengths, $1.50 per yard, 64 HIGH ST 60-Furnished front room for Business Places for Rent 75 and insurance. 100 Broadway, Springdeld, miles from Springfield, 134 acres; build- KIMBERLY AVE bar- A VERY MODERN 14-room house, 2621-W. in navy blue 6 ROOMS of furnishings, all in good only, Inches wide; suitable for skirts. chil- ront in private family. AT THE -Loft in second floor, about Mass.

Phone River 3339-W. ings are in AI condition, 14 head of stock, gain, 14 rooms, in good condition, steam, steam, gas, oak doors and Anish, tinn, reason for selling going West. post- dresses. 627 Main St. 117- Airy room, suitable feet, suitable for light manu- COAKLEY DAN Real estate and one pair of horges; price right.

Geo. electricity, $11,600 and 33500 down, extra lavatory, perfect condition. Box tisely no dealers. Call between 9-G. R.

dren's coats and SP convenient to bath. 700 square shop or storage. R. 3358-M. Are Insurance brokers.

property cared for. Sauer, 469 Main St. River 6538. if you want a good house in a restricted 760. Union 4793-11.

32 WALL TENTS, TxT. $21, 8-oz. canvas: air cush- room, second floor, near DWIGHT NEAR STATE shop or 19 Bell Chicopee. Tel. 161.

TIMBER-For sale or exchange, about wood, section here it is. Arthur G. Taylor GOLD MINE-12-room house, all furWest Alvord. 7x9. for 2.

facturing. THREE- PIECE OAK bed room act in $27: army Call's cots. Athletic and army Toy HILL--Front piazza, all conveniences. Box storage, barn, 25x30 and enclosed yard CUNLIFFE, J. -Real estate, mort- 000 feet standing timber.

also Road, cord Agawam. 145 State St. Phone Walnut 1620, nished throughout, 6 acres of land. 1500 zood condition. Phone R.

7389-R. tons, Meekins. 69c. Packard Wheat, Inc. 85, bath Union and Office, 30x40.

If. WV. Van Allen. gages, rents, Insurance. "At your service." About mile 6315-J.

from State LAWNDALE ST-4 8-room cottages, all fect above sea level, fruit. an ideal place FOP SALE- Kitchen range. refrigerator, ST 12-17-For rent, furnished 129-Store to rent. Call 476 Main St. Tel.

River 6424. Tel. River modern. G. A.

Angers, Phone River 1628 for hotel, bealthiest spot in New Engdork machine and other house. 63 HOLYOKE 3516-M. DWIGHT ST Hyland. General real estate, in- BUY FARM in the fall, secure crope: I sell or River land. C.

H. for terms, Graver, 853 Park hold furniture. Thursday and Saturday Wearing Apparel rocins. Tel. River River 122.

W. J. DRAGON, G. mortgages J. and auctioning.

476 all kinds; figures low, terms easy. Sum- LIBERTY modern; price West W. 1848-W. 1-5 o'clock. 508 C'hicopee Rd.

COAT- Pony, 54 inches long, JEFFERSON AVE 57-Modern furnished NORTHAMPTON. To rent. hage-' surance, Springfeld. always call ner H. Reed, Brookfeld, Mass.

500, rents $1440 will take mortgage 2-TENEMENT. near car line, Amali Jewelry and Watches 60 monthe, cash. River 5451-R. room In as ment cobbler shop, guarantee all the busi- Walnut 826. Hoases for Sale 84 AS 1st payment.

Cohen, 161 Sumner Ave. amount down, R. 2301-M. Box 4. Union rrivate family.

gentleman. store, Main used for 10 years Main EVENING COAT. pearl gray, broadcloth. JOHN ST 20-Opposite Memorial Church, nP89 2 or 3 good workmen can do. An- ELLIS TITLE AND CONVEYANCE Tel.

W. 1512. Office. DIAMONDS, watches and jeweiry. For silk lined.

never worn, R. 5378. furnished front room. rent, ply Chas. H.

Bowker. 500 Main titles, deeds, mortgages; pro- ALLEN ST 146-House and lot MASS AVE-3-family, 12 rooms. nearly NEAR SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL, 6-room for square deal pop Kittredge, 422 Main St. GENTLEMAN'S winter overcoat, size 40, JOHN ST 36-Furnished room to STORE city, size 14x33 tect buyer and seller. sale.

new. oak Anish. elec. lights, 2 steam stucco, oak and ash, steam. most WATCHES.

diamond: and jewelry; my. absolutely new, satin lined throughout; gent only. Mrs. Brocher, 36 John St. rental $80 per month.

'The Hanlon FISH. JOIN estate, rents. city ALLEN ST-7-room cottage and garage, boilers, brass plumbing: price $11,000, derful "built in china closet," in center of low rental gives you low prices J. Chase. price $30.

Call River 196-M. KING ST 179-To rent, nice pleasant fur- Agency, 310 Main St. property, business chances, mortgages. only $6500, $1500 down. Arthur G.

Taylor $1500 down. See McAuliffe King. 168 about $1000 down. Coben, 161 Sumner 562 Main st LADIES' black serge suit, size 38. $15; nished room.

or warehouse apace, 476 Main St. Tel. River 3831. 145 State Phone Walnut Bridge St. Phone River 63.

Ave. Tel. W. 1512. WATCHES cleaned $1, main springs $1: all blur jersey suit, size 40 (including tri- MAPLE ST--Room, near bath.

electric ground floor, in center of city. W. 1566-W. FOLEY, P. J.

Agency- Real estate and ASHMIONT ST--Fine 8-room, single house, McKNIGHT section. 3-family house, 16 MODERN, up to date, 6-ruom bungalow. 2500 40 work guaranteed. Deane's. 40 Dwight St.

colet waist), $25; blue messaline dress, steam heat; gentleman preferred. insurance, Massasoit 244 steam heat. electricity, hardwood Aoora, rooms. elec. wired, furnace heat: A Apply 330 Sumner Ave.

R. $094. Machinery, Electrical and Tools 61 817P 40. $8. Call have on River 3779-J.

Houses for Rent 77 Main St. Walnut 3:01. extra price lavatory, $9800. large Call Mage. reception Realty Ex- Auline condition: King, price 168 $8500, Bride $1500 St.

River Mc. 63. JUST OFF Main Walnut 222-W. lights, ball, down, balf price: we MAPLE ST 30-Large well furnished BELMONT AVE 463-8-room tenement, 374 Main River 2200, will rage; 356 car garage. furnace beat, elec.

house lights. 2- 2-family and hand MEN'S a large stock of misfit and college FRENCH, you dad change, Largest Agency, SUITS at AUTOMATIC COW WATERING BOWLS quality, why pay the front room. running water and steam. steam heat, electricity, KAS, modern, up list your house for sale or help Main St. Wal, 888.

M'KNIGHT SECTION--For sale or will hardwood Anish: price $8000. For terma we hare a large stock clothes: all fine other stores are asking MARION ST 131-2 large pleasantly fur- to date with or without 1-car garage: va- what you want, dandy exchange 11-room house, electricity, new RPO SicAulife King. 168 Bridge St. hand that we ordered a yeur ago. Ba- exorbitant prices to and get one F.

Hibbard. cant. Inquire 648 Belmont Are. or phone W. E.

-Real estate, city ARMORY ST-Just off, paint. paper. and 2-car garage. Phone R. 63.

son- Taplin 59 Hillman St. when equally you as can good and come still ug save 40 to nished rooms. furnished rooms for light River 5169-R. GAULT. property, renting.

Room 429, 31 Elm St. apartment block price In good condition; rents are tral Real Estate 476 Main St. JUST OFF Ft. Pleasant Ave. 3-family BROWN SHARPE cylinder grinder No.

Sain Winniman 142 Bridge St. (Just MAIN ST-3 River 2313-W. BELMONT AVE 463-8-room tenement Tel. River 2166. low.

come E. S. a Warner, 307 Main St. Phone McKNIGHT SECTION--TO close estate, house, 14 rooms, steam heat. clec, lights turret lathes.

20-inch. steptoe shaper. a few steps from Main. toward Water St.) housekeeping. let, front room, gas and electricity, steam beat, up-to- GUMBLE.

F. TV W. real estate River 6662. choice of 2-ten. 3-car garage and single and hardwoud price $10.000.

For 10 Perkins bench grinders, 1 hand miller. MAIN ST date, modern. vacant Sept. 1. Inquire brokers, for sale, renting.

374 8 rooms, 1-car garage: price $8500 each; terms see JicAuliffe King, 168 Bridge 14-Inch Pratt Whitney tathe, 1 hench Buy 66 able for two. 648 Belmont Ave or phone River 5169-R. St. Phone River 7700. AUBURN ST--Between Main and Fulton terms.

Cohen, 161 Sumner Ave. Tel. W. St. Phone R.

53. lathe. Phone Wal. Hampden 1353. Tool clocks, mirrors, MARBLE ST 66-Two CAREW ST 729-Near Liberty.

5 rooms, HAMBLEN, E. H. R. estate Sts. $4200.

cash 7-room down house only $800. Arthur G. JUST OFF Dickinson 6-: vom cottage. 238 Dwight St Wanted--To furnished rooms. Main and lot 50x100, only 1612.

ANTIQUE furniture, J. W. Dris- Tel. R. 7247-W.

1st floor, All new and modern. brokers, fire insurance, loans negotiated, 145 Slate St. Phone Walnut McKNIGHT section, vacant single house, hardwood Anish, elec. lixbta and steami ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC PUMPS will get shawls: highest prices Rilver paid. 1193.

MORRIS ST 28-Furnished front room, CAREW ST 550-Lower tenement, all of estates. 318 Main St. River 2075. Taylor slate roof, electricity. screens, shades, new heat: rice $6500.

$1800 down. McAuliffe fresh water direct from well by opening coll, 204 Plainfield St. suitable for 2. R. 4461-J.

modern. Inquire at 511 Armory St. care caring for 1620. paint and paper and two-car garage, ce- King. 168 Bridge St.

Phone R. 63. Taplin faucet: let 69 u.g HIllman St. demonstrate. ANTIQUES, stoves: bric-a-Lrac, rugs, etc.

curios, New our England prices ON 311, furnished room. FOREST PARK--Upper tenement, Am. HAWLEY property and collecting rents. 381 Main house, BELMONT steam AVE heat, electricity: 2-family, lot 14-room 74x150; ment change. driveway; Central terms Real very Estate easy; will ex- 476 SOUTH -Acuahnet $6250: LOCKE-25 years are right.

Main St. Wat. R. 1832-M. 3412.

Republican Bidg. sed" on this one at $11,000. Call Main St. terms. Cohen, 161 Bumper Ave.

Tel. ELECTRIC MOTOR and starter, Furniture furniture store in -Furnished room, private adults. R. Live "nuff Largest W. 1612.

power. Phone River 1487 or River stock 7038. 1514. Western Mass. family, Tel.

R. floor. GOODALE all ST modern. Inquire 312 Dickinson on Wire" HAWORTH, for all kinds of real estate, bust- Agency, 356 Main St, Wal. 888.

NEAR Park WHITE ST section-6-room and Aumner Are. Are- $6000-2-'enement house and a 3-tenement Largest used ON THE 106-7-room tenement GEORGE "The Masa. Realty Exchange, GASOLENE ENGINES--Large of -Highest prices paid. rugs. NORTHAMPTON AVE 18-Furnished Tel.

River 3703. ness and suburban. Room 618, Court Sq. BILTMORE ST 68-New, all modern 8- est bungalow, house, tree and clear, In Monson, machines (all elzes and makes); ANTIQUES Hampden Furniture 615 front room, few minutes' wal kfrom St. River 2650.

room cottage. G. A. Angers, Phone River place, electricity, steam, required price 16200 small amount down, or would exchange diso have several secondhand ones in stoves, St. etc.

Tel. Walnut 1266. office. HILL--Beyond rooms, lower, SON. 168 Bridge or River 3141-W.

and only $1730 cash rent when to Own for good farm or take auto as frat pays good condition. Bacon-Taplin 59. Main coaster not modern, furnace, gas. to small, quiet HEALY. MARTIN Real estate and goneral in- this; atop paying Arthur you can buy ment.

Brokerage 264 Main 44 -Boy' high grade, PARK ST 93-Furnished rear room. steam, family who will take one boarder; rent Room 210. BRISTOL ST 31-32-New. all modern for this money. G.

Taylor St. MACHINERT -John W. Russell Sons -brake, 21 ar 22-inch. Phone to Wal. 30 horse- elec.

gentleman. Mapleview, 2d reasonable. Box 48. Union Office, surance: houses in -Real all parts estate, mortgage family Angers. house, Phone 6 River rooms 1625 each or R.

Anor. G. 8141-W. A. 143 State St.

Walnut MAKE YOUR SPARE TIME help pay for 355. floor, of city. Phone 1620. of all kinds made to order. 47 BOILER AND ENGINE.

20 Cromwell, Conn. Seager. SECTION--Modern room in rein-l HOLLYWOOD Forest ST Park, 9. corner beautiful Dickinson, 4-room flat op- KARP, negotiated. Room 1001, Third steam.

gas. HANco*ck CENTRAL, single your houses home, for sale, have several Taylor St. Tel. River 1338. power.

William Suda, PARK week. W. 1745-M. posite will be completed bought and Bank River 4942. CAMP price $6500: terms.

Ju- rooms, $3900, slate payment your convenience easy 'erma, foish one ILL SUPPLIES- Lloyd BOOK -Ta purchase Book of (last Knowledge, edition). neighhorhond. NEAR $4 per MILT, ST -Neatly fur- for Sept. 1. couples, Tel.

all River new: 1487 evenings. National Worthington for the lius Meltzer. fust sell; 575 Main. W. 3096.

R. 773-2. accepted. Cohen, 161 Sumner Ave. W.

Sales Trust. Main and At. save Tol. money. River Realty 671.

Worthington St. Tel. River 106. International Encyclopedia books PINE ST 628. Union LEGEIN-109 comer, call and see 1512.

3 h. 100 to 113 And any up-to-date IT. R. Huntting reference Room nished room; reasonable. house, KENDALL all AVE modern 18.

Camp Improvements. home have seekers or some new fine bargains la home CENTRAL. Ane lot and location-6-room garage, cottage, reason- NEAR LIBERTY ST-2-room, 2-family St. At $4500-House. Memorial 2-family, Square, 100 10 feet from Main or Box Ground, 7-room volta, 67 Bay St.

Tel. River 4009-W. standard seta. Springfeld. Mass, Tel.

Office. me; I Phone Walnut 3313. all modern, large River 1377-J, or write house for $1600; just think of it! corner newly painted 2 coats, new rooms. house your free. cows by R.

3110. lINE ST COURT steam, bot water connections, electricity. LEONARD Re -Real estate in- Box 725, Union Office. lot and hear 145 Carew State St. st.

car line. Phene Arthur Wal- water, sower. water closet: 36n0 down: 706. Myrick 20-- ROOmA to rent. Tel.

KIMBERLY AVE 35 Lower rooms, sites. able, Tel owner, roof. city electricity: demonstration Bacon- CASH paid for pianos. players and all Walnut vacuum connections. French doors.

linen vestments, land developers. 516 Stearns G. Taylor best boy in thin city. Spring Taplin 59 Jillman St. for our rental dept.

SCHOOL NT 11-Pleasant front room, everything Arst class. Tel. R. Bldg. River 8014.

CENTRAL--Modern 14-room, 2-family nut 1620. age 164 Main St. PORTABLE. WOOD SAWING OUTFITS Gibbs musical Piano instruments F1 Main cor. Essex.

suitable for 2. with running water. 6529-12. MASS. REALTY EXCHANGE- -Let Spring- house, 2-car down.

G. block L. garage. Collester. large 244 lot.

Main, $8200, NEAR THE X-2 stores and 8-roon house. FOR SALE- 4 and --largest stock in Hillman New St. England. River 5461-W. SEVENTH ST Columbia." fur- VALDEN ST 15-5-room tenement.

mod- Largest Agency do your real estate $2500 stearn hoat, lot 73x200; will sell for bath. price $5900. terms don 50 clothes and nished rooms, modern, heat; also adult- only. Tel. R.

2784-W. city and farm property, CENTRALLY LOCATED tenement $12,500, or exchange for a 2-family house. monthly on principal; 5 rooms, $4604. LAWN MOWERS--The prices on CLOTHES--I buy prices and for sell anything old you wish housekeeping rooms. River 7235-M.

ern: loans. business: blocks. mortgages. Insurance, property house. terms easy, T.

J. Foley, 111 Han- Arthur G. Taylor 145 State St. Phone term: $200 domn, $60 monthly. Address POWER those machines will advance befor- next of.

Call or write Sam Winni- ST 39-Nicely furniebed room. MIT 483-- cared for. 356 Maln St. Walnut 888. co*ck St Walnut 1620 Box IL, Calca Onice.

spring: buy now. Bacon -Taplin Co. 6 9 to dispose 143 Bridge St. Walnut 2678. suitable for 1 or 2.

4-room tenement, sillman St man, ML.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.