TNA Impact Review – August 1, 2024 – TJR Wrestling (2024)

The TNA World Championship was on the line this week, as Nic Nemeth defended the gold against Mustafa Ali.

TNA Impact: 1.8.24 from the Verdun Auditorium in Montreal, Quebec: Canada

The opening video recapped last week’s events where Mustafa Ali interrupted Nic Nemeth’s title celebration and issued a challenge.

Match #1: The Rascalz vs Kushida, Mike Bailey & Trent Seven

Wes Lee is back again for the Rascalz as they continue wrestling in their Buzz Lightyear gear. Kushida is back in his regular wrestling gear after changing it up at Slammiversary. He started the match off with Trey Miguel. Kushida hit a quick kick but Wentz made a blind tag. They double teamed Kushida and Lee tagged in with an assisted dropkick. Kushida hit a back elbow and tagged in Bailey. Lee caught him with an arm drag but Bailey hacked him down with kicks. Seven tagged in next and they hit a double hip toss. Bailey tossed Seven into a senton for a 2 count on Lee. Seven chopped Lee in the corner. Lee blocked a running clothesline and whipped Seven into the corner. Wentz tagged in and hit the Bronco Buster. Lee and Miguel took down an incoming Bailey with dropkicks. Wentz was still doing the Bronco Buster. Seven spiked Miguel with a DDT and made the tag to Kushida. Wentz tagged in Lee but Kushida took him down. He hit a hip toss and a cartwheel dropkick to the face. Kushida wanted the Hoverboard Lock but Lee stayed on his feet and Wentz saved him. Wentz hit a dive on Seven to the outside but Bailey took him down with a moonsault. Miguel hit a suicide dive on Bailey. Kushida measured Lee but missed a clothesline. Lee nailed a springboard Pele kick for 2. Lee sent Kushida to the outside and then cut Seven off on the top rope with a kick. Seven countered with an awesome powerslam off the top rope for a close 2 count. He smashed Lee with a clothesline then tagged in Bailey. Bailey wanted Ultima Weapon but Wentz used Lee as a springboard to hit a running knee that sent Bailey crashing from the top to the outside. Wentz nailed a double stomp from the top to Seven. He hit the assisted SSP for the win after 8 ½ minutes.

Winners by pinfall: The Rascalz

Analysis: ***1/2 That was a great way to kick the show off, with lots of fast-paced action and excitement. The Rascalz remain on a roll ahead of their Tag Team Title shot on WWE NXT TV this week.

There was a pre-taped promo by Jordynne Grace telling us that she would be back in the ring next week.

Gia Miller was backstage with Campaign Singh and the Secret Service. Miller was wondering where Mustafa Ali was. Singh said Ali would walk out as TNA World Champion tonight.

Analysis: He won’t, but heels lie.

Match #2: Rosemary vs Kristara

Kristara didn’t get an entrance but the fans popped for her being announced as she’s a local. Rosemary had shorter blonde hair tonight. I still wish I could fast forward. Rosemary bit Kristara in the corner. Ash-by-Elegance was watching backstage. Rosemary choked Kristara against the ropes with her legs. Rosemary ran into a spinning kick. Kristara hit a few clubs to the back and a fisherman’s suplex for 2. She missed an attack in the corner so Rosemary nailed an X-Factor then did lots of screaming. Rosemary hit a unique finisher, where she locked the arms of Kristara before hitting a modified jawbreaker, called So Below (I think) to get the easy win after nearly 3 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Rosemary

Analysis: *1/2 Just an easy win for Rosemary. She still doesn’t do anything for me.

The System were backstage cutting a promo. They called themselves the Dream Team. The men talked this week. Eddie Edwards said it was time to get back on track. Brian Myers said the comeback would be better than the setback. JDC pleaded to join The System. Moose said that they wouldn’t rest until they get their titles back.

Analysis: I didn’t really like the booking at Slammiversary where they lost 2/3 of their titles as I think it hurt them a bit.

Mike Santana cut a pre-taped promo backstage. He vowed his revenge on The System but was interrupted by Campaign Singh. He was trying to prove himself to Mustafa Ali so he challenged Santana to a match. Bad idea.

Josh Alexander Talks

Alexander was introduced twice and didn’t come out. He was backstage with Gia Miller. Alexander said everyone wanted an explanation on why he turned heel at Slammiversary. He said he didn’t owe the fans anything because they chose to believe in Nic Nemeth and Hendry. Alexander said he’s the greatest wrestler on the planet and believes in himself. He said he has carried TNA for years on his back. Alexander said TNA owed him.

Analysis: That was better but it should’ve been done last week. He’s right that he carried TNA for the last few years but should’ve played that up a bit more.

Match #3: Ryan Nemeth vs Frankie Kazarian

Nemeth outwrestled Kaz early. He focused on the left arm. Kaz used the rope to flip out of a submission but ran into a dropkick. He countered a neckbreaker and suplexed Nemeth into the bottom turnbuckle. Kaz hit a back suplex and taunted the fans, then choked Nemeth under the bottom rope. He used the middle rope to choke Nemeth for a bit. Nemeth got to his feet with a few right hands but Kaz whipped him hard into the turnbuckle. He nailed a scoop slam and then his springboard dropkick. Kaz mocked Nemeth’s posing and stomped on him using the rope for height. He nailed a running knee in the corner and a snapmare, before attempting a sleeper hold. Nemeth got quickly to his feet but Kaz took him down with a bulldog. Nemeth fought back with a flurry of right hands and kicks. He nailed a few clotheslines. There were some fans booing for some reason. Nemeth bounced off the ropes with a flying forearm, then hit a neckbreaker for 2. Kaz blocked a jumping DDT attempt but Nemeth nailed a gut wrench suplex for 2. Nemeth hit a crossbody from the top rope for 2. Kaz smashed him with a short-arm clothesline. Nemeth fought out of the Fade to Black by escaping to the ring apron over the top rope. Kaz brought him back in with a springboard cutter and that was enough for the win after 8 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Frankie Kazarian

Analysis: **3/4 That was a solid match that gave Kaz a much-needed win and probably puts to bed the Kaz/Nemeths rivalry for a bit until Nic needs a new challenger. Ryan put up a good fight but I don’t think anyone thought he stood a chance. I’m not sure why there were sections of the crowd booing him during the match.

Josh Alexander went down to the ring after the match and destroyed Nemeth with a C4 Spike. Nemeth sold that well by collapsing in a heap after the move. The fans booed loudly as Alexander walked off.

Analysis: That’s how Alexander should be booked, as the crazed heel who just snaps and destroys the face wrestlers without explanation.

There was a promo for Emergence, which is the next monthly special, where Ultimate X will make a return. Hopefully, it’s for the title or a title shot.

Match #4: Masha Slamovich w/ Alisha Edwards vs Jody Threat w/ Dani Luna

Threat and Luna were unsuccessfully in recapturing the Knockouts’ Tag Team Titles on the Slammiversary pre-show. I’ve been surprised with Threat’s lack of push as a singles wrestler so far in her TNA career. She did have an unsuccessful KO title match at one point early on in her run but lost and that didn’t help establish her as a legitimate threat. Slamovich should be Jordynne Grace’s next challenger in my view, because there’s not really anyone else that I can see that can hang with Grace. Threat hit a few suplexes early on and got a nearfall. Alisha distracted Threat, so Masha hit a pump kick then some snapmares and a running punt for 2. Threat tried to run the ropes but Slamovich pulled her down by the hair. She hit some short-arm clotheslines and gained another nearfall. Slamovich raked the eyes of Threat, right in front of the referee. Threat fought out of a sleeper hold, with elbows to the mid-section. She blocked a clothesline and nailed Masha with some forearms, then a kick to the face. Threat hit a running double knees against the middle rope and a big clothesline for 2. Alisha got up on the apron but Luna brought her down. Alisha shoved her into the ring post. Back in the ring, Slamovich nailed a distracted- Threat with a gut wrench powerbomb. Alisha tied her KO Tag title against the middle turnbuckle. Luna nailed her with a big kick on the outside. Slamovich ran at Threat who sent her into the title belt. Threat nailed her F5 finisher for the win after 6 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Jody Threat

Analysis: **1/2 It was good for the short amount of time that they got. They matched up well together. Less interference would’ve made for a better match. Threat winning means the feud continues, I guess.

Joe Hendry had a taped promo which was more an advertisem*nt for his match on NXT this week than anything. He said “believe” a lot.

Match #5: Mike Santana vs Campaign Singh

I would’ve preferred some extra time given to the main event, rather than this unnecessary match. Singh hit a cheap clothesline in the corner before the bell. Santana fought back with a big boot and a dropkick through the ropes. He was pretty over with the fans. Santana nailed a running elbow in the corner and a dropkick. He chopped Singh hard to the mat. Singh fought back with a back elbow. Santana escaped a scoop slam but Singh trapped him in the corner with a clothesline and some right hands. He ran at Santana who nailed him with a spinning DVD which didn’t really connect properly. Santana hit the Spin the Block for the win after 2 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Mike Santana

Analysis: * Just a squash to get Santana on the show. Singh’s attempt at proving his worth to Ali failed.

Santana called out Moose after the match, for putting a hit on him during the Road to Slammiversary tournament. He thanked Moose for making him want to become TNA World Champion even more. Santana said before he gets there, he was going to make Moose and his friends suffer.

Analysis: That would be a good feud on a non-PLE show. Hopefully, it happens at Emergence.

Next week:

  • Jordynne Grace issues an open-challenge
  • Jonathan Gresham vs Kushida
  • Joe Hendry in action
  • Ultimate-X qualifiers

Analysis: That looks like a fun card.

Match #6: TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) vs Mustafa Ali

It looks like they’re closing the show with the wedding, which puts it above this World Title match and I don’t agree with that, no matter how popular PCO is. The World Championship should always go on last. This is the first TNA World Championship match on Impact since November. At least they should be given a decent amount of ring time here. There was a lot of mat wrestling early on. They had a shoving match which Nemeth won. He hit a shoulder block and a hip toss, then a drop toehold and a dropkick. Ali bailed to the floor for a breather. Back in the ring, Ali ran into a hard clothesline that turned him inside-out. Nemeth nailed a bunch of right hands in the corner but Ali whipped him hard into the top turnbuckle. Ali sent Nemeth into the opposite turnbuckle. Nemeth reversed an Irish Whip and sent Ali face-first into the middle turnbuckle. He always sells that so well. Ali fell to the floor. He tried to get back in but Nemeth fought him from the apron. Ali caught him with an Electric Chair Drop on the floor. They went to the dreaded Picture in Picture which always distracts me. They brawled on the outside for a bit and Ali sent Nemeth into the ring apron but Nemeth returned serve. Ali attacked him as he stepped back into the ring. He nailed a running dropkick for 2. Ali nailed a suplex for another nearfall. He tried a sleeper but Nemeth battled to his feet and tried a roll up for 2. Nemeth went for a backslide for another nearfall. Ali nailed a modified German suplex for 2. He went for his rolling neckbreaker but Nemeth countered with a neckbreaker of his own. Nemeth hit his 10 elbows for a 2 count. Ali drove Nemeth into the middle turnbuckle and then put him on the top rope. Nemeth shoved him off and hit a Tornado DDT in mid-air for 2. The crowd was getting right into the match now. Ali blocked a super kick and nailed one of his own for a nearfall. He ran at Nemeth who catapulted him over the top rope with velocity. Nemeth met him on the outside and sling-shotted him into the ring post. The Secret Service ran down to the ring and distracted Nemeth. In the ring, Ali locked him in the Sharp Shooter. Nemeth used all his energy to crawl to the bottom rope to break the hold. Ali hit a running punt to the ribs of Ali. Nemeth bounced off the ropes with a Fame Asser for 2. Ali tried a quick roll up for 2. He bounced off the ropes right into a superkick. Nemeth nailed the Danger Zone for the win after 15 minutes.

Winner by pinfall AND STILL TNA World Champion: Nic Nemeth

Analysis: ***1/2 That was a really good match between two guys with great energy who can sell as well as anyone else in TNA. Unfortunately, that’s the end of Ali in TNA. He has been the MVP of TNA for me this year and would be the wrestler of the year if you stopped the year right now. He posted an in-character tweet saying it was time to move on. I’ll miss him and appreciated his work this year.

After the match, Josh Alexander walked out onto the entrance ramp and stared down Nemeth.

Analysis: I’ll take that match in the future, please.

The Wedding of PCO and SDL

Rhino walked down to the ring in his ring gear and a dodgy tie for the ceremony. He was the best man. Here comes Xia Brookside in a black dress as Maid of Honor. Santino Marella was in the ring as the celebrant. You just know something is going to go down at the end here. PCO made his entrance next. He had both of his championships on his shoulder which made me laugh. SDL made her way to the ring. She was accompanied by someone who kind of looked like a rip off Elvis. I hate wrestling weddings but the crowd was pretty into it. Marella started the ceremony. The music over the top of him speaking was off-putting. SDL read her vows first. She made some corny jokes. PCO made some interesting gyrations and screams. Poor Steph. They exchanged rings. PCO’s was bigger than MJF’s Dynamite Diamond ring. PCO gave SDL her ring with a ringer still attached! He said it was his grandma’s ring. That was gross. Marella asked if there were any objections. Here’s First Class with the interruption. Tom Hannifan was not impressed. AJ Francis said they weren’t here to cause trouble. He said PCO earned his respect at Slammiversary and wanted to be a witness at ringside. Marella pronounced them married. They were about to kiss and Matt Cardona’s music hit. Yes! Cardona is SDL’s partner on the indies.

Cardona made his way down to the ring with a gift. He smashed CO and Marella over the head with the gift, which was a brick wrapped up. Cardona smashed PCO over the head with the wedding set. He held up PCO’s titles and tossed them on him. Cardona told SDL to come with him but she wasn’t sure. He tried to pull her out of the ring but she started screaming at him because he ruined the wedding. Cardona exited the ring and SDL cried in the ring with Xia. PCO got to his feet and the crowd was all over Cardona.

Analysis: At least that was fun and had the return of Cardona. That’s awesome. Hopefully, he has been cleared to return to action because I think he’s great and enjoyed his last run in TNA last year, with a fun feud against Joe Hendry. This obviously sets up PCO vs Cardona as a new feud which is fine. I wonder if SDL will join Matt down the road.

Final Rating: 6.5/10

It was heading towards a very forgettable episode of Impact until the last two segments. Mustafa Ali and Nic Nemeth put on a great showing in the main event match and the ‘Wedding’ was a bit of light-hearted fun which saw the return of Matt Cardona, who I am a big fan of. I enjoyed the fast-paced opening six-man tag team match. Hopefully some matches get set for Emergence next week, however I liked the way they set up the possibility of a few feuds without announcing anything yet.

The next TNA monthly special is Emergence on Friday, August 30 in Louisville, Kentucky. Here’s the card so far:

* The return of Ultimate X

Any feedback or comments are welcome. My email address is in case anybody wants to get in touch with me and my Twitter/X handle is @thom*ok6 as well. Thanks for reading!

TNA Impact Review – August 1, 2024 – TJR Wrestling (2024)
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