Lost Flame - Chapter 1 - Eris_Rose - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

“Kai-chan!” Looking over her shoulder the girl giggles as her brother and their blonde haired friend try to catch her. “Wait up!”

“No!” Running faster, she runs around the trees then slows to a stop when she nears a bank, her brother, Izuku coming to a stop at her right and the blonde haired boy, Katsuki, stops at her left.

“We should head back, Mom said not to cross the river.” Izuku says tugging on his twin sister's sleeve, the girl looks at him then back across the river. Pulling her sleeve out of his grip she walks up to the edge of the river so she could lean over to see how deep it is, seeing it’s pretty deep she decides its best to not cross it in the end.

“It’s too deep anyways.” She shrugs then turns and the three of them take the path back towards the playground where they’re parents are waiting for them.

Later that evening Kaida is sitting outside the apartment on the balcony as she reads her book, feet swinging as she is too small for her feet to touch the ground while sitting in the chair. Izuku is inside with their mother as the older lady helps him with his homework; the twins are both seven years of age, Kaida being older by a few minutes. They are fraternal twins; they do not look exactly alike. Izuku has unruly, curly dark green hair, bright green eyes and freckles while Kaida has long red hair with green tips and bright blue eyes. The two have never met their father but they have seen pictures, so Kaida knows the hair color and eyes is what she gets from him as well as her Quirk. Her brother is Quirkless though, so she thinks it's her duty to protect him from bullies; her and Katsuki’s duty though Katsuki tends to insult her brother a lot. The result of that is Kaida and Katsuki usually wrestling or something as Kaida comes to her brother's aid.

“Kaida, time to get ready for bed!” Inko, her mother, calls to the little girl. Putting the book mark into her book so she doesn’t lose her spot, the girl makes her way inside to go about her nightly routine.

“All set you two?” Inko asks her children as they finish getting their shoes on to head to school the next morning. Two heads nod then the lady opens the door for the three of them to head out. The day goes by much like usual though Kaida notices something out of the corner of her eye as they walk but when she goes to look at it, whatever it is is gone. So being the child that she is, she completely forgets about it when Izuku starts talking. Throughout the day though, she thinks she sees something only for there to be nothing when she goes to look.

“... Mom’s late.” Izuku says with a pout as he grips the straps of his backpack tightly. Kaida looks at her brother then back out the front doors of the school. Without thinking, she grabs his hand then starts to drag him behind her as she decides to head home on their own. “K-Kai-chan, what are you doing?! We need to wait for Mom!”

“She’s late and I wanna go home, so we’re going,” looking at her brother, she gives him a determined smile, “Don’t worry. I’ll protect us from any villains that try to get near us.” She says as sparks of red and blue flames dance along her free hand.Izuku frowns at her for a moment then giggles a little with a nod. The two follow the path home to the best of their abilities only to end up lost after walking around for an hour.

“K-Kai-chan?” Izuku stutters as he steps close to his sister, gripping her hand tight. “A-Are we lost?” Kaida stiffens up a little then shakes her head.

“No, we’re not… lost.” She says as she looks around then starts in a random direction. As the two of them continue to walk, Kaida’s chest starts to tighten as they end up in a weird part of town.

“K-Kai-c-chan..” Izuku stutters out, his voice low and on the verge of tears. Glancing at her brother, she gives him her best All Might smile then turns to continue walking with her grip tight on her brother's hand. A loud bang behind them has the two children start running, taking random turns to get away from whatever the noise was. By now it’s getting dark out, the sky almost a deep blue color. Leaning against a building, Kaida peeks around the corner when she hears something only to see nothing there. With a small tug, she leads her brother around the corner as they come out onto a street filled with stores that look to be closing up. “I-I recognize that store!” Izuku points at the bookstore they went to the day before after leaving the park.

“We’re close to home then!” Kaida says with a big smile then lets go of her brother's hand as they two start running down the street to see their apartment building coming into view, “Almost home!” She yells to her brother who cheers as he runs beside her. Rushing up the stairs, the two stop outside the door then try to open it only to find out it's locked. Frowning, Kaida rattles the doorknob a few times but it doesn’t budge. “.. Where’s Mom, she should be home..” The sound of approaching footsteps makes her turn towards the sound as she expects it to be her mother but what greets her is a male in an all black suit. Lifting her gaze up to meet his, she steps protectively in front of her brother as the mall comes to a stop near them. His orange eyes seem to glow with power.

“Unfortunately your mother won’t be coming home soon, so she sent me to come get you.” He says, his voice void of any emotion causing Kaida’s hair to stand on end. “Please come with me.” He then motions to follow him but when the two don’t move, he sighs.

“How do we know you’re not lying?” Kaida asks as small sparks of flames lick at the tips of her fingers. The man turns to look at the two then reaches into his pocket before taking out a phone, he scrolls through to a message then shows it to Kaida. She recognizes the number as her mothers, so with a frown she follows after him but Izuku grabs her hand.

“I-I don’t trust him, Kai-chan.” He whispers loud enough for her to hear. Looking at her brother, she gives him a smile then grips his hand tightly.

“That was Mom's number, so she did tell him to come get us. We should go because it's dark out and it’s not safe. Mom will come get us when she’s done with work.” Reluctantly her brother follows along close behind her as they follow the man to a car. Once inside, the two watch out the window as they drive for a long time. Soon enough the lull of the car leads the two into a peaceful sleep.

When she wakes up, Kaida first notices that the room is really dark and there is a faint buzzing sound. Slowly sitting up, she rubs her eyes to get the sleep out as her eyes adjust to the dimly lit room, “Huh, where am I?” muttering to herself, she stands up hearing the sound of rattling metal; the sound draws her eyes down to her ankle where a metal chained cuff keeps her attached to the leg of her bed. Eyes wide now, she quickly looks around trying to find her brother but not seeing him though she does hear his scream. Running towards the door of her room, she yelps as the chain isn’t long enough so when it grows taunt she falls face first on the floor. “ZUKU!!” She screams as loud as she can.

“K-Kai-chan… Kai-chan!” Suddenly the hallway between their rooms explodes with light as the sound of footsteps once again draws near. Pushing herself up onto her knees, she looks up to see the same male from before and growls at him.

“Oh good, you’re both awake.” He says with a creepy smile. Behind him stands two doctors who enter the two rooms and begin to check over the children.

“Where are we? Where is our mother?” Kaida asks as she glares at the male and the doctor; her eyes flit over to her brother as he flinches away from his doctor.

“You’re mother won’t be coming for you, I’m sorry to say.” He clears his throat then clasps hands behind his back, “Because your mother no longer cares for the two of you, she has put you both in our care.”

“Lies! Our mother loves us! She would never give us away!” Kaida screams at the male who just chuckles then turns to walk away. The doctors finish their examinations then leave the two children. The chain was extended for both of them so they could sit near the doors to be close to each other.

“...Kai-chan, d-do you believe them?” Izuku asks as he wipes his eyes with his sleeves.

“No, Mom would never give us away. She loves us too much, Zuzu.” The girl gives him her best smile though inside she was terrified. If the man was right, then their mother did give them up. But if he was wrong, then she didn’t know if they would ever see the light of day again.

As the days went by the man would stop by with meals for the children so they could keep up their strength. Soon enough they were let out of the rooms they were kept in and moved to a bigger room upstairs that they shared though they were given bracelets to keep track of them. Kaida was taken to a training room for two hours each day so she could be trained to control her Quirk; whenever she would act up or protect her brother from one of the meaner men, she would end up being punished. Though that didn’t start till they were nine years old, the man did his best to make the children feel at home for the first two years. After the first year, neither of them really remembered their mother or what the outside world was like. They did get to go outside but the compound was surrounded by high walls.

When she was ten, Kaida went into a rebellious phase that caused her to be punished a lot more. She has scars all over her body. Izuku was experimented on enough that he now has his own Quirk though he doesn’t use it a lot since his body is still getting used to it.

At eleven, the twins are taught how to wield guns and knives. They are taught everyday by a teacher hired by the man that took them in. The twins believe their mother gave them up for money that she couldn’t refuse because they were told she was so deep in the hole that she put her wellbeing before their own. Kaida didn’t believe for the longest time but Izuku bought it right away; her brother retreated into himself for a long time.

By the time they were thirteen Kaida was stronger then she’s ever been. Izuku as well. From the time they were ten to when they turned thirteen they were taught how to fight, kill, and assassinate targets without being caught. Between everything else of course.

At fourteen Kaida and Izuku were taken from the compound to their new home, “This is an old friend of mine. He’ll be taking care of the two of you from now on.” The man says as we step out of the car, he hands us each our backpacks as he motions for us to head towards a large building. Walking inside the first thing Kaida notices is the smell of smoke, wrinkling her nose at this she covers her mouth with her hand beside her Izuku chuckles softly. They are led to a large room in the back of the building.

“Ah, good of you to finally make it.” A voice speaks to them through a computer monitor hanging on the far wall. The twins glance at each other then towards the screen, both of them straightening up as they hear the authority in the voice. “These must be the twins you’ve told me so much about. Young Kaida and Young Izuku, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is All for One.”

“It’s our pleasure, Sir. We’ve heard a great deal about you from our guardian over the past several days.” Izuku speaks up, his voice was a little lower due to puberty though it still held a little of the lightness from childhood. AFO chuckles softly then coughs to clear his throat.

The man soon left us, Izuku took a seat though Kaida remains standing as her eyes looked around the room. “Please, Kaida, take a seat we have much to discuss.” With a sigh, she takes a seat to her brothers right as AFO starts to tell them what his plans are. For the next year the two will be studying to get into the famous U.A. high school, he wants them to be spies for him and his prodigy, who we have yet to meet. We are to be his eyes on the inside to help him further his plan of destroying hero society as we know it. Once that meeting us over the twins are shown their rooms, which are across the hall from each other.

“Tomorrow we’ll resume your training.” A lady with pink hair tells them she's more cheerful than anyone else the two have seen in the last seven years of their lives. Going into her room, Kaida leaves the door open for her brother to come in if he wants. Unpacking the small amount of things she has, the girl soon finds herself laying on her bed and staring up at the ceiling. Her bed dips as a weight drops down on the edge of it, glancing over she sees her brother sitting there.

“What’s up, Zuzu?” she asks, pushing herself up onto her elbows.

“How are you feeling?” He then motions to my bandaged right arm. Looking at it, I sit up fully then roll the sleeve of my sweater up to show that my entire arm is bandaged from the tips of my fingers up to my shoulder.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore. I mostly wear bandages so it doesn’t get infected or scrap against anything. Doc said it’ll be a few more weeks before my arm will be healed enough that I can take it off.” Two months ago she was training with the man who took them in and his used a powerful attack that burned her arm really badly. Luckily the doctors watching them are very good at their job and they were able to fix Kaida’s arm so it looks good as new, though it’s been highly sensitive for the last two months.

“That’s good.” He then reaches out to gently grip her shoulder above the wounds to give it a small squeeze. Scooting back on the bed, she makes room for her brother and the two lay down facing each other. Izuku reaches out to take one of her hands, lacing their fingers together and soon the two of them fall asleep like that. It’s something they started around the age of nine, they would sneak into the other twin's room when they didn’t want to be alone and fall asleep holding hands.

Starting the next day the twins study for three hours in the morning, have lunch then train in the afternoon. This is their routine for the next six months; a few days after the New Year, another meeting is called with AFO. The twin’s take a seat across the table from a boy with blue, shaggy hair and red eyes; a male that looks to be made out of black smoke with yellow glowing eyes and the man with who raised them. “There’s been a change of plans,” AFO’s voice comes through the monitor drawing everyone's attention to him, “The twin’s will not be joining U.A. right away,” looking at each other, Kaida shrugs at the questioning look in her brother’s eyes before turning their attention back to the monitor, “Shigaraki has a plan that you two will be apart of. He plans to launch an attack on U.A. sometime during the first month; whenever he figures out when that attack will be. The two of you will join him, but you will not be returning with him. It is at that point you two will be ‘captured’ by the teachers there and no doubt given a second chance since both of you are young.” Beside her, Kaida can feel the energy buzzing off her brother at the thought of fighting against heroes and heroes in training.

The green haired boy raises his hand causing AFO to chuckle since he’s able to see us but we can’t see him, “Go ahead Izuku.”

“Does that mean we get to kill people?” he asks with a giggle, the wildness in his eyes bright as the sun. Sometimes he gets like this at the prospect of being able to drag his knife through a victim's skin. The twin’s have been given several missions where they are sent out to assassinate someone that AFO wants them to. Izuku likes to draw out their end while Kaida just likes to burn them to nothing.

“I’d normally say yes, but for them to take you in and try to help you; you’d need to not kill anyone. Now you may maim them enough, just no killing. That will be for later one, trust me my two little assassins.” The voice chuckles; Izuku bites his lip with a pout though his smile widens at being able to kill someone in the future; Kaida shakes her head with a small smirk, her blue eyes glowing in the dim light.

After the meeting the twin’s head down to the training room to let off some steam since they are stuck here for the next three months. By the time the plan was fully thought out the twin’s were ready to go; the day of the mission another meeting is called. Sitting down at the table, they look at each other then at Shigaraki and the man made out black smoke, Kurogiri they learned his name is. “Alright, everything is in order. Good luck on your mission. And Midoriya twin’s, make me proud.” The two stand up, shoulders squared as they look at the monitor.

“We will, Boss.” Kaida says with a wide smirk. Izuku chuckles beside her, his eyes glinting in the light.

“Control your urges to kill while there, don’t draw attention to yourselves too much. But do your best on your path of becoming ‘heroes’.” AFO growls out the word, Izuku scoffs as he looks away and Kaida laughs then salutes.

“Will do, Bossman.” With that they are each given a mask. Kaida’s is a simple black mask with a red x across it, Izuku’s is the same but the x is green.

“I swear with our colors, we’re like Christmas decorations.” Izuku mutters while pulling his mask, making his sister giggle. Along with the masks the twin’s are wearing black pants and sweaters to keep their identities hidden until the time is right.

“Let’s go, brats.” Shigaraki says, leading the way out as the twin’s flank both his sides, Kurogiri having opened the warp gate for them to go through. Stepping out the other side they appear in the USJ building; high above at the top of a stairwell stands the group of first year students as well as the Pro Hero’s Eraserhead and Thirteen. Within a minute Eraserhead launches at the group of villains to try and stop them. Shigaraki throws his hand out signalling to the twin’s what to do. So they run off in separate directions as Eraser lands in the middle of the low level villains. With him distracted they run up the stairs to attack the other Pro Hero and students, Kurogiri is already there and fighting Thirteen. Smirking behind her mask, Kaida pulls a knife out of the holster on her thigh then flings it towards a boy with spiky red hair. Izuku runs after the one with engines on his leg as he tries to escape but Thirteen stops Izuku letting the speedy hero escape.

‘sh*t.’ Kaida curses in her head then twirls another blade, letting some of her blue flames gather around it as she throws it at Thirteen. The hero easily evades the attack but it’s enough of a distraction for Kurogiri to start opening a warp gate around the group of students.

“Time to separate!” He yells, the twins look at each other and nod before jumping into the warp gate as well. The plan is for them to jump into the warp gate and fight some of the other villains after ditching their masks and being saved once the other heroes arrive at the scene. When they drop out of the warp gate they’re in the Ruins zone, Located in the northeast, this zone simulates a destroyed urban environment, with buildings found in precarious conditions.

“Guess it’s a good thing we’re used to fighting in run down areas.” Izuku says when a crunching sound reaches his ears; smirking he spins around, flinging his knife at the person, one of the low level villains and the blade stabs right into his heart. “Oops.” He giggles, covering his mouth with his hands as we ditched our masks in the warp gate. Shaking her head at her brother, Kaida’s eyes dart to the people that are now surrounding them. Pressing their backs together, the twin’s get ready for the fight.

“Remember no killing,” she glances at the dead one on the ground, “No more killing at least.” Izuku’s answer is a dark chuckle then the two run towards the opponents they're facing, easily taking out half of the group before they’re overwhelmed. “Seems these aren’t weak assholes after all!” Kaida yells as she gets knocked to the ground. Coughing up dirt, she rolls onto her back to stare up at the one standing over her.

“Boss said to make it look believable. Plus you two brat’s have caused us a lot of trouble the last eight years. So this is payback.” Seems this one was also one of the lackey’s they out ranked because of their training. Kaida let’s it happen, the male beating her until she’s unconscious, the last thing she sees is her brother falling to the ground, the last thing she hears is someone yelling that’s enough to the male before everything turns black.

After the other teachers arrive, the villains captured, Shigaraki, Nomu and Kurogiri get away; the police arrive as they and the teachers start to look around the area for the students that got separated. A teacher with long black hair and a skin tight outfit fights the two students; along with the officers helping her they stumble upon the twin’s. “I thought the class only had 20 students.” One of the officer’s says as he picks up Kaida, the other picks up Izuku.

“They do.” The lady says turning to lead them back towards the entrance. Once outside the students are still around as they are being checked over, though a certain blonde haired boy notices two people being carried out. His red eyes locking on the two; giving a double take, he starts to run over.

“Hey, wait!” He yells out this draws the attention of the officer’s and his classmates.

“What is it, Bakugou?” the lady asks with her hands on her hips.

“Where did you find those two?” Ignoring the question, he stares in shock at the two sleeping forms.

“We found them in the Ruins Zone, and passed out.” She says with a frown, “Do you know them?” Bakugou nods, his eyes going from Izuku to Kaida and back a few times then he answers as his gaze falls on Kaida.

“Yeah… They are my childhood friends, the two children who went missing several years ago. Midoriya Izuku and Midoriya Kaida.” As those words slip past his lips, the lady’s eyes go wide before she’s quickly taking out her phone to make a call. Bakugou stares at the two for a moment longer then turns away as he feels a burning at the edges of his eyes and stomps away.

Lost Flame - Chapter 1 - Eris_Rose - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.